Tuesday, July 7, 2020

We Are in a Civil War and No One Has Come to Terms With It Yet

 Civil War AP featured image
 Article by Brandon Morse in "RedState":

When people think of “civil war” they think of two armies shooting at each other, engaged in a bloody conflict where the winner takes all. They think of soldiers in recognizable uniforms with identifiable generals. Looking around our country today, you won’t find uniformed men shooting their rifles at one another as trumpets sound and generals scream orders.

Rest assured that despite not seeing these things, we are in a civil war. It’s because you don’t see the things history taught you to associate with a civil war that we don’t think we’re in one. I’ve watched many people on both sides of the political aisle scoff at the notion. I imagine this article will receive a level of derision from my peers. Nevertheless, you are at war.

The people you are at war with would rather you not think you’re being besieged. In fact, they want you to fight for them by masquerading their efforts as something you, as an American who believes all men are created equal, can’t help but fight for. It’s a brilliant tactic. Getting your enemy to fight for you is a strategy that few would have even seen coming.

Regardless, they are your enemy and with your help, they’re attacking on multiple fronts.

To what end is, at this point, incredibly obvious. They want to cast out the capitalist system and the constitutional republic we have established and institute a socialist system of control. That may sound hyperbolic and even a bit conspiratorial, but your enemies aren’t scared to tell you that’s exactly what they want to do.

One of these fronts is one of the loudest and increasingly obvious. You know it as the “Black Lives Matter” movement, which focuses on bringing forward issues plaguing the black community such as inequality, police violence, and poverty. Many people righteously march to give the black community their support. They believe in the concept as all people should believe it. However, your agreement with the concept is a weapon being utilized by “Black Lives Matter” the institution.

The co-founder of Black Lives Matter, Patrice Cullors, admitted to being a trained Marxist along with her colleagues. It is an organization that has the intended goal of disrupting western society. You don’t have to take my word for it, they’ll willingly tell you themselves.

“We actually do have an ideological frame. Myself and Alicia [Garza] in particular, we’re trained organizers. We are trained Marxists. We are super versed on ideological theories,” said Cullors during a 2015 interview.

Black Lives Matter is a political special interest group and is more popular than both established political parties. They’ve raked in millions in funding from corporations and people just trying to do the right thing and through leftist special interest third parties, are using that money in ways they aren’t telling us. In fact, a June Reddit AMA thread where this question was brought up to BLM managing director Kailee Scales was locked down after she refused to answer the question to an increasingly frustrated crowd.

More than that, however, you can see where BLM’s priorities lie in the fact that black lives don’t seem to matter at all to Black Lives Matter. Over the course of the protests and subsequent riots that erupted as a result of the murder of George Floyd, black lives have been taken senselessly, including the lives of five black children. BLM has not called for the same level of justice for these people like they did for Floyd. David Dorn, the black elderly retired officer slain trying to protect his friend’s pawn shop by rioters, was hardly a blip on their radar.

The reason is that Black Lives Matter (the institution) isn’t concerned with black lives. It’s far more concerned with the disruption of the current system and the implementation of Marxian systems. The people, mostly unknowingly, are supporting their cause even to the point of fighting for it thinking they’re fighting for justice and equality. In reality, they’re lending manpower and platform to one of the most subversive groups in American history.

Another front where this is taking place is in our media. By now, it’s undeniable that the American media has a very leftist bent with few exceptions. Programs, be they news or entertainment, are often laced with left-leaning sentiment or outright propaganda. The media is often on full offensive mode, with reports oftentimes being delivered with pre-loaded bias and aimed at things such as pro-American leaders, American traditions, and half-truths to blatant lies about various subjects they are opposed to.

This was well highlighted in Tucker Carlson’s monologue on Monday. While it deserves to be viewed in its entirety, most interesting are the media’s attack on Mt. Rushmore. Listen closely to how they describe our nation’s past, its heroes, founders, and more.

This concerted effort looks to paint America as a nation founded on hate and inequality. It makes brilliant men who founded the most prosperous nation with an emphasis on equality to be absolute villains who cared only for other white men.

This is absolutely false as Abraham Lincoln himself detailed during an 1854 speech. The founding fathers were so against slavery that they implemented various laws to stop its spread and ween it out of America entirely. The end result was realized by Lincoln himself, who carried out their work. You’ll never hear about this from our media who are purposefully pushing a retelling of American history in order to turn you against the country. They want you to believe that the country is a lie, that its founding was based on mistruths, and that it’s hiding a sinister side of itself.

Many of the figures in our media are also geared toward pushing for a socialist system. New York Times and Washington Post writers as well as CNN and MSNBC anchors can often be found either ignoring or defending radical leftist groups such as Antifa, which actively, openly, and violently push for Marxist systems to take hold in America. Their efforts to create autonomous zones being one of the more forceful methods they’ve used only recently.

They will tell you that the groups conducting violence and destruction are mostly peaceful as they stand in front of a city on fire. They will make excuses for them that put them in the column of “freedom fighter” or even excuse riots as a desperate reaction by oppressed people against a corrupt and unfair system. They will give little coverage to the killing of five innocent black children by other black people, however, as this does not help their cause.

Like Black Lives Matter (the institution), they are oftentimes silent when it comes to the destruction of black lives. If it doesn’t meet certain criteria, you won’t really hear much about it. A small mention, or maybe an article will be dedicated to it in the news but they will not make it a prime topic on talk shows or feature it on their webpage. You won’t see many opinion pieces about it. In fact, you may even see it actively dismissed as Don Lemon did during his chat with actor Terry Crews.

Don Lemon says black lives don’t matter unless they’re being taken by cops and that you should start your own movement if you want to make black-on-black violence an issue.

For socialists looking to upend a system, black lives are merely a means to an end.

All of this painting America as a racist country founded on villainy could easily be dismissed as fringe ideological nonsense (which it is) if it weren’t for the fact that our educational system is one of the other major fronts in this civil war.

It’s been common knowledge that our institutions of higher learning have been hubs for Marxist indoctrination. You’ll even find professors taking part in Antifa activities, including violence. It was a Marxist Dartmouth professor who literally wrote the handbook for Antifa. These professors will often take part and spur on leftist protests and disruptive events, even threatening force to students who disobey like this Mizzou professor did who, by the way, had a courtesy appointment to the journalism school.
It doesn’t stop at colleges and universities either.

Elementary schools are often rife with leftist bent, teaching children about gender identity and condom use, oftentimes without the parent’s knowledge. Some schools force these students to attend the indoctrination and disallow parents from pulling them out of class. It’s a required curriculum in the state of Illinois with forced purchases of school books for the purpose of the indoctrination.

While this is happening, schools are actively refraining from teaching real American history. In a video recently done by College Fix, students were asked about basic American history and what they think about it. These students were woefully ignorant of their own nation’s history but knew that America was a racist nation. One of those interviewed, a teacher, admitted to teaching her small children that America is a racist nation and did not actually teach them any real history.

This all amounts to a very real siege on America that goes relatively unnoticed because the signs that would normally signal such a war, what we define as war, aren’t there. This war has been ongoing for some time and during your everyday life, you may not see it. However, little by little, they are eating away at the fabric of our society. The most advanced nation on the planet in both technology and philosophy is being dissolved slowly as many of our institutions are infiltrated and turned to become bases of operations for American’s enemies.

America’s enemies aren’t as numerous as its supporters, but its supporters are living their lives as peacefully as possible, working and providing, and growing. Our enemies work night and day toward the goal of collapse and revolution. They aren’t shy about it though their methods and means are drenched in shadows and hidden behind closed doors.

I would love to tell you that the reelection of President Donald Trump would turn this around, but sadly, it would only be a stopgap measure. Trump will one day have to leave office and another Republican might not follow behind him. Even if one did, and he or she was even more of a freedom-oriented president than Trump, our enemies would still be infiltrating every important or useful organization or institution, working from the inside to infect and deteriorate America’s culture, its businesses, its art, and its educational system.

You are in a civil war even if you don’t know it, even if you don’t think you are, even if you’re laughing at the prospect. There are people in this country at war with you and what you love and they will do very underhanded things to defeat you. Ways where you won’t even know you’re being defeated. Even though there’s blood on the ground that’s not being spoken of already.

You might not hear gunfire, you may never see soldiers marching into cities. You may, but this isn’t your typical civil war. This is a civil war where your defeat won’t be signaled by white flags or thousands dead. You’ll know you’ve lost when one day you wake up and you live in a socialist state wondering where the America you know had gone. You’ll wonder where the transition happened and you won’t be able to remember a key moment.

This is a very long war and very few of us have shown up to the battle. While those who love America vastly outnumber its enemies who hate it and would see it upended, not many are fighting in this civil war that you, right now, are losing.


President Trump Withdraws US From World Health Organization

Trump Withdraws US From
World Health Organization

By Sandy Fitzgerald • Tuesday, 07 July 2020

President Donald Trump has officially withdrawn the United States from the World Health Organization.

"Congress received notification that POTUS officially withdrew the U.S. from the @WHO in the midst of a pandemic," Sen. Bob Menendez, D-N.J., posted on Twitter Tuesday, slamming Trump's response to the coronavirus pandemic.

"To call Trump’s response to COVID chaotic & incoherent doesn't do it justice," Menendez also posted. "This won't protect American lives or interests—it leaves Americans sick & America alone."

A senior Trump administration official confirmed the move to Newsmax:

The United States' notice of withdrawal, effective July 6, 2021, has been submitted to the UN Secretary-General, who is the depository for the WHO."

CNN reported the move, citing multiple unnamed officials. One official told CNN that the decision was announced in a very short letter to the United Nations that outlined year-long withdrawal process.

Trump has promised to pull the country out of the organization, and has labeled it as a "puppet of China." He was set to hold a news conference Tuesday afternoon.

Last week, the WHO walked back its claim it had received a warning about coronavirus from the Chinese government, and on Monday, the United States accused the organization of allowing COVID-19 to spin "out of control" at the cost of "many live," reports the BBC.

Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar told the United Nations' World Health Assembly that the WHO had failed "to obtain the information that the world needed."

WHO chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus has agreed to an independent evaluation of the agency's handling of the pandemic "at the earliest opportunity."

Before the reports about the United States broke Tuesday, Tedros told a WHO briefing that the coronavirus outbreak "accelerating, and we have clearly not reached the peak of the pandemic," and warned that divisions could not happen, reports CBS News.

"More than six months in, the case for national unity and global solidarity is undeniable," he said. "We cannot afford any divisions."

He also stressed that many countries are seeing cases and deaths rise, but globally, there is a decline in deaths.

Dr. Mike Ryan, executive director of WHO's Health Emergencies Program, said there are many explanations for the decline in deaths, but he warned that there could just be a lag and that deaths could go up.

The rise in cases, though, is "not purely a result of testing," said Ryan.

Tedros said a team of WHO experts will travel to China later this week to research working to understand how the coronavirus first ended up reaching humans.

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Trump’s Independence Day Speech Was Not ‘Dark’ Or ‘Divisive,’ It Was American

This cacophony comes from a sliver of society, with their voices amplified by a media selling an election year controversy to cripple President Trump.

Donald Trump did not launch the latest culture war: The left-leaning press, political foes, Marxist-believing activists, and corporate and educational institutions did. When President Trump stood before a patriotic crowd on Friday night, under the watchful eyes of our country’s greatest presidents, his pronouncement that the silent majority will not retreat or surrender our founding principles was not divisive. It was American.

On the eve of Independence Day, our 45th president proclaimed the truths on which our country was founded. He reminded listeners that “our Founders launched not only a revolution in government, but a revolution in the pursuit of justice, equality, liberty, and prosperity” by enshrining the “divine truth that changed the world forever when they said: ‘…all men are created equal.’”

Then, to the horror of the leftists who seek to destroy this country, Trump continued: “Our founders boldly declared that we are all endowed with the same divine rights — given [to] us by our Creator in Heaven. And that which God has given us, we will allow no one, ever, to take away – ever.”

His 40-minute speech replayed this pivot many times. First came a celebratory truism overwhelmingly applauded by Americans. Then came Trump’s juxtaposition of those values with the extremist left’s latest beliefs and actions, which the president coupled with a resolute vow to defeat.

“Today, we pay tribute to the exceptional lives and extraordinary legacies of George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, and Teddy Roosevelt,” Trump began. The cheers followed. In another year and under another president, the entire nation would have rallied along.

But 2020 has seen cancel culture converted into a cancel the country movement. Some have declared founders Washington and Jefferson outcasts because they were slaveholders. Next, Roosevelt became a target for supposedly “symboliz[ing] a legacy of colonial expansion and racial discrimination.”

Even Abraham Lincoln has not survived the onslaught, with students at the University of Wisconsin seeking to remove the commander-in-chief of the Union army for signing laws that “displaced a lot of Native Americans” and that gave freed slaves “no reparations.” Calls for the removal of Mount Rushmore followed.

This cacophony comes from a sliver of society, with their voices amplified by a media selling an election year controversy to cripple Trump. Yet the press possesses the power to turn a narrative into a reality by creating a momentum that turns the trashing of monuments into a destruction of the foundations of our country.

Trump knows all of this, and that for nation to survive, the anti-American rhetoric must be defeated. So, at Friday’s South Dakota gathering, Trump proclaimed that “as your president,” I pledge “this monument will never be desecrated — (applause) — these heroes will never be defaced, their legacy will never, ever be destroyed, their achievements will never be forgotten, and Mount Rushmore will stand forever as an eternal tribute to our forefathers and to our freedom.”

Beyond the monument and the statues, much more is at stake, and Trump seems to sense that more than most Americans do.

“Make no mistake: this left-wing cultural revolution is designed to overthrow the American Revolution,” Trump explained. He put to words the reality Americans are watching with a surreal feeling of helplessness, acknowledging that “our nation is witnessing a merciless campaign to wipe out our history, defame our heroes, erase our values, and indoctrinate our children. Angry mobs are trying to tear down statues of our Founders, deface our most sacred memorials, and unleash a wave of violent crime in our cities.”

Trump then exposed the totalitarianism of “cancel culture,” which “drive[s] people from their jobs, shaming dissenters, and demanding total submission from anyone who disagrees.” “In our schools, our newsrooms, even our corporate boardrooms, there is a new far-left fascism that demands absolute allegiance,” the president continued. “If you do not speak its language, perform its rituals, recite its mantras, and follow its commandments, then you will be censored, banished, blacklisted, persecuted, and punished.”

But Americans are not “weak and soft and submissive,” Trump countered. “No, the American people are strong and proud, and they will not allow our country, and all of its values, history, and culture, to be taken from them.” “This attack on our liberty, our magnificent liberty, must be stopped, and it will be stopped very quickly. We will expose this dangerous movement, protect our nation’s children, end this radical assault, and preserve our beloved American way of life. It’s not going to happen to us.”

The president then recounted the real history of our nation’s forefathers, and not the “radical view of American history,” in which “every virtue is obscured, every motive is twisted, every fact is distorted, and every flaw is magnified until the history is purged and the record is disfigured beyond all recognition.” He told America that it is good, just, and right to “state truth in full, without apology: We declare that the United States of America is the most just and exceptional nation ever to exist on Earth.”

He spoke of our country as one where “the American family is the bedrock of American life,” where “governments exist to protect the safety and happiness of their own people,” and yes, that means securing its borders. He spoke of our belief in “equal opportunity, equal justice, and equal treatment for citizens of every race, background, religion, and creed. Every child, of every color — born and unborn — is made in the holy image of God.”

Trump spoke of a country dedicated to “free and open debate,” and “not speech codes and cancel culture.” Where we “embrace tolerance, not prejudice,” and where “we support the courageous men and women of law enforcement.” And where our Constitution guarantees us “the right to keep and bear arms.”

Our president also spoke of a country that “believe[s] that our children should be taught to love their country, honor our history, and respect our great American flag,” where “we stand tall, we stand proud, and we only kneel to Almighty God.”

Trump’s speech was not divisive, it was defensive. Atop the bully pulpit, the commander-in-chief defended our country and our values; our history and our heroes; our families and our rights. His speech did not seek to further fracture our nation, but to cement our republic to the solid foundation poured forth with blood nearly 250 years ago.

His speech was a tribute to America and to all Americans who love this great country.

Post-Pandemic Americans May Be...

Post-Pandemic Americans May Be Done With Taking Orders

Governments overplayed their hands with mandates that they are losing the ability to enforce.

(Keith Birmingham/ZUMA Press/Newscom) 

On June 19, the mayor of Cottonwood, Arizona, unilaterally ordered city residents to wear face masks in public places. A week later, my family went downtown to grab some lunch at a favorite barbecue joint. The proclamation might as well have never been issued; we were among the very few people wearing masks on the street or in the stores.

The residents of Cottonwood aren't alone; compliance with orders from on-high is losing popularity across the country. One of the COVID-19 pandemic's legacies may well be an overwhelming public fatigue with being told what to do.

Truthfully, Cottonwood Mayor Tim Elinski couldn't have handled the mask order any more poorly. His order came after he lost a vote on the issue—which he admitted after the fact that he had held only because he thought he would win. The end result, then, was predetermined; he just didn't get the cover he'd anticipated from the city council. That annoyed people as much as the mask mandate itself.

It didn't have to be that way. A few days later I watched a woman stop in front of a sign posted in front of the local Safeway. She reached into her purse, pulled out a mask, and then entered the supermarket with her face covered as requested. As I watched, a steady stream of people mostly did the same. Asking nicely proved more effective than government commands at getting people to don masks.

But governments aren't about asking; ordering is what they do. And they're getting a lot of pushback.

Even at the beginning of the pandemic, when fear and uncertainty were at their height, many Americans worried that they would lose more to economic stagnation and social isolation than they gained from society-wide lockdowns. Closing businesses and banning gatherings might slow the spread of disease, but it also chokes off commerce, kills jobs, and sends people to the brink of despair.

"We're trying our best to stay afloat," the owner of a hair salon in Placer County, California, said at the end of April as she prepared to defy the state lockdown. "We had to open the shop because our families are depending on us."

That salon owner was joined by many others across the country who defied rules in order to put food on the table. And they're often willing to forcefully tell authorities where to get off.

"Frustrated small-business owners have turned to heavily armed, militia-style protesters … to serve as reopening security squads" to deter government officials from enforcing closure orders, The New York Timesreported in mid-May. Disobedience morphed into open rebellion as people chafed against draconian commands and the resulting dwindling bank accounts.

It isn't only a matter of dollars and cents, either. In New York City, parents sick of confinement at home and unable to legally let their children blow off steam in playgrounds "cut the locks and chains on gates that had kept them closed for months," according to the New York Daily News.

Likewise, Santa Cruz County, California, reopened its beaches last week because people ignored lockdown orders. "It's become impossible for law enforcement to continue to enforce the closures," admitted Santa Cruz's health officer, Gail Newel. "People are not willing to be governed anymore in that regard."

Americans' unwillingness to be governed any further by officials who responded to the pandemic with a series of botched policy initiativespersonal exemptions, and seemingly arbitrary commands to the public is understandable. Why would you take orders from people who seem to have no idea what they're doing and clearly don't intend to follow the rules themselves?

Besides, it's not at all clear that the myriad dictates from authorities helped slow the spread of COVID-19 as promised. That's not to say they were entirely ineffective—experts debate the impact of the orders. But "months of mixed messages have left many exhausted and wondering how much of what they did was worth it," as a report in The New York Times concedes.

That uncertainty comes at a high price. Economic activity in the U.S. is expected to drop by about 8 percent this year, with a decade to come of reduced prosperity. Research suggests that government efforts to offset this economic carnage did little to preserve employment or to help the businesses most affected by people's reactions to the pandemic —both government-mandated and voluntary.

Yes, voluntary! As exemplified by the mask-wearers I saw entering Safeway, people are capable of responding on their own to requests and to personal health concerns. Analysis of cellphone data shows that Americans not only resumed moving around well before lockdown orders were lifted, they had also curtailed their movements before being told to do so. Once again, asking nicely may work better than issuing orders.

Of course, voluntary curtailment of economic and social activity has costs, too. But costs that result from individual decisions are unlikely to spark the resentment and rebellion that we get in response to mandates.

Yet more mandates are what we're getting. With cases of COVID-19 up (though death rates are down), many states are tightening the screws again on economic and social activity. But with growing numbers of people fed up with the frustrations and costs of lockdowns, and pretty much over being told what to do, it's unlikely that we'll see even the incomplete compliance that the pre-fatigue early days of the pandemic brought us.

That's unfortunate, because some measures to combat the pandemic might well be good ideas despite the best efforts of officials to provoke us into defiance with ill-considered commands. Wearing masks, improving hygiene, emphasizing curb-side and delivery services, and increasing social-distancing could help to slow the spread of COVID-19 so that medical facilities aren't overwhelmed, at least until vaccines and better treatments become available. The unmasked shoppers and diners in downtown Cottonwood effectively demonstrated the mayor's impotence, but they may not have done themselves any favors.

But I suspect that the days of widespread compliance with do-it-or-else mandates meant to curb COVID-19 are over. Government officials will have to go against their instincts and learn that, instead of commanding, they have to be satisfied with the results of polite requests.

Stanford doctor: Coronavirus fatality rate for people under 45 'almost 0%'

Stanford University's disease prevention chairman slammed using statewide lockdown measures as a response to the coronavirus, saying they were implemented based on bad data and inaccurate modeling. 

“There are already more than 50 studies that have presented results on how many people in different countries and locations have developed antibodies to the virus,” Dr. John Ioannidis said during a recent interview with Greek Reporter. “Of course, none of these studies are perfect, but cumulatively, they provide useful composite evidence. A very crude estimate might suggest that about 150-300 million or more people have already been infected around the world, far more than the 10 million documented cases.”

Ioannidis pointed out the mortality rate is low among young people who have contracted the virus. 

“The death rate in a given country depends a lot on the age structure, who are the people infected, and how they are managed,” Ioannidis said. “For people younger than 45, the infection fatality rate is almost 0%. For 45 to 70, it is probably about 0.05%-0.3%. For those above 70, it escalates substantially.”

Since the pandemic began in February, more than 2.6 million people in the United States have contracted the virus, and 128,000 have died.

Several states have seen spikes in cases, especially in the southeastern part of the country, where lockdown measures were lifted earlier than in other states.

The mortality rate nationwide appears to be tapering, however, a trend U.S. health officials attribute to a younger age bracket in terms of infection. The national single-day death rate from the virus fell to a three-month low last month. Additionally, Massachusetts reported zero new deaths from the coronavirus on Tuesday for the first time since March. 

Dr. Anthony Fauci, the nation's leading infectious disease expert, said last month that the increases in cases are partially due to an expanded national testing capacity and the phased reopening of local economies. 

“If you test more, you will likely pick up more infections,” Fauci said. “Once you see that the percentage is higher, then you’ve really got to be careful — because then, you really are seeing additional infections that you weren’t seeing before.”

Ioannidis questioned whether the rate of infection and mortality rate were worth shutting down the U.S. economy for months. 

“Major consequences on the economy, society, and mental health have already occurred," he said. "I hope they are reversible, and this depends to a large extent on whether we can avoid prolonging the draconian lockdowns and manage to deal with COVID-19 in a smart, precision-risk targeted approach rather than blindly shutting down everything."

America Held Hostage

America Held Hostage

This is how the Left campaigns to remove President Trump.

Reading today’s national media is like staring down a bottomless pit. Le vertige des grandes profondeurs, the French call this. The vertigo from looking down a deep hole. And just when you thought we had reached bottom, there’s deeper level to the madness. It seems incomprehensible, and yet there’s a simple explanation. America is being held hostage.

We began by re-fighting the Civil War. Until recently we had left that behind us, and non-racist white southerners were permitted to retain some measure of dignity, in the memory of their battlefield heroes. But it was never about the Confederate statues, and the proof is that we quickly moved on to refight the American Revolution. A statue of Thomas Jefferson came down in Portland, Oregon, and Hofstra removed its statue of the author of the Declaration of Independence. We’re waiting to see what will happen to the Jefferson Memorial.

At the New York Times, Charles Blow tells us that George Washington isn’t safe either, and the university named after him prudently declined to express any disappointment when someone vandalized a statue of the first president. Whether or not George Washington University will change its name remains to be seen.

Things we thought were sacrosanct, the icons of our national identity, now are scorned. We can pretend that this doesn’t matter. They’re just statues, after all. But they do matter. Not for the pleasure they give the rioters so much as for the pain they inflict on patriots who love America.

Nor has it stopped with the vandalism. We’ve gone to the next level, with the looting and rioting. In the last month major cities have become unsafe, as rioters work out the logic of what “resistance” means. American stores lost hundreds of millions of dollars, and merchants boarded up their stores for protection. Nothing to see here, folks, said the liberal media, which gaslighted the looting and the boarded-up storefronts, and portrayed the riots as peaceful protests against an illegitimate president.

And that’s how to understand what is happening. We’re not to object to the riots because the bigger issue is defeating Trump. Nothing much else matters, and if an Antifa mob attacks a federal court building in Portland, don’t call this a riot. Say rather that it’s a campaign event, led by the good guys.

We’re in the middle of a chicken game, where the Left tells us they’ll let this go on as long as Trump is president. The liberal media will ignore the riots, the liberal mayors will tell the local police to stand down, the liberal prosecutors will promptly release anyone arrested. Try to defend yourself, and you’ll find yourself prosecuted.

The message is: this is what you’ll get, America, if you reelect Trump. Elect our guy, and the madness will stop, pronto. A Democratic president would forcefully suppress the riots without a peep from the press. But until then we’re held hostage.

They don’t even need a candidate. They can run Biden from his basement.
What makes it even more cynical is that a Biden election wouldn’t make things a lick better for black Americans. It wouldn’t erase the riots since May. It took decades for Washington, D.C., to recover from 1968, and I don’t think Minneapolis will come back anytime soon.

What would help black Americans, concretely, is a reversal of Democratic policies. Our inner-city public schools would benefit from the competition that state supported private and parochial schools would offer. After last week’s Espinoza decision in the Supreme Court, that’s constitutionally permissible. Democrats won’t touch this, however, for fear of upsetting the teachers’ unions that are one of its core supporters.

Our immigration policies take jobs from black Americans. Other countries admit high-skilled immigrants who compete jobs away from high-skilled natives. We admit low-skilled immigrants who compete jobs away from the most fragile of Americans, especially blacks. A 10 percent increase in immigrant workers in a particular skill group was reported to reduce black wages by 2.5 percent and lower their employment rate by 5.9 percentage points. If Black Lives Matter, that should be an issue, but for Democrats Hispanic votes count for more than black ones on immigration issues.

The Left talks a good line about helping black Americans. What it forgets to mention is that it’s their policies that harm them. One might think this stupid, were it not so hypocritical.

F. H. Buckley teaches at Scalia Law School and is the author of 

‘President Biden’ Would Be Music to Russian and Taliban Ears

It is laughable for Biden, of all people, to claim that Trump’s administration has been a gift to Putin.

Hard to fathom which notion is more hilarious. Is it that Joe Biden would get tough with the Taliban, or that Joe Biden would get tough with Russia?

The former veep wants you to know that he’s furious that President Trump sat on his hands for the past four months despite knowing that the Kremlin was paying bounties to the jihadists for targeting American troops in Afghanistan. Biden is sure this must have happened. No, he conceded at a rare press availability this week, he does not have access to classified information, nor has he been given an intelligence briefing on the subject. But Biden knows it must have happened because the New York Times and the Washington Post say so, relying on their crack anonymous intelligence sources.

Hmmm . . . The Times and the Post, relying on uncheckable sources of unknowable veracity, are peddling a story that Donald Trump has betrayed his country for the benefit of Vladimir Putin. Who wouldn’t take that to the bank after three years of collusion?

In this new and improved narrative, you’re to believe that Trump, who has dramatically beefed up military spending over Obama/Biden levels so that our forces can protect themselves, would knowingly endanger those forces; but that Biden, who last worked as a top official and strategist in an administration best known for imposing rules of engagement that made those troops sitting ducks, would back them to the hilt — against those diabolical Russians, who know Biden well, and who therefore know that, why, if they try any of that rough stuff, by God ol’ Joe would . . . um . . . you know . . . uh . . . the thing!

The thing being . . . he’d do nothing. And that’s if we’re lucky. His idea of doing something is to enrich the world’s leading state sponsor of anti-American terrorism while putting its regime on a glide path to nuclear weapons . . . all the while knowing that the mullahs are backing Taliban terrorists targeting our troops . . . and that the Russians are backing the mullahs.

On balance, I am not a fan of President Trump’s foreign policy. He’s done some good things — among the best was withdrawing us from the dreadful Iran nuclear deal that the Obama/Biden administration had to end-run the Constitution and collude with Russia to pull off. And, since the Putin regime is utterly corrupt and untrustworthy — just ask any Democrat, at least since November 8, 2016 — Trump is wise to have pulled us out of the Intermediate-range Nuclear Forces Treaty and the Open Skies Treaty. After all, it is counterproductive to remain strait-jacketed by an arrangement that the other side flouts at will.

Still, for all the babble about “principled realism” regarding radical Islam, on the Taliban, Trump is just as delusional as any transnational-progressive: pretending that we can negotiate a satisfactory settlement with incorrigible jihadist enemies who (a) knowingly gave al-Qaeda the launchpad they needed to attack our homeland and our overseas facilities; (b) are still confederated with al-Qaeda; and (c) are content to put aside internecine Sunni–Shiite strife when it comes to collaborating with Iran against the Great Satan. The president is so mulishly committed to his “endless war” blather, so hot to cut a deal with the Taliban and pull our few remaining forces out, that he was ready to host our jihadist enemies at Camp David until panicked aides managed to talk him out of it.

It is not my intention to make a case for Trump’s Afghanistan policy. Just to say the idea that a Biden Afghanistan policy would be an improvement does not pass the laugh test.

Biden acts like he’s suddenly outraged that Russia would back the Taliban. But according to him, the Taliban is not our enemy and poses no threat to U.S. interests, so it’s hard to see what the problem is, right? Don’t take it from me. Here’s Biden speaking to ABC in late 2011, as he and President Obama geared up for their reelection campaign:

Look, the Taliban per se is not our enemy. That’s critical. There is not a single statement that the president has ever made in any of our policy assertions that the Taliban is our enemy because it threatens U.S. interests.

As if to put its money where Biden’s mouth was, the State Department under Obama/Biden — like State under Bush 43 before it and Trump after it — declined to designate the Taliban as a foreign terrorist organization, notwithstanding its years of culpability in anti-U.S. atrocities. Why? Because Biden and the rest of the Obama administration wanted to negotiate with the Taliban but didn’t want to run smack into the American policy against negotiating with terrorists. So . . . let’s just make believe they’re not terrorists . . . problem solved!

To its credit, the Bush/Cheney administration at least enabled the Treasury Department, when the 9/11 attacks were still raw, to designate the Taliban as a “specially designated global terrorist,” which gave us some tools against terror funding. By contrast, the Obama/Biden administration took the position that the Taliban are not terrorists, denying the reality that there is a sharia-supremacist ideology that knits major jihadist organizations together into a threat against the West. By Biden’s lights, the Taliban — despite (a) having been created by Pakistan as a strategic weapon against India and Afghan rivals, (b) being largely underwritten by Persian Gulf Sunni states, and (c) abetting al-Qaeda’s attacks against the U.S. — is a parochial insurgent movement focused solely on the politics of controlling Afghanistan, not a spearhead of the global jihad.

That was the Obama/Biden approach to terrorism that Biden would revive: Pretend there is no animating fundamentalist Islamic ideology. Miniaturize the jihadist enterprises as if they were more interested in local zoning disputes than war on the West. And hope for the best — hope that highly trained mujahideen backed by Islamist state sponsors turn out to be “the jayvee team.”

While the Taliban was colluding with Russia-backed Iran to kill American soldiers, the Obama/Biden administration encouraged Taliban leaders to open a political office in Qatar, where the administration could negotiate with them through intermediaries, including Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi, the sharia-supremacist Muslim Brotherhood heavyweight — big of him to help out, since it took time away from urging suicide strikes against American and Israeli soldiers.

The Taliban had no intention of laying down their arms, but they made clear to Team Obama/Biden that even the mirage of negotiations would require the release of Taliban commanders detained at Guantanamo Bay. No problem: The Obama/Biden administration swapped five of them for Bowe Bergdahl, a deserter lauded by Obama national-security adviser Susan Rice as having “served with honor and distinction.” Bergdahl has since been found guilty by a court-martial and dishonorably discharged; Rice is in the running to be Biden’s vice president.

And let’s not forget Biden and Russia.

As I recount in Ball of Collusion, the Obama/Biden team entered office with Moscow just having invaded Georgia, which had broken away from the collapsing Soviet Union in 1989. The new administration’s reaction — communicated by, among others, notorious Mr. Tough Guy Joe Biden — was to “reset” relations, shelve Bush administration plans for missile-defense installations in Eastern Europe, and swoon over the possibilities of strategic partnerships and new arms treaties with the Kremlin.

With Russia continuing to occupy and effectively annex the Georgian territories of Abkhazia and South Ossetia, Obama/Biden not only revived the inane U.S.–Russia Civilian Nuclear Power Agreement; it ushered Russia into the World Trade Organization, in spite of the fact that it is a mafia state that undermines market-based norms, menacing and extorting other nations while crushing domestic dissent. Obama/Biden followed this up in 2012 by extending to Moscow Permanent Normal Trade Relations status — as if it were a normal trading partner.

In the interim, Team Obama/Biden had the Hillary Clinton-led State Department collude with Russia’s foreign ministry in the development of “Skolkovo” — Moscow’s answer to Silicon Valley. This enterprise was certain to enhance the Putin regime’s military and cyberespionage capabilities. As the Defense Department’s European Command observed, “Skolkovo is arguably an overt alternative to clandestine industrial espionage . . . . Why bother spying on foreign companies and government laboratories if they will voluntarily hand over all the expertise Russia seeks?” EUCOM elaborated that the Russian government’s policies of “external aggression and internal repression” added to “the risks that Russia could leverage transferred scientific knowledge to modernize and strengthen its military.” An alarmed senior FBI official wrote that Skolkovo was “a means for the Russian government to access our nation’s sensitive or classified research and development facilities and dual use technologies with military and commercial applications.”

Yet, the Obama/Biden administration pressed ahead, certain that appeasing Putin was the best approach. The Kremlin’s cooperation, after all, would be essential to achieving the Obama/Biden crowning “achievement,” the Iran nuclear deal. In stark contrast to the Trump/Pence administration’s pattern of extricating the U.S. from treaties with Russia because Moscow habitually violates them, the Obama/Biden administration entangled the U.S. in the so-called New START Treaty to reduce strategic offensive arms.

Naturally, Russia is widely suspected of violating New START by adding new missiles.

The Obama/Biden administration also signed off on the Uranium One deal, Russia’s acquisition, through its energy giant Rosatom, of a fifth of America’s stock of uranium ore, even though we do not produce enough uranium for our needs, and even though the Obama Justice Department had a viable racketeering prosecution against Rosatom’s U.S.-based subsidiary for its corruption of the American uranium sector.

As Obama and Biden campaigned for reelection in 2012, the president had his now infamous “hot mic” moment with Putin’s factotum, Dimitri Medvedev — assuring that if the Kremlin would just keep its usual provocations to a minimum in the run-up to Election Day, he would have more “flexibility” to accommodate Putin in his second term. Putin, predictably, thumbed his nose at Obama. He joined Iran in vigorously backing the monstrous Assad regime in Syria. He then stepped up his aggression against another former Soviet satellite, Ukraine, by annexing the Crimean Peninsula and waging a separatist war in the eastern Donbass region — exploiting, as part of his rationale, the Obama/Biden administration’s ham-handed meddling in Ukrainian electoral politics.

Part of the Russian retaliation for that fiasco was, of course, the Kremlin’s meddling in the 2016 U.S. election. Or at least our intelligence agencies believe the Kremlin meddled. It would not be possible to prove the meddling in court because the Obama/Biden administration did not follow rudimentary law-enforcement procedure by taking possession of and physically examining the Democratic Party servers said to have been hacked. Instead, Team Obama/Biden relied on a DNC contractor, CrowdStrike, which — we finally learned in recent weeks — admits that it cannot prove Russia actually “exfiltrated” (i.e., electronically seized) the Democratic emails.

I have never been enamored of President Trump’s approach to Russia. The ingratiating rhetoric toward Putin is nauseating, the president’s performance in Helsinki at his initial meeting with Putin was dismal, and his bad-mouthing of the just-fired FBI director James Comey for the consumption of Russian diplomats was one of the administration’s lowest moments. But that said, it is laughable for Biden, of all people, to claim that Trump’s administration has been a gift to Putin. It would be hard to imagine how things could be better for Putin than they were during the Obama/Biden administration — except for the prospect of more of the same, this time with Biden at the helm.

Trump has canceled the aforementioned treaties, in addition to ratcheting up sanctions against Russia. He has beefed up the defense budget that Obama gutted, and pressured NATO allies to meet their defense commitments, all to Russia’s chagrin. He has authorized defense missiles for Poland, in addition to shifting U.S. troops there and supplying the Poles with advanced U.S. warplanes, infuriating Putin. He has provided Ukraine with Javelin-2 antitank missiles to use against Russia (weapons that the Obama/Biden administration denied for fear of provoking Putin). Under his command, our forces engaged in a firefight with Russian mercenaries in Syria and have fired missiles on Syrian installations supported by Russia. Trump withdrew from the Obama/Biden Iran nuclear deal and slammed Tehran with sanctions despite Russia’s objections. And Trump continues to rally opposition to Russia’s coveted Nordstream 2 gas pipeline project with Germany, which would increase Moscow’s leverage over Europe.

Is it true that Russia is paying bounties to the Taliban for attacks on U.S. forces in Afghanistan? That sort of play by those malevolent actors would not surprise any informed observer and can certainly not be dismissed out of hand. The question is under investigation, including the significant matters of what our intelligence agencies did with the information, whether appropriate force protection measures were taken, whether the intelligence was sufficiently reliable that the president should have been briefed — and whether he was, in fact, briefed.

Good. There absolutely should be a thorough inquiry. But it would be foolish to assume the worst based on anonymously sourced reporting by the anti-Trump media-Democrat complex, which has already spent years flogging a bogus Trump–Russia narrative. The only thing that may be more bogus than that narrative is the notion that a Joe Biden presidency sends shivers down the spines of the Taliban and the Putin regime.

New Report on Hydroxychloroquine Adds to List of Media Malpractice Regarding Covid-19: A test post on one of my favorite subjects lately

Notice how we have heard very little in recent weeks regarding the possible remedy for some patients who contract the coronavirus? The press had completely walked away from that subject, after successfully dismissing the possible benefits that had been touted by President Trump. A new report has come out in the past week that shows there is now a possible life-saving aspect to administering the drug in the early stages of contracting the virus, and it becomes just another item on the ledger of media malpractice.

One of the consistently infuriating results of this nation being cast under the pall of a pandemic -- and that is a lengthy collection of grievances -- has been the media and its approach to the crisis. Not only has there been conflicting reports, but the press itself has been remarkably inept in its ability to remain consistent, all while showing it has been very desirous to politicize the outbreak. The assessment of President Trump’s reaction and performance has been a constant source of negativity, but much of it is either rooted in contradictions, or even mitigated by the press itself.

Has Trump done plenty worthy of criticism? Obviously, yes. Adding to that are the many quotes and malaprops he has delivered to only fuel the press disdain, but who is looking at the press itself in the same fashion? The media has been steeped in contradiction these viral months with the only constant being the scorn they heap on Trump.

The press scorched Trump over allegedly not taking action for over 70 days. Yet while the administration began taking steps in January the press was still denying the seriousness of coronavirus well into February. In January there was criticism over Trump not closing down travel and then when he did ban flights from China that month he was called a racist xenophobe. Journalists complained they were not briefed enough on the administration’s response, then when the White House began holding daily briefings journalists called for their networks to stop carrying them.

This has been the practice of the press all the while, and their responsibilities are exposed in a variety of subjects concerning the coronavirus.

Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ)

It has been clear the media was on a mission to discredit the recommendation of this drug, all based on their desire to deliver a political hit as opposed to delivering public safety information. They claimed the drug was unproven, while it has been on the market since the 1950s. Trump was irresponsible recommending the drug designed to fight malaria, ignorant (or likely, ignoring) that HCQ serves over a dozen other off-label treatments.

They exaggerated the dangers in administering HCQ despite millions who take the drug daily. It was said to be a high health risk when the most danger was seen in long term users, not the 5-day regimen recommended to fight COVID. Trump was called ‘’reckless’’ for telling people to take an unproven medication when the non-medically-trained journalists failed to note it was only available under doctor supervision. Now a doctor has reported after looking into over 2,500 cases they saw that giving early treatment of HCQ cut the mortality by 50 percent. This was just as under-reported as the medical survey released months ago showing thousands of doctors worldwide who said they had the best success in treatments with HCQ.


Statistics are the crutch of the press; easy to compile and quickly digested by the audience. They have been dutiful in detailing the number of cases nationwide and by state, as well as the death count. What is less compiled is the rates. We always hear about the spikes and the spread, but we have seen very little in the way of reporting on survivals. As they breathlessly detail the mounting number of those infected we do not get a commensurate recognition that death rates are falling as a result.

Recently Katie Tur gave a report courtesy of the CDC that we could actually be experiencing an infection rate ten times higher than recorded. This would be a result of people who contracted the virus but were asymptomatic. As the report was delivered with alarm it is actually great news. That means everything grave about the disease is diminished. Herd immunity is being achieved, resulting in severe cases, hospitalizations, and death rates becoming ten times lower. The death rate has been under 400 per million, and those are overwhelmingly seen in the elderly. For every 200 deaths of those over the age of 50, there are around 20 in those younger than 50.


Remember when these medical devices were all the rage? Rather telling that after weeks, or even months, of the press hyperventilating over the drastic need for these machines they have fallen out of the news cycle. When the press was declaring the administration had dropped the ball on the ventilator supply they refused to note a number of executive orders had been passed to allow businesses more legal freedom for them to be mass-produced. The press will not note that effort has either been wildly successful, or the need was severely over-hyped. States and governors were loudly reported to be in need, but curiously there was light coverage when those same states shortly began sharing their surplus machines with others. At one point there was a call for New York to receive thousands of the breathing devices, and President Trump was neglectful in failing to fill the need. General Motors was one corporation compelled to join in the production effort, with an order for 30,000 of the machines to be produced through this fall. It has not come close to fulfillment, and before the end of that same month, New York was donating its surplus machines to third world nations.

Medical Face Masks

The press has been more than willing to make the wearing of masks a high-priority political issue. Journalists have taken to shaming the President, and anyone else of note, if discovered to have gone without the ‘’proper’’ face covering. If only there was medical agreement found that was as ardent as the hectoring journalists. Over time we have seen messaging from The CDC, the Surgeon General, Task Force physician Dr. Anthony Fauci, and even that favorite of the press corps, the WHO. on the ineffectiveness of wearing the masks. Of course, we have seen almost as many conflicting reports, often from the same sources. Here is what is never addressed -- with the press screeching about masks, and politicians and local governments mandating their use, if they are such a proven prevention aid then why are we not opening up the country right now? Either these are a beneficial safeguard and we can operate without risk, or the benefits of these required masks are overblown and the social scolds can calm themselves down.

Crowd Gatherings

There has been no other coverage more blatant to expose the press in hysterical hypocritical outrage than the recent weeks of the public going out and about. For months the general public had been shamed about leaving their homes, individuals were being arrested for opening their businesses, and protests against the stay-at-home orders were roundly criticized. Then the Black Lives Matter protests erupted and the press forgot all about public distancing. People who had to forego holding funerals for loved ones were forced to stay home and watch George Floyd become eulogized in THREE public services.

Now the press has swung all the way back to prevent gatherings, trying in vain to report on spikes in cases in many states while not daring to mention the protests. The LA Times strained for weeks to explain how their stricter standards in California led to sharp rises in cases. We saw the blatant press paradox take place within the same day last weekend. On Sunday morning reports came about the irresponsibility of people in Arizona gathering to float down rivers with innertubes as COVID cases increased. Then that same afternoon a massive street protest with thousands packed in for a gay pride rally took place and not a word of outrage was heard.

Despite these growing cases of media malpractice they continue to position themselves as the medical experts in this nation. It is showing to be time that we stop swallowing their snake oil tonic without question.

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