Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Scientist with 4 Degrees from MIT Warns 'Deep State' Using Coronavirus Fear-Mongering To Suppress Dissent

A decorated scientist with four degrees from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology believes the coronavirus pandemic is being used by the “Deep State” for its own purposes.

Shiva Ayyadurai said on Twitter that “fear-mongering” over the outbreak is being used to push an agenda.

“As an MIT PhD in Biological Engineering who studies & does research nearly every day on the Immune System, the #coronavirus fear mongering by the Deep State will go down in history as one of the biggest fraud to manipulate economies, suppress dissent, & push MANDATED Medicine!” he said.

As an MIT PhD in Biological Engineering who studies & does research nearly every day on the Immune System, the #coronavirus fear mongering by the Deep State will go down in history as one of the biggest fraud to manipulate economies, suppress dissent, & push MANDATED Medicine!

Donald J. Trump
The Fake News Media and their partner, the Democrat Party, is doing everything within its semi-considerable power (it used to be greater!) to inflame the CoronaVirus situation, far beyond what the facts would warrant. Surgeon General, “The risk is low to the average American.”

It is important to note that Ayyadurai did not say the disease is man-made or a hoax.

You should follow the guidelines from doctors, federal, state and local governments and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

But what Ayyadurai did say is that some in the government are using the pandemic to frighten people into obedience.

Think about what has transpired in less than a week’s time. We have handed control of nearly everything in our lives to the government.

In many places, they are telling us when we can leave our homes and when we must return to them.

They have decided what events or religious services we can attend, how many people are allowed to be there and which businesses are allowed to stay open.

In the process, the global economy has crashed with the assistance of the media stirring everyone into a mass panic.

People are hoarding and fighting over toilet paper as if it is the cure for COVID-19 and grabbing every canned and dry food they can find.

Again, this is a very real disease and it can be dangerous, particularly to those who are immunocompromised or elderly.

That said, the panic shopping and fear that many of us feel are not helping any of us.

Is Ayyadurai incorrect? If a vaccine for coronavirus was available tomorrow, do you not believe that the government could, and would, mandate that everyone get it?

Many of us would be thrilled to have it. But what about the people who decided that they would not take the vaccine?

Many schools and workplaces already mandate the flu shot. Now imagine the government requiring that citizens take the medicine they are told to.

If it could do that, what else could it force you to do next year? Next decade? Next century?

We all want to be safe, and we want you to be safe and follow the guidelines as we do not know what we are dealing with.

But it would also be wise to be vigilant and see the bigger picture.

The doctor could be way off base, but if he isn’t, that is a frightening prospect.

Expert on China Reveals Damning Report on Uighur Slave Labor Tied to Apple, Nike [Watch]

In this Aug. 31, 2018, photo, students gather outside the entrance to the No. 4 High School with banners, some of which reads “System Self Confidence, Cultural Self Confidence.” in Peyzawat, western China’s Xinjiang region. Uighurs fear the Chinese government’s expansion of compulsory Mandarin-intensive classes and boarding schools away from home will gradually erode their children’s Central Asian ethnic identity and Islamic beliefs. (AP Photo/Ng Han Guan)
July 22, 2020 by Becca Lower

Late Tuesday night, The Right Scoop published a compilation of some disturbing clips of the Chinese Communist Party’s treatment of the Uighurs — a Muslim minority group within its borders. In the piece, they wrote that one, a drone video that many people saw about a week back “shows Uighurs blindfolded and bound with their heads shaved, waiting to be herded onto trains and led to wherever these Chinese officials are taking them.” In actuality, the clip isn’t new — it’s from 2018 — but it only came to light in 2019.

When a high-ranking Chinese official was asked about the recently-viral clip in a recent, BBC interview, his answer was anything but clarifying, as author Gordon Chang noted on Twitter.

He wrote:

Chang, a Gatestone Institute Distinguished Senior Fellow and Advisory Board member, has been a vocal critic of the CCP and its torture and imprisonment of the Uighurs, including in his latest article for the group’s website on the practice, first reported in March, of the Chinese using the forced, or slave labor of “more than 80,000 Uyghurs and other Muslim minorities to produce products for Nike and 82 other brands”:

With that mission in mind, the author of 2001’s The Coming Collapse of China has been sitting down for a slew of interviews — including on last night’s “Tucker Carlson Tonight” on Fox News. It wasn’t Chang’s first trip to Carlson’s show, though. He stopped in earlier in July to talk to Carlson about allegations that Beijing tried to cover up the Wuhan coronavirus.

In Tuesday’s interview, Chang did have an answer to what was going on in that video, unlike the Chinese ambassador on BBC, when Carlson asked the same question.

Chang said:

“We were looking at scenes from August 2018, in what the Chinese call Xinjiang, which the local inhabitants call East Turkistan. It is believed, Tucker, that this is video shot by Chinese government drone, and this footage was leaked to the international community.”

Then Chang addressed the report released in March from the non-partisan Australian Strategic Policy Institute, which names the corporations – at least 83 – which are thought to be a part of the forced labor. It includes some well-known name brands:

“Two of them were Nike and Apple.” [emphasis added]

In response, Carlson noted that he “never hears anybody on the Left criticize both companies for their labor practices,” then asked his guest why he thinks that is.

Chang’s answer was damning.

He said, “It’s inexplicable,” then went on to explain how Nike has had a “relationship” through suppliers with the Chinese government for “more than three decades.” And the conditions the workers are subjected to, he added, “can only be described as ‘slave labor.'”

It’s no surprise to many Conservatives, of course. When you have such execrable outlets as the New York Times, in a truly gross display of soft-pedaling over the weekend, publishing coverage on Chinese face masks possibly being manufactured by Uighur forced labor, writing that it’s happening “through a contentious government-sponsored program that experts say often puts people to work against their will.” You don’t say.

As my colleague Joe Cunningham has covered thoroughly this week, the multiple Chang interviews are just one more reason why Tucker Carlson is so “dangerous” to the mainstream media — he keeps circling the target and refuses to let up.

I encourage you to watch the full Chang interview below, via Fox News:

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New York Times Accidentally..

New York Times Accidentally Publishes
Ghislaine Maxwell Obituary
Ahead Of Schedule

July 21st, 2020

NEW YORK, NY—Oops! The New York Times accidentally included Ghislaine Maxwell in its daily list of New Yorkers killed by COVID-19, publishing the socialite's name on its website Tuesday morning.

The glowing obituary called Maxwell a "generous, loving, austere childcare provider" who "will be missed by many of us elites." The piece said she was a "shrewd businesswoman" who had a knack for customer service. According to the paper, she died of the all-too-common cause of backing into a bunch of bullets by mistake.

The paper pulled her name from the website after Hillary Clinton's staffers called and informed them of the error.

"Ms. Clinton asked us to publish the obituary on Friday and we got our dates mixed up," said a Times spokesperson. "We apologize for the mistake, and we hope she is still OK. For now."

President Trump was concerned when he saw the death notice and so was happy to learn she was still alive, saying he "wishes her well."

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In The Fall, Democrats Will Lock Down America Again

The poison of polarization has clearly infected enough people to spark a partisan pandemic in which incessant hysteria will no longer be in good-faith concern for the public's well-being.

On Sunday, Florida Democratic Rep. Donna Shalala demanded Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis shut down the state again to break the coronavirus cases increase making its way through the population.

“We need to close down again,” Shalala said on ABC’s “This Week,” criticizing the state’s Republican leadership for reopening what she condemned as “too soon.” “I said four months ago if we don’t do this right we’re going to have to close down again. That’s our worst nightmare and we’re going to have to do that in Florida.”

Cases in Florida are indeed rising. On Saturday, the state reported 12,523 new infections in the fifth consecutive day of more than 10,000 cases. The death toll too has risen, but not as much as one might expect.

While Florida surpassed 5,000 COVID deaths this week, its fatality rate remains remarkably low considering its cases, particularly when compared to New York where Democratic Gov. Andrew Cuomo stuffed infected patients into nursing homes even though older people have proven more vulnerable to the virus. Florida has suffered approximately 231 deaths per million. In contrast, New York’s rate is about 1,675 per million.

The same story is playing out nationwide, where cases have gone up as the government ramps up testing capacity while the death rate barely budges, suggesting the virus is getting weaker as it spreads.

This won’t stop Democratic lawmakers from pursuing a second wave of lockdowns, however. California Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom already issued another major stay-home order last week affecting millions in the state. According to The New York Times, nearly half the country is following suit, with at least 21 states either pausing or reversing their reopenings.

Even while claiming to reopen in New York, Cuomo is slapping on unnecessary restrictions such as mandating customers order food with alcohol at bars and restaurants, because forcing people to eat has everything to do with coronavirus.

In Michigan, Democratic governor and top-tier candidate in the presidential veepstakes Gretchen Whitmer extended her state’s emergency declaration for the third time through Aug. 12 and issued a mask mandate last week threatening non-compliant residents with a $500 fine.

“The heroes on the front lines of this crisis have gone hours without taking their masks off every day, doctors, nurses, child care workers, grocery store workers. We owe it to them to wear our masks when we’re on a trip to the grocery store or pharmacy,” Whitmer said. “For the sake of your loved ones, let’s all mask up.”

The Michigan Retailers Association however, said Whitmer’s order were “impossible” to enforce because of vague exemptions included in the mandatory guidance.

“Determining the validity of an ambiguous exemption is an impossible task for a retailer,” the group said in response to the order. “And now, even retailers acting in good faith could be subject to severe licensing sanctions based on the actions of non-compliant customers.”

Recent events are only the beginning of a new second wave of lockdowns despite the absence of a second wave of viral fatalities, the latter of which is cause to celebrate, the former which is a dangerous slope.

Earlier this year, the nationwide campaign of “14 days to slow the spread” quickly morphed into “lock everybody up until there’s a vaccine.” Even as good news comes on the vaccine front this month, there is no certainty the world will see an effective vaccine before the end of the year, and there is even less that millions of doses will be available in that time.

Meanwhile, Democrats’ incentives for reimposing lockdowns are clear no matter the costs. With just more than 100 days until the election, Democrats can cite rising cases as ample reason to issue fresh shutdown orders in the name of “public health,” even as the lockdowns became worse than the cure.

To partially pay back Americans for the trillions in wealth shutting the economy steals from them,, Congress passed nearly $3 trillion in deficit spending. At least 100,000 small businesses were permanently closed. More than 40 million people at one point lost their jobs, and unemployment remains at a staggering 11.1 percent as millions are thrown out of work. Even worse, the lockdowns broke the nation’s psyche with 1 in 3 Americans reporting clinical signs of anxiety and depression by June.

The devil in the data for Democrats, however, showed promising signs for a rebounding economy emerging from the dark days of the dystopian lockdowns as states began to reopen earlier this spring.

“We are about to see the best economic data we’ve seen in the history of this country,” Obama economist Jason Furman warned a group of prominent Democrats in April, spiking fears among those on the call that a comeback economy could bolster President Donald Trump’s chances at re-election.

“This is my big worry,” one former Obama official told Politico, who said the “level of concern” was “high, high, high, high” among party leaders. 

The poison of polarization has clearly infected enough people to spark a partisan pandemic in which incessant hysteria will no longer be in good-faith concern for the public’s well-being but a calculated risk to defeat political opponents. No one, of course, would be stupid enough to say it out loud.

Republican Muslims question Muslim political group's endorsement of Biden

A major Muslim political group has endorsed Joe Biden, but members of the community are questioning the impact of his policies on Muslim Americans.

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Arms industry: Gun buys up 95%, ammo 139%, sales to blacks jump 58%

Wake County clarifies stay at home rules; allows gun shops to ...
Article by Paul Bedard in "The Washington Examiner":

The gun industry has never seen anything like 2020, and the explosion in sales driven by the concerns over rising crime, protests, the coronavirus crisis, and the presidential election are expected to continue.

“Bottom line is that there has never been a sustained surge in firearm sales quite like what we are in the midst of,” the National Shooting Sports Foundation, an industry trade group, said in a report shared with Secrets.

New sales and customer data collected from gun stores are even more shocking than the latest historic level of FBI background checks for purchases, security clearances, and concealed carry permits.


According to NSSF, purchases of guns have nearly doubled in the first six months of 2020 when compared to the same period last year. What’s more, ammo sales have surged 139%.

The evidence is everywhere. I recently went to a handful of Virginia gun stores and found shelves bare. One shop had only two old pistols on consignment. And the popular 9mm ammo is nearly impossible to find. A reloading store in Winchester, Virginia, didn’t even have 9mm bullets.

“Approximately 90 percent of retailers reported an increase in firearm and ammunition sales during the first half of 2020 versus the first half of 2019,” said the report.

Sales, meanwhile, aren't just to the traditional customer base of white males. The report said that the surge is among others, especially blacks, Asians, and Hispanics.

“The highest overall firearm sales increase comes from black men and women who show a 58.2% increase in purchases during the first six months of 2020 versus the same period last year,” said the report. 

FBI knew ‘collusion’ was a nothing-burger, but kept fake scandal alive anyway

‘We have not seen evidence of any individuals affiliated with the Trump team in contact with [Russian intelligence officers].”

How much wasted time on pointless investigations could have been prevented had Peter Strzok, then one of the FBI’s top counterintelligence officials who was spearheading the bureau’s Trump-Russia investigation, said this publicly one month into President Trump’s term?

But no, it was a private note by Strzok, for consumption within the FBI, to debunk a Feb. 14, 2017, New York Times article. The news story, a compilation by five of the Times’ top reporters, working four unnamed sources (the usual “current and former American officials”), claimed that members of the Trump campaign had “repeated contacts with senior Russian intelligence officials” before the 2016 election.

This was false. Just as important, the FBI knew it was false.

But we, the American people, only know that now, in 2020, 
because Strzok’s notes were finally made public on Friday.

The Times article centrally identified former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort as a key adviser in communication with Kremlin spies. Strzok, however, countered that the bureau was “unaware of any calls with any Russian government official in which Manafort was a party.”

Significantly, the Times report was part of a tireless campaign of government leaks, mostly from current and former intelligence operatives (undoubtedly from officials who either worked in agencies still teeming with Obama holdovers or left government after serving the Obama administration).

The story was published just after the firing of Michael Flynn, Trump’s first national security adviser. As part of the Trump transition, Flynn had engaged in perfectly appropriate contacts with Russia’s ambassador to the United States, but had been publicly portrayed as if he were a clandestine agentworking for Moscow against the country he’d bled for as a decorated US Army commander.

The narrative of “Trump collusion with Russia” was pure fiction. The public officials who peddled it to a voracious anti-Trump press had to know it was bunk. Yet they fed the beast anyway, regardless of the cloud this created, regardless of how much it harmed the administration’s capacity to govern.

Worse: This was not merely a media scam. The FBI and the Obama Justice Department made similar representations, under oath, to the federal court that oversees secret government surveillance programs.

By the time of the Times report, the bureau and Obama DOJ had obtained warrants to monitor former Trump campaign adviser Cater Page in October 2016 and January 2017.

In each warrant, the court was told: “The FBI believes that the Russian Government’s efforts to influence the 2016 presidential campaign were being coordinated with Page and perhaps other individuals associated with [Trump’s] campaign.” Moreover, the warrant applications painted a picture of a “conspiracy of cooperation” between Donald Trump and the Putin regime, with Manafort at the hub, using such underlings as Page and Trump’s former lawyer, Michael Cohen, as intermediaries.

It was complete nonsense, largely based on the so-called dossier compiled by former British spy Christopher Steele, working on behalf of the Hillary Clinton campaign. Strzok’s notes attest that the FBI knew Steele’s reporting was highly suspect.

And that’s not the half of it. The Senate Judiciary Committee, at the same time it disclosed Strzok’s notes, also released a lengthy internal FBI memorandum detailing that Steele had immense credibility problems. In particular, his reporting was based on third-hand (or even less reliable) hearsay and innuendo. It was funneled to him through a sub-source who told the FBI, in a lengthy February 2017 interview, that the dossier claims were exaggerations and innuendo gussied up to seem like real intelligence.

Yet, despite knowing that, far from dropping its bogus investigation, the FBI doubled down, seeking new warrants in April and June, failing to correct its misrepresentations.

It is a shocking black eye for American law enforcement and intelligence agencies. The Justice Department’s criminal investigation is said to be reaching its conclusion.

Americans need answers.

Quick Thoughts About Ginsburg

 File:Ruth Bader Ginsburg 2016 portrait.jpg - Wikimedia Commons

Article by ChadB in "RedState":
It is being reported that Ruth Bader Ginsburg is being treated for a recurrence of liver cancer.  This is incorrect, and the reporters who are saying that don’t understand how cancer works.  I’m not insulting them, cancer is an odd beast, and Ginsburg’s statement intentionally obfuscates the issue.

Statement from Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg:
On May 19, I began a course of chemotherapy (gemcitabine) to treat a recurrence of cancer. A periodic scan in February followed by a biopsy revealed lesions on my liver. My recent hospitalizations to remove gall stones and treat an infection were unrelated to this recurrence.
Immunotherapy first essayed proved unsuccessful. The chemotherapy course, however, is yielding positive results. Satisfied that my treatment course is now clear, I am providing this information.
My most recent scan on July 7 indicated significant reduction of the liver lesions and no new disease. I am tolerating chemotherapy well and am encouraged by the success of my current treatment.  I will continue bi-weekly chemotherapy to keep my cancer at bay, and am able to maintain an active daily routine. Throughout, I have kept up with opinion writing and all other Court work.
I have often said I would remain a member of the Court as long as I can do the job full steam. I remain fully able to do that.

The bolding is mine.  The cancer has come back.  Separately she has lesions on her liver.  If liver lesions can be treated surgically they generally are, but often they cannot be removed with surgery.  This is not a liver cancer, it is cancer that has spread to the liver.  She had a similar statement about lesions in the lung – not lung cancer.  Ginsburg has had colon cancer and pancreatic cancer, and has had lesions in the lung and on her liver.  Between colon and pancreatic cancers it is pancreatic that will spread to both lung and liver.  The chemo in use is gemcitabine.
Gemcitabine:  Acording to the National Cancer Institute it is approved for use in treating four types of cancer: Breast, non-small-cell Lung, Ovarian, Pancreatic.  For patients with pancreatic cancer it is used alone in patients whose disease is locally advanced or metastatic and who have been treated with fluorouracil.

Immunotherapy is generally a “last effort” in cancer treatment.  That is, you get immunotherapy after everything else fails.  Justice Ginsburg probably has stage 4 pancreatic cancer, and it was diagnosed 6 months ago.  She has already received radiation therapy relatively recently and likely is not a candidate for additional radiation to the abdomen.    The cancer cannot be treated with immunotherapy.  That leaves chemotherapy, and gemcitabine is only used after fluorouracil has failed.

Notice that the treatment course is clear.  This does not specify that the doctors are attempting to cure the cancer.  In fact, in the release the goal is to “keep the cancer at bay.”  Sometimes the goal of therapy is either an extra couple months of life or to reduce symptoms.  In a “keep the cancer at bay” approach typically it is expected that the lesions will shrink then hold steady for a bit (for a few months total), then rapidly spread leading to a decline in health and death over the course of a couple of weeks.  My personal hope is that Justice Ginsburg comes to a saving knowledge of Christ before she shuffles off of this mortal coil.  Unlike many she has been given ample heads up

Let's stop the nonsense about federal agents in Portland


There have been conflicting reports about federal agents in camouflage and unmarked vehicles detaining protesters in Portland, Ore., without cause. This comes on the heels of scenes of federal officers, outfitted in blue shirts and tactical vests but no official patches or badges, protecting facilities in Washington, D.C., in June. The events have called into question the role of federal law enforcement and how it intersects with traditional policing. 

While many federal law enforcement agencies are investigative in nature and have special agents, not police officers, some do have a more traditional police role. The Secret Service Uniformed Division has been in operation since 1922 and provides traditional law enforcement services around the White House and foreign embassies in the U.S. Its agents conduct operations around the president and other dignitaries, including K-9, explosive ordnance disposal, and counter-assault teams. The Capitol Police is approximately 1,500 police officers strong and functions much like a traditional police department. Many other agencies have uniformed police officers as well, including the FBI, whose police officers protect the agency’s headquarters, FBI Academy in Quantico, Va., and its enormous field offices in Washington and New York. 

For all the controversy that surrounds J. Edgar Hoover today, the longtime FBI director, who died nearly a half-century ago, strongly opposed the notion of establishing a national police force. It was a primary motive for Hoover’s setting up the FBI National Academy (FBINA) in 1935. Not to be confused with the academy that trains new FBI special agents, the FBINA created the first executive training for police supervisors, some of whom were the only members of their departments to receive any formal training long ago. Today, the FBINA remains the gold standard for senior police officers who lead departments across the country and the world. 

But recent videos of federal agents in Portland detaining suspects has sparked debate, and critics of President Trump and Attorney General William Barr are making analogies to secret military operations and private armies. Sen. Jeff Merkley (D-Ore.) said “they are snatching people off the street with no underlying justification.” House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) referred to federal agents in Portland as “Stormtroopers” in a tweet. Said Juan Chavez, director of the civil rights project at the Oregon Justice Resource Center: “It’s like stop and frisk meets Guantanamo Bay.” This is nonsense.   

The federal building and courthouse in Portland have been under assault by demonstrators for more than two weeks. In addition to the “mere graffiti” that opponents of the federal response have pointed to, there has been substantial damage to windows and doors; protesters have attempted to set fire to the facility; and federal agents attempting to stop the violence have been assaulted while the protestors blind them with laser lights. Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler has sided with the protesters and told Portland police to back down. Last week he told the acting Homeland Security Secretary Chad Wolf to send the federal agents away

While all Americans cherish the right to peaceably assemble and petition the government for a redress of grievances, what’s happening in Oregon is not that. Most jurisdictions, Portland included, require protesters to apply for a permit and comply with laws and regulations relating to protest activity. But in recent weeks, police response in cities such as Seattle, Portland and New York has been to allow protesters to flagrantly break the law without recourse. A protester who assaulted the New York Police Department chief of department during a demonstration on the Brooklyn Bridge on Thursday leaving him bloodied, was released without bail

The federal government is sovereign to the states and does not need a governor’s or mayor’s permission to enforce federal law. If local police will not protect federal property, the federal government can. Contrary to some media reports, the federal agents making arrests in Portland can be seen wearing identifying patches on their uniforms, with “police” emblazoned on their vests, and Acting Commissioner Mark Morgan has confirmed they are Customs and Border Protection (CBP) agents. The agents have appeared in rented, unmarked vans because they are on temporary duty assignments in Portland; it’s not an effort to keep their identities secret.
Critics have pointed to arrests made by these agents away from the federal courthouse as evidence they are rounding up “innocent protesters.” Federal agents are not precluded from making probable-cause arrests, or arrests based on warrants, away from federal property. Since many of these federal teams have been in place for weeks, it is likely they have arrest packages on individuals accused of previously committing crimes who are now being identified through investigations. In several videos, agents can be seen bypassing individuals to arrest persons of apparent interest; these appear to be targeted operations, not the roundup of innocents. 

All of law enforcement is accountable to the citizens by way of their elected officials. If the people of Portland, Seattle and New York are fine with having anarchy in their streets, they can continue to vote for politicians who handcuff the police and back them down. If the rest of the country wants federal law enforcement to look like that, too, they can vote that way in November. In the meantime, however, the hyperbolic references comparing U.S. federal agents to Guantanamo Bay, Stormtroopers and Nazis should stop.  

Trump gets serious about the illegitimate political power wielded by illegals with executive order on Congressional representation

The gangs of El Salvador: inside the prison the guards are too ...
Article by Monica Showalter in "The American Thinker":

Does our vote matter as Americans, or can anyone - say, citizens of El Salvador, China, Mexico, or Philippines --  have full American legislative representation and all of its powers, just by having two feet here?

That's the deeply relevant issue from President Trump's executive order to exclude illegal immigrants from the count for congressional representation. According to Fox News:

President Trump on Tuesday signed an executive order to prevent illegal immigrants from being counted for the purposes of re-drawing congressional districts after the 2020 census -- reheating a fiery debate from last year on if illegal immigrants should be counted in the census.
"This is all part of a broader left-wing effort to erode the rights of Americans citizens, and I will not stand for it," he said.
The order says that for the purposes of reapportionment, "it is the policy of the United States to exclude from the apportionment base aliens who are not in a lawful immigration the maximum extent feasible and consistent with the discretion delegated to the executive branch."

Trump's measure seems like a quixotic effort, for sure, given that the courts, even the Supreme Court, rules against even the most ordinary enforcement of established immigration law as long as President Trump is involved, constantly siding with the interests of illegally present foreign nationals instead. The U.S. Census question asking about citizenship was nixed by the Roberts court, even though the question had been asked for more than a century in one heck of a precedent. The Court also nixed Trump's bid to end President Obama's executive order on DACA, which itself was a highly questionable override of a law that failed to pass in Congress and shouldn't have been on the books at all. Seems any executive order President Obama makes is now permanent law according to this Supremes precedent, with any future Republican presidents prohibited from getting rid of it, or else making a new executive order. So it's natural to think that this bid to halt congressional representation by illegals from President Trump will be all for nought. 

Give Trump credit for fighting for rule of law as it's written, maybe. 

For sure, there will be another fight from the radical left and the courts may well side with the crazies.

ACLU says in statement it will sue Trump over recent executive order excluding undocumented people from the census apportionment count

But there is great value in what President Trump is doing, in that he's bringing forward to the public that not all of our representatives in Congress actually represent Americans. 

Certain districts of Los Angeles County, for instance, more accurately represent states of Mexico or El Salvador, given the sizable illegals tally. These Congresspeople, all leftist Democrats, all wield the same amount of power as districts solely populated by Americans.

Should El Salvador really be entitled to a Congressional seat just because it's encouraged its nationals to move illegally to America? Does China? You can bet these congressional representatives will naturally support the interests of these countries. 

But is that actually fair? If El Salvador gets a seat in the U.S. Congress, why shouldn't, say, France get a seat, too, or Australia, if this is how it's going to be? El Salvador, to take another example, calls Los Angeles County its 15th departamento (state) based on the number of its illegally present nationals there, and El Salvador's newspapers cover Los Angeles County as a domestic beat.

In any case, nations respond to incentives, and free congressional representation without the bother of diplomacy is a game some malevolent nations are very likely to play. How long is it going to take for China to recognize that the way to get a voice in Congress is not through diplomatic persuasion but by seeding a congressional district or two with its own nationals, legal or illegal, and in the throes of the Chinese government. Forgive them the smuggling fees in order to pad a congressional district? It wouldn't be surprising if it's already happened.

Some of the most powerful Democrats in Congress and in various statehouses, already represent districts with voting turnout figures of around 9% and an even tinier number when all residents, registered voters, legal aliens, illegal aliens and minors, are tallied. Political consultants call these 'dead' districts. That's because illegals generally don't vote, although this may change with ballot harvesters, some themselves illegal, now going door-to-door in places like California to let illegals know that the Democratic Party know where they live, while very few illegal voting cases by foreign nationals are ever prosecuted, and certainly not in blue states. Democrats are really big on ballot-harvesting these days.

 Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is very likely in this 'dead district' category. Her Bronx/Queens 14th district sported a 37,825 voter turnout rate in last month's New York primary (of which she drew all of 27,460 votes), and he average congressional district represents 711,000 people. What we see are 27,460 voters representing a 711,000 or so district. A tally like this shows that it's quite likely that she draws her power in Congress not from Americans but from the presence of illegally present foreign nationals padding her district and whose loyalties may well be at odds with those of the United States.

Bad as the outlook is for Trump, the Trumpsters aren't giving up, and that is a good sign. They are in fact giving some pretty good reasons for the executive order that are going to be hard for Justice Roberts to dismiss easily.

According to Fox News:

"Today’s action to exclude illegal aliens from the apportionment base reflects a better understanding of the Constitution and is consistent with the principles of our representative democracy," Trump said. "My Administration will not support giving congressional representation to aliens who enter or remain in the country unlawfully, because doing so would create perverse incentives and undermine our system of government.  Just as we do not give political power to people who are here temporarily, we should not give political power to people who should not be here at all."

There will be a protracted argument about the constitutional provision of "persons in each state" as if all illegally present Americans were planted here like elms. (Reality: a very large number go back and forth). 

There will be another argument about how resources are distributed, which is a function of the Census. After all, if a Los Angeles school district has a majority illegal child population, and a law that it must teach them, it's going to need resources. The Trumpsters can argue that the Census count on legal and illegal residents is not part of this, just the question of unearned political representation.

There will also be arguments about where the Trump administration is going to find out who is in the country illegally, particularly since the Census citizenship question loses a useful pointer. The White House has said it has more accurate ways of determining illegals, which may come to the fore and it will have to be ready for answers.

Some conservatives will argue that the best solution will simply be removing illegals, which is true - if there were decent enforcement at all this wouldn't happen. But a structure that supports illegal immigration and gives illegals real political power in their representation is a very major part of the problem. Knocking down the structural incentives to illegal immigration is important because it's a big reason why the U.S. cannot get control of its borders or its immigration situation at all. If nothing else, maybe it will remind the citizen voters that representation is important and get them to turn out to vote. 

Legal Briefs Over Whether Judge Sullivan Can Keep Harassing Michael Flynn

While there is no set time limit for a vote, we should know the answer within about 10 days. And if we haven’t heard by then, here's what it most likely means.

Judge Emmett Sullivan has no business seeking a rehearing by the full D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals of the panel decision granting Michael Flynn’s petition for mandamus. Both Flynn’s attorney, Sidney Powell, and the U.S. government hammered that point yesterday in their answers to Sullivan’s petition for rehearing en banc.

Powell had sought mandamus from the D.C. Circuit after Sullivan refused to dismiss the criminal charge against her client. After uncovering exculpatory evidence Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s team had withheld from Flynn’s defense attorneys, federal prosecutors moved to dismiss the single charge of lying to the FBI that the special counsel’s office had levied against Flynn in late 2017.

That evidence included notes establishing the FBI had no legitimate investigative purpose to question Flynn about his telephone conversations with the Russian ambassador and suggested instead that the ambush interview provide a perjury trap to out Flynn from the Trump administration. Even then, as revealed by additional notes disclosed last week, the agents who questioned Flynn did not believe he had lied during the interview.

Nonetheless, after lawyers wordsmithed the 302 interview summaries, the special counsel team concocted a federal charge to squeeze Flynn’s cooperation in the Russia investigation. Flynn pled guilty to the charge following threats by prosecutors to target his son.

Flynn later attempted to withdraw the plea after firing his original attorneys and replacing them with Powell. That motion was still pending when the Department of Justice filed a motion to dismiss the criminal charge based on its conclusion, following an independent review of the case by an outside U.S. attorney, that no crime had been committed.

Rather than dismiss the charge, presiding judge Sullivan appointed John Gleeson, a retired judge who had just penned an anti-Flynn op-ed for the Washington Post, as amicus curiae. Gleeson proceeded to pen a political hit piece under the guise of a legal brief, filing his amicus brief with the trial court as Flynn’s attorney headed to the D.C. Circuit to challenge Sullivan’s refusal to dismiss the criminal charge.

Powell had filed a petition for a writ of mandamus with the appellate court, seeking an order directing Sullivan to grant the government’s motion. Questioning by the three-judge panel during the mid-June oral argument left many expecting a defeat for Flynn. Obama-appointee Robert Wilkins seemed certain to deny the requested relief, while Karen Henderson (whom George H.W. Bush elevated to the D.C. Circuit) expressed grave concern about the propriety of ordering Sullivan to dismiss the case. As the long-time federal judge queried, Why not let judge rule first?

Twelve days later, in a 2–1 decision authored by Trump appointee Neomi Rao, the court ordered Judge Sullivan to grant the government’s motion to dismiss. Judge Wilkins filed a dissent. Rather than dismiss the charge, though, Sullivan filed a petition for rehearing en banc, asking the entire D.C. Circuit to reconsider the case. The appellate court then directed Powell to answer the petition for rehearing and invited the federal government to do so, if it wished. Yesterday, both briefs were filed.

The briefs hit three main points. First, the answers focused on the propriety of en banc review, stressing that the full court should only reconsider cases under very narrow circumstances. Federal Rules of Appellate Procedure provide that an en banc “rehearing is not favored and ordinarily will not be ordered unless: (1) en banc consideration is necessary to secure or maintain uniformity of the court’s decisions; or (2) the proceeding involves a question of exceptional importance.”

In arguing against rehearing en banc, the government and Flynn’s legal team stressed that the panel decision applied controlling circuit and Supreme Court precedent and did not present a “question of exceptional importance.”

Next, the briefs analyzed the merits of the various arguments presented by both Judge Sullivan and dissenting Judge Wilkins. This discussion rehashed many of the points previously made concerning mandamus, Rule 48, which governs dismissal of charges, and separation of powers principles.

Finally, and the most interesting point raised, was the general impropriety of Sullivan’s attempt to seek a rehearing. The government devoted an entirely separate section of its argument to stress this point, writing: “The parties, and now a panel of this Court, agree that this case should come to an end. Yet the district judge, first through his contemplation of extended and intrusive proceedings on the government’s motion to dismiss and now through his petition for rehearing en banc, insists on keeping the litigation going.”

The government then highlighted the many problems presented by a federal judge attempting to “keeping the litigation going.” For one, the government noted, Judge Sullivan doesn’t have legal standing to seek rehearing because standing requires a “personal stake” in the case. “But a judge does not have — and under the Due Process Clause — cannot have — such a stake,” the government’s answer stressed.

Next, the government stressed that under Federal Rules of Appellate Procedure “only a ‘party’ may petition for rehearing en banc,” and Sullivan is not a party — not even a nominal one. And then there was a lack of court authorization: Since a district court can only address the petition for mandamus if invited or ordered by the court, how then could Judge Sullivan seek a petition for rehearing without an invitation or order by the court?

Sullivan also did not have permission from the solicitor general to file a petition for rehearing. Such permission is required, according to the government, by federal statute and Supreme Court precedent. On behalf of Flynn, Powell hit these same points: Sullivan does not have standing because he has not been injured! The judge is supposed to be the umpire, Powell wrote; he has no place at the plate. With the government and Flynn in agreement, it’s time to finally turn the lights out. But will the D.C. Circuit agree?

Here’s your “inside baseball” primer on the next steps, to stick with Powell’s metaphor. With the answers in, all of the active judges — this excludes the “senior judges” who are semi-retired — on the D.C. Circuit will review the arguments and begin the internal debate. Any of those judges can call for a vote, just as any of the judges could call for an answer.

Most likely, the judges will let the panel members share their thoughts first. For the most part, these exchanges will take place electronically through emailed vote sheets, with comments attached, although a few judges may chat privately with each other on their thoughts.

Given that Wilkins dissented from the panel decision, it seems likely he requested an answer from Powell and the government on Judge Sullivan’s petition. Given his strident questioning and dissent, it also seems likely he will call for a vote. For the case to be heard en banc, though, a majority of the 11 active judges must vote to rehear the case before the full court.

Whether Wilkins can collect five other votes is unclear, but if this were a normal case, it would be unlikely that a majority of the judges would want to expend the time to resolve an issue unlikely to occur ever again. But this isn’t a normal case, and when politics are in play — and Sullivan has demonstrated they are — propriety goes out the window. Sullivan has proven the latter point in spades as well. The question remains, though, whether the appellate court will join suit.

While there is no set time limit for a vote, we should know the answer within about 10 days. And if we haven’t heard by then, it most likely means the votes are not there to go en banc, but one or more judges intend to file a dissent to the denial of the petition for rehearing en banc to pontificate about Flynn, or U.S. Attorney General William Barr, or Trump.

Or, who knows, maybe someone might instead use the opportunity to condemn Flynn’s crucifixion  — both by Mueller’s team and by Judge Sullivan.