Thursday, July 30, 2020

Twitter Representative Admits to Flagging President Trump but Not Genocidal Leader of Iran

Twitter Representative Admits to
Flagging President Trump
but Not Genocidal Leader of Iran

By Jim Hoft
Published July 30, 2020

Earlier this week at a Knesset hearing on anti-Semitism a Twitter’s head of police for the Nordic Countries and Israel Ylwa Pettersson told the committee that Twitter censors President Trump for posts “glorifying violence” but not the tweets from Iranian tyrant Ayatollah Khamenei threatening genocide against Israel.

Pettersson excused the threats against Israel as “foreign-policy saber rattling.”

By Jim Hoft (br />Published July 30, 2020

This was quite shocking.
It’s not just conservatives in America who are censored.

Last week Ayatollah Khamenei also threatened a bombing against the United States on Twitter.

These comments are OK?

Richard Grenell made this Twitter representative famous.

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2020: The Year That Boiled the Frog

A catalog of things we’ve lost this year (so far).

Here we are, a little over halfway through 2020. Events have moved so quickly that most people are having a hard time keeping up and are simply coping as best they can. More has changed in these past few months than at any other moment in our lifetimes, and many things that would have seemed unimaginable just a year ago have come to pass. 2020 has ratcheted us into an entirely new world—and it is in the nature of ratchets that they don’t move in reverse. Let’s survey the damage.

China, rocked back on its heels by America’s newfound resistance to its cheating and bullying, released a plague upon the world. (Whether the outbreak was planned or not, it is clear that the Chinese Communist Party intentionally suppressed information and warnings about the novel coronavirus, and allowed it to spread around the globe. What better way to smash its enemies, America in particular, than to destroy their economies?)

America responded with a robust immune response that nearly killed the patient. (It may kill it yet.) A drastic quarantine was imposed upon the nation, and a roaring economy bludgeoned to its knees. Unemployment, which had been at the lowest levels in half a century (and for blacks and Hispanics, the lowest ever recorded) soared to Depression-era levels. Hundreds of thousands of small businesses have failed. 

Governors and mayors imposed quarantines, severely restricting commerce and assembly, entirely at their whim. The determination of “essential” businesses and activities—which, for many smaller enterprises, meant the difference between life and death—was glaringly, often contemptuously, capricious. 

Nietzsche famously defined happiness as “the feeling that power increases—that resistance is being overcome.” In politics, war, and international affairs, the temptation to see what you can get away with is always there, and times of crisis provide the ideal opportunity. (So well does this work that the cleverest and most ambitious will find a way to create a crisis if events fail to provide one.) 

For many governors and legislators—in particular those Democratic politicians and political strategists who, in this critical election year, felt themselves losing ground as the Trump-era economic boom continued—the “Wuhan Red Death” was like manna from heaven. Everyone knows that a good economy favors incumbents and that hard times favor an expanding state—and so the sudden appearance of this pestilence was an astonishing stroke of luck, a kind of deus ex machina. Opportunities to seize emergency powers are as rare as Willie Wonka’s golden ticket; usually one has to start a war, or burn down a parliamentary headquarters, to create them. Yet here was just such an opportunity, tied up with a bow and stamped “Made In China”. Our overlords lost no time. 

Think of what we’ve lost:
  • Professional,  amateur, college, and high-school sports, as well as youth athletic leagues: gone. (Yes, there is some baseball now, but in empty stadiums—and the prospects for football, basketball, etc. are dim.)
  • The schools are all closed. Parents who depend on the schools to look after their children during working hours cannot return to the workforce
  • The entire movie industry: gone.
  • Theater: gone
  • Concerts: gone
  • Summer camps: gone
  • Bars: gone. (Here in Massachusetts, they will be closed until there is a vaccine, which for many businesses, if not most, is a death sentence.
  • Restaurants: either closed, or operating under draconian restrictions. Many places still do not allow indoor dining, and those that do permit it only at reduced capacity. The restaurant business has thin margins under the best of circumstances, and you can be quite sure that nearly all restaurants are currently losing money
  • Travel: decimated. (This includes hotels, car rentals, etc.
  • Public gatherings: churches, parties, funerals, weddings, reunions, school commencements, club meetings, cookouts, marathons, and so on: gone.
  • Gyms and fitness studios, closed—many permanently.

That’s only a partial reckoning—but what a list it is! If one were asked, a year ago, to name the things that make up ordinary civic life in America, it would have been, more or less, the same list. All of it is gone. (A year ago, could we have imagined New York or Boston without an open bar? But here we are.) Meanwhile, our governors, giddy with power, decide for us daily what we can or cannot do, our basic right “peaceably to assemble” notwithstanding. Jog by yourself on a beach? Attend an outdoor funeral? You’ll very likely be arrested. Form a mob of thousands and crowd the streets to bray about an officially sanctioned political grievance? By all means, please proceed. 

Flourishing societies strike a healthy balance between rights and privileges. When one grows too much at the expense of the other, a nation declines: on the one hand toward impotent mediocrity, on the other into tyranny.

What once we cherished, we now are taught to despise. How long can a nation that disgusts itself continue to exist?

The rights in question here are not negative rights of the sort found in the Constitution, which boil down to particular variants of a more general right not to be interfered with by the government, but rather positive rights—rights to goods that require expense and effort to provide—which necessarily involve a positive compulsion on someone’s part to provide them, These rights effectively indenture one segment of society to another. 

As more and more of these goods become mere entitlements, rather than rewards to be earned through productive labor, the burden upon the productive segment of society increases, even as that segment dwindles—and the nation sags toward impotent mediocrity.

Privileges, on the other hand, are by definition blessings bestowed by those in power. It is always and everywhere a hallmark of tyranny that all rights, even negative rights, are redefined as privileges granted or withheld according to the interests of the powerful. That’s exactly what’s happening now: our supposedly inalienable rights to assemble, to do business, to worship in church, etc., have abruptly, and with no discernable process of public consent, become privileges. That is no longer the rule of law; it is the rule of men.

But this is not the only erosion of the rule of law we have seen in 2020. 

While millions of working Americans have been forced by decree to abandon their jobs and businesses, the streets of major cities have been taken over by state-approved, angry, anarchist mobs. These mobs have destroyed and defaced both public and private property, terrorized citizens, assaulted the police, and committed crimes ranging from vandalism and looting to arson and murder. The police have tried bravely to maintain order, but have so far been overwhelmed—and in many cases even told to stand down—as the rioters went about their business. Meanwhile, the police have been vilified and slandered as racist brutes, as politicians have pledged to reduce funding for their police departments, or eliminate them altogether.

Thus as formerly rights-bearing citizens are commanded by fiat to stay home and shutter their businesses, violent mobs run wild in the cities, and the police buckle under withering assault—not only from the mobs they face, but also from a hostile press and their own mayors and city councils—we can add “rule of law” to the list of things we have lost in 2020.

Here’s another thing we’ve surrendered: our faces. The face we present to the world is our “sigil,” our flag of individual distinctness. Our faces, and the richness of expression they make possible, are the primary medium of interpersonal communication. They are the book from which others instinctively read our characters, our thoughts, and our moods. To “show one’s face” is the most basic act of participation in civil society; to “lose face” is always and everywhere painful and humiliating. When we face one another we connect as social beings; there is a reason why popular social media and communications platforms have names like Facebook and Facetime. Moreover, why do fundamentalist Muslims insist upon covering the faces of their women? It is precisely to prevent this connection, this humanizing and socializing interaction. It is a means of possession, of control.

Now, like the burqa-clad women of the Dar al-Islam, we all must cover our faces, except in the isolation of our homes. The effect of this is powerfully leveling and atomizing; it works in an insidious way to break down the horizontal ligatures that bind us together as a society. And as we sit unemployed at home, awaiting our relief checks, the result is an increasing deflection of all social connections from the horizontal to the vertical: away from the people around us, and toward the sovereign power above us, from which all blessings increasingly flow. 

In this way, with every faceless and “socially distant” passerby now a potential carrier of pestilence, attraction gives way to repulsion. We see fewer and fewer people in person, and keep more and more to ourselves, until it all begins to feel normal. We have lost another essential feature of American life: the richly rewarding human experience of being a distinctive and self-reliant member of an organic and multidimensional civil society.

Finally, the shared belief that America is, at its roots and in its heart, something worthy and good crumbles further. The bedrock of the American mythos—the founders, the Constitution, the ennobling natural law principles enshrined in the Declaration of Independence, the confidence in the approval of Providence expressed in our national motto, and the sense that we are links in a great chain that connects the sacrifices of our ancestors with the duty of living Americans to preserve the blessings of law and liberty for our children’s children—these have all fallen away, precipitously, in this annus horribilis. What once we cherished, we now are taught to despise. How long can a nation that disgusts itself continue to exist?

All of this, and more, have we lost in the space of less than a year—yet most of us have simply . . . adjusted. For those of us old enough to have the perspective of historical parallax, it is a disturbing reminder of some of humanity’s darkest lessons: lessons that far too many of us seem to have forgotten, if we ever learned them at all.

Getting Rid Of The Police, Or Trump, Will Only Enable More Riots

Our political and media elite think that Trump and the police are the cause of the ongoing unrest. They couldn’t be more wrong.

The conventional wisdom congealing among elites in Washington, D.C., is that the ongoing riots in cities like Portland and Seattle are the result of otherwise peaceful protesters simply reacting to the presence of police and federal law enforcement. If these officers stood down or were simply removed, so the thinking goes, all would be calm.

Video footage and images of violent mobs setting buildings on fire, lobbing bricks and explosives, cutting through fences with blowtorches, and assaulting police and federal officers are all, according to this fashionable theory, merely evidence of the grave threat posed by fascist federal stormtroopers that Trump has unleashed on a quiescent populace.

As Democrat Rep. Zoe Lofgren put it during a House Judiciary Committee hearing Tuesday, “People are showing up because the troops are there.” She was quick to add that most of them are nonviolent, which has become a kind of mantra adopted by Democrats and their courtiers in the mainstream press.
@RepZoeLofgren on Portland:
"People are showing up because the troops are there — most of them are nonviolent"
— Daily Caller (@DailyCaller) July 28, 2020

For their part, corporate media outlets have settled on variations of the phrase “mostly peaceful protests” to describe scenes of utter mayhem and violence. Over the weekend, ABC News and the Associated Press published articles saying “a peaceful demonstration intensified” in Oakland, California, after rioters set fire to a courthouse, damaged a police station, and assaulted police officers. Reporters and commentators routinely regurgitate the line that federal officers are “instigating” the violence (despite ample video footage showing otherwise).

In all of this, the assumption appears to be that the mere presence of law enforcement so triggers protesters that it turns them into a violent, rampaging mob. It doesn’t seem to matter if law enforcement, whether federal or local, is warranted—as it most certainly is in places like Portland, where rioters have been staging attacks on a federal courthouse and rioting for going on two months now.

It’s All Trump’s Fault

The repeated public statements of sympathy from Democrats and the dishonest coverage of the mainstream press leave the impression that these violent outbursts by erstwhile “peaceful protesters” are entirely justified. Why? Because of Trump, of course.

This is the other big idea taking hold of the establishment: we wouldn’t even have these riots and unrest if it weren’t for President Trump. In fact, all it would take to quiet our cities would be for Trump to resign.

The logical extension of this idea is that if Joe Biden wins in November, all these problems will go away, there will be no more unrest or violence, we can all go back to how it was before 2016 when Barack Obama was president and everything was okay. This wisdom is so conventional, noted former conservative Bill Kristol laid it all out for us earlier this month:

If you don’t want a “left-wing cultural revolution,” or want to minimize the illiberal and deleterious aspects of such a revolution, I think it’s pretty clear you should want Biden as president for the next four years, not a re-elected Trump.
— Bill Kristol (@BillKristol) July 5, 2020

Imagine being so out of touch with the political and cultural currents of American life that you think a Trump defeat in November will disperse the mobs in the street and quell the “left-wing cultural revolution.”

But of course being out of touch is what the D.C. political and media establishment—and especially NeverTrumpers like Kristol—are all about. They believe every problem is caused by Trump and getting rid of him is the only answer needed.

That’s how you get Democrats pretending that things are bad in Portland only because Trump sent in federal law enforcement agencies to protect federal property, even though the city has been buffeted by riots for weeks on end, long before federal law enforcement arrived. As my colleague Tristan Justice noted recently, Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler, a Democrat, said on July 3 that “This [rioting] has been going on for more than a month now.” On Tuesday, demonstrators there surpassed their 60th straight day of rioting.

But only when the Trump administration sent in federal officers to protect the courthouse and other properties did Democrats begin raising the alarm about an “attack on our democracy,” as Oregon’s Democratic Gov. Kate Brown said, or decry “paramilitary occupations,” as a trio of Democrat senators did last week.

This is Trump Derangement Syndrome taken to a new level. Cities are being ravaged by violent mobs that openly declare their hostility to law enforcement, vow to tear down our constitutional system, and proclaim there will be no peace until their demands are met.

Trump is not the cause of this unrest, and removing him will not solve it. It may in fact make things worse, since rioters will be emboldened by a sympathetic Biden administration and Democrats all too eager to let cities burn rather than denounce the violence and call for the restoration of order.

Whatever happens, the deeper misunderstanding here will likely persist. Trump’s election in 2016 was a manifestation of deep currents in American life. The waves of unrest and disquiet now surfacing in our streets are also manifestations of those currents. They aren’t going away anytime soon, no matter if federal officers stand down, and no matter who wins the White House in November.

War Looms In The Mediterranean And Threatens To Entangle The Great Powers

America and the United Kingdom would be wise to let Egypt, France, and Greece take the lead in balancing a dangerous and resurgent Turkey.

With Americans focused on the anarchy in Democrat-led cities, a cryptic tweet from French President Emmanuel Macron on July 20 went out relatively unnoticed. Macron tweeted he had a great discussion with “his friend” Donald Trump about Libya.

Within hours, the Egyptian parliament declared they had voted unanimous support for Egyptian President Al-Sisi to send in Egyptian troops and armor in support of battered Eastern Libyan forces on their back foot due to Turkish intervention. Anyone keeping tabs on the geopolitics of the region should not be surprised that France and the United States have decided to support Egypt against Turkish expansionism — at least tacitly.

Yet the most fascinating balancing act is currently going on in the Aegean Sea, where war may rear its ugly head soon. I wrote recently that Turkey appears to be on a newfound aggressive streak with interventions in Syria and the reconversion of Hagia Sophia. Turkish warships also recently challenged a French warship. It appears they are not planning to stop there.

Turkey just offered moral support to Azerbaijan for a two-day border conflict against Armenia, which was backed by Russia, giving the unfolding situation an instant religious undertone. But while that incident occurred, Turkey dispatched more than 18 warships to accompany an oil and gas exploration mission near Greece and Cyprus. This led the Greeks to ready their warships and fighters, only to be brought back from the brink by a last-moment intervention by Germany’s Angela Merkel.

The European Union proceeded to warn Turkey, France pondered a response of warships and sanctions, and Greece and Turkey continued their war of words. With their militaries ready, Greek churches rang their bells in a mourning lament of the Turkish reconversion of Hagia Sophia to a mosque, just as the Turks conversely celebrated the event as a “reconquest.”

As Greek leaders met with Egyptian and French counterparts, a rattled Turkey formed a military pact with Niger in case war breaks out and met separately with the Russians. Currently, the Libyan government, Turkey, and Qatar are on one side, with Greece, Cyprus, and Egypt on the other, backed by France and — to a degree — by Russia and the United States.

It’s hard to overstate how much of a disaster the combined European Union and Hillary Clinton push into Libya in 2011 has become. It’s a chaotic mess drawing various powers into not just a proxy war anymore. It’s not overly dramatic to state that Egypt, backed by the United States, France, and to some extent Russia, looks like it may well go to war with Turkey, who is backed by Qatar. All the while, Greece stares down Turkish warships.

Put simply, this is Turkish expansionism. For more than a decade now, Turkey has been blackmailing Europe and America. Turkish President Erdogan’s decision to restart Islamic prayers in Hagia Sophia was on the anniversary of the Lausanne Treaty, which fixed the boundaries of modern Turkey after they lost their empire during World War I. The symbolism wasn’t lost on Europeans, especially the Greeks. As Michael Rubin recently wrote:

There has never been any love lost between Turkey and Greece, but the danger of war between the two NATO members has not been this high since the Cyprus conflict more than forty-five years ago… For reasons of ideology, economics, and ego, Erdogan now seeks to undo the Lausanne Treaty: Ideology because Erdogan seeks to regain control of certain Ottoman territories and change the demographics of areas outside Turkey’s borders…

Turkish ships in the Aegean would mean an alteration of the status quo, with hundreds of small islands in the Aegean under potential Turkish rule. Likewise, a Turkish client-state in Libya would mean a relegation of Egypt from the position of a premier Middle Eastern power, and the greatest extent of Turkish aggregate power since the fall of the Ottomans.

It would also mean the entire coastline controlled by Ankara, which would mean the African migrant route open with more human trafficking weaponized by Turkey to blackmail Europe even further. The world can’t afford to let that happen.

The fact that a shooting war hasn’t started in either Greek waters or eastern Libya isn’t due to Turkish restraint, but logistics and weather. Sooner or later, it is very likely there will be a skirmish.

This all leaves America and the United Kingdom with no decent options. The general Anglo-American silence on Hagia Sophia alienated Eastern Christendom, which still has deep-seated historical memories of Ottoman influence and conquest.

While providing France, Egypt, and Greece with tacit diplomatic support, but staying out of the looming conflict, the United Kingdom and America should let their allies in the region take the lead in pushing Turkey back. After the ghastly mistakes of toppling allied authoritarians in favor of revolutionary and Islamist anarchy during the Arab Spring, a secular authoritarian dictator like Al-Sisi controlling the Mediterranean is a comparatively safer geopolitical bet than a closet Islamist and thug like President Erdogan.

Herman Cain Dies at Age 74

Herman Cain Dies at Age 74:
'The World Is Poorer'

Then-Republican presidential candidate and former CEO of Godfather's Pizza Herman Cain is introduced prior to a debate at Constitution Hall on Nov. 22, 2011, in Washington, D.C. (Win McNamee / Getty Images)

By Joe Setyon
Published July 30, 2020

Beloved conservative activist and businessman Herman Cain has died, his team announced Thursday. He was 74.

Cain had been hospitalized with the coronavirus since July 1.

“Herman Cain – our boss, our friend, like a father to so many of us — has passed away,” read a post published Thursday on by site editor Dan Calabrese.

“He’s entering the presence of the Savior he’s served as an associate minister at Antioch Baptist Church in Atlanta for, and preparing for his reward,” Calabrese wrote in the post titled, “We’re heartbroken, and the world is poorer: Herman Cain has gone to be with the Lord.”

Cain was the former CEO of Godfather’s Pizza from 1986 to 1996, according to The Wall Street Journal, before going on to lead the National Restaurant Association.

He also served as chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City from 1995 to 1996.

In 2011, Cain announced he was running for president as a Republican.

He garnered widespread support thanks to his 9-9-9 plan (a 9 percent flat tax on individuals, a 9 percent national retail sales tax and a 9 percent flat tax on businesses).

Cain eventually suspended his campaign in December 2011, and former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney went on to win the GOP presidential nomination.

Cain, 74, was known as a strong Christian.

“Romans 2:6-7 says: ‘God ‘will repay each person according to what they have done.’ To those who by persistence in doing good seek glory, honor and immortality, he will give eternal life,’” Calabrese wrote.

“By that measure, we expect the boss is in for some kind of welcome, because all of us who knew him are well aware of how much good he did.”

Cain’s death came as a surprise to many of his fans, especially considering his team gave an encouraging update regarding his status on Tuesday.

“We know it’s been a few days since we last gave you an update on the boss. But he is still in the hospital being treated with oxygen for his lungs,” Cain’s team said earlier this week.

“In the meantime, the doctors say his other organs and systems are strong.”

But Cain, a Stage 4 colon cancer survivor, was always going to be “in for a battle,” Calabrese said.

“Let me deal with some of the particulars of the last few weeks. We knew when he was first hospitalized with COVID-19 that this was going to be a rough fight. He had trouble breathing and was taken to the hospital by ambulance. We all prayed that the initial meds they gave him would get his breathing back to normal, but it became clear pretty quickly that he was in for a battle,” he wrote Thursday.

“We didn’t release detailed updates on his condition to the public or to the media because neither his family nor we thought there was any reason for that. There were hopeful indicators, including a mere five days ago when doctors told us they thought he would eventually recover, although it wouldn’t be quick. We were relieved to be told that, and passed on the news via Herman’s social media. And yet we also felt real concern about the fact that he never quite seemed to get to the point where the doctors could advance him to the recovery phase.

“Herman was 74. Although he was basically pretty healthy in recent years, he was still in a high-risk group because of his history with cancer. We all prayed so hard every day. We knew the time would come when the Lord would call him home, but we really liked having him here with us, and we held out hope he’d have a full recovery.”

“I’m sorry I had to bring you bad news this morning. But the good news is that we had a man so good, so solid, so full of love and faith … that his death hits us this hard. Thank God for a man like that.”

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Gun Control Is Dead

There’s simply no way Americans will tolerate being disarmed in the face of soaring violent crime, riots, and a neutered police force.

This summer has answered the question, “why would somebody ever need an AR-15 or a high-capacity magazine?” As the Left continues to advocate for ending private ownership of military-style rifles, Americans can also see that powerful rifles are turning up in the possession of violent rioters and looters. In this video, one can clearly see Raz Simone, then a noted leader within Seattle’s “Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone”, handing out an expensive, tricked-out AR-15 to a complete stranger. Simone somehow went from an Airbnb host to a Tesla-driving, arsenal-distributing mogul in the space of a few weeks. 

As shown in this video, a militant left-wing militia group called NFAC (literally, “Not Fucking Around Coalition”) staged an armed protest in Kentucky during which an accidental discharge wounded three people. Their black attire and paramilitary appearance bore a chilling resemblance to their predecessors-in-spirit from 1930s Italy.

Why do these leftist protestors suddenly have access to expensive weapons? One answer may be China. 

In May, U.S. Customs and Border Protection seized approximately 10,000 assault weapons parts in Kentucky. According to the Epoch Times, U.S. customs officials have seized a staggering 5,300 gun parts shipments from China in 2020, up from 31 shipments in 2019. For emphasis, that’s not 5,300 parts that were seized, but 5,300 shipments of parts that federal authorities intercepted.

On a bipartisan basis, law-abiding whites, blacks, Democrats, and Republicans see the rising violence as a threat to their families. In deep-blue Minnesota, for example, gun stores are emptying out, particularly of ammunition, as fearful citizens wait as long as four hours to purchase a gun. Across the nation, background checks, which were well on their way to an all-time record earlier this year, have almost doubled when compared to this time last year. 

The AR-15 uses .223 caliber ammunition and manufacturers can’t keep up with the current demand. One out of every five firearms purchased in the United States is an AR-15. The National African American Gun Association (NAAGA) saw a surge in membership of approximately 5 percent in just 36 hours after the George Floyd video surfaced. In that same 36 hours, sales to NAAGA members of .223 caliber ammunition increased by 27 percent. 

When faced with a mob of arsonists and looters, the AR-15 with a standard capacity magazine is the appropriate tool to protect people and property.

Then, of course, there is the McCloskey incident which seems to confirm that leftist politicians really do want to make citizens helpless in the face of the mob. 

In June, protestors entered the private, gated community of Portland Place in St. Louis, Missouri. According to Mark McCloskey, protestors told him, “we would be killed, our home burned, and our dog killed.” Every part of the interior of Portland Place is private property. McCloskey ordered the trespassing protestors to leave. They didn’t. McCloskey invoked his rights under Missouri law to brandish a legally owned AR-15 to fortify his demand that they leave.

The Goerge Soros-backed St. Louis prosecutor, Kim Gardner, seized the McCloskey guns—Mark McCloskey’s AR-15 and Patricia McCloskey’s nonfunctioning handgun—in a perverted application of a Missouri law making it a crime to use a gun to intimidate people. The law expressly exempts brandishing a gun to deter a persistent trespasser. To prove a violation of section 571.030(4) of the Missouri criminal code, Gardner must prove that both firearms were “readily capable of lethal use.” 

According to a report by a local St. Louis television reporter, Gardner sent both firearms to a crime lab. When Patricia McCloskey’s small handgun proved inoperable, a member of Gardner’s staff, Assistant Circuit Attorney Chris Hinkley, requested that the firearm be reassembled so it could function correctly. The lab technicians complied. After the reassembled firearm proved operable, Gardner then charged Patricia McCloskey with a crime. 

As the criminal statute requires proof that the weapon was, “readily capable of lethal use,” the tampering with the evidence as-seized constitutes a conscious attempt to defraud the court. Gardner will lose her case against the McCloskeys and, we can hope, she will face consequences for tampering with evidence in order to frame Mrs. McCloskey.
Americans clearly see local politicians ignoring or even encouraging rampaging mobs. 

In Denver, a politicized city government ordered its police to withhold protection from peaceful pro-police demonstrators so that Antifa/BLM protesters could assault them without consequences. In Kirkland, Washington (near Seattle), private business owners brandished AR-15s and other weapons to protect their businesses from looters and rioters. 

Just months ago, former Vice President Joe Biden, a beneficiary of taxpayer-funded secret service protection, lectured Americans that nobody needs an AR-15 and a high capacity magazine. Biden indicated he intended to appoint Beto O’Rourke to lead gun control efforts in a Biden Administration. O’Rourke famously promised to take away Americans’ AR-15s. “If I win, I’m coming for them,” Biden said of privately-owned AR-15s during his endorsement of O’Rourke’s gun confiscation policy.

Biden’s plan for a “buyback,” a euphemism for confiscating private guns, is a nonstarter. His plan will require all gun owners “who possess assault weapons or high-capacity magazines” to select from two options, either, “sell the weapons to the government, or register them under the National Firearms Act.” 

Biden also plans to create a bureaucratic veto for all gun purchases. Currently, if the FBI fails to adjudicate a background check for a gun purchase in a timely manner, the dealer may complete the sale after three business days. Biden would close this “loophole,” which will allow the federal government to slow or veto individual gun sales simply by doing nothing. Biden would also eliminate all online sales of guns and ammunition.

Americans don’t feel safe. Paternalistic, privileged white liberals are terrifying middle and lower-income communities with calls to defund the police. There’s simply no way Americans will tolerate being disarmed in the face of soaring violent crime, riots, and neutered police force. When faced with a mob of arsonists and looters, the AR-15 with a standard capacity magazine is the appropriate tool to protect people and property. 

This year has reminded us that the Second Amendment has nothing to do with hunting. Gun control is dead.

Even If They’re Acquitted, Charging The McCloskeys Endangers Self-Defense

The McCloskey case remains an important legal precedent as private property owners increasingly find themselves without police protection in the face of violence.

Last Monday, St. Louis Circuit Attorney Kim Gardner announced she has charged Mark and Patricia McCloskey with felony unlawful use of a weapon for standing outside their home holding legal guns as a mob encircled them. The McCloskey case remains an important legal precedent in a rapidly changing legal environment as private property owners increasingly find themselves without police protection in the face of violence.

Within hours, Missouri Attorney General Eric Schmidt filed an “Amicus Brief” opposing the charges on the grounds that the McCloskeys simply exercised their rights under the Second Amendment of the Constitution. He wrote, “A highly publicized criminal prosecution of Missouri citizens for exercising these fundamental freedoms threatens to intimidate and deter law-abiding Missouri citizens from exercising their constitutional right of self-defense.” Schmidt’s brief alleges that at least one of the protestors carried an “assault rifle.”

Missouri law does not give the attorney general the power to overrule a local prosecutorial decision the way the U.S. attorney general may overrule a local U.S. attorney’s office. Schmidt contends that he has the authority to challenge the local prosecutor under the general statutory provision that allows him to represent the interests of the state of Missouri.

The law under which Gardner charged the McCloskeys specifically exempts the use of a weapon to repel a trespasser “who unlawfully enters, remains after unlawfully entering, … private property that is owned or leased by an individual…claiming a justification of using protective force under this section.” Further, as I wrote here, Missouri court decisions also appear to allow a homeowner to brandish a weapon to repel trespassers who refuse to leave. The law does not recognize a right to “peacefully” protest on private property unless the owner decided to open the property to the general public.

The Gun Twist

Gardner seized both of the McCloskey firearms pursuant to a search warrant. The Missouri law under which Gardner charged the McCloskeys can only be invoked if the weapons were “readily capable of lethal use.” But, in another twist, local St. Louis media has revealed that Gardner’s staff “ordered crime lab experts to disassemble and reassemble” the small handgun Patricia McCloskey brandished.

According to the McCloskey’s, the prosecutor did this because the handgun “was inoperable when it arrived at the St. Louis police crime lab.” As noted by St. Louis television station KSDK, “Specifically, the firing pin spring was put in front of the firing pin, which was backward, and made the gun incapable of firing, according to documents obtained by 5 On Your Side. Firearms experts then put the gun back together in the correct order and test-fired it, finding that it worked, according to the documents.”

The McCloskeys appear to have intentionally disabled the firearm so it could be safely used as a prop in a lawsuit.

A Survey of the Scene

A few days after Mark McCloskey confronted the trespassing protesters, I had the opportunity to view his house and the surrounding Portland Place neighborhood. The physical layout of the scene provides important context to what happened during the confrontation that resulted in Gardner charging them with a felony.

Fences and walls surround the neighborhood. A sign adjacent to the gate through which the protesters entered conspicuously warns that the entire interior neighborhood is private property. Once inside, the street and sidewalk pass in front of the McCloskey house, which is the first house on the right.

When I viewed the fragile metal gate, I could see that it was not intended as a fortification but as a decorative feature in the otherwise sturdy barrier of fencing and walls. I saw that somebody bent the gate back into shape to restore the barrier. But the breaks in the delicate structure of the gate remained.

Somebody laced a heavy tow chain through the gate to strengthen it against future assaults. Graffiti and trash marred the sidewalk outside the gate. While it appears the protesters likely damaged the gate, that does not appear to be how they gained access to the interior. Video shows the crowd entering through an open gate. That same video shows a protestor in a lime-green face covering carrying an object that resembles a rifle as he enters the gate.

Around the corner, police and private security manned a checkpoint through which residents accessed the neighborhood by car. I approached a masked police officer to ask if he was in the neighborhood the night of the incident. I could hear nervousness in his voice as he confirmed that he did come to the scene on the night of the confrontation. But he politely refused to answer any other questions.

I stopped at a nearby cafe at which workers had begun to prepare for additional protests anticipated after dark. They moved tables and chairs inside to remove them from the expected path of the protesters.

I approached an African American woman enjoying an iced tea. Although friendly and engaging, she denied knowing anything about the confrontation and had no opinion about the McCloskeys. Continuing to retrace the path of the march leading up to the confrontation, I passed by a row of stately mansions that were not protected by the Portland Place walls.

Homeowners placed “BLM” or “Black Lives Matter” signs in their front yards. I counted at least three such signs. When I happened to catch one of these homeowners returning from walking her dog, she too denied having any knowledge or opinion about the confrontation.

Coincidentally, on the same day Mark McCloskey brandished his AR-15 to deter the trespassing protestors, the Colorado Supreme Court upheld a ban on the type of magazine McCloskey had loaded in his weapon.

In the same announcement cited above, Gardner also stated that she charged “an individual who assaulted peaceful demonstrators at the King Louis IX statue on June 27.” In that incident, unrelated to the McCloskey confrontation, a counter-demonstrator slapped the victim as he stood praying for the protection of the statue. In announcing this misdemeanor charge in the same announcement of the McCloskey charge, Gardner attempted to cast the McCloskey charge as apolitical.

Schmidt’s intervention in the case draws attention to the important difference between a Second Amendment “defense” and a “right.” As a practical matter, a prosecution can punish the exercise of the right to bear arms without ever obtaining a conviction. An acquittal is cold comfort to a homeowner forced to spend thousands of dollars on attorneys’ fees to protect his rights.

Ahead Of Election, Adam Schiff Tries To Kickstart Yet Another Russian Interference Operation

With three months left until the November election, 

Democrat Adam Schiff is kickstarting yet another 

bogus foreign interference operation

With the November elections just three months away, Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) is once again assisting and amplifying a foreign influence operation meant to divide Congress and the American people, multiple lawmakers told The Federalist on Wednesday. Schiff’s latest antic was calling a surprise hearing of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence (HPSCI) to vote on making Schiff’s classified allegations against congressional Republicans available for review to the entire House of Representatives. The vote passed on party lines.

At issue is a packet of information that was allegedly sent to several Republicans by Ukrainian politician Andriy Derkach. Derkach, who graduated from the academy that trains Russian intelligence agents, told Politico last week that his goal was to “create an inter-parliamentary association called ‘Friends of Ukraine STOP Corruption.'” In addition to forwarding his packages to several Republican lawmakers, Derkach said he sent the same materials to several Democrats as well.

A HPSCI official told The Federalist that committee Republicans have strict procedures for screening and handling any and all information that comes to the committee from foreign sources.

“If we receive a suspicious package, our standard operating procedure is to give it to the appropriate authorities without opening it and without any members seeing the contents,” the official said. “That’s what we do for all suspicious packages.”

Schiff was a key driver of the Russian collusion hoax during and after the 2016 presidential election, and falsely alleged that Donald Trump was a secret Kremlin agent working with Russian president Vladimir Putin to steal the election from former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. Former Special Counsel Robert Mueller concluded after a multi-year investigation of the allegations that there was no evidence of any collusion between Trump and Russia.

Christopher Steele, the foreign author of the infamous dossier of anti-Trump allegations, worked on behalf of sanctioned Russian oligarch Oleg Deripaska at the same time he was being funded by the Democratic National Committee and the Clinton campaign to peddle unsubstantiated accusations against Trump. Although Schiff repeatedly claimed that he had smoking gun evidence of collusion between Trump and the Russian government, declassified transcripts of testimony before his committee revealed that none of the scores of witnesses he called to testify ever provided any evidence of collusion.

“They always want to compare this to 2016, but they’re the ones who conspired with Russians to interfere in the 2016 election, and they’re doing it again,” Rep. Devin Nunes (R-Calif.), the top Republican on HPSCI, told The Federalist on Wednesday in response to Schiff’s latest collusion gambit. “This craziness does nothing but benefit Moscow.” 

“What the Russians do all over the globe is try to sow discord in any country they can,” Nunes said. “But Putin doesn’t even have to do anything here, because these idiots do it themselves for him.”

“They keep chasing Russian ghosts, when they’re the ones who were behind the whole effort in 2016 to falsely accuse Trump of collusion,” Nunes added.

Rep. Chris Stewart (R-Utah) told The Federalist that Schiff could simply not be trusted to tell the truth about anything after his participation in the collusion hoax.

“Democrats are trying to relive 2016 again and create this false narrative that somehow Trump and now members of Congress are colluding with the Russians and Ukrainians to interfere in the election,” Stewart said. “Schiff knowingly sought to deceive the American people. He said things he knew were not true, and this is a continuation of that.”

Schiff repeatedly lied about the basis of surveillance warrants used to spy on Trump campaign affiliates even though he had access to the underlying documents that proved the Obama administration used bogus information funded by the Clinton campaign to justify spy warrants against former Trump campaign affiliate Carter Page.

“If Maduro in Venezuela or the mullahs in Iran supported Trump, do they really think saying that publicly would help him?” Stewart asked. “And the same is true of Putin. Creating the impression that he wanted to help Trump would do the exact opposite, and yet this is what Democrats want the American people to believe.”

“Franky, it’s nuts,” he concluded.

Stewart and Nunes weren’t alone in their distrust of Schiff.

“Whether he knows it or not, Adam Schiff is Vladimir Putin’s marionette right now,” Dr. Brad Wenstrup (R-Ohio), who also serves on HPSCI, told The Federalist. “Everything he’s doing is dividing us as Americans. Maybe Schiff knows he’s a puppet of Putin and that’s why he does this, or maybe he just can’t see the effects of his actions.”

“There’s so much irony here when you consider that it’s the Democrats who colluded with Russians in 2016,” Wenstrup added. “Let’s not forget the episode of Schiff trying to acquire nude pictures of Donald Trump from people he thought were Russians but were actually comedians.”

In 2018, Schiff was caught colluding with Russians to obtain naked pictures of Trump. What Schiff didn’t know at the time was that he was being pranked by two Russian comedians. Schiff is heard in the audiotape of the conversation asking the Russians if they could provide the photos and any other recordings they might have of Trump to Schiff’s committee.

“Obviously we would welcome the chance to get copies of those recordings,” Schiff told the Russians.

Wenstrup, an Army doctor, also blasted Schiff for his history of leaking classified information for political gain.

“As a military person, the leaks that have come out of this committee have been appalling to me, and Schiff doesn’t seem to care,” Wenstrup said.

Current and former intelligence officials echoed Wenstrup’s criticisms of Schiff’s leaking of classified information.

“Schiff’s claims that Republicans are somehow jeopardizing sources and methods are just hyperbole,” one top intelligence official told The Federalist. “What’s really killing us in the field are Schiff’s constant leaks of classified information.”