Monday, December 7, 2020

Coronavirus task force member Adm. Giroir says science doesn’t support lockdowns


OAN Newsroom

UPDATED 12:52 PM PT – Monday, December 7, 2020

Coronavirus task force member Adm. Brett Giroir slammed Dr. Anthony Fauci over the latest economic lockdown in California. In a statement Monday, he said the evidence and science behind COVID-19 does not support or justify the lockdowns.

Adm. Giroir added, purported COVID-19 cases continue to increase in California regardless of any restrictions, which makes lockdowns “counter-productive.”

Democrat California Gov. Gavin Newsom shutdown the state again this past weekend and Dr. Fauci praised that decision. However, many California residents disagree with the move.


 Adm. Giroir agrees with those California citizens. He said Dr. Fauci and Newsom are wrong because actual science has shown lockdowns do more harm than good. 



Chairman of Smartmatic’s parent company to become president of George Soros’s ‘Open Society Foundations


OAN Newsroom

UPDATED 7:14 AM PT – Monday, December 7, 2020

Billionaire George Soros has appointed the chairman of Smartmatic voting system’s parent company as president of his far-left global organization.

Over the weekend, Open Society Foundations announced Lord Mark Malloch-Brown is set to take over the position next month.



The move comes after Smartmatic sold voting technology to foreign-owned Dominion, which is the controversial software used to count votes in 24 U.S. states for the 2020 election.

Meanwhile, Smartmatic-tied Dominion voting service is facing backlash over what President Trump has described as instances of fraud in the 2020 elections.

“In one Michigan County as an example, that used Dominion Systems, they found that nearly 6,000 votes had been wrongly switched from Trump to Biden,” stated the President. “And this is just the tip of the iceberg, this is what we caught.”

Smartmatic has faced controversy in the past with allegations of rigging the 2013 election in Venezuela to favor socialist President Nicolas Maduro. 



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What is America's Greatest Threat?

America’s greatest threats are 1) China & 2) the denigration of American Exceptionalism.

The China threat is clear.

The latter less so. Let me explain.

We used to understand that American Exceptionalism was a recognition of our heroic past and an acknowledgement of the dark days that sometimes seeded it.

It was a commitment to thus learn & grow, using facts & reason to create a more perfect Union. Together.
Out of many, one.
The modern Left is waging war on that idea.

As best summarized by Gov. Andrew Cuomo, they believe that “America was never that great.”

This wasn’t a flippant statement. Theirs is a calculated stand, an unyielding attempt to reshape the national zeitgeist into hating itself.Image
We saw an explosion of that Leftist effort this past summer.

“Tear down the monuments and statues! America is awful!” they screamed.

When reasonable people objected, the Leftist response was alarmingly honest: We don’t care, burn it all down.Image
The goal of Cuomo, Pelosi & other Leftists is simple: revolution.

If they can convince people that America is irredeemable, then so too are our political & economic systems.

What in their place? AOC & Co are pretty clear.

Socialist Govt, and a loss of freedom for “equality.”Image

Successful Revolutionaries need two things: a boogeyman & a pliable press.

American Leftists have defined the boogeymen: whites, males, the religious, & capitalists.

And they’ve forced press outlets into submission via infiltration, bullying, & greed.

They’re making progress.ImageImage
The question now remains:

How do we stop these twin threats?

The Chinese Govt is actually manageable.

From smart diplomacy to America First economics to covert action, we can manage these thugs like the Soviets.

(Ain’t gonna be with Joe “not bad folks, folks” Biden, btw)Image
But the Leftists?

They‘re a far greater threat, one that will define the fight of our nat’l politics for a generation.

We only tasted it during the Trump era, which embraced American Exceptionalism.

So get ready to fight, Patriots.

Because if we lose, the Republic is lost.Image

Georgia, Y’all Got a Problem

A very interesting video interview where cofounder of VoteGA, Garland Favorito, drills  down into the more granular Georgia voting and ballot tabulating issues revealing some interesting evidence and data.

Ware County, Georgia, conducted a hand count of ballots after they were run through the tabulating machines containing Dominion software.  What they discovered was an actual difference between the ballots and the results from the tabulation machine.  37 votes moved from Trump to Biden creating a 0.26% shift in the total vote.

Garland Favorito explains how the errors are not attributable to any other process other than an algorithm built into the counting software tabulating the ballots.  When Favorito was scheduled to testify before the state legislature, the republican leader of the committee blocked his testimony.  Listen to this interview starting at 04:00  WATCH:

Keep in mind this .26% algorithmic shift can be modified to any percentage based on the targeted precinct or county.  Additionally, as Favorito notes, this empirical result has currently only been identified in Ware County because other counties did not track their own data and relied exclusively on the Dominion tabulation result.  There’s no telling how far this algorithmic issue would extend.

(Graphic Source – Press Release pdf)

In Georgia Senate Debate, Raphael Warnock Was A Warm, Relatable Liar

Kelly Loeffler looked liked a lifeless doll, but Raphael Warnock's claims of moderation should be deeply questioned. He constantly refused to answer significant questions.

Last night, President Trump was in the Peach State rallying the GOP troops, acknowledging he might not be living at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue in February. Should that be so, then the results in the two Georgia Senate races hold the key to America’s future. That was the backdrop as Republican Sen. Kelly Loeffler and challenger Raphael Warnock locked horns in their debate.

These are two candidates who could scarcely be more dissimilar. Loeffler is a GOP stalwart, wealthy, white, a natural addition to the wave of women the Republican Party has sent to Congress in its red tide. Warnock is a pastor at Ebenezer Baptist Church, where in 1960 a man named Martin Luther King Jr. became copastor. Loeffler is accused of being too close to moneyed interests of the stock market, Warnock of being too close to the radical identity politics left. Each had some decisions to make about his or her own identity heading into the rumble. 

Right off the bat, Loeffler was asked about Trump’s claim that he won Georgia. She wisely deflected to her own race. “It’s very clear there are issues,” she said. That’s the right path. And the one that Republicans are coming around to. It was an important question deftly handled.

Warnock’s first question was, as a pastor, how does religion affect his run for office. At least it wasn’t what his favorite flavor of ice cream is. He gave a vague answer — not one that defended the pro life position, by the way, which he publicly opposed later in the debate. Loeffler pushed back: she was a waitress in youth, just like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. She understands the fight working-class Americans are fighting. Fair enough.

When Warnock was asked about defunding the police, he claimed to be an ally of theirs, but will hold them accountable. Loeffler pointed out correctly that he has called police “thugs.” His response was that this was why people turned off from politics. But he did not back off his comment that our police are thugs. That’s a heck of a thing.

Warnock tried to attack Loeffler for inside trading when she found out about the pandemic. But it doesn’t make a whole lot of sense given that the stock market has just reached record highs. Loeffler correctly pointed out that the Trump administration has done much more than House Speaker Nancy Pelosi would to help Americans.

Loeffler asked Warnock if he would reject socialism. He refused to do so.

Loeffler kept her focus on Warnock’s radicalism that would raise taxes and maintain lockdowns. These are important issues. Time and again, he deflected. He does not seem to have an answer to it. Would he lock us down again? He didn’t quite answer, but we can guess.

On the question of stimulus, Warnock talked a fine game, but Pelosi has put her foot on the throat of stimulus until after the election. He made no effort to suggest he would get her off that hill. Loeffler is ready to send Americans relief.

Loeffler, who was a bit lifeless in the early part of the debate, did finally call out Warnock for his support of Rev. Jeremiah Wright, whom President Obama had to throw under the bus, and Fidel Castro, who Warnock praised. He tried to throw that away, but the facts are the facts, and he did call on Americans to repent for whiteness, as Loeffler called out. 

Warnock is a preacher. It showed. He’s a good debater. Loeffler is not. She didn’t move her arms one time. But she is right that everything is at stake in this election.

Warnock got the better of this debate in personality, but Loeffler’s win on the issues and loss in relatability is not an election loss. She’s a flawed candidate, but she stands for an important cause. Let’s hope this pathetic performance doesn’t give the socialists control of our government.

Warnock was asked if he would expand the Supreme Court. He did not answer. He said it’s just a question people in the beltway care about. He says he’s not focused on it. Is that a yes or a no? Nobody knows.

The people of Georgia aren’t idiots. The country is in their hands.

Obama's CIA Director Lies Again About ‘No Spying On Trump’s Campaign’

Obama administration CIA Director John Brennan insisted in an interview Sunday with Fox News’s Chris Wallace that Obama’s intelligence agencies conducted “no spying on Donald Trump’s campaign,” a claim contradicted by inspector general reports, a two-year special counsel probe, congressional inquiries, and continued investigation.

In 2019, an inspector general report found that Brennan lied under oath to Congress about details of the Obama administration’s spying on its political opponent Trump. A ruling from a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) court in June demonstrated that the Obama administration in which Brennan served lied about its legal basis for spying on former Trump campaign official Carter Page, including apparently fabricated evidence. Fabricated claims form much of the Steele dossier, according to the FBI. Federal agency reports previously found that Brennan repeatedly lied, including while under oath to Congress, about the CIA spying on the Senate, drone strikes, and more

During the Sunday interview, Brennan also repeated lies he previously made to Congress that the Christopher Steele “dossier” did not affect the FBI and CIA’s review of disproven “collusion” between the Trump campaign and Russia. A report from Department of Justice Inspector General Michael Horowitz confirmed the former CIA director lied to Congress about this previously.

“The Steele dossier was not used in any way to undergird the judgments that came out of the intelligence community assessment about the Russian actions in the 2016 election,” Brennan claimed to Wallace. “There was so much other evidence and intelligence to support those judgments,” he added. “I am very comfortable with how the intelligence community came out on the 2016 election.”

Despite repeating disproven lies that there was no Obama administration spying on its political opponents, Brennan said he has “no problems” with Attorney General William Barr naming John Durham a special counsel on the ongoing investigation into the intelligence communities’ investigations.

“I do believe John Durham is going to carry out his responsibilities ably and without any political influence,” Brennan said.

In the rest of the interview, Brennan compared Israel to China and Russia, calling the most recent attack killing Mohsen Fakhrizadeh, who was involved in the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps as a brigadier general and was the head of Iran’s nuclear weapons program, an attack on a “scientist.”

“If China were to assassinate a Taiwanese nuclear scientist or if Russia were to assassinate a Ukrainian nuclear scientist, it would be roundly condemned and rightly so,” said the man who covered up Obama administration drone strikes. “Just because it may have been Israel behind the assassination does not make it right.”

While Wallace noted that Iran has targeted Israel in the past and supported terror endeavors, Brennan went on to claim that assassinating leaders in other nations inspires a “chaotic” international environment.

In October, Brennan’s newly declassified handwritten notes signal that the intelligence community knew that Russia was potentially contributing disinformation in 2016 to Hillary Clinton’s anti-collusion claims that ultimately caused the special counsel. The notes also indicated that Brennan and other national security officials informed former President Barack Obama in the summer of 2016.

“We’re getting additional insight into Russian activities from [REDACTED],” Brennan’s handwritten notes state. “Cite alleged approval by Hillary Clinton–on 26 July–of a proposal from one of her foreign policy advisers to vilify [sic] Donald Trump by stirring up a scandal claiming interference by the Russian security services.”

Other evidence suggests that the CIA under Brennan “created the contacts and interactions that they then reported to the FBI as suspicious,” thus prompting the FBI’s Crossfire Hurricane surveillance and harassment of Trump campaign associates.

Coronavirus France: Elderly woman fined for lockdown form error

 A French court has ruled that an elderly woman diagnosed with dementia must pay a fine of €166 (£151; $201) for having put the wrong date on her form for leaving home during lockdown.


Her daughter had appealed against the original €135 fine imposed during a police check in April.

In France's coronavirus lockdown, a downloadable form has to be filled in whenever a person wants to leave home.

The woman, 73, was stopped while out shopping in Luxeuil, eastern France.

France Bleu news reports that when police booked her they did not record that she was speaking incoherently. She was going to a supermarket about 800m - about half a mile - from her home.


Her daughter drew the local mayor's attention to the incident, saying her mother had been having psychiatric monitoring for Alzheimer's for five years.

The mayor then advised the police to waive the fine, but they did not do so. A prosecutor had also pleaded for the fine to be waived, but the court in nearby Vesoul decided the fine must stay.

The fine dates back to France's first lockdown, in March-April. Now France is in a second lockdown, imposed because cases surged in the autumn after a summer relaxation of the rules, like the pattern in much of Europe.

France does not plan to start vaccinating people until January, unlike the UK.


What are France's current restrictions?


France's second national lockdown was imposed in late October.

President Emmanuel Macron said restrictions would start being eased from 28 November, in a phased plan. But most lockdown measures remain in place until 15 December.



On 15 December lockdown is to be replaced by a nationwide curfew from 21:00 to 07:00. It will not apply on Christmas Eve and New Year's Eve, however.

That easing is now in some doubt, as the latest Covid figures are not encouraging.

On Sunday there were officially 11,022 new infections over the previous 24 hours - way above the target of 5,000, set for the planned easing on 15 December.

The number of Covid patients in intensive care is above 3,200 - but the target is 3,000 maximum.

The French death toll in the pandemic is now 55,155. As part of the restrictions:

  • People can only leave home for essential trips such as going to work or school, taking local exercise (maximum three hours), medical appointments, family care arrangements, essential shopping
  • Shops and hairdressers are open, but limiting customer numbers
  • Schools are open except for lycées (ages 15-18), universities are only doing remote learning; all pupils aged six and above must wear masks
  • Restaurants and other hospitality venues will not reopen until at least 20 January; entertainment venues may reopen on 15 December, depending on the infection figures then
  • Travel between regions of France is banned unless it is essential - this applies also to foreign travel. 


 French police require people to show permits when they leave home




NBC 'Journalist' says Biden Doesn't Lie 'As a Rule,' then Gets Wrecked

NBC News’ Kasie Hunt has never been much of one to hide her bias. Yet, there are times when a supposed journalist says something so ridiculous that it’s worthy of response. This was one of those times.

Hunt is now the Capitol Hill Correspondent and was apparently present when Joe Biden dodged a question on whether he had recently talked to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell. This was spun as some kind of proof that Biden simply refuses to lie. He’s basically George Washington, you see.

I love this. Refusing to answer a simple question is now a sign of honesty among our press corp. That’s how biased they were against Donald Trump and how biased for any Democrat they are. The rules exist on two different planets. Shouldn’t his dodging of the question actually be seen as a bad thing by a press that supposedly wants answers? I know, that’s almost rhetorical at this point because they clearly don’t actually seek answers from Democrats. Rather, they seek narratives that allow them to spin the news as they see fit.

Others joined in to correct Hunt’s assertion.

That’s true. Biden did literally have one of his earlier presidential campaigns end because he was caught lying in such an obvious way that people proved it was plagiarism. You could also go back to his lies involving the hearings of Robert Bork and Clarence Thomas. Or, you know, his lies about Obamacare, Iran, Benghazi, Mitt Romney wanting to re-enslave black people, etc. The list is long over his 40+ years in office.

Hunt ended up being nominated for ‘The List’ (you have to be active on conservative Twitter to get it) as well.

But hey, get used to this. If Joe Biden takes office, it’s going to be a non-stop tongue bath. Even when he does something objectively negative, it’ll be spun as stately and proper. There is no limit to the shame with which our media operate under.

A personal note about Pearl Harbor day


 Article by Andrea Widburg in The American Thinker

A personal note about Pearl Harbor day

On December 7, 1941, the Japanese launched a devastating attack on American Naval forces in Honolulu. Within a short time, 2,403 Americans were dead and another 1,178 were injured. What many people forget is that the Japanese also attacked most of Southeast Asia. My mother was there when that happened.

Neither my mother, 16, nor her sister, 12, should have been in Java. They were Dutch citizens who had been living for some years in British-mandate Palestine. Because North Africa was one of the theaters in which the Allies fought the Axis powers, the British set up military bases there. They hired my grandfather, an architect, to design the basic buildings (mess halls, barracks, etc.).

I never met my grandfather, but he was apparently quite charming, and the British officers liked him. They told him that they thought Rommel might win. If that happened, the combined Arab and German forces would slaughter every Jew. (It was an early version of Hamas’s “From the river to the sea” plan for a Jewish genocide in land Jews had occupied for thousands of years.)

My grandfather decided to send his daughters far from the war. He picked Java, which was then part of the Dutch East Indies. For a year, the girts had a lovely life because life was good for the European colonists benefitting from the cheap labor in the countries they occupied. That ended on December 8 (because East Asia was on the other side of the international date line), when the Japanese invaded the Malayan peninsula, countries that offered oil, rubber, and iron ore.

Within a short time, the Japanese had interned the civilian populations – men and boys in one set of camps, women, girls, young boys in another. As Mom was always careful to point out, these camps were not extermination camps like Auschwitz. However, they were still horrific.

The Japanese are among my favorite people today. I love visiting Japan because it’s so clean, orderly, and charming. It probably was in 1941, too, but the country was in the grip of the foul Bushido culture, which combined unrelieved brutality with a disdain for all non-Japanese races.

The Japanese immediately set about concentrating the civilian population by moving people into group housing. The next step, however, was to remove all the men and any boys who weren’t actually small children, who were sent to slave labor camps. The women, girls, and children were moved to concentration camps.

Once separated, the men and women remained completely segregated for the remainder of the war.  The men were subjected to brutal slave labor and had an attrition rate much higher than the women did.  Also, with the typical Bushido disrespect for men who didn’t have the decency to kill themselves, rather than to surrender, these civilian men were tortured at a rather consistent rate.

One of my mother’s friends discovered, at war’s end, that her husband had been decapitated. If you have the stomach for it, you can see the moment before Leonard Siffleet, an Australian Special Forces operator, died under an executioner’s sword.

Once in camp, the women were given small shelves to sleep on (about 24 inches across), row after row, like sardines.  They were periodically subjected to group punishments.  The one that lived forever in my mother’s memory was the mandate that they stand in the camp compound, in the sun, for 24 hours. 

No food, no water, no shade, no sitting down, no restroom breaks (and many of the women were liquid with dysentery and other intestinal diseases and parasitical problems).  For 24 hours, they stood there, in the humid, 90+ degree temperature, under the blazing tropical sun.  The older women, the children, and the sick died where they stood. The camp commandant was later hanged for war crimes.

Starvation was the norm and diseases were endemic. Mom and her sister both had tertian and quartan malaria, tuberculosis, beriberi, and dysentery. They survived, though, and they survived for a specific reason: Truman dropped the atom bomb, ending the war. Had the war continued even a  month longer, my mother knew she would have died because she was no longer interested in food. The atom bomb saved her life and led to mine. If Truman hadn't dropped the bomb, millions of others would also have died. The Japanese were prepared to fight a mainland invasion to the death of the last man, woman, and child – not to mention one million more American dead:

 If you want an overview of Bushido Japanese war crimes, this Wikipedia article is a good overview. You can also read Iris Chang’s The Rape of Nanking: The Forgotten Holocaust of World War II. Chang was so overwhelmed by the results of her research and her work on the Bataan Death March that she committed suicide. Regarding the atom bomb, I also recommend Paul Fussell’s Thank God for the Atom Bomb and Other EssaysI also highly recommend Neville Shute's A Town Like Alice. 

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FBI Raided Maricopa County Residence to Retrieve Evidence of Cyber Intrusion into Voting Systems

There is an interesting article in Forbes today about a previously unknown FBI raid in Maricopa County, Arizona, where agents seized computers, hard drives, USB sticks and electronic devices in connection with a cyber intrusion into election systems.

The Maricopa County Registrars office reports more than 2.5 million registered voters are within the system that appears to have been the targeted office of the intrusion.

The FBI isn’t talking, and the story only surfaced as an outcome of one part, the search warrant, of a sealed court filing.  Forbes Story Here

[…] “The Justice Department in Arizona told Forbes it couldn’t comment. An FBI spokesperson said they could neither confirm nor deny any investigation. The full scope of the investigation and the breach of Maricopa County’s website remains under seal.” (more)

Considering what the past several years have revealed about the FBI; and considering the recent evidence of the FBI purposefully burying information from within the Hunter Biden laptop for over a year; it seems entirely possible this Arizona FBI effort was more intended to hide the reality of election vulnerabilities and intrusions, as opposed to investigating them?

How sad is it that we carry such unfortunate perspectives in our mind?

The FBI now more closely resembles, essentially, what we previously called Soviet-era “state police”.   FUBAR.

MI Judge Grants Trump Team Forensic Audit of 22 Dominion Tabulator Systems

This is good news.  Yesterday Trump campaign attorney Jenna Ellis announced a judge in the 13th Circuit Court in Michigan, has allowed a forensic audit of the 22 Dominion ballot counting systems used in Antrim County.  

The forensic examination took place Sunday with Bailey, Antrim County Clerk Sheryl Guy, county administrator Pete Garwood, county attorney Haider Kazim, three county commissioners, a county IT technician and a member of the Sheriff’s department, said county spokesman Jeremy Scott in a release.

Also present, according to Scott, were seven members of the Allied Security Operations Group, a group affiliated with Trump’s litigation team. In the court order, the evidence cited by Bailey comes from a report from the group. (full story)

DeKalb County Georgia, Ballot Custody Records Missing

Sketchy Business – Throughout Georgia 300 drop boxes were used to collect absentee ballots in the November 2020 general election. The rather unusual ballot collection system was authorized under Georgia Election Code Emergency which was passed in July 2020.

According to the legal requirements every absentee ballot drop box collection team “shall complete and sign a ballot transfer form upon removing the ballots from the drop box, which shall include the date, time, location and number of ballots.”

After election officials began being challenged on several aspects related to unusual behavior within the Georgia election, the Georgia Star sent record requests to key counties asking for copies of the legally required chain of custody, the ballot transfer forms, for the collection boxes.

Most responses were received in a timely manner; however, DeKalb county said they need more time, and appears to have broken the chain of custody requirement.

This is additionally interesting as DeKalb county was a specific target for funding from Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg who sent $4.8 million to them in order to hire “additional staff, voting and mail ballot equipment.” When questioned by The Georgia Star a lawyer for the county responded with a rather unusual answer.

[…] DeKalb County response instead came from an Assistant County Attorney.

It strains credulity to suggest that the election director of DeKalb County cannot say whether or not the legally required ballot transfer forms exist in 30 seconds, not the 30 days the county says it needs to be able to answer that question. (read more)

On December 4th the Trump campaign filed an election contest in Georgia, alleging violations of state laws in the 2020 election. President Trump held a rally yesterday in Valdosta and stated widespread fraud likely occurred in the state.