Saturday, August 8, 2020

Smuggling tunnel discovered between U.S. border & Mexico ‘most sophisticated in history’

OAN Newsroom
UPDATED 11:45 AM PT — Saturday, August 8, 2020
A team led by ICE officials recently discovered what’s being called “the most sophisticated smuggling tunnel in U.S. history.”
According to reports, an incomplete 1,300 foot tunnel running between Mexico and Arizona was found earlier this week.
Officials explained the tunnel was equipped with ventilation, water lines and electrical wiring. It also featured a rail system and extensive reinforcement.

“Right now, this is one of the most sophisticated tunnels we’ve seen in the United States,” stated Border Patrol agent Vinny Dulesky. “The material used to build it and the terrain it had to traverse through makes it really special.”
Agents made the discovery after investigating a sinkhole outside of Yuma, Arizona.

 In this undated photo provided by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, excavation work continues at a site of an incomplete tunnel intended for smuggling, found stretching from Arizona to Mexico.

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NRA Hits Back with Federal Suit v. James


 Dave Workman for Ammoland Shooting Sports News

NRA Hits Back with Federal Suit v. James

U.S.A.-( Asserting that New York State Attorney General Letitia James’s lawsuit seeking to dissolve the National Rifle Association is “motivated and substantially caused by her hostility toward the NRA’s political advocacy,” the association has filed a countersuit in federal court and is asking for a jury trial.

The lawsuit was filed by attorney William A. Brewer III of New York in U.S. District Court for the Northern District of New York in Albany.

The 19-page lawsuit names James as the only defendant, both in her official capacity and, significantly, as an individual. But the lawsuit clearly has other targets, not the least of which are New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo, anti-gun billionaire former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg and the Bloomberg-backed Everytown for Gun Safety, a gun prohibition lobbying group.

“To create air cover for their campaign against the NRA (which had begun to attract bipartisan criticism),” the federal lawsuit alleges, “Cuomo and James coordinated actively with Everytown for Gun Safety (“Everytown”). Richly endowed by Michael Bloomberg, Everytown is an activist organization whose explicit political mission is to oppose the NRA.”

As if to underscore the allegation, Everytown wasted no time in the hours after James filed her lawsuit in New York Supreme Court by firing off a fund-raising email appeal to supporters. In that email, Everytown declared, “After years of contributing to America's gun violence crisis and the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people from gun violence, the NRA and its leadership deserve nothing less than the end of their malicious organization.”

“The real cost of the NRA’s corruption isn't money; it's American lives,” the message continues. “The NRA has peddled fear to sell more guns and fought lifesaving gun laws at every turn, doing everything in its power to preserve an America where gun violence is the rule, not the exception.”

Joining the effort to exploit NRA’s legal troubles—reported here by AmmoLand—the Seattle-based Alliance for Gun Responsibility, another billionaire-backed gun prohibition lobbying group supported by wealthy Evergreen State elitists, launched its own fund raising effort. In an email to supporters, the Alliance asserted, “For years, the NRA has had a stranglehold on our political system, blocking commonsense gun safety measures in Congress and endangering American lives. But they are finally being exposed as a breeding ground for corruption and illegality.”

One paragraph later in their funding appeal, the Alliance acknowledges, “This lawsuit is an opportunity to defeat them once and for all.”

The Alliance frequently gloats about passing two gun control initiatives in Washington—defeating the NRA in the process—to reduce so-called “gun violence.” But one look at homicide trends in that state suggests both measures have been failures. There are more murders and shootings, not fewer, according to annual FBI Uniform Crime Reports.

According to the website Law & Crime, one week before James was elected to the attorney general’s post in 2018, she asserted during an interview with Ebony that the NRA is “a terrorist organization.” The full remark to Ebony was this: “The NRA holds [itself] out as a charitable organization, but in fact, [it] really [is] a terrorist organization.”

The New York Post story covering James’s civil lawsuit against the 5-million-member organization noted, “James made a campaign promise to investigate the NRA’s legitimacy as a non-profit organization and carried that torch after she was elected for the AG post because she disagrees with its politics, the suit charges.”

The lawsuit also asserts, “James is maligning the NRA in the press (including by calling it a ‘criminal enterprise’ that merely ‘masquerade[es] as a charity’), and harassing the NRA and its business counterparties and stakeholders with invasive subpoenas, and the NRA has been and continues to be damaged by James’s actions.”

James’s lawsuit was filed almost simultaneously with a similar civil action in Washington, D.C. court by District of Columbia Attorney General Karl A. Racine. That action focuses on the NRA Foundation and how its funds have been allegedly mishandled.

The timing of both lawsuits, even though it was widely expected within the firearms community that legal action was coming because of the New York investigation, is already raising alarms among NRA supporters. Fox News commentator Laura Ingraham suggested James may be out to bankrupt the NRA.

“This moved against the NRA,” Ingraham said during a 9 ½-minute monologue titled “Gunning for Your Rights” that aired Thursday evening, hours after the lawsuits were filed, “is a test run for broader efforts to frighten and intimidate people for exercising their God-given rights.”

Fox News’ Sean Hannity, during an exchange on his program with frequent guest Dan Bongino, posed a rhetorical question: “Timing awkward to you, because it’s certainly suspicious as hell to me.” He suggested the lawsuits may be designed to eat up NRA funds that might otherwise be used to help during the national elections this year.

But could this effort backfire?

It was once written in the pages of a now-defunct award-winning outdoor tabloid—Fishing & Hunting News—that the NRA “fights best from behind circled wagons.” While there has been much discussion over the past 18 months on social media about NRA’s financial troubles, the alleged lavish spending by Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre and other organization officials, when the NRA is under attack, it translates to the Second Amendment being attacked. American gun owners have repeatedly demonstrated a willingness to fight vigorously to defend their rights.

As Alan Gottllieb, founder and executive vice president of the Second Amendment Foundation observed in reaction to the lawsuits against the NRA, “the strength of the NRA is not only in its leadership but in its members. Its members will not abandon the fight to protect Second Amendment rights.”

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How Long Can The Media Cover For Biden’s Racial Gaffes?

Joe Biden has stepped on another racial landmine. As the country is torn apart by ethnic strife, the former Vice President continues to frustrate his campaign and his loyal supporters in the corporate media by saying goofy things about black people that at least border on abject racism. 

Thursday it was a statement, introduced by his classic, “Come on, man!” in which he suggested that unlike Latinos, black Americans do not have diversity of thought and ideas, with “notable exceptions.”

Uhh… did Joe Biden just say that Black people are all the same?
— Trump War Room – Text TRUMP to 88022 (@TrumpWarRoom) August 6, 2020

Put once again in the unenviable position of having to defend the Democratic nominee, CNN and MSNBC chose for the most part to ignore the troubling remarks. Others like the New York Times’ Jonathan Martin took a different approach, sidestepping the actual remarks to make a broader point about Biden’s propensity to gaffes.

The latest Biden gaffes reflect:
a) the real/perceived risk he poses to himself, anxiety he causes in staff and why so many Dems are thrilled there is no real public campaign
b) how much Trump was depending on Biden gaffes & how little land they have to live off of now
— Jonathan Martin (@jmartNYT) August 6, 2020

You really have to hand it to Washington Post “Fact Checker” Glenn Kessler who just pretended that Biden didn’t say what Biden literally said. In a just world, Kessler would give himself four Pinocchios for this obvious gaslighting, but don’t hold your breath.

If you listen to the clip, he didn’t actually say this.
— Glenn Kessler (@GlennKesslerWP) August 6, 2020

Despite these desperate deflections, the Biden camp itself decided it needed to address the comments. In a series of tweets, Biden said that he was not treating black Americans as a monolith, even though he clearly was. Later in the day he launched into some bizarre remarks about how Latinos come from all over the world “unlike African-American communities,” as if there are not black Americans from Africa, the Caribbean and Europe. These defensive statements were likely a result of President Trump highlighting the gaffe throughout the day.

This is the hill Biden's apparently going to die on. This afternoon he appeared in a virtual roundtable and doubled down on his “Latinos have a more diverse culture than blacks” take
— Tom Elliott (@tomselliott) August 6, 2020

This is becoming a real problem for Biden who recently insisted in an interviewthat if a black person, presumably one of those notable exceptions doesn’t vote for him than they “ain’t black.” In 2020, these kinds of comments not only sound tinny to younger Democrats, they come off often as down right racist.

In part, the issue for Biden is that he came of political age at a time when ethnic politics had a more playful and less corrosive feeling about it. This was a time when Bill Clinton was lovingly called the first black president. Even earlier in the 1970s and 1980s, politics was often played in ethnic clubs like the Ancient Order of Hibernians.

Ethnic jokes were more commonplace and acceptable, this first started catching up to Biden in 2008 when he joked that you had to have a slight Indian accent to go to 7-11. Nobody laughed. Another very common aspect late of 20th century racial politics was code switching, using different words or accents when speaking to different groups. We still see Biden do this with his use of “man” and “ain’t” to shall we say “urbanize” his delivery to black voters.

Biden’s antiquated ways of dealing with race may not be racist so to speak, but they are certainly outside the accepted parlance of the current Democratic Party. They say you can’t teach an old dog new tricks, and Biden, who spent most of his life getting laughs at such remarks, is not likely to be an exception to this rule.

The best Biden’s handlers can do in this situation is try to keep Old Joe in the basement with as few chances to foul up as possible. But with several of the latest polls showing a sharply tightening race, that may not be sustainable in the long run. Meanwhile the best the media can do is try to ignore the gaffes. But here they also have a problem, namely those notable exceptions.

There is no shortage of prominent black conservatives in today’s political landscape. From Harris Faulker, to Sen. Tim Scott, to Deroy Murdock and many others, there are black voices that resent and object to being told they are part of some Democratic monolith. The still mainly white mainstream media cannot ignore these voices; even though they desperately wish to do so.

Do not expect this to be the last time Biden makes a gaffe involving race. But do expect the corporate media to use all their power to protect him when he does. The question is, will that power be enough?

Superintendent Announces 'Black and Brown Students' Will Return to School First: Report

Erin Coates for The Western Journal

Superintendent Announces 'Black and Brown Students' Will Return to School First: Report

A Chicago-area school district is planning on reopening its classrooms for in-person learning but is reportedly giving students of color the first opportunity to return.

On July 22, School District 65 announced that it would reopen its schools, if it is safe to do so, for in-person instruction on Sept. 29, the Evanston Round Table reported.

If more families opted to return to school than use the online-learning path, the district would prioritize certain groups of students first, the report said.

Deputy Superintendent Latarsha Green said these groups include “students receiving free or reduced lunch, Black and Brown students, students who received an I [Incomplete] or less than 50% on their report cards, emerging bilinguals and students with IEPs,” according to the Evanston Round Table.

“We are in a pandemic. And we also know that everyone is affected by this differently,” Superintendent Devon Horton said, according to the report.

“But there was a pandemic before this,” Horton said. “That was inequity and racism, and classism and all of these other things. And so I just want to make sure that as we’re making a decision — no decision is going to make everyone happy — we understand that.”

He added that the school district wanted to make sure that students who have been oppressed are given the opportunity.

“I’ve heard for quite some time that this is a community that’s about equity for Black and Brown students, for special education students, for LGBTQ students,” Horton said.

“We know that this is important work, and we’re going to prioritize that.”

The priority decisions might come into play because the district is not forcing its teachers to work on-site, so some school buildings will not be able to accommodate all students.

“This decision aligns directly to the guidance released by the Illinois State Board of Education on June 23 in using an equity lens to implement and transition into blended learning. This was also a top idea recommended by our Community-based Task Force,” school district spokeswoman Melissa Messinger told Fox News.

“As a community deeply committed to educational equity, we will continue to root our decisionmaking on how to best serve our most vulnerable student populations.”

The Trump administration has been pushing for schools to reopen for in-person instruction as usual in the fall.

“It is our firm belief that our schools are essential places of business, if you will; that our teachers are essential personnel,” White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany said July 24 at a news briefing.

Vice President Mike Pence added at a speech at Marian University in Indianapolis that “opening up our schools again is the best thing for our kids,” VOA News reported.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention also published an article on July 23 about the importance of reopening schools and giving children the opportunity to return to school safely.

The Western Journal reached out to School District 65 for comment but did not receive a response.

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The Left’s ‘Trump Won’t Split’ Riff

Come November, voters will punish a Democratic Party that refuses to condemn rioters who believe violence is the answer.

The Left projects more than a drive-in movie theater. The latest case in point is the febrile effort to stoke the “Trump won’t split” riff.

The Hill on Monday offered a prime example of this regressive riff, this time emanating from MSNBC columnist Mike Barnicle during an appearance on “Morning Joe.” Fraught with intimations of a prospective civil war, Barnicle’s analysis proffered both an electoral dilemma and his solution for it:

One thing we all learned in the year 2000 is that Republicans are good at fixing the way we count ballots in the country. Now, with this furor over mail-in votes, we could be sitting down for Thanksgiving dinner not really knowing specifically who the president-elect of the United States is. So we all have to pray that there’s going to be a landslide for Joe Biden in order to avoid this conflict.

Of course, in 2000 it was the United States Supreme Court that ultimately resolved the Florida recount, which Democrats had hoped to drag out until they could somehow show Al Gore as the winner. But let us not quibble over the past, when it is Barnicle’s proposed solution that gives away the Left’s game.

The Left usually has a method to its madness—at least the Democratic establishment does. The “Trump won’t split” riff has been pushed to accomplish practical political objectives, all of which stem from one elemental problem.

For all the collusion media’s cheerleading and intensifying gaslighting, the Left has an enthusiasm gap. One of the few benefits of the intensity behind the Left’s Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) is that it allows the Left finally to glean, albeit negatively, the ardor Trump’s base has for him. Yet despite all the TDS in its ranks, the Left also is acutely aware their nominee, former Vice President Joe Biden, has nothing like that ardor among his supporters—including regressives and the centrist voters his campaign is courting. Even a TDS-enthralled vegan would find it hard to get enthused about electing a turnip president. 

In consequence, the Democrats have a turnout problem. After all, polls mean squat if your voters don’t vote. Cue up the “Trump won’t split” riff.

Following its modus operandi of ascribing its own sins to its opponents, the Left’s resistance to Trump’s 2016 victory is projected onto Trump and the GOP regarding the 2020 election. The Left’s aims are twofold: First, to undermine any attempt by Trump and the GOP to verify any questionable election results, especially given the potential for irregularities with mail-in voting (as distinguished from traditional absentee voting). And second, to maximize Democratic voter engagement, participation, and turnout.

These two aims are concomitant and complimentary. They are not solely about electing Joe Biden president. If a voter is unenthused about the top of the ticket, he or she is far less likely to vote, volunteer, or donate to any campaign. As a result, the Democratic Party is concerned the lack of enthusiasm for Biden will also hinder its efforts to retain the U.S. House, seize the U.S. Senate, and take a host of state and local offices. 

This is why the Left is resorting to its same old cynical song and dance of motivating voters through “fear and/or greed.” Just as it has tried to do with its “systemic racism” trope, the Left remains in full fearmonger mode with the “Trump won’t split” riff and its accompanying threat of a constitutional crisis and then . . . well, who can really say? 

Fortunately, the polls also show the majority of the public believes the media is biased; and that any post-election violence will come from the Left. Come November, despite the obstreperous Left’s strenuous projecting, the majority of the electorate will tune out the “Trump won’t split” riff and punish a Democratic Party that refuses to condemn—let alone penalize—rioters who believe violence is the answer.

This outcome is good news in general for our free republic and in particular for Barnicle, who can eat his Thanksgiving meal in peace thanks to the coming Trump landslide.

American Left Is The Only One In The World That Hates Their Country

Thursday on “Tucker Carlson Tonight,” The Federalist Senior Editor Chris Bedford explained the difference between the American left and the rest of the world’s leftist movements and political parties: “The American left is different from a lot of the global illiberal lefts in that they’re the only ones that don’t like their country. The Cubans, the Soviets, the Chinese, they’re all fiercely patriotic,” explained Bedford. “We don’t have that.” 

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“How can people who hate a country run it?” asked Tucker. “I don’t think they can,” Bedford responded. Bedford foresees that if the illiberal left, people who are “very much against the liberties that we cherish” and “hate our country,” were to win, it would make it difficult for the American democratic-republic to stand. 

Bedford added that American big tech giants “built a lot of the technology the Chinese are now using to oppress their people.” The Chinese government is enlisting foot soldiers to patrol Chinese streets “to really instill fear and make everyone know in China that not a single person is above the law.” At the same time, publications like The New York Times and prominent thought leaders of the left, like former President Barack Obama, “praise the Chinese system.”

Tucker pointed out, “The United States is becoming very much like China, at very high speed.” The new left, explained Bedford, emulates Communist China in their disdain for history and organized religion, attacking “institutions you thought were untouchable,” like the founding fathers and Catholic saints. 

“It starts off with tearing down Catholic saint statues and desecrating churches,” said Bedford, “but before you know it, places like the Washington Post are attacking my neighborhood priest, Monsignor Pope!” On Sunday, The Post ridiculed Pope, a hero to his parishioners for refusing to abandon his flock during the pandemic, for saying Mass and distributing the sacraments then contracting the Wuhan virus.  

Citing the Harvest Rock Church lawsuit against the state of California, Bedford predicted that the government is “going to go after churches and places that refuse to shut down.” “They have a right to gather,” affirmed Bedford. “First Amendment right to gather, just like protesters do,” said Bedford, referring to the treatment by government officials of Black Lives Matters protests versus churches. “It’s a double standard,” said Bedford.

Bedford reminded Tucker’s viewers that we were warned by the “genius” founders that our system is “very unstable.” “It relies on a culture that is united” and “moral,” said Bedford. “Right now we’re moving closer and closer to mob rule,” Bedford warned. He predicted we are headed to a “corporatist technocratic rule, run by people who think this country is evil at its core and are trying to divide us.” 

“A country that’s divided like that is going to have a difficult time standing,” said Bedford. He believes that neither Democrats nor Republicans are capable of dealing with the divisive cultural battle the United States is facing. Our only hope is at the “local level,” the very places being “target[ed] right now,” he explained. “Churches and civil organizations” are “the only chance we have of resisting this kind of uprising.” 

Five More Things You Probably Didn’t Know about Susan Rice

Ineptitude is the theme that runs throughout her diplomatic and national-security career.

Joe Biden is reportedly considering Barack Obama’s former national-security adviser Susan Rice to be his running mate. National Review’s Jim Geraghty recently told us “20 Things You Probably Didn’t Know About Susan Rice.”

I worked with Rice during the Clinton administration and have five more things the public needs to know.

1. Rice was obsessed with U.N. peacekeeping to solve world conflicts.Rice was a key architect of a disastrous Clinton-administration policy — Presidential Decision Directive 25. PDD-25, as the document was called, sought to implement “assertive multilateralism” to address all global conflicts with U.N. peacekeepers. This concept, the brainchild of Rice’s mentor Madeleine Albright, former ambassador to the United Nations, rested on the assumption that due to the end of the Cold War, the U.S. and U.N. peacekeepers could be used to address global conflicts instead of U.S. troops. PDD-25 was so radical that at one point an early draft advocated giving the U.N. the ability to tax international phone calls to pay for new peacekeeping missions. Assertive multilateralism was a spectacular failure since it led to the deployment of lightly armed, often poorly disciplined U.N. peacekeepers in war zones such as Bosnia, Haiti, Liberia, and Somalia, where many were killed or taken hostage.

2. Rice disliked hearing opposing views. As part of my duties as a CIA analyst covering U.N. issues, I briefed Susan Rice on classified and unclassified information related to her job. It was clear that she was not interested in — and objected to — hearing intelligence that contradicted her personal views. She and her NSC boss Richard Clarke were determined to ram through PDD-25 and tried to silence officers from other government agencies (including myself) who expressed skepticism about deploying U.N. peacekeepers to war zones and civil wars. Rice also made clear to me that she did not want to hear about U.N. waste and corruption. During the one occasion when I tried to brief her on an incident of serious U.N. corruption, she cut me off by saying, “Do you know how much a B-1 bomber costs?” Her point was she did not care how much money the U.N. wasted because she believed the U.S. government wasted more.

3. Hillary Clinton and Susan Rice did not get along because Rice refused to abide by the State Department’s chain of command. There were many reasons for tension between then–secretary of state Hillary Clinton and Rice, who at that time was U.S. ambassador to the U.N. Rice had been a close adviser to Barack Obama during the 2008 presidential campaign, when Clinton ran against him. Obama gave Clinton the post of secretary of state, but the two were not close. Rice, on the other hand, received the plum job of ambassador to the U.N., maintained her close relationship with Obama, and was given cabinet rank equal to that of Clinton. Rice’s tendency to go around Clinton and the State bureaucracy to work directly with the White House caused considerable tension with the secretary of state and her staff. A State Department officer who worked with Rice in the 1990s told me that the relationship between Clinton and Rice and their staffs was “poisonous.”

While it’s easy to understand why anyone would have poisonous relations with Hillary Clinton, this high-stakes history raises questions as to whether Rice would assume the proper back-set role of a vice president under Joe Biden, or whether she would seek to usurp the mentally declining presidential nominee and use him as a Trojan horse to make herself de facto president in terms of foreign policy and national security.

4. Rice, not Clinton, took the fall for the terrorist attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi because Clinton outsmarted her. One of the low points of Susan Rice’s career was when she appeared on five Sunday-morning talk shows on September 16, 2012, and made several inaccurate claims about the attack five days before on the American consulate in Benghazi, Libya, that resulted in the death of U.S. ambassador Christopher Stevens and others. Rice’s disastrous conduct included making the widely discredited, false claim that the attack was in response to an obscure anti-Muslim video and was not a pre-planned act of jihadist terrorism intended to coincide with the anniversary of the September 11, 2001, al-Qaeda attacks on the United States. Rice received so much criticism for these farcical interviews that they scuttled her bid to be nominated to succeed Hillary Clinton as secretary of state. Geraghty quoted an unnamed Obama official who said Rice’s interviews were “dishonest and driven by ego.” From my own experience, I believe this was the case. It’s also important to note how unusual it was for the U.S. ambassador to the U.N. to do these sensitive interviews instead of the secretary of state. Clinton declined to respond when invited, almost certainly because she knew that such an interview was a hopeless assignment. She also did not warn Rice — effectively letting her rival walk into this media trap. Rice’s mother, Lois Dickson Rice, realized this before the interviews and told her daughter: “Why do you have to go on the shows? Where is Hillary? I smell a rat.”

Clinton’s outmaneuvering of the egotistical and intemperate Rice on the Benghazi interviews raises serious questions about how Rice would fare in dealing with wily and cunning U.S. adversaries such as Vladimir Putin, Xi Jinping and Kim Jong-un, especially since she could be running U.S. foreign policy as vice president with Biden’s mental decline.

5. Rice was a key player in the Clinton administration’s bungling of African conflicts and genocide. Geraghty recounts how Rice suggested during a teleconference that the U.S. government should not use the term “genocide” to describe the 1994 massacre of about 800,000 ethnic Tutsis in Rwanda because of the effect this term could have on the 1994 midterm election. I worked on related issues for the CIA at the time and remember the CIA being pressured not to call these killings genocide. While I don’t doubt that Rice made this argument, I remember other Clinton officials also said this at the time. Rice and other Clinton loyalists also prevented the U.N. from taking any action in Rwanda — contrary to what Rice would have argued in PDD-25 — because they feared it would play into the hands of congressional Republicans who had harshly criticized the Clinton administration’s series of U.N. peacekeeping fiascos.

Rice also has been accused of condoning an invasion of the Democratic Republic of Congo led by Rwanda and supported by Uganda in the late 1990s. In response to concerns about this intervention in Congo and reports of genocide, Howard W. French, a former correspondent for the New York Timeswrote that Rice said, “the only thing we have to do is look the other way.”

Geraghty wrote that Rice’s mishandling of Rwanda and Congo continued during the Obama administration, when she “softened the U.S. response to mass killings in the Democratic Republic of Congo, and [Rwandan President Paul] Kagame’s support of violent rebel forces.”

Although Rice later expressed regret over her poor judgment on the 1994 Rwanda genocide, she played a central role in two other major African humanitarian catastrophes. Wall Street Journal columnist Bret Stephens wrote in 2012 that Rice tried to mediate a peace agreement in 1998 between Ethiopia and Eritrea, its former province. After she announced a final peace plan that Eritrea had not agreed to, the peace talks broke down and each country bombed the other’s capital. This was such a diplomatic disaster that Rice reportedly was summoned back to Washington and “put on probation” by a furious Secretary of State Albright. According to Stephens, “an estimated 100,000 people would perish in the war that Ms. Rice so ineptly failed to end.”

Rice also played a central role in an absurd and deadly peace plan in Sierra Leone that released a psychotic rebel leader named Foday Sankoh from prison and made him Sierra Leone’s vice president under the Lome Agreement of 1999. Sankoh’s rebel group, the RUF, which had a reputation for mass rapes and amputations, was given amnesty for all crimes. The agreement resulted in a catastrophe because Sankoh immediately began to reorganize his rebel force after he was released from prison and his fighters resumed killing and maiming civilians. The RUF refused to allow a U.N. peacekeeping force into rebel-held areas and took 500 peacekeepers hostage. The Clinton administration was afraid to resolve the disaster, so the U.N. turned to the United Kingdom, the former colonial power. British troops routed the RUF and arrested Sankoh. A fragile democracy was created in the country, and it endures today. Former U.K. prime minister Tony Blair is regarded as a hero in Sierra Leone for ousting Sankoh and his bloodthirsty thugs.

It is hard to imagine that any national-security official who played a role in just one of these humanitarian disasters would ever serve in government again. But Susan Rice is a Democrat and the mainstream media will never hold her accountable.

Rice’s career shows over 20 years of bad judgment and ill-informed policy positions that have damaged U.S. national security and contributed to humanitarian disasters and genocide.

Rice as vice president under a doddering President Biden could be a recipe for national-security chaos and disaster.

Guns, Dems, Civil War


 Rod Dreher for The American Conservative

Guns, Dems, Civil War

A reader writes:
I was reading your articles and many updates to how and why a second Civil War could come to the US and felt like you were missing the most likely scenario.  Then I read how you wrote that you are more of a 1st Amendment supporter and think some conservatives are too focussed on the 2nd.   This perception of yours may be causing you to discount what I think is the likeliest route to a 2nd Civil War.
This is the path that I see:
Biden wins the Presidency and the Democrats take the Senate and keep the House.  The federal government then follows up on Biden’s statement that the most popular rifles in the US should be illegal.  They remove then remove the protections on gun manufacturers so that even if a gun manufacturer did nothing wrong, the manufacturer would still be required to pay for any damage that gun caused.  This would bankrupt all gun manufacturers. [Note: Biden’s platform calls for removing protections on gun manufacturers. — RD]
The US has something like 8 million miles of roads and highways, 140,000 miles of railroad track and 160,000 miles of electric power lines.  No government can defend all of that.  If Biden wins and semi-automatic rifles are banned, then the “Resistance” will likely begin with individual attacks on shipping.  It would not take a large percent of gun owners to shut down the economy of the US.  Puncture enough fuel tanks on semi and locomotives and most shipping stops.  Hit a few key long distance transmission power lines and the blackouts will be extensive.
Since no government can defend that many miles of infrastructure, especially since most of those miles are in red areas with county police likely sympathetic to the shooters, house by house gun confiscation would be the only remaining option to a federal government trying to control the damage.  This is what would trigger many states to secede and likely cause mutiny in much of the armed forces.
I live in the rural part of VA.  Democrats took over total control of VA government this past session.  They proposed many bills to curtail the civil rights of gun owners.  The response at the county level in rural areas was tremendous.  More people came out to these county government meetings than had ever happened before.  Your writing implies you either disagree with this or that you are unaware of this response.  My county, a fairly crunchy and granola rural county voted to be a gun sanctuary county for the state and not enforce state laws that restricted civil rights related to guns.
While I hope this does not happen as it will cause untold suffering, deaths, and loss, I am preparing for this to happen.  My family has purchased guns for the first time, we obtained training and we are stocking up on ammunition.  We are preparing more food stores and learning to save our own vegetable seeds.
I was unaware of the rural counties’ response in Virginia. That is big news. And the reader’s scenario puts into a certain perspective yesterday’s news that the Democratic New York State Attorney General is going after the NRA in an effort to dismantle it entirely. Note well that she once called the NRA a “terrorist organization.” Readers of this blog who say that the AG is only going after the NRA because there’s a lot of evidence that it has been run corruptly are not credible. There is, alas, evidence that the NRA has violated its nonprofit status, and if so, there is no problem in principle with a state investigation. But you’d have to be an idiot to think that this particular Attorney General is only motivated by a desire that the gun-rights lobby be administered more honestly. If the AG of Texas had called Planned Parenthood an “exterminationist organization” and announced that he was going to use allegations of internal corruption to dismantle it, everyone on the Left would know exactly what was going on.
I saw yesterday a story saying that the NY AG announcement would hurt Trump’s re-election bid. Not a chance! If anything, this will help Trump by rousing his base — especially if there is more civil unrest this fall. The idea that a Democratic president and Congress would work to even partially disarm the American public at a time when left-wing rioters have been burning cities — well, it’s hard to think of a stronger impulse to gig the pro-Trump vote than that.
I don’t understand how the Left thinks. I get that many of them strongly oppose Constitutional gun rights. It so happens that millions of Americans oppose them on this, intensely. So you have the New York AG calling a press conference to announce that she’s going after the NRA for the sake of dismantling this “terrorist organization” — this, in an election year, in which a pro-gun control Democrat is running for president. What kind of message does that send to the millions of Americans who cherish their Second Amendment rights? Somehow, though, we’re going to get people on the Left who really will not be able to wrap their minds around the fact that more than a few people resent them for what they’re doing.
I see this as tied to the media’s role in obsessing over Critical Race Theory, and making it a big part of its coverage (I wrote about this earlier today — really shocking data.) For at least seven years now, the mainstream media has been propagandizing Americans into being radically suspicious of and hostile to each other on the basis of a dubious far-left ideological theory. When racial strife erupts in the country in violence, or within a racialized politics, the media Leftists and those who take what they say as the gospel truth will be shocked that there is so much racism in America.
What do these two stories have in common? Left-wing people who think that the only possible reason to disagree with them or to resist them is bigotry, bitter-clinging, and suchlike.
By the way, I grant the good faith of you readers who have protested against even talking about the prospect of civil war in this country, calling it dangerous. I would caution you, though, to consider this point made by Johns Hopkins professor Michael Vlahos here in TAC a couple of years ago:

Disbelieving war makes it inevitable. People will always disbelieve that we could come to blows, until we do. Delegates at the “Democracy” party convention in Charleston, in the summer of 1860, were still in denial of the coming fury. No one dares imagine another civil war playing out like the last, when two grimly determined American armies fought each other to the death in bloody pitched battles. It is unlikely that a third American civil war will embrace 18th and 19th century military dynamics. Antique Anglo-American society—organized around community “mustering”—was culturally equipped to fight civil wars. Today’s screen-absorbed Millennials are not. So what?

But the historical consequences of a non-military American civil war would be just as severe as any struggle settled by battle and blood. For example, the map of a divided America today suggests that division into functioning state and local sovereignties—with autonomy over kinship, identity, and way of life issues—might be the result of this non-bloody war. This could even represent de facto national partition—without de jure secession, achieved through a gradual process of accretive state and local nullification.

So what would a non-military civil war look like? Could it be non-violent? Americans are certainly not lovers, but they do not seem really to be fighters either. A possible path to kinship disengagement—a separation without de jure divorce—would here likely follow a crisis, a confrontation, and some shocking, spasmodic violence, horrifyingly amplified on social media. Passions at this point would pull back, but investment in separation would not. What might eventuate would be a national sorting out, a de facto kinship separation in which Blue and Red regions would go—and govern—their own ways, while still maintaining the surface fiction of a titular “United States.” This was, after all, the arrangement America came to after 20 years of civil war (1857-1877). This time, however, there will be no succeeding conciliation (as was achieved in the 1890s). Culturally, this United States will be, from the moment of agreement, two entirely separate sensibilities, peoples, and politics.

Don’t say it can’t happen here. If you think that, you will be at risk of making the kinds of mistakes that make it happening here more likely.
UPDATE: A reader writes:

FYI, re your blog post “Guns, Dems, Civil War”, I’ve acquired a semi-automatic mini pistol (Sig Sauer P365) and had my first session with a private trainer at a target range this afternoon. At the end of the month, I’ll attend his class for qualifying for the Michigan concealed pistol license (CPL). When I obtain it, I’ll start “packing heat”.

Until this afternoon, I hadn’t fired a weapon since leaving the Army in 1969 and debated with myself for the last couple of years whether or not I should get a CPL and carry a pistol. The riots around the country this summer, as well as my concerns with safety in my neighborhood (where I have been mugged and where there are often break-ins), finally prompted me to take action. My wife reluctantly went along.

I’m getting more than a few e-mails and messages like this. A friend e-mailed today to say that he had just joined the NRA. He forwarded to me the “congratulations” message he received confirming his membership, and added:

Amazing. I hated them only 8 months ago.

Times are changing.


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Sally Yates’ Testimony Showed She’s Either Ignorant Or Lying About Russiagate

Over the three hours she testified, Sally Yates proved herself ignorant of basic facts and ready to dissemble rather than admit that the Obama administration spied on the Trump campaign.

On Wednesday, former Acting Attorney General Sally Yates testified via a live video link before the Senate Judiciary Committee. With a sure demeanor, the long-time federal prosecutor presented herself as an apolitical creature concerned only with Russian interference in the 2016 election

Yet, over the three hours she testified, Yates proved herself ignorant of basic facts and ready to dissemble rather than admit that the Obama administration spied on the Trump campaign. Most appallingly, Yates unequivocally condemned Attorney General William Barr’s decision to dismiss the criminal charge against Michael Flynn, and in doing so, she exposed herself as no better than the more blatant political operatives involved in the Crossfire Hurricane investigation.

Sally Yates Knew Nothing and Saw Nothing

While much of Wednesday’s hearing focused on the four fraudulent Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act applications submitted to the FISA court, and Yates’s approval of two of those applications, the senators’ questioning of the one-time acting attorney general revealed Yates had little understanding of the Crossfire Hurricane investigation and still lacks a solid grasp on the facts developed since.

For instance, Yates testified that on January 4, 2017, when agents had originally decided to close the investigation into Flynn, she had not even known an investigation had been opened on Flynn. Even now, Yates apparently still does not know that the supposed impetus for opening the investigation into the Trump campaign was fallacious—that an individual connected to Russian intelligence supposedly offered then-Trump campaign advisor George Papadopoulos emails damaging to Hillary Clinton.

The FBI learned, Yates testified, “that someone affiliated with the Russians had actually approached a foreign policy advisor of the Trump campaign and had told them that the Russians had dirt on Hillary Clinton in the form of thousand of emails, that could be released anonymously and wanted to know if the campaign was interested in this.”

Later, Sen. Lindsey Graham pushed Yates on this testimony to see if she understood that the individual who had approached Papadopoulos, Joseph Mifsud, was not acting on behalf of Putin. Was that individual “a Russian agent?” Graham queried. “He was connected with Russian intelligence,” Yates responded.

Graham’s guffaw said it all. While Joseph Mifsud’s role in SpyGate may not yet be clear, Yates’ belief that Mifsud was “connected with Russian intelligence” shows she hasn’t a clue about even the most fundamental facts underlying the investigation into the Trump campaign.

There were many other facts Yates did not seem to know, or if she did know them, there is a more troubling implication: the former acting attorney general attempted to mislead the Judiciary Committee and the public. For instance, in discussing the intel the FBI had received concerning Mifsud’s conversation with Papadopoulos about the “thousands of emails,” Yates claimed the FBI received this information in May and then “it actually happened—the emails were then dumped in July.”

But the emails “dumped” in July were those hacked from the Democratic National Committee and released by WikiLeaks, which was an entirely different set of emails than the “thousands of emails” Papadopoulos said Mifsud had claimed the Russians had: According to the special counsel’s office, Papadopoulos “admit” that Mifsud told him “the Russians had emails of Clinton.”

Whether Yates understood this distinction is unclear. It is also unclear which is worse—that she was ignorant on this basic fact or understood the fact but sought to conflate the two distinct categories of emails to justify the investigation.

Still Running Debunked Collusion Theory

Yates also seemed ignorant Russia’s end game in interfering in the 2016 election. She told the Judiciary Committee that Russia was “trying to put a thumb on the scale for one particular candidate, to try to aid the election of Donald Trump and to hurt Hillary Clinton.” But, as Rep. Devin Nunes told The Federalist, “the idea that Putin thought he could install Trump in the White House by buying cheap Facebook ads is absurd.”

In fact, “some of the Russian ads were anti-Trump,” Nunes added, showing Putin’s true purpose “was to sow division and pit Americans against each other.” “And because of the Democrats’ and the media’s hysterical accusations that Trump conspired with his campaign, it succeeded beyond Putin’s wildest dreams,” the California Republican noted.

Also troubling was Yates’ testimony that “the Obama administration was not surveilling the Donald Trump campaign.” She then pushed the same debunked talking point Democrats and the media have been regurgitating for three years, telling the Judiciary Committee that Carter Page “was not a member of the Trump campaign at the time we initiated the FISA.”

But that Page was not a member of the Trump campaign at the time the DOJ obtained the FISA surveillance warrant—illegally, as we now know—does not mean the Trump campaign was not surveilled, because the FISA order gave the FBI access to Page’s past electronic communications. In fact, the IG report stated, “the evidence collected during the first FISA application time period demonstrated that Carter Page had access to individuals in Russia and he was communicating with people in the Trump campaign.” Moreover, as I detailed:

Horowitz’s report added that, ‘based on our review of the Woods Files and communications between the FBI and [Office of Intelligence], we identified a few emails between Page and members of the Donald J. Trump for President Campaign concerning campaign related matters.’ Don’t let the ‘few emails’ mislead: The FISA surveillance didn’t just accidently sweep in a few random campaign communications. Rather, the ‘few’ campaign communications the IG identified came from its limited review of the Woods file and select FBI communications. The IG report made this point clear in a footnote, stating it did not review the entirety of the FISA-intercepted communications—only those “pertinent to” the IG’s review of FISA abuse.
While we do not know how many campaign emails and communications were swept into the FISA surveillance of Page, we do know the FBI would have had access to all campaign emails that originated from Page or included him as a recipient. And the number of emails accessed appears large, given that the IG report stated that 45 days into the surveillance order, the FBI ‘team had not reviewed all of the emails the first FISA application yielded and believed there were additional emails not yet collected.’ The IG report also established that the Crossfire Hurricane team recognized ‘the possibility that the FISA collection would include sensitive political campaign related information.’

Not only was Yates uninformed or inaccurate about the FISA surveillance of the Trump campaign, she ignored the other surveillance of the Trump campaign members until asked whether the FBI had also taped Papadopoulos. Yates then acknowledged that the government had “recorded a conversation between Papadopoulos and a source,” but noted it was “not wiretap surveillance.”

Whether Yates knew about the other surveillance of the Trump campaign or didn’t consider it “surveillance” because it was not “wiretap surveillance” is unclear. But what is clear is that the Obama administration spied on the Trump campaign in many ways.

Yes, Sally, Obama Spied on Trump’s Campaign

In addition to accessing campaign communications vis-a-vis the FISA warrant illegally obtained on Page and recording a conversation with Papadopoulos, confidential human source Stefan Halper recorded conversations with Page and, more significantly, Trump campaign co-chair Sam Clovis.

When Halper recorded his conversation with Clovis on September 1, 2016, he asked several questions about sensitive campaign strategies, such as “whether the Trump campaign was planning an ‘October Surprise.’” Clovis also shared with Halper “additional comments about the internal structure, organization, and functioning of the Trump campaign.”

And then there was the FBI’s use of agent Joe Pientka to spy on Trump and Flynn during a campaign briefing. But sure, Sally, there was no surveillance of the Trump campaign.

Fact-Less Smearing Of Flynn and Barr

Yates’ ignorance of these facts—or her purposefully slanting of them—is bad. But what is worse is what she did to Flynn and Barr: She disparaged them without knowing the facts.
Yates unequivocally declared, under oath, that when the FBI questioned Flynn concerning his conversations with the Russian ambassador, “the continuing investigation into Michael Flynn was legitimate.” When asked if Flynn’s “lies to the FBI were material,” Yates intoned “they certainly were.” Yates further testified that the Department of Justice’s motion to dismiss Flynn’s case was “highly irregular,” adding that “there’s no issue with respect to the materiality here, nor to the government’s ability to be able to prove falsity.”

The question of “materiality” and “falsity” were key to the criminal charge the special counsel’s office brought against Flynn for lying to the FBI agents who questioned him about his conversations with the Russian ambassador. But after appointing an outside U.S. attorney, Missouri-based Jeff Jensen, to review the Flynn prosecution, the Department of Justice filed a motion to dismiss the charge, concluding the FBI’s questioning of Flynn was not part of a legitimate investigation and thus any false statements he made were not material. The DOJ also noted that it did not believe it could prove Flynn had knowingly made a false statement.

The full results of Jensen’s investigation have yet to be made public, and that alone should have cautioned Yates from commenting on the case. But her testimony suggests much more than carelessness, it suggests—again—an ignorance of the facts or a desire to deceive.

Did You Even Read the Documents?

Throughout her testimony about the questioning of Flynn, Yates stressed that the FBI was not investigating a Logan Act violation but conducting a counterintelligence investigation. “I was operating under the impression that this interview of General Flynn was in the context of the Crossfire Hurricane investigation. That being trying to discern what the connections were between the Trump campaign and the Russians,” Yates explained to the committee.

But recently declassified documents show that the FBI’s purpose in questioning Flynn had no relation to the Crossfire Hurricane investigation. Rather, “the only investigative standpoint the FBI agents floated concerned the Logan Act, and not the Crossfire Hurricane investigation.” And that is assuming the FBI agents sought “the truth,” and not to “get [Flynn] to lie, so we can prosecute him or get him fired.”

Other documents establish that the FBI agents did not believe Flynn had lied to them. It was this (and likely other) evidence that convinced U.S. Attorney Jensen to recommend the charge against Flynn be dismissed.

Yates’ entire basis for declaring the questioning of Flynn “legitimate” was her “impression” that the FBI agents interviewed Flynn in the context of the Crossfire Hurricane investigation. Her “impression,” though, was wrong.

As Flynn’s attorney Sidney Powell told The Federalist, “Yates’ comments ignore the shocking evidence the government produced that shows General Flynn was honest with the agents who interviewed him, and the FBI and DOJ had no reason to investigate him, and she had no basis to run to the White House to get him fired.” “Obviously,” Powell added, “Yates has not even read the government’s motion to dismiss.”

Or if Yates did read it, she didn’t care. She clearly intended to slam Flynn and Barr, and this gave away her partisan game because, when asked whether she agreed with Rod Rosenstein’s memorandum recommending FBI Director James Comey be dismissed, Yates stated, “I’m not going to weigh in on what a successor of mine, a decision he made.” When pushed, she demurred again, saying she did not think it was appropriate to weigh in on whether the memo was accurate.

Yet Yates had no problem weighing in on a successor attorney general’s decision to dismiss the charge against Flynn—even though she did not know the facts underlying the decision. (Yates also did not know the substance of Flynn’s conversation with the Russian ambassador, claiming on multiple occasions Flynn had discussed sanctions. He had not.) Rather, all she knew was her “impression” of the FBI’s purpose for questioning Flynn. But as the FISA fraud showed, Yates’ impression of the FBI’s handling of Crossfire Hurricane is far removed from reality.