Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Public visitation held for retired St. Louis police captain David Dorn

Captain David Dorn

Hundreds of people waited in line to pay their respects to retired Captain David Dorn, who was murdered last week during night of looting.

ST. LOUIS (KMOV.com) --- Loved ones will get to say their final goodbyes to David Dorn, a retired St. Louis police captain, on June 10.

Public visitation will be held Tuesday from 1 p.m. - 7 p.m. at Hopewell Missionary Baptist Church at 915 North Taylor Ave. The following day, family and police personnel will gather for a private funeral at Saint Louis Friendly Temple on Martin Luther King Drive at 10 a.m.

After a night of protests against police brutality, Dorn was shot and killed by looters outside of Lee's Pawn and Jewelry in North City Tuesday night. He spent 38 years with the St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department before becoming the police chief in Moline Acres. 

Dorn helped out the owners of Lee's Pawn and Jewelry due to his extensive background in police work. When the business' alarm would go off, Dorn would check it out.

Helen Martin said she became friends with Dorn and he helped her come up with ways to protect her business on Washington Avenue and her customers. 

"I broke out in tears immediately because I couldn't believe that something that devastating and horrible could happen to such a wonderful and incredible human being," Martin said.

All of those who attended Tuesday's visitation described Dorn as selfless, kind and humble. 

"David Dorn is my son's father-in-law," Emma Washington said. "And I knew him for years and year. We were just like one family all together."

The line to get inside the chapel lined the sidewalk.

"He is such a wonderful, caring person. He wanted to do anything for everybody," Washington said. "If we needed anything done he would do it. He would come and help us."

Flowers can be sent to Hopewell Missionary Baptist Church on the day of the visitation. Donations can be made to a memorial fund, CrimeStoppers, and BackStoppers.

Masks are mandatory to attend both ceremonies and social distancing will be implemented due to health concerns.


Speaker Nancy Pelosi Unites The New Black Pander Party

Extreme  Cringe

In a carefully orchestrated, timed and planned effort to maximize the political strategy of Joe Biden’s campaign director, James Clyburn, the capitol building was used as a stage.

While simultaneously making cultural appropriation great again Speaker Nancy Pelosi, gave her political stunt crew Kente cloths to wear while bringing New Black Pander Party (NBPP) together for a cringe-worthy political stunt at Emancipation Hall.

The motives of the effort are transparent.  The Democrat party, writ large, has made the calculation they cannot win the 2020 election without racial activism as the driver for votes.  South Carolina representative James Clyburn is directing the Joe Biden campaign on the best utility for black pandering, specifically focusing on the AME church network.

The strategy is not without risk.  Candidate Joe Biden defined the blackness of black people by saying if they did not support him “you ain’t black.”  Obviously the strategy to campaign on this issue was made in the days prior to the South Carolina primary.  What we see now is a continuation of that plan.  However, the pandering is over-the-top; and there are indications of a backlash from within the black community.

It does not matter what your race, ethnicity or skin color is, no-one likes being talked down to.  The nature of the leftist political effort by Pelosi’s white coastal elites is based on expressed superiority in alignment with the ‘you ain’t black enough’ outlook from Biden.

This will backfire, bigly, in part because director James Clyburn himself is detached from current political sentiment by his age and class-structure.  It’s 2020 knuckleheads.
The democrats are poll-testing their approach, but the audience responding to the polls are just more leftist elites.  The Democrats are defining an Alinsky strategy through their own biased prism; and then asking opinion of that strategy within a cloistered echo-chamber.  It is a circle of racist stupidity.

Outside this ideological bubble, where real people live, work, interact and enjoy each-others fellowship, what the Democrats are trying to do is so fraught with cringe that ordinary people are embarrassed to associate with the effort.  This is a big part of the reason why their heavily coordinated and scripted effort is not gaining traction.

Black people do not want the police to be defunded, by leftist activists and trust-fund protestors who don’t even live in the neighborhoods where police are needed, any more than any other person does.

Racism at it’s basic U.S. form is defined by economics; limo-liberals have the greatest likelihood of actually being racist.  Blue-collar middle-class America doesn’t sit around wasting time thinking about race and class struggles.  Each tries to live their best life and do the best they can for their family.

The audiences who most despise this nonsense political effort, are patriotic black people and immigrants who love the country and don’t sit around debating their level of victim-hood.  If Democrats really want to face-plant the 2020 election, keep doing this:
Cringe-worthy video.

Think in terms or politics and society – the fear behind the modern left is the fear that someone might withhold things (opportunities, money, whatever) from me, fear that if you live your life in a way I dislike that it might affect my life, fear that if you get that job, there will be nothing left for me. Fear that if you make tons of money, it’s means there’s less money out there for me.

So people who believe in leftist ideologies seek control as a means of trying to create guarantees and safeguards against those circumstances they fear. Liberals try to control the world and people to enable their comfort and happiness. Which, as we know, is an endless quest. Trying to control others does nothing in the way of making oneself happy. By extension, voting in this mindset so that government can try to control others will also – shocking – not lead to a happier, more comfortable life.

The conservative (and moderate, independent, but for the sake of expediency, the conservative), on the other hand, relies on himself to meet his own needs. And the trade off of being free to live his life as he wishes is also understanding that he has to make peace with how you live yours. By extension, aware that he wants to be able to hold onto this liberty and freedom forever, the conservative votes accordingly, so that everyone can remain free and in charge of his or her own life.

But here’s the crucial difference, perhaps, particularly where misery on the left stems: The conservative does not worry, so to speak, about you. The conservative knows that you were born with the same access to self-love, self-empowerment, self-determination and self-reliance that we all were, no matter the circumstances into which you were born. (Think about the millions of people this country has allowed to crawl up from poverty into prosperity – the conservative KNOWS this is possible.) And the conservative believes that if you want prosperity, or a good job, or a good education, you can make it happen – but you have to work hard.

The conservative hopes and intends that the free markets bring you all of the affordable and positive opportunities and resources that you need. The conservative also knows that on the other side of that hard work is great reward – material and, more importantly, emotional, spiritual and mental.

The conservative understands that not only is it a waste of time to try to control you, it’s actually impossible. Humans were born to be free. And if we put a roadblock in front of you, you’ll find another way around it. So we see attempts at control as a waste of resources, energy and time at best, and at worst, creating detrimental results that serve to hinder people’s upward mobility or teach dependence. We see much more efficiency, as well as endless opportunity, in leaving you to your own devices; and we want the same in return.

This is where leftists falsely narrate conservatives as heartless; but really, the conservative believes that there is one and one path only to sustainable success and independence – and that is self-empowerment. All other avenues – welfare, affirmative action, housing loans you can’t actually afford – ultimately risk doing a disservice to people as they teach dependence on special circumstances, the govt, or arbitrary assistance (that can disappear tomorrow). And the real danger – they will ALWAYS backfire, and leave the recipient in equally or more dire circumstances. Any false improvement will always expire.

The conservative believes in abundance. The liberal believes in scarcity.

The conservative believes man is born free and will be who he is, no matter what arbitrary limitations or rules are put on him. The liberal believes man is perfectible, and by extension, believes a society at large is perfectible, and command and control is justified in the quest to a “perfect” utopian society. (Sounds familiar!)

The conservative tends to be more faithful – and not necessarily in God, but in the ability of the individual to find great strength in himself (or from his God) to get what he needs and to be successful. Therefore the conservative has an outlet for his fear and disappointment – trust and faith in something bigger.

The leftist believes the system must be perfected in order to enable success. Therefore disappointment is channeled as anger and blame at the system. Voids are left to be filled by faith in the govt, which they surely then want to come in and “fix” things.

And therein lies the roots of love and fear respectively. For the conservative, when life presents great struggles, she knows she has the power to surmount them. Happiness stems from internal strength and perseverance.

For the leftist, when life presents great struggles, the system failed, therefore they were at the mercy of a faulty system, and they believe that only when the system is fixed can their life improve. Happiness is built on systemic contingencies, which they will then seek to control or expect someone else to.

One blames himself. The other blames anyone and everyone but himself.

And there it is. There’s where the meanness comes from. The leftist ideology causes that person to cast anger at the world when things go wrong or appear “unfair.” She constantly chooses only to see the “injustices” – and that makes for a very miserable, mean, blame-casting existence.

One last point that we have seen over and over and over with many (not all) of our liberal friends: Extreme stinginess and cheapness.

In our conservative community growing up, we were always taught that you give when people are in need – make donations to the Red Cross when there’s an earthquake, donate to charity when you can afford it, etc. Even if it’s just $50 here and there – it’s the right thing to do. Conservatives see this, and are inherently taught this, as the responsibility that comes with gaining from the capitalistic system; if you happen to benefit greatly from the system, it’s your duty to give back…. to create more pies.

The liberal, on the other hand, does not seem to share this same viewpoint, at least not in my experience. And perhaps think this is linked to believing in scarcity, and that your dollar comes at the cost of mine. So it seems that liberals, on some level of consciousness, feel guilty about not being voluntarily charitable.

Therefore, to write off their guilt, they outsource their “generosity” to the government by voting for wealth re-distributive policies. Thus, the liberal cheats himself of the joy and addictiveness of direct generosity. (Not to mention – re distributive policies ALWAYS end up dis-empowering those who they’re meant to help.)

Warmest regards and deepest appreciation,

Minneapolis City Council President “We Are Re-Imagining Public Safety”

Perhaps the best visible representative for the fantasy social-justice world that exists between AOC’s ears is the Minneapolis City Council President, Lisa Bender.

With just the right amount of socially significant tattooing to claim credibility for ‘the movement’, Ms. Bender takes a break from life amid sustainable algae cakes and lattes to share the world of her social network’s imaginings.

In this interview snippet Wolf Blitzer asks Ms. Bender who’s going to respond to a violent shooter if there’s no police force?… Ms. Bender admits no-one knows, but through the process of collective “re-imagining”, the Minnesota world of public safety will look quite different. WATCH:

Yes, Ms. Bender… Indeed, once you get rid of the police, everything in your world of re-imaginings will look entirely different.  In that regard you are 100% correct.
The problem for Council President Bender is that everyone outside of her loony leftist community knows exactly what will happen.  It doesn’t need to be imagined.

California County Will Allow...

California County Will Allow Outdoor Social Gatherings of 12 People—
Outdoor Protests of 100 People

The phased reopenings happening around the country are becoming increasingly arbitrary.

(Vicente Rubio/Dreamstime.com) 

The country's local lockdown orders are slowly easing up, but in an often arbitrary manner.

Take Contra Costa County, California. On June 2, the Bay Area county's Health Services department issued an updated shelter-in-place order that limited outdoor social gatherings to 12 people from the same "social bubble" but rescinded a mass gathering ban to allow for political protests of up to 100 people. This version of the order maintained a prohibition on outdoor religious gatherings.

"I know there's a lot of frustration out there, but it's important to keep in mind that interventions like social distancing have saved lives," said Chris Farnitano, the county's health officer, in a press release.

A subsequent order issued Friday allows for outdoor religious services and cultural ceremonies of up to 100 people. As with protests, these services and ceremonies are expected to maintain physical distancing between participants. Unlike protests, the organizers of worship services and cultural ceremonies have to keep a list of attendees for up to 14 days.

Yet Friday's order still restricts social gatherings to 12-person social bubbles. These bubbles are defined as a stable group of 12 people that are part of either a Household Support Unit, a Childcare Unit, or a Children's Extracurricular Activity Unit. All three types of units have separate definitions laid out in the health order's appendix.

These 12-person social bubbles are not required to abide by social distancing requirements, but bubble members over the age of 12 are still encouraged to maintain six feet of physical distance from each other and to wear face coverings.

Outdoor dining is now also permitted in Friday's order, although that too comes with a number of social distancing guidelines.

All this falls within state guidelines. On May 25, California allowed counties to permit in-person protests, funerals, and religious services (inside and out) of up to 100 people. It's still up to county health departments to implement these guidelines. Contra Costa County has lifted its restriction on protests and religious services, but it still maintains a prohibition on funeral services of more than 10 people.

The county's reopening schedule, and the voluminous details that accompany it, are rather arbitrary and not particularly realistic. It doesn't make much sense from a public health perspective to ban outdoor gatherings of a 13-person "social bubble" while allowing a crowd of 100 strangers. It's true the latter has to comply with social distancing requirements, but anyone who's been to a protest knows that that's not always going to happen.

One could argue that political protests and religious services raise particular First Amendment concerns and therefore can't be held to the same strict guidelines as other activities. But if that's the case, the county might as well just ditch all its restrictions, given that people are going to go to protests of a bunch of strangers and then go interact with their social bubble.

I think county officials are also overestimating their ability to set the parameters of people's social interaction. It's doubtful many in Contra Costa are going to read through a 17-page public health order and its six separate appendices to figure what exactly is allowed at their barbeque.

At least the arbitrariness of the county's reopening schedule doesn't appear to be politicized in the way a lot of public health discourse has recently. Both New York Mayor Bill de Blasio and New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy have said explicitly that violating mass gathering bans is OK if the gatherings are to protest police violence and racism. That's a position apparently held by a number of public health officials too.

Yet the more distinctions and caveats public health officials and politicians add to their stay-at-home orders, the less credibility they have, and the less they'll likely be listened to by a public that is ready to get back to some sort of pre-pandemic normality.

On Being Pounded With Lies...

On Being Pounded With Lies, Damned Lies, and More Damned Lies About ‘Systemic’ Racism in America

We all know the story of the Emperor’s New Clothes. It is not just a children’s story. Rather, it is an eternal story about human nature. If people are surrounded by a mass or a mob who speak nonsense as a Truth — with a capital “T” — then perfectly sensible people who internally know better will fall into line and babble the same “Truth.” For a reality check and sanity in the public arena, it ultimately often takes a little kid who simply has not been taught social conformity and political correctness to look and say, “But this ‘Truth’ simply is not true.”

In the fable, the Emperor actually was naked. In America circa mid-2020, corresponding to 5780 years since Adam and Eve, not only is the Left-dominated media naked but so is the mob of respected opinion-makers. The Emperor is naked. And as to those who now proclaim “America has systemic racism,” that is a lie, a damned lie. It is a lie about America, and it is a damned lie about Americans.

Racism is not “systemic” in America. It does not permeate the System. We Americans are a good people. We just are.
This is not “systemic.” It does not permeate our society or our culture. Indeed, the society spits out anyone who reveals as racist. It is one student out of 2,000. One client in 300. That is not “systemic.” 

People of every imaginable minority — except for Orthodox Jews who wear yarmulkas — now are so woven into the American fabric that America’s social cloth without them would be like wool after a bunch of moths had lunch. Blacks, Hispanics, Asians, Gays, and Lesbians, and all — all such communities are quite prevalent throughout the media, the entertainment industry, academia, doctors and nurses in hospital settings, law firms. Name it. This country simply is not systemically racist. It is such a damned lie.

I know this firsthand because I live here in America. I circulate among Americans. As my life unfolded, I ended up circulating in many different vocational circles. I am a rabbi and circulate among synagogue communities and Jewish educational programs. I practiced law at three of America’s most prestigious law firms — Jones Day, Akin Gump, and Baker & Hostetler — for more than 10 years. Over that decade, that brought me into contact with some 300 attorneys in those firms, maybe 300 clients, maybe 300 opposing clients, and maybe 300 of their attorneys. I ended up in courtrooms, encountered judges, juries, bailiffs, clerks. Then I became a law professor. I have taught over 2,000 students, many of whom remain remarkably close with me even after my 16 years in that field. I was in a business, sales, and marketing for a year, when fax machines first showed up; the industry was so new that people did not even know what to call the machines: long-distance copiers, facsimile machines that used a crazy, thin, shiny paper on which all the faxed text disappeared after a year. I met all sorts of people.

Yes, I have met a racist here and a racist there. Of course. I also have met Jew-haters. I have met people who will not hire a woman “to do a man’s job.” I worked for a female litigation partner who never ever would work with male associates, except for one unique situation when she needed me because I had unique expertise in a certain esoteric aspect of international law. So of course there is the occasional bigot. And of course we all notice when someone is Black. But what does that mean? That means nothing. People see my yarmulke and they notice I am Jewish. We see someone cross-eyed, and we notice they have strabismus. We notice a red-head, male or female, or someone with blue eyes. We notice. So what? When someone is not “typical” in appearance, we notice. Orthodox Jews with kippot are not typical. Blacks make up 12 percent of the population. Asian Americans have an appearance feature that differs from the Caucasians. So what?

As a law professor, in 16 years and 2,000 students, I encountered one racist student. I was about to write “only one racist student” in 16 years, but I deleted the word “only” because one is too many. The student made a comment in a lecture, and I could not believe what I had heard. The school is quite politically correct — on steroids — and I could not believe what I had heard. Again, the moment was very awkward for me, but I had to confront it. “You owe an apology for that comment,” I said. The dunderhead really did not grasp that he had used an offensive stereotype. I had to figure out a way to explain it to the schmendrick without making the matter worse. So I asked him to step outside into the hallway for a moment, I explained it to him, and we then reentered the classroom. And he sincerely publicly apologized for a bone-headed insensitivity.

After my decades-plus career at the Big Firms, I decided I wanted fewer billable hours and more time to be a rabbi and to teach law students. So I went to work for a billionaire in Los Angeles residential housing. The hours were great, the work easy, and he paid me a boatload of money to represent him. As I started working for him a few weeks, I came to see that he is an old dinosaur from another time — a racist and sexist like Joe Biden. He would make racist comments like those that Joe Biden makes, about how some Black person amazingly is not only presentable but also clean, about how Black mothers are so stupid that their kids only hear maybe 300 words through childhood, about how you have to be from India or Pakistan to walk into a donut shop. He was exactly the duplicate of Joe Biden racism, a cloned racist. He had every demographic group pigeon-holed in a stereotype. And, like Joe Biden, he could not keep his hands off women — smelling their hair, stroking their hair, putting his hands on and rubbing their shoulders. For a moment, I had a dream job, but I had to quit after a short time because he was such a rarefied bigot like Biden, and my soul felt polluted every time I walked in.

This is not “systemic.” It does not permeate our society or our culture. Indeed, the society spits out anyone who reveals as racist. It is one student out of 2,000. One client in 300. That is not “systemic.” It is not an indictment of America. It is an indictment of an occasional boor and nabob.

I have been a political conservative for half a century. In Orange County, I am involved in the Lincoln Club, a conservative Republican association. In New York, I was involved with Republicans. For three decades I have published in boldly conservative vehicles and have read Readers’ Comments. Conservatives, deeply conservative conservatives, do not bear racism. It is not part of the conservative Weltanschauung. Yes, there are outliers. So ban social media, and see what happens — or pass a law that requires everyone posting a comment on social media or any website to include his or her real name and city. See what happens.

Beyond my circles, I do not see racism anywhere in the system. That is because racism does not exist in the American system. It is outlier — just as hatred, bigotry, and prejudice exists everywhere that you find enough people.

It is a lie that Americans are racist. It is a Damned Lie to say that racism is systemic in America. It is not systemic. It is not in the system.

The Left now is using the adjective “systemic” as tied to the noun “racism” in the same way that we all tie the adjective “honorable” to the noun “judge” — the honorable judge, even if a judge is not honorable. Or the “learned professor” even if the professor is an ignoramus. Or the “good doctor” even when the doctor is bad. We just say it. And now they are tying “systemic” to “racism.” It is a lie.

News flash: This country elected a Black president in 2008, even though he was manifestly unqualified, had no discernible mastery except in leveraging a background in “community organizing” to cheat the system, conduct illegal investigations. He got rich off a sweetheart deal with a convicted felon. His wife told us that she hated the country. He ran against a guy who was very moderate, billed as a war hero, with experience in government. And yet this country elected the incompetent Black guy anyway. Then, four years later, after the Black guy proved his incompetence many times over, we elected him yet again over an extremely accomplished businessman who also had a moderate even-keeled temperament and personality and who had governed the liberal state of Massachusetts. But we elected the Black guy. That was the Black guy under whom ISIS grew from a JV to a caliphate, the Black guy who called an Arab terrorist’s massacre “workplace violence,” the Black guy who could not engender an economic boom after a serious recession. He was the Black guy whose pastor was the Right Reverend Jeremiah Wright. And yet we still elected the Black guy. He brought in one Black attorney general, then another. Where was the “systemic” racism?

Look all over the world. Who else among all the nations that criticize us ever has done what we do: elected a Black head of government? Britain? France? Spain? Denmark? Belgium? Russia? Yes, it is true that China does have among their leaders people who are, uh, Chinese — but no one else. Is Russia or China about to have a Black leader, a Black foreign minister, a Black anything? Kuwait? Saudi Arabia? Iran? Where are all their Condoleezza Rices, Colin Powells, Eric Holders, Loretta Lynches? Where are Blacks in those societies? The irony is that this country, which once blighted itself with racism, has evolved into something that is less institutionally and systemically racist than anywhere else on Earth. Stop listening to the Damned Lies. Look at the naked Emperor.

There have been some disgusting anti-Jewish attacks in this country. Ulysses Grant’s General Order No. 11. The Leo Frank lynching in Georgia in 1915. The 1922 Massena, New York, blood libel. More recently, the incidents at the Pittsburgh temple and at the Poway synagogue. But no Jew with any common sense ever would imagine to say that America is “systemically” anti-Semitic. And we have not even had a Jewish president. Big deal. Spare us the honor.

I have encountered my fair share of cops. Two of them were anti-Semitic. I am sure there are others. At each of two of the prominent law firms where I worked, there was respectively one Jew-hater among the law partners. That does not mean that the anti-Semitism was “systemic” at the law firms. It simply meant that each place had a dirtbag who was a partner, and I had to live with that. At one of the firms, he hated Jews so much that he never asked to work with me. At the other firm, the other one hated Jews so much that I refused ever to work with him. To hell with both of them.

We need to call Truth by its name: truth. And we cannot allow these Mass Liars to spread the Big Lie that racism is endemic or systemic. It is not even systemic in police departments. There are too many Black, Hispanic, and Asian police officers, too many Black municipal police chiefs, for racism to be systemic. In Minnesota, the chief law enforcement official, the state attorney general, is Black. So is the police chief of Minneapolis. If those police departments have a bad apple, what has the police chief been doing? There are bad cops, as there are bad people in every walk of life, and there are tons of good cops. In the same way, we have witnessed during this past week that there are good, passionate demonstrators on both sides of the political spectrum — and there are many, many vicious animals, thugs, goons, and vicious haters who pose as “protesters” when in fact they are animals and anarchists who aim to destroy our blessed country, our excellent values, our cherished way of life. Those anarchists are not “protesting.” They are not angry. Rather, they are having the time of their lives. It is Christmas in June for them — burning down stores, looting merchandise, beating up people, smashing windows.

How does it advance the cause of social justice for Blacks or Hispanics or anyone when a bunch of White anarchists, supported by their millionaire suburban White liberal parents’ bottomless largesse and attending exclusive liberal East Coast colleges, go into Macy’s and loot the store? Or steal television sets? Whose cause does that advance? It is a lie that the arsonists and vandals are expressing “outrage.” They are celebrating Christmas, getting their gifts now, and burning the fingerprints left behind. They want to destroy, and this is their excuse in an environment that has been soaked for three years with kerosene by Nancy Pelosi and Adam Schiff, and further stoked with gasoline by CNN, MSNBC, the New York Times, the Washington Post, and all the others.

The Truth is that the Pelosi Democrats and the Left media have been tearing at our social fabric for three years, aiming to destroy the present government in a grab for power. We saw it so blatantly during the Kavanaugh hearings. Blasey Ford was caught in perjury — about her flying, her extra front door. It never was about “You have to believe a woman” because, if it were, Biden would be out of political contention now on rape charges, as would be the attorney general of Virginia. It never was about Blackface, or Ralph Northam would be out of Virginia. Rather, it has been about throwing wrenches in the spikes of government and tearing down the social order to take power.

It no longer either is about George Floyd. It began as a legitimate opportunity to demand that police departments across the country look inside and reevaluate their recruitment, training, and retention policies, in order to extirpate the bad apples, the racists, the Jew-haters, the people with psychological pathologies who have no business walking around with handcuffs, guns, and badges. But that time now has passed. The anarchists don’t want the very minuscule number of bad apples thrown out. Rather, they want whole police forces closed down, just as they want Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) closed down. Because, when you defund the police and ICE, and you have no law enforcement, you have exactly the anarchy that this all is about.

They are sharks in the water, and thanks to the Left media and the Pelosi Democrats they smell blood. They never had it so good, and they have political backing from Democrats for their crimes. Never was it easier to become a national hero by being an arsonist and torching a pharmacy or a Black-owned clothing store. Never was it so easy to became a hero by stealing television sets from a Hispanic-owned appliance store. This is not protest, but Christmas in June.

Damn those who would destroy the greatest political experiment and society that ever has unfolded in post-Biblical history, and who would turn this country into another Venezuela or Cuba, Russia or China, or France or Spain. Damn them and damn their lies.

The Window Closed…

When you know the playbook of Benjamin Crump; and you understand the playbook of how the AME grievance network intersects with the playbook of Crump; it is easy to predict activity.  George Floyd’s life wasn’t what mattered, the political opportunity was.

This election year opportunity brought together Ben Crump, James Clyburn, Joe Biden and the DNC.  The death of George Floyd was the vehicle, the opportunity, that created the background for the network to align for mutual interests; money, power and politics.

I have no idea where Ben Crump was when this picture was sent from his phone.  But his phone was located in Tallahassee when he sent the tweet at 2:40pm today.

Keeping in mind that everything in Crump world is always sketchy and manufactured, it is not surprising to see articles describing Joe Biden meeting with the Floyd family by using Roger Floyd (above far right).   See if you can spot the obfuscation:
(USA Today) – […] Biden met with Floyd’s uncle, Roger Floyd; the family’s lawyer, Benjamin Crump; Rep. Cedric Richmond, D-La., and others, according to Al Sharpton, a civil rights activist who led a memorial last week in Minneapolis. Crump said Biden spent more than an hour with Floyd’s family, listening to their concerns.
[…] Biden and his wife, Jill, traveled to Houston to meet with the family before Floyd’s burial Tuesday, according to Biden’s campaign.
Biden is no longer expected to attend the private funeral service and burial in the Houston suburb of Pearland, but he will provide a video message for the funeral, according to The Associated Press. (read more)

So the narrative of Joe Biden meeting with George Floyd’s family is derived from Joe Biden coordinating with Benjamin Crump to meet uncle Roger Floyd somewhere (looking like he just walked off the golf course); as Ben Crump tweets the picture of the meeting between Roger and Joe from his phone located in Tallahassee.

Skip to the next article from the Associated Press on today’s events:
(Via AP) – […] Former Vice President Joe Biden was to travel to Houston to meet with Floyd’s family and will provide a video message for Floyd’s funeral service. Previous memorials have taken place in Minneapolis and Raeford, North Carolina, near where Floyd was born. (read more)

Again, where was Joe Biden when he recorded a video to share at the funeral tomorrow and why didn’t/doesn’t Joe Biden just attend?

Obviously the recording of the video is not intended for the small private family funeral.  The video serves a larger purpose.   The DNC and Biden campaign director James Clyburn are the background puppeteers in this scenario; and, well, quite frankly, they have completely botched up their use of Floyd.

Now, Ben Crump doesn’t really care.  Crump’s interests are narrow and the $20 million GoFundMe account is a solid thing regardless of what happens.  The politics is not Crump’s lane to travel for these types of issues.  Clyburn and Sharpton are the political navigators who use the New Black Pandering Party as tools for power and affluence.

All of that said Texas Governor Greg Abbott also visited the family of George Floyd today to pay his respects in advance of their funeral tomorrow.  This allows a little opportunity for a ‘compare and contrast’ between Governor Abbott and Vice President Biden.

Here’s what meeting the family of George Floyd looks like from the perspective of Texas Governor Greg Abbott:

And again, here’s the meeting from the perspective of Joe Biden.

Notice anything different?  (Or Missing)

James Clyburn, the DNC and Ben Crump constructed the five-day, three-state, six event, George Floyd funeral tour for the specific purposes of gaining political benefit.

It was all done by design….

It was all a complete farce…

However, in the middle of their grievance tour the national narrative they initiated to kick-off the tour, collapsed.  By the time they got to the end of the trip they had $20 million in GoFundMe money, and one semi-related uncle to support the pretense, but the political value of their effort had vanished.

Moral of the Story: Never underestimate the ability of the American electorate to sense or sniff-out the bullshit.

A teen who spent 10 hours cleaning up after a protest is rewarded with a car and a college scholarship

Antonio Gwynn Jr., left, is now the owner of a 2004 Mustang after Matt Block decided to give him the car as a reward for Gwynn's work cleaning up after protests in Buffalo, New York.

When Antonio Gwynn Jr. saw the damage from protests in his hometown of Buffalo, New York, he grabbed a broom, bought some trash bags and started cleaning the streets by himself.
He started at 2 a.m. on Monday and did not stop cleaning for the next 10 hours. When an organized group of neighbors arrived later that morning to start clearing the damage, they found that Gwynn had already done most of the work.

Gwynn is an 18-year-old high school senior. He told CNN that he saw on the local news that Bailey Avenue in Buffalo was covered in glass and garbage, and he knew people needed to use that street to get to work in the morning.

When word spread of how Gwynn single-handedly took action, his community responded.

Matt Block saw Gwynn's story on the news and decided to give him his prized 2004 red Mustang convertible. Block, 27, told CNN the car is one he wanted since he was a child, but these days he is only using it occasionally. He saw Gwynn ask for some car buying advice on Facebook, and Matt decided to offer up his sports car.

It turns out that gift has more meaning than Block ever imagined. Gwynn's mother, who passed away in 2018, also drove a red Mustang. When he realized the coincidence, Gwynn says that he was so shocked he "didn't have any words," and Block says it gave him "goosebumps."

Local businessman Bob Briceland learned of Block's gift, and he decided to extend a year of free auto insurance coverage through his insurance agency.

"I just felt compelled to help him out. We just need to get together our whole city and show people how there's so many good people here," Briceland told CNN affiliate WKBW.

After high school, Gwynn had planned to go to trade school while saving up to go to college. Upon hearing Gwynn's story, Medaille College in Buffalo offered him a full scholarship where he plans to study business starting this fall. One of his many career goals is to open a cleaning business.

This is the first time Gwynn received this type of recognition for his good deeds, but this is not the first time he stepped up to help others. He is a member of Kappa Phi where he enjoys doing community service, and he helps out at churches.

Gwynn is thankful for the community response, saying, "I appreciate everything everyone is doing for me." 


The Biden/Clyburn Campaign and Key Democrats Now Reverse Position, and Oppose Defunding of Police

Quick, Retreat

CTH two nights ago that something shifted.

It was clear the Biden/Clyburn plan was quickly adjusted due to something internal; likely polling.

Today, the background issue surfaces; the Biden/Clyburn campaign sayingthey do not support defunding the police.

“As his criminal justice proposal made clear months ago, Vice President Biden does not believe that police should be defunded,” Biden campaign spokesman Andrew Bates told reporters. (link)

Just as we suspected the insufferable stupidity -and ideology- of the far-left movement has been identified by the DNC as a dangerous political position to retain.  And so the retreat begins…. But, like all modern leftists always do, the Democrats begin the retreat by pretending they never supported the position in the first place.

In order for modern leftists to advance their extreme ideology they have to pretend not to know things.  The pretense allows them to avoid admitting the inherent hypocrisy within every leftist position. It’s a laughable situation and so easy to deconstruct.

Reminder:  (Brian Fallon and Bernie Campaign)

Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey would not promise to defund the police. Remember:

They even painted it on the road in front of the White House:

But now all of a sudden “defund the police” really didn’t mean “defund the police’?

So what’s going on?…

…. EXACTLY what we suspected: