Thursday, January 14, 2021

CAUGHT ON VIDEO: Antifa John Sullivan Brags About Posing As Trump Supporter, Breaking Window At Capitol During Riots

Footage obtained by the Gateway Pundit from militant Black Lives Matter and Antifa activist John Sullivan’s Discord server shows the so-called “civil rights activist” reveling inside the U.S. Capitol on Jan.6 as he damaged federal property.

Sullivan has maintained in multiple interviews that he regularly attends protests only to record what’s going on, but did not actively partake in the insurgence in Washington.

“It’s just recording, solely, and not being active in it,” he told Fox News last week.

Yet, in footage streamed to followers on Discord, Sullivan, who uses the Discord name “Jayden X”, can be heard inciting violence from inside the U.S. Capitol and boasting about breaking a window.

Navarro: Election doubts will only increase if tech 'fascists' suppress information


Article by Bob Unruh in World Net Daily

Navarro: Election doubts will only increase if tech 'fascists' suppress information

White House trade adviser Peter Navarro on Thursday released the third volume of his report on 2020 election fraud and irregularities, warning that without a thorough and open investigation, Americans' doubts about the legitimacy of Joe Biden's presidency will only increase.

"While it is now politically correct in progressive circles and the mainstream media to demand that all Americans submit and confess to the 'truth' of what may well be the fiction of a free and fair election for the sake of 'unity' and 'harmony,' such a Kafkaesque demand in the face of the evidence in this report will likely have the opposite effect," he wrote.

"To wit: almost half the country now believes that there were significant irregularities in the 2020 presidential race; and the failure to fully investigate these irregularities will only increase the number of Americans who have such doubts."

He condemned the censorship by Twitter, Facebook and other social media giants.

"This will be particularly true if the suppression of what necessarily must be a search for truth is facilitated by the authoritarian – nay fascist – behavior of a small group of social media oligarchs who have taken it upon themselves to de-platform and censor tens of millions of pro-Trump Americans who now find themselves victims, rather than consumers, of platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube."

In December, Navarro's first report provided evidence of what he described as election "theft by a thousand cuts," titled "The Immaculate Deception." He identified six major dimensions of alleged election irregularities across six states: "outright voter fraud, ballot mishandling, contestable process fouls, Equal Protection Clause violations, voting machine irregularities and significant statistical anomalies." His sequel, "The Art of the Steal," documented what he described as a coordinated strategy.

His third volume focuses on issues that need investigation.

For example, according to his report, the state of Pennsylvania had 1,573 voters who all were over the age of 100.

Georgia had 66,247 voters under the age of 18.

Michigan had 27,825 absentee ballots requested under the name of a registered voter without consent.

Arizona had 22,903 absentee ballots cast that were returned on or before the postmark date.

Nevada counted 1,506 votes from dead voters.

In six key swing states -- Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin -- the questionable votes greatly outnumbered the margin of Joe Biden's victory.

In Wisconsin, there are 553,872 votes that were questionable, while the margin between the two candidates was 20,682.

The report concluded there were more than 3 million "possible illegal votes," while the margin of victory in those six states was a total of about 312,000.

In light of this evidence," Navarro said, "it is impossible for anyone to claim that President Trump was in any way wrong in stoutly raising the question of election fraud and irregularities in the weeks following the November 3 election and in calling for his supporters to PEACEFULLY protest."

He argued that "for the president not to rise to defend the integrity of the ballot box would have been a betrayal of the 74 million Americans who voted for the president thinking they were participating in what may well not have been a free and fair election."

Navarro called it "irresponsible – in the extreme" for Democrats and journalists to allege there was "no evidence" of irregularities. Establishment media routinely labels any comment about election fraud as "baseless." Facebook, meanwhile, has eliminated all references to the "Stop the Steal" campaign on its platform.

"Those American citizens who are now questioning the potential illegality of votes cast in the 2020 election should NOT be subjected by cable news networks, social media platforms, or the print media to the kind of abhorrent behaviors that we are now observing – social and political behaviors that are far more worthy of Communist China authoritarianism than American democracy," the report said.

He called on the Department of Justice to appoint a special counsel before the Biden administration begins and also for state lawmakers to launch similar investigations.

"Let us never forget two things: (1) The Democrat Party and its operatives stole the 1960 Presidential Election – it happened then and it can happen again; and (2) it took decades for historians to finally acknowledge the 1960 version of the Immaculate Deception in the face of the same kind of virtue-signaling and cancel culture pressures we are witnessing today."

The Democratic-controlled House on Wednesday voted to impeach President Trump a second time for allegedly inciting insurrection in last week's Capitol riot. Even some Democratic scholars, however, have argued that his comments were protected by the First Amendment and point out he asked supporters to be "peaceful."

If a trial is held in the Senate – the constitutionality of convicting an impeached president after he has left office is in doubt – Democrats could be confronted with the election-fraud evidence. The president's team could argue that the predicate for impeachment – that Trump was inflaming his supporters by fomenting the "lie" that the election was stolen – is invalid. 

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The Leftist Democrat Party Platform Cometh

With the upcoming onslaught of Democrat control of all levers of government, it might be beneficial to see, in written form, their objectives. For your edification, here it is.

Here’s What’s in the 2020 Democratic Party Platform [Overview and Full Text]

As Democrats virtually converged to nominate Joe Biden and formally approve the currently-draft platform, voters should know what’s in it.

An overview of the table of contents sets up a host of issues for the party to tackle (links will take you to the related section’s overview):


But the devil is, as always, in the details. So here’s a breakdown of each of the fairer, more just, world-class reformations that Democrats see as renewing, restoring, and strengthening the nation. I’ve distilled the 80-page manifesto into bullet points, but if you’d like to read the full-on, teeth-gnashing, snarling, full-text version – it’s at the bottom of this page.


This section starts off by simply trashing the Trump administration – for five loooong paragraphs. Then they basically layout their plan which looks exactly like what the current administration is already doing:

  • Use every available tool to beat back the pandemic
  • Make COVID-19 testing widely available, convenient and free (it already is
  • Expand oversight and protections for staff and patients at nursing homes
  • Rebuild the Federal stockpile of protective equipment
  • Use the Defense Production Act
  • Follow the advice of scientists and experts

Then they throw taxpayer money at a DNC wishlist:

  • Increase funding to states that enroll more people on Medicaid
  • Use even more taxpayer funds to pay for health care costs
  • Re-open Obamacare marketplaces
  • Have taxpayers pay for 100% of COBRA insurance premiums
  • Use taxpayer money to increase Obamacare subsidies
  • Create a public option and automatically enroll low-income Americans at no cost to them – covered by taxpayers
  • Permanently hire 100,000 contact tracers at taxpayer expense
  • Reform unemployment insurance to cover more people with higher wage replacement rates
  • Expand the food stamp program (SNAP)
  • Give massive amounts of taxpayer’s money to state and local governments that have mishandled their own economies
  • Taxpayer money to fund childcare
  • Prioritize financial support to businesses owned by people of color and women (basically, discrimination based on sex and race)
  • Expand paid sick leave to non-employees (contractors, gig workers, etc)
  • Government-owned (aka Govt-controlled, taxpayer-funded) broadband internet
  • Subsidies from taxpayers to low-income Americans to pay for broadband internet
  • The platform alludes to the fact that they would rejoin the World Health Organization


This section contains six paragraphs of trashing Trump, crap stats on wage fairness, and giving Obama credit for the stellar economy that Coronavirus has killed – then comes the fire hose of social justice:

  • Reverse the Trump tax cuts (corporate and individual)
  • Make tax code more progressive
  • Make housing a right (what does this even mean?)
  • Raise Federal Minimum Wage to $15/hr
  • Create, at taxpayer expense, a government-owned credit reporting agency to compete with private companies
  • Strengthen labor unions by repealing “right to work” laws and overall giving unions more power than employers
  • Require contractors to prioritize the hiring of minorities and women (more discrimination)
  • Equal pay for women
  • Paid family leave for everyone – funded by businesses
  • Address structural and systemic racism
  • Increase taxpayer funding of the Department of Labor
  • Increase Child and Dependent Care Tax Credit
  • Universal pre-K programs
  • Build 500,000 electric car charging stations at taxpayer expense
  • Take another shot at high-speed rail
  • Upgrade ports and locks
  • Require American cargo is carried on American-flagged ships
  • Require federal infrastructure projects to use union labor
  • Strengthen renewable fuels standards (E15) 
  • Additional environmental regulations for farmers
  • All trade deals will center on a core of labor standards, human rights, and environmentalism
  • Get rid of Tariffs on China
  • $15,000 refundable tax credit for first time home buyers
  • Increase taxpayer funds to the Housing Trust Fund to build more low-income housing
  • Allow renters to organize into some kind of union
  • Stop gentrification
  • Strengthen Dodd-Frank and Glass-Steagall
  • Increase funding for SNAP, WIC, and School lunches at taxpayer expense
  • Some sort of Federal Reserve-connected personal banking option
  • Review mergers in biotech and healthcare
  • increase Social Security benefits at taxpayer expense

Then they roll out a plan that looks exactly like what the current administration is doing:

  • Support Buy American standards on Federally-supported projects
  • Expand support for American manufacturing
  • End incentives for offshoring
  • Accelerate on-shoring of critical supply chains (drugs, med supplies)
  • Support apprenticeship programs
  • More SBA funding especially in low-income areas and for minorities and woman
  • Money for farmers
  • Support NASA
  • Increase funding for biotechnology, clean energy, clean vehicles, AI, and aerospace
  • Stand up to China (while removing tariffs against them?)


Another six paragraphs praising Obama and Biden while trashing Republicans then straight into socialized medicine:

  • Create a public (aka: taxpayer-funded) option available through Obamacare
  • No deductibles, no co-pays
  • Price controls on doctors, drugs, everything
  • Lower Medicare enrollment age from 65 to 60
  • Double taxpayer investments in community health centers
  • Cap premiums for non-public option plans at 8.5% of income (different premiums for people based on how much they make)
  • Anti-trust lawsuits against drug companies
  • End incarceration for people only convicted on drug charges
  • Increase regulation on nursing homes
  • Repeal the Hyde Amendment, fight federal and state laws limiting abortion
  • Taxpayer-funded “Free” birth control


  • End incarceration for minors
  • Limit the sale of military surplus items to police departments
  • Limit use of qualified immunity by law enforcement
  • End incarceration for drug offenses
  • Eliminate cash bail
  • End incarceration for failure to pay fines
  • Increase taxpayer funding for public defenders
  • Increase taxpayer funding for the Legal Services Corporation
  • Repeal mandatory minimum sentences
  • Abolish the death penalty
  • End private prisons and detention centers
  • End solitary confinement
  • Allow felons to access Pell Grants and Food Stamps.


This entire section is little more than a social justice wish list and a dab of anti-gun policy.

  • End racial and religious profiling by law enforcement
  • Force Federal Reserve to report on racial employment and wage gaps
  • More taxpayer money for low-income neighborhoods
  • Incentivize private companies to hire more people of color and women (more discrimination)
  • “Tackle environmental racism”
  • Ratify the Equal Rights Amendment
  • Take action to end pay inequality for women
  • Guarantee transgender students access to facilities based on their gender identity instead of scientific facts like their sex
  • Prioritize investigations of hate crimes against non-binary people
  • Return federal land to Tribal nations
  • increase taxpayer funding for Tribal nations
  • Extend public option to Tribal nations at taxpayer expense
  • Expand the Violence Against Women Act
  • More taxpayer money to process rape kits
  • Have taxpayers fund CDC studies on gun violence as a public health issue
  • Enact universal background checks
  • Incentivize states to require licenses to purchase firearms
  • Push for “red flag” laws
  • Require guns to be locked up in homes
  • Repeal law that prevents gun manufacturers from being held liable if a person uses their produce to harm someone else
  • Force businesses to serve customers even if it goes against their religious beliefs


In short, put all the regulations Trump got rid of, back in place and rejoin the Paris Climate Agreement..

  • Re-implement the regulations that the Trump administration has repealed
  • Rejoin the Paris Climate Agreement
  • Re-implement the Waters of the U.S.
  • Increase methane and carbon restrictions on energy industry
  • Unionize green energy sector
  • Invest taxpayer money in people of color and women
  • End all carbon pollution from energy plants by 2035
  • Install 500 million solar panels and 60,000 wind turbines within 5 years at taxpayer expense
  • use taxpayer funds to make up to 2 million low-income homes more energy efficient
  • Net-zero greenhouse emissions for all new buildings as of 2030
  • Let California create it’s own vehicle emissions standards again
  • Tariffs on imports from countries that don’t live up to the Paris Climate Agreement


Make voter fraud great again. Oh, and give Democrats two more Senators and another Representative by making Washington, D.C. a state. Honestly, they could just annex it into Maryland if all they wanted was representation.

  • Fight Voter ID laws
  • Stop purging of voter roles (the dead and non-resident voter population rejoices)
  • Restore voting rights for felons
  • Fight for vote-from-home and vote-by-mail (that went so well in 2020)
  • Make sure immigrants are counted in the Census (too late)
  • Increase investments in voting technologies
  • Eliminate all private financing for federal elections
  • Use taxpayer money to match funds for federal candidates 
  • Prevent PACs from bundling money for any candidate for which they lobby
  • Require any federal candidate to disclose 10 years of tax returns
  • Make Washington, D.C. a state
  • Allow U.S. territories to vote for President of the U.S.A.
  • Forgive disaster loans to Puerto Rico
  • Give Puerto Rico full access to SNAP, Medicaid and Child Tax Credits
  • Money for the U.S. Virgin Islands to recover from Hurricanes
  • Fight efforts to privatize the USPS
  • Eliminate requirement for USPS to pre-fund its retirement obligations
  • Allow shipping of alcoholic beverages by mail
  • Banking by mail


Five paragraphs of Trump-bashing later, we get to the open borders policies that Democrats love:

  • Rescind the National Emergency order that covers illegal immigration
  • Immediately end all travel and immigration bans
  • Expand protections for DREAMers and their parents
  • End “safe third nation” policy that has immigrants apply for asylum closer to their country of origin
  • End requirement that immigrants must show that they can support themselves before being allowed entry
  • Roadmap to Citizenship for all illegal aliens (amnesty)
  • Expand visa caps
  • Roadmap to citizenship for Temporary Protected Status aliens
  • End workplace raids designed to catch businesses who knowingly hire illegal aliens
  • End detention centers for captured illegal aliens – return to catch and release
  • End current freeze on new green cards


Taxpayer-funded “Free” college tuition, a lot more money for public schools and student loan debt forgiveness.

  • Expand Head Start and Early Head Start
  • Triple all Title I taxpayer funding for public schools in low-income areas
  • Expand free lunch program
  • Ban taxpayer funding to certain charter school programs
  • Fight against private school voucher programs
  • Fight against school segregation
  • End standards based testing
  • Taxpayer-funded “Free” college tuition for students of families making less than $125,000
  • Double maximum Pell Grant award at taxpayer expense
  • Taxpayer-funded grants for minority schools
  • Tuition-free community colleges for everyone, including DREAMers at taxpayer expense
  • Taxpayer funds for on-campus child care
  • Create a new federal, taxpayer-funded program for public universities based on proportion of low-income students
  • $10,000 per student in student debt relief
  • Defer student loan payments for anyone making less than $25,000/year and cap payments at 5% of income.
  • Forgive any remaining student loan debt remaining after 20 years
  • Forgive tuition portion of student loan debt for anyone making less than $125,000/year
  • Allow student loan debt to be discharged in bankruptcy


10 paragraphs of Trump-bashing in this section, best get right to what Democrats have planned for our military and diplomatic corps. It’s mostly platitudes and non-committal gobly-gook, but I’ll see if we can’t find any actionable stuff in this part.

  • Reject “America First” policies
  • Strengthen the State Department
  • Enable and protect the Diplomats
  • “Repair our alliances” – not sure which ones…
  • Rejoin the World Health Organization and fully fund it with taxpayer money
  • Increase taxpayer-funded foreign aid
  • End forever wars
  • End support for war in Yemen
  • Cut defense spending
  • Path to citizenship for military service
  • Ban veterans from using benefits at non-public education institutions
  • Develop 5G
  • Push for greater participation by women in global workforce
  • End suffering around the globe
  • Fight global corruption with targeted visa bans and sanctions

Democratic Party Platform 2020 [92 pg PDF]

A Short History Of How Anthony Fauci Has Kept Failing Up Since 1984

The media buried long-standing scientific 
concerns that Anthony Fauci had been 
‘sucking money away from work to understand and 
counter natural disease outbreaks.’

In 2003, terrorism was a more immediate national danger than infectious diseases. Dr. Anthony Fauci’s National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) had just redirected $117 million from infectious diseases to fund a new anthrax vaccine effort in response to the anthrax attacks that happened a week after 9/11.

The millions were just a small part of the $1.8 billion Fauci had poured into defense from bioterrorist attacks over the preceding two years. More than half of those funds were devoted to anthrax and smallpox alone. In 2004, Fauci launched the $5.6 billion “Project Bioshield,” the National Institutes of Health’s biggest outlay for a single research issue until then. 

Some microbiology researchers at the time, however, according to the journal Nature, were concerned that Fauci’s actions would ultimately “distort priorities in infectious-disease research, sucking money away from work to understand and counter natural disease outbreaks that ultimately pose a greater threat to public health.” The 2003 Nature article cited a Stanford University microbiologist saying “that diseases such as influenza and other respiratory-tract infections routinely kill far more people than would die in a bioterrorist attack, and therefore deserve a greater share of the NIAID budget.”

The criticism turned out to be warranted. In 2007, after spending billions under the opposite premise, Fauci admitted that “at the end of the day, you’re not going to kill as many people [with an anthrax attack] as you would if you blasted off a couple of car bombs in Times Square.” His anthrax vaccine effort had failed, having been “sunk by lobbying.”

The anthrax vaccine failure followed on the heels of Fauci’s controversial leadership of the nation’s AIDS response in the 1980s and ‘90s. According to “Good Intentions,” a 1990 book by investigative author and innovation expert Bruce Nussbaum, Fauci started his career as “a lackluster scientist,” who “found his true vocation—empire building” when he took the reins at NIAID in 1984.

To ensure that AIDS would be his exclusive demesne within the federal government, Fauci “started the most important bureaucratic battle in the history of the fight against AIDS,” squeezing out more scientifically competent, but less conniving administrators. According to Nussbaum, if Fauci had not won the battle, “many people who died might have lived.” 

Having won his monopoly over AIDS within the federal government, Fauci, by training an immunologist who focuses on how the body fights infections itself, favored a vaccine approach in the fight against the then-terminal illness. This understandable professional bias came at the expense of research into the anti-retroviral drugs that ultimately reduced AIDS from a death sentence to a chronic disease in remission. As Nussbaum wrote in 1990:

Tony Fauci’s managerial incompetence had exacted a staggering cost. By 1987, more than a million Americans were infected by the AlDS virus. Not a single drug treatment had come out of the government’s enormous biomedical research system. In the end, Fauci barely survived by handing over control of the government’s only AIDS drug trial program [to a pharmaceutical company].

As a result, a single drug, AZT, was the only AIDS treatment that came out of Fauci’s government research system, and only after help from the private sector. In 1988, the playwright and prominent AIDS activist Larry Kramer published an “Open Letter to Dr. Anthony Fauci” in the Village Voice, writing, in part:

You admitted that you are an incompetent idiot. Over the past four years, $374 million has been allocated for AIDS treatment research. You were in charge of spending much of that money. . . . Yet after three years you have established only a system of waste, chaos, and uselessness.

According to “Good Intentions,” in “an attempt to salvage his reputation, if not his career,” Fauci coopted Kramer, becoming the well-connected activist’s top ally within the federal government’s public health apparatus. Kramer, in turn, was Fauci’s “vector” into elitist American society, perfectly positioning the technocrat for his favorite role as “a hit-the-front-page-every-day kind of guy,” according to an unnamed health official Nussbaum quotes.

With the AIDS treatment research strategy continuing to face setbacks, Fauci focused on developing an HIV vaccine. This quest, however, offered less and less glory as the 1990s progressed. Starting in 1995, private industry began developing effective drug therapies that would drastically reduce AIDS mortality in the developed world by the turn of the millennium, making the HIV vaccine much less of a potential game-changer. While the bioterrorism threat restored Fauci’s prominence in national politics, neither the bioterrorism threat nor the anthrax vaccine ever materialized. 

Things got even worse for Fauci before they became better. On Feb. 3, 2020, the journal Science reported that, after almost four decades, Fauci’s “failure-ridden search for a vaccine that can stop the AIDS virus has delivered yet another frustrating defeat.” According to the scientist heading the study in South Africa, “[t]here’s absolutely no evidence of efficacy” from the $104 million study. “Years of work went into this. It’s a huge disappointment.”

Fauci admitted to Science that all those years and millions were spent on an effort that he knew was very unlikely to succeed: “We were struggling for years and years, and so we grabbed onto the slightest positive effect, a potential correlate of immunity, and it looked interesting.” Fauci, however, had had just become unfireable, with the first U.S. COVID-19 patient diagnosed only a week prior.

“I was always saying [a respiratory illness like COVID-19] would be my worst nightmare,” he claimed in June. Yet, only a few months earlier, Fauci was telling Americans that, far from being his biggest fear, the danger from the Wuhan virus was “just minuscule,” so “there is absolutely no reason whatsoever to wear a mask.” The media buried long-standing scientific concerns that Fauci had been “sucking money away from work to understand and counter natural disease outbreaks.”

A March 2020 hagiography published in the Washington Post’s Style section noted how the dapper doctor is, once again these days, a hit-the-front-page-every-day kind of guy, who “seems to transcend time and space, appearing in all media at all times.” The newspaper quoted House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer lamenting: “It’s a shame that at the first hint of this we didn’t just say to Tony Fauci, ‘You’re in charge, you have all the power you need, tell us what needs to be done.’” 

The first COVID-19 vaccine granted emergency use authorization by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration was developed by scientists at Pfizer, which took no funding from Fauci’s NIAID. “All the investment for R&D and manufacturing has been made by Pfizer at risk,” says the company.

Thirty years ago, Nussbaum correctly diagnosed the primary cause of Fauci’s many setbacks:

[T]he best scientists do not become administrators. The best scientists do not become coordinators of programs for other scientists in medical schools around the country. The best scientists stay in the labs, they don’t push paper.

Fauci is an excellent politician who survived four decades and five presidents — two Democrats, and three Republicans. Considering the mental acuity of the country’s incoming president, and the ongoing anxiety among its citizens, it appears the politically skilled but scientifically inept Fauci administration is not going anywhere soon.

Blame the Left, Not Trump, for America’s Crack-Up

After years of bitter counterinsurgency, 
the Left finally has their orange scalp. 
And they want many, many more. 

What happened at the Capitol last week did nothing to change the Left’s hostile disposition toward Donald Trump and his base. It has always seen Trump and his supporters as a malignancy that needs to be cut out of society. It never had any intention of letting Trump go down as a legitimate president, neither does it have any desire to acknowledge the grievances that fueled his rise in the first place.

The words “President Trump” would never have entered the history books if not for the Left and its relentless, pathological hatred of anyone to the right of center. If America is heading towards civil strife, it is because the Left—with the complicity of an opportunistic establishment—has slowly but surely nudged half the country into a corner.

The Left has categorized millions of ordinary people who just want decent, honorable lives as “far-right extremists” and “conspiracy theorists” who deserve to be silenced, fired from their jobs, and rendered socially untouchable. These “dangerous people,” held in such contempt by the Left and the ruling elite, retain such fringe notions as “nations should have borders” and “men and women are different.” The Left has been playing a game of “stop hitting yourself!” with these people for years, and in 2016, those people finally had enough.

It is now four years later and his supporters have watched the president they legitimately elected spend every waking moment in office fight a war of succession with a faction of narcissistic psychopaths. Without a single day of rest, the most powerful institutions in the country conspired in a temper tantrum to overturn the will of the people, all in the name of “democracy,” simply because they did not like who the people had chosen. From day one, they have treated Trump like a usurper whose mere election was an “insurrection,” and they have not concealed their disgust for his supporters, whom they regard as “racist,” subhuman scumbags.

If Trump’s base is a bit inured by now to the outrage over this “sedition” at the Capitol, perhaps they can be forgiven. After all, Joe Biden spent a whole summer pretending that leftist riots were not happening for the sake of power. He only “condemned” them after his hand was forced, and even then, he had the chutzpah to blame them on Trump supporters, even blaming a Trump supporter who was assassinated by a leftist for his own death. It was the most vile gaslighting conceivable.

America is now being treated to lectures on “civility” and “democracy” from these very same people. 

The hypocrisy is obvious and galling, but the Left doesn’t care: their philosophy is “heads we win, tails you lose.” Those on the “right side of history” are permitted to do anything. On the other hand, simply taking up space in the public square is a provocation if you’re on the “wrong” side. They could bash your skull in with a rock, and the media would blame you for getting killedBut so much as complain about this crooked deal, and you’ve engaged in “hate speech” and you must be destroyed. Tucker Carlson’s formulation summarizes how arbitrary it all is: their violence is “speech,” but your speech is “violence.” And by the way, so is your silence. Endorse the official narrative, or else.

Yet the Left’s hostility increasingly has little to do with matters of conviction, which can be altered, if only involuntarily. Amidst the “reckoning” that began this summer, the Left started talking about whites like they were some form of disease. We saw the consequences of this bizarre trend in practice after the Left erupted into war-whooping bloodlust against the Capitol “seditionists,” who, they were disappointed to see, were not immediately gunned down in a hail of bullets. (One of them was, but this was not enough apparently.) Presumably their “whiteness” was a count against them.

Biden and his allies are now abandoning any pretense of a desire for “unity” or reconciliation, as if this event is what finally convinced them that Trump is a fascist whose supporters need to be marginalized and silenced. Right.

With Trump gone, they will use the Capitol “insurrection” to further disenfranchise his supporters without hesitation. While many on the Right have condemned the Capitol protesters, hoping that by doing so they will be spared, the Left has already launched a propaganda offensive to convince the public that what transpired was one of the worst things ever to happen in American history, and the inevitable consequence of an aberrational presidency. Everyone who supports Trump now, or has ever supported him, is thereby implicated in this “terrorism.”

We find ourselves in an unsustainable situation. Millions of Americans never have felt more unwelcome in their own country, more disillusioned, or more vulnerable to an unaccountable enemy that hates them with a powerful, homicidal loathing. Their own party has unconcealed indifference and contempt for them. They’re “racists” and “conspiracy theorists” just for existing and having thoughts and perceptions that contradict the propaganda of the people who want to destroy them. If they try to defend themselves by voting, their votes will be dismissed as “illegitimate” and they will be branded enemies of the public.

When your back is at the wall and you’re facing a mob, sooner or later you have to defend yourself before they bludgeon you to death.

What we are experiencing is the culmination of an effort to crush any resistance to the Left’s power. After years of bitter counterinsurgency, the Left finally has their orange scalp. And they will want many, many more. 

The Inflated Stock Market and You

Article by Larry Alton in The American Thinker

The Inflated Stock Market and You

The U.S. Congress is in the process of approving a new stimulus package designed to counteract the damage from the COVID-19 pandemic. Pledging to spend $900 billion on stimulus checks, unemployment benefits, and other perceived benefits for both companies and the American people, this deal is set to help people get through the late stages of this practical nationwide lockdown.

If this bill would have emerged a year ago, it would have been the most expensive spending bill in American history. But of course, that record was set by the $2.2 trillion stimulus package passed by Congress in March 2020.

Economically, the country seems to be doing just fine. Most analysts and even average consumers look to the health of the stock market as a kind of barometer for how the country is doing financially. And the stock market is doing quite well, reaching new all-time highs.

But wait -- the economy is doing horribly, at least on paper. Unemployment is still unbelievably high. Imports and exports are practically shut down. Millions of small businesses have closed permanently as a result of the pandemic. We’re still struggling with the damage from nearly a year of lockdowns. And on top of all of that, the virus is still circulating. The damage is still being done.

And the stock market is still growing.

The Dangers of Stock Market Inflation

This isn’t good news. Stock prices may be going up, resulting in short-term gains for investors, but the long-term economic damage is hard to even imagine.

The reason for the irrational upward momentum in price is supreme confidence in the government’s irresponsible actions. The Federal Reserve interest rate remains near zero, allowing big banks to borrow endless money and continue taking advantage of average consumers. Government spending keeps increasing (despite the U.S. being in a staggeringly insurmountable debt). And in the wake of a financial disaster, the government’s response has been to spend even more money and put us even more in debt.

The setup here has no happy ending. It could lead to a stock market crash that would put the 1929 market crash to shame. It could lead to a period of slow decline that lasts for decades. In a worst-case scenario, it could ruin the United States as an economic powerhouse as faith in our institutions weaken on a global scale. And in a best-case scenario, stock prices will remain high, and we’ll face the dangers of economic inflation for years to come.

No matter what, the American people lose.

The Best Solution

The best solution here would be unpleasant in the short term but healthy for the economy in the long term. Abolishing the Federal Reserve, cutting all forms of government spending, eliminating governmental cronyism and favors to big banks and other major corporations, and improving free market dynamics (including ending the lockdowns) would be a good start. But of course, that’s probably not going to happen in our lifetimes -- and no individual has the power to motivate these actions alone.

How to Respond as an Individual

Instead, your best course of action as an individual is to brace for the potential fallout of these careless economic decisions.

For example:

  • Invest in different assets. You may not want to pull out of the market entirely, but you should consider investing in different types of assets. For example, you could invest in rental property and hire a property management firm to make a reliable stream of passive revenue.
  • Invest in gold and silver. If you’re really concerned about the economic future of this country, you could consider investing in assets that are likely to survive even the worst financial crash: precious metals like gold and silver.
  • Consider other countries. If you’re troubled about the decisions made by the United States, you could consider moving to a country with a better economic and governmental system. Alternatively, you could invest in their currencies and best companies as an alternative to the domestic stock market.

In the meantime, it’s a good idea to voice your opinion to your representatives. Tell them that you’re concerned about the financial future of this country, and that you don’t want your kids and grandkids to suffer from the irresponsible decisions we’re making now. One voice may not make much of a difference, but if a growing number of people press for this, we may make an impact.

It’s a near certainty that the stock market has been artificially inflated to its current state; prices are way too high, and they keep rising despite nothing but bad economic news. A crash, a depression, or a period of radical inflation could be in store for us. Act now if you want to avoid the worst effects.

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The FBI Claims Armed Protesters Will...

The FBI Claims Armed Protesters Will 'Storm' 
State Capitols on Inauguration Day; 
Don't Get Drawn Into This Nonsense

(AP Photo/Steve Helber, File)

According to various media, the FBI is declaring that on Inauguration Day, armed groups are planning to hold demonstrations and “storm” state capitols across the nation. Here is a sampling:

CNN: “The FBI has received information indicating “armed protests” are being planned at all 50 state capitols and the US Capitol in Washington, DC in the days leading up to President-elect Joe Biden’s inauguration on January 20, according to an internal bulletin obtained by CNN.”

ABC: “Starting this week and running through at least Inauguration Day, armed protests are being planned at all 50 state capitols and at the U.S. Capitol, according to an internal FBI bulletin obtained by ABC News.”

BBC: “There are reports of armed groups planning to gather at all 50 state capitols and in Washington DC in the run-up to his 20 January inauguration.”

USA Today: “As armed supporters of President Donald Trump prepare to converge on state capitals and Washington, D.C., this weekend and Inauguration Day, some legal experts are calling on authorities to enforce longstanding laws outlawing organized groups that act as citizen-run, unauthorized militias.”

I don’t know what to make of this FBI report. The FBI has been on the “white supremacist militia” kick since before they slaughtered the Branch Davidians and gunned down Vicki Weaver. As I pointed out in The FBI’s Latest Homegrown Terrorist Plot Is an Obvious Joke but What Is Going to Happen to the People Involved Is Not, virtually all these militia arrests have one thing in common, that is, the group doing the planning is riddled with FBI informants who push members into a criminal conspiracy and then introduce them to an FBI agent to close the deal.

These kinds of posters appearing

look more like someone trolling for what a “white supremacist militia” looks like in their imagination than anything else.

If someone tries to rope you into one of these, don’t play. You might even want to consider cutting that person out of your circle of friends as a potential agent provocateur. If you don’t know the person, perhaps a good insurance policy would be reporting them to law enforcement.

Nothing good will come of this madness…assuming that it is any more substantial than the electrons it was transmitted with.

This is the bottom line. Showing up armed on Inauguration Day does nothing to change anything for the better. It hands very potent imagery to the left. We are entering a period where gun ownership, free speech, and freedom of assembly will be under coordinated attack by the Administrative State, which will be 100% controlled by neo-Communists. Please don’t make it easy on them. Please don’t give them the reasons they need to shut you down or imprison you or restrict the rights of millions of Americans because someone felt like LARPing.

So, according to the agency of Felonious Blatant Liars militias are going to descend on 50 capitals. Really? Does anyone believe these mongrels do not have their hands in setting these events up? Those who disagree with progressive policies must be silenced. The best way to accomplish that is to show them in an unfavorable light. Has anyone else noticed only Caucasians are in militias? Critical Race Theory has finally embedded itself in FBI. Only Caucasians have issues with the progressive policies. 

What ever you do, stay away from any state capital! It can portend no good for you to be seen in such a venue!