Monday, July 20, 2020

St. Louis couple charged for pulling guns at protest

 Mark and Patricia McCloskey | AP Photo

ST. LOUIS — St. Louis’ top prosecutor told The Associated Press on Monday that she is charging a white husband and wife with felony unlawful use of a weapon for displaying guns during a racial injustice protest outside their mansion.

Circuit Attorney Kim Gardner announced the charges against Mark and Patricia McCloskey, who are both personal injury attorneys in their 60s. They also face a misdemeanor charge of fourth-degree assault.
Gardner said in an interview with the AP ahead of more broadly announcing the charges that the McCloskeys’ actions risked creating a violent situation during an otherwise nonviolent protest.

“It is illegal to wave weapons in a threatening manner — that is unlawful in the city of St. Louis,” Gardner said.

Gardner is recommending a diversion program such as community service rather than jail time if the McCloskeys are convicted. Typically, class E felonies could result in up to four years in prison.

Supporters of the McCloskeys said they were legally defending their $1.15 million home. Photos emerged as memes on both sides of the gun debate.

Several Republican leaders have condemned Gardner’s investigation, including President Donald Trump, Missouri Gov. Mike Parson and Sen. Josh Hawley, who has urged Attorney General William Barr to undertake a civil rights investigation of Gardner. Parson said in a radio interview Friday that he would likely pardon the couple if they were charged and convicted.

Gardner said Trump, Parson and others are attacking her to distract from “their failed approach to the COVID-19 pandemic” and other issues.
St. Louis, like many cities across the country, has seen demonstrations in the weeks since George Floyd’s death in Minneapolis, and the McCloskeys’ home was initially incidental to the demonstration on June 28. Several hundred people were marching to the home of Democratic Mayor Lyda Krewson, a few blocks from the McCloskeys’ home. Krewson had angered activists by reading on Facebook Live the names and addresses of some who had called for defunding police.
The McCloskeys live on a private street called Portland Place. A police report said the couple heard a loud commotion and saw a large group of people break an iron gate marked with “No Trespassing” and “Private Street” signs. A protest leader, the Rev. Darryl Gray, said the gate was open and that protesters didn’t damage it.

Video posted online showed Mark McCloskey wielding a long-barreled gun and Patricia McCloskey waving a small handgun. No shots were fired.

Trump spoke by phone with Parson last week to criticize Gardner’s investigation. Parson, when he was in the Legislature, co-authored Missouri’s “castle doctrine” law that justifies deadly force for those who are defending their homes from intruders. He has said that the McCloskeys “had every right to protect their property.”

Gardner declined to discuss why she decided the castle doctrine didn’t apply.

The McCloskeys’ attorney, Albert Watkins, said they are longtime civil rights advocates and support the message of the Black Lives Matter movement. He said they grabbed their guns when two or three white protesters violently threatened the couple, their property and that of their neighbors.

Gardner, St. Louis’ first Black circuit attorney, has been at odds with some in the St. Louis establishment since her election in 2016. Most notably, her office charged then-Gov. Eric Greitens with felony invasion of privacy in 2018 for allegedly taking a compromising photo of a woman during an extramarital affair. The charge was eventually dropped, but Greitens resigned in June 2018.

A private investigator Gardner hired to investigate the claims against Greitens was later indicted for perjury for allegedly lying during a deposition. His case is pending.

Gardner also has butted heads with police leaders, especially after she developed an “exclusion list” of more than two dozen officers who were barred from serving as primary witnesses in criminal cases over what Gardner called credibility concerns. The move angered Police Chief John Hayden, who also is Black.

In January, Gardner filed a federal lawsuit accusing the city, the police union and others of a coordinated and racist conspiracy aimed at forcing her out of office. The lawsuit also accused “entrenched interests” of intentionally impeding her efforts to change racist practices.

Several Black leaders in St. Louis have expressed support for Gardner, including U.S. Rep. William Lacy Clay, a Democrat, who has said protesters “should never be subject to the threat of deadly force, whether by individuals or by the police.” 

U.K. Orders 90 Million Covid-19 Vaccine Doses from Pfizer, Valneva

 Article by Thomas Mulier in "Bloomberg":

The U.K. has signed agreements to buy 90 million doses of vaccines in development by drugmakers including Pfizer Inc., BioNTech SE and Valneva SE, joining countries around the world racing to secure supplies of protection against Covid-19.

Pfizer and BioNTech plan to supply 30 million doses of their vaccine candidate this year and next, the companies said. France’s Valneva agreed to supply the U.K. with 60 million doses of the shot it’s developing, and another 40 million if the product proves safe and effective.

Britain has already struck a supply agreement for a vaccine being tested by AstraZeneca Plc with the University of Oxford. Astra shares rose as much as 5.8% to a record in London ahead of news from a clinical trial due later on Monday.

The U.K., a nation of 66 million people, described the order for the vaccine being developed by Pfizer and BioNTech as that alliance’s first binding agreement with any government. The U.S. has been supporting the companies’ efforts through its $10 billion Operation Warp Speed research program.

“It’s the right thing to be doing to be at the absolute front of the queue to make sure we’re in a position to get those vaccines first when they become available,” Education Secretary Gavin Williamson told the BBC during the government’s media round on Monday.

The vaccine uses a new technology called mRNA, which spurs the body to create specific proteins with its own cells. By contrast, Valneva’s experimental product is further behind and relies on technology it’s used in another vaccine.

BioNTech Data

BioNTech said Monday a study of its experimental vaccine conducted in Germany on 60 healthy adult volunteers triggered an antibody response, echoing earlier results from a U.S. test. What’s more, researchers found that patients had a T-cell response, which bodes well for their ability to fend off the virus. BioNTech shares surged 10% in Germany. Pfizer gained 4% in trading before U.S. markets opened. 

The U.K. also ordered treatments containing antibodies that neutralize Covid-19 from AstraZeneca.
Unlike the Astra and Pfizer collaborations, Valneva isn’t in the lead of the coronavirus vaccine race, but the French company would manufacture the product at its factory in Livingston, Scotland. The experimental shot will enter clinical studies by the end of the year and Valneva said it expects the U.K. government to help fund the research.

Chief Executive Thomas Lingelbach said the Lyon-based company may manufacture vaccines for Covid-19 beyond the U.K. As part of its pandemic response, Valneva plans to boost investments in its manufacturing facilities both in Livingston and in Solna, Sweden. Valneva shares rose 15% in Paris trading.

The Valneva vaccine uses the manufacturing technology developed for Ixiaro, the company’s shot for Japanese encephalitis. The company is also working on experimental vaccines for Lyme disease and chikungunya.

Homeland Security sending 150 agents to Chicago this week

Article by Rebecca Klar of "The Hill":
The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is planning to send 150 federal agents to Chicago this week, The Chicago Tribune reported Monday. The Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) agents are set to assist other federal law enforcement and Chicago police in crime-fighting efforts, the Tribune reported citing unnamed sources. A specific plan on what the agents will be doing has not been made public, according to the Tribune. One city official told the newspaper that the city was aware of the plan but not any specifics. The move would come as Democratic leaders have condemned the Trump administration for sending federal officials to Portland, Ore., where there have been reports of people being picked up by agents in unmarked vans.

Acting Deputy Homeland Security Secretary Ken Cuccinelli on Monday said the efforts in Portland could be extended to other cities if there are spikes in violent protests.

The ACLU condemned the actions of the administration
“Make no mistake: Trump’s federal troops will not be a constructive force in Chicago," Colleen Connell, executive director of the ACLU of Illinois, said in a statement.

"As our colleagues have seen in Portland, Trump’s secret forces will terrorize communities and create chaos. This is not law and order. This is an assault on the people of this country, and the specific protections of protest and press in the First Amendment," Connell said.

One Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) official in Chicago confirmed the deployment to the Tribune. The official said the HSI agents, who are part of ICE, would not be involved in immigration or deportation matters. 

A DHS official was not immediately available for comment when contacted by The Hill. 

Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot (D) and President Trump have publicly feuded recently, with each blaming the other for violence in the city. Trump sent a letter last month to Lightfoot and Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker (D) accusing the Democrats of failing the city amid a string of violent incidents in Chicago. 

Lightfoot said last week on MSNBC that gun violence in her city is a direct result of Trump’s failure to take action on gun reform legislation. 

“If you go back over many years President Trump has said a lot of disparaging things about the city of Chicago. He likes to use us as a political punching bag,” Lightfoot said. “But if the president was really committed to helping us deal with our violence he would do some easy things.” 

Democrats have widely condemned President Trump and his administration for sending federal law enforcement officials to U.S. cities amid protests. 

Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler (D) said Sunday the presence of federal law enforcement is leading to more violence in the city and called for their removal. 

“They are not helping us, they are hurting us. They are escalating an already dangerous situation,” Wheeler said on CNN’s “State of the Union." “And what I want to do is raise awareness nationally. This could happen in your city, and what we’re seeing is a blatant abuse of police tactics by the federal government, by a Trump administration that's falling in the polls, and this is a direct threat to our democracy.”

Oregon Attorney General Ellen Rosenblum (D) sued federal agencies on Friday over the detention of protesters, and the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) filed a similar lawsuit against federal agencies over deploying the agents to quell demonstrators in Portland. 

The ACLU and other civil rights groups also filed a lawsuit earlier this month against the Trump administration and the Washington, D.C., Metropolitan Police Department over the forcible clearing of Lafayette Square on June 1.

Amid reports that federal law enforcement officials are using unmarked vehicles to detain protesters in Portland, three House Democratic chairs on Sunday sent a letter to government watchdogs calling for an investigation of the use of federal force in U.S. cities. 

GOP Continue Quest Against Slavery With New Bill Punishing Businesses Who Use Chinese Slave Labor

Slavery AP featured image

Article by Brandon Morse in "RedState":

Slavery is a moral evil and we can all agree on that, however, so many of us use products created by slave labor that it’s become intertwined within our society. Many things we use daily are created by slave labor, from phones to shoes. What’s more, many people don’t even know that their products are being created that way.

It looks even worse when the same companies utilizing slave labor are some of the most vocal in terms of social justice.

According to The Federalist, Republicans are continuing their long tradition of damaging the institution of slavery by making these American companies you rely on it pays a hefty fine for utilizing it. The effort is being led by Sen. Josh Hawley, who even makes the purpose of the bill pretty plain in its name:

The Slave-Free Business Certification Act would require every American business that takes in over $500 million worldwide to conduct audits and have CEOs certify to the U.S. Department of Labor that their companies are not using slave labor in their supply chains, in addition to publishing a report of the company’s efforts to ensure their supply chains are free of forced labor. The bill would also allow the Labor Secretary to fine companies up to $500 million for failing to comply.
“Corporate America and the celebrities that hawk their products talk up corporate social responsibility and social justice at home while making millions of dollars off the slave labor that assembles their products,” Hawley said. “Executives build woke, progressive brands for American consumers, but happily outsource labor to Chinese concentration camps.”

As the Federalist pointed out, Forbes reported on findings that showed 83 companies were utilizing forced labor in order to craft their products, and many of these companies are some of the most successful brands in America:

Although journalists have in the past linked Western companies to forced Uighur labor, this is the first time the problem is made apparent on such a large scale, enveloping factories and supply chains across the country. The 83 foreign and Chinese companies that ASPI has identified as directly or indirectly benefiting from the potentially abusive transfer programs for Uighurs include clothing brands such as Adidas, Gap, Tommy Hilfiger and Uniqlo; carmakers such as BMW, General Motors, Jaguar and Mercedes Benz; and tech giants such as Apple, Google, Huawei and Microsoft.

Some of these companies are very loud about their efforts for social change and equality. Apple CEO Tim Cook boasted in June that Apple would be a “force for change” when the Black Lives Matter protests has kicked into high gear.
“This country was founded on the principles of freedom and equality for all. For too many people, and for too long, we haven’t lived up to those ideas. This means taking action,” Cook said in a statement.

Both Nike and Adidas are linked to the Uighur slavery chain, yet both of them also made virtue signal statements about how peoples are affected by systematic problems after George Floyd’s murder.

Hawley’s bill, if it passes, will force these corporations to put their money where their mouth is in terms of reaching real equality. Slavery should not be supported, and companies taking advantage of it should be made to feel the harm they cause.

Masks mandatory in France amid fresh outbreaks

France has made face masks compulsory in all enclosed public spaces amid a fresh bout of Covid-19 outbreaks.
Masks were already mandatory on public transport, but from Monday they must also be worn in places like shops.
Health Minister Oliver Véran warned that France had between "400 and 500 active clusters" of the virus.
President Emmanuel Macron declared a "first victory" over the virus in June and has ended the national state of emergency, but local outbreaks remain.
There are a rising number of cases in the north-west and in eastern regions, in particular in the north-western department of Mayenne.
France, one of Europe's hardest-hit countries, has recorded more than 200,000 infections and over 30,000 deaths since the start of the pandemic.

What's happening in France?

Face masks are now compulsory in all enclosed public spaces, including shops where previously owners were able to decide themselves whether customers should wear coverings or not. Anyone caught without a mask faces a fine of €135 (£123; $154).

Will 2021 Be 1984?

It’s all about the power, not the equality.

Cultural revolutions are insidious and not just because they seek to change the way people think, write, speak, and act. They are also dangerous because they are fueled by self-righteous sanctimoniousness, expressed in seemingly innocuous terms such as “social activism,” “equality,” and “fairness.”

The ultimate aim of the Jacobin, Bolshevik, or Maoist is raw power—force of the sort sought by Hugo Chavez or the Castro dynasty to get rich, inflict payback on their perceived enemies, reward friends, and pose as saviors.

Cubans and Venezuelans got poor and killed; woke Chavezes and Castros got rich and murderous.

Leftist agendas are harder to thwart than those of right-wing dictators such as Spain’s Francisco Franco because they mask their ruthlessness with talk of sacrifice for the “poor” and concern about the “weak.” 

Strong-man Baathists, Iranian Khomeinists, and the German National Socialists claimed they hated capitalism. So beware when the Marxist racialists who run Black Lives Matter, the wannabe Maoists of Antifa, the George Soros-paid activists, “the Squad” and hundreds of state and local officials like them in cities such as Portland, Seattle, and Minneapolis, and Big Tech billionaires take power. These are “caring” people who couldn’t care less about the working classes or the hundreds of African-Americans murdered in America’s inner cities.

Vice President as President

If Joe Biden is elected, the effort to remove him by those now supporting him will begin the day after the election and it will not be as crude as rounding up a Yale psychiatrist to testify to his dementia in Congress or shaming the White House physician to give him the Montreal Cognitive Assessment Test in the manner that the Left went after Donald Trump.

It will be far more insidious and successful: leaked stories to the New York Times and Washington Post from empathetic White House insiders will speak of how “heroically” Biden is fighting his inevitable decline—and how gamely he tries to marshal his progressive forces even as his faculties desert him. We would read about why Biden is a national treasure by sacrificing his health to get elected and then nobly bowing out as he realized the cost of his sacrifice on his person and family. 

In the past until now, there was zero chance that the hard Left would ever win an American election. No socialist has ever come close. Even Bernie Sanders accepted that the Democratic establishment for six years broke rules, leveraged candidates to drop out, and warped the media to ensure that he would remain a septuagenarian blowhard railing at the wind from one of his three houses. George McGovern was buried by a landslide. Most Democrats, after Kennedy and until Obama, never won the popular vote unless possessed of a Southern-accented hinting at centrism.

Only the Great Depression and World War II ensured four terms of FDR, who still knew enough not to let his house socialists ruin the wartime U.S. economy.

But in perfect storm and black swan fashion, the coronavirus, the lockdown, the riots, anarchy and looting, all combined with Trump Derangement Syndrome to be weaponized by the Left—and the media far more successfully than with their failed pro forma, legalistic efforts with Robert Mueller and impeachment to destroy the Trump presidency—have pushed socialism along. 

Yet even that chaos and anarchy by itself would not have been able to bring the radical Left into power. Only a “candidate” like Joe Biden could do that.

“Good ‘ole Joe from Scranton” could offer the trifecta formula for a socialist ascension: a reassuring pseudo-centrism, decades’ old establishment familiarity, and his current cognitive decline. In a rare time of virtual campaigning, virtual conventions, and perhaps even virtual debates, Biden alone could successfully massage the virus/quarantine/rioting and panic to win the election, and then nobly exit. 

This is not the analysis of a conspiracy theorist but the operating principle behind the Democrats’ and Biden’s basement strategy. It is for that reason that his vice presidential selection is shaping up like none other in memory. In short, Joe Biden of all people is now the face of a cultural revolution, although even he may not fully realize it.

Fundamentally Transforming Everything

What should we expect then if Biden wins and either steps down or more or less is left as a diminished figurehead controlled by the hard Left?

First, there is one theme that unites “the Squad,” Black Lives Matter, the globalist technocracy, and the international Left: unapologetic anti-Semitism. We will see overt anti-Semitism in a way this country has not seen since the early 20th century, all couched in ideological and politically correct attacks on “Zionists” and “the rich” and “Wall Street”—and why Israel has no business being a “Jewish state.” 

It has already begun with an NFL player voicing Hitlerian tropes and praising Louis Farrakhan, and then being seconded by an array of rappers, woke Black Lives Matter activists and “Free Palestine” demonstrations. To smear “the Jews” no longer is grounds for an immediate and expected apology, but more “So what are you going to do about it?” Anti-Semitism is deeply embedded within the DNA of the BLM movement—and professional sports as well, as we saw recently from the warnings of Kareem Abdul-Jabbar and Charles Barkley.

“Eat the rich” sloganeering and plans for a wealth tax, and jacking up capital gains and income tax rates, all seem like they are aimed at the super-rich. But don’t think weaponizing the tax code, the government bureaucracies, and the culture itself will do much to the immense wealth of Jeff Bezos, the heirs to Steve Jobs, the Google zillionaires, George Soros, the Walmart fortunes, the lesser tech billionaires, the Facebook clan, or Michael Bloomberg, Bill Gates, and Warren Buffet. None of them will be touched.

Why would any socialist go after the sympathetic mega-funders of the Washington Post, the Atlantic, Google or Apple News, Twitter, or Vox?

Left-wing billionaires are not so strange as we might think. After all, they can afford to be socialists. They like the idea that fewer may follow in their footsteps. They think social activism offers them penance for their hard-driving acquisitiveness. Most of all, they feel their knack for making money is proof that they have the wisdom, the right, and the need to redirect the lives of less successful others—and for the good of all.

Otherwise, the plutocratic class will spend hundreds of millions—a proverbial drop in the bucket in their fortunes—to consult with lawmakers about how to avoid their own progressive legislation and policies. It will hire phalanxes of tax lawyers, trust evaders, and philanthropy scammers that will make the architects of the Clinton Foundation seem a poor joke.

The real enemy in 2021 would be the upper-middle-class as it always is, the kulaks—and not really the professionals such as the lawyers, media grandees, and professors—although many should expect to become collateral damage.

The special targets will be the self-employed successful business class. The enemies of the people will be mostly those striving to be millionaires who run local insurance agencies, the store owners, salespeople, the successful medical practices, car dealerships, large family farms, the millions who keep the country competitive, innovative, and prosperous.

All of them lack the romance of the poor and the cultural tastes of the rich, but for the most part, they are just too damn informed and stubborn to be tolerated. They need to be marginalized by taxes, regulations, and a second-wave cultural assault that renders the prior “you didn’t build that,” “spread the wealth,” “no time to profit,” and “at some point you’ve made enough money” mere sandbox chatter.

The Coming Segregation

Race? We already see the new contours of the always changing commandments of the anointed posted on the Animal Farm barnyard wall. A new segregation and apartheid will be sold as needed justice and enlightenment. Admission quotas and hiring on the basis of race will no longer be subtle but overt and triumphant. Separate facilities predicated on race will be common on campuses. What will happen if someone of the wrong race drinks from a fountain in a racially-segregated safe space?

Equality or superiority of result for the favored will be “justice.” Reparations will follow. The sort of creepy anti-white propaganda we saw at the Smithsonian Museum of African-American History and Culture will become orthodoxy. Some of the U.S. GDP won’t be devoted to production but rather toward ferreting out “racism” as they reconstruct society in order endlessly to punish “racists.” 

Merit will soon become a dirty, counterrevolutionary word.

Discrimination and the one-drop racial rules of the Old Confederacy will be rebranded as woke, hip, and progressive. Expect more Rachel Dolezals and Ward Churchills. In Seattle, the city conducted whites-only, segregated reeducation sessions, teaching the naïve how to undo their “whiteness.” It was overseen by an office of “civil rights” and sought to ensure that white employees give up their “comfort,” and even their supposed “guaranteed physical safety.” They were to curb any “expectations or presumptions of emotional safety,” or “control over other people and over the land,” and probably end “relationships with some other white people.”

All that was missing were the Maoist dunce caps. 

In 2020 we call racism and segregation “civil rights.” I doubt very many graduates of Seattle’s reeducation efforts decided to dismantle their home security system, will vote to defund the police, will declare their mortgaged home community property, or plan to shun their suburban neighbors if they appear too white looking. But that’s not the pointInstead, the state is joining the racists by institutionalizing venomous tribalism. An Oregon County tried to demand masks for all its residents except African-Americans—the sort of apartheid policy no one in his right mind four months ago would have imagined could be tried in the United States.

Borders? The wall will stop dead in its tracks, and what has been built likely dismantled. Citizenship and residency will be further blurred, with the rights of citizens insidiously transferred to resident aliens. Perhaps the word “citizen” will disappear as discriminatory. Illegal immigration will be favored over legal immigration, in that the latter is too diverse, too meritocratic, and too politically unpredictable. 

Farewell to Institutions, Hello to “Progress”

The military? A progressive’s dream. It will transcend its current race and gender edicts in a way no elected slow-coach legislature could imagine. Virtue signaling and quotas will be the quickest route to flag-officer rank, and with it a nice retirement as a woke lobbyist, a wise-man member on an enlightened defense contractor board, a Wall Street “security analyst,” or a cable TV paid woke pundit. How a colonel handled “diversity,” not whether he understands tanks, planes, choppers, or guns will determine his chances at generalship. The Pentagon budget will be rebranded, as “national security” is no longer defined in anachronistic terms like hardware, missiles, ships, and planes, but by diversity and ending implicit bias—a sort of vast ongoing city of Seattle training session.

Finance? The country is broke. Yet the Left wants to borrow trillions for the New Green Deal, reparations, and massive new and expanded old social projects. 
It can do that only through one of three ways. It can institutionalize zero or negative interest for a decade or so until the debt crushes the United States. Or it can inflate the economy, eroding accumulated wealth and paying off debt in funny money. 

Or it can follow the Chrysler creditor model of the Obama Administration, and begin selectively renouncing debt obligations or reordering the priorities of various creditors. At first, the effort will appear noble and popular by canceling all student debt. But soon the Left will extend such exemptions to minority mortgages and credit card obligations. Debt cancellation and “starting over,” based on race, will be a cornerstone of the “transformation” as it has been since the age of Catiline.

High tech? Like the media, it will formally fuse into the progressive party, as elites go back and forth between jobs in Washington and those at Apple, Google, Facebook, and Microsoft. Everything from the order of internet searches to censoring ads and videos for their political content will be greenlighted. Silicon Valley will be seen as the most important asset of the Left, both for its political utility in blocking conservative expression, and its enormous wealth that fuels leftist campaigns.

Finally, if the Senate and House go progressive along with the presidency, the filibuster will end. And we will see fundamental constitutional changes never quite envisioned. Expect legislation to make the Electoral College inert without the use of a clumsy constitutional amendment process.

The Supreme Court will be enlarged and packed on a majority congressional vote to neuter existing conservatives until reinforcements of progressive new justices arrive.
Some will wish to make senators popularly elected on the basis of demography or the Senate expanded into the hundreds—anything to do away with the paleo-idea of two senators from Montana or Wyoming standing in the way of the bending arc of history.
Such are the wages of a global pandemic, national quarantine, sudden recession, cultural revolution in the streets—and an impaired Joe Biden.

Add it all up, and 2020 may be the first, best, and last chance for “1984”—and the Left knows it.

President Donald Trump -vs- Chris Wallace

Fox News broadcast a lengthy interview with President Trump and the always combative gatekeeper for the swamp, Chris Wallace.   ¹WATCH:


Anthony Fauci Just Praised Andrew Cuomo’s Slaughter of Vulnerable New Yorkers

Is Fauci a Partisan Hack or 

Is He Actually an Idiot?

When the smoke clears on this Wuhan virus tragedy (and I mean the tragedy of the working men and women of this nation who have seen their livelihoods and life’s work and, sometimes their actual lives destroying by the unreasoning panic inflicted upon us by the public health nazis), one thing will become blindingly obvious, the nation and the Trump administration were failed at every turn by the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Dr. Anthony Fauci.

Time and time, Fauci has been proven wrong, such as his opposition to stopping travel from China…not to mention his institute funding research related to the coronavirus at the bio lab that is still at ground zero of the Wuhan virus’s origins and continuing that funding until early May.

While one can never get entirely away from the gut feeling that Fauci is in this to torpedo President Trump as much as he is to fight the virus, there are other indications that he simply doesn’t know what he’s doing.

His flip-flopping on masks seems to me to be more of an effort to get right with the #Resistance after initially stating what sane people know, that masks do not keep you from being exposed to a virus and neither do they keep you from spreading it.

Here he is in March:

and here he is last week where he admits he lied on (see it at 1:28)

If you can get air in and out of a mask, any virus is going to go with it–and I don’t care who or what Bill Nye blows while using a mask.

Using the excuse that you lied about mask use to keep people from buying them shows a) a reckless disregard for the life of the average American if you believed that to be true and b) leaves us faced with the Liar’s Paradox when evaluating any other advice given by him.

The other bizarre point that he makes in that Zuckerberg video is that science changes. Sure. But if you are going to have the gall, and hubris, and arrogance to demand that the largest economy on the planet be shut down based on what you are calling science, when that science is revealed to be bogus, you don’t get to say ‘my bad’ and pretend it didn’t happen. Lives have been literally destroyed. We know that tens of thousands of people died or suffered irreparable harm because they could not get, or were afraid to seek, treatment for strokes, heart attacks, or chemotherapy for cancer. If you made those recommendations and they were disastrously wrong and based on bad science that you promulgated, you owe it to all of us to STFU and go away. You have forfeited all of the credibility you had. This is what is known as “accountability.”

It seems pretty straightforward. Fauci was against masks because they are known to be ineffective as they are currently being used. His opposition lasted right up to the point where President Trump became a known mask skeptic and proving Trump wrong became more critical to the left than lives or science or the US economy.

Infectious diseases are not new. Coronaviruses are not new. The idea that we could have known so little about such a common virus given the billions of dollars (Fauci’s 2019 budget was $4.754 billion that is with a ‘b’), we have to ask some serious questions. Like wtf was done with our money?

The most damning thing I’ve seen from Fauci, though, was the interview he gave yesterday to PBS NewsHour. To me, it confirms that Fauci is primarily a political being who is more than willing to suck up to people of monstrous incompetence and give them cover. My colleague Bonchie posted on this appearance a little earlier today Dr. Fauci Proclaims New York ‘Did It Correctly’ as His Credibility Burns to the Ground.

We know that, when you do it properly, you bring down those cases. We have done it. We have done it in New York. New York got hit worse than any place in the world. And they did it correctly by doing the things that you’re talking about.
Whatever the f*** it was that New York did correctly, we don’t want to inflict that it on the rest of the nation. Even now, New York has over four times the national average of deaths per capita. New York’s response was a barking shambles, a Six Flags of incompetence. As many as 10,000 people died unnecessarily…we’ll never know because New York changed how nursing home deaths are coded to prevent a full accounting…because of itIt, as far as we can tell, did nothing. And states that didn’t do it, even ones were formerly stalwart governors, like Greg Abbott and Asa Hutchinson, have utterly unmanned themselves in panic, had nowhere near the carnage and economic and social dislocation as those states who did it. The only thing itdid correctly was killing off thousands of vulnerable people in nursing homes while sowing panic and vacuuming up resources that could have been better used elsewhere.

The only reason that Fauci can logically be praising New York without prompting, other than being a flaming imbecile, is to curry favor with Andrew Cuomo by giving him top cover from the massive number of wrongful death lawsuits that are inevitably going to hit New York.

This is sad to say, but it is difficult, at this point, to believe that either Dr. Fauci or the CDC’s Dr. Redfield are doing much of anything but trying to shut down the US economy for partisan political gain and institutional aggrandizement of power and resources.

New Jersey federal judge’s son killed, husband shot at home

 Ghislaine Maxwell, Associate of Jeffrey Epstein, Is Arrested - The ...

Article by Edmund DeMarche and Stephanie Pagodes in "FoxNews":

A gunman wearing a FedEx driver's uniform on Sunday killed the son and wounded the husband of a federal judge linked to high-profile cases involving Jeffrey Epstein, a "Real Housewives of New Jersey" couple and gangs, in a shocking murder now being probed by the FBI.

The shooting occurred at the North Brunswick, N.J., home of Judge Esther Salas, a source told The Associated Press. The AP report, citing the state’s chief district judge, said the son, 20, was killed. reported that the shooting occurred at about 5 p.m.

“The FBI is investigating a shooting at the home of Judge Salas. We are working with our local and state partners,” Doreen Holder, the public information officer for the bureau’s Newark office, told Fox News.

.@ATF_Newark Special Agents are on scene assisting @FBINewark

FBI Newark
The FBI is investigating a shooting that occurred at the home of Judge Ester Salas in North Brunswick Township, New Jersey earlier this evening, July 19. We're looking for one subject & ask that anyone who thinks they may have relevant information call us at 1-973-792-3001.

Her husband, defense lawyer Mark Anderl, 63, was injured, the AP reported. Salas was in the basement at the time and wasn't injured, the report said.

The gunman posed as a delivery driver for FedEx, two sources told The report said that Salas, 51, was the first Hispanic female appointed to the U.S. District Court in New Jersey.

Daniel Anderl, a college student, was the judge's only child, the AP reported.

A FedEx spokesperson said the company is "fully cooperating" with the investigation.

Salas' highest-profile case in recent years was the financial fraud case involving "Real Housewives of New Jersey" reality TV stars Teresa and Joe Giudice, whom Salas sentenced to prison for crimes including bankruptcy fraud and tax evasion. Salas staggered their sentences so that one of them could be available to take care of their four children.

In an emailed statement provided to Fox News, Teresa Giudice's attorney, James Leonard Jr., called the news "absolutely devastating."

“Teresa was very shaken by the news and was very emotional when she heard about it," Leonard wrote. "She told me that would be praying very heavily for Judge Salas and her family."

In 2016, Salas sentenced a Crips gang member to 15 years in prison after he pleaded guilty to conspiracy to distribute heroin, according to the Drug Enforcement Administration.

In 2017, she barred federal prosecutors from seeking the death penalty against an alleged gang leader charged in several Newark slayings, ruling the man's intellectual disability made him ineligible for capital punishment. Salas later sentenced the man to 45 years in prison, the AP reported.

Salas has presided over an ongoing lawsuit brought by Deutsche Bank investors who claim the company made false and misleading statements about its anti-money laundering policies and failed to monitor "high-risk" customers including convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein.

The Rush to Destroy the Past

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Article by Gary M. Collier in "The American Thinker":

I read the other day that the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Gen. Mark Milley, apparently is in favor of renaming military bases named for Confederates.  Having spent the first three years -- and the very last year -- of my military career as a paratrooper at Fort Bragg, NC, I have a bit of a problem with that.

Gen. Milley may be intimately familiar with the history behind the names of all military posts in all of the branches of the services, and in the case of those named for people, their individual histories.  That would put him into a pretty exclusive category: most civilians in the states where such bases are located don't know much about the people for whom bases are named, even those who work on them.  The same can probably be said for many, if not most, of the military members stationed there, though they have a much higher likelihood of knowing at least the person a base was named after.  I'm pretty sure that most members of Congress don't know who the bases in their districts were named for, though they no doubt have staffers who do, or can find out quickly if needed.  Even among people who might know full names, they probably couldn't tell you much about them, what war(s) they served in, or whose side they were on if they even guessed "Civil War" correctly.  Until a few weeks ago, nobody cared a whole lot. 

History is what happened.  It isn't judgment, it is a statement of fact (one hopes) about events that took place at a time and place, and participants in those events.  People decide, often later and in a different context, how to interpret those facts, if need be, and if they so desire, to judge for themselves what the facts "mean."  Denying them doesn't change the events; trying to erase or bury them doesn't either.  It simply means that other people no longer have access to the facts about those people, places, and things that shaped the history that is examined by others at a later time (because once an event has occurred, every examination of it happens later, and is colored by the perceptions of those who do the studying).  Whatever might be learned -- good, bad or indifferent -- is lost once references to the past are erased, and as Santayana wrote, "Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it" (often quoted in different forms, which is quite ironic).  The most repressive regimes in history like to destroy the past, so that people have no basis to refer back to in order to see if history is repeating itself, for better or for worse.  If you don't know any better -- because there isn't anything to remind you -- then you are pretty much forced to play along with whatever the current regime tells you.  Orwell's 1984 was nearly prophetic in our modern era, as the past is erased or constantly rewritten, and the only thing we have is the present.  Anyone who thinks differently is guilty of wrongthink, and thoughtcrimes are to be punished as severely as possible.  It seems as if this is happening widely, swiftly, and alarmingly. 

If we are going to get rid of all symbolism that doesn't conform to the current dogma and judge all past actions of everybody by the feelings of the moment, we will destroy society.  Statues are being torn down; flags banned; alternatives to the National Anthem actively sought; institutions shuttered or defunded, and critical voices effectively silenced.  A generation ago -- a decade ago, even less -- this would have been unthinkable.  Now, it is wrong not to agree with such thinking, and one criticizes it at one's own peril. 

If we are going to engage in the rename game to cleanse society of any reference to anything the thought police find objectionable, military bases will be joined by almost anything else that has a name.  I went to Jump School at Fort Benning, outside Columbus, GA -- and Columbus is now persona non grata, so what shall become of the city?  (Ohio must reckon with this also.)  Watch out, Jefferson City, MO!  How about Lincoln, NE, or Jackson, MS?  And let's not forget the most egregious of all: Washington, D.C. (for District of Columbia!), which is a double whammy.  The list is not endless, but it is extensive.  What should be done with our nation's capital?  Rename it Floydsville, District of BLM?  How about renaming all offensively named cities for martyrs of whatever the popular movement of the day is?  And doing it every few years as certain movements fall out of favor and new ones arise?  We probably need to rename anything that smacks of cultural appropriation, so anything that carries a Native American or other indigenous people's name must be renamed.  If people can no longer buy a house with a "master bedroom" or "master bathroom," what new terms will people have to learn for most things that could possibly have any sort of objectionable connotation?  Finally, what shall our country be called, because "America" cannot be allowed to remain?

I don't know when, or if, any wisdom will prevail, and the insane rush to destroy the past in favor of an ever-shifting present will subside, but I fear what the aftermath will be in either case.  Franklin responded to a question about the newly formed American government by saying "...a Republic, if we can keep it."  Either "if" should have been immortalized in capital letters, perhaps underlined and in bold print as a quotation, or should have been spoken as "for however long" instead.

I fear for the future, because a future with no foundation in the past, however sordid or insufficient it was, is not a future where I will have a place.

Targeted Attempted Assassination – Massive Manhunt Underway

Family of Federal Judge Gunned Down in Their New Jersey Home

The husband and son of Federal Judge Esther Salas were gunned down in their home this afternoon in a targeted attack.  The gunman rang the doorbell, Judge Salas’s husband, Mark Anderl, opened door and was immediately shot.  Her son ran to protect his father and he too was shot.  Both are in critical condition. Please lift up this family in prayer.

NBC New York –  The husband and son of a New Jersey federal judge were shot at their home Sunday afternoon, and a massive law enforcement response is underway.
Three senior law enforcement officials tell News 4 New York that a gunman shot Judge Esther Salas’s spouse and child at their North Brunswick home around 5 p.m. Sunday. Both are in very critical condition, the sources said.
Preliminary indications are that the husband answered the door and was shot multiple times; the son came running to the door and was shot as well before the gunman fled, the sources said. Judge Salas was believed to be in the basement at the time of the shooting.
[…] The FBI, U.S. Marshals, New Jersey State Police and the New Jersey Office of the Attorney General all have personnel on scene investigating. (more)