Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Recalling Africa’s harrowing tale of its first slavers – The Arabs – as UK Slave Trade Abolition is commemorated

 Editorial in "The New African":

The 25th March was,  as usual,  commemorated as  the day  Britain officially abolished its Slave Trade in 1807. But how many recall that Arab slavers were the first, and last, in modern times to ship millions of Africans out of the continent as slaves? And that Arab slavers preferred more African women to men?  We revisit our archives for this insightful reminder by George Pavlu.
In his book, Slaves and Slavery, published in 1998, the British writer Duncan Clarke defines slavery as “the reduction of fellow human beings to the legal status of chattels, allowing them to be bought and sold as goods”. This, in essence, is what both the Arabs and Europeans did to Africans, to justify the shipping of millions of Africans as slaves to far-away lands in Asia (in particular, the Middle East) and the Americas.
“The African slave trade, surely one of the most tragic and disturbing episodes in the history of mankind,” Clarke writes, “had its origins in the intervention of forces from the civilisations that developed in the regions of the Mediterranean sea — today’s Europe and the Middle East — into the arena of the more fragmented civilisations of sub-Saharan Africa.
“Africa became a source of slaves for the cultures of the Mediterranean world many centuries before the discovery of the Americas, but it was that discovery and the resulting shift in focus towards the Atlantic that prompted the culminating explosive growth in slavery with such tragic effect.”
Slavery, in fact, was a central feature of life in the Mediterranean world, especially in Mesopotamia, ancient Egypt, Greece, Imperial Rome and the Islamic societies of the Middle East and North Africa.
Then, between 1600 and 1800, another 1.4 million Africans were shipped out by the Arabs. The 19th century represented the highest point of the Arabian trade where 12,000 Africans were shipped out every year. The total figure for the 19th century alone was 1.2 million slaves to Arabia.
“The most important source of slaves in medieval Europe,” Clarke’s research shows, “was the coast of Bosnia on the eastern shores of the Adriatic Sea. The word ‘slave’ and its cognates in most modern European languages is itself derived from ‘sclavus’ meaning ‘slav’, the ethnic name for the inhabitants of this region…
“For various reasons, including the harshness of the terrain and endemic warfare among local clans, Bosnia proved the most convenient and long-lasting of these slave-supplying regions. Whichever clan gained a temporary upper hand was always willing to sell its captured rivals in exchange for the goods of the Mediterranean world in the markets of the ancient Romanised city of Ragusa (present day Dubrovnik). From there, Slavs were shipped as slaves by Venetian merchants, to supply new markets in the Islamic world.”
Thus, “for the Islamic world,” Clarke continues, “Slavs provided the major source of slaves in the 250 or so years between the defeat at the battle of Poitiers in AD 732 that forced the consolidation of their dramatic conquests across North Africa and the Iberian peninsula, cutting back the flow of war captives, and the expansion of the im port of black Africans across the Sahara from around AD 1000.”
The trade in slaves ended when the Ottoman Turk s conquered the region in 1463. “The effective closure of the last major source of slaves on the European continent,” says Clarke, “thus co-incidentally took place at the same time as the Portuguese explorations of the West African coast which were to open up the second and most devastating route for the exploitation of Africans as slaves.”
Figures on the Arab slave trade in Africa are hard to come by, but the historian Paul Lovejoy estimates that some 9.85 million Africans were shipped out as slaves to Arabia and, in small numbers, to the Indian subcontinent. Lovejoy breaks his figures down as follows:
Between AD 650 and 1600, an average of 5,000 Africans were shipped out by the Arabs. This makes a rough total of 7.25 million.
Then, between 1600 and 1800, another 1.4 million Africans were shipped out by the Arabs. The 19th century represented the highest point of the Arabian trade where 12,000 Africans were shipped out every year. The total figure for the 19th century alone was 1.2 million slaves to Arabia.
The numbers game
Thus, in terms of numbers, Arabia’s 9.85 million is not far behind the conservative estimate of nearly 12 million African victims of the Atlantic slave trade. Some African historians, though, reject these figures on the grounds that they are too low. They suggest over 50 million Africans were shipped out during the Atlantic trade alone.
According to Lovejoy, another 4.1 million Africans were shipped across the Red Sea to the Persian Gulf and India. “This trade also, with the notable exception of some Portuguese involvement in the area of Mozambique, and of 18th and 19th century French exports to islands under their control in the Indian Ocean, was largely conducted by Muslims,” adds Duncan Clarke.
Through out the 19th century, the Omani Arab rulers of Zanzibar shipped hundreds of thousands of African slaves to work on clove plantations on the island. It was this trade that gave Europe and America so much satisfaction, after abolishing their own trade in African slaves, to highlight the wickedness of the Arab slavers who continued to enslave Africans well into the first decades of the 20th century. Even to this day, Arab slavers are still at work in Sudan and Mauritania, buying and selling black Africans.
David Livingstone, the British missionary/traveller/explorer was so upset by the way the Arabs treated their African slaves that he wrote back home in 1870:
“In less than I take to talk about it, these unfortunate creatures — 84 of them, wended their way into the village where we were. Some of them, the eldest, were women from 20 to 22 years of age, and there were youths from 18 to 19, but the large majority was made up of boys and girls from 7 years to 14 or 15 years of age.
“A more terrible scene than these men, women and children, I do not think I ever came across. To say that they were emaciated would not give you an idea of what human beings can undergo under certain circumstances. “Each of them had his neck in a large forked stick, weigh ing from 30 to 40 pounds, and five or six feet long, cut with a fork at the end of it where the branches of a tree spread out. “T he women were tethered with bark thongs, which are, of all things, the most cruel to be tied with. Of course they are soft and supple when first striped off the trees, but a few hours in the sun make them about as hard as the iron round packing-cases. The little children were fastened by thongs to their mothers. “As we passed along the path which these slaves had travelled, I was shown a spot in the bushes where a poor woman the day before, unable to keep on the march, and likely to hinder it, was cut down by the axe of one of these slave drivers. “We went on further and were shown a p lace where a child lay. It had been been recently born, and its mother was unable to carry it from debility and exhaustion; so the slave trader had taken this little infant by its feet and dashed its brains out against one of the trees and thrown it in there.”
Such was the brutality meted out to the Africans by the Arabs. Like the Atlantic trade, the Arabian trade’s “middle passage” was equally as horrible and terrifying. The “middle passage” describes the harrowing journey lasting several months from Africa’s west coast to the Americas during which millions of Africans, packed like sardines in the slave ships, died of thirst, hunger, rough seas, and sometimes from the sheer brutality inflicted by the European slavers.
David Livingstone, the British missionary/traveller/explorer was so upset by the way the Arabs treated their African slaves that he wrote back home in 1870:“In less than I take to talk about it, these unfortunate creatures — 84 of them, wended their way into the village where we were. Some of them, the eldest, were women from 20 to 22 years of age, and there were youths from 18 to 19, but the large majority was made up of boys and girls from 7 years to 14 or 15 years of age.
In the Arabian trade, the trudge across the Sahara, in leg and neck chains, and as Livingstone describes above, necks in large forked sticks and hands tied with bark thongs, was particularly harsh on the African slaves.
Says Duncan Clarke: “The hardships of these long marches across the desert were considerable, and much later travellers reported that the routes were lined with the parched skeletons of those who succumbed to exhaustion and thirst along the way.”
The Arab slavers did not only march their African captives to Arabia, they also sometimes sold them to European slavers.
In modern times, the popular image of African slavery springs from the vision of a tormented male suffering under the lash of unceasing labour on some “New World” sugar plantation. Yet the real face of servitude finds its focus in the forced migration of millions of girls and young women across the Sahara and the Horn of Africa in to the institutions of Islamic concubinage.
Why they preferred women
While in the European “New W o r ld ”, the measure of a man’s stature was mapped out and calibrated on the physical dimensions of empire built upon the sinews of forced masculine labour, in the Islamic Orient wealth was a reflection of prestige, young girls the vessel of male h u b r is , th e mats of male pleasure ground, the malleable material to be shaped to the master’s will.
Thus, women slaves in the Arab world were often turned into concubines living in harems, and rarely as wives, their children becoming free. A large number of male slaves and young boys were castrated and turned into eunuchs who kept watch over the harems. Castration was a particularly brutal operation with a survival rate of only 10%.
“The combined effect of all these factors,” says Duncan Clarke, “was a steady demand for slaves throughout the Islamic world, which had cover story to be met from wars, raids or purchases along the borders with non-Islamic regions. Although some of these slaves came from Russia, the Balkans and central Asia, the continuing expansion of Islamic regimes in sub-Saharan Africa made black Africans, the major source.”
So invasive was the practice of slavery into the economic, political, demographic, cultural, social and religious life of Africa and persisted for so many centuries, that while its effects varied both geographically and temporally in intensity, slavery out-distances in scale and scope any single or combination of disasters — natural or man-made, which descended upon the continent.
Thus, women slaves in the Arab world were often turned into concubines living in harems, and rarely as wives, their children becoming free. A large number of male slaves and young boys were castrated and turned into eunuchs who kept watch over the harems. Castration was a particularly brutal operation with a survival rate of only 10%.
Slavery unquestionably checked population growth in Africa and consequentially placed tremendous pressure upon gender and marital relationships during the three critical centuries of European expansion to global domination.
In this sense, the feminine-oriented Arab slave trade, though neither motivated nor executed with economic benefits as prime objective, caused far greater demographic damage and consequently greater economic decline, with its excessive poaching of the reproductive potential of the harvested areas.
The impact on Africa
No people are blank slates upon which can be inscribed untold miseries and expect no account thereof. The Arab slave trade began long before the Islamic conquest of Africa, remained at relatively low level compared to the Atlantic slave trade and did not become illegal or abolished, and was maintained till well after the colonisation of Africa. The Arabian trade was outlawed in Ethiopia only in 1935 in order to gain international support against the Italian invasion.
In the Atlantic trade, the slaves came predominantly from Africa’s west coast with a male/female ratio of two-to-one. In the Arabian trade, the slaves were exclusively from the Savannah and the Horn of Africa, and favoured females over males at a ratio nearing three-to-one.
When slavery in the Black Sea area (the traditional source of the best grade female slaves for the Arab market) dried up, it triggered an even greater demand for Ethiopian “red” slaves, in particular the Galla and Oromo on account of their unquestioned beauty and willing sexual temperament.
And while the Europeans paid a higher price for male slaves than females, the reverse was the case with the Arabs. Moreover, while the European/New World slavers profited mainly from male labour, the Arabs saw profit in sexual satisfaction/reproductive potential. (Offspring of the union between Islamic master and female slave was born free, out of respect of the child’s Islamic paternity. Any offspring of the Atlantic trade were born into slavery).
“The laws of Islam ,” as the historian Hugh Thomas attests, “were in some ways more benign in respect of slavery than were those of Rome. Slaves were not to be treated as if they were animals. Slaves and freemen were equal from the point of view of God. The master did not have power of life and death over his slave property.”
But to the Africans shipped across the Red Sea, the “benign” Islamic laws provided little comfort — they were still slaves of Islamic masters who had unfettered sexual access to them (if they were female) or castrated and turned into eunuchs (if they were men).
The upshot of this gender profile of the respective slave-classes in the Atlantic/New World and the Arab/Oriental world explains the large and visible population of African origin in the New World where sexual relations between white and black was the exception while in the Arab world where miscegenation was the practice, the slave trade has left few visible traces.
So where are the descendants of the African slaves sent to Arabia/Orient? There are no large concentrations of them, anywhere in the Middle East or Asia.
Five years ago, a British TV documentary showed how poorly the descendants of African slaves in Pakistan are treated by the authorities. The racial discrimination was so bad that one of the African descendants recounted on camera how, even in sport, they were not picked to represent Pakistan at national and international levels no matter how good they were.
Population decline
The demographic effects of Arabian slavery on the source population (those left behind) cannot be overlooked, and specifically when considering the palpable effects on African fertility as a consequence of the grossly reduced female numbers.
To ensure survival, the Africans in the harvested areas adopted a variety of social measures, which were in practice as extreme as the circumstances called for. These revolved principally around the sexual purity of the population’s remaining female reproductive stock, as well as accelerating the female’s reproductive capacity.
Though the number of female slaves exported per annum from the Savannah and the Horn was far smaller than the numbers taken from the west coast in the Atlantic trade, the proportionate impact of the remaining at-brink Savanna/Horn populations was far more severe.
The Arabian trade reached a total of perhaps 5-8% of the source populations – and as mentioned earlier — as the proportion of females harvested was exceptionally high, this resulted in a massive surplus of males in the non-harvested population. Consequently the area experienced demographic stagnation bordering decline.
In 1600, the black African population was some 50 million — about 30% of the combined population of the New World, Europe, Middle East and North Africa. By 1800, the population had fallen to 20% of the total. In 1900, at the end of the slave trade, Africa’s population had fallen yet further to just over 10% of the total — the population now so collapsed as to negatively affect the continent’s labour intensive agricultural output.
In effect, while the populations of Europe and Asia increased year on year, Africa’s population declined dramatically due to the excessive poaching by the slavers, both Arab and European.
In Arabia, the slave class (principally female), unlike the New World slave class, could never maintain itself as a distinct social entity — principally because of miscegenation. This created an even greater demand for more and more new female slaves, and coupled with the frequent natural disasters of drought and famine in the Savannah/Horn, led many African families to offer their young girls in to slavery as a last hope of survival. There are many stories of long lines of hundreds of girls, mainly Oromos from Ethiopia, trudging across the Horn towards the Red Sea seeking enslavement.
Deprived of ideology, ritual, and the African rite of passage to adulthood and social membership, female slaves were uncommonly vulnerable to conversion to Islam (the benefits of manumission aside). Manumission describes a child born of a female slave and a free Islamic father is thus born free.
For the population remaining in Africa, it is in order to embark on some speculation as to what changes the trauma o f slavery may have wrought on African thought. The experience o f sudden turn o f fate (a common experience when confronted by the ever-present threat of slavers) tended to systematically undermine any efforts at long-term planning beyond the constant need to replace lost members.
Deprived of ideology, ritual, and the African rite of passage to adulthood and social membership, female slaves were uncommonly vulnerable to conversion to Islam (the benefits of manumission aside). Manumission describes a child born of a female slave and a free Islamic father is thus born free.
It is a mistake to equate the bare survival o f Africa with cultural or social or economic stagnation, for the slave trade visited such panoply of tragically interconnected disasters into the lives of every African for centuries, that they have worked their way into the very “racial memory” of the continent and its people, particularly females, that only with time and kindness can it be expunged from the psyche o f Africa.
As one commentator puts it: “Could it be true that the corrosive effects of four centuries of commerce in humans, with its temptation, its in -built opportunism, its reduction of humans to a cash value, its cycles of revenge and its inevitable physical brutality, have built lasting flaws into African pattern of thought and action?”


FBI Says Noose Found in Bubba Wallace’s Garage..

Wall Strert Journal

FBI Says Noose Found in Bubba Wallace’s Garage Wasn’t a Hate Crime

The FBI said Tuesday that a noose found Sunday in the garage stall of Nascar driver Bubba Wallace had been there for months, and did not appear to have been targeting the lone black driver at the highest level of the sport.

Read in The Wall Street Journal: https://apple.news/A39IPivpuTdev2gcESBBAkQ

FBI Says Noose Found in Bubba Wallace’s Garage Wasn’t a Hate Crime

An investigation has shown that the noose found in the garage stall of Nascar’s lone black driver on Sunday had been there for months and wasn’t targeting him
The Federal Bureau of Investigation said Tuesday that a noose found Sunday in the garage stall of Nascar driver Bubba Wallace had been there for months, and did not appear to have been targeting the lone black driver at the highest level of the sport.
The FBI and U.S. Attorney Jay Town of Alabama’s Northern District said that agents had reviewed video evidence showing the presence of the noose since at least October 2019, well before the stall was assigned to Wallace ahead of the planned start of the race at Talladega Superspeedway on Sunday.

“Although the noose is now known to have been in garage number 4 in 2019, nobody could have known Mr. Wallace would be assigned to garage number 4 last week,” they said in a joint statement. It is unclear why a noose had been in the garage for so long. Nascar, in a statement, referred to it as a “garage door pull rope fashioned like a noose.”
“We appreciate the FBI’s quick and thorough investigation and are thankful to learn that this was not an intentional, racist act against Bubba,” Nascar said.

The FBI’s announcement that the noose was not evidence of a hate crime comes after a charged two days in which the racing circuit expressed revulsion over the alleged incident. Before the race at Talladega was run on Monday, a day late because of a weather delay, rival drivers and their crews marched on the track behind Wallace’s car as a show of solidarity with him.

The discovery of the noose on Sunday came as the sport was already grappling with heightened tensions over race. In the wake of the killing of George Floyd, Wallace emerged a leading activist in the predominantly white sport, calling for a ban on Confederate flags at races and driving a car with the message “Black Lives Matter” on it. Nascar had embraced Wallace’s car, and implemented a ban of Confederate flags inside its venues.

Outside Talladega Superspeedway, in Lincoln, Ala., on Sunday, when the race was originally scheduled, fans paraded with Confederate flags in defiance of the new rule. The race was then postponed because of inclement weather until Monday, when the investigation was launched into the incident.

Nascar had previously said that a crew member had found the noose and that the crew member contacted Nascar security. Nascar president Steve Phelps said that he gathered senior executives after the incident and informed Wallace of what had happened.

Phelps said he had asked the FBI to begin an investigation of the incident early Monday morning, telling reporters that only a few racing personnel would have had access to the garage amid tight security and restrictions imposed by the novel coronavirus, and that any suggestion that the incident had been faked “is something that personally offends me.”

“We remain steadfast in our commitment to providing a welcoming and inclusive environment for all who love racing,” Nascar said on Tuesday.

Write to Louise Radnofsky at louise.radnofsky@wsj.com and Andrew Beaton at andrew.beaton@wsj.com

Senator Tom Cotton against the 1619 Riots

 Is Senator Cotton the future of the GOP? - Washington Jewish Week
Essay by Senator Tom Cotton in "The American Mind":

We can give no quarter to mob rule.

Senator Tom Cotton (R-AR) spoke today on the Senate floor against the violence of mob rule and the riots currently sweeping the country. We present the text of his address here.—Eds.

“I hope I am over wary; but if I am not, there is, even now, something of ill omen, amongst us. I mean the increasing disregard for law which pervades the country; the growing disposition to substitute the wild and furious passions, in lieu of the sober judgment of courts; and the worse than savage mobs, for the executive ministers of justice. This disposition is awfully fearful in any community; and that it now exists in ours, though grating to our feelings to admit, it would be a violation of truth, and an insult to our intelligence, to deny. Accounts of outrages committed by mobs, form the everyday news of the times.”

Now, those aren’t my words. Those are the words of a young Abraham Lincoln.  But, sadly, they ring with truth today. In recent weeks, violent mobs have roamed our streets, defacing and tearing down statues and monuments, in most cases with neither resistance from the police nor legal consequences.

On Friday, a mob tore down another statue just a few blocks from here. The police stood idly by and watched as rioters toppled it and set it on fire. One can only assume they were ordered not to intervene by Washington’s left-wing mayor. But here’s the thing: steps were already underway to move that statue lawfully; Washington’s delegate in Congress had legislation to that effect. But mobs don’t care to negotiate, only to destroy.

The delegate said, “I have no doubt I could have gotten that bill through, but the people got here before due process.” It’s hard to imagine a more chilling summation of mob rule.

As Lincoln knew, the mob threatens not just old statues, but the lives and livelihoods of us all. Indeed, the mob threatens civilization itself in many ways.

Most simply, Lincoln knew that mobs inevitably make mistakes and commit injustices. Some may celebrate the destruction of disfavored statues and monuments.

But what of the vandals in Boston who defaced a monument to the 54th Massachusetts Infantry Regiment—the first African-American regiment to fight for the Union? The men whose bravery and skill were immortalized in the movie Glory. And what of the outlaws in Philadelphia who defaced a statue of Matthias Baldwin, a devout, passionate abolitionist? Mobs don’t discriminate between “legitimate” and “illegitimate” targets of their destruction. That’s because they are mobs.

Lincoln also warned that the “lawless in spirit” will become “lawless in practice” because of mob violence, seeing no consequences for crimes.

The mob doesn’t stop at statues. Rioters have already torched police precincts and low-income housing in Minneapolis. Churches and synagogues have been vandalized. Next, perhaps, the mob will target the homes of police officers. And soon enough, the mob may come for you, and your home, and your family.

And as the mob expands its power, Lincoln cautioned that good citizens, “seeing their property destroyed; their families insulted, and their lives endangered; their persons injured; and seeing nothing in prospect that forebodes a change for the better; become tired of, and disgusted with, a Government that offers them no protection.” Mob rule can only serve to demoralize our people and shake their faith in our government and our way of life. As the mob rises, civilization recedes.

Finally, Lincoln observed that “by operation of this mobocractic spirit, which all must admit, is now abroad in the land, the strongest bulwark of any Government, and particularly of those constituted like ours, may effectually be broken down and destroyed—I mean the attachment of the People.” The final victim of mob rule is the very spirit of civic-minded patriotism that’s necessary to preserve our republic.

And for all these reasons, Lincoln said, “There is no grievance that is a fit object of redress by mob law.” We cannot tolerate mob rule and we cannot allow it to go unpunished.

While local authorities would usually take the lead in prosecuting these crimes, unfortunately many of them seem unwilling to stand up to the mob and uphold the rule of the law. Therefore, I call upon the Department of Justice to bring charges against these mob vigilantes, prosecuting them to the fullest extent of the law.

The Anti-Riot Act and the Veterans Memorial Preservation and Recognition Act can provide legal grounds in some cases. Still other federal statutes may govern in other cases. But there must be consequences for mob violence. Because if you give the mob an inch, it’ll take a mile.

Witness the events of just this past weekend, where mobs tore down statues of George Washington and Ulysses S. Grant. When you tear down statues of Washington and Grant, it’s not about the Civil War—it’s because you hate America.

And indeed, these rioters hate America. In Portland, where they tore down the statue of Washington, they also spray-painted on him the date “1619”—a reference to the New York Times’s revisionist anti-American history project. Perhaps we should call them the “1619 Riots.” If we did, the architect of that execrable project said, “it would be an honor.”

This hatred for America was nowhere on greater display than in San Francisco, where the mob tore down the statue of Grant.  That would be U.S. Grant, commander of the Union Army whose very initials embodied his tenacious, unrelenting approach to war: “unconditional surrender.”

That would also be President Grant, the political heir of Abraham Lincoln, a statesman who smashed the first Ku Klux Klan, signed the first major civil-rights legislation, and presided over passage of the Fifteenth Amendment. In one famous instance, President Grant sent in the troops to disperse a white mob in New Orleans that was terrorizing the city’s black and Republican residents, and had deposed the state’s lawful governor.

Grant had zero tolerance for mob rule. He said “neither Ku Klux Klans, White Leagues, nor any other association using arms and violence to execute their unlawful purposes can be permitted in that way to govern any part of this country.”

This was a man whom the great Frederick Douglass eulogized as “too broad for prejudice, too humane to despise the humblest, too great to be small at any point.” Yet the mob still came for Grant.

Some people have been asking, where is the line? I say, this is the line—the line between mob rule and the rule of law. And since I began by quoting Lincoln, I’ll conclude by borrowing from Grant, who wrote during the Battle of Spotsylvania: “I propose to fight it out on this line if it takes all summer.”

And I’ll fight it out on this line if it takes a lot longer than that.


You tube link added to the article. 

What (the actual F) Is Wrong With People

It Begins… White Allies Paint Whip Marks on their Backs and Carry “Cracker for Sale” Signs to Win Favor from Black Lives Matter Mob (VIDEO)

By Jim Hoft
Published June 22, 2020

White Allies dressed as slaves complete with whip marks on their backs at a protest Monday in Charleston, South Carolina.

The white allies carried “Cracker for sale” signs hoping to impress the BLM mob.

This is the insanity of the left.

There are no words for this insanity.

Too bad. The BLM mob were not impressed and were told to leave..

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The American February Revolution Is Already Over

Digging ourselves out of this mess necessarily involves ending taxpayer subsidies to Maoist hate-mongers in the universities who teach grievance and train future revolutionary foot soldiers.

The first objective of a coup, uprising, insurrection, or revolution is to gain control of critical infrastructure. Plotters study maps of the capital to chart routes to television stations, military bases, and universities. They take precautions to prevent the military from intervening to protect the government. They move fast before popular resistance to the coup is allowed to organize and take shape. For a revolution to succeed, free speech must be curtailed. Judges, the military, and police must be intimidated into neutrality or joining the cause.

Could it happen in the United States? Has it already? One would need the chief law enforcement agency of the United States, the FBI, to submit to the mob. The mighty U.S. military must be politicized and intimidated into abandoning the president. We’re reminded of the February Revolution of Russia, during which power changed hands as a result of military and police figuratively taking a knee to the protestors. Mobs conquering police stations and assaulting cops would set examples sufficient to frighten those charged with maintaining civil order. 

In America, social media would need to be yoked to the cause as an indispensable tool of silencing critics. Publications would be easily intimidated by threats against their ad revenue. If the mob sees traditional media stepping out of line, a news van could be torched to set an example. Statues of historical figures could be toppled as a powerful symbol of the revolution’s victory over the past. Territory would need to be captured and held. 

Look around. America’s cultural revolution appears already to have seized control everywhere and all at once. 

Mao-style political educators are fanning out across government and private businesses to lead “discussions,” in which people fearful for their jobs repeat slogans or remain silent. Purges have begun. Criticizing the revolution, as the Chinese might have said, “making counterrevolutionary statements,” can get you fired. Fear is spreading faster than coronavirus. Police kneel and grovel to the mob. Children are taught to be ashamed of their birth circumstances and publicly apologize for how they were born. 

Revolution came in two stages in Russia. Academics and progressive liberals dominated the February Revolution with endless philosophical debates over egalitarian ideals borrowed from the French and American revolutions. The leaders of the provisional government opposed violent revolution and talked about things like equality before the law and the rights of unions to organize and strike. 

While the utopians and academics debated, the Bolsheviks amassed guns. In October, Lenin led a comprehensive second coup in which armed thugs easily brushed aside the idealists. The academic debates were just a distraction. 

“The only real power comes out of a long rifle,” Stalin once quipped. These historical events come to mind after watching the Seattle warlord Raz Simone in the free territory of CHOP (a.k.a. “CHAZ”) distribute expensive AR-15 rifles to insurgents he barely knows. Just a few weeks ago, Simone was using Airbnb to raise beer money. Now he is building an armed resistance. The video linked above hints at shadowy benefactors who have showered Raz with so many weapons that he resorts to handing them out to strangers. 

Last week’s Supreme Court decision on the patently unlawful Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program was the figurative equivalent of judicial kneeling. 

It’s easy to be critical of the capitulation of Chief Justice John Roberts until one considers the situation from his point of view. Had the court ruled otherwise, the mob might have swarmed past D.C.’s cowering police to storm the Supreme Court. So to save itself, the court ridiculously found that an illegal Obama executive order has more force of law than an election. Fear explains the court’s recent decisions upholding liberal priorities on LGBTQgun control, and now illegal immigrants. The justices are human and live and work in Washington, D.C. where rioters recently torched a church sending the clear message, “yesterday’s sacred is today’s kindling.”

As Newt Gingrich notes, “All of this is the result of three generations of brainwashing going back at least to Herbert Marcuse, the German-born University of California, San Diego professor who taught young Americans the philosophical foundation of Marxism in the 1960s. As early as 1972, Theodore White was warning that the liberal ideology was becoming a liberal theology and dissent was less and less acceptable to the left.” 

Universities have been allowed to indoctrinate our next generation. 

Narrative replaced knowledge. You can’t test unprovable generalizations about “colonialism,” “white privilege,” and social justice. Students can’t argue or debate the “truth” of political slogans. Either choose to parrot the politics of the professor for an easy “A” or disagree and wear a scarlet “R” for the rest of your academic career.

Digging ourselves out of this mess necessarily involves ending taxpayer subsidies to Maoist hatemongers in the universities who teach grievance and train future revolutionary foot soldiers. Academic freedom should be restored and universities must be forced to stop mob veto of diverse points of view on campus. Unverifiable political dogma should be thrown out of the classroom in favor of real knowledge that can be confirmed or refuted with research and testing. But that’s for the future. 

For now, the tools of resistance to tyranny are still at our fingertips: Non-violent disobedience, prayer, speaking out against violence, and refusing to submit to the politicization of everything. They will go too far. They will turn on each other. A little courage will inspire others. America can reclaim her birthright of individual liberty if we persevere. 

CENSORSHIPMedia Demonization of Parler Begins After Free Speech Network Attracts Flood of New Users

Media Demonization of Parler
Begins After Free Speech Network
Attracts Flood of New Users

By Joseph Watson
23 June

In an entirely expected development, media hit pieces against pro-free speech social network Parler began after the site attracted a ton of new followers.

The website’s engagement levels have skyrocketed in recent weeks as many more people choose to transition away from Twitter, which has become a cesspit of censorship and a platform for left-wing extremists to engage in the mob harassment and doxxing of conservatives.

Numerous members of Congress in the United States and Conservative MPs in the UK have also started signing up to the network, prompting anxiety amongst Silicon Valley that Parler could eventually become a genuine competitor.

The site also hosts popular figures banned by Big Tech, including Congressional candidate Laura Loomer and Katie Hopkins.

Unlike Twitter and Facebook, which have become notorious for banning users and removing content at the behest of organized left-wing mobs, Parler’s terms of service are in line with the FCC’s definition of obscene content, which allows for “offensive” posts so long as they’re of literary, artistic, political, or scientific value.

This has panicked the mainstream media, who have worked in concert with Big Tech over the last few years to deplatform prominent voices who dare to dissent against the current takeover of society by ‘woke’ radicals.

A hit piece in the UK Independent tries to connect Parler to Gab, using guilt by association by suggesting Gab was responsible for mass shootings (a charge never leveled against Facebook despite numerous mass shootings being live streamed on there).

The story also quotes another source as claiming Parler is “full of fury, fear and conspiracy theories” (citing zero evidence), while also suggesting the site is a hotbed of KKK discussion because they found two posts referring to the late Senator Robert Byrd (a Democrat and close friend of Hillary Clinton).

Another hit piece in Yahoo News expressed concern that Rep. Devin Nunes, R-Calif touted the network to his 1.1 million Twitter followers, while also charging that the network is a conservative echo chamber (apparently it’s fine for Twitter to be a far-left echo chamber though).

The story also complains that many threads on Parler “mock Black Lives Matter protesters” (boo hoo).

Another Twitter user in the UK is already trying to get Parler banned.

Ban Parler App due to the growing Hate Speech & Radicalisation on that Platform

We’d like a full review and possible action to ban the Social Media Platform Parler. Click this link to sign the petition:https://petition.parliament.uk/petitions/328638/sponsors/new?token=CBqR9vh2kGbnT1nyt2kE 

Big Tech is clearly frightened at Parler’s sudden growth. There are also signs that leftists are creating accounts to combat conservative talking points (a good thing as it will massively grow the user base).

Now all we need is for President Trump to start a Parler account and begin posting exclusive messages there that don’t appear on Twitter.

If that happens, Parler could actually defy all the odds and begin the long journey to becoming a genuine competitor to Facebook and Twitter, only without the relentless bias, algorithmic manipulation and mob mentality that has come to define the two big social media platforms.

All the more reason to sign up now at Parler.com.

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Larry Elder’s ‘Uncle Tom’ Debunks Myth Political Parties ‘Switched’ on Racism

Larry Elder’s ‘Uncle Tom’ Debunks Myth Political Parties ‘Switched’ on Racism

by Robert Kraychik23 • Jun 2020

Conservative talk radio host Larry Elder joined Breitbart News Editor-in-Chief Alex Marlow on Monday’s edition of SiriusXM’s Breitbart News Daily to discuss the new documentary Uncle Tom, which examines the history of black conservatives.

Elder, an executive producer of the the film, addressed the related narratives of Democrats and Republicans “switching” on matters of racial segregation after the 1960s and the claim of a “Southern strategy” deployed by the GOP to court white voters.

Marlow asked, “You debunked a myth that I’ve been dying to debunk on the show. Did the parties switch? Did the Democrats and Republicans just — all of a sudden, overnight — decide they’re going swap places like I’ve been told my whole life?”

Elder replied, “No, it’s a lie and, it’s really easy to dispute it. If you look at all the Democrats that voted against the 1964 Civil Rights Act, which was supposedly the act that tore the relationship between the Democratic Party and the racists, how many of them actually switched to the Republican Party?”

Elder continued, “In the case of the Senate, one did, Strom Thurmond. In the case of the House, one person did. I can’t even recall that person’s name. That’s it, and if you are a white racist and you’re unhappy because of the passage of Civil Rights Acts, you’re going to leave the Democratic Party and join the party where a greater percentage of [its members of Congress] voted for the act that you despised? It doesn’t make any sense.”

Elder reflected on the Democrats’ leftward political momentum over time.

“The reason the South became increasingly more conservative is because the the Democrats became increasingly more left-wing,” Elder explained. “They became increasingly anti-religious, increasingly pro-abortion, increasingly higher taxes [and] pro-union. They were anti-Vietnam War, and the South felt very differently about that.”

Elder remarked, “There was a gradual change [in the South] from pro-Democrat to pro-Republican, and that change wasn’t even completed until the 1990s. It took 30 years for the South to go from Democrat to Republican, but we’re turning this all on race and the 1964 Civil Rights Act?”

Elder maintained, “It is simply not true. This narrative that they have to use in order to airbrush over their skanky history. This is the party of slavery. This is the party that founded the Klan. It wasn’t Democrat Party that did it, but Democrats founded the Klan, and the [Ku Klux Klan members] were all belonging to the Democratic Party. In fact, the NAACP used to refer to the KKK as the terror wing of the Democratic Party.”

Elder added, “Never mind the first Republican president to win was a guy named Abraham Lincoln, and the reason for the start of the Republican Party was to stop and eventually to end the practice of slavery. The fact is that history is taught by the left. Government schools are dominated, of course, by the left. Hollywood is dominated by the left. The media as dominated by the left, too, so this message of ‘the switch’ has been unchallenged, has been perpetuated, and now a lot of young people believe it.”

Marlow and Elder lamented the political commodification of victimhood.

Elder regularly mocks left-wing and partisan Democrat activists, politicians, and polemicists as “victicrats.”

Democrats and the broader left are politically invested in characterizing American society as pathologized by “racism,” observed Elder, sharing his motivations for producing Uncle Tom.

“I anticipated that racism would still be an obsession, because the media drives that narrative,” Elder stated. “A lot of young people actually do believe that racism remains a major problem in America. They’ve been taught that by media, by academia, [and] by Hollywood. Also, I think the newspapers believe it makes money. I think people care about racial stories, and if they can suggest that what happened to George Floyd is a microcosm of law enforcement in general, I think that’s a theme they can run with.”

Democrats’ political fortunes depend on denigration of dissent as being rooted in “racism,” noted Elder.

“Politicians do it, of course, to get that 95-percent monolithic black vote without which they cannot win,” Elder said, “so it’s necessary to to characterize Republicans as evil, vicious, Nazis, racists, and to characterize the Democrats as having been gladiators on behalf of the black America.”

Uncle Tom‘s producers describe it as “a collection of intimate interviews with some of America’s most provocative black conservative thinkers [that] takes a different look at being black in America.”

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Boston DOJ Arrest Business Owner Fraudulently Taking Millions From PPP Program

The DOJ in Boston have announced the arrest of a Winchester resident, Elijah Majak Buoi, 38, for seeking more than $13 million in PPP loans from the COVID rescue package.

BOSTON – A Winchester man was arrested today and charged with allegedly filing fraudulent loan applications seeking more than $13 million in forgivable loans guaranteed by the Small Business Administration (SBA) for COVID-19 relief through the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) under the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act.
Elijah Majak Buoi, 38, was charged in a criminal complaint with wire fraud, and will appear in federal court in Boston this afternoon.
According to the complaint, Buoi is the president and CEO of an information technology services company, Sosuda Tech, LLC. Between April 2020 and June 2020, Buoi allegedly submitted fraudulent applications for over $13 million in PPP loans through SBA-approved lenders. In these applications, Buoi misrepresented the number of employees and payroll expenses and falsely certified that the United States was the primary residence for his employees.
Buoi also allegedly submitted falsified documentation in support of his applications for PPP funds. The complaint further alleges that Buoi ultimately received over $2 million in PPP funds. The government has seized approximately $1.98 million from Sosuda’s business bank accounts.
“The defendant tried to defraud an emergency program designed to help businesses, and their employees, survive the most difficult economic crisis since the Great Depression,” said United States Attorney Andrew E. Lelling. “This behavior is reprehensible, and my office is committed to rooting out and prosecuting this kind of fraud wherever we find it.” (read more)