Sunday, April 26, 2020

Maybe the Experts Were Right About Covid-19 the First Time

They originally wanted herd immunity, realizing lockdowns would incur the disasters we’re seeing.

A busy park during the Covid-19 pandemic in Stockholm, April 22.
Photo: Anders Wiklund/Associated Press

It’s time to confront an awful possibility about the lockdowns in which many of the world’s economies now find themselves: The experts might have been right the first time.
“The first time” was not so long ago—February to mid-March—when official opinion on how best to grapple with the new coronavirus pandemic was very different. The distinguishing characteristic was modesty.

The stated goal was not to vanquish the virus but merely to try to control its spread so as not to overwhelm health-care systems. Officials also understood public patience with draconian measures would wear thin quickly and demanded politicians exercise caution when asking the public to take on burdens.

Those opinions now are widely derided, often in insulting terms. Yet subsequent events suggest they’re mainly correct. Let’s take each in turn.

• We can’t stop the virus, we can only slow it. This is the biggest fact about the pandemic that remains politically impossible to say. The trouble started in mid-March when “herd immunity,” previously the tacit or acknowledged endgame for most of the world, became a toxic phrase. Critics pointed out that allowing the virus to spread in a controlled manner would cost lives. They presented a stark alternative of total lockdown or the disaster of Italian hospitals, with no middle ground.

But if those experts have a more plausible plan than taking a controlled path to herd immunity, the world is waiting to hear it. Experts propose instead either that we await the arrival of a vaccine or that we ramp up testing and contact tracing of the infected. Good luck. A vaccine is a year or more in the future, if one ever emerges. An effective mass test-and-trace regime would require a level of competence and focus that typically eludes modern governments—not to mention an invasion of privacy that, at least in the U.S., might be unconstitutional.

Events will provide two tests of whether the experts were right the first time. Sweden is conspicuous not only for its lack of a formal lockdown but also for its leaders’ laser focus on the question of health-system capacity. 

Sweden’s fans are perhaps too quick to overlook the human tragedy of the resulting higher death toll. But its critics should be more curious about whether, if permanent suppression of the virus is impossible, this approach might stave off subsequent disaster by moderating future peaks of the virus—with fewer of the human costs associated with a lockdown.

We’d better hope Sweden’s approach works, because the alternative gives little cause for optimism. We can’t lock down our economies waiting for a vaccine that may never arrive.

And as Germany, Denmark, Austria and other European countries emerge from their lockdowns, officials all but admit the virus will start spreading again. That’s why they are reopening in stages. The virus’s second surges in China, Singapore and Hong Kong serve as a warning. The original conventional wisdom acknowledged the reality that draconian lockdowns merely delayed the inevitable spread and that sheltering populations rather than slowly cultivating herd immunity would lead to quickly rising infection rates once countries reopened.

• We can’t ask the public to lock down indefinitely. This was articulated most forcefully in the U.K., where Prime Minister Boris Johnson took merciless flak for trying to delay the sternest pandemic-mitigation efforts on the grounds that the public would find it hard to comply for long.

Mr. Johnson’s critics promptly fell down the rabbit-hole of investigating the scientific basis for that insight within the field of behavioral studies (turns out there isn’t a lot) while overlooking its obvious truth in observed human nature. Sustained, severe curtailment of daily liberties has only ever been enforceable at the point of a spear or a gun.

Sure enough, nearly five weeks into Britain’s lockdown, its police forces worry the public won’t tolerate much more enforcement. Rule-loving Germans comply less and less with social distancing, to judge by a University of Mannheim tracker poll that found that more than 50% of respondents had violated rules against visiting friends at least once in the week ending April 21, up from around 30% in the last week of March. Protests have erupted in the U.S., and near-riots in some of Paris’s volatile suburbs.

Leaders are asking us to do the impossible—cut off almost all social contact indefinitely—at often incalculable individual cost, and then belittling those who object as antiscience rubes. At the start of this pandemic some leaders seemingly understood how destructive the resulting loss of trust between rulers and citizenry would be. They abandoned that insight at their, and our, peril.


We’ve all placed our bets now and can only hope for the best. But it will be well worth it for voters and students of public policy alike to ask in coming years whether policy makers’ first instincts were their best—and, if so, why we made it so difficult for them to follow those intuitions.

Evidence Surfaces Supporting Sexual Assault Claim Against Joe Biden

Ms. Tara Reade worked as a Senate staffer for Joe Biden in 1993. After making a recent allegation accusing the former Vice-President and then-senator, about his forcibly kissing her, touching her and penetrating her with his fingers without her consent, the media went into full defense mode to protect their candidate. 

Current Democrat presidential candidate Joe Biden suffers from dementia. The Biden campaign has denied the assault and said it “absolutely did not happen.” Ms. Reade said she reported the assault to people in the Senate at the time, but no-one took any action against Senator Biden.  As a result Ms. Reade left her position and returned home. 

Ms. Reade told a few people about the assault at the time it happened, including her mom. Ms. Reade’s mother passed away in 2016; however, a recent video/audio from Tara Reade’s mother calling-in to the Larry King television show in 1993 seems to corroborate the background of the original claim. WATCH:

Dear Democrats: Hunter Biden Is No Ivanka Trump

Joe Biden’s campaign can best be summed up as a game of dodgeball. Lately, he’s tried to “dodge, duck, dip, dive and dodge” questions about why entities in two foreign countries funneled millions of dollars to his son, despite Hunter’s lack of relevant experience for those “jobs.” 

Worse yet are the efforts by Democrats and many in media to provide cover for the Bidens by absurdly comparing Hunter to Ivanka Trump. When it comes to business background and resume: Plain and simple, there is no comparison. Hunter Biden is no Ivanka Trump. 

Realizing the severity of the situation for the flagging front-runner for the Democratic presidential nomination, the left is currently in distraction mode. Democrats want to create a false equivalency between Biden being paid by entities in Ukraine and China while his father was vice president, and Ivanka Trump’s successful business enterprises. Anyone who dares to ask questions about Biden’s shady international business dealings is met with “But, but, but what about Ivanka?” The comparison is ludicrous. 

Ivanka Trump spent years in business prior to her father’s leap into politics. As part of building and growing her business, she filed over 120 trademarks to protect her brand and name — all before Donald Trump announced his candidacy for president. It would have been business malpractice for her not to secure legal protections, especially in countries like China where corporate theft is routine. Case in point, within days of President Trump taking office, more than 65 Chinese companies tried to trademark “Ivanka Trump” for different products. As a smart businesswoman, Ivanka fought to prevent companies from stealing and profiting from her name, especially since she was entering public service as an unpaid senior advisor to the president. So, while the media portrays her in a negative light, the truth is that she paid from her own pocket to protect her name while receiving nothing in return. 

Meanwhile, Hunter Biden had zero experience in Ukraine and zero experience in the international gas market, but while Joe Biden was vice president of the United States, a Ukrainian gas company found it useful to pay Hunter $50,000 per month for work that is unknown. Hunter also flew to China on Air Force Two with his father, and his firm later received a $1.5 billion investment from China’s national bank. Both “jobs” occurred while Joe Biden was leading the Obama administration’s policy in those two countries. Coincidence? 

Everyone knows Hunter Biden received these incredible business opportunities only because of his last name. He brought no other skills or expertise to the table — just look at his resume. This is a classic example of a political family profiteering from public service.

The New York Times reported that Obama State Department officials had concerns about Hunter’s “businesses.” Even his own partner, the stepson of Secretary of State John Kerry, had concerns about these “deals” and severed their business relationship, according to the Washington Post

In contrast, Ivanka Trump has long been a successful, internationally recognized businesswoman. She has also been a success in her father’s administration, leading the drive to improve skills training for American workers and removing the barriers that hold back women around the world. 

So, let me answer the question for you about how Hunter Biden and Ivanka Trump compare: It’s not even close. If you need any further proof, Ivanka is in the White House working hard for the American people, while Hunter Biden dodges questions about his shady business practices, just like his father. 

White House Advisor Peter Navarro Provides Updated Perspectives on The U.S. -vs- China Relationship

The insufferable Cavuto made the mistake of asking White House Manufacturing and Policy Advisor Peter Navarro if he “trusts China”?   Well, Navarro immediately responds with his description of China’s “four kills”, so it’s safe to put Navarro in the no column.

(1) China created the virus, possibly in a bioweapons lab;  (2) China hid the virus from the world while seeding the planet with infected travelers; (3) while downplaying the virus through the WHO, China was simultaneously gathering up all PPE from around the world; (4) after they hoarded all PPE China then profiteers by selling at massively inflated prices.

China is asshoe.

White House Press Secretary Kaleigh McEnany Impromptu Presser

Yesterday White House Press Secretary Kaleigh McEnany held an impromptu press availability at the White House answering a variety of questions from the pool.

Dr. Deborah Birx: Dramatic Decrease in “Hospital Use, ICU Needs and Deaths by End of May”

While most hospitals and emergency rooms across the nation are empty; and while doctors and nurses have switched skillsets to become Tic-Tok entertainers with all their free time; Dr. Deborah Birx notes the empty hospitals and unused intensive care units will likely be devoid of COVID-19 patients by the end of May…

Put another way, the Wuhan Virus will dissipate on the exact same timeline as the traditional flu.  A remarkable coincidence.  The COVID models now show 51,000 U.S. deaths with a projected total forecast from the Wuhan Virus at 67,000.

Happy 50th Birthday to the most graceful, classy and beautiful @FLOTUS America has ever known.

Wishing a very happy birthday to Melania Trump today !
America loves you and all that you do for our great country. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

Did Tara Reade’s mom finger Dirty Digit Joe?

Far more credible than Christine Blasey Ford. 
And yet… crickets from the media.

Things aren’t looking good for Dirty Digit Joe Biden.  Despite the New York Times’ claim that Tara Reade’s accusation has no corroboration, it appears some corroboration was found in an old video clip of CNN’s Larry King show from 1993 – the same year Tara Reade claims Dirty Digit Joe assaulted her.

Tara Reade has confirmed that this anonymous caller was, in fact, her late mother.  Which means the “prominent Senator” was undoubtedly Dirty Digit Joe.


Except for running an article on how Democrats are “grappling” with the allegation, CNN has refused to investigate Tara Reade’s claim.

So it’s all manner of ironic that it is archived footage from CNN that provides contemporaneous corroboration of Reade’s accusation against Dirty Digit Joe.

Now, as someone who doesn’t default to “Believe Women,” I will point out that A) This caller does not specify what happened and B) the account this caller’s daughter gave may not be true.

But my point all along has been that the garbage news media attempted to destroy Justice Brett Kavanaugh on threadbare, flimsy claims with zero corroboration. And already, there is far more corroboration of Tara Reade’s claim than any leveled against Kavanaugh.

Unlike Christine Blasey-Ford, Tara Reade’s allegation didn’t spring up out of nowhere decades after the fact.  She said she shared this allegation with people at the time. And now we have video proof that this is the case.

Again, this video doesn’t “prove” that Dirty Digit Joe assaulted Tara Reade, and I would never make that unsubstantiated leap in logic.

But it does provide contemporaneous video evidence that Reade did in fact tell her mother that something happened between her and the “prominent Senator” for whom she worked.

Seems to me that makes this video “newsy.”

As yet, CNN has not uttered a peep about this CNN video.

Nor has the crack team at the New York Times who assured us two weeks ago that Tara Reade’s claim has no merit, then admitted they stealthily made edits to the article at the behest of the Biden campaign.

If the media continue ignoring this accusation against Dirty Digit Joe, they might as well just release a statement saying “We don’t care what evidence crops up. We never investigate Democrats because we’re on their side.”

Then again, most of us already know that’s the case.

But continuing to ignore Tara Reade now, just might get others to wake up to that realization as well.


Check out this video clip from last night’s Tucker Carlson show where he interviews both reporter Ryan Grim and Mollie Hemingway.

Missouri AG Schmitt ‘Confident’ He Can Make China Pay

Political Cartoons by Gary Varvel
Article by Collin Anderson in "The Washington Free Beacon":

Missouri attorney general Eric Schmitt is "confident" he will secure damages from the Chinese government for its responsibility in unleashing the coronavirus pandemic.

While congressional Republicans have floated legislation to allow American citizens to sue China for mishandling the coronavirus, Schmitt on Tuesday made Missouri the first state to file a lawsuit against the communist nation. The suit says the Chinese government must be held liable for the "enormous loss of life, human suffering, and economic turmoil" brought on by the deadly disease. Schmitt estimates that the virus has caused tens of billions of dollars in economic damage in the Show-Me State alone.

"The fact is, by the cover-up, by the deception, by the lies, by the silencing of whistleblowers, by the hoarding of protective equipment, by not informing the world about how deadly the virus would be, a pandemic was unleashed on the world," Schmitt said in an interview with the Washington Free Beacon. "All of that certainly points to the Chinese government for its malfeasance, and we want to hold them accountable for that."

Schmitt's lawsuit identifies multiple defendants, including the Chinese Communist Party, the nation's health and emergency ministries, provincial and city governments in Hubei and Wuhan, and the Wuhan Institute of Virology, a superlab which some U.S. officials suspect played a role in the outbreak. The suit outlines an array of facts highlighting China's abuses in the early stages of the outbreak that resulted in an "unnecessary and preventable" pandemic.

"During the critical weeks of the initial outbreak, Chinese authorities deceived the public, suppressed crucial information, arrested whistleblowers, denied human-to-human transmission in the face of mounting evidence, destroyed critical medical research, permitted millions of people to be exposed to the virus, and even hoarded personal protective equipment," the suit says.

The Republican AG expressed confidence in the suit's legal merit, saying he expects other states to launch similar efforts in the near future.

"We feel confident in our legal case and think that other states are probably going to follow suit," he told the Free Beacon.

While Missouri has not been hit as hard by the virus as some of the urban epicenters of the pandemic in the United States, the state ranks among the top half in coronavirus cases, according to the CDC. More than 6,000 Missouri residents have been diagnosed with the disease, which emerged in China in December. Schmitt said that those responsible for the outbreak must compensate victims of the virus and the "tremendous" economic devastation brought on by public shutdowns.

"I represent 6 million Missourians. We've got over 6,000 cases now, over 200 deaths. It's a tremendous impact," Schmitt said. "The human toll of people losing loved ones, not being able to visit family suffering from the virus, [and] not attending funerals. That's not even mentioning the economic impact. People living paycheck to paycheck can't feed their families now. All because the Chinese government lied about this."

China could typically claim immunity from the lawsuit under the Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act, which inhibits the ability to sue sovereign nations in U.S. courts. Schmitt said that blanket immunity should not apply, pointing to the exemptions made for commercial activities. The law states in part that a foreign actor may lose its immunity by partaking in commercial activity outside of America that has a "direct effect" in the United States. The regime's behavior in suppressing the existence of the disease, as well as hoarding medical equipment made by American companies in China, forfeited those legal protections.

"We're essentially claiming a public nuisance," Schmitt said. "In our complaint, we allege that by being engaged in the hoarding of protective equipment, by being engaged in running hospitals, by being engaged in running the virology lab, China is pulled out of the normal protection that they may be able to claim."

Schmitt has taken further steps to advance the suit past immunity claims. The lawsuit names non-state actors as defendants, which could limit China's ability to claim sovereignty.

"One thing that's unique about our lawsuit is that we also name non-state actors, in addition to the Communist Party," Schmitt said. "The assertion there is that the Chinese government is running everything anyway, so they don't get to claim immunity because they have a non-state actor in charge of the actions or inactions that led to these damages that we're asserting."

Sen. Tom Cotton (R., Ark.) and Rep. Dan Crenshaw (R., Texas) introduced legislation in April to create a new exception specifically related to damages caused by China's pandemic response. Schmitt said the merits of his suit should suffice even if the bill is not passed.

"I think our complaint is strong," he said.

The case was filed in U.S District Court for the Eastern District of Missouri on Tuesday.

North Korea Reports Kim Jong Un Is 'Most Alive Person In Universe'

PYONGYANG—The Democratic People's Republic of Korea reported today that Kim Jong Un is not dead and in fact is "the most alive person in the universe."

"American fake news says Supreme Leader is dead, but we found that he was more alive than anyone ever in history," said a spokesperson. "If he lies in still vegetative state, it is only because he is stuffed so full of life like a big meal and needs time to properly digest all that life. So much life. Such great life."

According to the official statement released by the Korean Central News Agency, the dictator is not dead but is more alive than life itself.  "Think of the most alive thing ever: a rambunctious toddler, a blooming flower, an angry bear. Pulsing, teeming with life: that is the very essence of our Supreme Leader."

"Doctors were amazed at how alive he is. Most alive person ever," the spokesperson said. He went on to say that Kim Jong Un ran a fifty-mile marathon this morning in under twelve seconds just because he had so much life in him he needed to burn off. "And after that, our great and glorious leader flapped his wings and flew to the sun, bringing down sunbeams from the heavens that our people might have the gift of fire."

"All hail the glorious and most definitely living Kim Jong Un!"

Shifty Schiff: Thousands of Americans Are Dead Because We Didn't Successfully Impeach and Remove Trump

Watch the Full Cartoon: Link in Comments - Imgflip
Article by Beth Baumann in "Townhall":

House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff (D-CA) has been one of the biggest outspoken proponents of impeaching President Donald Trump. For two years we were repeatedly told that the Trump campaign colluded with Russia. Special Counsel Robert Mueller proved no collusion took place. Schiff and his cronies immediately clung to the theory that Trump threatened to withhold military aid to Ukraine unless the country investigated Hunter Biden for sitting on the board of Burisma, a natural gas company. Hunter was being paid more than a million dollars a year despite having no natural energy experience. Even though everyone knew no quid pro quo took place, Democrats moved forward with impeachment. They impeached the president in the House but failed to have him convicted in the Senate.

Despite that, Schiff blames the Wuhan coronavirus pandemic and the deaths associated with the virus in America on... President Trump not being impeached.

Let that sink in for a second.

"There's one thing I have to say haunts me from the trial and it was before that snippet you showed where we knew we had to answer the question to the senators, okay, essentially, House Managers, you proved him guilty, does he really need to be removed after all? We have an election in nine months," Schiff told MSNBC's Chris Hayes on Saturday. "How much damage could he really do? And we posed that question to the Senate and we answered it by saying that he could do an awful lot of damage but frankly, Chris, I don’t think we had any idea how much damage he would go on to do in the months ahead."

"There are 50,000 Americans now who are dead in significant part because of his incompetence, because of his inability to think beyond himself and put the country first," the chairman said. "I don’t think we would have ever anticipated that his brand of narcissism and his brand of incompetence would be so fatal to the American people but probably, you know, the strongest echo of what we were talking about during the trial was when he was earlier talking about how he didn’t want to return the calls from governors. 

"He didn’t want his vice president to return calls from governors that weren’t saying nice things about him, that really weren’t saying things about him he could turn into campaign commercials as he has," Schiff explained. "That was such a profound and disturbing echo of what he tried to do with Ukraine. So sadly, you know, as we pointed out during the trial, a man with no moral compass will never find his way and this president certainly hasn’t."

This segment right here proves just how real Trump Derangement Syndrome truly is. The Wuhan coronavirus started in China. It spread around the globe because the Chinese Communist Party lied about what took place. They covered up what was happening in Wuhan. The only reason things aren't worse in the United States is because President Trump halted all flights to and from China in mid-January. And since then he extended travel bans to the UK, EU, Iran and even shut down our borders. 

How is that being incompetent? Trump went against everyone's advice – including the World Health Organization – when he halted flights. If he was incompetent or only cared about himself he would have never made that kind of call. He wouldn't spend hours every day holding press briefings about this pandemic. If he didn't care, his team wouldn't have worked with governors, private enterprise and health care officials to address this public health crisis.

Schiff is just mad that he's no longer relevant and he didn't succeed in his partisan witch hunt. 

.⁦@RepAdamSchiff⁩ suggests “50,000 Americans” are dead because Trump wasn’t impeached

Republicans said “How much damage could he really do? ... I don’t think we had any idea how much damage he would go on to do ... There are 50,000 Americans now who are dead”

Report: White House Advisor Stephen Miller wants to extend immigration ban

OAN Newsroom
UPDATED 3:51 PM PT — Saturday, April 25, 2020
White House Senior Advisor Stephen Miller has revealed his intentions to have President Trump extend the 60-day immigration ban. During a private call Thursday, Miller reportedly told a group of supporters that the ban is a stepping stone for a much broader suspension.
His remarks came just days after the president signed an executive order halting the issuance of green cards for some foreign nationals. The measure was implemented to protect American workers from foreign competition during the coronavirus pandemic.
More than 26 million Americans filed for unemployment in the past month.
“This will ensure that unemployed Americans of all backgrounds will be first in line for jobs as our economy reopens,” stated President Trump.

However, the ban has faced a substantial amount of criticism due to its exception for certain groups, including essential workers and family members of U.S. citizens.
Miller has defended the president by saying “the most important thing is to turn off the faucet of new immigrant labor,” which should disrupt chain migration. He added that the benefit to American workers “compounds with time.”
“It’s for 60 days. At the end of 60 days, or maybe even during 60 days, I’ll extend it, or not, and I’ll maybe change it. I might modify it.” – Stephen Miller, Senior Advisor to the President
Acting Deputy Homeland Security Secretary Ken Cuccinelli, who later joined the call, reportedly revealed that the president had been considering an immigration freeze long before announcing the suspension. He noted his agency has been reviewing the measure for several months and added he looks forward to presenting the president with “recommendations for additional steps.”

Germany warns against race to restart tourism

April 26, 2020
BERLIN (Reuters) – German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas has warned against reopening tourism destinations too quickly, saying Europe should agree on a common path back to freedom of travel, a newspaper quoted him as saying on Sunday.
“A European race to see who will allow tourist travel first will lead to unacceptable risks,” Maas told the Bild am Sonntag newspaper.
Maas referred to the high infection rate in the Austrian ski resort of Ischgl, where many German tourists are believed to have been infected.
“We have already experienced what an infection cluster in a popular holiday resort can do in the home countries of tourists. This must not happen again,” he said.
Hundreds of tourists from countries including Germany, Norway and Iceland are believed to have been infected in Ischgl, which is near the point where Austria, Switzerland and Italy meet and is renowned for its party scene.
The local authorities have been widely accused of responding too slowly as it is now clear the virus found a breeding ground in crowded apres-ski bars at various resorts and spread in Ischgl for a month before it was quarantined on March 13.
Austrian authorities lifted coronavirus quarantines this week at three of the country’s top ski resorts, including Ischgl, removing the restrictions days before they were due to expire.

The country has suggested a staggered resumption of tourism, initially allowing German visitors in, rather than a full restart of the European Union’s suspended open-border pact.
Maas said Europe needs to agree common criteria for a way back to freedom of travel “as quickly as possible, but as responsibly as necessary”.
“We must not let the hard-won successes of the last few weeks be ruined,” said Maas, adding that otherwise there would be travel restrictions for much longer.
Meanwhile, the German Travel Association (DRV) said 60% of travel agencies and tour operators see themselves directly threatened by insolvency, a survey of member companies published in the Bild am Sonntag showed.
According to the survey, every fifth company has already laid off employees, and 80% have applied for state aid.

Trump Says Daily Briefings 'Not Worth the Time and Effort'

Trump Says Daily Briefings 'Not Worth the Time and Effort'
Article by Bronson Stocking in "Townhall":

On Friday, the White House Coronavirus Task Force briefing was the shortest to date, lasting about all of 25 minutes. And on Saturday, there was no briefing. Then, the president tweeted this:

What is the purpose of having White House News Conferences when the Lamestream Media asks nothing but hostile questions, & then refuses to report the truth or facts accurately. They get record ratings, & the American people get nothing but Fake News. Not worth the time & effort!

Axios reported late on Friday that four anonymous sources familiar with deliberations say White House advisers were looking to pare back the daily briefings. According to the report, the advisers worry the president is overexposed during the marathon briefings and worry a lack of new information no longer justifies the daily regimen of briefings. His advisors are also reportedly concerned about the president tangling with reporters during the crisis, warning that fighting with members of the press is not what the American people want to see right now. This comes as a shock to those of us who tune in only to watch the president dunk on reporters, especially since professional sports are no longer a thing.

On Friday, the president participated in a very succinct briefing that concluded around the 25-minute mark, denying reporters their usual opportunity to ask irrelevant gotcha questions designed to embarrass the president, as opposed to eliciting information that may be useful amid the pandemic. It was the press that politicized the briefings. On Saturday, reporters were told late in the afternoon that there would be no press briefing. 

While the president's media opponents say the cut back on briefings is driven by fears that the president may be hurting himself, Trump has given nearly 50 coronavirus briefings to date, and just about everything that can be said about the virus at this point already has been said. The liberal media stopped covering the briefings, not because they made the president look bad, but because Trump was cutting through the media's false narrative. 

When there is news to justify a press briefing, Friday's briefing is a good template for the administration to follow. Keep it about 25 minutes, don't let CNN reporters interrupt, and don't give the hostile press the opportunity to politicize the current crisis. They do that enough on their own airwaves.

Were NYC Subways Wuhan virus super-spreaders?

Did duration of time spent on the NYC subway system have a direct impact on the explosion of Wuhan virus cases in the outer boroughs?

Last week, I saw a thread from Buck Sexton about a study linking New York City’s Wuhan virus outbreak to duration of time spent on the NYC subways.

Well, this definitely would explain in part how New York City became the epicenter of the Wuhan virus outbreak in the US, wouldn’t it?

Three weeks ago, I did a breakdown of the hardest-hit New York Counties in which I wrote:

I’m sure there are a lot of theories as to why this is the case – population density, reliance on mass transit, frequent travel between these hot-spots, number of foreign travelers (or all of the above).

Of the nine counties I wrote about, the one with the fewest cases by population was Manhattan itself.  The counties surrounding Manhattan fared much worse.

Could duration of time riding the subways explain that? I’m thinking yes.

Yesterday, the New York Post reported that in his daily presser, Governor Cuomo explained that the Wuhan Virus can live up to seventy-two hours on bus and subway surfaces.

So if you’re riding from Manhattan to one of the outer boroughs, you’re going to increase your exposure to the virus because you’re on the trains for a longer period of time.  That’s just common sense.

The other day, it was reported that antibody testing in New York State shows that a possible 2.7 million New Yorkers could have been exposed to the virus.  Which means far more people than officially reported could’ve have gotten COVID-19 and built up an immunity to it – without ever knowing they had it.  So who the hell knows how long this bug has been here.  Something tells me it was present far earlier than the first officially reported cases would have us think.

And if that’s the case, while the MTA might be cleaning and disinfecting the trains now, there could’ve been a month or more when this virus was riding the subways and nobody knew it.

Now, I’m not saying the subways alone are the cause of New York’s catastrophic numbers. New York isn’t the only large metropolitan area with a subway system after all.  And no other city with subways has the infection rate we’re seeing in New York.

At the same time, no matter how the virus arrived in the city, it certainly seems plausible that the subways quickly became the main transmission device that spread it throughout the downstate region.

And by the time they shut things down, it was far too late to stop it.

Trump Rolls the Media Again, This Time About Disinfectants

AP featured image
Article by Mike Ford in "RedState":

President Trump has done it again…like clockwork. As I’ve opined before, there seems to be a little battle drill that he likes to execute on occasion. It goes something like this. First, early on in the week he makes some “outrageous” statement or comment. Of course, the chattering class…media, pundits and politicians of all stripes rush to decry his remarks. These oh, so smart people usually use the same terms to badmouth the President—Racist! Unaware!

Imbecile! I’m sure our Red State readers can come up with many more.

This usually continues for a few days, sometimes as long as a couple weeks. Then something magical happens. To very little fanfare, actually most often to no public (media) recognition at all, President Trump is proven correct, at the very least, nowhere near the blithering idiot the Left likes to make him out to be. More often than not, the concept or idea he is commenting about in his own, very Trumpian manner, is not only valid, but actually being tested or even in use. The Left, while publicly ignoring that “new” information, privately wonder how they got flummoxed yet again.

Salena Zito, a CNN political analyst, and a staff reporter and columnist for the Washington Examiner figured a big piece of this out back in 2016. She famously said of President Trump, “The press takes him literally, but not seriously; his supporters take him seriously, but not literally.” This is important…and therein lies the rub my friends. The left still hasn’t figured it out.

This week, Her Majesty, Queen Teresa and I watched this play out yet again. President Trump during his nightly briefing had a senior staffer give a short brief on the effect of sunlight, warm temperatures and high humidity on the Wuhan Virus. William Bryant a senior official at the Department of Homeland Security outlined some research his agency had done indicating that the Wuhan Virus was very susceptible to direct sunlight, heat and high humidity, all of which President Trump had mentioned weeks ago to loud media derision and flat out nasty commentary from the left.
The President then mentioned, in his “think out loud” manner, that perhaps the experts could look into use of Ultra Violet inside the body or trying to disinfect the body from the inside by finding some substance that might do that. Note: At no time did President Trump recommend or even suggest, using disinfectants such as Lysol (TM) injected into the body. He was describing a concept. He was actually, for all of the folks out there who like to screech “SCIENCE!” at the top of their lungs, executing the very first step in any scientific inquiry—asking the question, “What if?

Of course, we’ve all seen and heard the nasty comments and Facebook (TM) memes out there claiming that President Trump recommends injecting oneself with Lysol or Isopropyl Alcohol. Of course that isn’t true. But, here folks, is where it gets really good.

Her Majesty and I, having nothing better to do being quarantined and all, were discussing this latest brouhaha and how it appeared to be following the same old script. I then proposed a friendly wager. Knowing how this usually works out and that President Trump usually, already has the answer to the question (sunlight) before he “spouts off,” I asked her what was her bet, time-wise on how soon information would come out that once again Trump was correct regarding the concept of disinfecting from inside. Her response was ”3 weeks,” which I thought a bit long. Mine was (going to be) 2 weeks, as I still had the ‘sunlight” timeline in my head. Alas, I got off onto another subject before we formally shook hands…bad move on my part.

Well, I’ll be damned if it wasn’t two days…counting yesterday…TWO DAYS! It turns out that disinfecting from the inside isn’t some product of the President’s fevered imagination. The first thing that came to mind when I started thinking about it, was chemotherapy, where we poison the patient in hopes that the poison will will kill cancer before it kills the patient. But there is actually a procedure that uses hydrogen peroxide….you know, the substitute for mecurochrome for treating (disinfecting) skinned knees? Well it turns out there is an intravenous technique used to kill internal bacteria and viruses using that common solution. Over at American Thinker, Andrea Widburg explains.

Read: Trump’s idea for “disinfecting” people to fight disease is already being done

Like the author, neither I, Red State nor PJ Media are endorsing any medical technique including this one, to deal with Wuhan Virus. The point is to show that once again, Donald J. Trump isn’t anywhere near the blithering idiot the left tries to make him out to be. Nay, he is usually light years ahead of the folks who continually badmouth him. And they still haven’t learned. Trump used the scientific method properly, by starting with the first step by asking, “What if we could…?” Turns out we can.

We deplorables, the ones in flyover country, along with some fellow travelers in former Democrat strongholds, understand his plain way of communicating. This November, we folks who take him seriously (instead of literally) with some extras who took the President up on his, “What do you have to lose?” along with even more converts, are going to be back to the polls to flip the lever for him. One of the reasons, is what we just saw play out this week.

Sadly, I failed to place a bet, so Her Majesty won by default. I’m cooking dinner all this week.

The Next Battle: Who Will Catch the Blame for Unnecessary and Abusive Lockdowns and Quarantines?

Political Cartoons by Pat Cross
Article by Clint Fargeau in "RedState":

A woman holds a sign as she attends a rally outside the Missouri Capitol to protest stay-at-home orders put into place due to the COVID-19 outbreak Tuesday, April 21, 2020, in Jefferson City, Mo. Several hundred people attended the rally to protest the restrictions and urge the reopening of businesses closed in an effort to slow the spread of the coronavirus. 

This may be the biggest ‘I told you so’ of all time.

A few epidemiologists outside the hysteria bubble warned from the beginning that the United States was overreacting with its various compulsory shutdowns and quarantines in response to the Wuhan virus.

Even the most circumspect of these contrarians cautioned our country against reflexive, drastic, and authoritarian measures before the data had come together.

Well, now the data are coming together; and the evidence is mounting that the contrarians were right. Marina Medvin reports at Townhall on a study published recently by Isaac Ben-Israel of Tel Aviv University:

Professor Ben-Israel debunks the misconception of government lockdowns or controls as a leading cause of coronavirus infection rate reductions.
“Some may claim that the decline in the number of additional patients every day is a result of the tight lockdown imposed by the government and health authorities. Examining the data of different countries around the world casts a heavy question mark on the above statement.
“It turns out that similar pattern–a rapid increase in infections that reaches a peak in the sixth week and declines from the eighth week–is common to all countries in which the disease was discovered, regardless of their response policies: some imposed a severe and immediate lockdown that included not only ‘social distancing’ and banning crowding, but also an economic shutdown (Israel); some ‘ignored’ the infection and continued almost a normal life (such as Taiwan, Korea, or Sweden), and some initially adopted a lenient policy but soon reversed to a complete lockdown (such as Italy or the state of New York).
“Nonetheless, the data shows similar time constants among all these countries in regard to the initial rapid growth and the decline of the disease.”

In a nutshell, the United States probably threw itself into an economic death spiral and civil liberties killing spree for nothing. For reasons yet to be determined, the virus follows a fixed pattern and burns itself out. The Wuhan virus was never going to cascade exponentially through the population and kill millions unless we incarcerated ourselves in our homes, as so many catastrophized. (Any of this remind you of ‘Russian collusion‘?)

A more recent data analysis published in Spiked! by political scientist Wilfred Reilly reaches similar conclusions when he compares regions in the US:

As a professional political scientist, I have analyzed data from the Worldometers Coronavirus project, along with information about the population, population density, median income, median age and diversity of each US state, to determine whether states that have adopted lockdowns or ‘shelter in place’ orders experience fewer COVID-19 cases and deaths than those which pursue a social-distancing strategy without formal lockdown … In short, I do not find that lockdowns are more effective way of handling coronavirus than well-done social distancing measures.

It looks like we would have done fine with voluntary measures to space people out, putting our resources into supporting hospitals during the rush, while isolating the elderly and those with comorbid conditions, much like the seasonal flu.

And who knows? We might even have done without all the spacing people out. Joseph Guzman reports at The Hill:

Instead of imposing strict social-distancing policies like most of the world, Sweden aimed at keeping public life as open as possible, allowing for some exposure to the virus to build immunity among its population [herd immunity]. Sweden rolled out voluntary measures, advising older people and others particularly vulnerable to the virus to avoid social contact. It also recommended people work from home, wash their hands regularly and avoid nonessential travel. But the country’s borders stayed open, along with some schools and many businesses.

Have bodies piled up in the streets of Sweden as a result of their dangerous social closeness and lack of a ‘mask gestapo’? Has their non-flattened curve wrecked the country? Nope:

“In major parts of Sweden, around Stockholm, we have reached a plateau [in new cases] and we’re already seeing the effect of herd immunity, and in a few weeks’ time we’ll see even more of the effect of that. And in the rest of the country, the situation is stable,” Dr. Anders Tegnell, chief epidemiologist at Sweden’s Public Health Agency, told CNBC Tuesday.


A friend of mine recalled an incident that occurred when he was working in the Soviet Union years ago. After a missile blew up on the launch pad, all the soviets immediately said: “After we deny publicly that this happened, who gets blamed for this to the committee?”

They didn’t ask, “What went wrong?” It didn’t even cross the Russians’ minds to figure who might DESERVE blame. They went straight to deciding who the scapegoat SHOULD be for ideological reasons.

If this story sounds familiar, that’s because it played out over and over in the former Soviet Union, as dramatized most recently in HBO’s hit miniseries ‘Chernobyl.’ The deny-then-blame game was a signature of authoritarian communism, a way to make sure blame NEVER ended up tarnishing the serially inept system of communist government.

The party had to be protected at all costs. Find a patsy and put on a show trial, because the communist system must to be right!

Now, it would seem America is the new Soviet Union.

In spite of the massing evidence that compulsory lockdowns, business closures, masks, social distancing, quarantines, and the like were an unforced error of cataclysmic proportions–not to mention a heinous breach of civil liberties–the lamestream media and Democrat governors will continue to flog the narrative that their authoritarianism was actually super useful and must continue for heavens-knows-how-long.

The reopening of states must be slow-walked, to maintain plausible deniability against future charges of incompetence and economic genocide from the populace. If the powers that be simply opened everything up immediately and things went fine … well that would just be embarrassing. 

No, the North Star of the American left–that techno-bureaucratic experts should socially engineer every aspect of our  lives–can never be called into question. NEVER.

Moreover, we can count on the media to pivot and distract us figuring out what mistakes were made: “Forget the details of what really happened with the whole Wuhan virus response. Here’s whom you should blame NOW for the suffering you are experiencing today!”

I’ll give you one guess who gets blamed. Go on: take a guess.

No doubt we will be treated to another Schiff Show, after Pencil Neck & Co. figure out:

“How do we lay the economic devastation wrought by Democrat executives across the country at the feet of Trump, Republicans, and Trump voters? And how do we do that without admitting that technocratic control of everything and everyone still doesn’t work, just like it always hasn’t worked?”

This spectacular nonsense won’t stop until the American people wholly reject the closed circle of ideological ass-covering that is the progressive left. Democrats and their catchfart media have foisted  hysteria and destruction on Americans over and over, and not just with the Wuhan virus. It’s time to take their toys away and send them home.

Dems Recommend Drinking Bleach After Learning It Could Cause An Abortion

WASHINGTON, D.C.—Democrats quickly condemned Trump after it was reported by the media that you should drink bleach, inject Lysol, and eat Tide Pods. But Trump's opponents are coming around on the idea of ingesting  cleaning products after they learned such methods could cause an abortion.

Nancy Pelosi cautioned her fellow Democrats against attacking Trump too quickly, pointing out that drinking bleach does have some medical benefits, like possibly causing an abortion in a pregnant woman.

"Drinking bleach is normally harmful, yes, but if a pregnant woman does it, then it does have some positive effects," said Pelosi on MSNBC. "If your state has closed the abortion clinics during this pandemic, sometimes bleach is your best option. Who are we to tell a woman not to drink bleach? Her body, her choice."

"You have to drink it to find out what it does, and what it does is provide excellent women's healthcare."