Saturday, June 13, 2020

We Should Brace for Renewed Violent Protests This Week After Atlanta PD Officers Kills Black Suspect Resisting Arrest

 Atlanta Police Chief Erika Shields resigns after shooting.

Article by Shipwreckedcrew in "RedState":

News has begun to break wider about an incident Friday night in Atlanta in which two Atlanta Police Department Officers shot and killed 27 year old Rayshard Brooks while attempting to arrest him for drunk driving.

Details are still coming to light, but the circumstances seem to be that the police were called to Wendy’s fast food restaurant to investigate a driver who appeared to be asleep behind the wheel of his car while in the drive-thru lane.  Other drivers were navigating around the stopped car in the drive-thru, which led to the call to the police.

When the officers arrived they encountered Brooks who was the driver.  It appears that Brooks and his car moved to a place in the parking lot.  As reported, the two police officers — both of whom are white — put Brooks through a field sobriety test, which he is said to have failed.  The length of the encounter was estimated by some to be as long as 20 minutes.  But when the officers informed Brooks that he was going to be placed under arrest for drunk driving, a stuggle broke out.  There are several cell phone videos of the episode.  There is a report that one or both officers were wearing body cams, although I did see a reference to one of the officer’s cameras being knocked off his body during the struggle.
Here is one of the videos that has hit the net.

Officer involved shooting last night in Atlanta, GA (District 5) I grew up in this neighborhood. It’s time to have the conversation! RESISTING arrest, excessive force, & justified shootings
this young man is deceased.

There are  few things you can see in this video.  The officers are not small men, and neither is Brooks.  This is a very physical struggle involving all three, and one in which the officers never gain control of Brooks.

The yellow handled devices are tasers, and both officers have their tasers in their hands in order to use them in an effort to subdue Brooks.  It does not appear that the officers had been able to place Brooks in handcuffs before he started resisting.

That is a key point — the reports are that Brooks has been given a field sobriety test, and he had failed.  That is probable cause to arrest him, so everything that comes after that is illegal conduct by Brooks in resisting the arrest.  There is no other point that can be made here — Brooks has started a fight with the two officers by not submitting to their lawful commands.

The officer on the left (Off 1) looks like he is about to use his taser when Brooks reaches out with his left hand, grabs the device, and directs it away from his body.  Off 1’s then focuses his effort on regaining control of the taser, so it can’t be used by Brooks, and at one point he is using both hands to try to wrestle the taser away from Brooks.  The officer on the right (Off 2) is behind Brooks, with his left arm attempting to pull back Brooks’ left hand, which is holding onto the other Off 1’s taser.

At that point, with neither officer having a firm hold on Brooks’ body, he is able to spin to his left, throwing Off 1 off of him, allowing him to get his feet under him and stand up while escaping the hold of Off 2 who was behind him on the ground.  Off 1 regains his feet, and tries to grab Brooks high across the shoulder on Brooks’ right side, but Brooks drops his shoulder and pulls Off. 1 over the top of him and back down onto the ground.  At that point Brooks is on his feet, bent over at the waist with one or both officers trying to pull him down.  But Brooks is able to pull away, and as he does you see he has Off 1’s taser now in his had, and the turns and runs in the direction of the camera.

He runs past the position of the camera, leaving the video going left to right across the screen.  Off 2 is pursuing him and you can see Off. 2 with his taser extended in his right hand.  It looks like he has already discharged the taser, as there is a white wire extending from the front.  Off. 2 then leaves the frame of the video heading in the same direction as Brooks.  Off 1 is then seen chasing the two of them, maybe 20 feet behind.  At that point this video ends.

I have seen another video now which looks like the surveillance camera from above the Wendy’s drive thru window.  This video captures all three running from left to right through the parking lot, and although the video tape shown on MSNBC stops prior to Brooks being shot, there is no question that the actual video footage will show the fatal shot(s) fired.

The video of the chase and taser firing starts about the 1:10 mark of this video.

But this second video also shows some very important events.  Brooks is only 5-10 feet ahead of Off 2.  At the beginning you see the yellow taser in Off 2’s right hand.  After a couple strides you see him shift it over to his left hand, and with his right hand he begins to reach for his firearm on his right hip.  It is easy to see the taser because not only is it yellow, it has a bright light attached to the front end, and the light on both tasers is working.  As Off. 2 is reaching for his firearm, Brooks turns his head and looks at Off 2 pursuing him, then aims the taser and fires.  You can see the discharge out the front end.  At the time of the discharge, Off. 2 is bout 5-8 feet from a small red car parked on his left.  You cannot tell if he is struck by the taser or if he is just instinctively reaction to look for over in response to Brooks firing the taser at him, but Off 2 crashes into the left rear quarter-panel of the red car.  This second video — which I saw played on MSNBD — ends at that point.  You can tell Off 2 crashes into the car because he drops the taser from his left hand — you can see him lose control of it because of the light — and you can see his head turn from facing in the direction of Brooks back to his left facing away from Brooks.  It also looks like he made no effort to crouch down as he neared the car — he just crashed into it.

Off 1 who was pursuing both about 15-20 feet behind is either reaching for his firearm — Brooks has his taser — or already has it in his right hand as Off. 2 hits the red car.  I’m pretty confident that it was Off. 1 who shot Brooks, and likely only fired after he observed what happened to Off 1 ahead of him.

The Atlanta Mayor announced earlier to day that this was an unjustified use of deadly force, and called for the Officer who fired the fatal shot to be fired.  The Atlanta Police Chief offered her resignation not too long later.

Protests have been underway all day at the site of the shooting.  Its quite likely that members of the same mob who smashed the windows at CNN after George Floyd’s death will likely take to the streets of Atlanta tonight.

Its also quite possible that violent protests over this incident will spread to other cities tomorrow.

One reason is because most big city mayors and state governors didn’t act decisively when the protests turned into riots two weeks ago.  Why should rioters and looters think things will be different this time.

There are still more Walmarts, Targets, and Nike stores to loot which escaped the last conflagration.

Reap what you sow big city politicians.

P.S.  Its going to turn out that this shooting was justified under any “Use of Force” policy — Atlanta PD or any other law enforcement agency.  When Brooks started a physical alternation to resist arrest, took a weapon away from an officer, fled, then turned an fired that weapon at the officer pursuing him, he made himself a legitimate target of deadly force by any other officer at that moment.

The APD manual states an officer may only use deadly force when: 

“1. He or she reasonably believes that the suspect possesses a deadly weapon or any object, device, or instrument which, when used offensively against a person, is likely to or actually does result in serious bodily injury and when he or she reasonably believes that the suspect poses an immediate threat of serious bodily injury to the officer or others.

Seeing the taser deployed at Off 2 and seeing Off 2 go down, Off 1 was justified in using his firearm to end the threat to Off 2, himself, and others — assuming it was Off 1 who fired the fatal shot(s).

A taser might not ordinarily be considered to be a “deadly” weapon, but there is no doubt it can do serious bodily injury — including causing death inadvertently due to things such as heart attacks or strokes.

I fear this week is going to get ugly.  Antifa and its ilk only look for opportunities — any opportunities — to wreak havoc.  If they have sufficiently reconstituted themselves in the past two weeks they will probably be out in force in 48-72 hours to further agitate the protesters.

Colorado House Passes Police Reform And Accountability Bill

Colorado House Passes Police Reform And Accountability Bill

The Colorado House voted Friday to pass a police reform bill in the wake of George Floyd's death.

Devin Nunes Discusses FBI Top Lawyer Dana Boente as “a Witness to FBI Corruption”


HPSCI Ranking Member Devin Nunes has an interview on OAN news to discuss FBI legal counsel Dana Boente and his exit from the FBI this month.  As Nunes notes Mr. Boente is at the center of an information flow which put him in a position to know the underlying evidence.  As an outcome of that position Boente is either a participant or a witness to corruption at the highest levels of the DOJ.

In prior positions as U.S. Attorney for Virginia; and while leading the DOJ National Security Division; and then later shifting to the FBI as chief legal counsel under Chris Wray; Dana Boente was at the epicenter of corrupt intent and malign activity toward the Trump administration.

It is easiest to capture the full background content in this sequence:

♦June 2019 – Devin Nunes threatens criminal referrals for Dana Boente and Chris Wray – This background highlights Boente as a very bad actor [SEE HERE].

♦April 24, 2020 – Boente and Wray try to block release of Flynn documents. AG Bill Bar intervenes. This is the Flynn firetruck story, that ties to the release of the July 2018 letter from the DOJ-NSD and FBI to the FISA court. [SEE HERE]

♦April 26, 2020 – CTH Open Letter to Bill Barr – Outlines the corruption of Boente and Wray in the long-view and how it all comes together. [SEE HERE]

My educated hunch is the July 12, 2018, letter from the DOJ/FBI that was fraught with false information and purposeful lies to the FISA court, is really the issue that DOJ Bill Barr could not avoid. The lies within the letter are just too brutally obvious, and contrast heavily against revelations coming from the outside USAO’s that Barr has brought in to review all of the prior DOJ and FBI activity.

Why do I think that’s the final straw? Because if you take that moment in time and start working backward what you find is demonstrable and provable evidence that Dana Boente was one of the original Trump-era officials who participated in protecting “spygate” and using his support of the Mueller investigation as an internal weapon. Remember, all the corrupt FBI players on Mueller’s team reported to Boente, including David Archey.

Dana Boente is enmeshed in all of it: the Wolfe case and cover-up, the Assange case and cover-up, and the hiding of documents in the Flynn case and cover-up. Boente’s role as a manipulative fixer to protect the ongoing corrupt action of the Mueller probe was exactly why FBI Director Chris Wray hired him.

Taking out Boente now exposes the complicit nature of FBI Director Chris Wray; who, it appears, AG Bill Barr is being forced -by new discoveries- to leave Wray naked to his enemies.

In a June 2019 interview Nunes said “someone at the FBI” appears to have been “determined to hide” then-Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Kathleen Kavalec’s notes from both the FISA court and Congress. Our research identified that “someone” as Dana Boente a year before the Nunes remarks. [I even said ‘bookmark this and prove me wrong]

If you followed closely, and accept that Rosenstein was part of the problem, then you see how FBI Director Christopher Wray came into office; and, more importantly how/why Wray selected former DOJ-NSD head Dana Boente to shift from main justice to be legal counsel for the FBI.  ~ CONTINUE READING

French police clash with anti-racism activists in Paris

French police have clashed with activists protesting in Paris against racism and alleged police brutality.
Police used tear gas against stone-throwing protesters who tried to hold a march that was banned.
The rally is part is a worldwide movement inspired by America's Black Lives Matter protests.
It was organised under the banner "Justice for Adama", after Adama Traoré, a young black man who died in French police custody in 2016.

Thousands of anti-racism activists gathered on the Place de la République in central Paris on Saturday. However they were blocked by police as they tried to stage a march to the Opera.
Clashes erupted and tear gas was fired as officers moved against the protesters. The march had been banned because of the possible threat to local businesses.

As the protesters started to gather, Assa Traore, Adama's sister, called on them to "denounce the denial of justice, denounce social, racial, police violence".
"What's happening in the United States is happening in France. Our brothers are dying," she added.
However French police have said they feel "insulted" by claims that they tolerate brutality and racism.
On Friday officers rallied on the Champs-Élysées throwing their handcuffs on the ground.

Why are French police in the spotlight?

France's police watchdog says it received almost 1,500 complaints against officers last year - half of them for alleged violence.
In one recent case, police are accused of seriously wounding a 14-year-old boy when he was detained on suspicion of trying to steal a scooter in Bondy near Paris last month.
On Monday Interior Minister Christophe Castaner announced a ban on the police "chokehold" method for restraining some suspects.
The announcement came after protesters took to the streets accusing French police of using brutality towards minorities.
Mr Castaner vowed that there would be "zero tolerance" of racism in law enforcement and officers strongly suspected of racism would be suspended.
He has faced a backlash from police unions and officers, who denied that racism was rampant within their ranks.

White House Adviser Kevin Hassett Discusses Growth Estimates and Red State/Blue State Divide

White House economic adviser Kevin Hassett appears on Fox News to discuss how the U.S. has been able to turn around the economy faster than expected.  FED Chair Powell has a negative outlook on the economy (Powell supports Blue states), while President Trump has a positive outlook on the economy (Trump supports Red states).

Hassett admits the unusual internal dynamic around the Red States having strong economic growth but Blue States having negative results.  Clearly this distinction is by design. Democrats are so blinded to their ideology they are willing to put their citizens through intentional economic hardship just so they can try to hurt the president.

911 — Open Thread

Post them if you have one. 

Tucker Carlson: Don’t destroy America’s history and shared heritage

Fox News Host Tucker Carlson To Cable News And Washington: “Calm ...
Article by Tucker Carlson in "Fox News":

On Wednesday, Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., added language to the annual defense funding bill. Warren’s amendment would order the Pentagon to rename all military bases currently named for Confederate Civil War generals.

The bases include many of the most famous in America. Among them: Fort Benning in Georgia, Fort Hood in Texas and Fort Bragg in North Carolina. Many of the men who fought and won World War II were trained at these bases.

But Warren’s amendment goes farther than that. Warren would require the desecration of war graves. This country is filled with national cemeteries that honor Americans who fought and died in our wars. Many of those cemeteries hold Civil War soldiers from both sides and contain monuments to their sacrifice.

Those Civil War soldiers, blue and gray, are buried alongside one another for a reason. One side was right, one side was wrong. But when it was over, they were all Americans. Allowing them to lie in the same cemeteries allowed this country to heal its deepest fissure.

Healing is the opposite of what Elizabeth Warren wants to do now. She has no time for that. Warren profits from hatred and division, no matter how mindless. How many dead Confederate soldiers owned slaves or even supported slavery? Warren doesn’t know. She doesn’t care.

The Massachusetts Democrat wants to humiliate these soldiers more than 150 years after they died, and humiliate their descendants now. In Arlington National Cemetery just outside Washington, there is a memorial to Confederate troops. Warren’s amendment orders the Army to destroy it.

This is vandalism. But it’s worse than that. Healthy societies do not destroy own their history. A country is the sum total of its history, good and bad. Without it, you have no country, just a collection of banks and retail outlets.

This is obvious, but somehow it’s not obvious to Senate Republicans. They support Warren’s amendment. It easily emerged from the bipartisan Senate Armed Services Committee. If President Trump doesn’t veto it, Warren’s desecration order will become law.

Republicans assume that if that happens, it will be enough.

The destroyers will be placated, and the GOP can return to its preferred agenda of carrying water for finance. They’re wrong.

Extremists are never placated. Each success makes them stronger and more radical. That’s why, around the country, they aren’t waiting for a vote. They watched rioters loot and burn without being punished. They took the cue. Now, they’re destroying history around the country.

In Richmond, they ripped a statue of Christopher Columbus from its pedestal and threw it in a lake. In Philadelphia, they vandalized a statue of industrialist Matthias Baldwin. Why? It wasn’t for civil rights. Matthias Baldwin was such a zealous abolitionist that, prior to the Civil War, Southern railroads refused to purchase his engines.
Doesn’t matter. The Baldwin statue was old. So they wrecked it. Dozens of other monuments have suffered the same fate, often with the encouragement of our professional class.

Extremists are never placated. Each success makes them stronger and more radical.

Erin Thompson is a professor of “art crime” at New York City’s John Jay College of Criminal Justice. Her expertise is “the damage done to humanity’s shared heritage through looting, theft, and the deliberate destruction of art.”

Yet Thompson is, in fact, an enthusiastic supporter of destroying our shared heritage. “Use chain instead of rope and it’ll go faster,” she instructed on Twitter Wednesday night, before sharing even more tips for effectively destroying statues.

Nowhere does anyone in authority seem interested in protecting our history and public spaces from nihilists like this.

The Richmond Police Memorial in Virginia commemorates the sacrifice of officers killed in the line of duty. You’d think we’d defend it. But no. The other day, a mob defaced the memorial. Authorities did nothing.

What are our leaders telling us by their negligence? It’s a clear message: we don’t care about you: your history, your monuments, your rights, your safety. Meanwhile, forces of hate and repression seek to destroy all of these things.

As far back as three years ago, CNN employees were calling for the destruction of the Washington Monument and Jefferson Memorial.
How many lives will be saved by destroying the Jefferson Memorial? How many are saved by desecrating war graves? None, of course. This is about political power, achieved by the oldest means of all: force.

This is an attempt to delegitimize you and the society you live in. You think you live in a country with freedom of speech, freedom of religion, equality under the law? Well, tough luck. The documents celebrating those rights were written by bigots. We tore their statues down. Now we’re in charge.

Is this popular? Is this what the American people want? No.
Even now, only 32 percent of Americans want Civil War statuary torn down. How about desecrating war graves? There isn’t polling on the subject, but it’s hard to believe there is a groundswell of support.

All this is happening because a violent mob is forcing its agenda down the throat of the country. Our leaders – very much including Republican leaders – are too cowardly to resist them.

When asked about the bill to desecrate national cemeteries, one congressional Republican told journalist Ryan Girdusky that “this isn’t the hill to die on.” OK. Where is that hill exactly? What won’t you let them do to the country? Let us know when you find it.

To be clear: This isn’t a matter of defending the Southern Confederacy. Few Americans would do that. We certainly wouldn’t. The Confederacy declared war on the United States. We’re grateful they lost, and that their cause was discredited forever, which it was.

But that’s the point. The Civil War was the turning point in American history. It shaped who we are now. Eliminating the past leaves us unable to say who we are. And that, of course, is exactly the point. It’s why they’re doing it.

Newt Gingrich: America as we know it would end if Biden, Pelosi and Schumer govern

 An Up-Close Look at America's Evolving Militia Movement - VICE
Article by Newt Gingrich in "Fox News":

Every time some supposed conservative or Republican explains why he or she can’t vote for President Trump, I wonder if they have thought about the alternative – the Biden-Schumer-Pelosi machine.

Our choice in November will not be between President Trump and President Perfection. It will be between President Trump and a nightmare that would end America as we have known it.

If former Vice President Joe Biden wins, it means the turnout in favor of Democrats will be such that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., remains leader of a Democratic majority in the House. It also means that Democrats will almost certainly gain control of the Senate, making Sen. Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., the majority leader.

Given control of all three instruments of power, what would the Biden-Schumer-Pelosi team do?
This is not a question that requires wild speculation. As I outlined in a series of podcasts at Gingrich 360, Pelosi’s $3 trillion HEROES (Health and Economic Recovery Omnibus Emergency Solutions) Act – ostensibly designed to help our economy recover from the coronavirus downturn – by itself contains enough radicalism to be terrifying.

The legislation would legalize all people currently in the U.S. illegally. It would block federal immigration officers from deporting even criminals and gang members. It would give major Democratic donors a huge tax break by reestablishing unlimited deductibility for state and local taxes.
The measure would pay for abortion with taxpayer money. It would release prisoners indiscriminately, so that at least six of the most infamous serial killers would be eligible for release. It would pour money into corrupt local governments and bail out the most wasteful states in America.

These are just some examples from the bill’s more than 1,800 pages.

And there are plenty more examples. In my upcoming book “Trump and the American Future,” I detail a host of radical votes and actions that were supported by more than 200 currently serving House Democrats.

Beyond this, we have solid evidence from California, New York and Virginia of how radical the Democrats would be if they gain control of the House, Senate and White House.

Abortions at every stage of pregnancy would be legalized and paid for with your tax money. Gun control would be effectively imposed by establishing manufacturer and gun seller liability for any gun used in a crime. (Trial lawyers would love it, and they are at the heart of the Democratic coalition.)

With HR1 (the first bill voted on this session) and the elections component of the Pelosi $3 trillion bill, it is clear how the Democrats would move to make themselves unbeatable.

Democrats have been frustrated by free elections. Even when they could win the presidency, they only had unified power for two years at a time under Presidents Bill Clinton and Barack Obama. In both cases, they immediately lost the first off-year elections and then had to contend with Republican Houses.

That off-year Republican victory led President Clinton to compromise on welfare reform, balancing the budget, reforming the Food and Drug Administration and Federal Communications Commission, and cutting the capital gains tax. Liberals hated it and have never forgiven President Clinton for going to the center.

President Obama was much more radical than President Clinton and had learned that the left would punish him for “selling out.” His answer to Republican opposition was to accept limited legislative goals and try to change America through executive orders and radical appointees.

The current Democratic goal is to create a one-party government – as Democrats have in Chicago (the last Republican mayor served 89 years ago), New York (where Governor Andrew Cuomo dominates), and California.

Election law changes supported by Democrats would make it impossible to identify who is voting or have accurate voter rolls. This would set the stage for vote harvesting on a nationwide scale. All of this is clear from HR1 and the Pelosi bill’s provisions.

Faced with the Trump administration’s extraordinary success in appointing more than 300 federal judges, the Biden-Schumer-Pelosi team would almost certainly invent hundreds of new federal judgeships, so the leaders could fill them with radicals who would replace constitutional limits with politically correct rules.

Unless Chief Justice John Roberts followed the election with a decisive shift to the left (certainly conceivable given some of his 5-4 votes with the liberal justices) it is likely the Biden-Schumer-Pelosi team would create four more seats for the U.S. Supreme Court.

Trump’s remarkable wave of deregulation would be reversed by protégés of Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., appointed in every bureaucracy. Freedom would again be replaced with the rule of Washington.

Expect virtually every significant Trump executive order to be repealed in the first 90 days. Every liberal think tank and activist group is building a list of executive orders to be repealed, and my guess is that Obama administration alumni who have drafted executive orders in the past would actually have the draft orders completed by a potential Biden inaugural.

The economic recovery would come to an abrupt halt as the wave of red tape would be matched by massive tax increases on investors and American business. Meanwhile, small businesses would simply drown. The unemployment rate would remain much higher than it would in a Trump administration, and the left’s efforts to create a society in which the largest possible number of Americans are dependent on government for money, food, housing, and daily life would grow even bolder.

Police (if they survive at all) would face dramatically limited funding, draconian anti-police regulations, and a profound number of criminals on the street via the elimination of bail. In one recent case in New York, a serial bank robber was arrested six times for robbing banks and released every time without bail. After the sixth arrest, he told a detective he couldn’t believe they kept letting him out.

Sympathy for Seattle-style “free zones” of Antifa-led takeovers and secessionist movements would become the norm. In these areas, theft-based economies and might-makes-right would replace the rule of law.

American history would continue to be rewritten, and a major effort would be made to establish reparations for African-Americans who were never slaves to be paid by people who were never slave owners. These payers would include the descendants of immigrants who came to the U.S. after the end of slavery.

In foreign policy, the Biden-Schumer-Pelosi team would revert immediately to a more left-wing version of Obama’s policies. The Iran agreement would be renewed. The United States would rejoin the Paris Accord on Climate Change – and would meet its full funding obligation to the World Health Organization.

Israel would be pressured to give up its new settlements and to find a deal with Hamas or face dramatic cuts in support from the United States.

The Biden administration would seek a new understanding with China, including the acceptance of the Hong Kong takeover and abysmal human rights abuses against Uighurs in Xinjiang, a withdrawal from challenging China in the South China Sea, and a signal that pro-Chinese government appointees would be made to key positions at the National Security Council, State Department, and Commerce Department.

None of these examples are partisan exaggerations. They can all be found in bills, speeches, and articles by leading Democrats.

The next time someone suggests President Trump should not be reelected, ask the person if he or she has thought through what life will be like under a Biden-Schumer-Pelosi machine. 

Coronavirus: Queen's official birthday marked with unique ceremony

The Queen's official birthday has been marked with a unique ceremony performed by the Welsh Guard at Windsor Castle.
It comes after the traditional Trooping the Colour parade was cancelled because of the coronavirus pandemic.
It is only the second time in her 68-year reign that the parade in London has not gone ahead.
The Queen, flanked by officials, sat alone on a dais for the ceremony. It was her first official public appearance since lockdown began.
The Queen celebrated her 94th birthday in April, but it is officially - and publicly - celebrated on the second Saturday of June every year.

The ceremonial tribute, dubbed a mini-Trooping, was performed by a small number of Welsh Guardsmen and the band of the Household Division.
BBC royal correspondent Nicholas Witchell described it as "a birthday parade for changed times".

 No other members of the Royal family attended the ceremony on Saturday

Minneapolis City Council Unanimously Approves Pledge to Abolish Police Department

Political Cartoons by Mike Lester
Article by Josh Caplan in "Breitbart":

The Minneapolis City Council on Friday unanimously approved a pledge to seek the replacement of its police department with a so-called community-led public safety system amid a pressure campaign spearheaded by Black Lives Matter activists and far-left Democrats to defund law enforcement in the wake of protests and riots over George Floyd’s death.

“The murder of George Floyd on May 25, 2020, by Minneapolis police officers is a tragedy that shows that no amount of reforms will prevent lethal violence and abuse by some members of the Police Department against members of our community, especially Black people and people of color,” the five city council members wrote in the resolution.
The vote follows a veto-proof majority of the council members voting to disband the department.

Last Thursday, Minneapolis City Council President Lisa Bender vowed that the council will “dismantle the Minneapolis Police Department and replace it with a transformative new model of public safety.” Minneapolis City Council member Jeremiah Ellison, son of Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison (D), echoed Bender’s sentiments.

“We are going to dismantle the Minneapolis Police Department. And when we’re done, we’re not simply gonna glue it back together. We are going to dramatically rethink how we approach public safety and emergency response. It’s really past due,” Ellison stated.

The approval places the council at odds with progressive Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey, (D) who voiced opposition to defunding the city’s police department during a recent Black Lives Matter protest, prompting demonstrators to boo him away.

Days after Floyd’s death, rioters set fire to a police precinct building in the Minneapolis neighborhood where Floyd died when he was restrained by fired Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin.

Frey had ordered for the 3rd precinct building to evacuated, saying he was unwilling to endanger lives to protect it.

In addition to the precinct building being set ablaze, rioters torched various commercial and residential buildings and looted multiple stores.

On top of demands from Black Lives Matter, “Squad” members Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) and Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) have also called for police departments to be defunded.

“The Minneapolis Police Department has proven themselves beyond reform,” Omar wrote in a recent social media post. “It’s time to disband them and reimagine public safety in Minneapolis.”

Hours later, Ocasio-Cortez said in a congressional primary debate that she is “actively engaged in advocacy” for a “reduction of our NYPD budget and defunding a $6 billion NYPD budget that costs us books in the hands of our children and costs us very badly needed investment in NYCHA [New York City Housing Authority] and public housing.”
As Breitbart News reported: “Minneapolis suffers from high violent crime rates. In Minneapolis, every 8.15 residents per 1,000 is a violent crime victim. Compare that to the state of Minnesota overall, where only 2.2 residents per 1,000 become a violent crime victim.”

Exclusive: Guidance from Gen. Flynn —

Forces of Evil Want To Steal Our Freedom in the Dark of Night, But God Stands with Us 

✰✰✰ Michael Flynn

There are seminal moments in American history that test every fiber of our nation’s soul.
We are facing one now.

Revolutionary forces are causing every American citizen to question which direction the country is heading. To determine the outcome, we must examine our nation’s history to project ourselves forward into the future.

Once again, tyranny and treachery are in our midst, and although we feel we’ve descended into a hellish state of existence, we must never forget, hell is conquerable.

Prayer is the greatest weapon and a consciousness of God is the ultimate “thought of the day.”

The idea or notion of a heaven on Earth is the very real sense of being free. Freedom is oxygen. Like the air we breathe that keeps our lungs full and our hearts beating, the celestial feeling of freedom brings a sense of peace to our souls.

Freedom must never be taken for granted. Securing our freedom demands a high price — and that price requires hard work and sacrifice. Both will bind us all by the value they produce, but only if we are willing to seek new opportunities and new ideas.

Those who have sacrificed the most, those who have given the last true measure of devotion that derives from the love of faith, family and the cause of freedom — for all of us to be free, and for the betterment of our republic and the free world — cannot be allowed to have died in vain.

Theirs is the ultimate sacrifice and heaven is their reward.

Do you stand with God and Gen. Michael Flynn against the evil forces that want to destroy America?

Our future, the future of our children and grandchildren and the future of our country are at stake. God will not give way to the care of the devil or allow us to be left to the evil vices of those who would steal our freedom in the dark of night.

He will not.

Instead, God will stand with us, as he always does.

Hard work and personal sacrifice still very much matter. Being a good person and showing kindness to others still matter.

If our nation is to survive this crucible moment, we need to fall back on the God-given values and ideals that are the very foundation of our constitutional republic. Let us not fear the uncertainty that comes with the unknown, instead accept it and fight through that sense of fear.

And we must remember: The power of hell, while strong, is limited. God is the ultimate judge and decision maker. His anointed providence is our country, the United States of America.

As long as we accept God in the lifeblood of our nation, we will be OK. If we don’t, we will face a hellish existence.

I vote we accept God.

The views expressed in this opinion article are those of their author and are not necessarily either shared or endorsed by the owners of this website.

DOJ Spokesperson Kerri Kupec Discusses DOJ Position on Flynn Case

DOJ Spokesperson Kerri Kupec is interviewed by Liz MacDonald to discuss today’s DC Circuit Court hearing in the Flynn case.  As Ms. Kupec notes there are several irregularities in the case stemming first-and-foremost from a decision by Judge Emett Sullivan refusing to accept an unopposed motion by both the DOJ and Flynn defense to drop the case.

President Trump Extensive Interview Discussing State of U.S. Law Enforcement

On Thursday President Trump sat down for an extensive interview with Fox News host Harris Faulkner while in Dallas Texas.  The lengthy interview was broadcast Friday.

Ms. Faulkner uses subtlety to present her emotional perspectives as facts; however, within the wide-ranging interview President Trump focuses on common sense perspectives, approaches and sensible applications of policy surrounding U.S. law enforcement reform.

Seattle Officials Planning to Take Back CHAZ Occupied Zone

Mayor Jenny Now Worried About Safety

What a difference 24 hours can make. – A report from KOMO News tonight, highlights Seattle officials planning to take back the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone, or nation of CHAZ, from the occupying anarchists and Antifa elements.

However, it’s more than a little funny to see Seattle Mayor Jenny Durkan saying her administration is determining “when it would be safe for the Seattle Police to move in there” considering she was just claiming last night on CNN the occupation was merely a small group of festive citizens having “a block party”.

According to the report police Chief Carmen Best and her top commanders surveyed the inside of the East Precinct building, she and Mayor Jenny Durkan discussed how and when the department could reassert control of the building but they didn’t give a timeline.

Scott Adams has had a brilliant insight about the demand for reparations

 - Dilbert by Scott Adams
Article by Andrea Widburg in "The American Thinker":

Whenever Democrats push race to the forefront of the news, reparations pop up. The theory is that, because their forebearers were kidnapped from Africa and enslaved in America, blacks will never catch up economically to whites. It doesn’t matter that there are no slaves or slaveowners today; that most whites are not descended from slaveowners; or that racism impoverished, rather than enriched the South.

Scott Adams’ brilliant insight cuts through all this: The comparison isn’t between black wealth and white wealth in America. Instead, the comparison must be the difference between black’s average net worth in America versus black’s average net worth in Africa. After all, the act of stealing blacks from Africa is the “but for cause” of all wrongs done to blacks.

Adams imagines a neutral space alien calculating reparations. He informs earthlings that black versus white net worth in America isn’t the correct calculation:

“If I’m going to calculate the, let’s say, the theft from the black community, if you were to measure the theft -- let’s say just theft – that this slavery was. In other words, you stole the productive part of their lives, etc., and you used it for yourself. So here’s the number I need: I need how does the average economic situation for the average black person in this country and then, to compare it, I want to compare it to the average life of a black African.:
And you say, “What?”
And the space alien says, “Yeah that’s the comparison. So, you want to compare what would happen to the average black person if they had stayed unmolested in Africa and there had never been a slave trade. Because that’s what you’re comparing to. Because if the people who were brought to America as slaves, and then their descendants, are doing much worse than if they’ve never been brought with slavery, then that’s the amount of reparations. That’s how much they lost is all the money they would have made if they just stay in Africa.
You know what the problem is, right? They would owe money to white people.


Adams is correct. Keith Richburg’s Out Of America: A Black Man Confronts Africa, about his job as the Washington Post’s bureau chief in the 1990s, proves it. Richburg's painful realization as he witnessed the daily horrors of life in Africa, whether from Nature’s or man’s cruelty, was how lucky he was that his ancestors were enslaved:

Sometime, maybe four hundred or so years ago, one of my ancestors was taken from his village, probably by a local chieftain. He was shackled in leg irons, kept in a holding pen or a dark pit, possibly at Goree Island off the coast of Senegal. And then he was put in the crowded, filthy cargo hold of a ship for the long and treacherous voyage across the Atlantic to the New World.
Many of the slaves died on that voyage. But not my ancestor. Maybe it was because he was strong, maybe just stubborn, or maybe he had an irrepressible will to live. But he survived, and ended up in forced slavery working on plantations in the Caribbean. Generations on down the line, one of his descendants was taken to South Carolina. Finally, a more recent descendant, my father, moved to Detroit to find a job in an auto plant during the Second World War.
And so it was that I came to be born in Detroit and that thirty-five years later, a black man born in white America, I was in Africa, birthplace of my ancestors, standing at the edge of a river not as an African but as an American journalist—a mere spectator—watching the bloated bodies of black Africans cascading over a waterfall. And that’s when I thought about how, if things had been different, I might have been one of them—or might have met some similarly anonymous fate in one of the countless ongoing civil wars or tribal clashes on this brutal continent. And so I thank God my ancestor survived that voyage.
Does that sound shocking? Does it sound almost like a justification for the terrible crime of slavery? Does it sound like this black man has forgotten his African roots? Of course it does, all that and more. And that is precisely why I have tried to keep this emotion buried so deep for so long, and why it pains me so now to put these words in print, for all the world to see. But I’m writing this so you will understand better what I’m trying to say.
It might have been easier for me to just keep all of these emotions bottled up inside. Maybe I should have just written a standard book on Africa that would have talked broadly about the politics, the possibilities, the prospects for change.
But I’m tired of lying. And I’m tired of all the ignorance and hypocrisy and the double standards I hear and read about Africa, much of it from people who’ve never been there, let alone spent three years walking around amid the corpses. Talk to me about Africa and my black roots and my kinship with my African brothers and I’ll throw it back in your face, and then I’ll rub your nose in the images of the rotting flesh.

Here’s more information about life in Africa. And here’s the world Black Lives Matter wants, one without functional police (warning: graphic violence):