Saturday, September 26, 2020

BREAKING: Judge Amy Coney Barrett Accepts Her Nomination for SCOTUS


Article by Katie Pavlich in Townhall

BREAKING: Judge Amy Coney Barrett Accepts Her Nomination for SCOTUS

Speaking from the White House Rose Garden Saturday afternoon, U.S. Circuit Court Judge Amy Coney Barrett accepted President Trump’s nomination to become the next Supreme Court Justice. 

“Thank you very much Mr. President. I am deeply honored by the confidence you have placed in me,” Barrett said. “I fully understand that this is a momentous decision for a President and if the Senate does me the honor of confirming me, I pledge to discharge the responsibility of this job to the best of my ability. I love the United States and I love the United States constitution. I am truly humbled by the prospect of serving on the Supreme Court.” 

“I clerked for Justice Scalia more than 20 years ago but the lessons I learned still resonate. His judicial philosophy, mine too, a judge must apply the law as written. Judges are not policy makers and they must be resolute and setting aside any policy views they might hold," she continued. 

Barrett dedicated much of her speech to the legacy of the late Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg and praised her life's long work of bringing women into the legal field. She also praised Ginsburg's friendship with the late Justice Antonin Scalia despite their strong political differences. 

“The President has asked me to become the ninth Justice and it turns out, I’m used to being in a group of nine,” Barrett said about her family.

Barrett’s husband, Jesse and her seven children traveled to Washington D.C. Saturday to accept the nomination. President Trump noted during his introduction of Barrett that if confirmed, Barrett will become the first mother of school aged children to serve on the Supreme Court. 

“I stand before you today to fulfill one of my highest and most important duties under the United States Constitution, the nomination of a Supreme Court Justice,” Trump said. “It is a very proud moment indeed…we gather in the Rose Garden to continue our never ending task to preserve equal justice and the impartial rule of law. Today is my honor to nominate one our nation’s most brilliant and gifted legal minds to the Supreme Court.”  

“You are eminently qualified for this job and you’re going to be fantastic,” Trump said, turning away from the crowd and to Barrett. “She is a woman of unparalleled achievement, towering intellect, sterling credentials and unyielding loyalty to the constitution.”

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, who will schedule the floor is praising the nomination. 

“President Trump could not have made a better decision. Judge Amy Coney Barrett is an exceptionally impressive jurist and an exceedingly well-qualified nominee to the Supreme Court of the United States,” McConnell released in a statement.  “The Senate will evaluate this nomination on the basis of Judge Barrett’s objective qualifications. But it cannot escape notice that this nominee has also already won national admiration for her shining example of strong female leadership at the very top of her field. As our nation continues to mourn Justice Ginsburg and honor her trail-blazing legacy, it does seem fitting that another brilliant and talented woman at the height of their shared profession would follow in her footsteps onto the Court.”

Barrett will begin meeting with Senators on Capitol Hill this week ahead of a confirmation hearing, which has yet to be scheduled.

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Trump signs order Protecting Vulnerable Newborn and Infant Children


Executive Orders


Issued on: September 25, 2020

By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, it is hereby ordered as follows:

Section 1.  Purpose.  Every infant born alive, no matter the circumstances of his or her birth, has the same dignity and the same rights as every other individual and is entitled to the same protections under Federal law.  Such laws include the Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act (EMTALA), 42 U.S.C. 1395dd, which guarantees, in hospitals that have an emergency department, each individual’s right to an appropriate medical screening examination and to either stabilizing treatment or an appropriate transfer.  They also include section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act (Rehab Act), 29 U.S.C. 794, which prohibits discrimination against individuals with disabilities by programs and activities receiving Federal funding.  In addition, the Born-Alive Infants Protection Act, 1 U.S.C. 8, makes clear that all infants born alive are individuals for purposes of these and other Federal laws and are therefore afforded the same legal protections as any other person.  Together, these laws help protect infants born alive from discrimination in the provision of medical treatment, including infants who require emergency medical treatment, who are premature, or who are born with disabilities.  Such infants are entitled to meaningful and non-discriminatory access to medical examination and services, with the consent of a parent or guardian, when they present at hospitals receiving Federal funds. 



Despite these laws, some hospitals refuse the required medical screening examination and stabilizing treatment or otherwise do not provide potentially lifesaving medical treatment to extremely premature or disabled infants, even when parents plead for such treatment.  Hospitals might refuse to provide treatment to extremely premature infants — born alive before 24 weeks of gestation — because they believe these infants may not survive, may have to live with long-term disabilities, or may have a quality-of-life deemed to be inadequate.  Active treatment of extremely premature infants has, however, been shown to improve their survival rates.  And the denial of such treatment, or discouragement of parents from seeking such treatment for their children, devalues the lives of these children and may violate Federal law.

Sec. 2.  Policy.  It is the policy of the United States to recognize the human dignity and inherent worth of every newborn or other infant child, regardless of prematurity or disability, and to ensure for each child due protection under the law. 



Sec. 3.  (a)  The Secretary of Health and Human Services (Secretary) shall ensure that individuals responsible for all programs and activities under his jurisdiction that receive Federal funding are aware of their obligations toward infants, including premature infants or infants with disabilities, who have an emergency medical condition in need of stabilizing treatment, under EMTALA and section 504 of the Rehab Act, as interpreted consistent with the Born-Alive Infants Protection Act.  In particular, the Secretary shall ensure that individuals responsible for such programs and activities are aware that they are not excused from complying with these obligations, including the obligation to provide an appropriate medical screening examination and stabilizing treatment or transfer, when extremely premature infants are born alive or infants are born with disabilities.  The Secretary shall also ensure that individuals responsible for such programs and activities are aware that they may not unlawfully discourage parents from seeking medical treatment for their infant child solely because of their infant child’s disability.  The Secretary shall further ensure that individuals responsible for such programs and activities are aware of their obligations to provide stabilizing treatment that will allow the infant patients to be transferred to a more suitable facility if appropriate treatment is not possible at the initial location.

(b)  The Secretary shall, as appropriate and consistent with applicable law, ensure that Federal funding disbursed by the Department of Health and Human Services is expended in full compliance with EMTALA and section 504 of the Rehab Act, as interpreted consistent with the Born-Alive Infants Protection Act, as reflected in the policy set forth in section 2 of this order.

(i)   The Secretary shall, as appropriate and to the fullest extent permitted by law, investigate complaints of violations of applicable Federal laws with respect to infants born alive, including infants who have an emergency medical condition in need of stabilizing treatment or infants with disabilities whose parents seek medical treatment for their infants.  The Secretary shall also clarify, in an easily understandable format, the process by which parents and hospital staff may submit such complaints for investigation under applicable Federal laws. 




Election 2020: The Swamp vs. the Salt of the Earth

Will the swamp faction’s siren song of fear and flim-flam seduce the salt of the earth coalition into fraying and betraying not merely President Trump, but more importantly the legacy of liberty every American has been bequeathed?

Thaddeus G. McCotter for American Greatness

Election 2020 poses a stark choice: the swamp versus the salt of the earth.

In the arena’s gilded corner kneels the swamp faction’s tool, former Vice President Joe Biden, a dullard dulling daily. This makes little difference, for Biden is the puppet not the hand. He is controlled by a Left hand, with the five fingers of the Democratic Party—the administrative state, the media, academia, the entertainment industry, and Big Tech oligarchs. Their joint aim is to drag Biden across the electoral finish line. Whether Biden knows it or not is beside the point, for running mate Senator Kamala Harris (D-Calif.) is there and she will serve the swamp faction with the same zeal she once served . . . never mind.

The swamp faction encompasses the national gaggle of elitist malcontents, ranging from the rich to the riotous, who are bound by hubris and a triggering hatred of Donald Trump. As a baseless article of faith, they believe themselves morally superior beings entitled to control the fates of their fellow citizens and “fundamentally transform” America—i.e., the font of all evil “-isms.” (Well, except for their beloved socialism/Communism that they seek to impose.)

Across the ring stands President Donald J. Trump who, while trying to reduce government control over citizens, is called an authoritarian by the very people who want to “fundamentally transform” America whether you like it or not.

Champion of the salt of the earth populist movement, Trump’s successful policies have benefitted the American people—and, indeed, the world. The Trump Administration fostered the most robust and inclusive economy in generations; returned American manufacturing jobs from overseas; negotiated the USMCA trade agreement; helped birth peace agreements between the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, and Israel; and started bringing American troops home, among other accomplishments.

Recognizing the benefits of Trump’s tenure, his salt-of-the-earth populist movement is comprised of hard-working, patriotic people who believe America is a fundamentally great and good nation and a force for moral good in the world. Not wishing to be “fundamentally transformed” into a socialist collective, this movement seeks to protect and promote the God-given right of all Americans to pursue their happiness free from radical, coercive policies—be they governmental, corporate, academic, or any other. These are citizens who cherish the “permanent things” of faith, family, community, and country; and with impromptu flotillas and homemade signs urge their fellow citizens to reelect President Trump.

Deviously, the elitist swamp faction recognizes the need to chip away at the salt of the earth coalition. Because salt of the earth voters aren’t morally onanistic elitists or capable of being bought (because they know in the end they’ll be stuck paying the bill), the swamp faction has resorted to fear (insidiously) and identity politics (risibly). 

All these and more truths about the COVID-19 pandemic run counter to the swamp faction’s “narrative” (i.e., lie); and, thus, are counterproductive to converting salt of the earth coalition members. 

Nonetheless, the deceit continues and now the swamp faction is also employing identity politics to hoodwink and co-opt salt of the earth voters.

Biden continues to cite his “roots” in Scranton, the lie that he was the first member of his family to attend college, and is proudly proclaiming that he understands “working folks” for some abstruse reason. This from a person who has spent nearly 50 years in Washington, D.C., either as vice president or as a U.S. senator. Yes, nothing says “hard work” like the U.S. Senate; and nothing says “common sense” like Washington, D.C., said nobody ever. 

The simple truth is Biden is a “gray-suited grafter” and he’s not only masking his face these days; he’s masking the fact he’s the poster boy for D.C. swamp creatures. Thus does his cynical candidacy make perfect sense for an elitist swamp faction that masks its radical agenda to coerce the “Californication” of America.

Yet, the nominees of the swamp faction and the salt of the earth populist movement do battle in the arena of politics, where any manner of outcome is possible. Will the swamp faction’s siren song of fear and flim-flam seduce the salt of the earth coalition into fraying and betraying not merely President Trump, but more importantly the legacy of liberty every American has been bequeathed?

The swamp faction is about to find out the salt of the earth is made of sterner stuff.

Video Gold: CNN Host Alisyn Camerota’s Face as Voters Explain Why They’re Voting for Trump

 Nick Arama reporting for RedState

I must admit, it’s a lot of fun when CNN gets taken by surprise and they end up having to report real news rather than just their regular 24/7 anti-Trump narrative.

Sometimes a little truth does accidentally slip through on their network, though, as it did today during one of their segments on the election.

CNN’s Alysin Camerota was talking with voters who were talking about the key issues that were driving them to vote.

But as they began to explain why they were voting for Trump, you can look at her face and she appears to be trying to hold it all together and not lose it. I’ve never seen someone blink so many times in such a short period. She looks almost like she’s about to hurl and you can tell she’s thinking something like, ‘Damn, he might actually win. Again!’

Sean Roberts, a Florida voter said, “The president is making every effort to do his best for people of color…the president is bringing us together.”

“He’s doing a phenomenal job and he has my vote. Absolutely,” declared Alexis Frost Cazimero, a California voter.

It’s almost as if they haven’t been listening to the CNN propaganda about Trump but have actually made their own judgments based upon everything he has done.

What segment producer let that go by and will he have a job for doing so? It’s surprising it made it to air.

Better prepare for Election Night, CNN is going to be a basket case when he wins. I can hear them now trying to say, “We have to wait to declare the winner until all the votes are counted (wherever we can find them).”

HT: Twitchy

Hollywood not good enough? Meghan Markle reportedly now wants to be U.S. president


Article by Monica Showalter in The American Thinker

Hollywood not good enough? Meghan Markle reportedly now wants to be U.S. president

Forgetting who she is, Meghan Markle, Duchess of Sussex, has decided she'd also like to become president of the United States.

Here's the retch-inducing story as reported by Page Six of the New York Post:

...the 39-year-old former “Suits” star now has her eye on the White House, a close friend told Vanity Fair.

“One of the reasons she was so keen not to give up her American citizenship was so she had the option to go into politics,” the unidentified friend told the mag.

“I think if Meghan and Harry ever gave up their titles she would seriously consider running for president,” the friend added of rumors of a 2024 run.

Her biographer, Omid Scobie, also previously claimed that the former actress “has her eyes set on the US presidency.”

“Meghan is the embodiment of the American dream. One day we may see Meghan become president,” the author of “Finding Freedom: Harry, Meghan and the Making of a Modern Royal Family” previously told a documentary, Vanity Fair said.

Seems that with duchess titles coming easily, shouldn't presidential ones, too? All she has to do is smile pretty ... and speak woke, and the American voters will be drooling for her.

Her foray into U.S. politics is getting particularly unseemly for someone who hasn't renounced her title of duchess. First she started hanging out with Michelle Obama, "teaming up for female empowerment" as the press release, I mean, USA Today article, put it. Then she gets a lucrative Netflix deal, too, kind of like the Obamas got. Then she puts her husband, Prince Harry, in an embarrassing position, by making a get out the vote 'public service' announcement, insisting the election of 2020 would be 'the most important election of our lifetimes,' which was clearly targeted at President Trump. She did her husband Harry, who has never voted in his life, a tremendous disservice by shoving him into that. After all, a quick read of the Declaration of Independence has some particularly harsh words for the British king, leaving him open to becoming the butt of humor in the U.S. as a result. She dragged him into that because what Meghan wants, Meghan gets. Then she's floated 'weather balloons' from so-called royal experts about running for seats in Congress, as well as the presidency itself. Now she's making a joint appearance with Kamala Harris at some kind of woman-empowerment event, and making unsolicited cold calls to potential voters who apparently will respond to celebrity appeal. Gee, if Meghan told me to vote and how to vote, then I just have to vote, right?

And gee, wouldn't the Democrats, now in the throes of open socialism in the age of queen bee Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, think having a Hollywood duchess to front them is just the thing?

File under barfulous.

Why anyone here would want to vote for such a trashy ingrate, is beyond us. She first accepted a slew of honors of the queen of England, unusual ones, given that she was a commoner and an actress no less, historically a disreputable profession, and then after taking those, as well as all the royal cash and servants for fancy cottages, etc., she decided they weren't worth much to her, they were worth about as much to her as she paid for them, which was nothing. She didn't want to put in the work, she said, didn't want to go cut opening ribbons at hospitals in Yorkshire, because let's face it, it wasn't as glamorous and feel-good as the Hollywood red carpet. She reportedly said that being a duchess 'wasn't working' for her, signalling how unclear she was on the service component of being a royal. That much is clear to Americans, so you can bet the Brits notice.

It's likely significant that the queen and the other royals left Meghan's picture off on all their Twitter birthday greetings to Harry on his 36th. It very much sounds like she's persona non grata in those circles, and one can hope that the snubs get louder, the Brits know how to do this when they put their minds to it.

Now President Trump is openly mocking her, wishing Prince Harry "lots of luck because he's going to need it" for having to be around her and her growing political ambitions. That was her game all along and poor Harry never knew what hit him.

Hollywood, it seems, isn't good enough. Nor was the British royal family. Meghan, see, just really wants it all. She likes power.

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Sidney Powell Discusses Latest Explosive Evidence Outlining FBI Misconduct

Michael Flynn attorney Sidney Powell talks with Liz Mac about the latest revelations and documents showing the intentional abusive motives by the DOJ, FBI and Special Counsel against her client; and by extension against a sitting United States President.

Courtroom escape sends police officer flying down stairs


A defendant in Ohio made a daring escape from the courtroom while being sentenced for a drugs offence.

Nickolaus Garrison broke free of the deputies holding him and made a run for it - causing one officer to fly down the stairs head first.

After three days at large, Garrison is now back in custody.




The High Price of Police Protests


Article by Michael Reagan in Townhall

The High Price of Police Protests

It didn't matter what the findings of the Breonna Taylor grand jury were going to be.

Black Lives Matters and their sympathizers were well prepared to riot on Wednesday night in Louisville and other cities, like New York and Washington.

The video of that rented U-Haul filled with big signs and who-knows-what-else is all the proof you need that their "peaceful protest" was a planned operation.

Taking over the streets, burning down buildings, destroying businesses, shooting things at police and roughing up ordinary citizens was like a summer job for protesters in dozens of our cities.

Now it looks like it's going to be their full-time fall job, too.

Whether it was a response to George Floyd's death at the hands of Minneapolis police, the shooting of Jacob Blake by police in Kenosha or Taylor's accidental shooting during a late-night drug raid gone bad, the rioting has been done under the pretext of seeking justice for black Americans who were victims of allegedly racist cops and a supposedly racist justice system.

But the young black and white mobsters of 2020 America aren't doing their cause much good with their nightly melees.

All they've done is make a lot of new enemies among white people, create new Trump voters, and scare the crap out of ordinary citizens who get caught up in the violence or watch it nightly on TV.

I can't tell you how many people have told me how frightened they are for the safety of their children and the future of the country they'll grow up in.

Other good people I've talked to lately have completely changed the way they feel about black people because of the riots and the rise of the radical BLM.

These people were never even close to being racists before, but now they are.

That's what BLM wants, of course.

Their goal is not to get justice for the few unarmed black victims of police violence in the U.S. each year or to solve the social, economic, and policing problems of black people and their communities.

The BLM's radicals are open Marxists who want to create chaos, foment racial hatred and tear down America's founding values and democratic ideals.

So far, the BLM has been successful, thanks to the great job the mainstream media have done to ignore its true nature and goals, spread its propaganda and lies and treat it like it's the League of Women Voters. 

For six months - until the grand jury's report Wednesday - the media gave us the BLM's version of how Breonna Taylor died in her apartment March 13.

We were told it was a no-knock narcotics warrant. We were told Taylor was shot in her bed. We were told that trigger-happy racist police officers were at fault and should be charged with murder.

But they were BLM lies.

According to the evidence gathered by the grand jury, it was not a no-knock warrant. The police knocked and announced themselves several times before they broke down the door.

Taylor's boyfriend, who said he thought the police were intruders, admitted he fired the first shot, hitting an officer in the leg.

The police had a legal right to return fire, which is why the grand jury decided no cop would be charged with homicide. Taylor, killed accidentally when police fired 32 shots, was not in her bed.

Breonna Taylor's death was a tragic mistake. But the sad truth is, if her boyfriend didn't shoot at the police first, she'd still be alive.

If her boyfriend had killed the cop he shot, by the way, the number of police officers killed in the line of duty so far this year would be 39 instead of 38.

No one has been marching or rioting in the streets of our cities to protest the deaths of those cops.

And the mainstream media, which hardly bothers to cover them, are too busy portraying cops as racist murderers to worry about who's going to be around to defend law-abiding citizens when the police are gone. 

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Meadows Discusses The SCOTUS Nomination Process


President Trump has said he will announce his nominee for the supreme court today at 5:00pm.  Chief of Staff Mark Meadows appeared on Fox News yesterday to discuss the anticipated announcement and the predictable political response from the leftists.

Florida Governor Reopens State –

DeSantis Removes Restrictions on Restaurants, Nullifies All 

Local Mask Ordinances, Blocks Fines and Penalties

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has moved the entire state into phase three of the COVID-19 recovery plan.  All restrictions against restaurants and businesses are removed by executive order [HERE] and all local mask ordinances are nullified by the same order.

♦ No COVID ordinance may forbid or impede any business from operating.

♦ No COVID ordinance may forbid restaurants to operate below 50% capacity. Any local ordinances against these operational thresholds are nullified.

♦ No local mask ordinances shall carry any weight of enforcement.

♦ No COVID Fines or Penalties may be applied toward any individual or business operating in the State of Florida.  (executive order)

David Horowitz: The Civil War Started When Democrats Seceded From the Union in 2016


 Sound familiar? It should, that was the first time, then came 2016

Article by Megan Fox in PJMedia

David Horowitz: The Civil War Started When Democrats Seceded From the Union in 2016

Conservative legend David Horowitz, author of the new bestselling book Blitz: Trump Will Smash the Left and Win, gave me an exclusive interview on Newstalk 570 WSYR in Syracuse, where he revealed his shocking theory about the current political unrest that seems more plausible by the day as revelations about a coup attempt to remove the president are revealed.

We’re in a war. My book Blitz shows we’re already in a civil war. What the Democrats did in 2016 is what you call treason. They seceded from the Union for the second time, the first being with the election of Abraham Lincoln, which led to the shooting war. The reason we don’t have two armies in the field is that the federal government is too powerful so there’s nobody outside the government who can organize a military force that wouldn’t be crushed immediately. So the civil war is over who controls the executive.

Horowitz has a unique insight in the communist wing of the Democrat Party, having spent his youth agitating for the left and even connected to groups like the Black Panthers, a domestic terrorist organization. You can read about his transformation to conservatism in his excellent book Radical Son. When someone of Horowitz’s caliber and insight into the left speaks, we all should take what he says very seriously. He may be one of the only living witnesses to the horrors of the left’s assault on America in the ’60s through terror and infiltration. Horowitz continues to reveal that he knows where and when the Democrat secession meeting happened:

Five days after the 2016 election there was a meeting at the Mandarin Oriental, which is a very posh hotel in Washington, D.C. It was organized by George Soros and there were something like 400 people there including Nancy Pelosi, Elizabeth Warren, Soros, Bernie Sanders, the Occupy Wall Street communists, the whole range of the left. What they did is form what they called a “resistance” to Trump—you remember, 70 Democrats boycotted the inauguration. This is sedition.

Horowitz also explained why the Electoral College was so important to the founders and why it is imperative to protect it in the face of Democrat attempts to abolish it.

The whole American system is based on compromise. That’s why we have an Electoral College, which, of course, the Democrats want to abolish. That’s why we have a Senate, where Wyoming, with 500,000 people, has two senators and so does California with 35 million. The founders did not want “one person, one vote” because they didn’t trust people not to be swept up in passions that were destructive. It forces candidates to try to compete for votes with people who disagree with them. It forces them to compromise. It protects the minority in the country from the tyranny of the majority. What the founders feared most was that there would be a party that would get a majority and use it to crush everybody who voted against it. The founders were very smart people.

Horowitz also believes that the reason we’re in a civil war is that the Democrat Party has weaponized race.

The second thing with the Democrats…the reason there’s a civil war is that it’s a racist party. Identity politics is racism. When you know in advance that you’re going to pick a black woman to be vice president you obviously picked them on the basis on their race and gender and it’s all over for the American way. The words white and black don’t appear in the Constitution, or male and female, for good reason. The founders’ vision, and they couldn’t achieve it in the 18th century, but their vision was that people would be judged on their character, just what Martin Luther King Jr. said, and not their skin color. It’s a good 200 years of struggle to get there, but now the Democrats are putting race before everything else…Our great country is in great peril from this party.

You can hear the entire interview below. Read Blitz for more of Horowitz’s stunning insights into our current volatile political situation.


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‘Census Cowboy’ Arrested for Abusing Horse After Wild Social Justice Ride on Highway

 Nick Arama reporting for RedState

We’ve seen countless examples of BLM activists showing disregard for anything other than their own concerns.

But there was a really horrible example of that in Chicago this week.

On Monday, Adam Hollingsworth, known as the “Dreadhead Cowboy” in Chicago took his horse and went galloping down the Dan Ryan Expressway to ‘protest’ on behalf of “KidsLivesMatter,” an initiative that to raise awareness and motivate residents to complete the census to help communities receive better funding.

Hollingsworth was arrested and charged with a felony count of aggravated cruelty to an animal, as well as misdemeanor counts of reckless conduct, trespassing and other traffic offenses.

Now if you know anything about horses, galloping them down the highway miles is very harmful to them. The Cook County Assistant State’s Attorney Kevin Deboni said the horse was ill-equipped for this ride and was run almost to death, according to WTTW. He wasn’t properly shoed and it caused bleeding and “extensive damage” to the horse. Authorities said that the horse was in such bad shape, it would not have survived without immediate treatment and it might have to be euthanized. Prosecutors said it was the equivalent of “forcing an 80-year-old woman run a full marathon.” Witnesses also said that during the gallop on the highway that Hollingsworth was allegedly kicking and whipping the horse to keep the horse galloping when the horse slowed down.

The horse was taken for observations by both the acting director of Chicago Animal Care & Control and another equine veterinarian. Deboni said both experts agreed the horse suffered “a great deal” due to its treatment, citing extreme dehydration, overheating and lacerations to its front legs that caused “profuse” bleeding.

“The horse’s eyes were dilated to the point they looked like cartoon eyes,” Deboni said.

Both experts said it would have been “virtually impossible” for anyone to not have realized the animal was injured and in distress, according to Deboni. The horse was given extensive medical treatment, but Deboni said it remains in critical condition and will never be able to be ridden again.

Euthanasia may be used for “humane reasons,” he said, “due to the suffering the animal will likely endure for the rest of its life.”

That’s so disgusting to do that to a horse for something so ridiculous. Were any kids served by this? No.

Meanwhile this is the guy that Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot engaged on behalf of the city to help promote the census. She dubbed him the “Census Cowboy.” This despite his involvement in BLM actions and being caught on video disparaging the police, saying “F**k the police” and “F**k 12,” the rioter expression.

What did Hollingsworth say about what he had done with his ride, when he was asked by reporters?

From NBC Chicago:

“Yes, I’d do it again,” Adam Hollingsworth said Thursday, noting he plans to continue protests to raise awareness for “Kids Lives Matter.”

“I’m not giving up until I’m not the only one out there,” Hollingsworth said.

He said he told his son, “daddy might be getting locked up today.” Great, sounds like recognition of guilt, knowing it was a crime.

Hollingsworth called on Mayor Lori Lightfoot to support him after he assisted her in pushing the census movement this year, along with asking support from Kanye West and Chance the Rapper.

Great job, Lightfoot. Wonderful choice.

Tucker Carlson Names The Rich CEOs Funding Supplies, Bail For Louisville Rioters

 Jordan Davidson reporting for The Federalist

Tucker Carlson broke the news Thursday evening that a rioter bail organization led by a “pampered group of revolutionaries” was responsible for bringing rioting supplies to downtown Louisville after the charges in the Breonna Taylor case were announced on Wednesday. Sitting on the organization’s board is a former president at NBC and a finance CEO with Princeton University ties.

“These are violent thugs obviously — many of them, by the way, have college degrees from expensive universities. But in the end, they’re all just foot soldiers. There are legions behind them. People you don’t see on camera. It takes legions, it takes money, and it takes organization to stage effective riots for three and a half months,” Carlson stated.

Video Player

In a viral video from Wednesday, rioters are seen unloading a truck of supplies such as Black Lives Matter and “abolish the police” signs, shields, water bottles, and more just minutes after the verdict was issued.

“It’s worth asking who is funding all of this? That is a central question. Too few have tried to answer it,” Carlson said, as clips of people unloading the truck played.

This U-Haul, according to Carlson, was organized by Holly Zoller, a self-descrived “Bail Disruptor” for The Bail Project, which “helps get suspected criminals and rioters back out on the street as quickly as they can.”

The organization’s board, Tucker explained, is filled with elites such as Michael Novogratz and Lisa Gersh, who have ties to Ivy League schools, the corporate media, the financial world, and law. He also noted that a first-term Democrat congressman also sits on the board.

“Why are the most privileged people in our society, rich executives like Gersh and Novogratz, supporting an organization that bails people out of jail who are destroying our cities and attacking our police?” Carlson questioned. 

According to Carlson, these board members who “live far from the scenes of riots” might have a greater economic stake in the game than just inciting violence and destruction in the name of racial justice.

“America’s core problems are not racial. America’s core problems are economic: a small group of people have a disproportionate amount of money. Everyone else is getting poor. For the majority of the population, the American Dream is dying,” Tucker said. “But if you were on the right end of that equation, you wouldn’t want the public to think too much about this. So maybe you had to fund racial conflict so they wouldn’t think about it. It’s pretty clever.”