Saturday, October 24, 2020

Joe Biden Calls Trump Supporters Outside His Rally 'Chumps'



Article by Matt Margolis in PJMedia


 Joe Biden Calls Trump Supporters Outside His Rally 'Chumps'

During a “rally” in Bucks County, Pennsylvania, Joe Biden referred to Trump supporters protesting outside his event as “chumps.”

“I’ll work as hard for those who don’t support me as those who do,” Biden said, in an attempt to prove his commitment to unity. But then he decided to go off script and added, “including those chumps with the microphone out there.”



Joe Biden expects us to believe his message of unity when he calls Trump supporters chumps? Let’s not forget that back in May, Joe Biden slandered Trump supporters as racists and xenophobes. “There are people who support the president because they like the fact that he is engaged in the politics of division,” Biden said. “They really support the notion that, you know, all Mexicans are rapists and all Muslims are bad and… dividing this nation based on ethnicity, race. This is the one [sic] of the few presidents who succeeded by deliberately trying to divide the country, not unite the country.”

As for the Biden rally itself, it was another drive-in event and the campaign reportedly estimated that there were only 130 cars (with a four-person maximum per car) present, according to MSNBC reporter Eli Stokols.



 Trump Rapid Response director Abigail Marone estimates that more Trump supporters than Biden supporters turned out at Biden’s rally.



“Joe Biden cares far more about the sensitivities of his coastal elite base than he does about the hard-working men and women of America,” said Trump 2020 Communications Director Tim Murtaugh in a statement. “He has consistently demonstrated his contempt for American workers by happily shipping jobs overseas, attacking the energy industry, and now calling hard-working Americans who don’t support him ‘chumps’ – all to appease his liberal extremist handlers. It has never been more clear that President Donald J. Trump is the only candidate in this race who will fight for American workers and defend them against the far-left.”

What are the odds Biden calls another lid tomorrow morning?

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Hypocrites, Stop Lecturing the...


Stop Lecturing the Rest of America

The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of
Hypocrites, Stop Lecturing the Rest of America

Source: AP Photo/Charles Dharapak

The headlines grow more disgusting -- and, frankly, more unbelievable -- with each passing day. Jeffrey Toobin, a columnist for The New Yorker, was suspended earlier this week (and placed on leave from his gig as chief legal analyst for CNN) after he was allegedly observed masturbating during a Zoom call with some of his colleagues from the magazine and from WYNC radio. Unsurprisingly, Toobin has become an object of derision and the butt of countless jokes. (Other parts of his unseemly backstory are getting more publicity. This is not, as they say, his first rodeo.)

Not everyone has piled on. CNN anchor Brian Stelter delicately referred to the incident as an "accident" during which Toobin "exposed himself," and warned readers that Toobin has been "sidelined at a pivotal moment in the run-up to the presidential election." Because, certainly, Toobin's unavailability to join the team raking President Donald Trump over the coals is what's really important here.

Kevin Williamson at National Review described the country's reaction to Toobin's conduct as little more than the latest "public-hate ritual." "In the great junior-high cafeteria of the American public square," Williamson writes, "it's Toobin's turn to sit alone." Oh, sure. Because whipping your genitalia out in front of your co-workers and pleasuring yourself in the middle of a meeting is exactly like showing up in seventh grade wearing the "wrong" shoes.

And, right on cue, here come the salivating sexmongers, who never miss an opportunity to further degrade social mores. The day after the ViewToob(in) scandal broke, Jonathan Zimmerman published a column in the New York Daily News in which he informs us that Toobin is "the most mocked man in the United States" only because of schadenfreude and because we're just not comfortable enough with masturbation. Zimmerman closes his piece by saying: "I'm guessing that you do the same, dear reader. Maybe you should stop feeling weird and guilty about that."

Zimmerman -- like some of Toobin's other defenders -- seems to be laboring under the misimpression that because conduct is engaged in somewhere, it must be tolerated everywhere. Let us agree, shall we, that just because it is appropriate to empty one's bowels in the bathroom does not mean it should be done in the conference room. And I'm going to further venture a guess that very few people have actually felt compelled to masturbate during conference calls, eight months of COVID-19 Zoom meetings notwithstanding.

But the larger point is that both Zimmerman and Williamson are getting it wrong here. The public's reaction isn't just the latest "two minutes of hate," secret envy or baseless "Mean Girl" bullying.

Millions of Americans display no sympathy for Toobin's (likely temporary) downfall because they are sick and tired of being lectured to and looked down upon by celebrities for whom leftist politics are expected to take the place of a complete lack of personal virtue. And that's putting it gracefully.

For the past four years (in truth, for years before that), the 63 million Americans who voted for Donald Trump have been on the receiving end of nothing but derision from the coastal elites, while we have watched them defend -- and engage in -- behavior that most of us find indefensible.

One would think that after so many of the pious politicians and moralizing media had been exposed as liars and frauds, they'd tone the righteous indignation down somewhat. Or that after the widespread rot that #MeToo exposed, Hollywood celebrities would be just a little reluctant to tout their moral superiority.

But, no. We rubes out here in Flyover Country are supposed to ignore the perversion and kink of the progressive vanguard; their chronic promiscuity; the spouses they wound and betray and abandon; their multiple divorces and the children they damage with their selfish behavior; their substance abuse and stints in rehab; their arrests for shoplifting and drunk driving and indecent exposure; the bribery and corruption and general hypocrisy of criticizing Joe and Jane Six-Pack for opposing policies that they themselves have zero intention of abiding by.

They're just better people, since they're voting for Joe Biden and they really, really support the Green New Deal.

Contrary to Kevin Williamson's take, I don't "hate" Jeffrey Toobin, and I wouldn't wish what he's going through on anyone, whether I agree with their politics or not. Furthermore, famous and wealthy Americans -- like all Americans -- are entitled to cast their vote however they wish, to feel strongly about it and to defend their positions. They are not, however, entitled to some kind of religious deference to their opinion, nor do they have a divine right to condemn everyone who doesn't share their political viewpoint.

Finally, if they want their politics to be more persuasive, or for the public to be more forgiving, they might try a little humility. Americans can overlook a multitude of sins. But hypocrisy, almost never.

Hunter's Ex-Business Partner Says Joe Biden Lied About Business Deals In China, FBI Has Proof


Written by Tim Hains in RealClearPolitics


Hunter's Ex-Business Partner Says Joe Biden Lied About Business Deals In China, FBI Has Proof

Tony Bobulinski, a former business partner of Hunter Biden, accused former VP Joe Biden of lying about his role in his son's international dealings during a statement to the WH press corps just 90 minutes before Thursday's presidential debate. Bobulinski, who will be a guest at the debate, said he has three phones that will prove his claims and he is giving them to the FBI. 

 BOBULINSKI: "Good evening. My name is Tony Bobunlinski. I served as a lieutenant in the United States Navy with high security clearance. My father and grandfather, both served for decades in our country’s armed forces. Since leaving the Navy, I’ve been involved in various successful businesses, both in this country and abroad. I’m making the statement to set the record straight about the involvement of the Biden family, Vice President Biden, his brother Jim Biden, and his son Hunter Biden, in dealings with the Chinese.

I’ve heard Joe Biden say that he’s never discussed business with Hunter. That is false.

I have first hand knowledge about this because I directly dealt with the Biden family, including Joe Biden. I have also heard the Vice President Biden said on Tuesday, that Senator Ron Johnson the chair of the Senate Homeland Security Committee, should be ashamed for suggesting the Biden family sought to profit from their name. Well here are the facts, I know. And everything I’m saying is corroborated by emails, WhatsApp chats, agreements, documents, and other evidence and American people can judge for themselves.

I brought, I guess, for the record three phones, that spanned the years 2015 to 2018. These phones have never been held by anybody else besides myself. I was told this past Sunday by somebody who was also involved in this matter that if I went public this information would be it would bury all of us, man, the Bidens included.

I have no wish to bury anyone. I’ve never been political. The few contributions I’ve made have been the Democrats. But what I am is a patriot, and a veteran, to protect my family name, and my business reputation, I need to ensure that the true facts are out there.

In late 2015. I was approached by James Gilliar, whom I had known for many years, about joining him in a deal which he said would involve the Chinese state owned enterprise CFC China Energy, and what he called one of the most prominent families in the United States. I was informed first by Gilliar, and then by Hunter Biden, and by Rob Walker, who was working with the Biden’s, that the Biden’s wanted to form a new entity with CFC, which was to invest in infrastructure, real estate, and technology in the U.S. and around the world. And the entity would initially be capitalized with $10 million, and then grow to billions of dollars of investment capital.

After months of discussion, I agreed to Gilliar and Hunter Biden’s request to become CEO of the entity to be called Sino Hawk, Sino representing the Chinese side, Hawk, representing Hunter Biden’s brother Beau’s favorite animal. And between February and May 2017, we exchanged numerous emails, documents, and WhatsApp messages concerning Sino Hawk, and its potential business.

On May 2, 2017, the night before Joe Biden was to appear at the Milken conference. I was introduced to Joe Biden by Jim Biden and Hunter Biden. At my approximate hour long meeting with Joe. That night, we discussed the Biden’s history, the Biden’s family business plans with the Chinese, with which he was plainly familiar, at least at a high level, after that meeting I had numerous communications with Hunter, Walker, Gilliar, and Jim Biden. Regarding the allocation of the equity ownership of Sino Hawk.

On May 13, 2017, I received an email concerning allocation of equity, which says 10% held by H for the big guy in that email there’s no question that H stands for Hunter, big guy for his father, Joe Biden, and Jim for Jim Biden.

In fact, Hunter often referred to as fathers the big guy or my Chairman on numerous occasions, it was made clear to me that Joe Biden’s involvement was not to be mentioned in writing, but only face to face. In fact, I was advised by Gilliar and Walker, that Hunter and Jim Biden were paranoid about keeping Joe Biden’s involvement secret. I also had a disagreement with Hunter about the funds CFC was contributing to Sino Hawk. Hunter wanted 5 million of those funds to go to himself and his family.

So he wanted the funds wired directly to an entity affiliated with him. I objected because that was contrary to our written agreements, concerning Sino Hawk. He said referring to the chairman, his father, that CFC was really investing in the Biden family that he held a trump card, and that he was the one putting his family legacy on the line. He also said to me on May 17, 2017 that CFC wanted to be my partner to be partnered with the Bidens.

During these negotiations I repeated to hunter and others that Sino Hawk could not be Hunter’s personal piggy bank, and I demanded the proper corporate governance procedures be implemented for capital distributions. Hunter became very upset with me CFC through July 2017 was assuring me the funds would be transferred to Sino Hawk, but they were never sent to our company. Instead I found out from Senator Johnson’s September report that the $5 million was sent in August 2017 to entities affiliated with Hunter.

Tomorrow, I will be meeting with the Senate Committee members concerning this matter. And I will be providing to the FBI the devices which contain the evidence corroborating what I’ve said, so I will not be taking any questions at this time."


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Based On Candidates’ Records, Not Rhetoric, Trump Is The Obvious Choice

Regardless of age, sex, ethnicity, or political philosophy, the crisis we face demands critical thinking and common-sense in choosing our president.

It’s been repeatedly said that 2016 was the election of the Forgotten Man and Woman, due in part to those large sections of the country who felt their interests were neglected. As a result, a Republican candidate was elected president and a slightly larger Republican majority was established in the Senate with a mandate to address this neglect.

As things have unfolded over the last four years, it’s clear that if this country is to protect the founding principles of liberty and freedom for its people, then this November must become the Common-Sense Election. 

No matter your age, sex, ethnicity, family status, or political philosophy, the crises we are facing demand critical thinking and, above all, common-sense in selecting the presidential candidate. Applying critical thinking means looking beyond the personas of the candidates involved and examining their records of action, not applying superficial decision-making based on communication styles.

In the broadest sense, this is an election battle between two distinctly opposite philosophies.

One philosophy has at its center a love for America founded in the freedom and liberty that the Constitution provides; a vision that wants to see this country continue to mature and grow using that philosophy into the more perfect union it was envisioned to be. It recognizes the sins of the past but moves forward in a way to learn from and not repeat those mistakes in the future.

The other philosophy uses an old mask of moderate liberalism to hide that it has been taken over by an ideology that hates our founding principles. This philosophy has been termed “democratic socialism,” but you may recognize it by a more familiar name: Marxism. 

This is a battle between a philosophy of control by the people that features freedom, liberty, and choice and one of centralized control and conformance by the population governed under it. A philosophy based on law and order, and taking personal responsibility versus anarchy, ineffective government, victimhood, and grievance. The decision we make in November could very well permeate every aspect of our lives for decades.


We’ve learned a lot in the last eight months. Yes, it is deeply regrettable to have lost so many lives in this country and around the world. To varying degrees, all nations were caught off-guard. And, in the future, there will be plenty of time to do an after-action report on what we could have done better, and how to prevent such a calamity in the future.

With a vaccine reportedly on the horizon, how is the United States served with a change in presidential leadership at this stage? Other than a national mask mandate, which many states are already implementing (and could prove unconstitutional if pushed by the federal government), what does challenger Joe Biden have to offer that earns your common-sense vote?

On the Economy and Taxes

In this election, we are being given a choice whether to let the person who built one of the most historic economies ever a chance to rebuild that economy versus retreating into the tax-and-spend and job-offshoring economy America muddled through between 2008 and 2016. 

Biden’s economic plan looks to shut down major energy industries such as fossil fuels, with the promise of “renewable green energy jobs” over many years. Of course, the targets of these “green new deal” shifts in economic emphasis won’t be realized, if at all, until far in the future. Biden’s team also offers little to no discussion on how displaced earners will assimilate to this “green new deal” future, nor details of how this economic shift will occur.

We have millions still out of work desperate in need of a job now. Predictability and stability should be the name of the game for at least the next four years while the economy recovers. To provide that constancy, America needs an experienced economic mind.

Biden has already said he’d revoke the Trump tax cuts on “day one,” unleash $8 trillion in unbudgeted spending promises on COVID-weary nation, adding $7,800 more annual tax debt per household just to start. America simply can’t afford that.

On Race Relations

What happened to George Floyd was tragic and should never have happened. In this election, two diverse positions have arisen in response: one candidate who believes in liberty, equal rights, freedoms of choice for this nation’s citizens, that all lives matter, and is willing to implement reasonable police reforms. 

The other candidate seeks to instill divisiveness by regrounding the founding of this country in hate and uses this hate to attack police forces across the country, seeking to defund these organizations to levels that endanger the citizens they are supposed to protect, with no genuine inquiries into the cause of the problem, nor any logical plan to move forward.

One only needs to look at the situations in Seattle and Chicago to see the future of how the latter vision will unfold, with neighborhoods taken over by gangs or vigilante forces, businesses destroyed, and innocent citizens (including children) being killed.

The Bottom Line

One candidate has a record spanning the last four years that demonstrated historic economic performance; a law and order philosophy that protects citizens and their rights against foreign and domestic enemies, which has strengthened the U.S. military and programs that support its veterans; improved foreign relations and minted historic peace deals involving, Israel, the United Arab Emirates, and Bahrain; sound policy on immigration and border enforcement; and has been addressing inequalities for minority populations with items like business opportunity zones, the Next Step Act, and initiatives such as police reform and education choice, without destroying the successful foundation this country was built on.

The other candidate has no demonstrable, dependable, positive record in any of these areas despite being entrenched in politics for 47 years of his life. Worse, his party seems poised to damage the foundation of this country with Marxist principles.

As you make this common-sense decision, think about those you care for. Can you face your children knowing the limits on their education and future opportunities you may have just voted for? Can you face members of your family who may be out of work or facing critical medical situations? Can you face our family, friends, and neighbors knowing your vote may lead police departments to defund, businesses to flee to avoid being destroyed, a rise in joblessness and crime, and untold damage to America’s major cities and suburbs?

Many supporters of the current president have been asked why they are so loyal. First, he gets results, and those results make our lives demonstrably better quickly. Second, he is making it a priority and pride for Americans to maintain and exercise the freedoms that the Constitution was written to provide and protect.

You don’t like Trump’s tweets? Try paying your bills under a Biden presidency with speeches about the “soul of the nation” or “bringing back normalcy.” To me, the common-sense decision is an easy one.

“Look folks, here’s the deal:” Trump won

The President gave Biden just 
enough rope to hang himself.

If anyone’s Debate Drinking Game card included the phrase “Look folks,” I imagine you’re feeling a mite hung over this morning.

I think Joe said “Look folks” more often than his trademark phrases “here’s the deal” and “c’mon man.”

In my post about the first debate, I said Trump is a learning debater. He uses his time in the first match-up to figure out how best to target his opponent. And from last night’s debate, it’s clear Trump learned exactly what he needed to do in order to clean Joe Biden’s clock.

And no amount of down-home “look folks” homilies about sitting at your kitchen table could pull old Joe’s ass out of the fire.

Trump’s answers were grounded in reality. He spoke about facts on the ground. And after nearly four years in office, President Trump is able to point to real-life results – whether on unemployment, economic growth, foreign policy, energy independence, and, yes, even the COVID pandemic.

While Trump described results, Biden gave us more pie-in-sky promises cloaked in faux concern.

Maybe someone should tell Joe that repeatedly saying “Look folks” doesn’t make you relatable. And talking about people around the kitchen table doesn’t make your tax-raising, job-killing, health insurance-destroying policy promises successful “kitchen table issues.”

But because President Trump used the first debate to suss his opponent, he knew precisely how to peel back Joe’s façade of folksy homilies and faux concern.  As the debate wore on, Trump exposed the real Joe Biden – the angry, combative typical politician who talks a good game, makes untenable promises, but after 47 years in office has nothing to show for it by way of results.

I told my Dad yesterday that instead of bringing a howitzer, Trump needed to bring a scalpel. And, boy did he. His careful evisceration of Joe’s life-long political career and the little he has to show for it got Joe so flustered, he repeatedly stepped on massive land mines.

For example when President Trump called him out on Joe and Kamala’s repeatedly assertions that they were going to end fossil fuel and fracking.

Joe lied so emphatically, he handed the Trump campaign a beautiful gift — which President Trump wasted no time unwrapping.

Joe made it even worse for himself when, after being pushed by Trump, he admitted that he would end the oil industry.

Look folks. Joe is going to destroy America’s energy independence over the magical belief that windmills, solar panels and charging stations will save us.

All those millions of great jobs created over the last four years due to our energy boom will evaporate.

Which means under a “President” Biden, you folks who used to work in the energy sector will be sitting around your kitchen table staring at your unpaid bills, your skyrocketing energy costs and the rising cost of groceries wondering if you’ll be able to afford to pay your mortgage or keep your kid in community college. And you’ll be cursing the day Joe Biden got elected President.

Look folks JK tweet

President Trump’s responses to the COVID questions were probably the best I’ve ever heard from him. He was calm, measured, and knew his facts. He showed genuine passion for getting the country back to work and school while learning to live with this virus.

By contrast, Joe demagogued and delivered the most dark, dystopian message of fear.

Yeah, that was it in a nutshell.

I’ve mentioned this before, but remember after he left Walter Reed, President Trump said “Don’t be afraid of Covid. Don’t let it dominate your life,” and the media went into apoplectic rage?

The Democrats are banking on you being too terrified to live your life. They want you afraid – too afraid to go back to work or send your kids back to school. Joe’s COVID responses last night were dripping with this kind of dark fearmongering.

After all that fearmongering, Joe’s later claim that he would offer hope not fear was all the more laughable.

And, of course as we all predicted, Trump was able to drop LaptopGate – that five hundred pound gorilla – right smack onto the stage.

And Biden’s answers were all over the map.

He tried deflection – look folks, this isn’t about his family, it’s about your families.

He tried flat-out denial – claiming his son did not make money in China. Which the Washington Free Beacon quickly fact-checked and debunked.

He also tried the “Well oh yeah?!” tactic – claiming it is Trump that makes money from Russia, Ukraine and China.

And, of course, he went with the Russian Disinformation canard.

And Trump’s response was great.

Clearly LaptopGate is a sensitive subject for old Joe, and even after a four-day “lid,”he still has no idea how to deal with this damaging scandal.

I also thought President Trump’s responses regarding race were outstanding. Not only did he outline everything his administration has done to improve the lives of black Americans, we also got to see a genuine, heartfelt response to the endless vicious accusations that he is a racist.

Joe’s decision to follow that up by calling President Trump the most racist president in modern history didn’t make Trump look bad; it made Biden look like the race-baiting bastard he’s always been.

This Trump is a racist canard is the stuff of fiction. It’s like I say, there’s the real Donald Trump, and then there’s the media-created, fictional Monster Trump. And, just like he did in the first debate, Biden wasn’t debating the real Trump, but the fictional, frothing-at-the-mouth racist Monster Trump.

The real Donald Trump isn’t the guy Biden wants you to think he is.

And at this point, outside of the Trump-deranged ResistanceLOL, I’m not sure the fictional Monster racist Trump is working anymore.

The closing question – pretend it’s Inauguration day, what is your message to those who didn’t vote for you – was also revealing.

Trump outlined the things he already accomplished in his first term that strengthened the country and our economy. And Joe prattled on, regurgitating his campaign promises and asserting that he’s going to end “systemic racism” – whatever the hell that means.

In the end, Trump acquitted himself well. And by remaining calm and measured while eviscerating his opponent with scalpel-like precision, the President gave Biden just enough rope to hang himself.

As the night progressed, Biden grew angry, impatient and repeatedly burped out the most outlandish lies – like claiming nobody lost their insurance because of Obamacare.

For all the claims by the media over the years that Trump is a big, fat liar, last night it was Joe who just kept delivering one over-the-top lie after the other. And it was beautiful how President Trump was able to lead him down the primrose path directly into each and every lie.

Will this debate change any minds? I doubt it.

Though it might sway some undecided voters (if there are any remaining).

But what it will absolutely do is bolster Trump’s already outmatched voter enthusiasm.

At the end of the day, President Trump succeeded in making the case for himself.

But with his promises of “Bidencare,” Amnesty for “eleven million undocumented,” his magical Climate Change job-killing agenda, and his four-plus decades of inaction, Biden only succeeded in reminding voters why Donald Trump won in the first place.

And no amount of “look folks” homilies and Joe’s claims of “character” and “integrity” are going to change that.

Hero: Man Stranded On Desert Island Still Obediently Wearing His Mask

CARIBBEAN—The U.S. Coast Guard announced today that they discovered a man who has been stranded on a deserted island in the Caribbean Ocean for over 5 months after his boat sunk in a storm. A spokesman for the USCG reported that this heroic man has been responsibly wearing his mask the entire time on the island, even though he is the only living soul in a thousand-mile radius. 

"This man is a true hero," said Governor Gavin Newsom of California. "He is a shining example of an obedient citizen who dutifully wears his mask even when it makes absolutely zero sense for any sane person to do so. California citizens ought to look to this survivor and emulate him in every way." 

Celebrities took to Twitter to respond to the news and congratulate the stranded man on his unwavering commitment to obeying every single thing politicians and experts told him to do. "Thank you," said superstar Mark Ruffalo, "for showing us all how it's done!" 

Authorities were planning on rescuing the survivor but later decided his story is just too inspiring and that he will serve a greater purpose if they just leave him there to continue wearing his mask.

"He has enough coconuts to last him a couple of years, he'll be fine," said the USCG spokesman. "Besides, wait till you see how he re-applies his mask between bites!" 

Equality and Envy

Article by Itxu Diaz in The National Review

Equality and Envy 

"One of the most striking aspects of equality policies is that they are not born out of demand from citizens, but out of commitment by the elites."

 We are not the same. Neither men, nor women, nor races, nor ages, nor nationalities, nor in wealth, nor in training, nor in beauty. We are not equal in any way. And that is a reason to be proud and happy, because at the end of the day we are human and not the product of some factory. Let us once and for all praise difference, bless the inequality that makes some people prefer beer and others water (because otherwise there would be a shortage of beer, and that would cruelly condemn us bohemians to discovering what water tastes like). Allow me to be even clearer: Since the French Revolution, everything that we have called “policies of equality” is nothing but the bureaucratization of envy.

“Why do we need more Women In Politics?” a U.N. Women tweet asked recently. “There are only 14 countries with 50% or more women in cabinet.” If we weren’t living under the strain of egalitarianism, of political correctness, and under the suffocating pressure of a totalitarian roller, anyone reading the tweet would be tempted to take a breath and simply say, “So what? Yes: so what?” I realize that these two words can trigger a world war in the climate of 2020, where dissent pits itself against global progressive abduction.

One of the most striking aspects of equality policies is that they are not born out of demand from citizens, but out of commitment by the elites. In the street there is no demand for women rulers, but for good rulers. We have thousands of examples of bad rulers of both genders. Cristina Kirchner and Pedro Sánchez are of different sexes, and yet they are equally stupid and sectarian. It is hard to understand why the United Nations, all the European governments, the media, and millions of educational institutions and multinational brands promoting the feminist fever of equality are making girls believe from school onwards that they live subjected to men, who are portrayed as potential rapists. Possibly, the reason for this generalized madness (in Europe, it is supported with as much enthusiasm from the center-right as from the left) is what Helmut Schoeck detected in his analysis of society and envy: It is resentment. There is nothing older.

A few million years ago, man was already deeply envious of his neighbors. Ovid observed it: “In other people’s fields, the harvest is always more abundant.” In ancient times, when other settlements had more food or better health, envious outsiders did not blame it on their greater ability to hunt, but on witchcraft. Magic, not merit, explained the inequality amongst primitive man. Many centuries later, socialism did nothing more than provide exotic words to those old superstitions that envy provokes. Later on, it was to tackle the greatest of injustices: to equalize by force, to equalize downwards. And don’t think that all this happened in the age of dinosaurs: Look at Joe Biden’s economic program, with its promise to put that immense monster that is the state to steal dollars from the middle classes to arbitrarily subsidize minorities. (On second thought, it’s possible that when the dinosaurs were around, Joe Biden was already promoting the program.)

Perhaps the thesis is best explained by Schoeck. “While, for more than a century, socialists have considered themselves to have been stolen from and swindled by businessmen, and since 1950 politicians in underdeveloped countries have thought the same way about industrialized countries,” he writes, “by virtue of an abstruse theory of the economic process, primitive man considers that his neighbor steals from him because with the help of magic, that neighbor has been able to bewitch a part of the harvest of his fields.” But there is no magic: As much as the Castro regime has for decades blamed the United States for its economic situations, the truth is that its poverty is much the same as that which has befallen all Communist dictatorships.

I’ll let you in on a secret. In Spain, we have been suffering from a Social Communist government for nine months, and, for the first time since the post-war period, experts are warning that forgotten famines could soon return to our streets. Here, the “magic” element they accuse is the coronavirus. But there is no magic: It is always Communism, the atrocious egalitarianism, and the corruption of its leaders after setting themselves up as priests of a new secular religion.

 If we look at the problem of inequality from afar, we discover that both the world and life are an inexhaustible source of envy. Beauty is uneven. Goodness is uneven. Money is uneven. And skin color is uneven. Age is unequal. Sex is unequal. Wealth is unequal. Stupidity is unequal. In fact, the great conquest of our civilization is to guarantee equal opportunity, which is the only equality that does not corrupt but rather enhances. Everything is unequal, and it stands to reason in a world where no two dawns are identical, no two fingerprints are identical.

“Primitive egalitarianism, which seeks to level people through the law rather than make them equal in the face of the law, has always been the most destructive of ideologies,” Axel Kaiser wrote. The left has imposed the egalitarian discourse through a feminist alibi. But along the way, they have been forced to deny the nature of man and woman. It has not been difficult for them. They began by denying the differences between men and women, and now they proclaim changing genders according to which way the wind blows on any given day, without realizing that, just the same, one could get up and, blinded by the aroma of coffee, feel like a coffee percolator, and following their reasoning, no one could deny them their new identity, being obliged to respect their condition and call them “coffee percolator” and ask them to pour coffee from their spout. Do not laugh. If you look on the Internet, you will see that there are a lot of people who feel like a dog or a cat and who demand their right to live as dogs or cats.

The world is a cruel place. Perhaps that is why even the most radical feminists cannot escape their feminine particularity, in the same way that hormones do not work miracles on those who venture to change sex. As the child neuropsychiatrist Mariolina Ceriotti Migliarese recalls, in words that some already consider controversial, “We are born with the male or female condition; from our body come all our sensations and that configures the way of understanding everything.” “The distinction between the male and female bodies also speaks to us about the diversity in the way we perceive the world,” she adds, “men, through strong and fast emotions, and women in a diffuse way at the beginning, but much deeper at the end.” We are, in short, much more than a simple condition. But that condition is not for sale.

Envy and resentment play an essential role in the whole egalitarian universe. One tries to create in women hatred of men; in blacks, hatred of whites; in poor people, hatred of the rich. I don’t know if it’s more amazing that the Left has continued since the 18th century to claim the same ideological failures, or that people born in the 21st century — in a world of equal opportunity — fall into the trap of hate, resentment, and envy. We see millions of young people pass by every day believing that the world owes them something, and we hardly find men who believe they are indebted to the rest of society. That is the first consequence of the spread of the leveling fever.

Envy no doubt has its uses too, at least in keeping the mediocre busy. But it is always an unsatisfied aspiration. “Man’s envy is more intense when all are almost equal; his demands for redistribution are louder when there is practically nothing to redistribute,” Schoeck points out. If you fall into that dynamic, you will always want to have a bigger car. It’s a legitimate aspiration . . . as long as you can afford it and don’t demand that the rest of us pay for it.

Christianity has a lot to say about envy. Everything went to hell because of a mixture of envy and vanity in Eden. I won’t dwell on that, but it is worth remembering that in the Christian West, the most effective element against the inequality contained in poverty is charity. The Left has also tried to ruin it by turning it into solidarity, which is the corny way of referring to charity, to generosity, to help amongst brothers, between children of God who know that what they have, more than by their merits, is the fruit of grace. This has been taught by Christianity since the first century, and it is convenient to remember it before the sociological Left continues to attribute to itself the invention of solidarity.

As for classical liberalism, it points to the market as the natural leveler — although I would add Christianity as the most effective weapon against injustice, against inequality. In the end, it is God who gave man a special dignity and made us equal for all eternity by making us His children. And even so, one must agree with Kaiser when he states that “the market is a better system for distributing resources than authoritarian and planned distribution,” because in the end, “it is preferable to solve some problems with liberalism than not to solve any problems with socialism.”

 Translated by Joel Dalmau

 Itxu Díaz is a Spanish journalist, political satirist, and author 

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