Monday, August 24, 2020

Jennifer Rubin Insulting Regular Americans Speaking at RNC Shows Exactly Why Dems Will Lose

 Article by Nick Arama in RedState

Jennifer Rubin Insulting Regular Americans Speaking at RNC Shows Exactly Why Dems Will Lose

You can always count on the Washington Post’s fake ‘conservative’ writer Jennifer Rubin for the wrong take on almost any situation.

Her comment on the speakers at the RNC was true to form. But indeed, it says so much about what she and her Democratic friends think about Americans.


other than Tim Scott and Nikki Haley the lineup tonight is a bunch of nobodies - and a Trump relative. I think of Dorothy Parker's witticism - it runs the gamut from A to B

“Other than Tim Scott and Nikki Haley the lineup tonight is a bunch of nobodies – and a Trump relative. I think of Dorothy Parker’s witticism – it runs the gamut from A to B.”

Oh, how witty.

She reads the list of speakers and sees “a bunch of nobodies.” It’s that kind of elitism that people rejected when they voted for President Donald Trump.

When I saw the list, I saw the whole skein of the Trump presidency, with his policies exemplified by the Americans who would be speaking. While Joe Biden spoke empty words about what he wanted to do, plagiarizing his 2008 acceptance speech, with nothing to back up the words, Trump is showing you the concrete results of his actions with the real people he’s helped and the things for which he is fighting. It’s what he did in his State of the Union which was so brilliant. Indeed the theme of the convention is “Honoring the Great American Story.”

These Americans are not “nobodies” even if the Democrats don’t understand who they are or why their stories are important. It’s because they don’t understand these stories that they fail.

But Trump does understand and that’s the remarkable thing about the list. It’s regular Americans (apart from the politicians and the Trump family/advisers).


Sen. Tim Scott, R-S.C.
House Republican Whip Steve Scalise, R-La.
Rep. Matt Gaetz, R-Fla.
Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio
Former Ambassador Nikki Haley
Republican National Committee Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel
Georgia State Rep. Vernon Jones
Amy Johnson Ford
Kimberly Guilfoyle
Natalie Harp
Charlie Kirk
Kim Klacik
Mark and Patricia McCloskey
Sean Parnell
Andrew Pollack
Donald Trump, Jr.
Tanya Weinreis


First Lady Melania Trump
Secretary of State Mike Pompeo
Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky.
Iowa Gov. Kim Reynolds
Florida Lieutenant Gov. Jeanette Nuñez
Kentucky Attorney General Daniel Cameron
Former Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi
Abby Johnson
Jason Joyce
Myron Lizer
Mary Ann Mendoza
Megan Pauley
Cris Peterson
John Peterson
Nicholas Sandmann
Eric Trump
Tiffany Trump


Vice President Mike Pence
Second Lady Karen Pence
Sen. Marsha Blackburn, R-Tenn.
Sen. Joni Ernst, R-Iowa
South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem
Rep. Dan Crenshaw, R-Texas
Rep. Elise Stefanik, R-N.Y.
Rep. Lee Zeldin, R-N.Y.
Former Acting Director of National Intelligence Richard Grenell
Kellyanne Conway
Keith Kellogg
Jack Brewer
Sister Dede Byrne
Madison Cawthorn
Scott Dane
Clarence Henderson
Ryan Holets
Michael McHale
Burgess Owens
Lara Trump


President Donald J. Trump
Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Ben Carson
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky.
Sen. Tom Cotton, R-Ark.
House Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif.
Rep. Jeff Van Drew, R-N.J.
Ivanka Trump
Ja’Ron Smith
Ann Dorn
Debbie Flood
Rudy Giuliani
Franklin Graham
Alice Johnson
Wade Mayfield
Carl and Marsha Mueller
Dana White

I’ll just pick out some of the “nobodies.”

There’s Alice Johnson, who many (not Jennifer Rubin) may recognize as the person who Trump pardoned with the intercession of Kim Kardashian, to highlight Trump’s criminal justice reform including the First Step Program.

There’s Carl and Marsha Mueller, the parents of Kayla Mueller, who was held hostage by ISIS leader Abu Bakr al Baghdadi. Trump defeated the ISIS state and killed Baghdadi. Trying to save Americans held hostage overseas has also clearly been a personal mission for Trump.

There’s Jason Joyce, an eighth generation lobsterman from Maine. Trump has been trying to help the lobstermen in Maine and just made a major agreement on Friday that helped them by getting EU tariffs removed from lobsters, something that hasn’t gotten any attention at all, but will be a huge benefit to the lobstermen.

There’s Tanya Weinreis, the first small business owner in Montana to apply for and receive a PPP loan to help her coffee business survive. Trump championed the PPP and refunding it, while Democrats played politics with it and delayed aid to people.

There’s Ryan Holets, a police officer who adopted a baby who was addicted to opioids because of her mother’s addiction. First Lady Melania Trump has made fighting opioid abuse a priority of hers.

There’s Mary Ann Mendoza, whose son was killed by an illegal alien. That is one of Trump’s main concerns and if we haven’t heard much about that lately, it’s because with all the effort plus new wall building, as well as Trump’s deal with Mexico, he’s effectively reduced a lot of the huge influx.

There’s Nicholas Sandmann and the McCloskeys who were demonized by Democrats and media, and put through the wringer because of it. They show the need to protect the fundamental rights to the First and the Second Amendment.

There’s Sgt. Ann Dorn, the wife of David Dorn, the retired police captain, who was killed in Missouri during rioting. She herself is a police officer. Trump has been a great supporter of the police and has condemned the riots and has a DOJ task force working on related crimes as well as agents tasked to a variety of cities that have experienced greater violence.

There isn’t anyone on the list who will be calling to abolish the police or capitalism. None of the radicalism or extremism of the Democratic convention, but truly honoring and holding up the American story.

These regular American speakers are not “nobodies.” They are Americans whose stories are important and we should know. Thanks to the RNC, we will know them better.

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Video Shows Police Shooting Of A Black Man in Kenosha WI

Protests Starting - Agitators Inbound

Another video taped incident involving white officers and an African-American subject. 

Breaking news early Sunday evening in Kenosha, Wisconsin.  The video below shows a confrontation between Kenosha Police and an adult African-American man. All that can be seen from the video at this point is the man exiting the passenger-side of the car as 3 officers have their firearms drawn.  In an agitated fashion the man walks quickly around the front of the car to the driver’s side door which he opens, as all 3 officers have their weapons pointed at him.  As he tries to enter the car, one of the three officers grabs the white t-shirt the man is wearing and attempts to keep him from entering the car.  A woman is seen in a distraught condition, and one officer moves to keep her away.  Reports are that as many as eight shots were fired.

But the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel is reporting that the man was shot, and taken by Flight-For-Life to a Milwaukee hospital.  The last reports are that he is still alive.

The newspaper describes the incident as a domestic disturbance call — with the man trying to break up a fight between two women, although that is not clear.  It is also reported that the police had first used a taser on the man but were not able to gain control of him. (Taser deployment is evident in the video)

Other media in the area are reporting that the shooting has created tension in the neighborhood.  A small crowd has grown larger and larger as darkness has fallen in the area.

The Ruling Class Is Selling Out America

We have been duped for far too long 

by these swamp creatures.

The ruling class is selling out America, and many of us either don’t want to hear about it or just don’t care.

According to recently unearthed notes from a White House meeting shortly before inauguration day in January 2017, Vice President Joe Biden raised the idea of pursuing a Logan Act prosecution against Donald Trump’s designated national security advisor, Lt. General Michael Flynn. It was one of the many bogus charges that spurred three years of sham investigations against the Trump Administration. It was yet another example of the Obama Administration robbing the American people of their tax money while working to divide us along political lines. 

While the Trump Administration was being hammered with false accusations and threats of impeachment, somehow Biden’s misdeeds and the proof of illegal spying on an incoming administration took a backseat to the leaking and lying of the Democrat/RINO swamp.

Even now, after more and more evidence is uncovered showing  top Obama Administration officials in the Justice Department and the FBI liedleaked, and covered up their crimes, the media focus their collective attention on anything but the outrageous corruption of the former administration. Apparently, it’s old news and not worth talking about. Besides: Coronavirus! Don’t worry that the government betrayed the American people. Let’s move on.

I’m not moving on.

The whole of Washington and the Democratic Party believed Hillary Clinton would be president. Even some of us on the Right believed that horrifying possibility might come true. If she had won, everything would have remained status quo. No news outlets beyond conservative news sites and perhaps Fox News would run stories about Biden’s ties to China and Ukraine, or his son Hunter’s lucrative business deals in those countries. Nobody would care about the one-sided FBI deals or conservatives being censored on social media, the slow economy and the high unemployment rate, or any of the backroom dealings making Democrats, NeverTrump Republicans, and their friends and families rich. Life for the connected and elite politicians would remain splendid.

When Donald Trump won in 2016, not only did the win shake the Democrats to their core, it shook up the whole of the Washington swamp. 

Swamp rats panicked and closed ranks. They had to figure a way out of the consequences of the incoming administration because, if left unchecked, Trump and his allies might find evidence of their deep corruption. 

First, they tried “unfaithful” electors. When that didn’t work, they threw in Stormy Daniels, Peter Strzok created a garbage “insurance policy,” and Joe Biden invoked the ridiculous Logan Act. Nothing quite stuck.

The Obama Administration found it absolutely necessary to keep Trump’s Administration from being able to govern the way the United States’ electorate had fairly decided it should. They couldn’t take the chance of Trump taking over, ruining their deals, reversing their policies, and finding out just how deep the swamp had become.

Biden had even more reason to be worried: his son. In 2013, Hunter Biden made a $1.5 billion deal with the Bank of China and his company, Rosemont Seneca. The deal came only two weeks after Hunter flew there with his father on Air Force Two, coincidentally. 

Not coincidentally, Joe Biden continues to insist he doesn’t believe China is any competition for the United States. “They’re not bad folks, folks,” he said in March, brushing the Chinese Communist Party’s country off as fair players and siding with the Chinese when President Trump halted air travel from China at the end of January.

In 2016, Biden met with Ukrainian officials to bring the Ukraine $1 billion of U.S. taxpayer assistance for their natural gas industry. The very next month Hunter, having zero experience in energy, was asked to join the board of a Ukranian natural gas company, Burisma. Hunter was paid as much as $83,000 a month in that position. Joe also admitted on camera to getting a prosecutor fired who was investigating Burisma for money laundering. 

Leftists tend always to be committing the wrongs they accuse the right of carrying out. While Biden and the swamp were going after President Trump on colluding with Russia, Biden was colluding with China. While the Democrats accused the president of mis-dealings with Ukraine, Biden was holding a $1 billion deal over the Ukrainians’ heads to fire a prosecutor who could implicate his son in misdealings.

It doesn’t stop with the Bidens. Democrat, astronaut, and U.S. Senate hopeful from Arizona, Mark Kelly co-founded World View Enterprises, and that company is invested in by TenCent, a Chinese company, who owns WeChat and censors speech critical of the Chinese Communist Party, as all Chinese companies are made to do. 

Senior Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) employed a Chinese spy in her office for 20 years as gofer, driver, and liaison. Although nobody is accusing the senator of knowingly employing this spy, this tie to China was downplayed in the media though it could have had dire consequences to the United States as Feinstein formerly chaired the Senate Intelligence Committee.

And the influence, money, and shady ties don’t just go one way. Dr. Anthony Fauci, the celebrated medical authority the United States has been relying on throughout this pandemic, argued in favor of the Wuhan Virology laboratory receiving U.S. taxpayer money of at least 3.7 million dollars since 2014, “which involves manipulating viruses in the lab to explore their potential for infecting humans.” The Wuhan Virology laboratory in China is the same lab that brought you the Chinese COVID-19 infections, and you paid for it.

And it’s not just China.

From my folder of scandals the media won’t report: “The Podesta Group (co-owned by Hillary Clinton’s campaign chairman, John Podesta) also represented Russia-owned Uranium One, which received approval from a federal oversight board that included the State Department under Hillary Clinton to buy about one-fifth of the U.S. production capacity of uranium, a key material for making nuclear weapons. Uranium One interests reportedly contributed $145 million to Bill and Hillary Clinton’s charitable foundation.” This major scandal received nearly zero coverage while the Trump-Russia hoax got breathless news coverage and headlines for years.

Several supposedly non-political entities got into the Trump-Russia propaganda as well. Perhaps the most egregious was the Brookings Institution. In July 2020, “Rep. Devin Nunes [R-Calif.] told Maria Bartiromo on FNC’s ‘Sunday Morning Futures’ that the Brookings Institution had connections to the creation of the Steele dossier during the 2016 election.”The Brookings Institution is a left-leaning 501(c)3 nonprofit organization and not legally allowed to contribute to political candidates or activities. 

What is particularly troublesome is that a quick search on reveals that donors to Brookings include millions from Qatar, as well as large contributions from the governments of Norway and Australia, the Japan International Cooperation Agency, the Turkish Industry and Business Association, the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office, and the Swedish Ministry of Foreign Affairs in 2019 alone. How can a 501(c)3 have donations coming in from other countries and then have a hand in the creation of the Steele dossier without a peep from the left-wing “mainstream” media?

The American people aren’t stupid, and it is time that the ruling class stops treating us like we are. We have been duped for far too long by these Democrat and RINO swamp creatures. We must let the sun shine on their murky waters and expose them for the corrupt villains they have become.

S&P 500, Nasdaq at all-time highs on COVID-19 treatment hopes

August 24, 2020
By Medha Singh and Devik Jain
(Reuters) – The S&P 500 and Nasdaq scaled new highs on Monday as a gain in Apple shares and U.S. approval for the emergency use of blood plasma in COVID-19 patients lifted treatment hopes and spurred bets of a quicker economic recovery.
The moves come ahead of the four-day Republican National Convention, where President Donald Trump will be nominated to lead his party for four more years, kicking off the final sprint to Nov. 3 Election Day.
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s decision to use antibody-rich plasma from recovered patients was hailed by Trump and came a day after he accused it of impeding the rollout of treatments for political reasons.

The World Health Organization, however, was cautious about endorsing the treatment, citing “low quality” evidence that it works.
“The stock market has a reputation of anticipating future events that gives people confidence there will be a ‘normal’ going forward because of the incredible amount of resources that have been put towards the pandemic,” said Tom Plumb, chief investment officer at Plumb Funds in Madison, Wisconsin.
Ahead of the 4-for-1 share split, Apple Inc gained 0.9% to cross $500 per share for the first time, providing the biggest boost to the three main indexes.
Economically-sensitive energy, financials and materials advanced more than any other major S&P sector.
Aiding market sentiment was a report the Trump administration is considering fast-tracking an experimental COVID-19 vaccine developed by AstraZeneca Plc and Oxford University for use in the United States before election.
The S&P 500 and Nasdaq closed at record levels on Friday, wrapping up four weeks of gains on bets that technology focused companies will emerge stronger from the pandemic and the economy will return to growth on continued monetary and fiscal support.
The Dow, however, is still about 5% below its February peak.

Nunes Discusses The Vast Mailbox Conspiracy Theory

HPSCI ranking member Devin Nunes appears on Fox News with Maria Bartiromo to discuss the Democrats conspiracy theory about President Trump removing mailboxes.

Additionally, Devin Nunes discusses the contrast between how the FBI gave Hillary Clinton a defensive briefing based on an actual risk of foreign influence, yet the FBI did not give Donald Trump a defensive briefing based on a Russian influence conspiracy they were creating with the Clinton campaign.

Why AG Barr Must Invoke RICO Statute Against Rioters — Now!

 Article by Steve Levy in NewsMax

Why AG Barr Must Invoke RICO Statute Against Rioters — Now!

Throughout the Jim Crow era it was common for racist juries in parts of America to look the other way as violent crimes were perpetrated against African-Americans. 

At some point the federal government intervened and brought its own charges to ensure that justice was carried out.

Today, socialist and liberal Democratic mayors running our nation's cities are engaging in the same type of enabling of violence as did the racists of the past.

Attorney General William Barr's Operation Legend is a commendable first step in holding the violent perpetrators to account, but it's not enough. It's time for the AG to apply the federal RICO statute against Antifa-like groups that are analogous to organized crime.

Entities encouraging rioting usually utilize the phone lines and the internet to organize their illegal activities, or engage in activity violating the federal civil rights of their victims, thereby subjecting them to federal jurisdiction.

In fact, three white supremacists who traveled from California to Virginia in August 2017 to incite violence in protests were prosecuted under 18 U.S.C. §241, which prohibits conspiracies to "injure, oppress, threaten or intimidate any person … in the exercise or enjoyment of any right or privilege secured to him by the Constitution or laws of the United States."

How many more videos do we have to see of a woman being hit with a 2-by-4 while protecting her business, or a man in Portland dragged from his car by anarchists and nearly beaten to death.

These atrocities are happening for one simple reason: The rioters truly believe they can get away with it. 

The liberal mayor in Seattle condones a violent illegal takeover of seven city blocks as a reversion to the splendid "Summer Love" era of the radical '60s.

The mayor of Minneapolis tells police to stand down, allowing the mob to burn down a police station.

Portland's mayor acquiesced to 80 straight days of destructive rioting, blaming not the anarchists, but the federal troops for somehow provoking them while seeking to prevent a mob takeover of the federal courthouse.

The mayor of Washington, D.C. blasts the president for holding a Bible in front of a church, but not the mob that tried to burn it down.

Equally alarming is how the far left organization funded by billionaire George Soros has — under the radar — been taking over district attorney offices in our major cities. They even bankrolled the San Francisco race of the radical son of cop killing terrorists. He won, and predictably has refused to prosecute lawbreakers assaulting police.

The DA in Portland praised protestors pelting federal ICE agents transporting a group of illegal immigrants, while expressing embarrassment over federal agents enforcing the law.

Similarly, in New York City, DA Cyrus Vance announced low-level law breakers would not face penalties.

We are now at a point where a woman, under attack by a mob, who called 911 pleading with the operator to send police, was told the police would not respond and that she should call City Hall.

This is the stuff of third world banana republics.

How is this happening in our great country and why is the federal government not doing more to stop it? 

The president has talked tough about stepping in and solving the violence. But instead of just concentrating on bringing in armed federal troops (which he has every right to do), he'd be much better off having the Justice Department infiltrate and crush these criminal enterprises just as the feds routinely did to organized crime, the Klan or the MS-13 gang — through federal prosecutions.

It's somewhat of an oxymoron, but these anarchists are actually quite organized, especially in the nation's northwest. These are the same type of interconnected, well-funded groups that regularly appear annually to break windows during the gatherings of the G7 leaders. They are globalists who oppose borders and capitalism.

The George Floyd murder gave them the impetus to morph into what were legitimate peaceful protest and to eventually hijack them.

At the same time, the original laudable concept of the Black Lives Matter movement has been displaced by a Black Lives Matter organization that is headed by avowed Marxists. The Treasurer of a group they affiliate with to raise funds is a convicted terrorist.

 A Black Lives Matter leader last week promoted and justified looting as being a legitimate form of reparations.

While most BLM protesters continue to act peacefully, these radical elements can't be ignored.

State prosecutors didn't crack the mafia; the feds did. When the feds got serious about undermining the Mob, they implemented the RICO statute which gave them wider surveillance authority coupled with very strict sentencing guidelines.

MS-13 is on the run not because of local prosecution, but because the feds came in and swayed underlings to flip on their superiors.

What are we waiting for?

We have the perpetrators of many of these crimes on video. The civil rights of the victims have been violated. Many of these attacks have been racially motivated.

The liberal media will attack Barr no matter what he does. Ignore them. Start going after these violent criminal enterprises as the organized crime entities that they are.

Let's apply the RICO statute to break up Antifa-type groups so that they can never again pull a man out of his car and beat him unconscious with a sense of impunity.

Enough is enough. 

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Lindsey Has New Revelations About FBI 7th Floor Targeting Trump

Fox News host Maria Bartiromo has a conversation with Senate Judiciary Chairman Lindsay Graham about new documents he plans to share with the John Durham team asking questions about why Hillary Clinton was provided defensive briefings while Donald Trump was not.

Interestingly, and not caught by Graham or media yet…. The documents Graham released [See Here] showed the FBI approver for the Clinton defensive briefings was David Archey. [Use CTH search function] As it turns out David Archey was hand selected by the Weissmann/Mueller special counsel to head the FBI responsibilities of the special counsel probe after they could no longer use Peter Strzok.

WASHINGTON – Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina) today released newly declassified FBI documents and communications demonstrating the Bureau’s double standard when it came to the Clinton and Trump campaigns.
According to these declassified documents and communications, in 2015 FBI leadership sought to give the Clinton campaign a defensive briefing before an FBI field office could pursue a FISA warrant related to a threat posed to the Clinton campaign by a foreign government. But in 2016 when there was a similar counterintelligence threat to the Trump campaign, FBI leadership failed to give a defensive briefing to the Trump campaign, opting instead to open the Crossfire Hurricane investigation and relentlessly pursue FISA warrants targeting the Trump campaign.  (more from Senate Judiciary)

Here’s the Graham Release [Link to pdf]

Lee Smith Discusses “The Permanent Coup” Against President Trump

Lee Smith is one of the most decent and genuine people I have ever had the good pleasure to meet.  In this interview Smith discusses his latest book “The Permanent Coup”.

The Trump-Russia collusion hoax, the Mueller investigation, the impeachment inquiry, the “weaponization of the coronavirus,” and now the riots raging in major U.S. cities are all intrinsically linked, says investigative journalist Lee Smith.

Time to Wake Up and Start Decoupling from China

 Article by Clyde Prestowitz in The American Conservative

Time to Wake Up and Start Decoupling from China

In recent months, articles in Foreign Affairs, Foreign Policy, and other leading journals have warned against decoupling from China and stumbling into a new cold war.

Some argue that China is merely a regional power seeking to reduce U.S. influence in its backyard and maintain its own territorial integrity and internal stability. That, while China’s indifference to World Trade Organization commitments and bullying of its South China Sea neighbors is frustrating, Beijing seeks no new global order or cold war. Moreover, they argue, trading with China has mostly been a win-win proposition, and Beijing’s stake in global economic stability is a guarantee against any serious conflict.

Others admit that China has lately been a “bad actor” but say any stiff response by Washington will only make matters worse. Calling for patience, they emphasize that China is not trying to export its ideology.

Still others claim that the U.S. would be the loser in a cold war, and measures like limiting semiconductor sales to Chinese tech champions will only result in lost U.S. income and R&D funds.

Finally, many analysts warn that forcing countries to choose between the United States and China as a main trading partner could result in unpleasant surprises for Washington. 

The Great Fantasy

These cautions are the remnant of the great fantasy that swept the free world in the wake of President Nixon’s 1972 “opening of China” and Chinese leader Deng Xiaoping’s 1978 decision to experiment with market economics. We imagined China on a capitalist road that would inevitably lead to liberal politics and even democracy.

I was part of this fantasy as a leader of the first U.S. trade mission to China in 1982. In its wake, trade and investment took off, and China’s economy grew at light speed. Then came a huge disillusionment: In 1989, Deng ordered his tanks to shoot pro-democracy demonstrators in Tiananmen[1] square. At least 700 were killed. Some put the number as high as 10,000.

A pall fell over China relations, but the incident was quickly overshadowed by the 1991 collapse of the Soviet Union, widely hailed as the end of the Cold War. China was not yet a major economy or power, and the Soviets had been perceived as the main enemy. President George H.W. Bush was so convinced China was on the road to liberalism that he downplayed the incident as an aberration.

However, Deng had a different view, rarely mentioned over the past 30 years. While Western leaders preached the gospel of democratization through baptism by free trade and market forces, Deng counseled his comrades to “bide your time and hide your light” and wrote of the beginning of “a new Cold War.”

The Cold War that Never Ended

The Economist implicitly acknowledged this cold war in a groundbreaking 2018 cover story. Said the long-time citadel of globalization, “the west had made the wrong bet on China.”

President Clinton, for example, had laughed at the notion of Beijing controlling the internet, saying it would be like “trying to nail Jello to the wall.” However, Beijing had placed a second bet on the table: that it could absorb free-world economic concepts and technology while preserving Communist doctrine and authoritarianism. Thereby, it could challenge the “rules based, liberal global order,”[2] belying talk of a U.S.-China “coupling.” China’s cleavage of the Internet in 1997 with its “Great Fire Wall” and the barring of U.S. companies like Amazon, Google, and Facebook in favor of its own Alibaba, Tencent, and Baidu should have made this obvious.

The Economist’s tacit conclusion was that the United States was now losing this cold war. Former U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for East Asia Kurt Campbell wrote a few weeks later in Foreign Affairs that “positive engagement” with China was not working.

In retrospect, the overconfidence of free world leaders, economists, strategists, and pundits is culpable. They willfully ignored Beijing’s five-year development plans aimed at achieving Chinese leadership in key industries such as solar energy and telecommunications.

More astoundingly, they convinced themselves that China was disbanding its state-owned enterprises while, in fact, it was building them into globally dominant enterprises in industries like high-speed railroads, port management, and infrastructure development. These heavily subsidized companies have become the leading edge of the Chinese wedge into globalization. Free-world analysts and leaders saw them in purely economic terms, but for China they were strategic.

Only in 2015, when Beijing announced its “Made in China 2025” plans for dominance in high-tech industries and Xi Jinping began to emerge as a kind of new Mao Zedong, did the scales begin to fall from the eyes of the free world.

The Reality Framework

As former Undersecretary of Defense Michelle Flournoy noted in the Financial Times in June, the reality of the long West-vs.-China struggle demands a new, realistic approach.

Take the assumption that China is merely a regional power with regional objectives. Its “Belt and Road” project, skirmishes with India and in the South China Sea, acquisition of European ports, aid to Venezuela, naval forays into the Arctic, and convening of the “17 plus 1” (Central and Eastern European countries plus China) all suggest global ambitions.

Consider the issues of semiconductor chips. Conventional analysis argues that any U.S. restriction on sales to Huawei will only drive the company to make its own chips or shop elsewhere. Crucially, however, this argument assumes that Huawei and China do not already seek self-sufficiency. But they have been, as spelled out in five-year plans for many years. Restricting U.S. chip sales to Huawei cannot accelerate Chinese self-sufficiency if it is already barreling full-speed toward that point.

In that circumstance, restricting chip sales to China may very well extend U.S. lead time in one of the most important advanced technologies. Nor will it be easy for Huawei to acquire the chips from third-country suppliers, who are largely dependent on the U.S., and who have similar problems with Huawei and do not necessarily want to lose their own lead positions.

Now consider Kuka, a world leader in advanced robotics and formerly a German company. It was privately owned until the major Chinese producer Midea quietly bought a controlling interest in 2016. If Midea had been an ordinary global company, no one would have cast a second glance. But a major Chinese corporation inevitably has ties to the Chinese government and Communist Party. The German government was so upset over this buyout and the transfer of Kuka’s technology to China that it passed legislation to prevent a similar event in the future.

Why were the Germans upset? Because they knew the Chinese Communist Party and government seek global leadership in robotics. This is not a secret—it is part of the “Made in China 2025” plan. Moreover, the Germans do not believe China plans for a normal, market-driven robotics industry.

Nor does this apply only to robotics. It is true of virtually all major industries, especially those in the high-tech sector.

Most of the debate about globalization and coupling with China contains a fallacy: that it is purely a matter of economics. In fact, it is ultimately about national security and the long-term fate of democratic values.

A world in which authoritarian regimes dominate cutting-edge technologies and critical industries is not safe for democracy and free speech. It is therefore worse than silly to discuss how to deal with globalization of those industries solely in terms of production costs, comparative advantage, and consumer prices.

It is of existential importance that free-world countries remain among the leaders in high technology and fundamental industries. The costs of being uncompetitive in these areas would far outweigh any production cost savings garnered by producing in China. Indeed, one must ask if any price is too much to pay for freedom.

What Is to Be Done

We must first recognize that enticing or forcing China to “play by the rules” and to become “a responsible stakeholder in the rules-based, liberal order” is a hopeless task. The Communist Party does not live by rules or believe in an open-market economy. It believes its mercantilist strategy is a winner (which it has been so far) and will not abandon it.

Our only alternative is to change our own behavior and recognize an ongoing cold war. It does not necessarily mean complete economic decoupling from China, but it does mean a significant degree of decoupling. If Starbucks wants to establish coffee houses in China, fine.

On the other hand, it is essential that the United States assures that free-world players lead in the key industries China has targeted for its own leadership. This means adopting the right industrial policies, subsidizing research and investment, and managing global markets effectively.

In other words, we need to develop reciprocal globalization policies through the close cooperation of business and government, as we did during the 19th century, two world wars, the Space Race, and the first Cold War. 

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Democrats Play More Games In Desperate Attempt To Shut Down Senate Probe Of Bidens

Senate Democrats are accusing the State Department with politicizing a Senate investigation into the origins of the Russia hoax and the Biden family’s past conflicts of interest after Secretary of State Mike Pompeo’s staff merely directed agency personnel to comply with legal records requests.

On Thursday, Democrats told Politico the executive agency was acting “extremely unusual” and with “clear evidence of politicization” in sending on a memo instructing employees to submit relevant records to Senate investigators. Democrats say the absence of deadlines in document demand letters from the two senators leading the probe, Chuck Grassley of Iowa and Ron Johnson of Wisconsin, combined with the agency including due dates for staff to turn in paperwork by Friday next week provided ample evidence of hyper-politicization.

“There is no question that this is a politicized misuse of department resources,” one unnamed Democratic aide told the paper. “What’s remarkable is they’re so brazen about it.”

It’s an odd complaint from Democrats that senior officials from a government agency urged staff to comply with a Senate investigation to uncover corruption, especially after repeated requests from Republicans failed to turn up the documents senators have demanded. Democrats are now accusing the State Department of rushing out records Republicans have been seeking for months and still don’t have.

A look back just a few years earlier shows Democrats doing exactly what they now charge Republicans of, deliberately pushing out different documents in the final days of the Obama administration before President Donald Trump took office.

According to a series of documents obtained by Judicial Watch through a request under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) and sent to The Federalist, Democrats were explicitly eager to release documents that would aid in their perpetuation of the Russia collusion hoax before inauguration day on Jan. 20, 2017.

“Both Senators want the package by Thursday January 19,” explained one State Department official in an email.

“The clock is ticking,” another wrote in a lengthy chain.

“This is an urgent package from EUR that they’re trying to get to the Hill ASAP,” wrote one employee on Jan. 18, just two days before Trump was administered the oath of office.

On several emails was an attorney named Zack Schram, who now serves as the chief counsel for Democrats on the Homeland Security and Government Affairs Committee. The committee now oversees Democrats lodging complaints at the department for now allegedly rushing out documents after the agency dragged out the process.

“The State Department has not responded fully to the committees’ request from as far back as May 2019, and the Democrats are complaining about a mundane tasking memo sent this week,” committee Communications Director Austin Altenburg told The Federalist. “Whereas this is a real example of administration officials at State hustling highly sensitive docs out the door for political purposes.”

George Soros buying district attorneys across America

OAN Newsroom
UPDATED 1:45 PM PT – Sunday, August 23, 2020
Violent criminals are being released back onto the streets in cities across America. This is all thanks to district attorneys who were bought and paid for by George Soros. One America’s Pearson Sharp has more on how the radical left-wing billionaire is working to undermine our nation’s justice system.

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Portland’s dress rehearsal for revolution now featuring a guillotine

 Article by Thomas Lifson in The American Thinker

Portland’s dress rehearsal for revolution now featuring a guillotine

Yes, they want a bloody revolution, and in Portland, the dress rehearsal is underway. Downtown has been sacked, and the revolutionaries have taken to the streets of residential neighborhoods, terrifying residents. The message is clear: police cannot protect you, so shut up and let the new powers-that-be run things.

Yesterday, the Portland Police Bureau seemed to confirm that message, that they are powerless to stop the revolution. At Red State, Shipwreckedcrew wrote about the absence of police in a violent clash between Antifa/BLM forces and “Back the Blue”forces, said to include The Proud Boys:

…there was a noticeable lack of Portland Police in any of the videos of the two groups clashing.

Late today came an explanation for their absence — there were insufficient police resources available to the shift commanders to do anything to intervene in the incident that involved well over 100 protesters from both sides. (snip)

 That, my friends, is the declaration by Portland PD that they are unwilling to intervene in a conflagration they do not believe they can stop.  The events of the past two months have slowly drained Portland PD’s resources through attrition of manpower. (snip)

[There] was an ominous development with the clash between the two groups — the presence of numerous firearms — both handguns and long guns. (snip)

Portland PD has confessed that it is running out of the capacity to deal with violence in the city on a 24-hour basis.  There are going to be some hours during the day when insufficient police resources will be unavailable to separate the two sides.  Episodes like today are likely to repeat, maybe grow in size, and involve more weapons and greater violence employed by each against the other.

The District Attorney announced two weeks ago his office was not going to prosecute “riot” related crimes.  That caused the State Police to pull their personnel out of Portland.

It sure does not appear that the local and state authorities have a plan to turn the tide here.  This may eventually come down to a steel-cage death match that each side seems to want to have.

After today’s escalation, it might come faster than expected.

Over the weekend, another group of revolutionaries symbolically spoke of their bloody intentions in unmistakable imagery: a guillotine.

The victim of the guillotine here is a teddy bear, standing in for Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler, whose overall capitulation to the rioters has earned him no gratitude or charity. This is not playful symbolism, it is blood lust, finding preliminary expression.  One of the great lessons of the Holocaust is, “When someone tells you he wants to kill you – take him seriously.”

One seasoned observer who takes it seriously is Abe Greenwald who has written a paywalled article in Commentary titled, “Yes, this is a Revolution”

The battle for the survival of the United States of America is upon us. It has not come in the form of traditional civil war. There are no uniformed armies, competing flags, or alternate constitutions. (snip)

If it wasn’t clear in late May and early June, it should be well understood by now that we are in the throes of a genuine revolution of the most extravagant sort. Like messianic revolutionaries of the past, the revolutionary mob of the 21st century is out to “remake the world.” Their compass is “no longer pointed at one thing.” It’s aimed in all directions at once. As Thomas Paine said approvingly of France in 1791, “it is the age of revolutions, in which everything may be looked for.” A mission so grandiose demands the most radical assault on the current order, and changing the world begins with changing one’s country. So it was in France in 1789, Russia in 1917, and China in 1949. And this is especially so if one’s country is seen as the seat of the present evil and is also the most powerful nation on the planet. This is, then, most fundamentally a revolution against the United States of America and all it stands for.

In revolutions… the purpose of confession is not to elicit forgiveness but to further the purge.

To date, not a single national Democrat has spoken out against the revolutionaries. They  think that they will run things when the dust settles, apparently. They are as foolish as Maximillien Robespierre, the French Revolutionary leader who ended up in a guillotine when the radicals outpaced him in their demands.

The upside of the inability of mobs to self-censor is that President Trump has the opportunity and guts to lay out exactly who the forces are that want to run America, and the inability of the Democrats to stand up to them. Should Joe Biden win the election, he and the handlers who pull his strings would fare no better than the Portland teddy bear standing in for Mayor Wheeler. Blood lust is never sated by confession and concession, as Greenwald/s final comment quoted above instructs us.

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