Wednesday, March 31, 2021

COVID Tracking Apps Have Eerie Echoes of Chinese Surveillance System

President Joe Biden's COVID team appears to have entertained an electronic test-and-trace program pioneered by the University of Illinois that would have let businesses deny service to patrons based on their health data, a PowerPoint presentation obtained by the Washington Free Beacon shows. The program has eerie echoes of China's surveillance system, which uses data from citizens' phones to impose quarantines.

A PowerPoint produced by the school suggests scaling up the university's intrusive contact tracing system for use across the United States. Its file name, "2020-12-14 Shield Biden Covid Team," indicates that it was presented to the Biden team in December, amid an ongoing search for solutions to a seemingly insoluble problem: how to stop the virus without stopping the economy? The presentation proffered an answer.

The school's system uses a mobile app that records test results and Bluetooth data to determine who has been exposed to the virus—and "links building access" on campus to that information. Local businesses have also embraced it, making entry conditional on a "safe status" reading from the app.


The system resembles the one being used in China, where a mandatory app gives each user a "health status"—green, yellow, or red—that dictates access to public spaces. The University of Illinois app likewise divides users into three categories: "yellow" if they've recently tested negative, "orange" if they've potentially been exposed, and "red" if they've recently tested positive. Only students with a yellow status may enter buildings.

The proposal would amount to a more extreme version of the "vaccine passports" being rolled out by airlines and some U.S. cities, which are already causing controversy. Those passports, such as New York's "Excelsior" app, indicate whether an individual has tested negative or been vaccinated, but not whether they've been exposed to the virus based on tracking data. They collect less information and use a less granular classification scheme than the University of Illinois app, meaning they pose relatively fewer risks to civil liberties.

It's unclear how such a scheme would play with liberal activists. While it represents the sort of ambitious, nationwide COVID response Biden has said he wants, it also threatens to exclude far more Americans from public life than measures like voter ID laws, which progressives have decried as the "new Jim Crow."

Only 11 percent of Americans do not have a government-issued ID, according to the Brennan Center for Justice, whereas 19 percent don't own a smartphone. Widespread adoption of the app could ice nearly a fifth of the United States out of the economy, never mind the polling booth.

Stacey Abrams's Fair Fight, whose founder has called voter ID laws a way to "scare people out of voting," did not respond to a request for comment.

The app's selling point is its ability to quickly isolate cases. "We need a SWAT team approach for hotspots," the presentation reads. "The goal should be to isolate confirmed positives in hours, not days." It further encourages the universal adoption of the app's "safe status requirements," saying they are a "critical aspect of curbing the spread in any community."

Asked to clarify the context of the presentation, neither the university nor the White House responded to requests for comment.

Digital contact tracing has proven an effective substitute for lockdowns in many countries, allowing them to remain open without uncontrollable spread. Singapore, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and South Korea all mandated the use of mobile contact tracing apps and were largely spared the tradeoffs Western countries ended up making.

The University of Illinois saw similar success. As of December, its test positivity rate was just 0.43 percent, whereas the rate for the surrounding county was 7.9 percent, according to a graphic in the presentation.


All this would have made digital contact tracing of interest to Biden, who said on the campaign trail that he would "shut down the virus, not the country."

"Opening up society as much as possible for economic, educational, entertainment, and religious activity depends on local successes in testing, contact tracing, [and] isolation," the presentation reads. "Overwhelming the health care infrastructure is extremely costly and shuts down the economy."

Even so, the proposal effectively substitutes one tradeoff for another: Digital test-and-trace could have enabled faster reopenings at lower risk, without centralizing surveillance in the hands of the federal government. But it would likely have encouraged a form of decentralized surveillance among businesses and local bureaucrats, which poses threats of its own.

Privacy and public health experts are ambivalent about the tradeoff.

"The concerns for privacy and liberty here are obvious," said Ari Schulman, the editor in chief of the New Atlantis, which has run several essays on the dangers of digital surveillance. "The best way to strike the right balance with a system like this is to offer model programs and infrastructure to local institutions, but leave it to them to adapt it in a way that their members will find legitimate."

The proposal gestures at this point. It assumes adoption of the app would be optional and says it can be tailored to the needs of local communities. The federal government should support these measures, the presentation states, but "efforts to mitigate the virus need to be led and managed locally."

In order to be effective, however, the app requires widespread participation—meaning local institutions would have a strong incentive to mandate it. If every business in a city made the app a requirement for entry, residents would have little option but to download the app. That might drive down cases and stave off lockdowns, an attractive prospect for the retailers hurt by them. But it could also be the beginning of a kind of social credit system, in which access to public life is determined by personal data.

Nicholas Christakis, an epidemiologist at Yale University, noted that many Asian countries had taken steps in this direction to fight the pandemic.

In South Korea, Christakis said, the government tracked "people's credit card usage to see which stores they had been in," a move that would have raised legal issues in the United States and Europe. "I was concerned by the extreme measures that China and Korea and Singapore employed in this regard," he said. "Requiring people to have negative tests to enter a building is concerning from a privacy point of view."

But, Christakis added, it may be necessary. "The measures in the slide deck do not strike me as that extreme" compared with other countries, Christakis said, "and we, as a society, must make at least some sacrifices if we are to work together to effectively counter a collective threat."

Because the University of Illinois app uses Bluetooth data to determine exposures, it is less invasive than some other systems that rely on GPS tracking. "When a user has a positive test result," the school's website explains, students who have come within Bluetooth range of that user are notified and marked as exposures. In other words, the app doesn't track users' locations, just their proximity to one another.

But the surveillance schematic is there, and it could become a flashpoint in future crises. With over a sixth of the population fully vaccinated, such schemes have been temporarily tabled by the Biden administration. Whether they stay that way is an open question.

Breaking: White House Staff Finds Poop on Floor, Blames Champ and Major!!

Article by Jim Treacher in PJMedia

Breaking: White House Staff Finds Poop on Floor, Blames Champ and Major!!

“Isn’t it nice to have dogs back in the White House?”

We heard that a lot when Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. moved in and brought along his two dogs, Champ and Major. Journos and other Democrats positively swooned at the sight of the presidential pooches. “Ooooh, isn’t it wonderful? Trump doesn’t like dogs, and I don’t like Trump, so this is just the bestest thing ever. Goody goody goody!” Ugh. I like dogs as much as the next red-blooded American, but good lord. These people have no respect for themselves.

Speaking of the pitiable wretches who have taken to worshipping these dogs, check out the very sane person who runs this account:

Don’t worry, that’s not an official White House account. It’s not even a pawfficial account. Just a very strange Democrat. Those guys only love America when they’ve got control of the White House, but any country that can afford its people the free time to make dog puns on the Internet all day seems pretty prosperous to me.

And the Daily Beast, one of the finest journalistic outlets in America, interviewed a “dog psychic” named Beth Lee-Crowther, who claimed to have picked up these canine psychic emanations after looking at a picture of the two dogs:

“They made me feel that he will make a great president. He loves to help people. They described him as being a big softy. He talks to them like they are people about his ideas, hopes for the future, if he is having a good day or a bad day, like how we would talk to a person about things… Major is the more excitable one of the two, and is extremely eager to learn and fit in. He’s very loyal, loves life, and perhaps a little more mischievous. Champ is a really sensitive soul.”

Well, after all, it’s called the Daily Beast, not the Daily Professional.

But somehow that dog psychic didn’t look into her crystal bowl (get it?) and predict that Major would start biting people. Major really likes biting people! The first time it happened, Biden sent the dog back to Delaware for “training.” Which I took to mean “neutering.” But then Major came back and started biting people again. That damn dog is biting everybody up in that White House.

If your dog kept running around biting people, animal control would get involved. You’d pay a fine, and you’d probably need to get another dog. But Biden’s dog bites people and that’s just too bad for them. It’s good to be the king.

But this canine crime wave doesn’t stop there! Now those malevolent mutts are escalating:


Ain’t that some $#!+.

My heart goes out to the poor White House press corps. Champ and Major were supposed to be a lighthearted distraction from COVID and the border crisis and Biden’s obviously failing mental faculties and Kamala’s bizarre cackling and all the other stuff this White House keeps screwing up. Now those dogs are just a grim reminder that Joe Biden ruins everything he touches.

You’d think these guys would’ve learned their lesson about dogs after the 2012 election. They tried to turn Mitt Romney’s dog into an election issue, and then they had to deal with Obama’s admission that he eats dog meat. Enough about the dogs!

Of course, this is all assuming Champ and/or Major are the culprits in the first place. Fecal incontinence isn’t an uncommon problem among the elderly, and some of the current residents of the White House don’t seem to have a solid grasp on where they are at all times. What I’m saying is…

Who’s keeping tabs on Jill?

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Covid: France schools to close under third lockdown


French schools will close for at least three weeks as part of new national restrictions to fight rising Covid cases, President Emmanuel Macron says.

Mr Macron said that schools would move to remote learning from next week.

Lockdown measures, introduced in 16 areas of France earlier this month, are also being extended across the country.

All non-essential shops are to close from Saturday and there will be a ban on travelling more than 10km (six miles) from home without good reason.

The country is facing a peak of over 5,000 people in intensive care.

France has so far reported more than 4.6 million cases of coronavirus and 95,495 Covid-related deaths.


 This breaking news story is being updated and more details will be published shortly. 







Media Preparing for Disappointment as Most Protesters Will Likely Face Trespassing Misdemeanors

For the past two weeks several media outlets have been reporting on the lack of DOJ evidence to support the claims of “sedition” and a grand conspiracy around the January 6th DC protests.

Yesterday Politico took the walk-back reports one step further by warning the leftist ideologues that most of those arrested and/or accused will likely not serve any jail-time and will instead face misdemeanor trespassing violations.

POLITICO analysis of the Capitol riot-related cases shows that almost a quarter of the more than 230 defendants formally and publicly charged so far face only misdemeanors. Dozens of those arrested are awaiting formal charges, even as new cases are being unsealed nearly every day.

In recent days, judges, prosecutors and defense attorneys have all indicated that they expect few of these “MAGA tourists” to face harsh sentences.

[…] The prospect of dozens of Jan. 6 rioters cutting deals for minor sentences could be hard to explain for the Biden administration, which has characterized the Capitol Hill mob as a uniquely dangerous threat. Before assuming office, Biden said the rioters’ attempt to overturn the election results by force “borders on sedition”; Attorney General Merrick Garland has called the prosecutions his top early priority, describing the storming of Congress as “a heinous attack that sought to disrupt a cornerstone of our democracy, the peaceful transfer of power to a newly elected government.

Justice Department prosecutors sent expectations sky-high in early statements and court filings, describing elaborate plots to murder lawmakers — descriptions prosecutors have tempered as new details emerged. (read more)

An FBI So Corrupt It Lets Mass Shooters Rampage Needs To Go


Article by Joy Pullmann in The Federalist

An FBI So Corrupt It Lets Mass Shooters Rampage Needs To Go

While the FBI has been failing to stop terrorist attacks by known threats, it has conducted numerous political operations on behalf of Democrats. It's time to clean house.

The New York Times reported on March 27 that Syrian-born Colorado mass shooter Ahmad Al Aliwi Alissa had been on the FBI’s radar before he murdered 10 people in a grocery store.

“The suspect’s identity was previously known to the F.B.I. because he was linked to another individual under investigation by the bureau, according to law enforcement officials,” the Times says.

According to a police affidavit, six days before Alissa shot 10 people to death, he purchased a pistol. That would have required him to pass a federal background check also run by the FBI. It seems the FBI is not very good at this “stopping mass shooters” thing.

This is not an anomaly in the FBI’s history. It in fact appears to be a pattern of negligence. During the Barack Obama presidency, Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., grilled FBI Director James Comey about the “known wolf” problem — of 14 Islamist attacks in the U.S. during Obama’s tenure, the FBI had been aware of at least 12 before the violence erupted, and did nothing.

For example, the 2009 Fort Hood shooter, who killed 13; the Boston Marathon bombers of 2013 who killed three and injured 264; and the Pulse nightclub shooter who killed 49 people and wounded 53 more. All were known to the FBI and several had been interviewed by the FBI before they went on killing sprees.

The FBI had also been warned numerous times about the Parkland, Florida school shooter, before he killed 17 and injured 17 more in 2018. It also knew beforehand about the 2018 Nashville, Tennessee Waffle House shooter, who killed four and injured two more, and the 2020 Nashville RV bomber.

While the FBI has been failing to stop terrorist attacks by known threats like these, it has conducted numerous political operations on behalf of Democrats. The ones we know about include Crossfire Hurricane‘s use of federal spy power to affect election outcomes and prevent effective governance by elected Republicans. That operation included spying on Fox News.

In 2020, the FBI sent 15 agents to investigate a rope tied in a loop that hysterical people alleged was a “noose” after a black NASCAR driver was assigned a garage with the rope as its door pull. The FBI investigation determined the rope had been in the same shape and spot since at least 2019.

In 2019, the FBI executed operation “Varsity Blues” to shame rich people who attempted to buy their children entry into ruling class universities by means other than gobsmackingly expensive prep schools and SAT tutors.

The FBI also appears to have entrapped people into a ridiculous plot to kidnap Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer in 2020, by inserting agents into their social group who presented the plan and got them to appear to go along, at least on FBI recordings. The same appears to be happening with Democrats using the Jan. 6 riot to have the FBI investigate and prosecute their political opponents among the hoi polloi.

For that investigation, USA Today says, “agents in all but one of the FBI’s 56 field offices have been drafted to track down” people who attended the Capitol protest that day, the vast majority of whom peacefully protested. “Investigators who typically work cases involving the trafficking of drugs, child pornography and sex have taken calls from rioter’s angry ex-wives and former girlfriends and employers turned tipsters.”

Meanwhile, the FBI and other investigators appear to be hiding the truth about the one death that occurred in connection with this havoc that hasn’t yet been definitively proven to be an accident, besides the rioter a police officer shot to death.

It also appears the FBI is using its police power to prosecute people in connection with the Capitol riot who participated in no violence, including one who never went inside the Capitol nor harmed any person or public property, according to Julie Kelly’s reporting of court documents. His true crime appears to be belonging to a group in which some members believe, according to the federal indictment, that “the federal government has been co-opted by a cabal of elites actively trying to strip American citizens of their rights.”

Parents of a teen who entered the Capitol and also committed no violence have been threatened by the feds for their political beliefs, Kelly reports. Their 18-year-old has been held in jail since the FBI arrested him in February, with 30 0ther inmates, and denied bail because he was homeschooled: “I don’t believe that home incarceration will work because he is an 18-year-old who’s homeschooled,” assistant U.S. Attorney Ryan Buchanan told the judge.

Bruno Cua is being treated as a hardened criminal because of aggressive non-leftist social media posts. It appears his actual crime was trespassing. The feds have shown no evidence he perpetrated any property destruction or violence. Meanwhile, thousands of youths who rioted in the name of “Black Lives Matter” are out enjoying their $1,400 stimulus checks. The FBI never even tried to pursue them.

The FBI received repeated tips from social media company Parler ahead of the Jan. 6 riot that violence might occur. It appears precisely zero actions were taken before the unrest to try to prevent it. Combined with the FBI’s reported entrapment attempts by infiltrating Tea Party and other conservative patriotic groups, this certainly makes one think.

While letting much worse leftwing violence from well-documented “extremist” networks continue largely unchecked on federal property in Portland and elsewhere, the FBI has placed “thousands” of billboards across the country seeking tips to ferret out all private citizens who were at the capitol on the one day in the past year of repeated violent mayhem that any of it could be attached to non-leftists.

Deep-seated discrimination according to political views is a tradition at this point for an FBI that revealed its naked partisanship during Donald Trump’s presidency. There is no other reasonable explanation that a former FBI lawyer who pled guilty of fabricating evidence to create a conspiracy against a president got a slap on the wrist in January, and people who lit fires in DC streets for months that threatened at one point to consume historic buildings had a public plaza named after them and repeatedly no charges pressed, while people merely suspected of having participated in vandalism in DC on Jan. 6 have been stripped of firearms and strapped with tracking devices. Some are in jail until their trials months later.

Some of the charges they face carry penalties of up to 20 years in jail each, such as “obstructing an official proceeding.” People who merely walked into a building where Vice President Mike Pence happened to be after police opened doors for them, even if they didn’t know Pence was there, could be imprisoned for up to a year. According to USA Today, that could be labeled “entering a restricted area” by prosecutors eager to suck up to Democrat overlords by putting no-name flyover people in prison. None of those caught in the FBI’s dragnet have been offered plea deals, USA Today says.

Meanwhile, USA Today is attempting to make sure these people either get no decent legal representation or that it bankrupts them. Leftist rioters accused of crimes including arson, rape, shooting at police, and murder, however, get the vice president of the United States to help raise their bail and huge financial donations for their legal defense, and no one bats an eye about Democrats’ open contributions to violent “insurrection.”

A year in prison after a bankrupting court trial for taking pictures of Congress after police opened doors to let you in? While a guy who falsifies evidence that fueled a conspiracy to subvert an elected president gets probation and multitudes of people who lit American cities on fire get off completely? It’s clear this agency stands not for equal justice for all Americans, but for systematically searching and destroying Democrats’ opposition, even to the point of fabricating crimes by a Republican president.

It’s not clear whether the FBI’s repeated failures to stop domestic terrorism when forewarned are the result of ideology, incompetence, design, or some combination of the three. It doesn’t matter.

What does matter is that the FBI will spend hundreds of millions of dollars and years to nab 53 rich people trying to get their underqualified kids into top-rated colleges, and the same going after Democrats’ political enemies, while letting known Islamic and other domestic terrorist threats slip right through their fingers. In fact, right now they may be taking agents off these kinds of threats to focus on right-wing “extremists,” like boomers who are National Rifle Association members.

It’s past time to shut down the FBI and start over from scratch until we can figure out what is going on. We cannot continue to have an FBI more interested in pulling off Varsity Blues and Crossfire Hurricane than stopping mass shooters. 

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A Thread on Gun Control

In 1929, the Soviet Union, in their quest to establish “equality” amongst all people, implemented gun control.

Between 1929 and 1954, 20 million innocent people were annihilated because they were unable to defend themselves.
In 1929, Turkey implemented gun control. Between 1915 and 1917, approximately 1.5 million defenseless Armenians were exterminated.Image
Nazi Germany implemented gun control in 1938. Between 1939 and 1945, approximately six million Jews, who were completely defenseless, were rounded up and murdered.Image
China implemented gun control in 1936. Between 1948 and 1956, approximately 20 million defenseless dissidents were murdered.Image
Guatemala implemented gun control in 1964. Between 1964 and 1981, approximately 100,000 Mayans were exterminated.Image
In 1970, Uganda implemented gun control. Between 1971 and 1979, approximately 100,000 Christians, unable to defend themselves, were annihilated.Image
Cambodia implemented gun control in 1956. Between 1975 and 1977, one million innocent and defenseless people were murdered.Image
Millions of people were murdered by totalitarian leftists regimes that promised “equality” and “progress.” Today, in the USA, similar leftist voices are calling for gun control. They threaten law abiding citizens with unconstitutional executive orders and even brute force.Image
Anyone with a working knowledge of history would and should NEVER surrender their only means of protection. To think that the genocides of the 20th century couldn’t happen again would be a mistake. A fatal mistake. 
America has a Constitution that guarantees the right to keep and bear arms. This right was not secured for the sake of “hunting.” It has nothing to do with “muskets.” Rather, it exists to prevent tyranny and genocide.Image
Hold on to your rights. Do it not, and the cost to you, your family, and your country would be unimaginable. #2A 

• • •

Congressman Matt Gaetz Claims Former DOJ Lawyer David McGee Was Extorting Him Amid a Bizarre FBI Sting Operation

Two people inside the DOJ leaked a story about Matt Gaetz (R-FL) being under DOJ/FBI investigation to the New York Times.  The essential elements of the article are that Gaetz had a relationship with a 17-year-old woman, and paid for her to travel; ergo the DOJ/FBI is investigating “sex trafficking.”   Presumably AG Bill Barr opened the investigation. However, Matt Gaetz vehemently denies everything about the claims, and instead says the FBI and DOJ were recently conducting a sting operation -with his cooperation- against a former DOJ lawyer named David McGee who was extorting Gaetz for $25 million.

According to Gaetz his father was contacted by McGee in March of this year and told he would release the details of a relationship with the woman if Gaetz did not pay $25 million.  Gaetz contacted the FBI, and his father wore a wire in his conversation with McGee where the FBI were recording the extortion attempt.  Now that someone has leaked the erroneous background of the investigation to the New York Times, Gaetz is demanding the DOJ release the tapes of the extortion attempt.

Tonight Matt Gaetz appeared on Tucker Carlson to discuss the details of the situation.  Apparently there was an FBI sting operation underway which included a payment tomorrow.  The New York Times article tipped-off McGee to the sting.  Congressman Gaetz denies any wrongdoing, legal or otherwise, and denies paying for a minor to cross state lines to meet him.  When Carlson asked Gaetz who was the former DOJ official attempting extortion, Gaetz named David McGee, a former DOJ lawyer currently working for Beggs and Lane lawfirm.  WATCH:

Matt Gaetz: “What is happening is an extortion of me and my family involving a former Department of Justice official. On March 16th, my father got a text message demanding a meeting wherein a person demanded $25 million in exchange for making horrible sex trafficking allegations of me go away. Our family was so troubled by that we went to the local FBI and the FBI and the Department of Justice were so concerned about this, that they asked my dad to wear a wire. Which he did with the former Department of Justice official. Tonight I am demanding that the Department of Justice and the FBI release the audio recordings that were made under their supervision and at their direction which will prove me innocence. These allegations are true and they were meant to bleed my family. This former Department of Justice official tomorrow was supposed to be contacted by my father so that specific instructions could be given regarding the wiring of $4.5 million as a down payment on this bribe. I don’t think it’s a coincidence that tonight somehow The New York Times is leaking this information, smearing me and ruining the investigation.”

Tucker Carlson: …”First of all, who is this Department of Justice former employee who is trying to extort the money from you.”

Gaetz: “His name is David McGee

Welcome to the Soviet States of Ameristan


Article by J.B. Shurk in The American Thinker

Welcome to the Soviet States of Ameristan

How many times must our Swamp Lords tell us before we finally understand?  Questioning the legitimacy of the 2020 election will not be tolerated, and doing so is an unequivocal attack upon our "democracy" — whatever that is.  (I believe it's now defined as a system for Democratic Party operatives to use unverified and untraceable mail-in ballots to rig elections in their favor while hiding behind fatuous allegations that state deadlines, photo identification, signature verification, or any other security method used to filter out fraudulent ballots is actually a product of white supremacy.  In fact, I'm pretty sure the Democrats' position on "democracy" at this point is simple: unless they are allowed to commit voter fraud in order to win elections, the whole electoral system is inherently racist.  They sure are reasonable rulers.)

Former federal prosecutor Glenn Kirschner is on a mission to force every business in America to formally pledge that the "2020 presidential election was free and fair, and produced accurate, reliable results."  Any company that refuses to participate (or — Heaven forbid! — casts doubt on the official state narrative that the idiot savant sans savant in the White House successfully obliterated Obama's popular vote totals without ever having to leave his basement) earns a public flogging from the thought police.

I'm sure Kirschner and his Kristallnacht compatriots won't get anybody hurt during this democracy cleansing exercise.  What harm could possibly come from throwing people and organizations onto public enemy blacklists and unleashing vigilante hate mobs against "wrongthink" violators in their midst?  Another sterling example of real Department of Justice–style justice!

For people who keep insisting that the evidence for election fraud consists of nothing more than the fringe delusions of right-wing conspiracy theorists, Democrats sure do spend a lot of time worrying that Americans will disagree.  Nothing says, "Trust us, Senile Joe's election was legit" like forcing Americans to pledge their loyalty to the new president.  And nothing quite says, "We're fighting for democracy," like the Democrats' continued targeting of opposing points of view and their fevered vows to "force" companies into submission before the new regime.  Just as Julius Caesar set out to "save" the Roman Republic by making himself dictator, the Democratic Party is intent on "saving" the American Republic by making its rule absolute.

Every lucid American understands that, but for the imposition of mass mail-in balloting (done in explicit violation of some states' laws), there would be no Pretend President in the White House.  (As a thought experiment: Is there any doubt that, had the same illicit system been instituted in 2016, a corrupt Clinton, instead of a befuddled Biden, would now be despoiling the West Wing?)  However, stating that obvious observation out loud is vilified as a greater "threat to democracy" than the actual election heist of 2020.  It's hokum on stilts.

Even now, states are reeling from allegations of vote fraud.  Arizona has committed to a full hand recount of the votes cast five months ago in Maricopa County and a "broad and detailed" audit of the voting machines.  Wisconsin is investigating whether election laws were violated at the local level in order to boost Democrat turnout.  And Georgia just passed election integrity legislation that can only be interpreted as an official acknowledgment that the use of private out-of-state money to influence local election boards and the rampant abuse of virtually anonymous mail-in ballots and insecure drop boxes irredeemably corrupted the state's 2020 election.  "Pay no attention," the Swamp Lords say; "there's still nothing to see."

Meanwhile, more and more evidence is piling up that Facebook and Google (and other companies) spent hundreds of millions of dollars to team up with Democrat operatives in order to take over local election offices in battleground states and use the imprimatur of official government jurisdiction to engage in partisan political activities and supercharge Democrat turnout.  In a particularly noteworthy piece at PJ Media, Victoria Taft details the legal efforts of the Thomas More Society, a public-interest research group, in uncovering how these paid Democrat operatives unilaterally appropriated the government function of determining which ballots could be counted (or "cured") when they lacked proper address information or valid signatures.  By effectively buying government offices, Democrat political operatives not only solely decided which votes to count without any legally required Republican scrutiny, but also and even more astoundingly went so far as to hire professional witnesses who could "attest" to the authenticity of a voter's ballot — in essence, completely subverting state witness requirements for absentee ballots by turning unwitnessed ballots into witnessed ballots through the paid efforts of complete strangers.

In another era, these revelations would have undermined the last election, earned intense media scrutiny, and transfixed the American people.  Instead, news corporations have giddily celebrated the corruption, practically beatifying the existence of a "secret cabal of wealthy and politically connected elites" who successfully conspired "to manipulate the rules and laws of an election in order to win."  

It's politically correct doublespeak bathed in schizophrenic madness: there was absolutely no fraud in the 2020 election, except for all the fraud that got Biden elected, which should in fact be celebrated!

Our brisk transformation into the Soviet States of Ameristan would be comical if not so disheartening.  In this new country, constitutional rights and protections extend only to those who pretend to play along with the government's psychoses.  If you nod in agreement that the 2020 election was legitimate, you get to keep your First Amendment "privileges"; if you demur, then the government and its Silicon Valley enforcers delete you.  If you persist by actively protesting for voting rights, then you might find you've become a "domestic terrorist" overnight.

In fact, if Congress successfully passes the "Security Clearance Improvement Act of 2021," any American accused of promoting 2020 election "conspiracy theories" will be denied existing or future security clearances from the federal government.  It's the perfect mechanism for removing any remaining MAGA voters from positions of power and a perfect illustration of how corrupt the federal government now is.  An acknowledged communist like John Brennan is institutionally rewarded over a long career despite continued performance failures (among other highlights in his jacket, he was the CIA station chief in Saudi Arabia who oversaw most of the 9/11 terrorists' U.S. visa approvals) and can climb the CIA ladder all the way to the top, but traditional American patriots who voted for President Trump get targeted as enemies.

This new "democracy" blacklisting — surprise, surprise — will not affect the overwhelming majority of Democrats who still believe that Russia stole the 2016 election or the national news corporations that pushed that lie for years, even after the conspiracy was proven to be an orchestrated hoax perpetrated by Clinton's campaign, Obama's intelligence and law enforcement agencies, and a corrupt coalition of Uniparty actors in D.C. intent on hamstringing President Trump.  Some conspiracy theories, when believed by the right people, must not only be excused, but also celebrated.

And the hunt for "democracy destroyers" will not target Chuck Schumer, even though he shouted from the rooftops just the other day that state voting laws are some of "the greatest threats we have to modern democracy in America," or Elizabeth Warren, who insists that Stacey Abrams is actually the governor of Georgia two years after her loss, or Nancy Pelosi, who claims that she has the power to overrule Republican congressional victories at whim.  

In Ameristan, Democrats may question elections at will; Republicans may do so only at their peril.  And everyone is expected to pretend this is all quite reasonable and normal.

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