Saturday, October 17, 2020

Stepping Back from the Brink


Article by William Lind in The American Conservative

Stepping Back from the Brink


As the elections fall upon us, most people are focused on who wins, Republicans or Democrats. That is an important question, since a Democratic victory would bring a serious assault on freedom of thought and expression. What you see on campuses is what the cultural Marxists want to force on society as a whole. “Cancel” is the new synonym for “liquidate.”

There is nonetheless a more portentous question facing our country: do politics stay within the banks of the political system or do they overflow those banks and inundate daily life? The answer to that question may lead to another: do we remain the United States or will the astonishing disintegration of the Soviet Union be followed by the even more astonishing disintegration of our own country?

Why are we faced with these questions? Because all around the world the state is in decline. The decline is steeper in some places than in others, but it is occurring almost everywhere. Why? Because many of the elites that run states have disconnected themselves from the rest of the country. Their culture and values are hostile to the beliefs of their non-elite countrymen. They suck money and power out of the rest of the country and use them solely for their own benefit. And they care about only one thing: remaining the elite. These behaviors generate a growing crisis of legitimacy for the state the elite controls. People come to see the state as a racket.

When people give up on the state, politics flow out of the system and into the streets. We have seen that this summer, coming from the Left. Even with Mr. Trump as President, the state’s response has been supine. Monuments to people’s ancestors and heroes are torn down. Everything “politically incorrect” is renamed. The Right watches angrily as business and political “leaders” grovel in the dirt before cultural Marxism. Their legitimacy becomes as thin as their courage.

At what point does the Right give up on the state? That is likely to depend on what happens to the economy. Will it recover quickly in a V-shaped or “swoosh” fashion or will we find ourselves in a second Great Depression? The elite is doing its best to create the latter by keeping people so terrified of the coronavirus that even though businesses re-open, no customers come. The elite’s goal is to defeat President Trump, and they calculate their usual grasp on the levers of power and money will save them amidst a general economic collapse. That may be optimistic. 

If the Left continues to move politics into the streets, the Right will at some point do the same. That will come sooner if much of the Right is unemployed. A second term for President Trump will to some extent act as a safety valve for the Right. But it will also push the alt-left to become more violent. With the police in major cities neutered by the politicians, the Right will counter, if only to defend itself and its symbols. At that point, ol’ man river overflows his banks and everyone is caught up in the flood.

The flood may take the shape of Fourth Generation war, war fought by people who are not soldiers and whose primary loyalty is to something other than the state. Race would be one such loyalty, religion another, region or local state (e.g., Ohio or Alabama) a third. Ideology would motivate many, and lots of young men would fight for lack of anything better to do. Places such as Libya and Syria would be re-created on American soil.

It is bizarre that we even have to think about this scenario. But the Left’s violence and the state’s weak response to it means such a disaster is conceivable. The state arose to establish and maintain order, safety of persons and property. A state that fails to do so will fall. If its people are fortunate, a new state that can do the job will arise quickly, although it may be an authoritarian state.

As the Chinese say, with millennia of bitter experience, better 100 years of tyranny than one day of anarchy. No conservative can want disorder, much less state failure. The Left, if it has any remaining grasp on reality, should know it will lose a war with the Right and lose it quickly. Its strength is in cities, and cities cannot feed themselves. As Mao said, take the countryside and the cities will fall.

It is not too late for Left and Right to accept the need to live with each other and work out ways to do so. A renewed federalism is the most promising, with some states politically and culturally left, others right. Anyone who did not like it where he was could move. 

In the meantime, let me offer a morsel of advice to the Left: it is time to stop baby from playing with matches and dynamite.

Author's note: This article appears in the Sept./Oct. 2020 issue of The American Conservative

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EXCLUSIVE: Giuliani Says It’s Reasonable To Worry About Biden’s Allies Potentially Killing People

From Daily Caller Productions


EXCLUSIVE: Giuliani Says It’s Reasonable To Worry About Biden’s Allies Potentially Killing People 

New York City — Rudy Giuliani says the computer repair shop owner who provided him with a copy of Hunter Biden’s alleged hard drive made four copies and distributed two to friends “in case he was killed.”

Giuliani, President Donald Trump’s personal attorney, made the comments during an exclusive interview with the Daily Caller’s senior White House correspondent Christian Datoc while describing the timeline of how the copy of Biden’s alleged hard drive came into his possession.

“They gave it to the FBI, the FBI took it,” the former New York City mayor stated. “He told the FBI agent he was afraid of the consequences.” 

Giuliani further explained that the shop owner made copies of the drive, and though he gave the original to the FBI, “he held on to four copies of it.”

 “He gave two to friends of his in case he was killed,” Giuliani continued. “Don’t laugh. The presidency is at stake and we have some very dangerous people involved. I’ve been in law enforcement long enough to know you don’t laugh at that. The reality is, he kept four copies and gave two to friends in case he was killed.” 

  • Though he claimed the information he said he will release in the coming weeks will effectively end Biden’s election chances within 10 days of election day, he would not commit to ever releasing the hard drive in its entirety to be inspected by the media.
  • Giuliani says the hard drive originally came into his possession after the Mac Shop owner created four copies to distribute to his friends because he feared for his life. He passed along the original, physical hard drive to the FBI, and finally handed over the copy in Giuliani’s possession to Robert Costello, Giuliani’s attorney, months later. He claims the shop owner attempted to give it to other Republican operatives but no one would take it.
  • Giuliani claims the hard drive corroborates a tip he received from a confidential informant about a secret meeting between Hunter Biden and former Deputy Secretary of State Tony Blinken at the State Department that violates the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA). In total, he claims the hard drive includes “six or seven” FARA violations.
  • Giuliani claimed that text messages sent by Hunter Biden indicate a “kickback” program where he sent “half of his salary” back to Joe Biden, “which is a Chinese method of corruption.” He did not answer questions about whether there were bank documents or other evidence supporting that claim contained on the hard drive. 

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ABC silent after Biden town hall attendees identified as ex-Obama speechwriter, wife of prominent Democrat

Moderator George Stephanopoulos accused of gentle treatment of former vice president

ABC is keeping silent amid growing criticism of its town hall with Joe Biden after two of the attendees who asked the Democratic nominee questions were identified as an Obama speechwriter and the wife of a prominent Pennsylvania Democrat. 

One of the questioners was Nathan Osburn, who worked for the Office of Public Affairs at the Commerce Department under the Obama-Biden administration and at the Small Business Administration. 

Osburn's profession was listed as "communications" on a graphic and his home city was listed as Philadelphia. 

Another questioner was Mieke Haeck, who ABC identified as a physical therapist from State College, Pa.

Haeck is also the wife of Ezra Nanes, who in 2018 ran for Pennsylvania state Senate Majority Leader. Nanes is currently an at-large member of the Centre County Democratic Committee.

Nanes praised his wife's appearance at the town hall on Twitter. "Our children and I are so proud of our @MiekeHaeck for her courage in asking this question of @JoeBiden and so grateful to our next President for his caring and decisive answer in support of transgender and all LGBTQ people," Nanes wrote.

When reached for comment, ABC News directed Fox News to statements by town hall moderator George Stephanopoulos at the beginning of the event.  

"Some are voting for [Biden], some have said they're voting for President Trump, some are still undecided, and we're going to try to take questions from as many as we can tonight," Stephanopoulos told viewers.  

ABC News declined additional comment. 

Fox News reached out to the Biden campaign, Osburn and Haeck for comment and did not immediately receive a response. 

Stephanopoulos, who was previously a communications director for the Bill Clinton White House, was also criticized for failing to ask Joe Biden about the explosive New York Post report about Hunter Biden, his overseas business dealings and their potential connection to his father, then-Vice President Biden.

This isn't the first time ABC landed in hot water over one of its town hall events. Last month, The Washington Free Beacon reported that at least two of the so-called "uncommitted voters" who participated in its town hall with President Trump had engaged in liberal political activism or criticized the president on social media.

One of them, Kutztown University professor Ellesia Blaque -- who grilled President Trump on the subject of health care -- expressed her intention to volunteer for Kamala Harris' presidential campaign in a January 2019 tweet. In other tweets, Blaque trashed the president as "pathetic," "a f---ing moron," a "pig," and a "swine." Meanwhile, she identifies as a "liberal Democrat" on her Facebook page.

The other was Philadelphia pastor Carl Day, who was also labeled an "uncommitted" voter by ABC News, but tweeted just last month that he had "never once supported trump and won't now. What I will do is call them out of their foolery."

In another tweet, Day referred to the Trump slogan "Make America Great Again" as a time when "the n-----s did what they were told in all industries, wouldn't have the audacity to try to enter a white [sic] establishment and didn't talk back to the cops." Day also suggested that Trump is a "villain."

During the town hall, Day pressed Trump on his MAGA catchphrase, asking him when has America "been great for African-Americans in the ghetto of America" and whether he was aware of "how tone-deaf that comes off to African-American communities."

China Demands French Museum Erase History of Mongols, Genghis Khan from Exhibit


A French museum has postponed an exhibition on the 13th-century Mongol emperor Ghengis Khan, after accusing China of “censorship” and of trying to rewrite history.

The Chateau des Ducs de Bretagne history museum in Nantes was planning the exhibition in partnership with the Inner Mongolia Museum in Hohhot, China, when conflicts arose over certain historical facts that the Chinese Bureau of Cultural Heritage demanded be altered.

The Communist country’s culture department demanded complete control of all the texts and catalogue of the exhibition, including maps, legends, and brochures, which had to be sent to China for approval, according to Le Parisien.

Even after the contract was signed to agree to the loaning of the pieces to the museum, China demanded that words like “Genghis Khan”, “empire”, and “Mongol” be removed from the title, insisting it instead be called: “Chinese Steppe Culture of the World.”

China did not just want the removal of words, but a complete rewrite of history, with Nantes museum noting the new text sent from the communist state contained “elements of biased rewriting of Mongol culture in favour of a new national narrative”.



“The word Mongol only appeared on the twelfth page, Genghis Khan had completely disappeared, and the point of view was centred on the Han dynasty,” said museum director Bertrand Guillet.

Branding it “censorship”, the museum postponed the event until 2024, saying China’s actions reflected the recent “hardening… of the position of the Chinese government against the Mongol minority”.

The plight of Inner Mongolians is probably less well known in the West than that of other minority groups being subjected to oppression by the CCP, such as the Falun Gong, Muslim Uyghurs of Xinjiang, Tibetans, and Hong Kongers. But the museum incident is the latest example of what human rights groups have called “cultural genocide” against the people.

After the Second World War, China annexed southern Mongolia, turning it into the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region. Over the past 70 years, the Communist Chinese Party has eroded Inner Mongolians’ rights and encouraged ethnic Han Chinese to move to the region, resulting in Mongolians now being outnumbered by nearly six to one in their own land.

The Diplomat reported in September how the culture war against ethnic Mongolians came to a head when Beijing order that the Mongolian language be sidelined in many school subjects in favour of Mandarin. The move sparked protests by parents across the region, with authorities issuing thousands of arrest warrants against protest organisers. 



5 Things Donald Trump Should Say Once He Gets Back On The Debate Stage

Herewith are five responses to likely questions — not 'answers,' but responses, because it’s what the president should say whatever the question may be.

President Trump has one more debate, scheduled for Oct. 22. He needs to learn how to talk in short sentences. Even Vice President Mike Pence should have had more coaching. He wasted a lot of time, saying things like, “Errrrr [shake head like Reagan], thank you, Susan [pause].” Four seconds wasted — about 13 words, e.g.: “Joe Biden and his son, Hunter, are in the pockets of the Chinese financial interests.”

Herewith are five responses to likely questions — not “answers,” but responses — because it’s what the president should say whatever the question may be. They’re about 300 words each, which a practiced speaker can easily deliver in two minutes. 

They cover some of the topics voters are said to be most interested in. Two are about the Chinese Flu, because that is, unfortunately, the number one issue of the day. It is, obviously, not the most important issue, but it’s the issue the left-wing media are harping on because they think it’s their best chance of unseating Trump.

The president is trailing badly in the polls. 

He needs to up his game. Here’s how.


I want to talk to you about the Chinese Flu. First, I call it the Chinese Flu because it came from China. Joe Biden doesn’t like to blame the Chinese because his son, Hunter, has extensive financial dealings with China, which he developed when he flew to China on Air Force Two while Joe was vice president.

Second, the media are fixated on the number of reported cases. But why? Why are we so concerned about how many people get sick? The news media don’t normally publish the number of flu cases every year. In the 2017–18 flu season, an estimated 80,000 Americans died of the flu. 

But did you read or hear a single news story about that number? Probably not. People get sick all the time, but we don’t panic. And we shouldn’t panic now either.

Democrats want you to panic, because then they can take control of your life: they can shut your business, your school, even your church or synagogue. And they have.

But remember: what matters is not how many people get sick. What matters is how many people die from the Chinese Flu, and who they are.

For people age 65 and under, the survival rate is about 99.94 percent—that is, roughly speaking, everyone. So we should stop panicking and stop counting every flu case. When you count cases every day, people worry every day—even when there’s no need to worry. 

Old people should worry. They should be very careful. This disease is dangerous for them. But it’s not very dangerous for the rest of us.

We need to stop counting cases, stop being afraid, and stop listening to fear-mongers in the media. We need to go back to work and back to school. And back to the business of being Americans.

2. On Race and Crime

I want to talk about race and crime. Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are basically anti-American. “Anti-American” is not just a debating term: it means Biden and Harris fundamentally don’t like the American people. Biden said recently, “[Racism is] not just in law enforcement, it’s across the board. It’s in housing, it’s in education, and it’s in everything we do.”

Biden is not complaining about a few nasty people, or even about some sicko Nazi-type white supremacists. He is saying most Americans are awful people. He said the problem is much broader than “systemic racism in law enforcement.” Biden said, “It’s in everything we do.” He’s talking about you

Harris said recently that “the reality is that the life of a black person in America has never been treated as fully human.” Really? That’s rubbish, and you know it’s rubbish—and it’s rich, coming from a woman who has no objection to late-term abortions (which are disproportionately black babies).

These racist comments come from a man who served with the first elected (and reelected!) black U.S. president; and from a black woman, who has climbed the ladder of success and become a U.S. senator. What a country!

But Biden and Harris don’t like this country. They don’t like America. They don’t like Americans. And they don’t like you. They think you are deplorable, just as Hillary Clinton thought you were deplorable.

And they don’t care at all about black Americans who are killed regularly on the streets of Chicago, St. Louis, Baltimore, and the other big cities run by Democrats for decades. Hundred of black people have been killed this year alone in those cities. Have you heard Biden say, even once, that those black lives mattered? No, he’s too busy calling you a racist.

Joe Biden doesn’t like you, and his policies will reflect that dislike.

3. On Health Care

Health care is important to all Americans, and we know from experience that we can’t trust what Joe Biden says about health care. When he was vice president, he and his boss told us that if we liked our health-care program, we could keep it. Remember that? Well, it was a lie, a deliberate lie, and one of their people, one of the architects of their program, admitted they lied. You can look it up.

Under Biden’s new plan, the government will run all health care. Your private plan will vanish. We will have socialized medicine. As you may know, people from places like England and Canada come to America for health care. Why? Because they are afraid they will die waiting for treatment in their own country’s socialized medical systems. And they know they will get better care here.

I have said repeatedly that my administration will protect people with preexisting conditions, but Biden continues to lie about that — because he doesn’t want you to notice that his program is socialized medicine.

My administration has expanded the use of Health Reimbursement Arrangements. With HRAs, employers can subsidize workers’ individual-market premiums and out-of-pocket costs instead of providing a health plan directly. That’s important because it gives workers the freedom to choose the coverage they want, and to keep that coverage when they change jobs. That puts the American people in control of their health care instead of the government.

My administration has also made short-term limited-duration insurance plans a practical option. Short-term plans fill gaps in coverage when, for example, people switch jobs. And because they’re not subject to the premium-inflating rules of Obamacare, they tend to be much more affordable. Joe Biden doesn’t like HRAs — because they’re not a government program.

4. Revisiting the Chinese Flu

I want to make a few more comments about the Chinese Flu.

First: It’s front-page news now, but in only a few months, it will be behind us, and we’ll move on to other, more important issues like what kind of an economy we want; how we’re going to handle China; how we keep peace in the streets. Make sure you understand the difference between Joe Biden and me on those important issues. He, his running mate, and his entire party are essentially big-government, left-wing democrat socialists, who have been condoning violence in our streets. I am a traditional American who believes in free enterprise and law and order.

Second: Biden talks about “following the science” on the Chinese Flu. But Joe obviously doesn’t understand science. Science doesn’t wear a white coat or talk into a microphone. Only scientists do those things. And scientists differ. Joe Biden thinks there’s only one correct way to handle the Chinese Flu — his way. That’s nonsense.

Third: Biden claims my administration did not handle the Chinese Flu correctly. No doubt we made mistakes — this was a novel situation. But one thing we did do right, and right in the beginning, is we stopped people coming into this country from China. But when we did that, Joe Biden called it “xenophobic.” He would have allowed sick Chinese to continue to pour into the United States and infect Americans.

Fourth, and this is most important: we need to be brave and stop being afraid of the Chinese Flu. We need to show some true American grit. We will survive this. We should all go back to work and back to school. Old people should be very careful. But the rest of us need to go back to Making America Great Again.

5. On the Stakes in This Election

This is the most important presidential election we’ve had in decades. As you know, Joe Biden has refused to say if he will pack the Supreme Court. He says if he answers it — c’mon, man — that will be all people talk about. He’s right. And I’ll tell you why.

Biden and the Democrat Party plan to turn this country into a single-party state. They will do that by eliminating the Senate filibuster, packing the Supreme Court, and voting the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico into the Union. That will increase the number of Democrat electors in the Electoral College, and Republicans will not win a presidential election for—who knows?—the next 50 years.

We will then have a single-party state — like Venezuela, Cuba, and Russia.

A packed Supreme Court will have the votes to take away both your First and Second Amendment rights. One of the first things the thugs in single-party Venezuela did when they took power was to confiscate the people’s guns. It will happen here too, with the approval of a packed Supreme Court.

That is why, whether you are a Republican, a Democrat, or an Independent, you should vote Republican this time. Because if you don’t, it may not make any difference how you vote next time.

Of course, there are other issues in this election — there always are. What should the minimum wage be? What kind of health insurance should we have? What should our policy be toward China? People disagree on those topics — and they always will.

Some people may not like me — but remember: even if I win, I’ll be gone in four years. But if Biden wins, his party, the radical Kamala Harris social democrats, will be in power for the rest of your life.

So, vote Republican this time, so you’ll have a choice next time.

Thank you for listening. Good night. And may God bless America.

Defending Iraq Needs To Be Iraq’s Job, Not The United States’s

Pentagon spokeswoman Cmdr. Jessica L. McNulty announced last week that the United States “continues to reduce our troop presence in Iraq from about 5,200 to 3,000.” In what should be a red flag to every American, she added that the United States remains committed “to ensuring the enduring defeat of ISIS and supporting Iraq’s long-term security, stability, and prosperity.” That is the job of the Iraqi military, however, and not a mission for the American Armed Forces.

While the reduction is helpful, the most appropriate action would be to immediately withdraw all the troops. Many in Washington continue to believe it is the responsibility of the United States to ensure the viability — if not the outright success — of the Iraqi government. 

One fellow at the Institute for the Study of War reportedly claimed the reduction of U.S. troops was a mistake. By not working with the Iraqi government, the fellow argued, the Trump administration had let the political situation seriously decline, which aided the Islamic State.

It is important to note, however, that the American government doesn’t allow, direct, compel, or otherwise dictate what Iraq does with its internal politics. What Washington can and should do is enact policies that benefit the security and economic potential of our country. If the Iraqi government doesn’t do a good job protecting its people or providing for its prosperity, that’s on Baghdad. It should be painfully self-evident by now that we have neither the capacity nor the ability to keep any foreign government afloat at an acceptable cost.

Many pundits over the years have claimed Obama’s withdrawal from Iraq in 2011 “led to the rise of ISIS.” As I have previously explained in detail, the emergence of the Islamic State had nothing to do with America’s withdrawal and everything to do with the foolish policies enacted by former Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki and the fatal practice of inserting unqualified men as senior generals who literally abandoned their men at the first sight of ISIS fighters in 2014.

Many claim we can’t withdraw from Iraq or Syria because if we do, ISIS will reconstitute. That is far from a given outcome, as the Syrian Democratic Forces, Russian, Syrian, and Iranian forces continue to hunt down ISIS in Syria, and Baghdad’s military will fight them in Iraq. American withdrawal in no way gives ISIS a free hand. It does, however, put the primary burden for eradicating them where it fully belongs: on the shoulders of those most at risk of ISIS, namely the Iraqi and Syrian governments.

More to the point, however, is that American security is not dependent at all on having troops deployed on any given battlefield abroad. The recent case of the “Beatles,” a group of ISIS fighters who spoke with British accents and brutally murdered innocents, provides a good example of how we can identify, target, and capture or kill any direct threat to America.

Local allies, Kurdish-led forces, captured the Beatles in early 2018 and eventually transferred them to U.S. custody. Their looming U.S. trial is a result of considerable diplomacy with the U.K. We did not need to have U.S. troops deployed in Syria to bring such barbaric men to justice. The mission to strike ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi is even more illustrative.

After years of trying to kill or capture the ruthless terrorist leader of ISIS, U.S. special forces finally killed him in October 2019. According to an analysis by the Associated Press, the mission “was the culmination of years of steady intelligence-gathering work — and 48 hours of hurry-up planning once Washington got word that al-Baghdadi would be at a compound in northwestern Syria.”

The Obama administration did virtually the same thing when it took out Osama Bin Laden in 2011. The same ability to use our powerful intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance tools, combined with an unrivaled ability to strike anywhere in the world, will continue to keep us safe — without any troops on the ground in Iraq.

Ignoring what has successfully kept us safe and instead insisting on costly military deployments will only perpetuate our failures. Rather than squander U.S. power by attempting to reform the politics of broken nations, the U.S. military should focus on targeted counterterrorism missions and raids that eliminate anti-U.S. threats.

Katie Hill launching 'Naked Politics' podcast year after nude photo scandal


Article by Brie Stimson in Fox News

Katie Hill launching 'Naked Politics' podcast year after nude photo scandal

A year after resigning from Congress amid a nude photo scandal, former U.S. Rep. Katie Hill is launching a podcast called “Naked Politics.”

“This podcast is where we can get dirty,” the California Democrat said in a statement, according to The Hill. “It’s where we can expose the naked truth behind what goes on. The backroom deals, the monied interests, the inability to break from the party. This podcast is here to expose what’s wrong in politics today, undressing the issues, and how we can fix them.”

Hill -- who represented the state's 25th Congressional District, north of Los Angeles -- resigned last October after naked pictures of her and a female campaign staffer were leaked to the media, and days after an ethics investigation began in the House over whether she had an inappropriate relationship with a staffer in her office.

She acknowledged she had a romantic relationship with the campaign staffer before she took office, but denied a relationship as a congresswoman. She also pushed back against allegations that she was involved in a “throuple” relationship with the staffer and her then-husband.

When she announced her resignation, she accused her husband of “revenge porn” over the photos being released to the media.

“This is what needs to happen so that the good people who supported me will no longer be subjected to the pain inflicted by my abusive husband and the brutality of hateful political operatives who seem to happily provide a platform to a monster who is driving a smear campaign built around cyber exploitation,” Hill said last year when announcing her resignation.

Since she left Congress, Hill has also written a memoir, “She Will Rise,” and is set to be the subject of a Blumhouse TV production starring "The Handmaid's Tale" star Elisabeth Moss.

Hill’s podcast premieres Tuesday with her guest being former Tallahassee mayor and Florida gubernatorial candidate Andrew Gillum, who recently came out as bisexual months after he was found drunk at a hotel with two other men, The Hill reported. Hill is also openly bisexual. 

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Flu Vaccine Fail: CDC Stats Say Effectiveness as Low as 10%!

Why Are They Pushing This Garbage?

If you’re thinking about getting a flu shot this year, you might want to do some rethinking

If it’s too late and you’ve already got one or have been doing so regularly for years, you might want to take a deep breath.

The information you’re about to receive may cause outrage.

Most people who get a flu vaccine probably assume that it’s going to… you know… prevent them from getting the flu. I mean, why would you go through the trouble and incur the risk of a serious adverse reaction that attends taking any vaccine if you didn’t think it would be effective?

But, as I alerted our readers to a few months back, when people like Anthony Fauci hawk some treatment as effective, it doesn’t mean quite what you think.

A Washington Post article I cited made the shocking claims that the flu vaccine only “clocks in most years at 40% to 60% effective,” while the FDA will only “require a coronavirus vaccine to be 50% effective.”

As I later reported, it turns out the low 50% bar the FDA is setting for effectiveness is just one among many very troubling facts that nobody’s telling you about that COVID-19 vaccine the government will soon be insisting we all start lining up for the second it’s available.

But it turns out that, as lousy as the rate they cited for the flu vaccine was, the Washington Post had, nonetheless, greatly exaggerated its effectiveness.

If the CDC’s own figures are to be believed, over the prior 15 flu seasons, the flu vaccine only reached the low bar of being 40% effective nine times. It’s been as low as a jaw-dropping 10% – meaning 9 out of 10 people who got vaccinated that year got zero protection from the flu – but never gone above 60%.

The average effectiveness for the past 15 flu seasons turns out to be only 40%.

On the CDC’s own figures, the flu vaccine failed to do anything for 6 out of 10 people who went to the trouble of getting it in the last 15 years.

Moreover, as bad as these figures are, there’s some reason to think they might be intentionally inflated.

When determining a vaccine’s effectiveness, researchers compare the ratio of those who received a vaccination among a random group of infected people with their ratio among a random group of uninfected people. Those in the latter group are called the control subjects.

The studies for the 2004-05, 2005-06, and 2006-07 flu vaccines yielded two different effectiveness rates for each. One was obtained using what the authors call “traditional” control subjects, that is, healthy people from the general population. Whereas the second set of effectiveness rates were obtained using patients who were ill but not with influenza, whom the authors called “test-negative” control subjects.

In all subsequent flu seasons, it appears that traditional subjects were abandoned and only test-negative control subjects were used. And for those three seasons for which rates were obtained using both, the CDC chose the figures that came from test-negative subjects and ignored the ones derived using traditional subjects.

Using test-negative subjects, however, caused flu vaccines to get significantly higher effectiveness ratings. The 10% rating for the 2004-05 vaccine dropped all the way down to 5% when traditional subjects were used. That would mean only 1 out of 20 people who got vaccinated that year wound up with any immunity to the flu for the trouble, expense, and risk they incurred.

The 21% rating for the 2005-06 flu vaccine dropped down to 10% when the traditional method was used. The 52% rating for the 2006-07 vaccine dropped to 37%.

But the authors of the study for those three seasons explicitly say that “using test-negative control subjects is a new approach with little precedent” and that test-negative subjects, though similar in some respects, “likely differ from the source population in other ways that affect generalizability.”

Moreover, even the study done on the 2015-16 flu vaccine still notes that “the test-negative design is still comparatively new. This design may be subject to biases that are not fully understood.”

But if that was still true in 2016, why was the use of traditional control subjects discontinued in 2007 in favor of test-negative subjects?

It’s hard not to suspect that the higher vaccine effectiveness ratings that resulted might be the answer.

After all, even the numbers the CDC got using test-negative controls are awful. Even if they’re correct, on average over the last 15 years the flu vaccine failed to do anything for 6 out of 10 people who got it.

You’re lucky in any given year if it’s 50% effective and there’d be nothing at all unusual if 75% of Americans who decide to get vaccinated wind up with no immunity for their trouble.

The CDC aggressively pushes flu vaccines and virtually none of those foolish enough to trust them have a clue that there’s a better than even chance the vaccine they’re relying on to keep them healthy isn’t going to do squat.

So it’s hardly a stretch to suppose that traditional controls were abandoned in favor of a method that researchers admit may have unknown biases because it consistently yielded somewhat less dismal effectiveness ratings.

But dismal they are nonetheless.

Whatever it is that the CDC is up to, it doesn’t seem like it has anything at all to do with disease control.

China Threatens ‘Health and Safety’ of Canadians if Justin Trudeau Helps Hong Kong Refugees


Article by :Frances Martel in Breitbart


China Threatens ‘Health and Safety’ of Canadians if Justin Trudeau Helps Hong Kong Refugees

China’s Ambassador to Canada, Cong Peiwu, warned the country on Thursday that, if Ottawa cares about the “health and safety” of Canadians, it will not extend a hand to help Hong Kong refugees fleeing a wave of communist repression.

Leftist Prime Minister Justin Trudeau had warned China in remarks this week that Canada would not accept “coercive diplomacy” and that Ottawa would publicly condemn China for human rights abuses both in Hong Kong and in Xinjiang, a western province where evidence suggests the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has placed as many as 3 million people in concentration camps.

In Hong Kong, China unconstitutionally ended the region’s autonomy in May with a “national security” law that essentially outlawed criticism of the CCP there. CCP-controlled police have increasingly used the law to arrest pro-democracy dissidents for engaging in peaceful protests against China. At its peak, the anti-communist protests in the city attracted 2 million of Hong Kong’s 7 million people. Police have also hinted that they may use the law to prosecute hundreds of thousands of people for voting in pro-democracy party primaries this year.

Hong Kong’s Basic Law, its constitutional document, prohibits China from imposing any laws on it passed in Beijing. The current Hong Kong government has chosen to disregard this provision and enforce the “national security” law.

Cong, the ambassador to Ottawa, threatened Canadian citizens in remarks observing the anniversary of diplomatic relations between the two countries.

“We strongly urge the Canadian side not to grant so-called political asylum to those violent criminals in Hong Kong, because it is interference in China’s domestic affairs, and certainly it will embolden those violent criminals,” Cong said, referring to peaceful anti-communist protesters.

“If the Canadian side really cares about the stability and the prosperity in Hong Kong, and really cares about the good health and safety of those 300,000 Canadian passport holders in Hong Kong and the large number of Canadian companies operating in Hong Kong … you should support those efforts to fight violent crimes,” he added.

Despite Trudeau’s remarks, Canadian immigration services have yet to make a concrete declaration on the status of Hong Kong refugees. At least one couple did receive political asylum in Canada after fleeing Hong Kong; another 45 cases are reportedly pending.

On Friday, the Chinese Foreign Ministry declared Cong’s remarks “beyond reproach.”

“The Chinese embassy in Canada just made clear our just position on issues relating to Hong Kong. It is beyond reproach. If anyone is misinterpreting this, then you should ask for the reason and find out if there are ulterior motives involved,” spokesman Zhao Lijian, who spread a conspiracy theory that the U.S. Army is responsible for the Chinese coronavirus pandemic, told reporters.

Canadian officials responded with outrage to the threat (when asked, Cong did not deny that his remarks were a threat).

“The reported comments by the Chinese ambassador are totally unacceptable and disturbing,” Foreign Affairs Minister François-Philippe Champagne said in response. “I have instructed Global Affairs to call the Ambassador in to make clear in no uncertain terms that Canada will always stand up for human rights and the rights of Canadians around the world.”

Champagne is embroiled in an ongoing scandal, erupting in June when Canadian media reported that he possessed two outstanding mortgages with the Bank of China, a state company. The reports surfaced after Champagne issued praise and thanks to China for sending the country faulty medical equipment for use to fight the Chinese coronavirus.

Trudeau’s remarks on Tuesday against the Chinese government deviated significantly from his typical diplomacy. Like Cong’s, they were meant to mark the anniversary of Chinese-Canadian relations.

“We will remain absolutely committed to working with our allies to ensure that China’s approach of coercive diplomacy, its arbitrary detention of two Canadian citizens, alongside other citizens of other countries around the world, is not viewed as a successful tactic by them,” Trudeau said.

The prime minister was referring to the arbitrary arrests of Michael Spavor and Michael Kovrig in China on dubious charges of “espionage.” The arrests closely followed Canada’s detention of Meng Wanzhou, the CFO of Chinese telecommunications giant Huawei. Meng is awaiting extradition to the United States over evidence that she actively violated sanctions on Iran. Chinese state media has been largely transparent about the true purpose of keeping Spavor and Kovrig behind bars, threatening Canada and urging it not to “sabotage” China.

Amnesty International has verified that the two Canadians have endured “obvious violations to their rights to a fair trial,” rendering the legal process illegitimate.

China’s Foreign Ministry responded tersely to Trudeau’s statements on Tuesday.

“We firmly deplore and oppose the Canadian side deliberately confusing right and wrong and once again making erroneous comments, and we have lodged stern representations,” spokesman Zhao Lijian said.

Zhao plainly stated that all tensions between China and Canada “are caused by Canada’s arbitrary detention of Meng Wanzhou, an innocent Chinese citizen who hasn’t breached any Canadian law.”

The spokesman then called Trudeau “hypocritical and weak” for condemning Chinese human rights atrocities.

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