Friday, July 24, 2020

W³P Weekend Open Thread: Beefin' with Meme Dump Edition

Hi folks, Rata here ... Due to circumstances which had me separated from my beloved meme folder, there was no W³P Meme Dump this week. Meme Dump wan't happy about it, so it hijacked W³P Open Thread's post as soon as I started putting it together. Neither one wants the other to completely have their way today. The results should be interesting.

Hi, Open Thread here ... the most consistent inconsistently posted regular "supposed to be" weekly thread in the history of this blog. Don't listen to Meme Dump. He's nothing but jokes. I know I don't usually make a lot of sense, but Hi, Meme Dump here. Are you really going to listen to Open Thread? He's never around when you want him to be, shows up sporadically, sleeps on the couch and then is gone again for who knows how long. Open Thread is a real bum. Besides I know you dig the memes more. Hi Open Thread again, but who brings you music and feel good animal videos as well as random recipes? That would be ME. So, screw you Meme Dump; I'm what the people want. No, you shut up Open Thread, this is my house. I run this block. Hi, Rata here again, you two are acting like children. Stop embarrassing me in front of everyone. Just get along. Open Thread, post your recipes and music videos ... Meme Dump, post your memes.

Hi, Next Segment here. WTF just happened in the opening segment? Opening segment is usually weird, talking a lot of nonsense and whatnot, but this is over the top today. On another note ... how about MIA showing up last week and hanging out for a day! It was like old times for a minute ... although to make it 100% complete Boho needs to show up and they need to post their memes ... The Ladies of WWWP and The "we'll ban your sideways floating goldfish" meme. Anyways, enough with the nostalgia of times gone by. Here's Sam with some stuff to cook and Leandro with a drink ... we'll throw in an animal post from Reddit for good measure.

I stole these Memes from Open Thread's shed's basement bunker.
He doesn't even know ... what a tool.

Now that Meme Dump is finished goofing off like a loser let's get into the real reason everyone is here. The Music!




y'all know what's up memes, gifs, music, pics, random thoughts ... post 'em if you got 'em

and don't forget to recommend and invite someone new to join in

Rutgers Declares Grammar Racist


Article written by Chrissy Clark in "The Washington Free Beacon"

The English department at a public university declared that proper English grammar is racist.

Rutgers University's English department will change its standards of English instruction in an effort to "stand with and respond" to the Black Lives Matter movement. In an email written by department chairwoman Rebecca Walkowitz, the Graduate Writing Program will emphasize "social justice" and "critical grammar."

Walkowitz said the department would respond to recent events with "workshops on social justice and writing," "increasing focus on graduate student life," and "incorporating ‘critical grammar' into our pedagogy." The "critical grammar" approach challenges the standard academic form of the English language in favor of a more inclusive writing experience. The curriculum puts an emphasis on the variability of the English language instead of accuracy.

"This approach challenges the familiar dogma that writing instruction should limit emphasis on grammar/sentence-level issues so as to not put students from multilingual, non-standard ‘academic' English backgrounds at a disadvantage," Walkowitz said. "Instead, it encourages students to develop a critical awareness of the variety of choices available to them [with] regard to micro-level issues in order to empower them and equip them to push against biases based on ‘written' accents."

Additionally, the department said it will provide more reading to upper-level writing classes on the subjects of racism, sexism, homophobia, and related forms of "systemic discrimination."

Leonydus Johnson, a speech pathologist and libertarian activist, said the school's change makes the racist assumption that minorities cannot comprehend traditional English. Johnson called the change "insulting, patronizing, and in itself, extremely racist."

"The idea that expecting a student to write in grammatically correct sentences is indicative of racial bias is asinine," Johnson told the Washington Free Beacon. "It's like these people believe that being non-white is an inherent handicap or learning disability…. That's racism. It has become very clear to me that those who claim to be ‘anti-racist' are often the most racist people in this country."

Rutgers's new anti-racist language standard comes alongside a litany of changes at other universities. Princeton University's board of trustees voted to remove Woodrow Wilson's name from its public policy school and one of its residential colleges to denounce the former president's "racist thinking and policies." The James Madison residential college at Michigan State University is considering making a similar change. Activists at the University of Pittsburgh have called for the firing of any employee deemed racist or discriminatory by students, and the school said it will give the demands "serious consideration."

The Rutgers English department created a Committee on Bias Awareness and Prevention in 2012. In light of Black Lives Matter protests, the school has moved past bias awareness and prevention and into a focus on "decolonization." Walkowitz's email talks of "decolonizing the writing center." The department offers a specific internship titled "Decolonizing the Writing Center" to "make the writing centers more linguistically diverse."

The university and Walkowitz did not respond to requests for comment.

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Information Without Action is Antithetical to Its Purpose

Thanks again for all the support.  Do not take my brutally honest writing on DC to be anything other than a way for ordinary people to see the corrupt nature of this toxic place from an outsiders perspective.  I am not fearful, I am more determined than ever.

The truth is my weapon here. I fear nothing in that regard.  It is just sad to think this is our nation’s capital and yet it seems occupied by doom and despair.   Saying hello, or good morning to one of the masked zombies gets you the glare of the pod people.

On to the mission at hand.   –  Almost all of it GOOD news; even in the bad news aspects of recent feedback.  Bottom line: no-one in a position of any oversight ever put this together before; and yet once you see it with all the accompanying certified evidence, everything makes sense.  Once visible it cannot be unseen.

Unfortunately, this reality also means congress did not figure this issue out; even with years of investigations.  However, on the plus side it also means they are not hiding it. Quite simply: they didn’t know about it, they never pieced it together.

Which then leads into the second aspect…. Is Durham clueless about this?  The consensus answer is yes; USAO John Durham likely has no idea.  Which again is bad, but also holds a silver lining in that he would not be covering-up a major DC issue, but rather has no idea because the primary elements are long-forgotten.

In federal government, never assign corrupt intent to those things that can be easily explained by incompetence.

So, that’s the next step; get this in front of USAO Durham; or his team.  Again, much more positive activity than negative. The direct evidence is irrefutable.  Once visible, not a scintilla of doubt on primary.  So that’s good… affirming and needed.

The background story is a truth weapon that cannot be avoided. As such, it is critical the four corners stand strong without any weakness.  Anyone who has reviewed the material so far is in agreement; this is exactly that.  Direct evidence including sworn statements under oath (ie. base story is beyond doubt); and overwhelming circumstantial evidence that fills-in and even bigger picture (not really needed to advance immediately).

Keep radar on maximum alert now.  Look for tell-tale signs starting to surface with increased focus directly to the special counsel investigation.

OK, that’s about as far as I can go for now.

I am beyond humbled by the words of encouragement and support; and I do have a plan to move forward and return to a position of accountability and representative government. Sounds like a big goal, because it is. Additionally, I have a plan to help you, and your friends, and your neighbors. That dual-purposed and parallel plan is also well underway and will continue with unwavering intensity.  {Go Deep}

The truth is far more exposed today than yesterday….

More work to be done; but optimism abounds.

…Double or nothing? Yeah, sure

What does MAGA mean to you?

Has President Trump really achieved MAGA?

Brave Candace Owens appears often on shows that promote Extreme-Leftest ideals. She attempts to promote a more conservative viewpoint with her "off the Plantation" program. Shouted down constantly, she still pushes her message. Her new book; Blackout: How Black America can make its Second Escape from the Democrat Plantation is due out September 15th.

Recently on Diddy's Revolt TV summit in Atlanta, Candace Owens was trying to explain MAGA when rapper T.I. interrupted her with a rant of his own.
"When you say 'Make America Great Again,' which period are we talking about? The period when women could't vote? The period when we were hanging from trees? Or the crack era? Which period in America are you trying to make America like again? Which period was America great that we're trying to replicate? Which era was it, tell me."

Needless to say, amongst applause and shouts from the crowd, Candace was never given the opportunity to respond to T.I.'s questions.

I believe this is an excellent opportunity for US to explain what MAGA truly means to those who support our President in his reelection bid.

First, to me, it's not a time period at all. It's a belief in our Country. MAGA means the return of Pride in the U.S.A. Of Patriotism and Can Do spirit.
If one has to consider a Time Period, it's every time, all the way back to when we were colonies, that individuals set aside their differences and worked together to achieve the most amazing events in our history. When what is most important to everyone came before any specific individual. A pioneer spirit. The Democracy part of our Democratic-Republic. A famous Democrat President perfectly described by saying, 'Ask not what your Country can do for you, but what you can do for your country' - Kennedy. MAGA is an abstract ideal that says 'we' is always more important than 'I'.
MAGA doesn't mean other countries aren't important, it only means that as Americans, it's sensible to consider our citizens first. Not only, but First.
MAGA means accepting our pimples and loving America anyways. The "Great Experiment" has achieved remarkable results, we need to push forward not slide back.

Rapper T.I. has declared MAGA racist. TDSers have declared the same thing. It's unfortunate that this Dream of conservatives will never be accomplished as long as they push the anit-Trump agenda. My apologies to Mr. President - MAGA 2020, not KAG. We ain't there yet. That doesn't mean we won't keep trying.

Defamed MAGA Hat Covington Boy Finally Wrestles Money Out of The Washington Post

Defamed MAGA Hat Covington Boy
Finally Wrestles Money Out of
The Washington Post

YouTube screenshot from Washington Post video.

By Tyler O'Neil • Jul 24, 2020

On Friday, Nick Sandmann, the notorious Covington Catholic student who wore a “Make America Great Again” hat at the March for Life and whom the media defamed for an alleged “smirk,” announced that The Washington Post had settled his defamation lawsuit, which originally demanded $250 million in damages.

“On 2/19/19, I filed $250M defamation lawsuit against Washington Post. Today, I turned 18 & WaPo settled my lawsuit,” Sandmann announced on Twitter. “Thanks to [Todd McMurtry] & [L. Lin Wood] for their advocacy. Thanks to my family & millions of you who have stood your ground by supporting me. I still have more to do.”

In January, CNN settled a previous Sandmann lawsuit, originally demanding $275 million in damages. While CNN and The Washington Post have settled the lawsuits and likely paid Sandmann and his lawyers handsomely, it remains unclear how much exactly the outlets paid for their defamation.

While a judge struck down the original Washington Post lawsuit last July, a judge reopened the case in October.

Sandmann’s lawsuit traces back to January 18, 2019, when a confrontation by the Lincoln Memorial went viral. Native American Nathan Phillips and young black men with the Black Hebrew Israelites harassed Covington Catholic High School students (especially Sandmann). While the students did not respond in anger, many media and national figures launched ugly attacks against Sandmann, suggesting his “smirk” and MAGA hat were signs of racism and oppression against the Native American man. Many figures distanced themselves from the attacks, but Sandmann filed lawsuits against CNN, The Washington Post, and NBC Universal.

Some media figures have still not retracted their attacks on Sandmann. CNN’s Ana Navarro-Cardenas, for example, has kept up her tweet condemning the “racist MAGA-hat wearing teens.”

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ODNI Declassifies Memo Detailing FBI 'Briefing' of the Trump Campaign in 2016, Here's What It Reveals

ODNI Ratcliffe was busy yesterday. He declassified a now-infamous memo that reveals exactly what happened at an August 2016 FBI “briefing” of the Trump campaign. He gave the document to Congress and now we have it to share.

It was written by Joseph Pientka, a character whose name has popped up over and over throughout this saga. While the memo reveals nothing you likely didn’t already suspect, it does verify that the FBI was not actually trying to brief the Trump campaign. Rather, they were trying to elicit evidence for Crossfire Hurricane, the investigation targeting the Trump campaign at the time.

Julie Kelly provides the full transcripts.

The attempts to trap Trump began long before he took office, with this briefing being disguised as an attempt to warn the campaign. In reality, they were prodding for dirt they could use to push their investigation forward. Of note is that nothing of note came from the meeting. Trump did not offer evidence he was a Russian stooge, nor did Michael Flynn. It was another dead end, getting them no closer to proving nefarious Russian collusion than they were before.

That’s really why this is so damning for the FBI. This was yet another dead end they refused to pay attention to. Instead, the FBI and its band of corrupt stooges in leadership pressed forward, desperately searching for anything that could be used to stop Trump’s rise. Under normal circumstances, Crossfire Hurricane would have been closed many months prior to when it was concluded due to lack of any evidence at all of what they suspected. But Comey, Strzok, the Obama administration, and all the rest were so deluded by their own conspiracies that they continued to abuse their power to target a political opponent, something we’ve been assured is the worst act possible by a government official.

Of course, that standard only applies when it’s being used against Trump. The media can’t muster a whimper for what was perpetrated against Trump and his campaign by Barack Obama. Ultimately, the arbiters of information have chosen to ignore the biggest political scandal in decades. If Trump had been caught using the levers of power to target a political opponent, Democrats and the media would have tried to remove him from office. We know that because they tried to impeach him when there wasn’t even direct evidence he had done anything nefarious regarding Ukraine and Joe Biden.

We live under a justice system consisting of two tiers. If you are a Democrat, liberal media member, or are otherwise part of the perpetual bureaucracy, you can break the law freely and not be pursued. Andrew McCabe showed us that when the DOJ declined his criminal referral for lying to the FBI. But if you are a Republican, you will be hunted relentlessly until they eventually destroy you. There’s little sign that dynamic is going to change.

Everything Democrats know they learned in kindergarten. Isn’t that what all their kicking and screaming and name-calling essentially tell us?

Everything Democrats Know
They Learned In Kindergarten

J.B. Shurk • July 23, 2020

When was the last time anyone said, “You need to hear Democrat so-and-so’s reasoned and logical analysis” on absolutely any topic? If the answer is something Patrick Moynihan once said back in the early 90’s, that says it all.

A classroom filled with five-year-olds is a collection of chaotic, unbound bursts of energy ricocheting off of each other without respect for personal space. About half of those kids mature into something measured, resilient, and useful in life. The other half merely grow taller.

Democrats like to preach that everything should be shared. In practice, they are still the childhood bullies who walk over to the quiet kid playing alone with a doll and swipe it right from her hands while sneering. Theft is just adult-speak for “what’s yours is mine.” Democrat sharing always involves taking from someone else and never bothering to give anything back. Democrats never learn not to take things that aren’t theirs.

Democrats from kindergarten to Nancy Pelosi whine, “That’s not fair!” Nothing’s ever fair. The rules aren’t fair. The law’s unfair. It’s unfair that someone who studies hard and works hard could have more than someone who does neither. It’s unfair that only American citizens should be able to vote in American elections. It’s unfair that people would prefer to move to “red” states than suffer under the high tax burdens, corrupt social welfare programs, and criminal violence of “blue” cities run by Democrats for over a hundred years. It’s unfair that someone who has saved for a rainy day can buy an umbrella while someone who hasn’t, can’t. Democrats reject personal responsibility because all these years after kindergarten they still expect the teacher to pass out cookies and milk before each nap. And no matter how many cookies they’re given, they somehow never receive their fair share.

Democrats never learned to stop hitting people. Everything Antifa or BLM or George Soros’s Super PAC-funded shock troops do, they do behind the threat of violence. Right now Democrats are burning and looting cities across America, just like unsupervised classrooms left to be ransacked while the teacher’s away, except the cheery mayhem of five-year-old mischief-makers has become the violent and deadly destruction set loose anywhere Democrat mayors and prosecutors have control. The mayors applaud arson and battery as nothing more than “peaceful protest.” The prosecutors encourage the loss of property and life by holding no-one accountable. And the Democrats on the street learn that hitting people can get them what they want because nobody with authority ever tells them, “No!”

Democrats never learned to clean up their own messes. They run their budgets into bankruptcy by corruptly paying off voters and donors and expect the federal government and red state taxpayers to bail them out. They ignore violent crime and release violent prisoners before serving full sentences and then throw up their hands and blame “systemic racism” when crime on their streets returns. They encourage illegal aliens to sneak into their states to pad illegal voting in their precincts and to distort congressional representation in Washington and then feign surprise when sex-traffickers and narco-terrorists succeed in increasing murder, drug-addiction, and slavery under their watch. They respond to a viral pandemic by moving infected patients into nursing homes filled with their most vulnerable citizens and then blame the predictable loss of life on anyone but themselves. Democrats never learned to take responsibility, and because of this, no mess they create can ever be theirs to clean up.

Democrats never learned how to say, “sorry.” They learned how to call people names. They learned how to cry and point fingers at everyone but themselves. They learned how to stomp up and down and pretend that the world will end if they’re not given their way. But they never learned to take ownership for their mistakes. They never learned to recognize when it is they who are in the wrong. They never learned the value of making amends by apologizing to those they’ve hurt. When was the last time you can remember a Democrat ever saying “sorry” or expressing regret for anything? When was the last time America said, “Get back here! You know what you must say!” We have given them a pass since kindergarten, and we pay for that pass every day.

And finally, Democrats never learned to live a balanced life. Every social justice warrior believes the world will die if change does not immediately come. Every year we only have one more year left. Every cause embraced by the left becomes the only cause worth remembering. There is never any time to laugh or enjoy life while it’s here. There’s never a moment to put things in perspective and realize how much better American life is today than it was just a short time ago. There is never any recognition of what America and Americans have accomplished. There’s no thankfulness, no grace. Democrats can’t take pride in America because they never learned to appreciate all they still take for granted.

Every day, the kindergartners running the Democratic Party expect their milk and cookies to come from somewhere. And every day, whatever they receive is never good enough.

Hat tip to Robert Fulghum.

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Declassified Documents Show FBI Used ‘Defensive’ Briefing In 2016 To Spy On Donald Trump

The new documents detail the FBI's attempts to use a briefing ostensibly meant to warn the Trump campaign about foreign intelligence threats to spy on the Trump campaign itself.

Newly declassified internal Federal Bureau of Investigation documents prove the top U.S. law enforcement agency used a so-called defensive briefing of the Trump campaign in 2016 to spy on and collect information about Donald Trump himself. The new documents, which are just the latest in a string of declassifications regarding the FBI operation to spy on the Trump campaign and later the Trump administration, detail the FBI’s attempts to use a briefing ostensibly meant to warn the Trump campaign about foreign intelligence threats to spy on the Trump campaign itself.

The documents were formally declassified by Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe on July 23 then provided to Sens. Charles Grassley (R-Iowa), the chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, and Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wisc.), the chairman of the Senate Homeland Security and Government Affairs Committee.

In one of the documents declassified and released on Wednesday, FBI supervisory Special Agent Joe Pientka wrote that he deliberately used the briefing to “actively listen for topics or questions” from Trump “regarding the Russian Federation.” Rather than provide the Trump campaign a specific warning that certain campaign principals were being targeted by Russian intelligence, the FBI instead gave a general, non-specific warning that foreign intelligence services might eventually target the campaign.

Pientka’s written summary of the briefing noted that Trump, Michael Flynn, and former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie were the only three Trump campaign members in attendance. Christie’s attendance had not previously been disclosed. The August 17, 2016 meeting came the day after the FBI opened a formal counterintelligence investigation against Flynn and just two days after FBI counterintelligence official Peter Strzok texted his former lover, FBI attorney Lisa Page, about an “insurance policy” he had designed to keep Trump from becoming president.

“I want to believe the path you threw out for consideration in Andy [McCabe]’s office—that there’s no way he gets elected—but I’m afraid we can’t take that risk,” Strzok texted Page on August 15, 2016. “It’s like an insurance policy in the unlikely event you die before you’re 40….”

The very next day Strzok opened an investigation of Flynn then used the pretext of a defensive intelligence briefing to collect intelligence on both Flynn and Trump on August 17.

Pientka’s notes on the meeting stated that it lasted for two hours, beginning at 3:55 p.m. and ending at 5:51 p.m. While Pientka spent only 13 minutes of the two-hour meeting warning Trump, Flynn, and Christie of foreign intelligence threats, he lamented in his notes that other intelligence officials didn’t have enough time to get through their material.

“Due to time constraints, not all ODNI briefers presented their material,” Pientka wrote. He did not say whether his use of the meeting as means of spying on and collecting information against Trump may have precluded other intelligence officials from presenting their material to the attendees.

Pientka was excoriated in a report from the Department of Justice (DOJ) Office of Inspector General (OIG) for his behavior during the FBI’s spy operation against the Trump campaign. Pientka told the OIG that he designed the August 17 meeting to “gain assessment and possibly have some level of familiarity with [Flynn].”

According to the OIG report, Pientka “was selected to provide the FBI briefings, in part, because Flynn, who was a subject in the ongoing Crossfire Hurricane investigation, would be attending the Trump campaign briefing.”

Pientka told the OIG that he was selected to attend on behalf of the FBI so he could “record” or “overhear” from Trump, Flynn, or Christie “any kind of admission” that they were colluding with the Russian government to steal the election from Hillary Clinton. Pientka also added that he wanted to get a baseline impression of Flynn’s “overall mannerisms” in case he needed to later use that information against him.

Pientka later took part in the FBI’s 2017 interview of Flynn, which became the basis of former Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s criminal case against Flynn. Following the discovery of exculpatory documents that had previously been suppressed by the government, the DOJ moved to dismiss all charges against Flynn. A top federal appellate court panel ordered Emmett G. Sullivan, the judge overseeing Flynn’s case, to dismiss the charges against Flynn, but Sullivan has thus far refused to comply.

Pientka’s account of the meeting was approved by Strzok and former FBI attorney Kevin Clinesmith. According to the DOJ OIG, Clinesmith fabricated evidence against Carter Page to ensure that a warrant to spy on him would be approved by the federal spy court. Rather than inform the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court that Carter Page had previously worked with a U.S. intelligence agency in its successful efforts to capture and prosecute Russian intelligence officers working against the United States, Clinesmith allegedly changed an e-mail from that intelligence agency to eliminate the agency’s confirmation that Page had worked with them against the Russians.

According to the OIG report, Clinesmith “altered the [intelligence agency liaison’s] email by inserting the words ‘not a source’ into it, thus making it appear that the liaison had said that Page was ‘not a source’ for the other agency.” Clinesmith’s fabrication was included in a spy warrant against Page that was later found to be illegal because it included so much false and fabricated information. Clinesmith is reportedly under federal criminal investigation and is no longer employed by the FBI.

U.S. Attorney General William Barr appointed U.S. Attorney John Durham last year to investigate the entire anti-Trump spy operation launched by the FBI and to determine whether criminal charges are warranted. Durham has not yet indicted any individuals for their roles in illegally spying on the Trump campaign and Trump presidential administration.

House Democrats Try To Bar Trump From Protecting America

On Tuesday House Democrats passed a bill restricting President Trump’s executive power over immigration on a 233-183 vote. The act limits the president, State Department, and Department of Homeland Security from creating travel restrictions such as Trump’s earlier this year that are widely acknowledged to have dramatically reduced the U.S. spread of coronavirus. Despite the inaccurate “Muslim ban” nickname from Democrats, President Trump’s original executive order in 2017 prevented travelers from seven terrorist hotbed countries from traveling to the United States for 90 days “to protect the American people from terrorist attacks by foreign nationals admitted to the United States.” 

It has since been modified list countries depending on threat levels, including banning travel from China during COVID-19. The Supreme Court previously upheld Trump’s travel restrictions order in 2018 in a 5-4 ruling, affirming that it is within the president’s constitutional authority to limit travel to the United States for security purposes. 

House Republicans previously called on Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi in March to pull the bill, saying that it would hinder the administration’s ability to handle national security and the COVID-19 outbreak.

“The president ought to be able to keep potential terrorists from coming into our country, but now with this outbreak of coronavirus, the president also needs to have all the tools available to limit, people coming in from countries with a high propensity of coronavirus,” Minority Whip Steve Scalise (R-La) said.

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy also criticized the act, claiming that it was just “wrong.”

“This will harm the ability for this country to continue to keep us safe. It is the wrong time, wrong place and wrong legislation to even be talking about,” he said.

The bill’s sponsor, Rep. Judy Chu (D-Calif.), however, kept inaccurately claiming the bill would “uphold the civil rights of Muslim Americans.” The travel restrictions applied to foreign citizens, not Americans, and regardless of religious affiliation.

“It is cruel and unjust to have this ban,” Chu told CNN. “This is the first bill passed out of the House that would uphold the civil rights of Muslim Americans.”

While some Democrats claim language in the bill would allow for restrictions based on risk, Republicans say it may hold larger implications for national security measures, including in the wake of the COVID-19 outbreak.

“The president must have authority to act when our national security is at risk. When a situation demands we halt travel into our country, whether that be to protect us from a pandemic or other national security issue, the president must have the power to do so,” said Rep. Lance Gooden (R-Texas).

The “No Ban Act” is now on its way to the GOP-controlled Senate, where it is expected to die.

3 dangerous storms expected to hit U.S. this weekend

3 Dangerous Storms Expected
To Hit U.S. This Weekend

Elia Estevez, left, and Jose Estevez, of Island Park, N.Y., walk in the rain during a visit Long Beach, Friday, July 10, 2020. (Chris Ware/Newsday via AP)

OAN Newsroom
UPDATED 2:10 PM PT — Thursday, July 23, 2020

Three severe storms have been growing this week and are expected to make landfall by the weekend.

Tropical Depression Eight has been forming in the Gulf of Mexico and is expected to bring heavy rains to the western coast of Texas. Officials have issued storm warnings from Port Mansfield to High Island.

The tropical depression could become Tropical Storm Hanna if winds reach over 39 miles per hour. Residents fear the tropical depression will cause major flooding in parts of Central and South Texas.

In the Pacific Ocean, Hurricane Douglas has created winds of over 120 miles per hour and is moving west-northwest towards Hawaii. The storm is about 1,500 miles away from the Hawaiian Islands and officials have been monitoring the hurricane closely.

Douglas is expected to remain strong, bringing winds and heavy rains to the the islands by Sunday. Hawaii has been advised to remain on high alert until Monday.

In the Atlantic, the fate of Tropical Storm Gonzalo remains uncertain. Officials have predicted the tropical storm will turn into a hurricane before reaching the Caribbean on Saturday.

Authorities have warned the storm could lead to life-threatening flash floods on the Windward Islands if it reaches land.

Meteorologists have issued weather advisories in the all affected areas for the remainder of the week.

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The Globalists Are Coming!

It’s time to hang a lantern in the Old North Church.

We are now five years into an existential war for the soul of America—a war started not by a gunshot, but by a descending escalator. The battle that was enjoined has ebbed and flowed in various forms of sabotage, subversion, propaganda, sedition, and insurrection. Escalation is remorseless, with no end in sight. Confusion among the ranks of Americans is becoming routine.

How to regain our footing? Abraham Lincoln famously said, “if we could first know where we are, and whither we are tending, we could better judge what to do, and how to do it.”

Well, there is no better time than the present.

The end of the imperial age of the United States approaches rapidly and relentlessly. Political opportunists have squandered American dominance, and thus its security—quick to sell their votes to corporate profiteers, beholden to external influencers with their bags of gold. These opportunists are of no particular value to the citizens of this country, from whom they feel a corresponding alienation. Their loyalty is to their self-interest, and their faith is in their financial masters.

Now the hour is late and the tools of manipulation—so well-honed by these corrupt financial oligarchs and their international money masters—are failing. Even their successful promotion of a race relations healer turned societal divider failed to stem the tide of a rising national populism that rejects their globalist cum socialist drift.

So, in 2016 a vote was cast and these corrupt oligarchs opposed it. Forcefully. They employed the powers bestowed upon the state by the people to suppress those same people and to disenfranchise them from their own government. And hardly a politician said a word. 

When that failed, they abused—first—the legal processes, then the impeachment process, then the public health system, then the police, and finally the church.

As for the financial oligarchs, their thinking is “divide and conquer.”

Any attempt to achieve a stable footing must begin with a serious and open reassessment of the field, something beyond the scope of this piece. But the big picture is visible and plain. 

Simply by instinct, one can see that China’s alliances—here in America and abroad—should be the first point of focus. This examination should look for obvious self-stated allegiances as well as ideological and, especially, opaque financial interests and conflicts with an eye toward the future. Pakistan, Turkey, Saudi Arabia and several European countries need to have their relationships with China and America reviewed.

The Chinese One Belt and One Road initiative seeks to recreate the old silk road and parallel sea lanes that would bring about the unification of the Eurasian landmass and streamline the logistics and infrastructure of an enormous emerging market. Numerous financial actors around the globe and here in America stand to benefit handsomely via this project.

These international finance interests believe that for their project to succeed, America must be exhausted. Two good ways to have the United States continue to overextend itself would be through a war with China, or more ideally, a civil war inside the United States. Democrats in Congress and many Republicans appear—wittingly or unwittingly—to follow their corporate sponsors’ guidance, oblivious to the play at hand.

Donald J. Trump was elected to arrest the managed decline of America, which is the objective of the financial global “elite,” its American allies, and China. It is a powerful alliance, which has launched—both overtly and covertly—a massive diplomatic, political, and economic warfare project. 

The United States, meanwhile, spends trillions of dollars and vast amounts of moral capital in unwinnable, unending wars. We’ve made ourselves dependent on our enemies to supply the things we no longer manufacture, including even medical essentials. The United States tears itself apart through internecine political wars made tangible by rogue public health officials. We are squandering the moral capital accumulated over more than two centuries of self-government, free enterprise, and faith in God. 

I am hanging a lantern in the Old North Church. The globalists are coming.

Hagia Sophia: Former Istanbul museum welcomes Muslim worshippers

Outside Hagia Sophia

By Neyran Elden, BBC Turkish

Crowds gathered in Istanbul as the historic Hagia Sophia site opened for Friday prayers for the first time since Turkish authorities ruled it could be converted into a mosque.

"Muslims are excited, everyone wants to be at the opening," Istanbul Governor Ali Yerlikaya said on Thursday.

The 1,500-year-old Unesco World Heritage site became a museum in 1934. But a Turkish court annulled its status, saying any use other than as a mosque was "not possible legally". The decision to turn it back into a mosque was criticized by religious and political leaders worldwide. But President Recep Tayyip Erdogan responded quickly to the July ruling, vowing that the world-famous site would be ready for Friday prayers from 24 July, and he was seen joining worshippers at around midday (09:00 GMT). About 1,000 people were allowed in through security checkpoints, while others laid out prayer mats outside

Hagia Sophia was built as an Orthodox Christian cathedral and first converted into a mosque after the Ottoman conquest nine centuries later. While there was considerable excitement as crowds headed to the Unesco site, not everyone was happy. The secular opposition party that runs Istanbul has described the move to turn it back into a mosque after 86 years as political rather than religious.

In neighbouring Greece, which was marking the anniversary of the restoration of democracy in 1974, Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis conveyed a message of sorrow to millions of Greek Orthodox Christians. Hagia Sophia's change of status by Turkey was not a show of power, but evidence of weakness, he declared.

Tens of thousands of men and women waited for the call to prayer - many had travelled from cities across Turkey. Worshippers took their places on the grass or on the pavement. The lucky ones found shade under a tree. Security was tight across the historic peninsula of Istanbul, and at one point dozens of worshippers broke through a police checkpoint. A group of men waved Turkish flags and chanted "Allahu Akbar" (God is greatest).

What was it like inside?
Inside, a turquoise carpet had been laid on the floor to prepare for prayers and Christian relics were covered up with white drapes or obscured by lighting. Among the Christian mosaics expected to be obscured during Muslim prayer was the 9th-Century mosaic of the Virgin Mary and Jesus inside the apse.

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