Monday, September 21, 2020

There Can Be No ‘Grand Bargain’ Over the Seat, GOPers Better Realize That

 posted by Bonchie at RedState

As the tensions begin to boil over regarding replacing Ruth Bader Ginsburg on the Supreme Court, the hot takes have started to flow from various corners. While most Republicans seem to be resolute in their desire to do their duty and fill the seat, others are suggesting that a “grand bargain” be struck that would prevent the filling of the seat.

While Susan Collins and Lisa Murkowski have already given away the farm without any preconditions because they are awful, useless politicians, there are also ideas like this being floated. The idea that Republicans “trade” not vote on a nominee for meaningless promises from Democrats that they won’t pack the court.

As you can see from my response above, I’m not a fan of this idea.

In fact, I think it’s one of the dumbest political suggestions I’ve ever seen in my life. It’s basically negotiating with a person threatening to blow your brains out with a gun that has no bullets. Not only should something like court packing not be ceded as a negotiating tool because it’s so illegitimate, but Democrats have no leverage anyway.

They do not hold the Senate. But let’s game this out and say they take over in 2021 with a two seat majority, which would be an absolute blow-out for them given current projections. The likelihood that they’d get a majority to vote to pack the court is close to zero. There would be far too many red-state Democrats whose necks are on the line to make a move like that. In other words, even given the rosiest outcome in November for Schumer’s party, he still has no real leverage here.

You know what you do with people who are bad faith actors and have no leverage? You ignore them. You let them throw their fit and you move forward with the process. That anyone would be thinking otherwise who claims to be on the right is mind-blowing.

Further, the idea that giving into Democrats here will somehow heal the nation’s divide is ludicrous and naive. If the GOP doesn’t replace Ginsburg before the election (or in the lame duck), Democrats will still move forward with blowing up the filibuster if they get a chance. The riots won’t stop and Antifa isn’t going away. You can not fix what ails this nation with political olive branches. That a contingent on the right are actually saying that shows just how much we’ve been failed by our supposed intellectual betters in the conservative commentariat.

For their part, Republican office holders better realize the game here and be ready to step up to the plate. There can be no grand bargain. There can be no surrender. This moment is what they were put in office for and if they back down now, voters will burn the party to the ground. A chance to so shift the Supreme Court is not just a once in a generation opportunity. It’s a once in a multi-generation opportunity. Do your job.

Do Democrats Really Believe Biden Is Winning?

Article by William L. Gensert in The American Thinker

Do Democrats Really Believe Biden Is Winning?

Once it was the "big lie."  Now it is many little lies — riots are peaceful; he is she is they; Biden is not doddering; Trump will steal 2020.  Told often enough and given enough time, little lies become truth.

Today we live in the "age of lies" told to steal an election in November and control a populace who refuses to do as they are told.  All Americans should stop at least once before Election Day and take a hard look at the Democrat candidate, "King of Aphasia" Joe Biden.  When they do, they will understand what the left is planning.

Ignore his 47 years in elected office without accomplishment, save for the 1994 Crime Bill, which he has since disavowed.  Ignore that, as Robert Gates, former defense secretary under Obama, said, he has been wrong on every foreign policy issue facing the United States in the last 40 years.  Dismiss the serial corruption of his family as they traded on his political office to become wealthy.  Ignore the gaffes and the serial plagiarism.  Ignore his long association with politicians associated with the Ku Klux Klan.  Ignore his penchant for the unwanted touching of women and children and his creepy fondness for the smell of their hair.

Concentrate on the man and who he is today.  Look at the comparison of the Joe Biden who debated Paul Ryan in 2012 with the Biden of today, hoping to trade his basement for the White House cellar.  His mumbling and the many times he seems lost even when reading prepared answers off a teleprompter to prearranged questions from reporters pre-picked by his staff should force even the casual observer to admit he has lost much more than a step.

His mental decline from even just a few years ago is pronounced.  He did, after all, undergo not one, but two brain surgeries in his life.  The blank stares and when he loses his train of thought halfway through sentences along with the bouts of anger and his spontaneous streams of logorrheic gibberish show he is losing the battle to maintain his mental acuity.

What serious voter would pick this man for the most important job on Earth?  Who sincerely believes that a man who is losing his faculties should be put in a position where he might control the fate of humanity?

No, in a normal world, the media would have already dispensed with moldering Joe.  Yet today, the left controls the Democratic Party, corporate media, social media, Big Tech, and the bureaucracy — and Biden is their candidate.  A candidate like Joe, who in a fair and free election would lose by a landslide regardless, of his opponent, combined with the fact that they genuinely believe they deserve the reins of power and thus Trump is illegitimate, makes their coming coup not only predictable, but also inevitable.

The Democrat-media claque have soiled themselves with the soul-staining perfidy of their onanistic pursuit of total and everlasting control of everything in a "fundamentally transformed" United States of America.  Constructing a nationwide virtual echo chamber, they have convinced themselves that the "tired old man they elected [their] king" is not only worthy of the presidency, but also actually in the lead in the two-way race for America's executive office.

They seek to create a belief in people that Biden is not only winning, but way ahead because when Trump wins by a landslide on the evening of November 3, they will be justified in deploying their 1,000-lawyer legal team to prevent his win through lawfare while party hacks work in the days and weeks following Election Day to create or find enough ballots to steal Trump's victory.

All this while, Antifa and Black Lives Matter soldiers take to the streets as the "voice of the people" in "organic" riots as they strive to impose the "will of the people" to overthrow a duly re-elected Trump.

Those on the left have convinced themselves that if not for Trump, we would be living in a nation they would diligently be making perfect.  Yet Trump is incidental.  Leftists have been walking down this path for a long time, and the Obama presidency was the ego boost they needed to progress from theory to action, allowing them to believe that any victory not won by the left must be outright theft and therefore should justifiably be fought and reversed.

They need people to think Biden was robbed.  They must convince voters that Trump stole the election.  It is the same strategy they used with Hillary but failed.  With the benefit of hindsight and almost four years of planning, they have marshaled their forces and are determined to succeed this time.

There is no more honest polling. Biden will always be winning, no matter how bad he is really losing.  There are no more unbiased media figures.  Talking heads between now and November will constantly explain to people just how much of a guaranteed bet Biden is to win the presidency.  When he loses, they will call for, and help organize, the "rebellion."  Google will skew search results, and Twitter, always willing to censor conservatives, will suspend Trump's account because that is how he bypasses the left and talks directly to Americans.  Facebook will follow suit.  Trump must not be allowed to speak to the people, lest he speak the truth.

Democrats are all in on stealing this election.  For them to succeed, they need to make people believe that Trump, when he wins, has stolen it first.

Americans do not have to allow this.  People need to organize and confront the Democrat-Antifa-BLM tough guys trying to suppress Republican voters at the polls and give Trump a resounding victory.  He must win the majority vote and the Electoral College by margins that make the election impossible for the left to steal and give the president a mandate to confront the rioters who will surely surge to violence and destruction to depose the president in the aftermath.

America is the greatest, most successful nation ever to have existed.  It is a republic, and only Americans can do what needs to be done to keep it. 

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If America was so BAD, open source examples added


IMPORTANT – True The Vote Outlines an Election Warning

Catherine Engelbrecht is a subject matter expert on election issues and potential for fraud.  We anticipated the 2020 efforts of Democrats would include wide-scale voter fraud and back in May strongly suggested the Trump campaign begin working closely with True The Vote.

“True the Vote is out with a 30-minute documentary-style national media buy – and complimentary microsite – to raise awareness of the vast security gaps in election laws and processes all across the country, particularly as it relates to the expansion of vote by mail. The program will air in front of a national audience ahead of Election Day to drive citizens to deter election fraud by personally engaging in the election process, whether it’s through working at the polls, on committees that verify mail-in ballots, or other critical election needs.”

Right now those who wish to “fundamentally change” our nation are waging a full frontal assault against our constitutional republic. The bombardment seems overwhelming.

As the country’s largest voters’ rights and election integrity organization, True the Vote has been on the front lines of election fraud prevention since its founding in 2009. For more information on all of True the Vote’s efforts, visit

In order to support the most important political objectives of the DNC writ large in the 2020 election, COVID-19 hype is essential:

♦Without COVID-19 panic Democrats cannot easily achieve ‘mail-in’ voting; which they desperately need in key battleground states in order to control the outcome.

♦Without COVID-19 panic Democrats cannot shut down rallies and political campaigning efforts of President Trump; which they desperately need to do in key battleground states.

♦Without COVID-19 panic Democrats cannot block the campaign contrast between an energetic President Trump and a physically tenuous, mentally compromised, challenger.

♦Without COVID-19 panic Democrats do not have a mechanism to keep voters isolated from each-other; limiting communication and national debate adverse to their interests. COVID-19 panic pushes the national conversation into the digital space where Big Tech controls every element of the conversation.

♦Without COVID-19 panic Democrats cannot keep their Blue state economies easily shut-down and continue to block U.S. economic growth. All thriving economies are against the political interests of Democrats.

♦Without COVID-19 panic Democrats cannot easily keep club candidate Joe Biden heavily controlled and sealed inside the bubble; where the electorate is not exposed to visible signs of his dementia.

♦Without COVID-19 panic it becomes more difficult for Big Tech to censor voices that would outline the fraud and scheme. With COVID-19 panic they have a better method and an excuse.

♦Without COVID-19 panic Democrats cannot advance, influence, or organize their preferred presidential debate format, a ‘virtual presidential debate’ series.

♦Without COVID-19 panic the economy would rebound quickly and people would go back to work. This is against the interests of Democrats.

All of these, and more, strategic outcomes are based on the manufactured weaponization of the COVID-19 virus to achieve a larger political objective. There is ZERO benefit to anyone other than Democrats for the overwhelming hype surrounding COVID-19.

It is not coincidental that all corporate media are all-in to facilitate the demanded fear that Democrats need in order to achieve their objectives. Thus there is an alignment of all big government institutions and multinationals to support the same.

Nothing is coincidental.

Everything is political.

Trump and Motown....Crossing over the COLOR - Ideological DIVIDE...lwhy Trump succeeds

                                  Herschel Walker, on Trump

Trump and Motown....Crossing over the COLOR - Ideological DIVIDE...

why Trump succeeds

  The CLIP above is an example of POTUS crossing over. Dr. Alveda King and Trumpo

President Trump will bring the disenfranchised democrats, having been discourage by the BURN not getting his due. 

Trump is "of the culture"...the popCULTure....

Like Motown did via music in the 60's....Trump will be doing via SURVIVAL, "men only need apply"...kind of thing...

Trump today meets yesterdays MOTOWN....the Crossover...

Trump today is Detroit's Reverse.

Motown in the 60's brought Urban black music to the "white" middle class

Trump run for President TODAY crosses over the color barrier bringing American values to white and black LIBERALS both.... 

How is Mr. Trump accomplishing this..

Simple...Cause he's COOL, TOUGH...and won't take your shitte

North Carolina Democrats 'ditching and switching' for Trump?

As support for Donald Trump grows among non-Republican voters, party affiliation has become a major issue before the primaries.  In North Carolina, only voters registered as unaffiliated (UNA) or Republican (REP) may vote on a Republican ballot in the primary on March 15.

The New York Times reports that a duo of Trump cheerleaders, known as the YouTube sensation Diamond and Silk, have been calling for Democrats to switch their party to Republican if they want to vote in closed primaries for Trump.
The two ladies may be having an impact.
Comparing the stats of registered voters in the state over the 2011 and 2015 pre-primary periods reveals a trend of voters moving away from the DEM column and into REP and UNA columns – especially in the past six months.
In 2015, from June through January 2, 2016, there was an increase of about 67,000 registered UNAs, which was 13,000 more than in the same period in 2011.  Also, in the same periods, REPs increased by about 27,000, which was about 6,000 more than in 2011, and DEMs increased by about 6,000 which was about 5,000 fewer than in 2011. 

Trump "I am the Pop Culture."  The Making of a President Tony Soprano COOL "media's bewilderment"


The Progressive LIST for Supreme COURT...recently released


The Progressive LIST for Supreme COURT


Progressive group releases Supreme Court shortlist for 2020 Democrats

Progressive group releases Supreme Court shortlist for 2020 Democrats
© Getty

A progressive activist group on Tuesday released a shortlist of potential Supreme Court nominees in an effort to push Democratic presidential contenders to make the court more of a focus of the 2020 primary campaign.

The list, released by the nonprofit Demand Justice, is also part of an effort to pressure Democrats to stop nominating corporate lawyers to the federal bench and instead fill vacancies with activists, academics and other progressive attorneys.

The group explained their philosophy in a statement, saying Republicans are “shredding the rule book” to create a court that “works for corporations.”

Nobody on the Demand Justice list has served as a partner at a corporate law firm or as an in-house lawyer at a major corporation.

“While Democrats play by the rules, Republicans are shredding the rule book, and the result is a partisan Supreme Court that works for corporations and the Republican Party and against everyone else,” Christopher Kang, the group's chief counsel, said in a statement.

“If we want to restore balance to our courts, we need to stop shying away from the fight for them and instead give progressives something to fight for: judges who have been bold, progressive champions who have been on the front lines advancing the law for our values.”

Demand Justice said that the diverse group on the shortlist is meant to counter the one President Trump released during his 2016 campaign, which was comprised entirely of white, and mostly male, candidates.

A handful of the 32 names are sitting judges, including four who are already on the federal bench: Richard Boulware, a judge for the U.S. District Court in Nevada; Jane Kelly, who sits on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 8th Circuit; Cornelia Pillard, an appellate judge for the D.C. Circuit; and Carlton Reeves of the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Mississippi.

Other notable names include civil rights activists like Michelle Alexander, Bryan Stevenson and Vanita Gupta, who led the Obama Justice Department's civil rights division.

Some of the names are rising stars in the Democratic Party, including California Attorney General Xavier Becerra and freshman Rep. Katie Porter (Calif.).

Others are notable progressive lawyers from around the country, like Philadelphia District Attorney Larry Krasner, who has drawn nationwide attention for his criminal justice reform efforts that have put him at odds with local police and federal prosecutors.

Demand Justice urged Democratic primary candidates to address their plans for the Supreme Court by releasing their own shortlists of potential nominees.

Ted Cruz...Qunitessential explanation on SCOTUS-three KEY points...BEST one yet...EVERYONE should mirror!


Cruz on Confirming Trump SCOTUS Pick: ‘I Believe We Will’

Sunday on ABC’s “This Week,” Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) said he believed President Donald Trump’s Supreme Court pick would be confirmed before the election.

Cruz said such action was justified by the U.S. Senate, given the possibility the high court would have to weigh in on the presidential election.

Partial transcript as follows:

STEPHANOPOULOS: Do you have the votes now to have — to confirm before the election?

CRUZ: You know, I don’t know. I don’t know the answer to that. I believe we will. I think it is particularly important that the Senate take it up and confirm this – this nomination before the election.

Because Joe Biden has been explicit. He has said, if he doesn’t win, he’s going to challenge this election. He’s going to go to court. He’s going to challenge it. He’s already hired a big legal team. Hillary Clinton has told Joe Biden, “Under no circumstances should you concede.” Given that, there is a serious risk of a constitutional crisis, if Joe Biden is bringing litigation, like we had in Bush v. Gore but in five or 10 states…

STEPHANOPOULOS: Senator, I have to stop you. As you know, it is — it’s President Trump who has been the one talking about rigged elections. Joe Biden has not explicitly said he’s — he’s going to challenge the election. Of course, they’re going to have teams of lawyers, as every campaign always does, to look at irregularities…



CRUZ: George, true or false, did Hillary say to Joe Biden, “Don’t concede?”


CRUZ: George, true or false, did Hillary Clinton say to Joe Biden, “Don’t concede?”

STEPHANOPOULOS: I was asking if you said Joe Biden explicitly said it. He hasn’t said it.

CRUZ: It’s true. It’s true.

STEPHANOPOULOS: I did not challenge your statement about Senator Clinton.

CRUZ: OK. So you agree Hillary has said “Under no circumstances concede.” Joe Biden has also hired a legal team headed by Supreme Court advocates. They intend to challenge this…

STEPHANOPOULOS: As has President Trump.

CRUZ: This is a topic — this is a topic — you know, 20 years ago I was part of the legal team that litigated Bush v. Gore for George W. Bush. I was a young lawyer then. In fact, I just wrote a book that’s coming out in a couple of weeks called “One Vote Away: How a Single Supreme Court Seat Can Change History.”

And one of the chapters there talks about Bush v. Gore. It talks about the epic battle where Al Gore challenged the election results, and for 36 days, the country was held in chaos. Well, if Joe Biden does that again this year and we have an 8-8 (ph) court, an equally divided court, 4-4, can’t decide anything. That could make this presidential election drag on weeks and months and well into next year. That is an intolerable situation for the country. We need a full court on Election Day, given the very high likelihood that we’re going to see litigation that goes to the court. We need a Supreme Court that can give a definitive answer for the country.
