Wednesday, August 5, 2020

President Trump participates in swearing-in ceremony for first black U.S. military service chief

OAN Newsroom
UPDATED 10:56 AM PT — Wednesday, August 5, 2020
President Trump recently participated in a swearing-in ceremony for the first black U.S. service chief. Gen. Charles Q. Brown took the oath of office Tuesday to officially take up the role as the new Air Force chief of staff.
During the event, the president praised Brown for his military career and congratulated him on the historic moment.
“But you have had an incredibly career and this is a capper, and I just want to congratulate you,” said President Trump. “It’s an honor to have you in this very fabled office and have you in the White House.”
Brown, alongside his family, was sworn-in by Vice President Mike Pence and expressed his appreciation for the prestigious honor
“Well, first of all, appreciate the honor to be back in the Oval Office,” he stated. “…I appreciate the trust and confidence from you, the vice president, Secretary Esper and Birk, Gen. Goldfein and the rest of the Air Force leadership…it is a distinct honor for me to have this opportunity.”
The Senate confirmed him to the position back in June, following a vote of 98-to-zero.

As a decorated general and pilot, he also previously served as the commander of Pacific Air Forces, where he oversaw more than 46,000 airmen serving across the Indo-Pacific.
Gen. Brown set to replace Gen. David Goldfein who is retiring from the position this week. He will now also be the first black American to sit on the Joint Chiefs of Staff since former Secretary of State Colin Powell held the title of chairman from 1989 to 1993

Attkisson v. Rosenstein for government computer intrusions

The following is an excerpt from the brief being filed today in Maryland state court in Attkisson v. Rosenstein and others for the government computer intrusions.

Plaintiff Sharyl Attkisson, an award-winning journalist—along with her husband and child—have tried for years to pursue their significant and credible claims of illegal government surveillance, but the U.S. Government has stonewalled them at every turn. Yet, despite the Government’s repeated efforts to obfuscate and delay, the Attkissons detailed in their Complaint:
  • Expert forensic computer analysis of the Attkissons’ computers, revealing that an unauthorized entity or entities gained remote access to the Attkissons’ computers for a prolonged period, and that one of the pathways by which the intrusions occurred were IP addresses controlled by the U.S. Government. 
  • Confirmation, via testimony, that the U.S. Government controlled the IP addresses identified in the Attkissions’ computers. 
  • The degree to which senior figures in the Department of Justice were concerned about, and took steps to block, Sharyl Attkisson’s reporting, as well as her use of confidential governmental sources;
  • Many documented instances of abnormal, otherwise unexplained behavior of the Attkissons’ computer systems and devices.

Nevertheless, despite these factual allegations, the Attkissons have been stymied in large part because the Government has blocked their every effort to identify the names of specific Government agents who were directly involved in the unlawful surveillance of their computers.   And the Government has created so many and varied obstacles to litigation that the Attkissons have been prevented from conducting meaningful discovery in order to identify these Government agents. In other words, the Government entity that is supposed to hold the responsible parties accountable is instead shielding them and controlling the information the Attkissons need to identify them.

Ultimately, the Fourth Circuit—while expressing astonishment that the Government lawyers arguing the case refused even to represent the John Doe defendants, Oral Argument at 21:26-24:02, Attkisson v. Holder, 925 F.3d 606 (4th Cir. 2019) (No. 18-677)—was forced to dismiss as to those defendants without prejudice to refile when those defendants could be identifiedAttkisson v. Holder, 925 F.3d 606, 628 (4th Cir. 2019).

That day has now arrived. 

Plaintiffs’ investigator has interviewed Ryan White, a Government whistleblower (and named Defendant). During this interview, White made the following significant assertions:
  • White worked with defendants Sean Bridges (who was then a Secret Service agent) and the FBI’s Shawn Henry in Baltimore and reported directly to defendant Rod Rosenstein. 
  • White and Agent Bridges were ordered to conduct various clandestine operations involving hacking computer systems, servers, emails, and phones. 
  • White and Agent Bridges were directly involved in the illegal surveillance of the Attkissons’ computers and the exfiltration of data. 
  • The rogue order to target the Attkissons came directly from Agent Henry and Rosenstein. 
  • Later, Agent Bridges and another federal agent were convicted of corrupt acts for their involvement in the Government’s notorious Silk Road Task Force, also based in Baltimore, in which corruption by federal agents was uncovered, resulting in the convictions of Bridges and another federal agent. 
This information—to be further developed during discovery—places the Government’s repeated stonewalling of this case in a new and more nefarious light. It now appears that the Government has been using procedural obstacles and motions to deliberately obfuscate and run out the clock on this litigation despite the merits of the claims. The Government’s new 12(b) motion, throwing up a laundry list of procedural objections—some bordering on the frivolous—must be viewed in this context. 

This memorandum addresses each of the Government’s objections in turn. But the bottom line is that the Attkissons now can identify at least some of the previously unnamed federal agents. Moreover, they have obtained detailed whistleblower testimony to accompany their substantial forensic evidence to support their claims. Thus, the Government must not be allowed to block the Attkissons’ claims yet again.  These claims clearly deserve full discovery and a trial in order to finally address the merits of these claims once and for all.

To Save America, Defund the Schools

To Save America,
Defund the Schools

Jeremy Egerer • August 5, 2020

I've just been informed by a friend that school's closed this year, but you can send your kid to daycare — in the closed school. For money.

There are online classes, of course — but why? They're terrible for children, and we know now that the disease itself isn't the issue. Matt Walsh reports that kids are three times more likely to die of the flu than COVID-19. So we know that schools aren't being closed for their safety. We heard that childcare costs hundreds a month, per kid, which we know parents can't pay, since many of them are too poor. We heard that teachers are essential and then were told, by the teachers, that they're inessential. L.A. County told us they'd take the children back — if we could stop all "police brutality" and adopt universal health care and mail-in voting.

The solution to this whole fraud is simple. Truth is, our teachers are overpaid and incompetent. Why send your kid back to school when, according to The Root, 75% of all black boys in California, where state spending on students is enormous, can't read or write proficiently? Why put your kids in a classroom where there are 30 students to one teacher? Or where you're a white God-fearing conservative, and the teacher hates America? Or where teachers can't discipline children because doing so is "racist"? Or where you don't have the time to meet and assess all the teachers? Or where grades are curved to pass dunces? Or where your voice gets drowned out, as a parent, because the other parents won't stand up with you or won't even show up?

The U.S. Census Bureau reports that in 2019, a year when tax revenue was steady and teachers showed up for work, Americans spent, on average, $12,000 a year per kid. In truth, we spent it, but we didn't have the money. State, national, and personal debt continues to dig us into a grave. Every year, we dump money into this abyss, and the education largely gets worse. The teachers get more radical. We don't get the classes we really want. There are too many students per teacher. We don't like the kids in the school. But what if we took this money that we don't have? What if we cut it in half, put the money in the state fund, and redistributed it to each and every kid in the state?

What this would mean is revolutionary. First off, note what it would do for teachers. No longer paid a measly salary to be overrun and underequipped, the rate of pay would skyrocket as the job itself would get easier. You recruit 15 kids, and now you've got 90,000 bucks. In a poor state, this is a gold mine — less students and more capital. You spend $10,000 on materials (if that) and $15,000 on rent, and you're still left with $65,000. This is at an easy $6,000 per kid, $747 less than the rock-bottom cost in the cheapest state in the union (hello from us in Idaho). New York State already spends $23,000 per student according to the Census Bureau. What have we got to lose but our chains?

But note what it would do for parents and students. First off, there's the choice. Teachers all over the union could be personally interviewed and selected by cautious and interested parents. They could be regulated, on some basic level, by the state. They could be fired at will, and if not fired, then unhappy parents could transfer schools — to another little red schoolhouse with somebody more competent, or patriotic, or godly, or manly. Curricula, instead of being left to every parent, in homeschool conventions, to pick through — an overwhelming process — could be advertised by the teachers themselves. Not only teaching, but what's learned will become a matter of marketing. Organizations will spring up endorsing candidates who fit their standards and values. Students will no longer receive "an education" that's half vanilla, half poison, but something more fine-tuned, more robust, more catered to the intelligence, the virtues, the fine-breeding of the families themselves.

Racial disparities will be immediately erased. Worried that black children are underfunded and underserved? They will receive the same money as white children, according to the state they live in, and poor whites will receive the same money as rich whites. People looking to teach their children Plutarch will win, and so will people teaching children mechanics. There will be national standards on math and science and English. The states will set their standards beyond this, according to their cultures and their average level of intelligence.

There remains an important and troublesome question. How will this be put into action? I'm not here to give you a complete plan. But there are teachers all over the nation who recognize this opportunity. Principals who've run large schools and will know how to establish little ones. The fact that each teacher can own his own business — the way God intended it, and the way things were run when America and England were on the upswing — will mean that extremely talented teachers will suddenly become big business. Parents can put in more money as they choose. So can the states. Regulatory agencies will find ways to ensure that the money goes to schools and isn't squandered, and parents, whose money and children are directly involved, will probably beat the regulators to it. Churches and civic organizations will put their stamps on great teachers. Masses of money, spent on janitors, security guards, principals, and other such necessaries, will become unnecessary. Sports, so important to keeping schools funded, will no longer be the top priority. The education of our children will become paramount. The people most interested in education — the parents — will have supreme power. And a chokehold on the American people, held for so long by communists, incompetents, and radicals of all sorts, will be absolutely broken.

Idaho, where this writer lives, is ranked 35th in education and is also the least regulated state in the union. It's filled with free people who don't like the left wing, don't like being told what to do, and hate an imbalanced budget. I propose we start the experiment here, and when it succeeds — Lord willing — we'll take it to the rest of the nation.

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What It Will Take To Win The Cold War With China

America is in a Cold War with China and winning will require more from Americans than the contest that forced the collapse of the Soviet Union.

In contrast to the former USSR, China has a stronger economy and is deeply integrated into Western supply chains and prosperity. It is a formidable technological rival and increasingly behaves as the ascendant superpower, capable of doing as it pleases with little regard to consequences the West might impose.

Failed policies
Intellectuals, such as Henry Kissinger and Richard Haass, complain that Donald Trump will pull us into permanent confrontation with China and forgo the potential for cooperation on global threats like climate change.

However, they lack the courage to admit the failure of decades of U.S. policy that bear their fingerprints. Beijing’s conduct regarding the COVID-19pandemic illustrates we cannot count on China as a reliable partner to address threats to all humankind.

In 2005, then Deputy Secretary of State Robert Zoellick stated American policy was to encourage China to become a “responsible stakeholder” in the liberal international system.

China walked through that open door by practicing aggressive mercantilism that weakened the U.S. and European economies and helped enable the election of President Trump and rise of nationalist movements on the continent.

Reject Western values
Since the early 2000s, the Chinese Communist Party has acted on the premise that the Soviet Communist Party’s embrace of Western liberal values precipitated its collapse.

President Xi Jinping has demonstrated through repression of Muslims in Xinjiang, the crackdown on Hong Kong, the South Pacific and a string of broken promises on trade that he believes China has no need to conform to Western norms and should impose its values through a China-centric system of refurbished international institutions.

China is pushing out in all directions—building naval power to enforce illegal territorial claims in the South China Sea and project into the Indian Ocean and Middle East, imposing tributary relationships on smaller states through aid and trade, and subverting the WTOWHO and other international institutions.

The foundation of international power is domestic economic strength—that reduces to technological leadership.

Just as China invests in its navy and the Belt and Road Initiative, the Huawei challenge lays bare that America has let important technological assets decay. U.S. efforts at catch-up in 5G may come down to bankrolling a European competitor—Ericsson.

American decay

The JapaneseAustraliansCanadians and Europeans clearly see the threat China poses to their values and security but are intertwined with China through trade and finance. Crafting an effective Western response will require America to shoulder more of the burden than Trump or Biden might like.

The first Cold War was won, most fundamentally, by the American record of superior prosperity and stability, and the Western embrace of American exceptionalism as by our performance and values.

Unlike 20th Century America, our nation is deeply divided with socialists gaining a foothold among our youth and in the Democratic Party. Demonstrations rage through our cities questioning the founding DNA of a nation not defined by ethnicity but rather Enlightenment ideals.

Example for the world
We must get our domestic house in order to again be a shining example—for this century.
Leftists offer few constructive ideas through demands for social justice. The federal government, states and big cities already celebrate civil rights heroes, and lavishly prioritize health care, social services, education and affirmative-action programs that have failed to move the needle for Black communities over several decades.

All acceding to their demands would accomplish is to denigrate our defining national heritage and add more wealth, under the marque of Black Lives Matter, to already privileged professionals within minority communities without lifting conditions generally for America’s disadvantaged.

The federal government must spend more on R & D—lest Huawei becomes a habit repeated throughout the technology space—and fund a bigger Navy with a base in the South Pacific to replace Subic Bay—11 nuclear carriers are not enough, especially given our commitments elsewhere.

Address endemic racism but without kowtowing to Robin DiAngelo’s caricatures of whites or extortionists’ demands for a false rewriting of history. And recognize that stronger growth to pay for it all, no matter who occupies the White House, is essential to prevailing.

Students, community protect cross on Ore. college campus from Antifa threats

Students, community protect cross on
Oregon college campus from Antifa threats

OAN Newsroom
Wednesday, August 5, 2020

A Christian college in Oregon is standing up to radical protesters after they threatened to tear down a cross that has been on the campus for decades.

On Friday, students and staff at New Hope Christian College in Eugene stood guard and prayed for God to protect the cross. They said it’s a symbol of God’s unconditional love.

Antifa activists have claimed the structure is a symbol of racism because it had previously stood in an area where the KKK burned crosses in the 20s.

According to reports, a number of people from the community and police also came to defend the cross.

“So, we decided we’re going to pray, we’re going to praise, we’re going to pray for the protesters,” stated Pastor Wayne Cordeiro, President of New Hope Christian College. “And we heard a report that a bus load or two of protesters were coming down from Portland and the police turned them away, so we are very grateful for the cooperation of our law enforcement.”

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Starving the Minotaur

Starving the Minotaur

By Karen Karacsony • August 5, 2020

We conservatives are quite the enigma. On the one hand, we shake our fists at the Beelzebubs of Antifa and denounce their lawless barbarism. On the other, we demand that government schools stay open so that we can send our children to the leftist factories that produce the very Marxists we loathe. We make our young people the targets of the Socialists' weapons of mass instruction and then bemoan the loss of patriotism among our youth. Are we self-destructive? Or simply daft?

Maybe neither. Perhaps we are fearful. As products of the School System ourselves, we have been conditioned to believe that the only people qualified to teach our children are those who hold government credentials. Yes, we have a vested interest in our children and love them in a way that a government employee cannot. And yes, we see them for the individuals they are rather than as one of the dozens of kids in Mrs. Peabody’s class. But teach them? Is that even possible? To answer that question, we could look to statistics showing that homeschooled students outperform their public-schooled peers on standardized tests and the SAT; that they fare better in college and graduate at a higher rate. But doing so merely perpetuates the moderns’ myth that the chief end of education is cramming for tests and regurgitating information that is forgotten five minutes later. We set our sights too low. If we are to preserve Western Civilization, we must aim higher. Instead of fashioning competent test-takers, we ought to be in the business of grooming minds for greatness -- minds like those of the home-educated Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, Thomas Edison, and C.S. Lewis (to name a few). It isn’t a classroom our kids need, but a proper education. As Abraham Lincoln exemplifies, even the backwoods of Illinois can be mightier than the most distinguished of schools.

Perhaps it isn’t academics we fret about, but socialization. We worry that our children won’t make it in the real world if they spend more time with Mommy and Daddy than with their peers in the non-binary, Marxist world of wokeness. Never mind that the autodidact Benjamin Franklin was the toast of the town or that the self-taught Alexander Hamilton was as dashing as he was valiant. We grew up learning in artificially age-segregated classrooms; our offspring should, too. Or should they? Instead of sending our children to government institutions where they spend their days dodging bullies and revisionist drivel, why not avail ourselves of homeschool communities where field trips, co-ops, park dates, and extracurricular activities abound? Let the statists rely on Uncle Sam to supply friends for Johnny and Jane. And let patriots look to like-minded families and neighbors for the same.

If not socialization, might it be finances that keep us slavishly chained to government schools? If so, it may come as a surprise that a good education is far more affordable than the teachers unions would have us believe. We don’t need to pay for buildings and a school nurse. We just need a Bible, a library card, a math curriculum, and a Latin curriculum (and in high school a formal science curriculum). I can personally vouch for the efficacy of this multum non multa (much not many) approach to schooling. Yes, my children do exceedingly well on standardized tests -- and on the National Latin Exam. But it’s more than that. Much more. My kids spend their school days in the corner of the world where Jerusalem, Athens, and Rome intersect. From reading Esther’s Mordecai, they have learned that they are to prostrate themselves before Almighty God, not Haman’s henchmen. From Homer, they have learned that the unbridled anger and seething resentment of an Achilles can bring down a nation. In translating the Vulgate, they have gained gratitude for the monks who helped to civilize Western Europe. And in studying German (one of their electives), they have gained an understanding of the language and culture that launched the Reformation. Western Civilization, with all its virtues and vices, forms the warp and woof of their scholastic endeavors. My children could no more smash a statue of George Washington than they could take a hammer to their right thumbs. For them, it’s personal. Western Civ isn’t a classroom subject but a heritage bequeathed to them. Their forbears aren’t their enemies, but their benefactors.

Still, I won’t deny that there are those among us who face economic hardships. Some folks genuinely need government schools to help provide daycare and meals. For now, at least, it seems they are destined to languish in public schools. But maybe we’ll help to free them one day. Maybe we’ll raise money to provide scholarships for private schools. Or maybe we’ll start schools of our own. We put a man on the moon. We can figure this out.

And figure it out, we must. The time for a mass exodus from government schools is long overdue. We can defund the liberty-loathing teachers unions. All we have to do is walk away. It’s that simple; we have that kind of power. The lefties can’t indoctrinate our children if they aren’t there to be indoctrinated. Nor can they undermine the family unit if families are far from their crosshairs. We don’t need legislation or a government plan. We just need to stop feeding our children to the Minotaur.

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Beirut explosion: Bride poses for photo as blast goes off

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Sen. Marsha Blackburn Shares Guide To Defeating ‘Cancel-Culture Mob’

Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.) leaned into the culture war Tuesday morning when she published an op-ed with Fox News online condemning the cancel culture that has gained so much steam in recent months.

In a piece titled, “Here’s how to stop cancel-culture mob, violent anarchists from remaking our country,” Blackburn called on all Americans to fight the culture war the left has waged in their destruction of statues, violent protests, and removal of history. By “punching through the rhetoric” and reminding fellow Americans what they stand for, she said the right can take back the nation they used to know and still love.

Blackburn provided the illuminating example of the left’s strategy of recent cancellation of a Chattanooga, Tennessee restaurant, Shuford’s Smokehouse.  The left wing mob, labeled as “resistance activists,” came for the establishment in June, deeming them unworthy of any business because they fulfilled an order that would be delivered to participants at a pro-police rally. Their efforts were successful — as they have been with so many real people and groups — ruining Shuford’s Smokehouse in one fell swoop.

Shuford’s isn’t alone. The so-called ‘resistance’ decided on an acceptably woke, conveniently fluid narrative long before George Floyd’s brutal murder sent police reform protesters pouring into the streets of Nashville, Washington, D.C., Portland and Chicago; and now, they’ve weaponized those moving goalposts against anyone who steps out of line.

The op-ed came out the same day the Senate Judiciary Committee Subcommittee on the Constitution is set to hear how Americans are protecting their First Amendment rights during this time.

“Make no mistake — this is nothing less than an attempt to extort compliance from the American people,” Blackburn writes. “The left wants you to know that all of this violence and unrest is on you. But, if you fall in line, we will go away. If you comply with our demands, we will refrain from confiscating your livelihood.”

Beyond what Blackburn and other Republicans can do in Washington, the job is too big for national leadership to tackle alone. The Tennessee senator not only called on everyday Americans, but specifically local law enforcement and local government. Demanding local leadership stand strong against acts of violence, Blackburn said every American must actively strive to unite their communities.

“This is not a problem Washington can single-handedly solve. The radical left is attacking not only the spirit of the First Amendment, but our very sense of unity, and the spoils of this brewing war will be the right to re-mold the American identity.”

Blackburn’s powerful message could serve as comfort for conservatives who feel scared and abandoned by politicians during the constant destruction and outright rejection of American ideals displayed across the same news platform this summer.

The senator’s call to action may also provide a push for those who have felt helpless or confused about their role throughout all of this. She assured Americans of the urgency to take action.

“An America under siege by the left’s political mob, hell-bent on remaking the world’s shining city on a hill in their own image. It’s the very thing our Constitution is meant to protect against.”

More Than 8 In 10 Americans Say Media Is To Blame For Division

Eighty-six percent of Americans believe there is “a great deal” or “a fair amount” of political bias in the way the media covers news, according to a Knight Foundation/Gallup poll released on Tuesday. The number of Americans that see bias in the media is up almost 25 percentage points from 62 percent in 2007. Almost half of Americans — 49 percent — now say there’s a great deal of political bias in news coverage.

While Republicans are more likely to say there’s a “great deal” of bias and Democrats more often said there was a “fair amount,” large majorities of both political parties believed that some bias existed: 78 percent of Democrats and 94 percent of Republicans.

These numbers were collected from polling of more than 20,000 Americans between November and February, even before the COVID-19 pandemic, the death of George Floyd, and the resulting media coverage of both events.

Not only do most Americans recognize media bias, they also believe it’s intentional. When asked about their views of news organizations they distrust, 79 percent of poll respondents said those outlets were “trying to persuade people to adopt a certain viewpoint.” When news is inaccurate, 54 percent of Americans think it’s because reporters are “misrepresenting the facts,” while 28 percent assume they’re “making them up entirely.”

And more than 8 in 10 Americans — 84 percent — assign the media either a great deal (48 percent) or a moderate amount (36 percent) of blame for political division.

It’s not that Americans don’t have high expectations for what the media should be doing; they just don’t think the news industry is hitting the mark. Eighty-four percent said news media is critical or very important to democracy, and 92 percent believe that providing “accurate and fair news reports” is a critical or very important role.

But almost three-fourths (73 percent) of Americans believe it’s a “major problem” for so much bias to exist in news that’s supposed to be objective. That number has increased from 65 percent in 2017.

Over half — 56 percent — also admitted to recognizing bias in their own go-to publications.

Finally, younger Americans are trusting the media less than their parents and grandparents. Only 19 percent of Americans under 30 and 27 percent of Americans 30-49 had a favorable opinion of the news media, compared with 44 percent of those over 65.

The Elites Fiddle While America Burns

The Great 2020 Meltdown has exposed the rottenness of our political and corporate establishments.

The most intolerable irony of the past few miserable months has been listening to our self-appointed moral leaders lecture us on the nation’s irredeemable sinfulness from the comfort of their own secure, well-upholstered positions, while we endure daily the urban nightmare of a world created by their political allies. 

As our cultural, media and corporate chiefs deliver their social and political wisdom from their redoubts in New York’s Hamptons, Palm Beach, Fla., and the greener pastures of the San Francisco Bay Area, America’s cities have been ravaged by successive predations of lockdown, disorder and violence.

Urban living is a fragile trade-off at the best of times between convenience and discomfort, excitement and peril, opportunity and expense. If you take away the convenience, excitement and opportunity, the residue isn’t an appealing one. 

For cities like New York, Chicago, Minneapolis, Seattle and Portland, Ore., the damage done by this indulgent summer of insanity may never be repaired. For decades these cities have been controlled by monolithic Democratic establishments—though Republican mayors proved they could govern New York. They have milked the more dynamic parts of their populations to feed their own ideological agenda while doing nothing to lift the least advantaged out of misery.

The Great Meltdown of 2020 has exposed how rotten these urban establishments have become.

The lockdown, that soul-crushing exercise in economic suicide, imposed and enforced largely by the people it least affects, has permanently demolished vast elements of the economic base of these cities: businesses that will never return, employees who have moved away or will work from home rather than tolerate the increasingly perilous lottery of commuting and working in a deteriorating urban environment.

Adding to the injury were weeks of unrestrained, anarchic unrest, with whole parts of cities burned and blighted, with the willing connivance, even encouragement, of authority. 

Then, as Democratic mayors actively encouraged an all-out assault on city police forces, a terrifying wave of violence and crime swept the cities. In Chicago last month murder rose 139% over a year earlier. New York had more shootings in the first seven months of 2020 than in all of 2019. The victims of these crimes are almost never the vocal elites, safe in their well-protected homes and offices. They are the poorest and least secure of our neighbors. 

Meanwhile, political leaders—backed with money and words from their business allies—have responded with an elaborate performative exercise that has nothing to offer the daily reality but is designed to redraw the boundaries of our free thought. So, for example, those of us who stayed in New York this summer weren’t permitted to worship in church, but we were allowed—we were more or less instructed—to worship at the feet of those who preach hatred of the police, racial strife and white self-loathing. Friends weren’t permitted to attend parents’ funerals, but the right people were free to travel across state lines to attend multiple funerals for political and public show. 

If you think irony is dead you had only to observe Bill de Blasio, New York’s mayor, posing for pictures as he painted “Black Lives Matter” on America’s most famous shopping street, while a few miles away his city resonated to the sound of gunfire and the anguished cries of families of children murdered in broad daylight.

This is what modern leadership looks like: a morality play that treats us all like recalcitrant children, even as the cities we helped build implode around us. 

Whatever the political consequences of this unprecedented summer, there will be hefty costs, and they won’t be borne by those responsible. As cities are further hollowed out by crime and decay, taxes will rise, further stifling investment and growth, further harming the most disadvantaged, and accelerating a vicious circle of decline.

It’s a needless tragedy engineered by ideologues that is sending into sharp reverse the gains made in large American cities in the early years of the 21st century. 

Already between 2015 and 2019, migration away from America’ largest cities had accelerated. That was largely an economic phenomenon, as rising taxes and the possibilities of technology drove people away. City leaders are now re-creating the social conditions that ruined these cities in the 1960s and ’70s: violent crime; urban blight, crumbling infrastructure. And they’ve added to that list schools run by unions dedicated to radical ideology and the mob in control of the streets in furtherance of an intolerant political agenda.

Worst of all, now we have a corporate elite, safely sequestered from the consequences of all this ruin, loudly helping it along by signaling their own virtue and denouncing our supposed vice.

The Consummate Showman vs Hidin’ Biden

President Trump carried out an extensive phone interview with Lou Dobbs last night. 

(Fragile Joe hadda send out his wife Jill yesterday to do his campaigning for him.)

Sidney Powell Highlights The Intersection of The Flynn Case With NSA Metadata (Surveillance) Abuse

Michael Flynn’s defense attorney Sidney Powell hits it out of the park as she connects the dots within the surveillance state and the use of FBI contractors to mine the NSA database.

Must Watch:

A DEEP DIVE – How Did It Work? 

Start by reviewing the established record from the 99-page FISC opinion rendered by Presiding Judge Rosemary Collyer on April 26, 2017. Review the details within the FISC opinion.

I would strongly urge everyone to read the FISC report (full pdf below) because Judge Collyer outlines how the DOJ, which includes the FBI, had an “institutional lack of candor” in responses to the FISA court. In essence, the Obama administration was continually lying to the FISA court about their activity, and the rate of fourth amendment violations for illegal searches and seizures of U.S. persons’ private information for multiple years.

Unfortunately, due to intelligence terminology Judge Collyer’s brief and ruling is not an easy read for anyone unfamiliar with the FISA processes. That complexity also helps the media avoid discussing it; and as a result most Americans have no idea the scale and scope of the Obama-era surveillance issues. So we’ll try to break down the language.

For the sake of brevity and common understanding CTH will highlight the most pertinent segments showing just how systemic and troublesome the unlawful electronic surveillance was.

Find time to do the Deep Dive HERE

Biden Backers Terrified of Debates

Column: Biden Backers
Terrified of Debates

Tim Graham • August 5th, 2020

CNN’s Media Unit emails out a nightly newsletter titled “Reliable Sources.” It's not always reliable, since they have a slippery grasp on what their own network is actually putting on television and online.

On August 3, Oliver Darcy led this newsletter with what he described as an “imaginary controversy” – the notion that Joe Biden might skip the presidential debates. Darcy was quoting Biden press secretary T.J. Ducklo’s spin: “Donald Trump and his allies at Fox News have decided an imaginary controversy about debates will be their latest attempt to distract Americans." Under the header “Where it originated from,” Darcy added “Yes, there have been some NYT opinion pieces and brief chatter about why Biden should skip the debates. Personally, I've never taken the suggestions too seriously.”

On Twitter, Darcy’s colleague Brian Stelter agreed: “It is mostly a right-wing media tempest, fueled by hour after hour of Fox commentary (not reporting), far removed from campaign reality.”

Both these men seemed supremely oblivious to the fact that published an opinion piece by CNN analyst Joe Lockhart arguing Biden should skip the debates....and CNN booked a subsequent Lockhart interview over the weekend on CNN’s Smerconish show. Michael Smerconish didn’t lecture his guest that he was in danger of fueling a right-wing media tempest.

So who’s “removed from campaign reality”? Omri Ceren retorted on Twitter: “In fairness to Stelter and Darcy, unclear if they're intentionally lying here. Could simply be that like everyone else, they never tune into CNN.”

Lockhart – as well as columnists Thomas Friedman and Elizabeth Drew in The New York Times – expressed the firm belief that Trump should be disqualified from debates. His truth-mangling and “extreme narcissism” makes debating unhelpful and unnecessary. His audacity is an unfair advantage.

No one should believe that Biden will actually skip the debates. Liberals are far too arrogant about how Democrats will brilliantly wipe the floor with the Republicans every time – no matter who the Republican is – and for Trump, that goes triple.

All these opinionators are offering is pre-debate spin, suggesting Trump’s patter is so abhorrent that he’s unworthy of any televised pedestal. This underlines why CNN and MSNBC now ignore or talk over Trump press conferences and speeches. At this point, we might expect they’ll talk over the president’s big convention speech instead of letting him speak.

Liberals prefer Biden cocooning in safer venues, like occasional puffball press conferences with his compliant campaign press corps. When Stelter interviewed Ducklo on his Reliable Sources program on August 2, he mildly suggested Biden “owed the public” more access to the press, but added “I think what your candidate is doing is he's dodging Trump's punches with silence, which is probably an effective campaign strategy.”

All this media acceptance of Biden’s basement strategy masks a terror over Trump winning again. On July 26, MSNBC host Joshua Johnson interviewed DNC boss Tom Perez, and revealed the inner panic of Democrats. “I cannot tell you how many people I know who are Joe Biden supporters who feel they're on the verge of a stroke all the time at the possibility of four more years of Donald Trump,” he said, “particularly with any gaffe Joe Biden makes. If he says something that comes out sideways, it's like you can feel everybody's heart kind of squeak shut.”

This is especially true of the debates, which will have massive national audiences, and where gaffes might be immediately exploited and magnified by the president. Don’t believe the media swagger about Biden having this race in the bag. They’re terrified that Democrats nominated the Gaffe Machine.

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SusanPhd Notes: “For the first time, I saw Sundance make a comment on his Twitter about authorized “contractors” – like Crowdstrike – that were possibly using the NSA database for insider trading purposes.

Most people who are not in the securities industry would NOT understand how this works. But Trump certainly does and Mnuchin definitely does. Bannon for sure understands this.

If you are a big trader – like Soros, Gates, Goldman Sachs, or a major bank – having inside information is a freebie – no risk – goldmine.

If you are a greedy political family like Pelosi, Clinton, Bushes, Feinstein, Burr, McCain, Obama; Biden Family – inside information is a freebie no risk goldmine for the entire family.

I guess if you are John Brennan or a foreign intelligence service, and you want to finance a nefarious off the books black op operation FOR FREE, outside of your normal budget, you can use inside information and stock trades to finance your operations.

What kind of inside information can be freely gleened from the NSA database? Correspondence between PUBLIC COMPANY CEO’s who are looking to do a merger, acquisition or spinoff of another public company; confidential audits of a company that may be in discussions to be acquired by a public company; confidential emails, phonecalls, texts between CEO’s, their accountants, their lawyers, their bankers, their competitors; their R & D department; their patent department.

Once the secret NSA information is obtained, stock trades are placed (by the ELITES and their families/cohorts) to capitalize and monetize the information. On any stock exchange anywhere in the world.

It would be great to have a securities lawyer or an outstanding journalist – who is familiar with insider securities trading – write an ariticle on this topic. So far, I have not seen anything. Everyone is too focused on the big distractions: russia, impeachment, racism, covid, election.

But my instincts tell me this is a BIG DEAL COVER UP. per Hillary, “If revealed, they will all hang.” They’s why the elites want Trump out so badly. This is about money & theft on a GRAND GLOBAL SCALE.

Hillary has been known to be involved with insider trading back in the 1980’s with her cattle futures transactions. Since there was no accountability for that, what would have stopped her in 2012-2016?

McCain was involved in that Savings and Loan debacle back in the day. Charles Keating case. No accountability for him either.

Most people don’t really understand the machinations of trading on insider information, and how easily it can enrich your friends and family. Certain information that can be monetized – can buy favors and buy off corrupt politicians. I doubt that Judge Rosemary Collyer or Judge Boasberg understand the gravity of this.

Hope the DOJ is looking into this as it relates to the Rosemary Collyer report and the 85% illegal searches.

Hope the government will release the names of the contractors doing the illegal searches!!

What were they searching for and who was benefiting?

The public needs to know!”