Friday, August 28, 2020

W³P Weekend Open Thread - Requested Edition

Well, here we are ... and by special request this week from Community Member, Obey. He cornered me and said you're going to post an open thread because I asked kindly. And that's about it. Nothing dramatic happened at all. It was a pretty short and cordial exchange.

Pardon me if this one is a little raggedy around the edges. I'm kind of throwing this together and just winging it, but that's what I usually do, but today is different because of no particular reason than I say it is. It's 2020's fault. And if that doesn't suffice, then it's disqus' fault. Imagine if 2020 and disqus had a baby. Yeah, think about that shiz for a second. It would be the end of the universe. Well, maybe not the universe but it definitely be the end of something. But then again how could 2020 and is disqus even conceive a baby? These are the important questions of our times that need answers people!

We've got Sam cooking some stuff today. Feel free to recommend someone new to feature for the food blog portion of future open threads. We've got an Irish cutie making a Boulevardier. And of course the obligatory doggo and kitto videos ... and what's that last thing down there?

Wassup y'all. It's Meme Dump, and I'm here to dump all over Open Threads good time with my own good time. Wait ... that actually sounds kind of gross. That's why I have a Dump Truck in my artwork ... so that it doesn't make people think of ... you know, the thing. CUT ... Stop right there ... get to the memes, you're grossing everyone out MD. Geeze what's with you. Freakin' weirdo.

Time for the music blog portion of the thread. We have a specific request this week of starting out with Blood Sweat and Tears - "When I Die" from Community Member Mark Smith. I see you Mark, here it is. So I guess requests are a thing now, so send them in to get featured in the blog post that most people skip. C'mon y'all. I know the drill. Everybody skips to the comments. Point out the text only meme tucked away above and get upvote bombed.




y'all know what's up memes, gifs, music, pics, random thoughts ... post 'em if you got 'em

and don't forget to recommend and invite someone new to join in

Calif. Democrats look to rake in billions by raising taxes on business owners with new Prop. 15

After California's Democrats used lockdowns to force thousands of business owners to close their doors forever, they are now planning on raising taxes for those who managed to keep working. One America's Pearson Sharp explains how Proposition 15 is set to rake in billions more dollars from California's business owners each year.



RNC Venue Selection, Fort McHenry, Perfect Symbolism

Wednesday night President Trump joined Vice-President Mike Pence after a brilliant acceptance speech for the republican VP nomination.  The venue was Fort McHenry in Maryland; and it was an exceptional choice with perfect symbolism to contrast the Trump administration message of American spirit against Joe Biden and the far-left tearing down America.

Keep in mind that recently Speaker Nancy Pelosi called Trump supporters: “enemies of the state”…

The battle of Fort McHenry was a critical point in the War of 1812.  Many people know that our national anthem stemmed from the valiant defense of Fort McHenry by American troops who refused to concede Baltimore harbor and withstood 27 hours of continual bombardment by British naval forces beginning Sept 13, 1814.  The short story is HERE
Two-hundred-six years later, there is a lesson to be learned.

Right now those who wish to “fundamentally change” our nation are waging a full frontal assault against our constitutional republic.  The bombardment seems overwhelming.

Leftist city and state leaders have abandoned rule of law in favor of supporting the mob effort to destroy our sense of national unity.  Political activists, left-wing ideologues under the guise of democrats, and a host of media allies are conducting an information war on behalf of their objective.  Big tech social media companies are attempting to remove the voices of those who are fighting back.

There is a great deal of purposefully driven anxiety and fear amid our nation as this multi-faceted internal war takes place.  However, there is a primary element to this effort that each person can shield themselves from, and act to counter.  Do not let your sense of self succumb to this assault.  Do not let them win the battle for your peace of mind.

It might, heck, -check that- it does seem overwhelming at times.  But that is the nature of this collectivist strategy.  That is the purpose of this bombardment.  We must hold strong and push back against their lies and manipulations.  If you look closely at their attack, it is weak and much of it is psychological bait.  Do not fall into the trap of despair.

When I share the message “live your best life”, it is not without purpose.  Every moment that we allow the onslaught to deter us from living our dreams, is a moment those who oppose our nation view as us taking a knee.  Do not allow this effort to succeed.

You might ask yourself how can I, one person, a flea looking into a furnace, retain an optimistic disposition while all around me seems chaotic and mad.

That’s the point; it ‘seems’ chaotic and mad because it has been created to appear that way.  There are more of us than them; they just control the systems that allow us to connect, share messages and recognize the scale of our assembly.

Every second that you live your life with thankfulness for the abundance within it; every moment that we CHOOSE to engage with fellowship; every day that we accept guidance from God – however you define him to be; and every moment we cherish this time to be a beacon of optimism; is a moment that we withstand that barrage and hold the flag in place.   It is a genuinely patriotic position not to succumb to the attack.

If you allow yourself to be drawn into crisis and despair, you allow them to win.  If your center of normal is based around this overwhelming onslaught, you will eventually concede liberty in favor of peace.  Once we stop living in liberty, we no longer have peace.

It took me a while to fully understand just how damaging empty streets, soulless eyes, the lack of smiles, shuttered businesses and the absence of joy would become.  But as I travel around trying to deliver a very specific message to a very specific audience, I now recognize just how much damage is being done; not just to our nation as a whole, but also to every individual within it – personally.

We must shake this mindset.  We must withstand this onslaught and rally to the origin of our true national spirit.  We must rally to a standard of Americanism and accept this is not that. In essence, we must individually take a stand.  Purposefully, deliberately and with forethought, we must engage those around us to get rid of this sense of foreboding.

This approach is how we win the larger battle.

All around us, in every tribe and region, there are people who need you to show them the strength that you have.  Strength of spirit. Strength of fellowship that you will not relent from expressing.  No matter what noise is shouting from the loudspeakers we must withstand it; we must make eye contact and remain joyful.  We cannot allow despair to be the status quo.

Trust me, this ain’t easy for me…. through my research, I have torn open the dungeon doors and stared into the dark space; and yes, the scale of corruption amid our national body politic sticks to you; it manifests as cynicism.

However, our MAGA message is optimistic; and we must fight against any tendency to allow the leftist hatred and scheme against our American value system to impact delivery of that message.

If you listened to the responses from democrats watching the RNC convention you will note the most consistent point mentioned is their disconnect from the party that has allowed hate and division to dictate their policy.

Democrats and independents are flocking to the MAGA movement in larger numbers than ever before.  Our political opposition is seeing the result in terms of voters turning away from them and they are apoplectic.

Which is the point of writing this.  Our nation needs more people like you, right now.  Don’t wait… engage life, get optimistic however you need to do it. Then let that part of you shine right now… This is how we will win this 2020 campaign. Hold up that flag; give the starter smile… rally to the standard you create and spread fellowship again.

God knows our nation needs it, and each of us can easily deliver that message.

Dan Scavino Outlines 30 Years With President Donald Trump – Effectiveness Matters

Dan Scavino outlines how a blue-collar billionaire transfers those skills to become the people’s president. “Vote for the man who believes in you”…

Here's All The Proof That Antifa Is A Foreign Terrorist Organization

Why Blacks need to toss the 

skinny white Antifa terrorists

For Antifa-BLM, their leaders, and their organizers this 2 part article represents the beginning of their day of reckoning. This is a start toward full exposure showing political organization, political aspirations, political ties to foreign government political parties, and sets them squarely as this generation’s brown shirt in the USA and around the world.

Thanks to Antifa leadership in Seattle and actions in Portland, it became easy to open Antifa up showing the ties to Germany and ultra-nationalists in Ukraine and the ultra-nationalist Ukrainian Diaspora in the USA.

History will remember this as John Brennan’s insurgency. The outgoing CIA director beefed up a domestic insurgent movement with foreign fighters on behalf of the Obama-Biden administration.

Part of former CIA Director Brennan’s story is below and the balance is in part 2.

Regardless of the foreign actors involved, this is a thoroughly American problem. No foreign country is trying to take over the US government. This must be dealt with as an American problem.

Let’s say this one more time. It is an American problem caused by the former Obama-Biden administration’s continuing coup against the Presidency of Donald Trump.

Before going forward, at least half of this mess has an easy solution that’s already on the table. U.S. Rep. Thomas Massie of Kentucky, Rep. Matt Gaetz of Florida, and Rep. Ken Buck of Colorado describe how the US Congress committee chairs have been bought and sold to the highest paying lobbyists.

The importance of this is if the practice didn’t exist, most of the issues the US faces internally today wouldn’t either. The Intel community coup would have no teeth.

The support needed to start this political nightmare would not exist if the rewards didn’t outstrip every cost to Congressmen like Adam Schiff. Make the rewards illegal and every Congressman will weigh the cost of getting involved with special interest groups with deep pockets. Read about it at the Gateway Pundit.

The other side of the coin is identifying all the funding and organization groups involved and legislating their influence away. Make this type of funding domestically and abroad illegal after criminal investigations are done. Bring the Intel community back into the agencies to eliminate private contracts. Private Intel companies created the mess because in the same way Congress is swayed to act, the deep-pocket clients provide their bottom line.

There’s a point where Information Operations (IO) come off the page and the boots on the ground finish the work. We are going through that point now.

I’m not going to hold your hand while I show you none of the BLM or Antifa protests or riots have a single damn thing to do with George Floyd, justice, or equality. I’m not going to be kind or soften the facts while I expose you for allowing John Brennan to bring his babies home to roost in your own backyard, front yard, and your neighbor’s yard.

There’s a reason why this shifted away from Minneapolis to Seattle and Portland. This is where the majority of John Brennan’s foreign fighters are located in the US.

The play the DNC is making goes much further than winning election 2020. The fact they are willing to attack and destroy part of their own base should have done more than raise a few eyebrows.

This first link shows the set up in Ukraine including Intel community planning and oversight. It is part 8 of an 11 part series describing the assets. The second link is 3rd in the current series showcasing how this was brought to America for 2016–2020.


The boots on the ground support for the political shift the DNC is desperate to make don’t co-exist with Bernie Sander’s world of socialism/ American democracy. If it did, where were Antifa and BLM when Sanders was getting Bern’d by the DNC in the first place?

The major political shift away from American Democracy isn’t toward socialism. It’s toward an integral nationalism that takes away political accountability to the people and makes officeholders immune to prosecution for any crime they commit.

What you are witnessing today aren’t protests, it’s the new way politics are done.

Why Seattle Washington and Portland Oregon

Antifa gets by on the basis of what is known as “volunteerism.” The myth says since Antifa has no centralized leadership structure or formalized membership the group doesn’t have to worry about bearing individual responsibility for the damage and death they cause. The theory is no leadership exists to exert any command and control over Antifa activists; therefore it is organic, headless, and not prosecutable.

In other words, it is a protected social-political group because like-minded supporters coordinate autonomously. Yada. Yada.Yada.

The legal theory was concocted ahead of Ukraine’s 2014 coup for the same reason. Cover your face. Commit murder. Go out for breakfast.

We’ll put this theory to bed in a few minutes but let’s start with something more explosive and closer to home. Here’s where the rubber starts to meet the road. Now we start with this big explosive headline that won’t amount to anything and helps express the organic Antifa mystique. Why? 

This is a long, detailed article. the rest can be seen HERE

In a Bizarre Turn of Events, NYT Investigation of Kenosha Shooting Makes a Strong Case for Self-Defense

AP featured image
Armed citizens, Kenosha

As a recap, three nights ago, 17-year-0ld Kyle Rittenhouse was serving with an armed citizen’s militia group to attempt to prevent property destruction at the hands of the Democrat-endorsed and mostly peaceful arsonists and rioters in Kenosha, Wisconsin. During the course of the evening, Rittenhouse became isolated, was attacked, chased, and beaten in the street. At the end of it all, Rittenhouse was alive, two Antifa goons were dead and a third is learning to become left-hand dominant. Rittenhouse was arrested on the charge of first degree murder. Wisconsin law requires anyone older than 16 to be tried as an adult for serious felonies.

There has been a lot written here and other places about the shooting. The key element is whether the lethal encounter between Rittenhouse and a raging mob was self-defense or was it some form of unlawful killing. The best primer on that subject has been written by our own shipwreckedcrew Breaking Down The Videos Of The Two Shooting Incidents In Kenosha — Self-Defense?

Today the New York Times runs a story that analyzes all the available video to give a second-by-second account of Rittenhouse’s actions. I was skeptical going into it because the strong bias of the New York Times is pro-Antifa, anti-gun, and anti-self-defense.

About 15 minutes before the first shooting, police officers drive past Mr. Rittenhouse, and the other armed civilians who claim to be protecting the dealership, and offer water out of appreciation.
Mr. Rittenhouse walks up to a police vehicle carrying his rifle and talks with the officers.
He eventually leaves the dealership and is barred by the police from returning. Six minutes later footage shows Mr. Rittenhouse being chased by an unknown group of people into the parking lot of another dealership several blocks away.

I think this is a critical part of the story. The question in my mind has been how did Rittenhouse come to be isolated and surrounded by a feral mob? Earlier video has him with a large group. Did he go off on his own looking for trouble? The answer seems to believe that as part of a de-escalation strategy at the dealership, the police were refusing to allow people in and, as people left they were kept out. So by Rittenhouse leaving the premises, he becomes separated from other militia members and this makes him a target.

While Mr. Rittenhouse is being pursued by the group, an unknown gunman fires into the air, though it’s unclear why. The weapon’s muzzle flash appears in footage filmed at the scene.
Mr. Rittenhouse turns toward the sound of gunfire as another pursuer lunges toward him from the same direction. Mr. Rittenhouse then fires four times, and appears to shoot the man in the head.

This is the NYT video:

I’m not using the same video as the NYT here as I believe this tells more of the story: 

You see the pedophile, Rosenbaum, chasing Rittenhouse and hurling something at him. Then you hear the first shot (0:07). Clearly pistol. Then you hear four shots (0:11) and you see Rosenbaum stretched out. And finally, there are three additional shots (0:15). Those three, to me, sound like a rifle. Were they fired by Rittenhouse? Or is there a third firearm involved?

Regardless, the sequence of events is that Rittenhouse becomes separated from his group. He’s pursued by men, including Rosenbaum, who throw a potentially lethal projectile or projectiles at him. Someone shoots. It doesn’t really matter who or why. At this point, any sane person would assume that the shot was fired by the people chasing him.

The facts here are that Rittenhouse did not start the conflict, he did all that could be demanded of him in even a “duty to retreat” state. He is definitely in reasonable fear of his life after the first gunshot.

Mr. Rittenhouse seems to make a phone call and then flees the scene. Several people chase him, some shouting, “That’s the shooter!”
As Mr. Rittenhouse is running, he trips and falls to the ground. He fires four shots as three people rush toward him. One person appears to be hit in the chest and falls to the ground. Another, who is carrying a handgun, is hit in the arm and runs away.
Mr. Rittenhouse’s gunfire is mixed in with the sound of at least 16 other gunshots that ring out during this time.

They sugarcoat this more than a little. Rittenhouse is punched in the back of the head (0:05). He stumbles and falls (0:12). At 0:15 he gets kicked in the face as Skateboard Boy hits him across the shoulders with his vehicle. At this point, Skateboard Boy is shot while Rittenhouse is flat on his back. Lefty charges him and gets winged and starts screaming “Medic!” apparently forgetting that he is portraying himself as one (physician, heal thyself).

Then the really important part. As Rittenhouse moves off, and note that he fires only two shots and he doesn’t point the weapon at anyone, you hear numerous other gunshots. Presumably, these come from one or more Antifa nutter blazing away or engaging in celebratory gunfire.

All in all, it looks pretty obvious that all three shootings were definitely justified. Rittenhouse was trying desperately to escape, he was pursued, and Antifa caught him. Before they could kill or maim him, he killed two of them and wounded a third.

But Rittenhouse’s problems are far from over. As my friend and colleague Mike Ford told me earlier today, the process is going to be the punishment here and they are going to screw him on some weapons-related charge. You can’t stretch out three Democrat voters in the streets of a Blue city in a Blue state and walk away from it. It is bad for the morale of the troops.

Like trapped rats, Democrats and other leftists are starting to get nervous



Article by Andrea Widburg in The American Thinker 

Like trapped rats, Democrats and other leftists are starting to get nervous

As I began writing tonight, I had a lot of tabs open. Shall I write about the racist attack The Nation launched against black Trump supporters? Or should I write about Nancy Pelosi’s suddenly announcing that Biden shouldn’t demean himself by debating Trump? And what about the Democrats who are openly admitting that Trump is running the better campaign? And then there are the Jews proudly leaving the Democrat party – what about them?

As I contemplated three or four separate posts, one for each question, I realized that they are all actually the same post: Democrats are realizing that Biden’s early poll numbers were misleading and that Trump may well win. Some respond like trapped rats with viciousness or frantic manipulations. Others, though, are feeling something akin to relief. No matter the response, they’re recognizing the real possibility that Biden almost certainly won’t make it across the finish line.

The winner in the “trapped rat/vicious” category is Elie Mystal’s revoltingly racist, dishonest, hate-filled screed entitled “We Need to Talk About the GOP’s ‘Black Friends,’” published at The Nation, a “Progressive” (i.e., leftist) publication founded in 1865. Mystal’s premise is that Trump is an irredeemable KKK-style racist and that the Republican party and its supporters are complicit. It’s a long, utterly contemptible piece that generally labels black Trump supporters as “tokens” and says the blacks who appeared at the convention are “Black validators.”

Mystal, who is black, is a Harvard College and Harvard Law grad. Those bastions of Progressivism left him with some serious anti-white racism. Nothing, though, explains the revulsion he feels for blacks who didn’t get his advantages and want to make it the old-fashioned way, through hard work and human decency.

It’s obvious that Mystal is steeped in blind hatred. What’s also obvious is that Mystal is terrified that a Trump victory is on hand. You don’t write this kind of manic garbage unless you’re facing an overwhelming adversary and are emptying both barrels in the faint hope that you can take out one or two of the enemy as you head for your inevitable demise.

Then there’s Nancy Pelosi. After Trump accused Biden of doping to get through past debates, she made the confidential admission to all Americans that it would just be too demeaning for Biden to have to debate Trump:



 Does anyone believe the other desperate Democrats who see a new Machiavelli at work here?


 Biden, of course, had to defend his honor by saying that he’ll make the debates, something no one believes. After all, he can’t even make it through a friendly interview without reading from a script:


At Tablet Magazine, a center-left publication, after watching the second night of the Republican convention, Leibovitz wrote, “Donald John Trump is going to win in November, and win big.” He says that the polls and criticism are irrelevant:

[A]s Trump’s first surprise election ought to have taught us by now, when it comes to modern American politics, the only principle that truly matters is the Ooga Chaka principle: We vote for the candidate who gets us hooked on a feeling and high on believing.

No one believes in “President Biden,” which is a generic idea without any policies attached. Trump offers Americans a mirror of themselves and their highest aspirations. That’s a winner.

Noah Pollak agreed. The fact that Biden and the Democrats fomented or ignored the protests, only objecting when their polling looked bad, is a terrible problem for Democrats. Pollak quoted a friend who wrote, “Ordinary Americans intuitively understand that they’re being held hostage.”

That is, they know that Democrats, by supporting small(ish) scale riots are really saying, “Nice little country ya’ got here. Shame if a Trump vote made something happen to it.” While most people are not heroes and will yield to extortion, the fact that Biden is so weak and obviously scared of the BLM crowd tells people that, even if he’s elected, the Democrats’ mob will still destroy their nice little country.

Meanwhile, just as blacks and gays are walking away, so are Jews. The people in this video aren’t orthodox Jews who have long supported Trump. Instead, they’re people who always voted Democrat:

It will be fatal for Trump and his supporters to get careless or cocky at this point, but let’s just say that there is reason for hope. The Democrat convention was dismal, divisive, and put all its energy into attacking Trump without offering anything positive for Americans. Meanwhile, the Republican convention was a buoyant celebration of ordinary Americans. It was drenched in both Leibovitz’s Ooga Chaka and rock-solid accomplishments, with an even brighter promise for the future.


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Democrats Are Freaking Out, And They Should Be

The New York Times ran an article Wednesday about how voters in Wisconsin are responding to the riots by switching their support to Donald Trump. This is a very strange thing to see in the progressive Gray Lady. Anybody who follows the paper and its politics closely knows exactly what is happening here. It is a desperate plea to Democrats to change their tune on the violence sweeping across American cities.

And Democrats seem to understand this as well. Joe Biden released a video Wednesday in which he provided his clearest condemnation of the riots, looting, arson, assault, and destruction of property committed by left-wing “protesters.” Biden said that while protesting was utterly American, these acts are not. He said they were wrong. He did not however, tell people specifically to stop and more importantly, he made no suggestion as to what government and law enforcement should do to stop it.

And it’s not just Joe Biden; look at this tweet from Democratic Sen. Chris Murphy.

This is a far cry from the senator’s remarks on June 5 after rioters burned buildings and looted stores in Minneapolis, when he said, “These protesters are not terrorists, they are Americans seeking change. They are acting in a peaceful manner and law-enforcement should be used to protect their right to free speech.”

The Democrats and some of their stalwart media allies are clearly attempting a major course correction here, but they have a problem. It’s not just that changing their tune on wanton destruction at this late hour is transparently political — a point Don Lemon blurted out on TV this week telling Chris Cuomo that it’s showing up in the polls and in focus groups — it’s that not everyone on the left is on board with the shift.

Just last night, as the party of Jefferson and Jackson was trying to get tougher on these criminals, MSNBC anchor Rachel Maddow had a guest come on to present a “reality check” against South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem’s convention speech, which was firmly fixed on the riots. That guest? Seattle Mayor Jenny Durkan. Yes, that Jenny Durkan, the one who said the occupied CHAZ zone in her city would usher in a “summer of love.” It did not. In fact, murder occurred there before it was forcibly shut down.

Durkan told Maddow essentially that everything is fine. Don’t believe all those images of fires and broken glass, stealing and shooting, people being harassed at restaurants, and police being cursed at by over privileged young white women who have no idea what they are talking about, just trust Mayor Jenny.

CNN went one better. Covering the “protests” in Kenosha, Wisconsin this week they had a reporter standing in front of a raging fire with a chryon below him that read “Fiery But Mostly Peaceful Protests After Police Shooting.” This is literally an internet meme about people pretending everything is fine while in a burning building.

This is a very big problem for the Democrats who got no bounce from their Zoom convention or picking Kamala Harris as Biden’s running mate. And while polls, what few polls there are have been, are steady, there are warning signs as Trump’s approval ratings are increasing and his convention is garnering praise.

The establishment Democrats and whoever approved the piece in the Times clearly see what is going on here and know they have to fix it fast, but there is no reason to believe that the progressive wing of the party with its outsized media presence will accept this shift to the center quietly.

They too see their moment as the NBA goes on a boycott, as woke corporations bend the knee to them. They don’t care about Joe Biden, as Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez made clear in her convention speech that didn’t even name him. Frankly, the Trump presidency is the best thing that ever happened to them and aside from Trump himself, they would be the biggest political beneficiaries of four more years.

Democrats understand this all too well. That tweet from Murphy above? He deleted it. Here’s why. He’s like a hostage.

Sometimes in politics you can smell fear, and that odor is plainly wafting all around the Biden campaign. Thus far they have been able to avoid any positions that clash too directly with their far left base. But now they know they must condemn the progressives committing crimes, who they have previously only referred to as peaceful protesters. They have already started, albeit very carefully as with Biden’s milquetoast remarks yesterday. But that is not nearly enough, and right now for Joe Biden there are no good choices.

After Watching Three Days Of RNC, Pelosi Says Biden Should Stay In His Basement

Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) said Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden should not debate President Donald Trump, but urged reporters not to tell Joe Biden and his campaign team who would disagree with her.

“I do not think the President of the United States has comported himself in a way that anybody that has any association with the truth, evidence, data, and facts. I wouldn’t legitimize a conversation with him, nor a debate in terms of the presidency of the United States,” Pelosi stated Thursday.

Video Player

Not only did Pelosi say President Trump is incapable of participating in a debate, but she also accused him again of attempting to “undermine the elections” and disrespecting “the democratic process.”

“He will probably act in a way that is beneath the dignity of the presidency. He does that every day. But I think he will also belittle what the debates are supposed to be about, and they are not to be about skulduggery on the part of somebody who has no respect for the office he holds, much less the democratic process. Why else would he try to undermine the elections in the manner in which he is doing?” she asked.

Pelosi also expressed her disappointment that the press did not scold President Trump enough for his performance in the 2016 debates.

“I thought what he did in 2016 was disgraceful … I was disappointed that the press didn’t say ‘go back to your station’,” she said.

Pelosi concluded her remarks by reaffirming that she doesn’t think debates are necessary and instead encouraged reporters to ask the individual candidates questions to understand what their policy platforms are.

“If Joe Biden asks you what I thought about it, I don’t think he should dignify that conversation with Donald Trump,” Pelosi concluded. “Just take their own stage for any number of conversations about any subject. Hold them accountable. What are they proposing? What is their vision? What is their knowledge? How are they going to get it done? How do they connect with the American people? Let that be a conversation with the American people, not an exercise in skulduggery.”

House Minority Leader Rep. Kevin McCarthy tweeted his disapproval of Pelosi’s comments, saying that “Trump’s passion, energy, and debate skills are unmatched” and that “Pelosi wants to keep Biden in the basement.”

This new attack on Trump comes just days after Pelosi labeled Trump and Republicans “domestic enemies” for “opposing universal mail-in voting rammed into place just 70 days before a national election.”

CNN Has Now Produced One of the Most Surreal Moments In ‘News’ History

CNN finally decided to send someone to cover the Kenosha, Wisconsin riots and violence last night. Until then, that work was being left up to outlets like Townhall and The Daily Caller, who have had correspondents in the thick of things, telling the the truth about what is happening with documentary evidence. Of course, if you expected CNN to show up and actually report honestly, that didn’t happen. But let’s be real, no one was expecting that.
Instead, what was produced was one of the most surreal scenes in news history. It was so bad that some people were asking if it had been photo-shopped. To say it was Baghdad Bad levels of gaslighting is not an exaggeration.

Just looking at the scene in the background, it looks like a war zone. Cars and buildings are on fire as the reporter tries to sugarcoat things, pushing the narrative that the protests were fine during the day. Then a chyron pops up proclaiming that the protests are “mostly peaceful” despite the fact that there are literally fires raging in the live shot. Are the producers on these shows not smart enough to see the optics they are creating? Putting up lying chyrons as flames lick in the background and having the reporter extol the virtues of the rioters makes them look ridiculous. And to be clear, that’s exactly what the reporter did. He didn’t condemn the destruction in his one minute hit. Instead, he painted a picture of righteous, justified anger leading to the violence we are seeing.

Of course, none of the actual evidence justifies anything that’s being done by these mobs of BLM supporters. Blake was a wanted criminal who resisted arrest, assaulted an officer, ignored commands to stop, and then tried to reach into his car, either for a weapon or to attempt to drive away with three children. At the very worst, this a situation where a cop may or may not have made the right call to fire his weapon. What this is certainly not an example of is racist police targeting black men. Yet, these cases continue to be lumped together with a total disregard for the facts of each individual situation.

CNN is on the precipice of that effort, stoking hatred and division while actively lying about the realities on the ground. They are doing all that knowing the results it will bring and they simply don’t care. Everything is about defeating Donald Trump at this point.