Friday, June 26, 2020

W³P Weekend Open Thread - One Million Page View Celebration Party Lit Edition

Eeyup, it's that time of the week again when I think about making an open thread but haven't been doing it recently. Reason being, I haven't been around a computer on Friday's much and I can't put one of these together on my phone. With the slow down from the quarantine we took time to work on projects, so that's what has been going on. Now that things are going back to normal, I'm at my normal spot on Friday for now. Just think about it like this, the founder of this blog, going back to when we were a channel was MIA711, MIA not being a name but meaning Missing In Action. She would be gone for long periods of time, and is presently in a record breaking streak of not peeping in on us. The long interruptions between open threads is a tribute to her. So you see, it all has a purpose, or that's the story I'm sticking to anyways.

Just like I'm fashionably late with the OT posts, I'm also fashionably late with bringing life changing, universe altering information to you. A little over three weeks ago, our little corner of the internet crossed one million page views. Yep, you heard it right, a cool ONE MIL. You have no idea how long it took for DGM and I to just sit on the home page and refresh and refresh, over and over and over day in and day out. Nah, but for serious, I think that's kind of cool. So everyone, pat yourself on the back and download this special one of a kind trophy.

Parler, check it out. We're all showing up there. It's a glitchfest just like disqus, so you should have no problem with it.

Airighty, for today's next segment lets start with ...... I'm typing this live, as I'm thinking ...... let's do some comedy and a random weird video where we don't get half the jokes, and maybe a little bit of reddit while we're at it. I've done plenty of Sam's videos, he needs a break.

And now for the tunes.





y'all know what's up
memes, gifs, music, pics, random thoughts ...
post 'em if you got 'em

and don't forget to recommend
and invite someone new to join in

China’s Aggression Keeps Proving Trump’s Tough Strategy Is Needed

It is clear the CCP does not seek to make China a regional power, but rather a global one. It's time for the U.S. and our allies to take action.

John Bolton’s new book, “The Room Where It Happened: A White House Memoir,” portrays President Donald Trump as leveraging his relationship with China’s General Secretary Xi Jinping to win the 2020 election and ignoring the totalitarian dictatorship’s malicious actions.

Since virtually every person who was in the same meetings as Bolton says the former national security adviser is not telling the truth, this memoir should be considered fiction. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said the book contains a “number of lies, fully-spun half-truths, and outright falsehoods.” Even the national security adviser to South Korean President Moon Jae-in said Bolton’s accounts are inaccurate and distorted.

In reality, the Trump administration has been tougher on China than any other administration in recent history. As a candidate, Trump recognized that China was taking our jobs, stealing our intellectual property, and using the United States as its piggy bank. In the first year of his presidency, the National Security Strategy laid the foundation for the administration’s tough-on-China policy, calling the communist totalitarian country a “competitor” and a “revisionist power” that aims to “shape a world antithetical to US values and interests.”

Trump’s seriousness in confronting the problems we face with China has generated the momentum needed for the United States to mobilize and address the numerous long-standing threats China poses.This is of critical importance now more than ever because the days of China hiding its strength and biding its time are over — and they have been for quite some time.

China Wants to Lead a Global Order

Since 2012, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has been promoting the diplomatic concept of building “a community of shared future for all humankind.” According to the state-run outlet Xinhua, this concept is “a fresh idea” that was “initiated by China to reform and rebuild a world order, and a new top-level design to lead global governance.”

The CCP frames this approach as if it’s centered around dialogue, inclusivity, and win-win cooperation. In practice, however, the net result of this concept is a CCP-led global order.

The CCP isn’t going to achieve this end by “reforming” and “rebuilding” the international rules-based system, nor by overthrowing the post-World War II system, as former Indian Ambassador to China Vijay Gokhale wrote in The New York Times. Rather, China will continue to exploit and leverage the international free market and rules-based system that was founded upon the values of sovereignty, freedom, and human rights.

Such values threaten the totalitarian dictatorship’s pursuit of power both domestically and abroad. Consequently, time and time again we’ve seen China attempt to manipulate the international system and attack internationally shared values to advance the CCP’s ambitions.

Consider China’s cooption of international organizations, such as the United Nations. China was appointed to a UN Human Rights Council panel in April “where it [would] play a key role in picking the world body’s human rights investigators — including global monitors on freedom of speech, health, enforced disappearances, and arbitrary detention.”

Yet according to the UN, the CCP imprisoned more than 1 million Uyghur people and other Muslim minorities in internment camps in Xinjiang (some estimates are more than 2 million). The CCP also recently took devastating action toward suffocating freedoms in Hong Kong and has a history of punishing human rights lawyers and activists. Yet now it will have much influence over those who would investigate its transgressions.

China Is Expanding Its Influence

Then there’s the South China Sea, which Xi claimed in 2015 China did not intend to militarize, after China ratified the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea. Then in 2016, an international tribunal ruled there is no legal standing to China’s claims to historic rights and resources in its so-called nine-dash line.

China, however, has still continued to strengthen its military position and exacerbate tensions with its regional neighbors. In April, China’s coast guard rammed and sank a Vietnamese fishing boat. In June, a Chinese ship rammed another Vietnamese fishing boat, forcing the 16-person crew to jump overboard. Additionally, in April, China established two new districts on the islands.

Furthermore, the $1 trillion Belt and Road Initiative has been explicitly linked to the building of this so-called shared future. As part of this, China has doled out up to $350 billion in loans to countries in connection to the initiative since 2013. Approximately half of these countries are considered to be high-risk loan recipients.

Countries will likely continue struggling to make payments on loans as they economically recover following the COVID-19 pandemic. In the past, when Sri Lanka couldn’t pay back its loans, China seized control of the Hambantota Port for 99 years. When Pakistan couldn’t pay back its loans, it received a bailout from the International Monetary Fund.

If these examples weren’t enough to indicate how disastrous a CCP-led global order would be for human rights, sovereignty, freedom, and our rules-based order, the CCP’s actions throughout the Wuhan virus pandemic should remove all doubt.

Ideally, when cooperating and collaborating with allies and partners, one doesn’t have to worry about being lied to, stolen from, or spied on. As we wrote in “Trump versus China: Facing America’s Greatest Threat,” “Using surveillance, control, deception, and cheating as methods for preserving the power of the Chinese Communist Party … Xi Jinping and the [CCP] are constructing a different kind of world that threatens the survival of our free and sovereign nation.”

It is clear the CCP does not seek to make China a regional power, but a global one. China is attacking the values of freedom, human rights, and sovereignty that the United States and other like-minded nations hold dear. Further, the CCP is exploiting the free market, rules-based system to fuel its power and further its ambitions. By subverted or manipulating these norms, China’s communist dictatorship seriously threatens the United States, our partners and allies, and our way of life.

The U.S. Must Work with Allies to Check China

However, the United States alone can’t assume the role of the world’s police to defend against this threat, nor can we prevent China from controlling critical supply chains and manufacturing capabilities that are essential for ensuring our national security. The United States alone can’t loosen Huawei’s stranglehold on the global telecommunications industry. America can’t be the only voice speaking out against the CCP’s disinformation campaigns and rampant human rights abuses.

Effective solutions to overcome this global threat will require constructive cooperation with our allies and partners. Recently, the Inter-Parliamentary Alliance on China (IPAC) was established. Led by the United Kingdom, it brings together a group of cross-party legislators from around the world to “promote a coordinated response between democratic states to challenges posed by the present conduct and future ambitions of the People’s Republic of China.”

U.S. Sens. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., and Bob Menendez, D-N.J., serve as co-chairs alongside legislators and politicians from the United Kingdom, Australia, Canada, Switzerland, the Czech Republic, the European Union, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Lithuania, the Netherlands, Norway, and Sweden. Establishing this coalition at the legislative level ensures longevity, as it is set up to withstand changes in governments and administrations.

The creation of IPAC is a strong, united stance against the CCP’s global attacks on our shared values and free market, rules-based system. In its short life, IPAC has already significantly increased its membership and it will continue to do so. All legislators are invited to join the effort by agreeing to the coalition’s statement and contacting the group through an online form.

Trump has been clear: “America first does not mean America alone.” IPAC’s creation is an enormously positive step, as is the U.S. proposal for establishing an Economic Prosperity Network of trustworthy countries.

It’s Time to Take Action

Foundation for Defense of Democracies founder Cliff May wrote that the network would diversify supply chains and members would not be allowed to become overly entangled with adversaries, such as China, Russia, Iran, and North Korea. The Economic Prosperity Network also could, as May suggested, take on some of the responsibilities that international organizations have been failing at executing or willingly neglecting. The increase in cooperation among the Five Eyes to respond to China and the push to establish a D10 to work together on 5G technology are also strong steps.

Just as Trump has done throughout the course of his administration, the United States, our allies, and our partners must also objectively look at the international laws and organizations in place to determine if such structures are capable of overcoming the modern threats facing free societies and economies in the 21st century. We must adopt a Peter Drucker approach and ask ourselves, “If we weren’t already doing it, would we start?” This will inform how we continue, reform, or create new ways to counter the CCP’s threats.

Constructive collaboration is necessary to successfully defend against the CCP’s attacks on human rights, freedom, sovereignty, and the free market, rules-based order. We possess an opportunity to reinvigorate and strengthen our alliances, partnerships, and structures to meet modern-day challenges — and the United States and our allies should seize it.

New Bill Would Slash Protections For Tech Companies Censoring Free Speech

According to information obtained exclusively by The Federalist, Sen. Kelly Loeffler (R-Ga.) introduced a bill to amend the Communications Decency Act so tech companies that restrict constitutionally protected speech may not retain liability protections. Under Section 230 of the CDA, big tech companies are generally shielded from liability for unlawful content on their platforms (such as posts engaging in trafficking or terrorism).

But Loeffler’s Stopping Big Tech Censorship Act would allow internet users to challenge those protections if the platform censors users’ free speech. It would also require tech companies to “explain the practices and procedures” they use to censor content, and provide an explanation to users when their content is taken down.

“For too long, Big Tech has cloaked themselves in the protection of the First Amendment when convenient, while using their essentially monopolistic platforms to censor and suppress conservative speech,” Loeffler said.

The bill’s introduction follows a similar executive order issued by President Trump last month. The Executive Order on Preventing Online Censorship likewise states that companies engaging in online censorship should not receive immunity under Section 230.

In response to the executive order, the Department of  Justice released  recommendations for reform. The Justice Department’s review included a suggestion to “limit immunity for content moderation decisions to those done in accordance with plain and particular terms of service and accompanied by a reasonable explanation,” except in certain exigent circumstances.

Loeffler’s bill follows a similar bill proposed by Republican Sen. Josh Hawley of Missouri. Hawley’s Limiting Section 230 Immunity to Good Samaritans Act, of which Loeffler is a co-sponsor, would only grant Section 230 immunity to tech companies that operate in “good faith” toward speech on their platforms. Hawley’s bill would also allow internet users to sue platforms that violate the “good faith” standard.

4 Things the Liberal Media...

4 Things the Liberal Media
Won’t Tell You
About Black Lives Matter

Fred Lucas • June 25, 2020

Black Lives Matter as a movement, or at least a slogan, recently has attracted broad support in favor of racial equality and opposition to police brutality.

Two-thirds of Americans say they either strongly or somewhat support the Black Lives Matter movement, according to a Pew Research poll.

However, at least one self-described “trained Marxist” founded the organization behind the movement, and that organization also has called for dismantling the nuclear family—something that likely extends beyond the goals of many supporters.

“This hardcore cadre, they are parasitic on genuine outrage and genuine injustice,” Scott Walter, president of the Capital Research Center, an investigative think tank, told The Daily Signal in a phone interview.

“I don’t know anyone on the planet who doesn’t think the George Floyd death was an injustice,” Walter said. “That’s why it was against the law. That’s why they [the four Minneapolis police officers involved] are being prosecuted. Most of the people out protesting are going to be moved by the outrage of the moment. The problem is that you have this cadre.”

Walter was referring primarily to the three founders of Black Lives Matter as well as a board member with Thousand Currents, the leading funder of the group.

Here are four things to know about the founders and organization behind Black Lives Matter.

1. Are BLM Leaders ‘Trained Marxists?’

The Black Lives Matter movement began after the 2013 shooting death of Trayvon Martin, 17, in Sanford, Florida, and picked up after the fatal police shooting of Michael Brown, 18, in 2014 in Ferguson, Missouri.

The group’s co-founders are Patrisse Khan-Cullors, Opal Tometi, and Alicia Garza, all of them black women.

“The first thing, I think, is that we actually do have an ideological frame,” Khan-Cullors said in a 2015 interview with Real News Network. “Myself and Alicia in particular are trained organizers. We are trained Marxists.”

Khan-Cullors continued:

We are super-versed on, sort of, ideological theories. And I think that what we really tried to do is build a movement that could be utilized by many, many black folk. We don’t necessarily want to be the vanguard of this movement. I think we’ve tried to put out a political frame that’s about centering who we think are the most vulnerable amongst the black community, to really fight for all of our lives.

Khan-Cullors, who serves as strategic adviser to the Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation, is an artist and organizer from Los Angeles, according to the group’s website.

Khan-Cullors, 36, is also the founder of Dignity and Power Now, a group that advocates for incarcerated people and their families. A Fulbright scholar, she is the New York Times best-selling author of the book “When They Call You a Terrorist.”

Garza, an organizer in Oakland, California, is also special projects director for the National Domestic Workers Alliance, an advocacy group for domestic workers.

Garza, 39, was named to The Root’s 2016 list of 100 African American achievers and influencers and is the recipient of the 2016 Glamour Women of the Year Award and the 2016 Marie Claire New Guard Award. She was recognized as a Community Change Agent at the BET’s 2016 Black Girls Rock Awards.

While two founders of Black Lives Matter are on the West Coast, Tometi works out of New York. The group’s website describes her as a “Nigerian-American writer, strategist, and community organizer” and a “transnational feminist.”

Tometi, 35, created online platforms and social media strategy during the early days of the movement.

She also is executive director of the Black Alliance for Just Immigration and, according to the website, is featured at the National Museum of African American History and Culture in Washington.

2. What’s the Official Organization?

More than one Black Lives Matter appears to exist, but the one primary associated with its best-known founders and that receives the largest level of donations is the Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation.

According to the group’s website, the organization has a national network of about 40 chapters.

The Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation didn’t respond directly to questions from The Daily Signal. After two days of inquiries, spokesman Jordan Jackson said in an email that the organization was “inundated” with media requests.

“Should someone be available to fulfill this request,” Jackson wrote, “I will circle back here as soon as possible.”

In 2016, the left-leaning grantmaker Thousand Currents, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit group, became the financial sponsor of the Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation.

As a result, the foundation doesn’t have its own tax-exempt status and is instead a project of Thousand Currents that doesn’t yet have to file what are called 990 forms with the Internal Revenue Service.

Thousand Currents reported $3.35 million in donations earmarked for the BLM Global Network Foundation in 2019, according to Capital Research Center, a watchdog group for nonprofits.

Pledges of donations skyrocketed after the May 25 death of Floyd, a handcuffed black man, in police custody in Minneapolis. Those donors include major corporations.

“Thousand Currents has been a fiscal sponsor of BLM since 2016, and serves as the back office support, including finance, accounting, grants management, insurance, human resources, legal and compliance. Donations to BLM are restricted donations to support the activities of BLM,” Thousand Currents said in an email to The Daily Signal.

It deferred other questions to the BLM Global Network Foundation.

Thousand Currents reportedly gave a total of $90,130 in grants to the Santa Clarita, California-based Black Lives Matter Foundation, according to its tax filings for fiscal years 2017 and 2018.

This second organization, according to BuzzFeed, is a one-man operation separate from the Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation. After Floyd’s death, the foundation in Santa Clarita raked in $4.3 million in donations, BuzzFeed reported.

To add to the mix, a separate Movement for Black Lives has financial sponsorship from the Alliance for Global Justice.

The W.K. Kellogg Foundation gave a three-year $900,000 grant through Thousand Currents to help organize local BLM Global Network Foundation chapters, according to Capital Research Center.

More recently, several major corporations announced they were donating to Black Lives Matter.

Amazon announced it would give $10 million to 12 groups, including BLM Global Network Foundation, while Microsoft vowed to give $250,000 to it. Airbnb announced it is giving a total of $500,000 to the NAACP and the BLM Global Network Foundation.

The George Soros-backed Open Society Foundations reportedly contributed about $33 million to groups associated with the Black Lives Matter movement. However, it isn’t clear whether that money made it to the BLM Global Network Foundation, according to Capital Research Center.

3. What Does the Organization Want?

Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation doesn’t hide its more out-of-the mainstream views, although many of them are stated in broad terms.

“We disrupt the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure requirement by supporting each other as extended families and ‘villages’ that collectively care for one another, especially our children, to the degree that mothers, parents, and children are comfortable,” the organization says on its website. The website uses the word “comrades” several times, in one instance to say: “We practice empathy. We engage comrades with the intent to learn about and connect with their contexts.”

Although the organization states that “We are unapologetically Black in our positioning,” it focuses heavily on something that traditionally has not been part of African American activism—sexual orientation and gender identity:

We make space for transgender brothers and sisters to participate and lead. … We are self-reflexive and do the work required to dismantle cisgender privilege and uplift Black trans folk, especially Black trans women who continue to be disproportionately impacted by trans-antagonistic violence. …

We build a space that affirms Black women and is free from sexism, misogyny, and environments in which men are centered.

Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation says it is a “queer-affirming network.”

“When we gather, we do so with the intention of freeing ourselves from the tight grip of heteronormative thinking, or rather, the belief that all in the world are heterosexual (unless s/he or they disclose otherwise),” it says.

It also fights age discrimination, stating: “We cultivate an intergenerational and communal network free from ageism.”

4. What Is Thousand Currents?

Thousand Currents, which underwrites the Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation, describes itself as an organization that “envisions a world where humanity thrives as a creative force that is in reciprocal [sic] and interdependent with nature, and creates loving, equitable and just societies.”

Notably, the vice chairwoman of the board of directors for Thousand Currents is Susan Rosenberg, a convicted felon who participated in bombing buildings in the Northeast and Washington, D.C.

In an email Wednesday, The Daily Signal asked Thousand Currents about Rosenberg’s position on the board of directors. That morning, the organization’s webpage about the board included a short bio of Rosenberg. By late afternoon, that page no longer was available and a message said: “Ooops. Sorry. This page doesn’t exist.”

Rosenberg was part of M19, short for May 19th Communist Organization. Her memoir “An American Radical,” details her 16 years in federal prison.

At her sentencing hearing in 1984, Rosenberg urged supporters to “continue to fight for the defeat of U.S. imperialism.”

“One of the biggest bombs they had went off in the U.S. Capitol and tore up that fine Democratic slave owner John C. Calhoun’s portrait,” Capital Research Center’s Walter said of Rosenberg and M19. “The Weather Underground wasn’t really radical enough for her. Some of those people ended up wimping out and going off to be stock brokers and whatever. That wasn’t good enough for her and she stayed radical.”

M19’s bombings reportedly were for the sake of causing enough disruption to prevent President Ronald Reagan’s reelection in 1984. Rosenberg was a member of the Weather Underground in the 1960s. President Bill Clinton commuted her 58-year sentence on his last day in office in January 2001.

According to Capital Research Center, Thousand Currents also is a grant-making organization that assists various other left-of-center causes and has focused heavily on opposing genetically modified organisms.

Donors include the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation, the NoVo Foundation, and the Libra Foundation. It had annual revenue of $6.8 million in 2018.

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Devin Nunes Discusses Peter Strzok Notes that Tie Obama and Biden to Flynn Targeting

Devin Nunes appears for a short interview with Martha MacCallum to discuss the latest information in/around the background investigation of the Michael Flynn case.

Jump Off Twitter And Into Parler For Free Speech Friday

Twitter continues to escalate its censorship and slanting of all things conservative. Earlier this week, Twitter affixed a warning to a tweet from President Trump announcing that “there will never be an ‘Autonomous Zone’ in Washington, D.C., if I’m your President. If they try they will be met with serious force!” Twitter Safety saw this tweet as a threat of harm against an identifiable group, even though the “identifiable group” consisted of vandals and Trump spoke of enforcing the law.

The same day, Twitter also permanently suspended “Carpe Donktum” supposedly because of repeated copyright violations. Carpe Donktum regularly posts pro-Trump memes that also take aim at corporate media.

His most recent dust up with Twitter followed Trump retweeting a meme Carpe Donktum created to parody CNN’s reporting. The memo portrayed the fake news network showing a truncated video of two young friends to create the impression that a racist white toddler was chasing a terrified black peer.

These incidents came on the heels of Google threatening to ban The Federalist from Google ad revenue based on offensive comments to articles left by third parties. The specter of a left-leaning big tech company deplatforming a conservative outlet in an election year prompted outrage from Republican politicians and raised the urgency for lawmakers to narrow the immunity granted social media platforms in Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act.

There is a consensus in conservative circles that Google, Twitter, and Facebook hold a bias against the right and as a result silence (or quiet) conservative voices. The right, however, disagrees on the solution. Amending Section 230 is one option, but exerting market forces is another, and a more, conservative solution.

But will it work? Or is Twitter too big to flay? There’s only one way to find out: exert those market forces.

Some conservatives began this process long ago, moving to competitor Parler. The last few weeks of Twitter outrage have led many more to announce new Parler accounts. However, until Parler obtains a critical mass of people engaging on the platform, it cannot compete with Twitter.

Twitter executives know this, which is likely why they feel no pause in escalating their battle with Trump and other conservatives. Conservatives must also recognize, however, that a mass exodus, especially in an election year, will damage the cause more than it will harm Twitter’s bottom line because preaching to the choir won’t win the presidency, keep the Senate, or retake the House.

But just as the “Blue Flu” and “work slowdowns” convey concerns while inflicting pain, Twitter can be taught that its targeting of conservatives has consequences if conservatives walk away—not forever, but for one day.

So, let’s make Friday, June 26, 2020, a #FreeSpeechFriday. Go silent on Twitter and join the growing group of conservatives on Parler. And let @Jack and your followers know you are doing so.

Pin a tweet today announcing your plans and providing your Parler handle. Then log in to Parler and engage there. The impact may be minor, or, if enough folks ditch Twitter for the day, the higher-ups might just take note and tone down their double standard.

If they don’t, conservatives may just decide to split their time between Parler and Twitter—something entirely doable if we aren’t wasting our time contemplating that one word to change in a movie or book title. Fewer tweets and fewer engagements add up, and for Twitter the sum will translate into reduced revenue streams.

If Twitter ultimately proves impervious to market forces, we will then know that the regulations governing social media giants need to be changed.

I’ll see you on Parler at ProfMJCleveland.

Glasgow: Man shot dead by police after stabbing attack in city centre

A stabbing attack in Glasgow city centre has left a number of people injured and a police officer in a critical condition.
A male suspect was shot dead by an armed police officer.

 Another six people are in hospital for treatment to their injuries, including a police officer who suffered knife wounds.

Police said the incident was now contained and did not present a threat to the wider public.
Armed police have sealed off West George Street and paramedics in hazmat suits were seen treating a person on a blood-stained pavement.
Footage of the incident showed armed police outside a building as a number of people ran out with their hands up.
Eyewitnesses told Sky News they saw people, bloodied, being taken on stretchers from the Park Inn hotel.

Louisa, who was in a building on West George Street, told Sky News: "I saw people being treated with blood on the ground.
"I saw people running out of the hotel with the police shouting 'put your hands up, put your hands up, come out'.
"There were police cars, ambulances all over the street and they cordoned it off. Police were shouting to people in other buildings near the Park Inn hotel to stay inside and not come into the street.
"I saw at least three people injured and they were taken away in ambulances.
"There were quite a number of people coming out with their hands up, running down the steps of the hotel.
"I saw people with blood on them, all over the ground."

Sky News' home affairs correspondent Mark White said: "There are reports, in addition to the suspect who was shot dead by police, of fatalities.
"I'm not able to put a precise number on that. It was mentioned three, but we don't know if that includes the alleged armed attacker as well.
"At this moment in time we can say there are reports of fatalities but there is no precise number on that."
He added: "They're not in a position where they're yet determining that this is being treated as a terrorist incident, but sources I've been speaking to certainly are suggesting that it may well be heading in that direction."

"However, I would like to reassure the public that this is a contained incident and that the wider public is not at risk. Armed police officers attended the incident and I can confirm that a male suspect was shot by an armed officer.
"I would like to reassure the public that at this time we are not looking for anyone else in relation to this incident.
"The individual who was shot by armed police has died. Six other people are in hospital for treatment to their injuries including a police officer, who is in a critical but stable condition."
Home Secretary Priti Patel said she was "deeply alarmed" by the incident, while Scotland's first minister Nicola Sturgeon described it as "truly dreadful" and urged people to stay away from the area.

Black Lives Matter co-founder connected to Maduro

OAN Newsroom
UPDATED 7:26 PM PT — Friday, June 26, 2020
Black Lives Matter co-founder Opal Tometi is reportedly connected to the Maduro regime. A picture of Tometi hugging the Venezuelan dictator surfaced on Thursday.
The photo in question was taken in Harlem at the 2015 People of African Descent Leadership Summit. At the time, Maduro was in New York for the United Nations General Assembly.
Tometi also shared some thoughts at the summit, where she thanked Maduro and his government for having her. During her speech, she condemned the “western economic policies, land grabs and neocolonial financial instruments like the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund.”

Police brutality, one of the atrocities the Black Lives Matter movement stands against, has plagued Venezuela in the years since Maduro took power back in 2013. Since then, more than 4.5 million people have fled Venezuela.
In 2018 alone, Breitbart reported nearly 1,500 minors were killed at the hands of the police. Venezuelan police under Maduro are reported to have imprisoned and murdered a countless number of protesters and political opponents.

Tometi has not commented on the brutality in Venezuela, but remains a vocal critic of so-called police brutality in America.
“But people from all walks of life are looking around and saying, this is not the type of country I want to live in. I am tired. I don’t want to be part of a society that allows unarmed black people to be killed every single day by police.”
— Opal Tometi, co-founder – Black Lives Matter
This follows a recently circulated video showing another Black Lives Matter co-founder, Patrisse Cullors, stating that the movement holds a Marxist ideology.
“We actually do have an ideological frame, myself and Alicia in particular are trained organizers,” said Cullors. “We are trained Marxists.”

Twitter’s Brazen 2020 Election Interference Will Eventually End In Banning Trump

Twitter’s policies about misleading tweets and abusive behavior are deeply cynical and designed merely to censor speech Jack Dorsey doesn’t like.

It seems clear now that Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey is going to ban President Donald Trump. It’s just a matter of when.

Dorsey will come up with a pretext, however absurd or cynical, as part of Twitter’s ongoing efforts to interfere in the 2020 election. It will probably consist of a charge that Trump has had one too many violations of some entirely subjective and impossible-to-define Twitter policy on abusive or harmful speech.

We got another preview of what that might look like this week when Twitter once again appended a warning label to a Trump tweet that apparently violated Twitter’s policy against “abusive behavior.” What did Trump say that was abusive? He said there would never be an “autonomous zone” in the nation’s capital, and that any mob trying to take over D.C. streets would be met with “serious force.”

In other words, the president promised to enforce the law. That was considered “abusive” by Twitter.

The irony is that the president’s tweet was in reference to a group of people who were actually engaged in abusive behavior. Trump sent the tweet after a mob vandalized St. John’s Episcopal Church and tried to pull down a statue of former President Andrew Jackson in Lafayette Square Monday night. Twitter justified the warning label by citing its policy against abusive behavior, which prohibits “the targeted harassment of someone” or inciting other people to harass someone.

How, exactly, the tweet in question could be considered harassment, or incitement to harassment, the company didn’t say. And of course it didn’t because the policy is nothing more than subjective gibberish meant to provide a pretext for censoring whatever Trump might say that Jack Dorsey doesn’t like.

Last month, when Twitter unveiled this policy, a Trump tweet was flagging for “glorifying violence.” What did Trump say that glorified violence? That if Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey couldn’t get mass riots under control, he would “send in the National Guard & get the job done right.”

Again, the president was promising to enforce the law in the face of local officials who would not. It takes a willful suspension of reason and common sense to understand these tweets as either abusive or glorifying violence.

Same goes for Twitter’s flagging of Trump tweets last month about the possibility of mail-in voting fraud in November, which Twitter said were misleading—despite plenty of evidence that mail-in voting is uniquely susceptible to fraud, and despite the fact that Trump was tweeting about something that might happen in the future.

How could Twitter know whether Trump’s predictions are misleading? It’s a mystery.

Twitter's Pattern of Targeting Conservative Accounts

But none of that matters to Dorsey and his woke minions at Twitter. They don’t really care about misleading information or abusive and harmful behavior, and they prove it just about every week.

This week, for example, Twitter temporarily removed a viral “Karen” video of a man berating a terrified woman after a traffic altercation in which the man says “this is her license plate… this is her address” while he films her car and residence and she cowers in fear.

It was clearly abusive and threatening behavior, and was reported as such by thousands of people who were shocked at what amounted to doxxing and harassment. But after a brief hiatus, the video was back up on Wednesday. No violation to see here, folks. Move along.

Or again this week, Twitter announced it had permanently banned Carpe Donktum, a pro-Trump meme account that had more than 270,000 followers. Why? Because the account posted memes—you know, the crudely doctored video clips you see all over the internet. Twitter banned the account for copyright violations, a decision that if applied equaled would certainly result in Twitter banning millions of accounts.

But of course the Carpe Donktum account wasn’t banned for copyright violations, it was banned because it produced pro-Trump memes—one of which, the “racist toddler” meme, Trump himself retweeted last Thursday. But I’m sure that had nothing to do with Twitter’s decision. Couldn’t have. Twitter was, after all, just enforcing its completely neutral policy. Right?

This Only Goes In One Direction

The arbitrariness and palpable bias at Twitter also shows up in errors of omission. When Democrats tweet misleading or inaccurate claims, or leftist meme-makers go after Trump, Twitter simply does nothing.

For example on Wednesday, Sen. Cory Booker posted an MSNBC interview clip in which he makes several misleading claims about the Republican police reform bill in the Senate, saying it “fails across the board” because it doesn’t ban chokeholds or no-knock raids by state and local police, implying that House Democrats’ police reform bill would.

What Booker doesn’t mention is that House bill doesn’t in fact ban those things, and treats them much the same way the Senate GOP bill does. Sen. Tim Scott was quick to point that out, but if Twitter is really interested in combating misinformation on its site, you’d think it would append a label or warning to Booker’s tweet. It didn’t.

The plain fact, excruciatingly obvious at this point, is that Twitter’s criteria for what’s misleading, abusive, or harassing, or what “glorifies violence,” is entirely one-sided and almost always enforced against conservatives and Republicans but never against leftists or Democrats. Don’t hold your breath waiting for Twitter to ban videos of rioters beating up passersby and torching storefronts, or Democrats lying, or left-wing accounts abusing copyrights. It’s not going to happen.

On the other hand, you can be sure that before we get too much closer to the November election, Twitter will drop any pretense about being a neutral platform and ban Trump outright.

About That Photograph – NASCAR Panics After....

About That Photograph – NASCAR Panics After Someone Caught Intentionally Promoting “Fake Noose” Story – Provide Photo of “Noose”, But Picture Makes Their Story Worse 

conservative treehouse

Today, NASCAR released a picture of the garage pull-down rope and knot that both they and Bubba Wallace described as a “noose hanging over the car“.

Except it clearly was not hanging over the car, and it clearly wasn’t a “noose” or it wouldn’t function to help pull the door down. Driver Bubba Wallace now calls it “a non-functioning noose.”  Or, in simple terms, a garage pull-down rope with a loop-knot tied in the end.

However, what NASCAR does not yet realize is the picture they have provided actually makes the situation worse; because the picture shows something else, something worse:

The picture was taken Sunday, in Bubba Wallace’s garage stall #4, when the race was cancelled due to inclement weather (rain and lightning).  However, pay close attention to the partially visible uniform on the man standing at the left of the picture.

That person is a member of the Wood Brothers Race Team and this is a VERY important facet.  The picture was taken Sunday, prior to the “noose” (hereafter called a knot) being cut down.  According to a statement by the Wood Brothers team, they informed NASCAR officials the garage-pull in question was in place in 2019:

“One of our employees notified us yesterday … he recalled seeing a tied handle in the garage, from last fall.  We immediately notified NASCAR and have assisted the investigation”. (link)

So that would explain why one of the Wood Brothers team was present on Sunday June 21st when the photograph was taken.

But here’s the problem…. If that picture was taken by NASCAR that means NASCAR was aware the knot in question was in place in 2019; and therefore knew Bubba Wallace was not the target…. and they would know this on Sunday; before they went out and made a big racial publicity stunt over it.

If it wasn’t NASCAR that took the picture, and the picture was taken by a member of Bubba Wallace’s #43 crew, that means the Richard Petty Motorsports team was aware their driver Bubba Wallace was not a target, and it was the team who made a big racial publicity stunt over it.   This scenario seems most likely.

The visibility of a Wood Brothers crew member in the picture taken Sunday means either NASCAR knew the provenance, and/or Richard Petty Motorsports knew the provenance, before they made a big, fake, racially explosive media narrative about it.  Either way is very bad news for the sport of NASCAR because that truth highlights a very damaging intent.

Again, this is how RPMotorsports described the details around the event:

Remember, the corporation of NASCAR decided to make this a big deal on Sunday, and then again on Monday when they called for the FBI investigation. The rope was cut down prior to the FBI arrival (FBI didn’t arrive until Monday).

The picture NASCAR released today shows that whoever originated the story, likely a person within RPMotorsports, knew immediately the rope-pull was in place in October 2019, and that Bubba Wallace was not a target of some racial angle.  Ultimately, this is the conclusion the FBI also reached after their investigation.

Prior to the FBI reaching that conclusion, our own research had already discovered this.

However, knowing the larger background of that picture released today, it is not surprising that both NASCAR and Richard Petty Motorsports are in full damage control mode; trying desperately to save themselves from public backlash over a toxic racial hoax the Bubba Wallace team created, and ultimately NASCAR promoted.

The Bubba Wallace team, Richard Petty Motorsports and ultimately NASCAR have seriously compromised the integrity of their sport in order to advance themselves.  Which leads to the next aspect in order to understand an alignment of motives.

great article on RPMotorsports and their new owner Andrew Murstein from September of last year, explains why that specific team would intentionally fabricate this story to advance their interests:

New York Sports – […] “When we bought RPM, Richard had a similar objective and focus as I did which was to improve performance and bring diversity to the sport,” said Murstein, RPM’s Co-Owner. “I remember at the press conference I made that objective clear. It’s a major major sport but the athletes and the fan base were not as diverse as other sports.
I wanted to focus on changing the image of NASCAR and give everyone the same opportunity to succeed.”
[…] “To me, it was way overdue,” said Murstein. “The more that I heard about that the more determined Richard and I were, and we wanted to make a shift, so to speak, to a higher gear in the sport. We wanted to also expand the fan base, and show that anyone could excel in NASCAR regardless of his or her skin color.
[…] The fact that Murstein is dedicated to diversity is not something new because it’s also been a mission for him with Medallion Financial, a company that was exclusively lending money to women and minority owned companies since the 1980’s when he joined the family business until its IPO in the 1990’s. Upon his arrival, Murstein focused on successfully diversifying the Company and tried to find other niches in terms of lending money to minorities that were overlooked by banks.
[…] About the time the Company was going public, Murstein approached former New York Governor Mario Cuomo about joining the company’s Board of Directors. Cuomo thought about it for six months or so and then after seeing a story about Medallion and it’s diversified lending in the Wall Street Journal, he called Murstein to give him the good news that he was coming on board.
[…] With Cuomo, a Democratic, joining the Board of Directors, Murstein added some political balance (read more)

And there you have it.

The toxic blend.

A politically connected NASCAR team owner with a motivation to increase racial diversity in the sport;…. combined with a socially sensitive NASCAR President, Steve Phelps, who wants NASCAR to “discover its place in modern American pop culture”…”in order to promote this sport in a way we haven’t in the past”;… combined with a racially motivated Bubba Wallace team looking to advance both sets of owner and corporate interests.

What was the outcome?

Pictured above: October 2019 Paul Menard crew – no problem
Pictured below: June 21, 2020, Bubba Wallace crew – OMG Racism!

Last point.  This wasn’t the first time this exact “purposeful mistake” was made.

MICHIGAN – Police have ruled that a rope resembling a noose which was found at the University Hospital in Michigan was not the result of a hate crime but someone practicing tying a fishing knot…

Remember that the next time you tie nooses in your shoes.