Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Are we being set up for another stunning Trump win?

With five months until the election, things couldn’t look any worse for the president of the United States. His approval rating is down to 40%. People are getting tired of his antics and the insults he hurls at his opponents. The media is increasingly confident that, come November, the voters will elect a new chief executive. 

This might sound like June 2020, but I’m actually referring to June 1948 — when President Harry Truman, a Democrat, was running to keep his job against Republican Thomas Dewey.

The similarities between the 1948 and 2020 elections are striking. Like President Trump, Truman often ruffled feathers with his salty language. At one point, Truman even described Dewey as a fascist, a term not taken lightly just three years after World War II.

Just as with Trump, the media described Truman as desperate and unhinged. They mocked him for the more than 8,000 empty chairs at a speech he gave in Nebraska — presaging the coverage of Trump’s recent speech in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Almost everyone thought Truman would lose, including the president’s mother-in-law. A Newsweek poll reported 50 out of 50 politicos predicting a Dewey victory.

But on Nov. 3, 1948, the world woke up to the stunning news that Truman had won. The experts were left struggling to make sense of how they got it so wrong.

W³P Meme Dump - 01 JUL 2020

Despite rampant censorship, the interweb is still cranking out memes at a record pace. Here are ten memes you can throw at protesters when they come in to your neighborhood. And as usual the fun continues down in the comments.

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Cancel Carl Reiner (RIP)

Fans of the arcane humor-centric concept of "comedy," which for decades promoted violence and impaired the cause of social justice by prioritizing laughter, are mourning the loss of legendary "comedian" and filmmaker Carl Reiner, who died Monday at the age of 98.

The rest of us, meanwhile, are grateful that Reiner's death has reminded us the actor should have been canceled long ago.

Canceled… for serving in the U.S. military before it was desegregated in 1948.

Canceled… for working with Woody Allen in the 1950s and failing to prevent him from becoming an abusive pedophile.

Canceled… for directing a movie (Oh, God!) that fetishizes monotheism.

Canceled… for being friends with fellow "comedian" Mel Brooks, who committed racism by wearing goldface to play Yogurt in Spaceballs and directed transphobic "comedian" Dave Chappelle in Robin Hood: Men in Tights.

Canceled… for describing convicted rapist Bill Cosby as "one of the greatest comedians this country has ever produced."

Canceled… for working with Steve Martin, who was forced to apologize for committing racism in 2013 after suggesting black people didn't know how to spell the word "lasagne."

Canceled… for appearing on and writing for The Cleveland Show, the main character of which is a black man voiced by a white actor.

Canceled… for starring in Ocean's Eleven, a film with too many bros.

Canceled… for attempting to erase the historic female candidacy of Hillary Clinton—and helping Donald Trump get elected—by endorsing her misogynist opponent (Bernie Sanders) in the 2016 Democratic presidential primary.

Canceled… for dying before having to suffer the consequences of being canceled.

Rest in peace.

Record-Setting Gun Sales Could Leave Stores Dry

Article by Stephen Gutowski in "The Washington Free Beacon":

Gun sales once again set a new record for the month of June, but some retailers are reporting that the rush on guns and ammunition has drained their stock nearly dry.

An analysis of background check numbers by industry analyst Small Arms Analytics & Forecasting released on Wednesday indicates that more than 2.3 million guns were sold in the United States during June. That's an increase of more than 145.3 percent over June 2019. It's also up from the 1.7 million estimated to have been sold in May, the 1.8 million in April, and just shy of the all-time monthly record of 2.5 million set back in March.

There have now been an estimated 8.3 million firearms sold in the United States since March—a record-setting pace likely to make 2020 the greatest year for gun sales in American history if the trend continues.

Gun and ammunition retailers are having trouble keeping up with the demand as Americans flood stores.

"Obama was the best gun sales in the country they claimed," Brandon Wexler, owner of Wex Gunworks in Delray Beach, Fla., told the Washington Free Beacon. "No, Covid19 is."

He said sales picked up in March and have continued strong since then, with new spikes appearing over the last month.

"Pretty much everything is out of stock," he said. "We have been doing it since the late '70s and have never seen literally no supply available. As of last week, at all major distributors you could not get any guns. Everything was literally sold out. Can’t even get hearing protection."

Rex McClanahan, president of Bud's Gun Shop, one of the largest online gun dealers in the country, said sales exploded in June. Even with his company's considerable reach, he is having trouble stocking the virtual shelves.

"Our sales were within just a few thousand dollars of doubling in June 2020 as compared to 2019," he told the Free Beacon. "Popular guns and ammo SKUs have been sold out for some time and now it is becoming a challenge to keep anything in stock that is among the higher demand categories … things like handguns, home defense shotguns, AR/MSRs and the associated ammo, particularly 9mm."

Windham Taylor, the outreach manager for, one of the largest ammunition dealers in America, said the company experienced the same strains as the gun dealers. Demand for popular self-defense rounds such as 9mm and 223 has kept the store scrambling to find stock to keep their customers supplied.

"Things are not slowing down in the ammo world at all," Taylor told the Free Beacon. "Sales have continued to soar throughout June despite major shortages from nearly all suppliers due to the sustained demand from our customers. We are working hard to keep up with demand and will continue to provide the best customer support possible."

Jurgen Brauer, chief economist for Small Arms Analytics & Forecasting, noted in a statement that the demand for handguns was again the main driver of gun sales in the country—a reversal from just a few years ago which he believes may signal a shift in gun buying as mainly motivated by a desire for self-defense. He said the spike in sales during the first week of June, which the FBI identified as the second-busiest week in the history of their background check system, was "presumably related to the aftermath of the killing of Mr. George Floyd."

The group's gun-sales numbers are based on a review of the number of background checks processed through the FBI's National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS). That system processed more than 3.9 million checks in June, but millions of those are related to gun-carry permit checks or other non-sales. Brauer's group removes what it believes are non-sales from that count to get a more accurate measure of sales—though the count is still not perfect as NICS checks are not required on many private sales of used guns, and multiple guns can be bought during a single check.

Retailers are anxious to see supply catch up to demand, but they are not optimistic they'll be back to full stock anytime soon.

"Distributors and manufacturers are all struggling now, several months into this extremely high demand market," McClanahan said. "The current status of the supply chain is already overwhelmed with both no end to the current demand in sight … and a presidential election coming up in just four months."

"Something has to give because there are no guns at any distributors who we all buy from as FFL dealers," Wexler, who said he's currently operating at about 20 percent stock, told the Free Beacon.

But even as retailers struggle to fill new orders for their customers, all that demand has sent their businesses soaring as well.

"It’s going to be the best year the business has had, no doubt," he said.

Trump Threatens to Veto Defense Bill Over Renaming of Bases


Article by Rick Moran in "PJMedia":

Donald Trump threatened to veto the annual defense authorization bill if bases named in honor of Confederates are renamed. While Pentagon brass have indicated they are open to the idea of renaming bases that honor Confederate soldiers and politicians, Trump has steadfastly resisted the idea.

I will Veto the Defense Authorization Bill if the Elizabeth “Pocahontas” Warren (of all people!) Amendment, which will lead to the renaming (plus other bad things!) of Fort Bragg, Fort Robert E. Lee, and many other Military Bases from which we won Two World Wars, is in the Bill!

Last month, White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany said that Trump won’t sign any bill that renames bases named for Confederates. “It’s a non-starter,” she said.

But even many Republicans are onboard the name change train.

Nonetheless, the Republican-led Senate Armed Services Committee approved an amendment to its version of the National Defense Authorization Act proposed by Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) that would force the Pentagon to remove names, monuments and paraphernalia honoring the Confederacy from military bases over the next three years.
Senior military leaders including Defense Secretary Mark Esper and Army Secretary Ryan McCarthy also expressed openness to renaming the 10 Army bases and facilities named after Confederate leaders, but encountered opposition from the president, who tweeted that his administration “will not even consider the renaming of these Magnificent and Fabled Military Installations.”

Trump has consistently stood with southern traditionalists on the issues of statues and bases. Of course, this has made it easy for liberals to accuse him of being a racist. But Trump has exercised his considerable power as president to preserve the history at stake.

Trump’s veto threat, if realized, would represent his latest display of presidential power aimed at protecting tributes to the Confederacy and other memorials complicated by the country’s racist past. He issued an executive order last Friday directing the Justice Department to prioritize the prosecution of protesters who damage federal monuments and to limit federal funding for local governments perceived to not be adequately protecting them.

The mania to change history and go after those who stand up to their skewed version of the past will continue until enough people stand in their way and prevent them from succeeding. But the $740 billion defense bill is not the vehicle for either side’s argument in this fight. Why can’t Warren offer her own bill to rename the bases rather than attach it to vital legislation?

Politically, she knows that it might not pass the Senate. But does she really have to hold a gun to the head of some Republicans by forcing them to accept the base renaming amendment in a defense authorization package? Try for an up or down vote on the base renaming issue by itself.

Either way, it’s going to happen. Trump’s veto will be overridden by terrified Republicans who don’t want to be seen as “racists” for standing against the mob in an election year. And that’s a shame — shame for history and America. 

President Trump: Executive order to protect monuments, statues in full force

President Trump: Executive order to protect monuments, statues in full force

The White House is visible behind a statue of President Andrew Jackson in Lafayette Park, Tuesday, June 23, 2020, in Washington, with the word “Killer” spray painted on its base. (AP Photo/Andrew Harnik)

OAN Newsroom • Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Protesters across the nation have torn down Confederate statues and vandalized federal monuments in recent weeks. President Trump recently fired back and has promised there will be retribution.

“They’re bad people, they don’t love our country and they’re not taking down our monuments,” he said. “I want to make that clear.”

Amid the unrest following the death of George Floyd, demonstrators have toppled or vandalized statues of Confederate soldiers, colonial figures, national monuments and memorials.

In response, the president signed an executive order, which directed federal agencies to prosecute those who damage federal property.

“We are looking at long-term jail sentences for these vandals and these hoodlums entities, these anarchists and agitators,” he stated.

FILE – In this Oct. 14, 2019, file photo, a sign reading “stop celebrating genocide” sits at the base of a statue of Christopher Columbus in Providence, R.I., after it was vandalized with red paint. (AP Photo/Michelle R. Smith, File)

In a tweet, President Trump announced his executive order is in “full force and effect.” He added violations could result in a more than 10-year prison term.

The president then advised people to not put themselves in jeopardy and noted “many people are now under arrest.”

The order will reportedly allow the government to withhold federal funding to cities that don’t protect federal statues monuments and memorials.

The Department of Homeland Security has also taken action to protect monuments over the Independence Day weekend.

According to acting DHS Secretary Chad Wolf, the holiday may see increases in disruptive activity. He has said the agency is “forward leaning in preparing to protect federal facilities and property.”

Special units will be deployed to Portland, Seattle and Washington D.C.

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'You Know You're on the Right Side of History When...'

Article by Mark Alexander in "The Patriot Post":

You know you're on the right side of history when the other side burns our flag and topples our monuments and obstructs the march toward American Liberty that these symbols represent.

Joe Biden remains largely hunkered down in his basement bunker so as not to risk further exposure of his non compos mentis cognitive slide. Until yesterday, when he made an unpublicized appearance and fumbled his remarks, it had been 89 days since he last answered an unscripted media question. Apparently, his campaign's strategy is "less is more" — and who can blame his handlers?

On Monday, from his sequestered safe house, Biden posted a social-media comment, asserting, "White supremacy should be rooted out and relegated to the pages of history — not promoted by the President of the United States."

That immediately prompted a question he should be (but won't be) asked in response: Given the violent racist history of the Democrat Party, shouldn't any and all references to it be "canceled" and stricken from history, and anyone who refuses to disassociate themselves from the party thrown out of office?

After all, Democrats were the party of slavery before Republicans emancipated black people in the 19th century. Then Democrats became the party of racist oppression in the century that followed. And in the 55 years since the Civil Rights movement was met by the policy failures of Lyndon Johnson's so-called "Great Society," the Democrat Party is still enslaving poor people on what amount to socialist urban poverty plantations.

Arguably, the Democrat Party is, at the same time, the author and beneficiary of "systemic racism." As the old saw goes, "If not for double standards, Democrats would have no standards."

Amid all the "cancel culture" desecration and destruction of our nation's history, it is apparent that our educational institutions have succeeded in dumbing down a generation of mostly privileged white leftists and their frontline agitators.
These unenlightened malcontents never learned that interpreting history in the current context is not the same as understanding history in the proper context. Worse, they conflate historical context for the current context.

It is no small irony that some of the nation's most elite academic institutions are now subject to the stench of the effluent they created.

Leftists now have the Ivy League universities of Yale and Princeton in their sights. Yale was named for vicious slave trader Elihu Yale in an effort to win his financial favor and become the beneficiary of his fortune. That didn't happen. Princeton, endeavoring to appease the cancel crowd, is removing the name of former university president, Democrat "progressive" president, and notorious racist Woodrow Wilson from its campus buildings. Duke and Cal-Berkeley, elite universities named for slave owners Washington Duke and George Berkeley, will be next.

After the 2017 Charlottesville protests, I asked the following question in a column entitled, "Monumental Ignorance — The Left's 'Historic Cleansing' Campaign": Given that the University of Virginia was founded by a slave owner, should it be left standing as a monument to Thomas Jefferson's legacy?

UVA will be next.

None of the wealthy endowments funding most of these esteemed institutions can escape ties to the historical racial oppression of black people, though most of their discrimination today is against students of Asian descent. Let's defund them all!

Apparently, university names, statues, rice, pancake syrup, and the like weren't "racist" just a few years ago when Democrat Barack Obama and his sidekick Joe were in charge.

Notably, given the latest renaming fervor, there's one recent Democrat Party icon who has escaped cancellation, and his name is emblazoned on hundreds of places.

Despite the "fact-checker" obfuscation, former Sen. Robert "Conscience of the Senate" Byrd (D-WV), the longest-serving member of the Senate, actually DID have direct ties to the Ku Klux Klan. In his home state of West Virginia early in his career, Byrd organized and led a 150-member Klavern, rising to the title of Kleagle and Exalted Cyclops.

Two years after declaring he had officially left the KKK, Byrd wrote a letter to Sen. Theodore Bilbo (D-MS) declaring he would never fight in the military "with a Negro by my side." Byrd concluded, "Rather I should die a thousand times, and see Old Glory trampled in the dirt never to rise again, than to see this beloved land of ours be degraded by race mongrels." A year later he wrote a letter to the national leader of the KKK, the Imperial (Grand) Wizard, stating, "The Klan is needed today as never before, and I am anxious to see its rebirth here in West Virginia."

In 2001, the former Democrat Senate majority leader, who became its president pro tempore emeritus two years later, said in an interview regarding race relations: "They're much, much better than they've ever been in my lifetime. ... I think we talk about race too much. I think those problems are largely behind us. ... My old mom told me, 'Robert, you can't go to heaven if you hate anybody.' We practice that. There are white niggers. I've seen a lot of white niggers in my time, if you want to use that word. We just need to work together to make our country a better country, and I'd just as soon quit talking about it so much."

In his 2005 memoir, Byrd lamented, "It has emerged throughout my life to haunt and embarrass me and has taught me in a very graphic way what one major mistake can do to one's life, career, and reputation." One major mistake followed by a thousand minor ones.
Check out this list of institutions, etc. bearing Robert Byrd's name.

Don't hold your breath. Democrat hypocrisy has no time limit.

Media Are Playing Games Yet Again With Anonymous Russia Leaks

Watch nearly the entire corporate media establishment run wild with claims from completely anonymous sources in the intelligence community this week.

Much of the case for the Iraq War was based on the Bush administration’s claim that Saddam Hussein possessed weapons of mass destruction. When the United States declared an end to the war late in 2011, more than 4,400 American military members had been killed and nearly 32,000 wounded. No weapons of mass destruction had been found.

It’s one of the most significant and catastrophic intelligence errors in U.S. history. A bipartisan commission found that U.S. intelligence “seriously misjudged” Iraq’s weapons program because of their “heavy reliance on a human source–codenamed ‘Curveball’–whose information later proved to be unreliable.” The commission wrote, “Even more misleading was the river of intelligence that flowed from the CIA to top policymakers over long periods of time–in the President’s Daily Brief (PDB)” and other reports that were “more alarmist” and “less nuanced.”

Curveball was Germany’s codename for Rafid Ahmed Alwan al-Janabi, an Iraqi defector who claimed to have built mobile weapons laboratories. President George W. Bush highlighted the claims in his 2003 State of the Union address.

Secretary of State Colin Powell’s speech to the United Nations on February 5, 2003, relied heavily on Curveball’s claims. “My colleagues, every statement I make today is backed up by sources, solid sources. These are not assertions. What we’re giving you are facts and conclusions based on solid intelligence. I will cite some examples, and these are from human sources.”

Powell went on to describe Janabi’s claims at length, concluding, “This defector is currently hiding in another country with the certain knowledge that Saddam Hussein will kill him if he finds him. His eyewitness account of these mobile production facilities has been corroborated by other sources.”

Years later, Curveball admitted he had completely fabricated his claims out of a desire to oust Saddam Hussein from power.

The intelligence failure became a widespread media failure when reporters uncritically regurgitated the weapons of mass destruction claims from their intelligence community sources. Academics, pundits, and journalists themselves have decried the media’s performance in the lead-up to the 2003 invasion of Iraq. The New York Times and Washington Post even published their regrets about their own coverage, which frequently took the intelligence community’s claims at face value.

It’s important history to remember as you watch nearly the entire corporate media establishment run wild with claims from completely anonymous sources in the intelligence community this week. By comparison, the reporters back in 2002 and 2003 seem to have been downright judicious in their handling of the intelligence community claims.

Our Latest Intel Drama On Russia

On Friday, three New York Times reporters wrote that “American intelligence officials have concluded that a Russian military intelligence unit secretly offered bounties to Taliban-linked militants for killing coalition forces in Afghanistan — including targeting American troops — amid the peace talks to end the long-running war there, according to officials briefed on the matter.”

This allegedly airtight intelligence was “briefed to President Trump,” and “officials” came up with ideas for potential responses, including a diplomatic complaint and sanctions, but the White House had yet to authorize anything. The intelligence, the reporters claimed, had been shared with the British government.

The anonymous leakers of the information, the reporters claimed, are totally certain that “Russian operatives” offered and paid bounties, but they have “greater uncertainty” about who authorized the plan. The reporters included some speculation about why such a bounty operation would be done. There was no speculation about the motivation of the leaking “officials.”

Reaction to the Anonymous Report

It is worth noting that the three New York Times reporters — Charlie Savage, Eric Schmitt, and Michael Schwirtz — also played key roles in disseminating the Russia collusion hoax, in which anonymous intelligence officials worked with co-conspirators in the media for years to put out a false and defamatory narrative that President Donald Trump had colluded with Russia to steal the 2016 election or was otherwise compromised. The New York Times was one of the biggest outlets engaged in the Russia hoax. The reporters even include some of their previous Russia collusion hoax spin, and omit key facts about Trump’s actions against Russia, in their bounty story.

Literally nothing about the political media’s use of anonymous sources to spread republic-damaging disinformation in recent years should lead anyone to treat further anonymously sourced reports with any deference. Yet the entire corporate media establishment immediately ran wild with the story and used it to suggest it was further evidence that Trump was an agent of Russian President Vladimir Putin. The story dominated cable news over the weekend and into the following week.

Republicans who support continuing the war in Afghanistan indefinitely, even though it has been going on for 19 years, expressed grave concern about the report. Republican Rep. Liz Cheney, whose father had authoritatively claimed in August 2002 there was “no doubt” Iraq had weapons of mass destruction, reflexively accepted the anonymously sourced reports and demanded answers and action.

It turned out that key details of the story were disputed by on-the-record sources. When the White House press secretary said neither Trump nor Vice President Mike Pence had even been briefed on this intelligence, reporters tried a new line of attack.

Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe added, “I have confirmed that neither the President nor the Vice President were ever briefed on any intelligence alleged by the New York Times in its reporting yesterday. The White House statement addressing this issue earlier today, which denied such a briefing occurred, was accurate. The New York Times reporting, and all other subsequent news reports about such an alleged briefing, are inaccurate.”

White House Director of Strategic Communications Alyssa Farah disputed that the intelligence was as airtight as the New York Times reporters had claimed, based on their anonymous and unaccountable sources: “POTUS wasn’t briefed on the reports related to Afghanistan because there is no consensus within the intelligence community on the allegations at this point. The veracity of the underlying allegations continues to be evaluated.”

Yet the frenzy from the media continued, almost as if coordinated as part of an operation.

Anonymous Sources Can’t ‘Confirm’ Anything

A quick note on anonymous sourcing. Following the New York Times report, other media outlets ran with stories on the matter also based on anonymous sources. Frequently, this was described as “independent confirmation.”
However, anonymous sources can’t “confirm” anything for a reader, on account of being anonymous. And because they’re anonymous, there is no way to tell if one media outlets’ sources are independent from another’s.

While this should be obvious, perhaps an example from the Russia collusion hoax will help. On Dec. 8, 2017, CNN’s Manu Raju and Jeremy Herb reportedthat multiple anonymous sources had confirmed an email was sent to Donald Trump, Jr., with advance information about a WikiLeaks document release.

The story was a train wreck, in that it didn’t include any evidence that the random guy who emailed Trump, Jr., was correct in his emailed claims, that the email had been opened, or that the emailer was connected to Russia. But even more than that, it turned out that the multiple anonymous sources had somehow gotten the date of the email wrong. Rather than the email giving advance notice of a WikiLeaks document release, it was an email about a document release that had already happened to great public fanfare.

Before that embarrassing ending for CNN, though, other media outlets claimed to have independently confirmed CNN’s story. CBS claimed to have “confirmed” the story. Russia collusion hoaxer “Fusion” Ken Dilanian claimed “two sources” had confirmed CNN’s report to him.

So what happened? Well, probably two buddies working on a congressional committee both sold the false story to all three outlets. Two buddies working together on a committee that leak the same false information to multiple outlets aren’t independent of each other, much less independent confirmation for each network. They’re just two leakers who somehow aren’t bright enough to know how to properly read dates on emails.

What’s the Criminal Leakers’ Motivation?

DNI Ratcliffe notes that leaks of information such as what the leakers are spreading throughout the media can be quite damaging.

Intelligence collection and intelligence analysis are more art than science. If the Curveball information was presented as airtight and used to launch a protracted war, this intelligence seems to be in only the earliest stages of analysis and heavily in dispute. So why is it being leaked (when such leaks are a criminal offense)? And why are the media so anxious to use this sketchy information?

Perhaps their goal is to fight the Trump administration’s efforts to end the 19-year-war in Afghanistan, damage international relations, distract from the Russia collusion hoax currently under investigation, or any number of other things. Sometimes leaks are about internal bureaucratic wars involving people who don’t care about the damage caused by their leaking.

One goal seems to be to paint Trump as someone who does not care about American soldiers. This talking point is odd. Iran reportedly offered the Taliban $1,000 bounties in 2010 for American soldiers’ deaths in Afghanistan. Not only was no action taken by President Obama at the time, six years later, he authorized the payment of $1.7 billion to the regime.

By contrast, President Trump authorized the killing of Iran’s Qasem Soleimani, responsible for the deaths of more than 600 U.S. service members. When that happened, based on what the Trump administration said was responsibility for those deaths and intelligence that further attacks were planned, many in the media questioned the strength of that intelligence analysis.

The Story Keeps Changing

The story also seems to keep changing. At first it was about how Trump had been given airtight intelligence and refused to do anything about it. Then the goalposts shifted to how “White House officials” knew something or other.

An Associated Press story now asserts without evidence that John Bolton, who is on a book tour right now, “told colleagues he briefed Trump on the intelligence assessment in March 2019.” But in a softball interview Sunday by Jake Tapper, a reporter who played a key role in initiating the false Russia collusion hoax at CNN, Bolton repeatedly stressed his lack of knowledge about the story and his suspicion it might not be true.

“First we have to stress there is much we don’t know about this,” he said. “With all due respect to the highly esteemed news services you mention, they get stuff wrong time to time,” he added. “My only caution is before we go too far down the track, just because there are press reports doesn’t mean its accurate.” After a record-breaking use of the word “if” from Tapper, Bolton said, “Well again, underlining the word ‘if’ on whether it’s true…”

It is of course entirely possible that Bolton is leaking to the Associated Press and lying about his views now, or that he was lying then, or that Bolton’s colleagues are leakers and they are lying. But it seems the media aren’t caring about the facts so much as the overarching plan to believe this intelligence is airtight no matter what, that the intelligence was definitely briefed to Trump and Vice President Mike Pence, no matter what, and that this story must continue to be pushed on airwaves no matter its deficiencies or the obvious coordination of its rollout.

Democrats, Media Using Story to Perpetuate Russia Hoax

Most exasperating, the media and other partisans seem eager to run back into the comforting arms of the Russia collusion hoax they perpetrated against the country for years.

Tapper, for example, asked Bolton, “Do you think it’s possible that Putin has information on President Trump?” The New York Times reporters also dredged up the debunked Russia collusion theories. And not coincidentally, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi spent several minutes pushing the debunked Russiagate conspiracy theory in an interview with ABC News’ George Stephanopoulos.

“With him, all roads lead to Putin. I don’t know what the Russians have on the president politically, personally, financially, or whatever it is. But he wants to ignore, he wants to bring [Russia] back into the G8 despite the annexation of Crimea and the invasion of Ukraine…despite what they yielded to him in Syria, despite his intervention into our elections which is well documented by our intelligence community and despite possibly this allegation which we should have been briefed on,” Pelosi said.

Pelosi’s pushing of the conspiracy theory met virtually no pushback from the former press secretary to President Bill Clinton. In fact, there has been no accountability for any of the actors who spread the false and damaging conspiracy theory about Russia.

None of the criminal leakers have been held accountable. Neither have the reporters who conspired with them to harm the republic, damage the Trump administration, hurt foreign relations, and destroy the lives of conservatives who allied themselves with Trump.

In fact, they’re free to continue their operation with the latest round of Russia stories, seemingly designed to undermine the Trump administration, hamper foreign policy changes that might lead away from the interventionist foreign policy of recent administrations, and otherwise hurt the country.

It is as if our political and media establishments refuse to learn anything from the weapons of mass destruction and Russia collusion hoax intelligence failures of recent years. Or worse, they learned just how easy it is to use unverified intelligence for political aims.

Social Media’s Election Interference

What Facebook and Twitter are doing is no less insidious than meddling by a foreign adversary. 

Their activity is political, not commercial.

A college senior raised in a conservative household now posting Black Lives Matter propaganda on her Instagram account. A son-in-law berating his wife’s self-made millionaire family about racism and Donald Trump. A twentysomething graduate of one of the country’s top universities informing his attentive, loving parents that he’s ashamed of how he was raised in a mostly white suburb. Parents bullied by their children into posting Black Lives Matters memes and George Floyd condolences on social media. A biracial couple on the verge of a break-up over disagreements on race, protests, and riots.

Those are just a few of the stories I’ve heard recently from friends and relatives dealing with the consequences of the country’s ongoing racial strife. Dissent, or even mild disagreement, are not allowed. The Left is tearing the country apart on both the macro and the micro level as families and friendships are shredded over accusations of “systemic racism.”

Now, admittedly, children condemning their parents for how they were raised is nothing new. Generational revolt is a rite of passage in America. But friends once debated politics without ending up in fisticuffs. And while presidential election years always are fraught with tension and terse discourse, the Trump era has been a nonstop temper tantrum from the Left.

The unique danger underpinning the current calamity, obviously, is the added fuel in the form of social media. Teens and young adults don’t read papers or watch network news; according to a 2018 poll, more than one-third of adults ages 18 to 39 list social media as their primary source for news. Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook rule the news cycle. And information is rarely posted without comment—consumers are told how to interpret the article or video before they have a chance to view it independently. Groupthink takes over; mobs are incited, cities burn, minds are poisoned, detractors are silenced, and the country unravels bit by bit.

The purpose of the latest uprising is the same purpose that has been animating the Left in this country for nearly four years: to oust Donald Trump from the White House. Before the twin blows of coronavirus and racial strife, Trump looked like a sure bet for reelection. After a failed Russian collusion hoax, a failed special counsel probe, and a failed impeachment attempt, Trump was well-positioned to defeat a feeble-minded, baggage-laden Joe Biden. Democrats effectively have leveraged both crises for maximum political gain while hiding Biden in his basement.

Social media moguls, hostile to Donald Trump and part of the ruling corporate Left, also are exploiting the unrest as an excuse to censor the president—and they’re not even trying to hide it. The same platforms that have promoted lies about everything from Trump-Russia collusion to Catholic high schoolers disrespecting a “native elder” have developed a sudden interest in acting as the internet’s truth-sayers.

“The 2020 elections were already shaping up to be heated and that was before we all faced the additional complexities of voting during a pandemic and protests for racial justice across the country,” Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg wrote Friday in announcing his company’s new censorship policies. “During this moment, Facebook will take extra precautions to help everyone stay safe, stay informed, and ultimately use their voice where it matters most—voting.” 

As Liz Sheld detailed Monday, the company is folding to intense pressure from employees, corporations, and activist groups to silence Trump and his supporters just four months before Election Day.

Lifting language from an Ayn Rand novel, Zuckerberg disclosed he’s been advised by  “civil rights auditors” to develop portals that will offer “authoritative” information on voting rights. This will include any attempt to disparage mail-in ballots, a priority for Democrats as they prepare to steal various elections: “[S]haring authoritative information on voting by mail will be especially important,” he promised.

Facebook and other platforms also are thwarting the Trump campaign’s digital advertising game, a key part of his reelection strategy. Dozens of Trump campaign ads were removed from Facebook last month after activists insisted the posts included “pro-Nazi” symbols. Trump, who has a significant cash advantage over Biden, spent nearly $2 million in Facebook ads the last week of June alone; Zuckerberg’s censors will make sure paid ads meet a different standard: “We already restrict certain types of content in ads that we allow in regular posts, but we want to do more to prohibit the kind of divisive and inflammatory language that has been used to sow discord.” Rest assured that vague rule only will apply to Team Trump and Republicans.

Twitter, for its part, is suppressing the president’s tweets by attaching warning notices to posts the company arbitrarily deems are in violation of its new “fact-checking” policy, which is aimed directly at Trump and his supporters. (Tens of thousands of tweeters on the Right activated accounts on Parler last week after Twitter banned Carpe Donktum, an account that produced pro-Trump videos and often retweeted by the president. Twitter also temporarily suspended the account of Sidney Powell, the lawyer for General Mike Flynn, before restoring her privileges on Monday.)

Social media’s strategy is clear: Incite domestic unrest, support the mobs, brainwash our youth, and ensure only one side dominates the news flow. Posts and advertisements that offer a dissenting view to the reigning leftist orthodoxy can be removed under the guise of promoting the common good and protecting the vulnerable while assigning automatic guilt to millions of Americans who refuse to conform.

It’s collective mind manipulation that leaves our children nearly powerless to resist it, all in an effort to assist Democrats. Shamefully, Republicans in Washington are not just missing in action, they continue to defend these monopolies. Any regulation, we are warned by useless Republican leaders, would flout the First Amendment or some Reagan-era fealty to deregulation. (Reagan, it’s worth remembering, supported the 1984 breakup of AT&T.)

The fact is that social media’s brazen actions are election interference, pure and simple. It is no less insidious—in fact, it’s more insidious—than meddling by a foreign adversary. Their activity is political, not commercial. Removing ads, banning accounts, flagging tweets, or regurgitating the Democratic Party line on the need for absentee voting should be considered in-kind campaign contributions to Joe Biden and the Democrats. Accordingly, per federal election law, social media companies should be required to report those contributions and place a monetary value on their efforts.

Senate Republicans won’t dare make such a move; Trump should sign an executive order laying out details of how monopolistic media organizations will be required to disclose their assistance to the Democrats in advance of the election. (Or, better yet, appoint a special counsel to look into domestic election meddling.)

The debate over Section 230 is the wrong fight for now; it’s time to confront these tech titans for their most egregious offense—attempting to defeat Donald Trump and Republicans in order to elect Joe Biden and Democrats. In some jurisdictions, it’s illegal to remove the yard sign of a political opponent. How can the federal government ignore an industry-wide operation to punish the sitting president of the United States without consequence? 

Facebook and Twitter, along with their corporate partners, want to run the table and they’re getting away with it. If Republicans won’t fight back, the president, as usual, must act on his own.