Thursday, July 23, 2020


You Simply Cannot Imagine the Amount of Abject Misery in this Place….

You cannot explain it.  Pure unadulterated misery in every corner. It’s a million times worse than you could fathom.  The most singularly depressing town in the entire universe.
And if you know anyone who enjoys it here, that tells you just how far disconnected they are from the rest of our nation.   There is nothing here except misery and functionaries, human robots, carrying through with their duties without any idea why.

When I say this is a lifeless soulless place.  You must imagine my new context to really understand it.   Staying in a hotel with only one, perhaps a handful, of other guest(s) is a rather remarkable sense of living amid misery in real life.

Yes, it’s like a living example of The Shining, sans the death-knock of the twins in the middle of the night.   That is correct.  Trump International DC – and NO GUESTS.  It’s a desolate, depressing, empty dystopian hotel nightmare hidden from all normal people in America including me.  I had no idea the metastasized rot had already spread to the central nervous system.   Eric needs to sell this place, and fast – it’s over.

Restaurants closed.  Everything closed.  Lights out.  DARK. Want to eat, go to the grocery store and hope for bologna and some bread.  Everything on television/internet is a lie.  I know, I’m here.  They must import stand-in’s for POTUS visits to this place.

From what I can tell the DC mayor has targeted her closures in a manner as to inflict the maximum damage on Trump properties and holdings.  I would estimate Trump International DC is bleeding around $100k per day currently/ perhaps more… depending on how much air conditioning they shut down.

DC as a whole is the same.  An 8:00pm walk and you see nothing… a city completely devoid of life…. no cars… no people…  nothing.   A few rats scurrying from sidewalk to planter shelf, and a few scooters laying sideways in the middle of the sidewalk with ever dimming green circles as the batteries pulsate and run out.

I mean this town is dead.

The word misery is so far removed from the depressed stares amid the soulless eyes, that it would take a thousand years of bliss for a glimmer of hope to reappear.   This place is an abhorrent Potemkin village of what appears on the nightly news about it.

This is my first visit as a non-tourist.   So I am able to see the people who are attempting to manage their way through this nightmare.  It is far, far worse than anything you can imagine.

Be thankful for your local debate about schools opening, wearing masks and assorted nuance.  This is not that.

This town is the hollowed carcass of a cockroach still moving from the maggots that have taken the remaining source of nutrition.   Every eye behind the mask shows misery, fear, and disconnection from the world we know… you know.

It’s bizarre and even though I have been here many times before, this time I simply cannot describe it adequately.  DC is lost.  Lost not because it has fallen ill to some COVID-19 infection, but literally lost to the premise of our nation’s capitol.

There are no people here.  There are robots trying to reach the charging stations.
For the first time in my life I’m not sure I want President Trump to win another term.   Who in their right mind would wish this on anyone.

More later….


Joe Biden Goes On Wild Tangent, Basically Accuses Americans of Being Stupid and Racist

It’s been a banner day for Joe Biden. Usually relegated to the dark recesses of his basement, he’s run a campaign that’s weak and cowardly, but also seemingly effective. For some reason, his handlers decided to give him access to a computer today though, and the clips have been nuts.

Earlier, he claimed Donald Trump was the “first” racist president. That isn’t true, both because Trump isn’t a racist, and because our history is filled with racist presidents, including slave traders (see Joe Biden Slips Further Into Mental Collapse, Declares Trump the ‘First’ Racist President). Not to be outdone by that bit of insanity, he went on to also claim a nurse breathed into his nostrils to “get him going” when he was once in the hospital. I’m not medical professional, but I’m confident that’s not a thing nurses do.

Yet, Biden wasn’t done for the day. He decided to shill for China and basically accuse Americans of being stupid, racist, or both.

I love the Chinese woman giving the thumbs down when Biden talks about Trump blaming China. Perhaps that woman should reflect on her priorities. I’m all for ethnic pride. It’s one of the really cool things about America’s mix of cultures and backgrounds, but China is a dumpster fire, communist state. Anyone, including any Chinese-American, not willing to call out China’s malfeasance over this virus should explain what their logic is.

Regardless, Biden then goes on to make the silly claim that Americans see all Asian people as the same. We are apparently just big, dumb racists, and if a president talks frankly with us about what China has done, we might take it out on some South Korean or something. Wait, what?

This is infantilizing voters to a ridiculous degree. I don’t know about Biden, who can’t even tell the difference between his sister and wife, but I think most people can indeed tell the difference between someone from Vietnam and someone from Xian.

The more serious admission here is Biden insinuating he’d just lie to people and protect the Chinese communists because he doesn’t think Americans can be responsible with the truth. That strikes me as pretty insane. People don’t want to be coddled and lied to about foreign adversaries, including the Chinese. They want straight talk. China started this virus, they hid the virus, and they lied about the virus after it started to spread outside their borders. No amount of yelling at Trump will change that.

Of course, a lot of this is par for the course for Biden. He’s been shilling for the Chinese for decades. His son made millions via corrupt dealings in the country. Just a few years ago, Biden chastised those who could suggest a powerful China is a dangerous entity. This is the same guy who’s been wrong about every major foreign policy issue of the last forty years. That he’d be on the side of defending China after this pandemic isn’t surprising, but it’s disgusting nonetheless.

Joe Biden is not a person that needs to be president.
He’s a person who needs a retirement home.

You've Heard the 'Hairy Legs' Video? Prepare for Creepy Joe Biden, Part Two, What the Nurses Did

Remember the creepy Joe Biden “hairy legs” video?

In case you missed it or need a refresher, here it is:

How gross is that? Biden is talking about kids stroking his legs with his hair that “turned blonde” in the sun and stood up, and how much he loved kids jumping in his lap at the pool as he stares down at the little kids who are next to him in the video. Uh, what? Kids not related to him and him being the lifeguard.

It was so creepy and out of the norm, people even made a cartoon about it:

Well, prepare for Creepy Joe Biden, the Sequel. You thought that was weird, now here’s the latest in what the heck is he saying here?

What is Biden talking about?

Now, in context, I think this is likely after he had two brain aneurysms in 1988, as Tom Elliott observes, and two brain surgeries at least one at Walter Reed.

But breathing into his nostrils to get him moving? That’s not a thing.

Pretty much because it’s the only time you would do it.

More nurses weigh in:

I have both a legal and medical background, not something I ever learned or heard of.

And why would a nurse be whispering into his ear about pillows? And why would they have to go home to get you pillows? Don’t hospitals have pillows? Arrgggh, how could this man possibly be running for president?

Mike Tyson to fight Roy Jones Jr in exhibition bout

Former heavyweight champion Mike Tyson will return to the boxing ring for an exhibition fight against ex-four-weight world champion Roy Jones Jr.

Former heavyweight champion Mike Tyson will return to the boxing ring for an exhibition fight against ex-four-weight world champion Roy Jones Jr.
The bout is scheduled to take place on 12 September in Los Angeles.
Tyson, 54, last fought professionally in 2005 when he was beaten by Irishman Kevin McBride in what was his sixth loss in 58 career contests.
Fellow American Jones, 51, has not fought since beating Scott Sigmon in February 2018.
Tyson became the youngest ever world heavyweight champion at 20 when he knocked out Trevor Berbick in 1986.
He recently fuelled rumours of a comeback when he shared filmed pad workouts on social media.
In 2006, Tyson had a number of four-round exhibition bouts with Corey Sanders. At the time he needed money having filed for bankruptcy in 2003, but he also spoke of the mental health and stress-relieving benefits a light-hearted return gave him.

Joe Biden Slips Further Into Mental Collapse, Declares Trump the 'First' Racist President

Joe Biden is not a well man. That was shown once again today when he decided to opine on the history of racism among U.S. Presidents. You’ll be less than shocked to learn that he believes Donald Trump is the “first” racist president.

And all history teachers face palmed at once.

I like how The Washington Post presents this as some killer slam, ignoring that it’s hilariously wrong and ahistorical. But media are gonna media, right?

Biden went on to say to that other racists have tried to become president, but that none ever have until the evil orange man took office. What’s so ridiculous about this is how obviously wrong it is. We had several presidents who quite literally owned slaves, including our first president. One of our presidents was a slave trader. Another re-segregated the government and showed KKK propaganda at the White House. Even moving into more modern times, we’ve had overt racists like FDR and LBJ hold office. I don’t care what kind of delusion you are operating under, Trump comes nowhere close to any of those people in terms of supposed “racism.”

This is so incredibly lazy, and it’s something a Republican would never get away with. If Trump said this about a Democrat in any context, we’d have had a dozen “fact-checks” by now detailing the racist history of the presidency. But because the target is Trump, the media just shrug and agree. As to what the evidence that Trump is a racist is, your guess is as good as mine. I figure if Biden were asked for specifics, he’d mumble some lies about Charlottesville or stumble over rhetoric about illegal immigration, because wanting to uphold border laws is super racist or something.

Reading the replies to the Post’s article, I’m struck at just how dumb many Americans are. I hate to have to say that, but go read them for yourself. There are people that really think Trump is not just the “first” racist president but the “most” racist president in our history. The country was a virtual utopia before Trump arrived on the scene. They never provide solid examples, only rantings and false accusations.

Of course, if anyone has a problem with racism, it’s Biden, who’s made a series of oddly racist comments throughout his political history. Just recently, he decided to announce that a black person is not actually black if they don’t vote for him. He views people not by their worth, but only by the partisan value they can offer him.

But he’s “old slow Joe,” so the media and most of the country are going to pretend this is all normal. Meanwhile, those of us with eyes can see a man who’s losing his mind and is surviving off pre-written talking points. He again refused to take questions from reporters, though they don’t seem to mind at all because they are hacks. He’s now done a single press conference in the last four months and that was highly scripted. Is this really a guy a majority of Americans want to make President? I certainly hope not, but it’s worrying nonetheless.

President Trump unveils new actions to protect nursing homes

OAN Newsroom
UPDATED 7:50 AM PT — Thursday, July 23, 2020
As coronavirus cases have continued to spike across the U.S., President Trump reiterated his commitment to protecting America’s most vulnerable.
On Wednesday, the president revealed the administration’s latest effort to help curb the spread of COVID-19 within nursing homes. Under the plan, the White House is requiring increased testing in certain nursing facilities and will be providing new equipment to those that need it the most.
“We’re requiring increased testing of the nursing home personnel in states where you had the worst outbreaks, all personnel will be tested at the highest level,” he stated. “We’re distributing 15,000 rapid point of care diagnostic devices to support this effort.”

Specifically, all nursing homes in states with a five percent positivity rate or higher will be required to test all their staff members each week.
Additionally, the Department of Health and Human Services is set to allocate $5 billion in funds ,authorized in the CARES Act, to increase overall training and preparation to deal with potential infections.
“Nursing homes and higher risk areas will be receiving more funding,” said President Trump. “This money can be used to address critical needs, including the hiring of additional staff, increasing testing and providing technology support so residents can connect their families.”

The plan comes as the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services said more than 37,000 nursing homes residents have died as a result of the coronavirus. The agency also said there are upwards of 133,000 confirmed cases in these facilities across the U.S.
The president said the White House will be monitoring and distributing weekly case data directly to state leaders to help quickly contain any possible outbreaks.
“Over the past few months, we’ve created a surveillance system to detect outbreaks and currently 99 percent of all nursing homes are reporting directly to it,” he explained. “When a nursing home has three or more cases, we alert the state and make sure that it responds very quickly.”
The president went on to offer a message of hope and added that the administration remains fully committed to supporting the country’s senior citizens.
“I want to send a message of support and hope to every senior citizen who has been dealing with the struggle of isolation in what should be the golden years of your life,” said President Trump. “We will get to the other end of that tunnel very quickly, we hope the light is starting to shine.”

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White House holds briefing on protecting Native American children

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California City Removes ‘Black Lives Matter’ Street Mural After....

California City Removes ‘Black Lives Matter’ Street Mural After Trump Voter Asks to Paint ‘MAGA 2020’ Nearby

If you’re someone who believes the painting of politically-themed street murals has gotten out of hand over the last couple of months, this next story may interest you.

With the permission of city leaders in Redwood City, CA, resident Dan Pease painted a “Black Lives Matter” mural on Broadway Street on Independence Day as part of the community’s public arts celebration. According to local reports, the city supplied the yellow paint Pease used to create the mural. 

A couple of weeks after the mural’s creation, however, a real estate attorney in the area made a mural request of her own to local officials: She wanted to paint “MAGA 2020” nearby. The attorney, Maria Rutenberg, told KRON4 in a statement that it would only be fair to allow such a mural seeing as the city has “open[ed] up asphalts as public forums”:
“Governments cannot and should not get to pick and choose who should be allowed to speak. Now that the cities open up asphalts as public forums, everyone with any political message is free to write their own. I, for one, would like to paint MAGA 2020. At a time like this, it’s especially important that we allow free and open political discussion for all sides, not just BLM.”

Instead of allowing Rutenberg the street space she requested, the city instead decided to quietly wash away the “Black Lives Matter” mural. Their stated reason why was pretty revealing (and completely bogus, as you’ll soon see):
Faced with the possibility of a political and/or legal fight, the city suddenly decided that Dan Pease’s sign was a traffic hazard that might cause accidents and they removed it in the middle of the night. Pease says he doesn’t consider “Black Lives Matter” to be a political statement but he understands the position the city was in.
“I have no hard feelings to the city council,” Pease said. “I am disappointed but, at the same time, I am very grateful that they allowed me to put that message on Broadway.”

“Traffic hazard”? Yeah right. 

Watch the video report below from KPIX CBS on the city’s abrupt decision to cancel the mural:

Whether she knows it or not, Rutenberg may have come up with a way to get other cities to have their “BLM” murals either removed or repainted at a location that is not directly on the roads and prone to counter-political expressions from people who disagree with the BLM group’s radically extreme left-wing message

Earlier this month, Judicial Watch’s Tom Fitton announced a lawsuit against Washington, D.C Mayor Muriel Bowser after a request from his group to paint an “apolitical” slogan to counter the city’s new “Black Lives Matter” street mural was allegedly given “the run-around” by Mayor Bowser.

Fitton says he’s also filed a request with New York City to paint a mural on their streets as well in response to the ones Mayor Bill de Blasio plans to have painted on several city streets in addition to the one already painted in front of Trump Tower.

The mural wars continue. Stay tuned.

Woke Red Bull Execs Fired After....

Woke Red Bull Execs Fired After Attempting to Force Company 

Into Black Lives Matter Virtue Signal

Companies are routinely being pressured to show their support for Black Lives Matter. Those who don’t are under threat from the mob to be accused of being racist or in support of police brutality. The idea that silence is violence has forced many a company executive to cave out of fear that they’ll be personally held responsible by the mob and their entire life will be ruined.

Red Bull has taken the opposite tack. In fact, it fired execs attempting to force the company into a BLM virtue signal.

According to the Wall Street Journal, Red Bull North American chief executive Stefan Kozak and North American president and chief of marketing Amy Taylor were both terminated from their positions after they attempted to force the company to support BLM by subversively creating racial tension within the company.

Kozak and Taylor were reportedly trying to push the idea of systemic racism within the company in order to force in diversity hires. The internal tension reached a boiling point after 300 Red Bull employees signed a June 1 letter protesting its “public silence” in regards to BLM. This internal letter was somehow leaked to the public but Red Bull’s Austrian leadership knew where the real problem was and began to cut cancer out of the company with its firing of Kozak and Taylor.

To boot, an offensive slide that depicted how “ignorant Americans” view the world was also leaked to the press and the one responsible for that, Florian Klaass, Red Bull’s head of global culture marketing, was also fired.

Just to make sure the message got across, Red Bull discontinued its cultural marketing programs as well.

Red Bull made it clear that when it comes to racism, they reject it in every form. “Every form” means that they won’t hire based on skin color as well.

“We reject racism in every form, we always have, and we always will,” said Red Bull’s board. “Red Bull has always put people and their dreams and accomplishments at its core and values the contribution of each and every person – no matter who they are. We want everyone who feels this way to be welcome in Red Bull.”

Normally, events like the release of the slide, the internal letter, and pressure from employees to support a socio-political cause would force a company to cave, but Red Bull is not lead by the kind of person who would cave to such pressure. According to the Daily Mail, Red Bull’s CEO has taken a hard stance against political correctness and has even shown sympathy for President Donald Trump in the past:
The company’s global CEO is Austrian billionaire Dietrich Mateschitz, who has an estimated fortune of $26billion and owns a private island in Fiji.
In a 2017 interview, Mateschitz expressed sympathy with Donald Trump and said the new president ‘simply needs time’.
‘I don’t think he’s as much of an idiot as he’s made out to be,’ he told the newspaper Kleine Zeitung at the time.
‘When you speak to Americans you often hear that they’re essentially happy to have a new administration. There was plenty to question about the previous one,’ he said, referring to the Obama administration.
Raging at ‘political correctness’ and the ‘intellectual elite’, Mateschitz was also highly critical of Germany and Austria for opening their doors at the height of the 2015 refugee crisis.
Taking aim at those who encouraged refugees or used Angela Merkel’s slogan of ‘we’ll manage it’, he said that none of those people ‘made their guest rooms available for five migrants to live in’.

Red Bull did the correct thing here. Many companies that do cave to social pressure to support a cause do so purely out of fear, and many of these causes can’t be considered pure. This especially goes for Black Lives Matter, which continues to use the concept of equality as a shield for its political purposes.

By firing these executives, Red Bull saved itself a takeover by either overt or unwitting Marxists. While that may sound hyperbolic, it should be understood that Black Lives Matter is a Marxist organization by the confession of its own leadership. Pushing racial hiring practices and divisive culture groups within a company is part of the playbook.

Sadly, this will not mark the end of Red Bull’s troubles. It’s likely that it will now face a wave of backlash for its action. However, if Red Bull does hold strong, it will likely not be affected much by the issue.

Most companies should be as upstanding as Red Bull has been. The company has now been seen standing up to racism in all forms and told the mob “no.” It’s an example that needs to be followed.

Woke Sailor Attacks an Anti-Mask Demostration While Screaming F••• Trump

Will  the  Navy  Even  Care?

It’s often said that when you become a member of the Armed Forces you leave the ability to exercise some of your rights in the way you did as a civilian behind. That message doesn’t seem to have been passed along to all members of the Armed Forces. Case in point, US Navy Aviation Boatswain’s Mate 2nd Class Sarah J. Dudrey.

On Sunday, a largish number of people peacefully assembled along a highway in Ventura County, CA, to protest the asinine policy of wearing facemasks. They were peaceful in the dictionary definition of the word, not the CNN-coverage-of-Portland-riots definition.

Then this happened:

A car comes to a halt in the road, blocking the right-most lane. A rather porcine looking individual piles out and begins heaping epithets on the demonstrators. The individual is wearing a Navy uniform and had been identified as US Navy Aviation Boatswain’s Mate 2nd Class Sarah J. Dudrey.

Dudrey is assigned to Naval Base Ventura County, about 15 miles from the site of the confrontation.

Her command became aware of the video Sunday and started looking into it on Monday, according to spokeswoman Melinda Larson.

“The Navy is a proponent of free speech and active-duty members are free to participate in protests during their off-duty time,” Larson said in an email. “However, Navy members are not authorized to wear military uniforms while engaging in protests and voicing personal opinions.”

Dudrey could not be reached for comment Tuesday, and Larson said she had been unable to contact the petty officer on behalf of Navy Times.

This should not be acceptable. And it didn’t used to be. In 2012, the Marines discharged Sergeant Gary Stein for saying “screw Obama” [exact words] in a Facebook post. Since then, the Navy has become much more woke and institutionally opposed to President Trump. For instance, for a Rear Admiral to try to override an order from the President, the institutional rot must run deep (READ Trump Wins This One. Chief Eddie Gallagher Will Keep His Seal Trident but Mutineers Are Still at Large). It seems that the basics of discipline, keeping watch, and ship-handling have been sacrificed to ‘whiteness’ seminars and general subservience to political correctness.

What are the odds that nothing happens? Dudrey appears to be female, one is never 100% in today’s Navy. The protesters weren’t wearing facemasks. She was probably so full of righteous indignation over their lack of respect for the health and lives of others that she felt she was saving lives by trying to break up the demonstration. The “f** Trump?” Merely an excited utterance, one that it totally justifiable in light of his notorious resistance to wearing life-saving protective gear. If anything happens here it will be a decoration and a promotion. If justice is served and she is discharged, there is a great job waiting for her as MSNBC’s military affairs correspondence.

FARRELL: Obamagate Indictments Are Overdue

 President Trump Holds Roundtable On American Seniors

Article by Chris Farrell in "The Daily Caller"

One is supposed to believe that Attorney General William Barr is in charge of the Department of Justice and that on May 14, 2019, he appointed John Durham, the U.S. attorney in Connecticut, to conduct the inquiry to examine the origins of the “Trump/Russia investigation” and determine if intelligence collection involving the Trump campaign was “lawful and appropriate” (Obamagate).

To date, there is nothing to show from the Barr/Durham effort.

Judicial Watch has uncovered and published reams of material through litigation and use of the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). That work has been a years-long effort – often fighting the Trump/Barr Justice Department to release records the American public is owed by statute. Members of Congress have released documents and reports. Most recently, Senator Lindsey Graham has finally produced something for the public’s consumption after years of talking about accountability and holding hearings. Acting ODNI Richard Grenell released dozens of Russia probe records. Again – these releases are practically “historical” in nature. They come years after the subject events. That is quite unlike the lightening-fast Intelligence Community Inspector General (phony) complaint over Ukraine that saw President Trump impeached by the House of Representatives in roughly two months. It seems like there are differing standards and timelines for “justice” in official Washington, DC.

Seasoned investigators and attorneys can take the publicly available records and assemble sufficient facts, documentation and evidence to meet the legal threshold (“probable cause”) for successfully presenting a bill of indictment to a grand jury. Like most discretionary decisions and exercises of governmental power, it really comes down to political will. Do Barr and/or Durham have the stomach to seek the indictment of people like James Comey, John Brennan, Andy McCabe and (many) others?

Indictments have a way of getting a target’s attention. They focus the mind. Perhaps the indictment of certain key persons would result in a sudden and compelling desire for them to be forthright and cooperative with prosecutors? Various former government officials may wish to explain what really happened and who really knew what and when. Lesser characters on the DC stage may seek greater billing or not be happy with their role as a patsy. No doubt others would resort to having “no specific recollection at this time.” That’s OK. Prosecutors can still get to proof beyond a reasonable doubt, even with faulty memories.

So-called “journalists” may wish to return to their lost arts and pursue stories previously dropped down the Memory Hole. There might just be a rush to set the record straight and expel the miasma of deception, disinformation, and distraction.

Ask yourself why AG Barr fights Judicial Watch in virtually every FOIA lawsuit seeking records over the Obamagate coup plot. Why does he permit the FBI to claim in court that their agents’ text messages on their government phones are not government records? That’s insultingly preposterous – but it is the Justice Department’s position. Your tax dollars in action.

One thing is for certain: Should Barr/Durham not bring indictments and go to trial against the officials who organized the coup against President Trump, then the United States will become a “failed state.” The compromised justice system would be held in contempt by the people it was designed to protect.


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Congress’ Coronavirus Response Could Cause Mass Layoffs Right Before The Election

Congress has created a policy cocktail, authored by both Republicans and Democrats, that may keep our unemployment rate elevated throughout 2020.

America’s official unemployment rate is a shocking 11 percent, meaning about 18 million Americans are out of work. That’s bad enough, but in addition 30 million Americans are receiving weekly jobless benefits, meaning the true unemployment number could be much higher, between 15 and 20 percent. The Bureau of Labor Statistics doesn’t count people as unemployed if they haven’t looked for a job in a certain amount of time, but changes to benefits rules have allowed many jobless to receive benefits without looking for work.

In other words, America’s employment situation is a volatile disaster that is hard to measure. Millions of jobless Americans face permanent unemployment and long-term separation from the labor market. This will do lasting damage to the economy, these workers, and the millions of young people who planned to enter the workforce in 2020-21.

Much focus has been on the damage caused by state and local policymakers, who opted for draconian lockdowns and refused to reopen, despite data that was far better than expected. Policymakers in this category, such as Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, deserve plenty of ridicule. They hurt Americans in their efforts to score political points.

Attention has also been paid to the $2.2 trillion CARES Act, the stimulus bill passed as the economy was shut down in March. It aided businesses with retaining employees, and the Federal Reserve bought the risky credits of companies that, pre-virus, were up to their ears in debt because CEOs decided to lever-up in order to buy back stock (which boosted pay packages).

But too little attention has been paid to how the CARES Act, and a subsequent tweak, will affect the labor market’s recovery. Congress has created a policy cocktail, authored by both Republicans and Democrats, that may keep our unemployment rate elevated throughout 2020. One incentive may even cause mass layoffs a month before the presidential election.

Enhanced Unemployment Benefits

Under the multitrillion-dollar Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act, Congress increased unemployment benefits with $600 extra per week. These benefits are so generous, many employers report problems hiring workers back. In fact, about half of those who are unemployed are receiving more money via the enhanced benefit than they did while working. For workers who made roughly $60,000 or less, the enhanced benefits are more lucrative than work. Obviously, this has elevated the unemployment rate.

The enhanced unemployment benefit of $600 per week expires at the end of July, however. Already, congressional Democrats want to redo the full $600 per week, claiming that any substantial cut to the benefit would harm needy Americans.

Notably, a huge predictor of the success of an incumbent president’s re-election bid is the change in the unemployment rate in the months leading up to the election. If President Donald Trump is fortunate enough to have the unemployment rate fall sharply between now and October, he will likely win re-election. If the unemployment rate stays the same or rises, he will likely lose the election. Democrats’ plan to reauthorize the enhanced unemployment benefits of $600 extra per week, no matter their altruism, will just happen to keep the unemployment rate high heading into the election.

Democrats aren’t the only ones who want the benefit continued, though. Wall Street is also clamoring for some kind of continuation of the expanded benefit, fearing that its complete end will hurt consumer spending and thus stock valuations. Even many Republicans want to ratchet the benefit down rather than cut it off entirely. Right now, Republicans are trying to craft an added incentive to get Americans back to work, but state unemployment programs are limiting their options.

Small Businesses and Rehiring

Congress has spent well more than half a trillion dollars on the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) in aid to small businesses in the form of loans. The loans are meant to be almost entirely forgiven and are incredibly low-cost even if they are not forgiven.

But the ability to be eligible for loan forgiveness — essentially making the PPP “free money” — came with strings attached. Under the original CARES Act, to qualify for loan forgiveness, small businesses had until June 30 to substantially rehire their employees.

Yet Congress passed a law several weeks ago to change that deadline to Dec. 31, and allow PPP loans to be used toward payroll until that date. Congress also allowed a greater share of the PPP loans, on the margin, to be used to cover overhead.

Finally, Congress allowed loan forgiveness to occur, even if the payroll is not returned to normal, if the business can’t find qualified employees, if employees refuse to return, or if the business is unable to restore operations to Feb. 15 levels due to the Wuhan virus.

Let’s unpack this a bit. Before these changes occurred, the biggest risk was that employment would be artificially elevated until June 30, at which point small businesses would lay off employees. Now the risk is that this policy change prolongs the employment recovery.

This is because the sum of the changes reduces the incentive for firms to hire employees back quickly this summer. Instead, firms need to hire employees back by year end to be eligible for loan forgiveness, or they can show that operations (revenues) are still below Feb. 15 levels and still receive loan forgiveness. Note that the election occurs Nov. 3.

Of all the incentives Congress has created, this is the most understandable. The PPP was geared toward maintaining payrolls and has been shifted incrementally toward ensuring small businesses remain solvent. Yet the change may dampen the employment recovery, and it reshapes the initially stated intent of the program.

White-Collar Layoffs a Month Before the Election

Americans got stimulus checks and enhanced unemployment benefits. Small businesses (and some not-so-small businesses) got PPP loans, which will probably turn into grants. Corporate America got a host of Federal Reserve programs, largely from a money pile allocated through the Treasury Department’s Exchange Stabilization Fund.

This money also comes with strings attached. Many Exchange Stability Fund recipients, such as “mid-sized businesses,” can’t make substantial layoffs until Sept. 30. This deadline is hard and fast and, due to political pressures, will not be changed. This could mean that Oct. 1 and the weeks thereafter see massive white-collar layoffs. Or it could mean that as service-sector jobs are added and the economy continues to reopen, those gains will be offset by white-collar job losses going into the fall and winter.

Airlines are already planning massive layoffs for Oct. 1. The carnage will certainly not be limited to airlines, given how much of corporate America has taken at least some of this funding. Corporate America already had a very high debt level, relative to history, before the coronavirus pandemic and shutdowns hit the economy.

Who Designed These Programs?

Walk through the incentives. Instead of seeing massive layoffs all at once, and a year of a strong jobs rebound, layoffs have potentially been backlogged until one month before the presidential election. One wonders: Who designed this program and set the date to allow layoffs — after a company has received massive bailout funds — at Oct. 1? Which Republicans were involved in crafting this program, and why did they not consider the political incentives?

Political incentives aside, the American people are hurting. The unemployed are being compensated under a benefit package better than the employed are for their labor. Hundreds of billions were given freely to smaller businesses so they could keep supporting their employees. Yet new rules have almost removed the alleged reason behind the program in the first place, and have pushed employees’ rehire date, if they get their jobs back at all, until after the election. Why spend all this money and make Americans wait until the end of the year to get their jobs back?

Washington is presently putting together another stimulus package. Policymakers must ensure they don’t once again create bad incentives that keep the unemployment rate elevated. That starts with not re-upping the $600-per-week enhanced unemployment benefit. Passing nothing at all would be better than passing something that will hurt the American people in the long run.

Criminals in Occupied Paris

File:Henri Lafont.jpg - Wikimedia Commons
Henri Chamberlin, AKA Henri Lafont, of the Carlingue gang

Article by Michael Curtis in "The American Thinker"

The hours of the Vichy regime forever sully French history and insult the French past and traditions. President Jacque Chirac on July 17, 1995 confessed that the criminal folly of the Nazi occupiers was seconded by the French state. In his new book, The King of Nazi Paris, Christopher Othen recounts the sordid Gothic horror story of a group of malefactors, a gang of criminals, crooks, pimps, corrupt and disgraced police, mafiosi, fallen celebrities, fake aristocrats, pimps, gold traffickers, even a former captain of the French national football team, who worked for the Nazis during World War II against the French resistance. Villains had come out of the shadows of the Paris underworld and played a role during the Occupation, aiding the Nazis at a time when France was a disoriented and confused country.
The Carlingue gang, sometimes known as the Bande de la Rue Lauriston, or Bonny-Lafont, was a major criminal organization under the Occupation. The name Carlingue, the cabin of an aircraft, implies it was an organization of structure and strength. The criminal activity of the gang included looting property -- especially of Jewish goods -- gold deals, stolen art, protection rackets, but it is most notorious for treason, torture, and murder of members of the French resistance on behalf of the Nazis.

The Nazi handlers allowed the Carlingue gang, said to number 30,000, immunity in return for part of the profits obtained by the gang’s activities and for information supplied. Some of the gang were given Gestapo identity cards to avoid arrest. The gang was not interested in Vichy’s plans for a New France. Nor were they motivated for ideological reasons or pro-Nazi sympathies, but by self-interest, greed, and contempt for conventional morality. Indeed, the investigation of enemies of the Nazi occupiers was a distraction from the main objective, making money.

However, this gang, formed by intervention of the Nazi Reich Main Security Office (RHSA), to conduct counterinsurgency against the French Resistance, became responsible for the deaths of an unknown number of resistance fighters tortured to get information and murdered. The known tortures included the “bathtub,” submerging an individual in a bath filled with ice cold water until he was pulled out by the hair,  the use of portable batteries attached to testicles or nipples, the tearing of nails, the filing of teeth.

At a four-story building with high ceilings and large salons, number 93, rue Lauriston in the prestigious 16th arrondissement in Paris, a plaque is placed in homage to the “Resistants tortured on this site during the Occupation, 1940-44, by French people, auxiliary agents of the Gestapo named Bonny-Lafont.” The building is close to the former headquarters of the Nazi organizations, the Wehrmacht and the Sicherheitsdienst, intelligence agency of the SS.

The leader of the group was Henri Chamberlin, a social misfit who was abandoned as a child and spent a number of years in prison, a petty criminal in the Paris underworld whose life was changed by a chance encounter in a prison camp. He was a petty criminal who had served several prison terms became  the most powerful crook in the country. In the disoriented and confused France after its defeat in the war. Chamberlain asked the Abwehr which occupied Hotel Lutetia for work. At age 38 he became a German agent, and in summer 1942 he was officially named agent BOE43 and  given  Gestapo yellow identity cards with Nazi eagle stamps. Chamberlin adopted the pseudonym Henri Lafont. He was made a citizen of the German Reich, and an officer in the Wehrmacht.

Lafont was a powerful figure, combining various attributes -- charisma, intimidation, use of violence – along with immediate access to Abwehr, the German military intelligence agency that reported directly to the German High Command.

Lafont had cordial relations with the principle personalities of the Vichy regime and French collaborators, having tactical meetings not only with Vichy leader Pierre Laval, but Marcel Deat, head of the anti-Semitic National Popular Rally (RNP), and Joseph Darnand, head of the Milice and a Waffen SS officer. He could spring people from prison by a telephone call. As a spymaster, he gave information directly to local Gestapo agents. He probably had more influence with the Nazis than did Laval. Lafont protected the Duc d’Ayen, whom the Gestapo wanted killed; instead Lafont used him to blackmail the Paris Gestapo. He protected the Peugeot factory. He appeared to be uneasy hunting down French patriots, and had little interest in anti-Semitism, as shown by his protection of Joseph Joinovoci, a corrupt Jewish scrap-metal dealer. At times, Lafont had delusions of ambitions, thinking he might become police prefect of Paris.

Lafont was joined by Pierre Bonny, once the best known, if notorious and corrupt, policeman in Paris. Bonny had been involved in sensational cases:  the Guillaume Seznec  case where Bonny was accused of falsifying evidence; the Alexander Stavisky case of January 1934; and Albert Prince , adviser to the Paris Court of Appeal, whom he may have assassinated.  Bonny was involved in blackmailing criminals, and those officials caught with prostitutes. In 1935 Bonny was jailed for three years for corruption.

Lafont was the French Godfather. He was approached by people paying respect, he arranged protection, he settled disputes. Even Maurice Chevalier came to ask a favor since he had been criticized for performing in some Occupation revues, though he was hiding a Jewish family in the free zone. Lafont helped Violette Morris, the troubled bisexual race-car driver and prominent athlete and cigar smoker, and collaborator. Lafont protected the notorious serial killer doctor Marcel Petiot. Among Lafont’s recruits was the celebrated football player, Alex Villaplane, the first player of North African origin to represent France.

Lafont bankrolled a production of Bernard Shaw’s Pygmalion. Though he lived in a world of double crossers, spies, and informers, he prospered and became accustomed to the high life, traveling in a white Bentley, wearing an SS Hauptsturmfuhrer uniform as well as the best clothes, dining at Maxim’s and restaurants serving sole and pressed duck and oysters. He was a lover of orchids, and a host of lavish parties with socialites, young actresses, business people, press barons, and German officers. Women with titles and pedigrees fell into his bed.

The Bonny-Lafont gang looted property, especially Jewish property, made gold deals, were involved in the protection racket, traded on the black market, stole art, and most important infiltrated resistance groups, and caused the death of their members. Lafont had ambitiously planned to enlist  50,000 North African, POWs  from German camps, into a private army he would control. Instead, a paramilitary group, Brigade Nord-Africain, was created in January 1944 by Lafont and the Algerian nationalist and anti-Semite Mohamed el-Maadi. It was composed of Muslims recruited among North Africans living in France, mostly in Paris, to fight against the French Resistance. In reality, they were more criminals and murderers, more engaged in atrocities against civilians, than in fighting the Resistance.

With the Allied invasion of France, life changed for heroes and villains. Ernest Hemingway was at the Ritz, Edith Piaf was singing at Ciro’s, the 16th arrondissement restaurant, U.S. and UK troops were dining free at the Tour d’Argent.  As the Allied troops were nearing Paris, Lafont  ordered the dismantling of Carlingue, the files were burned, and members of the gang fled. Lafont was arrested living on a farm, and sent on trial at which a host of issues were discussed: spying for the Abwehr, a mission to Algiers, the Duc d’Ayen affair, theft of silverware from the U.S. embassy, the Brigade Nord-Africain,  and the arrests and murders for the Gestapo.

The jury on December 12, 1944 found Chamberlin-Lafont and his associates guilty and sentenced them to death. Charles de Gaulle, then head of the Provisional Government of France, denied clemency.  The French courts of justice executed 1,500 between October 1944 and January 1951, Chamberlin-Lafont was among them on December 26, 1944.  He had three lives; orphan, criminal, power player in Occupied Paris. His time was up: “I bet on a bad horse. I lost, the time of holding four aces in my hand is over.”



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