Saturday, September 5, 2020

Columnist Warns: ‘You Ain’t Seen Anything Yet’; Democrat Party Has ‘No Intention of Accepting’ 2nd Trump Term

Article by Mike Miller in RedState


Columnist Warns: ‘You Ain’t Seen Anything Yet’; Democrat Party Has ‘No Intention of Accepting’ 2nd Trump Term

The closer the presidential election gets — 59 days and counting — the farther the TDS-riddled Democrat Party goes off the Crazy Train rails, hyperbolically insisting — with zero facts or even a hint of suggestion to back them up — that Donald Trump will try to steal the election.

Then there’s the silliness about Trump refusing to leave the White House — as if he’s going to barricade himself inside the Oval Office — if he loses, but we’re not going to waste time or space on that nonsense.

Speaking of 2020 Democrat psychosis, it isn’t Donald Trump who will go off the deep end if he loses — it’s them, columnist Miranda Devine told “Fox & Friends Weekend” on Saturday.

Devine’s prediction was, in effect, a review/preview of how the Democrat Party will react if Trump wins — which is precisely how it has acted over the last four years —with an ominous warning thrown in for good measure.

“[T]he Democrats have no intention of accepting defeat at the ballot box. If you think that they were sore losers in 2016, you ain’t seen anything yet.

And what they’re doing is effectively threatening violence if Biden does not win, and it’s just a variation on the theme that Biden talked to [in] Pittsburgh, during the week, when he said if you don’t vote for him, ‘ya ain’t safe.’

Devine was right, of course.

During Biden’s disastrous campaign speech in Pittsburgh on Tuesday, he all but threatened that the violence that has marred American cities for more than three months will continue if Trump wins re-election, “because for years he has fomented it.”


Devine called the Democrat strategy both despicable and dishonest, given that “Democrat proxies” are committing the violence, not “right-wing agitators,” as Democrats and the liberal media have suggested.

It’s pretty despicable, but that is everything you need to know, and it’s also very dishonest because the scenarios they put together show it’s actually the Democrat proxies in the street, the supposedly ‘peaceful protests’ — we’ve heard that, before, and yet the Republicans are ‘supposed to’ send in a whole bunch of violent agitators, which is exactly the opposite of what’s been happening.”

Devine warned that “we are at an incredibly volatile point in this country’s history, and this is just pouring gasoline on the fire.”

“It is really reprehensible to be muddying the election night results like this, because everybody on either side is going to assume that the other side has cheated, and they’re being encouraged now by the Democrats to take to the streets by whatever means necessary to make democracy happen — and democracy from their point of view is only if Joe Biden wins.”

To Devine’s point, Biden has repeatedly charged — again, with zero proof — his “greatest concern” is Trump “will try to steal the election.”



Nancy Pelosi has also been among Democrats who insist Trump will try to cheat — albeit with a twist, recently suggesting Trump will try to undermine the election by corrupting the U.S. Postal Service. 

And of course there’s Hillary Clinton, who recently — and stridently — warned Biden “not to concede under any circumstances.”

Same Hillary who in 2016 was apoplectic after Trump said in an early debate he didn’t know if he would accept the election results.

Same Hillary, also, who has spent four years whining about losing, blaming everything from “Russian collusion,” to the basket of deplorables, to minority voter suppression, to everyone and everything not named Hillary Clinton.



Clearly, the Democrats and their liberal media lapdogs are worried. If they weren’t, why would they sound like it so much? If they were as assured that Biden will oust Trump in November as they say they are, why are they running around looking and talking like paranoid fools?

Because they are paranoid.

Democrats have never been able to wrap their smug heads around the reality that Donald Trump beat Hillary Clinton in 2016 — that the reality TV show host beat the smartest person in the universe. The thought of that happening again is too much for them to bear.

Just to be sure, “Gumaraid” summed it up for Republicans:

Here is your clarion call to run every damned Democrat from office this year: “If you think that they were sore losers in 2016, you ain’t seen anything yet. … Democrats have no intention of accepting defeat at the ballot box.” ⁦



59 days, and counting, America.

Stock up on popcorn, it’s going to be wild ride.

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Pro-Trump boat parades to take place over Labor Day weekend

OAN Newsroom
UPDATED 10:45 AM PT – Saturday, September 5, 2020
Thousands of Trump supporters across the country are hitting the water this Labor Day weekend. From coast to coast, dozens of pro-Trump boat parades are expected to take place over the holiday weekend.
On Saturday in Dubuque County, Iowa, boats showed their “MAGA” pride on the Mississippi river. Boat parades were also held from Fort Walton Beach, Florida to Pensacola. Many boats were also seen in Matagorda, Texas.

 A parade in Branson, Missouri was even expected to break a world record, with hundreds of boats slated to attend. On Sunday, events will also be held in Lay Lake, Alabama, Erie, Pennsylvania, and San Diego, California.



Meanwhile, New Jersey boaters attempted to break a world record with a boat parade in support of law enforcement and President Trump. The “Law Enforcement Officer and Veterans Support Boat Parade” began Saturday morning.
The Guinness World Record listed the largest boat parade as just over 1,000 vessels in size. New Jersey event is aiming for 2,400 boats.
 Event organizers are hoping many people get involved to show support for those who need it amid the turbulent political climate and pandemic.

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Time to Bury the Corpse


Article by Laura Peterson-Lytle

Time to Bury the Corpse

Journalism is dead in America. One can smell the rotting corpse in the plethora of stories news agencies publish -- stories, not articles, that reek of bias, nonexistent sources, and “facts” selected for the sole purpose of deception. There is a reason beyond George Floyd that the Left’s battle cry has become, “I can’t breathe.” The stench of journalism’s decayed remains is enough to choke the life out of the America.

There are moments in one’s life which bring a foreboding sense of doom to come. Moments that, in hindsight, were definitive moments that would forever change the landscape. One such moment, personally, was when the newspaper publisher I worked for decided to accept adverts on the front page. Up to that time, the front page was sacred. The front page was dedicated to the headline news and free of influence outside of journalistic standards (standards which were equally sacred at that time). The fight against ads on the front page was one of the toughest battles I fought in my tenure as managing editor, but one I ultimately lost. With every ad that followed on the front page, journalistic integrity died a little more.

For those who have never worked in journalism, it may be difficult to grasp how running an ad on the front page compromised journalistic integrity, so allow me to explain. The front page was free of ads to eliminate any influence on the news content. It was the one page that publishers and sales representatives could tell advertisers, “I have no control over what goes on the front page.” Not a day went by in which calls were not received by advertisers to influence content, either by attempting to suppress an article of an employee being arrested or strongarming the page on which they wanted their ad. While journalists cared little about advertisers and their demands, the ad revenues are what paid salaries. Keeping the front-page untouchable protected it from outside influences also protected publishers and sales representatives from outside pressure to influence news content for revenue.

It took less than two months for the slippery slope of front-page ad sales to become an avalanche that rolled over journalistic integrity like a boulder. Publishers and sales representatives, who were charging a premium for the front-page ad space, began to cave to editorial dictates of advertisers who had the money for the prime space. Journalists and editors would lay out front pages only to have the content rearranged, altered, or replaced before printing, all at the behest of, or with the goal of, appeasing the advertisers able to pay the quadruple price of front-page advertising. Journalistic integrity would never be the primary goal again in newsrooms. Journalism became a prostitute sold to the highest bidder.

With the final holdout -- the front page -- gone, journalism declined to a death-rattle within a few years. If advertisers could influence content, “journalists” decided they could, too. Some, no doubt, even did so on behalf of other people, groups, and politicians, gaining influence, favors, or money in the process. The result was the death of journalism, a field that once put the public ahead of profit, integrity ahead of personal gain, truth ahead of deception. Now, most news stories are just that: stories with more slant than fact, more fiction than verifiable truth. Facts, when they are even included, are cherry-picked to further a narrative personally or professionally or monetarily beneficial to the “journalist” or the news organization. Most journalists are puppets with hidden masters pulling their strings. Journalists who do possess integrity and attempt to adhere to time-honored journalist standards typically find themselves bullied and forced out of most newsrooms.

Journalism died years ago, not long after publishers sold the soul of the front page for a few dollars. “Journalists” now violate virtually every previous standard and principle once held dear. From anonymous sources who may or not exist, to outright deceptive coverage, journalists’ goals are now self-serving and focused only on the goals determined by the masters who control them. In their hasty pursuit of money, influence, and power, they never bothered to bury the body. As a result, journalism’s rotting corpse has filled America with a breath-stealing stench that leaves the public gagging for air. It is time, for the sake of the country, to bury journalism’s corpse. Denial serves no purpose. We can grieve its death, but we must get rid of the body for the health of the country


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RAF jets involved in IS mission sent to Black Sea amid Russia tensions

British fighter jets based in Cyprus as part of a mission to counter Islamic State in Syria and Iraq have instead been flying in the Black Sea region amid tensions with Russia, Sky News understands.
A military source said the Royal Air Force Typhoons, supported by a Voyager refuelling tanker aircraft, were deployed on Friday because of a Russian military exercise in the area.

Typhoons are operating in the area, the Ministry of Defence confirms, as a source says they patrolled with US B52 bombers.


 The source said they were operating with a number of US B52 bombers, which flew from an airbase in the UK where they are stationed.

A spokesperson for the Ministry of Defence said: "We can confirm RAF Typhoons have been operating in the Black Sea region.
"The sortie demonstrates the UK's ability to support ongoing cooperation with allies and partners in the region which deepens relationships and regional security."
Russia on Friday said it scrambled eight fighter jets to intercept three US B-52 strategic bombers flying over the Black Sea.
A Twitter account that tracks the movement of military aircraft and warships tweeted about a Typhoon jet that flew from RAF Akrotiri in Cyprus to Ukraine.

"RAF Typhoon ZK301 which is usually based at RAF Akrotiri has been sent up over the Black Sea area & now over Ukraine," said @air_intel
The Typhoon and Voyager aircraft are deployed in Cyprus as part of Operation Shader - the name of the UK contribution to a US-led coalition against Islamic State.

The fast jets fly sorties over Iraq and Syria, conducting surveillance and - when needed - launching air strikes.
But that mission has become a lot quieter in recent months following the collapse of the physical IS caliphate in March 2019.
It is not clear if the diversion of the aircraft to the Black Sea from their counter IS mission is a one-off or the start of a longer-term diversification of tasks.

A view from 2027

March 17, 2027

Whenever the Pink Shirts come by for a check, Inez hits the discreet button beneath the kitchen counter that releases the trap door into the cellar where she now keeps her most expensive shoes and we’ve got about 30 seconds to get inside.

Inez tells us much about the outside world that we’ve missed for so long. That the Pink Shirts are now knocking on doors daily to ask if any Deplorables live there. If so, they are immediately taken away to one of the Cal State campuses for reeducation but Inez says no one has ever returned. We fear only death awaits us at Cal State.
They often have lists. Inez says the Beverly Hills Autonomous Zone District Commander is the foulest person she’s ever seen. A creature of pure sadism called Zirm Jxcksxn, who they say had his genitals removed, put back on, then removed again before getting into amputeeism. He now only has one leg. He’s got a horseshoe hairline dyed pink, with pink eyebrows and even pink nose hairs creep from his nostrils like neon spider’s legs.

Inez says it’s only the movie stars keeping Beverly Hills from being evacuated the way they did in Palm Beach, but everyone knows that’s only temporary. Soon they’re going to need these houses for the migrants, too. And all those dutiful celebrities aren’t any safer than the rest of us. The Party still won’t acknowledge when the Pink Shirts dismembered Ellen DeGeneres outside her own home after one of them mistook her for Lindsey Graham. Same with Cher’s disappearance, one day after she tweeted about migrants hunting her pet peacocks for meat. And no one believes Alyssa Milano actually committed suicide after a copy of Sexual Personae was spotted on her bookshelf during a livestream.

Around three in the afternoon yesterday the doorbell rang and we got into the cellar. We didn’t sleep much last night. The trucks were out blasting the usual dictums, ‘diversity is our strength,’ ‘love is love,’ ‘hate has no home here,’ ‘no human is illegal.’ There’s six of us in Inez’s house and Raphael has a cough, probably MARS — Mask Acquired Respiratory Syndrome, the superbug bacteria that popped up a couple years after the federal mask mandate. All eyes are on Raphael, pleading that he doesn’t make a sound.
Inez says they’ve been watching her closely. They see she doesn’t post enough on YouBook or FaGooTer. She’s not watching enough television. Her phone is never on. Phones is how they get you. We began sounding the alarms just two months after her inauguration, when President Admiral Vice Commander Stacey Abrams began giving herself military titles and the media pretended this was all normal. ‘Mostly True,’ wrote Snopes, ‘after all, she’s literally commander-in-chief of the military.’ When we heard rumors they were rounding up Deplorables by our phones, we got rid of them. Then they instituted stop-and-phone checkpoints, but that didn’t do much. They already knew for years who most of us were. They were only waiting for the right moment.

When the Pink Shirts came in immediately we heard the menacing clomp…clomp…clomp of a peg leg on wood floors and knew Commander Zirm was here and this wouldn’t be good. They stayed for what seemed like hours but it was maybe only 20 minutes. Inez wasn’t on her toes, probably from the lack of sleep.

‘We’ve heard reports of some Deplorables in the area, have you seen anything suspicious?’ Zirm asked her.

‘No, I haven’t, sir’, Inez said and we winced. The gendered ‘sir’, how could she be so careless?

‘What did you call me?’ Zirm hissed back.

Just then we heard one of the Pink Shirts run in from the living room, ‘Commander, I think you should see this’.

The silence was pregnant with death. We turned white with fear. Raphael nearly passed out.

Economics 101?’ Zirm finally said, gleefully and serpentine. ‘What is Economics 101? Why do you have this?’

‘Oh, Commander’, Inez stumbled. ‘That was just an old textbook from college, before the Revolution. I didn’t even realize I still had it. I’ll get rid of it right now’.

And that was it. We don’t know what happened after that. We heard a shriek and scuffle and then, silence. Inez was gone.

I’m leaving behind this diary so that, perhaps, one day in the future, the world may know that people like Inez existed. That we existed. Inez had planned for this day and left maps and instructions. Tonight we leave for Donaldalia, a rebel settlement and casino in the Badlands. Inez left us with a list of other safehouses from here to Boise, but after Boise we’re on our own. We’re not sure if Donaldalia even exists, but at this point, faith is all we’ve got.

Richard Grenell Unloads on Corrupt MSM: 'People Aren't Listening to You Anymore'


 Article by Stephen Kruiser in PJMedia

Richard Grenell Unloads on Corrupt MSM: 'People Aren't Listening to You Anymore'

Grenell Brings the Pain

So much for a slow Friday.

President Trump scored another diplomatic victory this week, announcing the “normalization” of economic relations between Serbia and Kosovo.

The New York Post:

President Trump on Friday hosted the leaders of Serbia and breakaway republic Kosovo for the signing of a landmark economic normalization agreement.

Trump, seated behind the Resolute Desk in the Oval Office, presided as Kosovo Prime Minister Avdullah Hoti and Serbia President Aleksandar Vučić inked the deal, seated at desks on either side of Trump.

Kosovo broke away from Serbia with US assistance following a genocidal war waged by then-Serbian strongman Slobodan Milošević. In 2008, Kosovo unilaterally declared independence, following de facto independence since 1999.

“Serbia and Kosovo have each committed to economic normalization,” Trump told reporters, signaling a breakthrough after a deep freeze in relations between the countries.

Seems like the kind of thing that should be celebrated by all Americans but we live in the dumbest and most partisan of times. The mainstream media can’t celebrate anything Trump-related and, predictably, was tedious again when given a chance to ask questions about the agreement.

Enter Richard Grenell, the current special presidential envoy for Serbia and Kosovo peace negotiations, who has become one of the president’s most ardent and vocal advocates. He never passes up a chance to remind the media that they’re irresponsible and awful.

Grenell participated in a press conference to discuss the agreement and quickly grew weary of the childish tediousness of the press corps.

Before we get to that, here is a little setup:



There’s a nice little jab in the direction of D.C. insiders. Grenell is very adept at railing against the Swamp without ever referring to it as the Swamp.

When Grenell got around to landing the heavyweight blows, it was nothing short of glorious. He’s got this calm delivery and can modulate his condescension with amazing precision for maximum effect.

The following clip is loaded with quotable derision, but I think my favorite line is: “Maybe it’s too complicated of an issue for you all.” He then glided effortlessly from telling them that they’re stupid to telling them that they are irrelevant.

Grab your popcorn.



There really cannot be too much of this. The MSM — specifically those covering the White House — get worse by the hour. If the MSM fails in its mission to get Joseph Harris-Biden elected in November, I truly hope that Grenell has a prominent role in Trump’s administration. Preferably one where he has to deal with the press a lot.

Like the president, Grenell isn’t afraid to mix it up on Twitter. His use of social media to beat up the libs can be downright brutal at times. As this election season moves into what will no doubt be the most irresponsible and negative media climate ever, the president will need all of the fearless, vocal advocates to be countering false media narratives.

The late, great Andrew Breitbart did something that Grenell is very good at too: He would reject the false premises in media “Gotcha!” questions and turn the whole thing around to highlighting their bias. It’s something that White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany does as well.

The snippiness of the responses from the press corps in these situations is proof that they know they’re everything they are being accused of and it isn’t just enjoyable to watch them squirm, it’s essential that Team Trump keeps making them do so. 


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FISA Related ‘Woods File’ Docs Get Disappeared

BREAKING: Carter Page’s FISA Related ‘Woods File’ Docs Disappeared, Was It ‘Malice Or Incompetence’

The original Woods file on former campaign advisor Carter Page went missing more than two years ago, and according to sources who spoke to, those documents had to be recreated by the FBI and former Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s team in 2018 from the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Application used by the bureau to obtain the warrant on Page. That FISA was used in part to investigate President Donald Trump’s campaign and the now-debunked theory that it colluded with Russia during the 2016 election, according to several sources, with knowledge, who spoke to this reporter. 

The woods file procedure, which was overseen by FBI Supervisory Special Agent Joe Pientka, and ultimately former FBI Deputy Assistant Director Peter Strzok, was used to verify the contents in the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act application that was used to obtain a warrant to spy on Page.

Moreover, during Pientka’s numerous interviews with investigators from the DOJ’s Inspector General’s office, who likely have worked for both Michael Horowitz and Connecticut prosecutor John Durham – the fact that it was a recreated Wood’s file was never disclosed.

In fact, it had been missing for an unknown period of time, possibly up to two years and officials did not become aware it had disappeared until last week during a closed-door Senate Intelligence Committee hearing. 

Pientka attended the closed-door hearing, along with other FBI officials, according to sources familiar with the proceedings.

“The real story here is how does the FBI, Special Counsel’s Office and Inspector General figure out if the Wood’s file went missing through malice or through incompetence,” said a source with knowledge if the circumstances. 

Pientka has so far been cleared by the Justice Department and not charged with any wrongdoing. According to sources, he has been speaking and cooperating with Justice Department officials and members of Congress. He still maintains active employment with the FBI, unlike Strzok, FBI lawyer Lisa Page, former Deputy Director Andrew McCabe and former Assistant Director Bill Priestap, among others.

“The fact that the investigation was run as a ‘special’ out of FBI Headquarters is not unique,” said a person familiar with the situation. “However, running an investigation like that out of headquarters causes all sorts of problems including access to control and sensitive items, improper storage and handling of those sensitive items, and the ability for individuals to become involved in things or gain access to information that they should never rightly have.” 

“The real story here is how does the FBI, Special Counsel’s Office and Inspector General figure out if the Wood’s file went missing through malice or though incompetence,” the source added. “Either answer doesn’t reflect well on this investigation.” 

FBI officials did not respond by close of business after being contacted several hours earlier. However, this story will be updated once a response is received. 

Justice Department spokesperson Kerri Kupec could not be reached by phone or email for comment. 

The information regarding Carter Page’s woods file also comes on the heels of an announcement Tuesday by Justice Department Attorney General William Barr and FBI Director Christopher Wray that they are rolling out a series of new reforms and procedures for seeking approval of intelligence-related surveillance of campaign staff and officials. 

These reforms “will empower the FBI to build a more robust internal compliance program … that will ensure, among other things, the accuracy of [Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act] applications, as well as the active oversight of applications targeting federal elected officials, candidates for federal elected office, and their staffs,” the news release stated.

Carter Page, author of the new book “Abuse and Power: How an Innocent American Was Framed in an Attempted Coup Against a President,” sent a statement to saying, “after years of waiting for basic level of accountability in the U.S. intelligence community and the Democratic party, the crooks continue to roam free in Washington.” 

He noted that as “we approach the next presidential election, these latest small steps by the DOJ and FBI have not yet sufficiently addressed the criminal acts by ruthlessly partisan political actors in the swamp.” 

“The cancerous abuses by the once-respected National Security Division have still not found an effective remedy, following the destruction of so many loyal American citizens,” he added. 

In fact, Carter Page’s life was turned upside down when members of the intelligence community and federal law enforcement apparatus began leaking false information to the media. They used the unverified FISA application, that was later discovered to have numerous errors and omissions that were purposefully done to obtain the warrant to spy on him.

Last month, FBI lawyer Kevin Clinesmith pleaded guilty to altering an email that would have cleared any suspicion about Page conspiring with Russians. The email was verification that Page was acting on behalf of the CIA and had cooperated with the U.S. government on numerous occasions. 

In fact, the Woods file procedure, which was named after FBI Special Agent Michael Woods and instituted in 2001, is to ensure that there are no inaccuracies and that all the information in a FISA application is verified. The application can only be presented to the court once it is verified. 

With original Wood’s file missing, investigators now will be unable to properly determine where or how the information presented to the FISC was verified, altered or omitted, according to multiple sources. 

The FISA, however, also relied on a shoddy dossier compiled by former British spy Christopher Steele, who was paid by the Hillary Clinton campaign and the DNC to dig up dirt on Trump. The dossier has now been discovered to be bogus but it was used as a supporting piece of evidence in the FISA to get the warrant. 

The investigation into Trump and his campaign, however, was known as a ‘special’ and bureau kept the investigation at headquarters where “the odds of leaks were believed to be less likely,” said one source. However, FBI headquarters in Washington D.C., unlike the FBI’s 56 field offices, is incapable of appropriately storing and securing information in investigations. 

Strzok and Page Discuss Expediting Woods procedure FISA Before 2016 Election

The history behind the FBI’s FISA application to obtain a warrant to spy on Page is long, murky and scattered in documents obtained by Congressional investigations that have taken years to complete.

Those texts and emails are invaluable to understanding what transpired. In one exchange during October, 2016, Strzok emails Page, about the FISA. The back and forth included former FBI Deputy Director McCabe and how they would get him to push the DOJ to. sign off on the warrant to spy on Carter Page. 

McCabe, like Strzok, was fired for lying numerous times to the DOJ’s Inspector General investigators under then Former Attorney General Jeff Sessions. 

In the email with the subject line, “Crossfire FISA” – referring to the FBI’s code name for its probe into the Trump campaign’s 2016 election and the bureau’s now debunked theory members conspired with Russia – the pair discussed what they would tell McCabe regarding the FISA. 

“At a minimum, that keeps the hurry the F up pressure on him,” said Strzok to Page on Oct. 14, 2016. 

“Still an expedite?” one of the emails stated. The reason they were expediting the process was because the election was only months away and the agents were desperate to have access to Carter Page’s communications. 

“Any idea what time he can have it woods-ed by?” said Strzok to Page. “I know it’s not going to matter because DOJ is going to take the time DOJ wants to take. I just don’t want this waiting on us at all.”

However, without the Woods procedure files we may not ever know what transpired and what information was actually used to target Carter Page. 

The truth, however, resides in all the agents and former senior Obama officials with knowledge of the FBI’s role and their role in handling the case. 

The malfeasance ran deep and straight to the top of the bureau. Attorney General Barr and Durham shouldn’t leave any stone unturned and expose what happened to the American public. 

There is no way that a file of that significance can go missing in an investigation into a Presidential campaign and then a President of the United States. 

The next question we should be asking is “why didn’t anyone know until now?”

Tony Fauci Exposes Himself...

1\ Fauci's new paper on COVID-19 is a tissue of falsehoods, which isn't too surprising

But what surprised me is what a terrible writer he is. The introductory paragraph could serve as cautionary material for a freshman course in writing style: Image
2\ The thrust of the paper is that the last decade has seen "unprecedented pandemic explosions" (Fauci's words)

Given that per-capita virus deaths have set record *lows* over the past decade, you'd be forgiven for wondering what Fauci is smoking

He's just...flat wrong
4\ After numbing the reader with virology platitudes, Fauci is ready for his grand pivot:

He is going to tell us that viruses are punishment for man having left the Garden of Eden: Image
5\ Never mind that global forest cover is at its highest extent in decades (and still increasing). Never mind that man's mastery of nature has allowed us to nearly eradicate virus deaths

Fauci has imbibed Gaia Worship in a single swallow, and he wants us to be *scared*: Image
6\6 After 13 pages of turgid nonsense, I imagined Fauci could at least rouse himself to a grand synthesis. But no.

"Unbalanced interactions with nature"

"Creative harmony with nature"

I'm sorry, but how did anyone mistake this clown for a scientist? Image
7\6 If you want to horrify yourself, here is the paper itself:…
• • •

Kamala Harris really doesn't want to talk about being a cop

It was a big question back when it was first rumored that 2020 Democratic nominee Joe Biden was considering Sen. Kamala Harris as his running mate: How would the California lawmaker reconcile today’s anti-police climate with her record as a rigid, and often abusive, prosecutor?

As it turns out, the answer is simple. On the rare occasion that Democratic vice presidential candidate Harris is asked about violence, crime, law, and order, she simply says nothing at all. It is a neat trick, one that I suspect members of the Biden campaign press pool will allow her to get away with until someone from the outside refuses to take a nonanswer for an answer.

On Tuesday, for example, the senator was asked at a virtual fundraiser how she, as a former attorney general, would “more effectively” and “more vigorously” respond to the "continuing violence in major cities.”

Harris responded by saying a lot of nothing. 

"There is work to be done in terms of going into all these areas of the country and making clear that, first of all, Donald Trump is spending full time, as he has been during the election, in 2016, and during his presidency, trying to sow hate and division among us," the senator said.

She added, "And he has always operated, trying to tap into people’s fear and create a climate of fear. And that’s why, I think, it’s really important to talk about the fact that this moment is Donald Trump’s America, it is not Joe Biden’s America. And the violence that we’re seeing, the pain we’re seeing, it has not only increased during the term and during the tenure of Donald Trump, but it has, in many ways, certainly in terms of the pain around race, around immigration, around geographic location, has been encouraged by Donald Trump himself.” 

“We cannot buy into the fear," Harris concluded. "And it is because he is trying to run from his record that he is doing it.” 

OK, but about the violence in major American cities. Any thought on that, senator?
Earlier, in late August, ABC News’s Robin Roberts asked Harris specifically to square her record as a draconian prosecutor with the ascent of the Black Lives Matter movement.

“But there's also been a national conversation about policing. And, you know the name that you have ‘Kamala: Top Cop.’ Top cop,” said Roberts. “And the book that you wrote 10 years ago, Smart on Crime, where you could put it by saying that you wanted to see more police on the street. Do you still feel that way?”

Harris responded by saying a lot of nothing. I am not kidding. The senator’s response was lengthy, long-winded, meandering, and totally devoid of meaning or substance.

“Listen, I think there is no question. First of all, when I wrote that book, we — Black Lives Matter did not exist,” said Harris. “And I give full credit to the brilliance of that movement in terms of what it has done to advance a conversation that needed to happen, a long time ago, but did not capture the ears or the hearts of the American people.”

She added, “What Black Lives Matter has done as a movement has been to be a counterforce against a very entrenched status quo around the criminal justice system in America.”

The senator continued, working very hard to avoid answering the question:

And so, we have seen the kind of change that we need that has been happening over the course of the last five years, for sure. And that's why I'm so excited about what we can do in terms of a new administration in the White House. That is about taking on these issues in a way that makes clear that the American people are ready for it and they want it. And so, it's about a policy that says we're going to ban chokeholds and carotid holes. George Floyd would be alive today if there had been such a ban. We need that ban.

That's part of the policy and the platform, that a Biden-Harris administration is going to fight for. We need pattern and practice investigations of police departments who have a history and a pattern and practice of discrimination. When I was attorney general of California, I conducted pattern and practice investigations of law enforcement agencies that were discriminating or exercising excessive force.

A Department of Justice, unlike what Bill Barr is under Donald Trump, that is actually investigating these cases and enforcing consent decrees. A policy that is going to be about decriminalizing marijuana. Having a policy that is about looking at having a centralized database in our country that tracks police officers that have been found to break the rules or break the law. These are the kinds of things that need to be in place. Finally.

And these are the kinds of issues that we are going to take on as an administration and implement because it is time for that kind of change, and enough is enough. Enough is enough.

The funny thing about these nonanswers is that Harris ran in the 2020 Democratic primary on her record as a career law woman. She claimed repeatedly that only she had the guts and know-how to “prosecute the case” against Trump. And that was not just a turn of phrase. The senator quite literally promised primary voters that she would bring criminal charges against Trump if handed the nomination.

But now that Harris is Biden’s 2020 sidekick, and the Democratic base very much fell out of love with law enforcement, it seems as if the senator is doing whatever she can to avoid talking about her earlier claims to fame. She will not even outline a plan to deal with growing unrest in major U.S. cities where she has promoted bailout funds for rioters

Then again, if I had Harris’s record as a prosecutor, I would not want to talk about it either.

Expanded or Targeted Investigative Review of Special Counsel?

Red State has a good article expanding consideration of the Sara Carter exclusive this week surrounding a recent DOJ and FBI admission to the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence about the special counsel, Andrew Weissmann, “recreating” the original Woods File to support the June 29, 2017, Carter Page FISA application.

[Red State Here -AND- Sara Carter Here]

In essence the questions are: why would the special counsel need to re-create a file? 
And if so what would be the purpose behind “losing” their original?

However, CTH would add an overlaying question: What investigative event would precipitate the DOJ approaching the FBI to inquire about investigative “files” secured and handled by the special counsel?…..  Such that the SSCI would need to be brought into the information pipeline recently.

Perhaps !

The 2018 timeline here is very specific.  Both the Wood’s File (for Horowitz review) and the investigative file of SSA Brian Dugan (for Jessie Liu review) would have to be handled within a very similar special counsel time-frame.   Questioning one could certainly lead to more sunlight upon the other. Perhaps time will tell.

Smith & Wesson Stepping Up Production as Sales Soar 140 Percent



Article by Stephen Gutowski in The Washington Free Beacon

Smith & Wesson Stepping Up Production as Sales Soar 140 Percent


Gun maker pledges 'max capacity' production that could lead to more jobs, shifts for workers


One of the nation's largest gun makers is ramping up production after a record-breaking first quarter in 2020.

Smith & Wesson, one of only two publicly traded gun manufacturers in America, reported a 140 percent year-over-year jump in gun sales between the beginning of May and the end of July. The company moved 584,000 guns in that period, an unprecedented demand that caused inventories to fall. That's why the company has doubled down on its efforts to manufacture more guns in order to meet continuing demand.

"As we've seen before during these surge periods, these results reflect that despite our record numbers in market share growth, consumer demand for our products during the quarter still exceeded our internal manufacturing capacity levels, " Mark Smith, Smith & Wesson president and CEO, told investors in a call on Thursday. "We're continuing to ramp up…. We're going to go to maximum capacity."

The move comes as Americans have rushed to gun stores at a record pace since March. The first eight months of 2020 have already seen more gun sales than all of 2019. Smith echoed remarks made in July by the CEO of Sturm, Ruger & Co., the other publicly traded American gun company, when he said demand was beyond anything he had previously encountered.

"When we get into these surge environments like this, and as you can see from the [gun background check numbers] we've never seen one quite this high, the demand in the industry just outstrips the industry's ability to supply," Smith said. "And we're no different. You can look at the inventory numbers from us and from some of the other firearms, retailers, and manufacturers, and I think we're just out of inventory."

Mark Oliva, a spokesman for the National Shooting Sports Foundation, called the announcement a "significant move" that shows gun makers expect demand to increase. The industry expert said increased production could lead to more manufacturing jobs being created, as well as increased pay for workers as shifts increase.

"It's a demand issue," he said. "It's not a supply issue. Materials are there, the labor force is there, but before [a] manufacturer is going to invest on hiring more people, adding another shift, buying more machinery, they want to be sure. I mean, that's a very costly thing to do. And nobody wants to lay people off when things go down and eventually this will settle out. The question is where will it settle out and when?"

Smith said the company had successfully adopted its manufacturing processes to account for the coronavirus, and the company was back to running at full efficiency while practicing social distancing, masking, and temperature checking to limit the risks of an outbreak at its facilities. The company also managed to produce "tens of thousands of sets of PPE" for local medical personnel while expanding gun-making operations.

"We are very, very well set up with our flexible model to continue to increase," he said. "I mean, we're continuing to increase today."

While gun dealers across the country clamor for more product to stock their often-barren shelves, Smith warned that the company alone may still not be able to meet the surge.

"There does come a point, though, where there's only so much we can do and whether that's going to meet the demand or not," he said. "I guess we'll see." 


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Statement by AG Barr on the Tracking Down of Fugitive Michael Rineoehl

Yesterday U.S. Attorney General Bill Barr released the following statement:

“Last Saturday, Aaron “Jay” Danielson was shot and killed amid the continuing violence in Portland. Local authorities subsequently obtained an arrest warrant for Michael Forest Reinoehl, a self-described Antifa member suspected of the alleged murder. Reinoehl fled to Washington State, where he was located yesterday by members of a fugitive task force led by the U.S. Marshals Service, the FBI, and state and local law enforcement partners. When Reinoehl attempted to escape arrest and produced a firearm, he was shot and killed by law enforcement officers.
The tracking down of Reinoehl — a dangerous fugitive, admitted Antifa member, and suspected murderer — is a significant accomplishment in the ongoing effort to restore law and order to Portland and other cities. I applaud the outstanding cooperation among federal, state, and local law enforcement, particularly the fugitive task force team that located Reinoehl and prevented him from escaping justice. The streets of our cities are safer with this violent agitator removed, and the actions that led to his location are an unmistakable demonstration that the United States will be governed by law, not violent mobs.”  – LINK