Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Bill Barr: No, You Don’t Lose Your Constitutional Rights Because of the Virus Emergency

Bill Barr: No, You Don't Lose You Constitutional Rights Because of the Virus Emergency
Article by Nick Arama in "RedState":

There have been a lot of disconcerting things that we all have had to deal with in our lives with the coming of the Wuhan virus pandemic.

But perhaps one of the worst is the troubling infringement on Constitutional rights and dystopian moves to impose control that we have seen taking place from various state and local governments.

Everything from using drones to spy on people to draconian restrictions against what you can buy, arresting people for going to a religious service or going to the beach by themselves.

Here’s one example of a drive-in religious service, seemingly adhering to social distancing and being responsible, yet still hassled by the the police and told his rights had been “suspended.”

Nick Short @PoliticalShort
Video from Pastor Hamilton of King James Bible Baptist Church in Greenville, MS. Church tried the “drive-in” method of holding services & were targeted due to the Mayor issuing an order prohibiting such services. Watch as an officer tells the Pastor that his rights are suspended.


Gotta hand it to Pastor Hamilton for schooling the police on the Constitution. 

A lot of governors and local officials seem to think that the pandemic gives them the right to infringe on rights. Gov. Phil Murphy of New Jersey, when asked by Tucker Carlson, why 15 people were reportedly arrested for going to synagogue in New Jersey, said well, he “wasn’t considering the Bill of Rights.” Murphy continued, “We looked at all the data and the science and it says people have to stay away from each other. That is the best thing we can do to break the back of the curve of this virus, that leads to lower hospitalization and ultimately fatalities.”

Exactly. That’s a problem. Because, as Attorney General Bill Barr explained today during an interview with radio host Hugh Hewitt, you have to consider the Bill of Rights. It’s essential in the weighing process of any of these rules or restrictions.

Some states have tried to close gun shops, ban traveling to a second residence even buying seeds or paint.

While Barr explained that a government might be able to put temporary or reasonable restrictions in response to an emergency, they could not just disregard those rights. 

From Townhall:
So initially, when you’re faced with a potential catastrophe, the government can deploy measures and even put temporary and reasonable restrictions on rights if really necessary to meet the danger,” Barr said.
“But it still has the obligation to adapt to the circumstances. Whatever powers the government has, whether it be the president or the state governor, still is bounded by Constitutional rights of the individual. Our federal Constitutional rights don’t go away in an emergency. They constrain what the government can do. And in a circumstance like this, they put on the government the burden to make sure that whatever burdens it’s putting on our Constitutional liberties are strictly necessary to deal with the problem,” he continued. “They have to be targeted. They have to use less intrusive means if they are equally effective in dealing with the problem. And that’s the situation we’re in today. We’re moving into a period where we have to do a better job of targeting the measures we’re deploying to deal with this virus.”

It requires a balancing act and the government has to show they have a compelling state interest and there aren’t less restrictive measures that they could employ to enforce their public health concerns. So for example, in the case of the “drive-in service,” it might be difficult to argue that that wasn’t complying with social distancing and to bust it might be problematic. 

Barr has previously announced he would be examine the excesses going on, to help prevent/deal with Constitutional violations.

Fortunately, it sounds like people are going to start being sprung soon in several states. Georgia, South Carolina and Tennessee announced they will reopen for business on May 1 and more will doubtless be following them shortly thereafter. 


7 Devastating Revelations About Crossfire Hurricane In New Releases

On a new Senate website, Sen. Lindsey Graham’s staff uploaded the four Carter Page FISA applications, which were recently further declassified.

Late last week, Sen. Lindsey Graham announced a webpage dedicated to the Senate Judiciary Committee’s probe into the Crossfire Hurricane illicit investigation into the Donald Trump campaign. Graham’s staff uploaded the four Carter Page Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) applications, which were recently further declassified.

These declassifications reveal more devastating details in the SpyGate saga. Here are seven new revelations.

1. The FBI Always Intended to Spy on the Trump Campaign

When news first broke that the Obama administration had obtained a FISA order to surveil Page, Democrats and the left-leaning press argued the FBI’s surveillance of the former Trump foreign policy advisor didn’t constitute spying on the Trump campaign because the court-ordered surveillance didn’t begin until after Page had left the campaign.

“Conservatives tried to correct the record, noting that a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) order gave the government access to Page’s past emails and other electronic communications with members of the Trump campaign, but the mainstream media ignored this reality.”

However, Inspector General Michael Horowitz’s report on FISA abuse later confirmed that, yes, “the FBI gathered substantial evidence of Page’s past electronic communications,” including multiple “emails between Page and members of the Donald J. Trump for President Campaign concerning campaign related matters.”

The recent declassifications of the FISA applications now expose a further reality: The FBI didn’t just seek access to past electronic communications with campaign members, the FBI believed Page would continue to communicate with the Trump campaign and sought the FISA court order to intercept those conversations.

While Page had announced he was “taking a leave of absence from his work with the campaign,” the first FISA application read, “because Page was one of the first identified foreign policy advisors for [Trump’s] campaign, the FBI believes that Page likely established close relationships with other members of [Trump’s campaign.]”

Accordingly, the FBI maintained in its initial FISA application that it “believes that Page likely established close relationships with other members of [Trump’s] campaign and likely would have continued to have access to members of [Trump’s] campaign, which he could exploit to attempt to exert influence on foreign policy matters, regardless of whatever formal role he played in the campaign.”

2. FBI Failed to Brief Trump About Its Page Suspicions

This newly declassified information highlights another huge impropriety in the FBI’s handling of Crossfire Hurricane: The FBI failed to provide the Trump campaign a defensive briefing about Page!

Here, it is helpful to remember what Counterintelligence Division Assistant Director E.W. “Bill” Priestap told the IG about why he opened the Crossfire Hurricane investigation instead of providing the Trump campaign a defensive briefing:

we provide defensive briefings when we obtain information indicating a foreign adversary is trying or will try to influence a specific U.S. person, and when there is no indication that the specific U.S. person could be working with the adversary. In regard to the information the [Friendly Foreign Government] provided us, we had no indication as to which person in the Trump campaign allegedly received the offer from the Russians. There was no specific U.S. person identified. We also had no indication, whatsoever, that the person affiliated with the Trump campaign had rejected the alleged offer from the Russians.
In fact, the information we received indicated that Papadopoulos told the [Friendly Foreign Government] he felt confident Mr. Trump would win the election, and Papadopoulos commented that the Clintons had a lot of baggage and that the Trump team had plenty of material to use in its campaign. While Papadopoulos didn’t say where the Trump team had received the ‘material,’ one could reasonably infer that some of the material might have come from the Russians.
Had we provided a defensive briefing to someone on the Trump campaign, we would have alerted the campaign to what we were looking into, and, if someone on the campaign was engaged with the Russians, he/she would very likely change his/her tactics and/or otherwise seek to cover-up his/her activities, thereby preventing us from finding the truth. On the other hand, if no one on the Trump campaign was working with the Russians, an investigation could prove that.

Andrew McCabe, President Obama’s former deputy director of the FBI, likewise told the IG “that he did not consider a defensive briefing as an alternative to opening a counterintelligence case” because, “based on the [Friendly Foreign Government] information, the FBI did not know if any member of the campaign was coordinating with Russia and that the FBI did not brief people who ‘could potentially be the subjects that you are investigating or looking for.’”

McCabe added that, “in a sensitive counterintelligence matter, it was essential to have a better understanding of what was occurring before taking an overt step such as providing a defensive briefing.” There are plenty of problems with Priestap and McCabe’s rationale, as well as the entire predicate for Crossfire Hurricane, but let’s take them at their word, and apply the same reasoning to Page.

More than three months had passed since the FBI received word from a “Friendly Foreign Government” that former Trump advisor George Papadopoulos had learned that Russia had “dirt” on Hillary. Since then, the FBI believed it had discovered the identity of the man engaging with the Russians—Page.

So convinced was the FBI that they had their man that agents swore out four FISA applications attesting that the FBI “believes that Russia’s efforts to influence U.S. policy were likely being coordinated between the [Russian Intelligence Service] and Page, and possible others.” The FBI further swore to the court that Page “was identified by source reporting as an intermediary with Russian leadership in ‘a well-developed conspiracy of co-operation’ to influence the 2016 U.S. Presidential election.”

So why didn’t the FBI provide the Trump campaign a defensive briefing about Page? Why didn’t the FBI warn Trump that it had evidence that Page was acting as an agent for Russia and that the campaign should be aware of that fact in communications with Page?

3. The FBI Spied on the Trump Administration

The FBI also failed to provide the Trump administration a defensive briefing concerning its belief that Russia sought to use Page’s connections with administration officials to influence America’s foreign policy. Instead, as the newly declassified information reveals, following Trump’s inauguration, the FBI sought to, and apparently succeeded in, intercepting communications between Page and members of the Trump administration.

In each renewal application, the FBI stated that “although the election has concluded, . . . the FBI believes the Russian Government will continue attempting to use U.S. based individuals, such as Page, to covertly influence U.S. foreign policy.” Then, after noting that “although Page no longer appears to be an advisor to the now President-elect” (and later “to the now President”), the FISA applications included several blacked-out sentences identified as FISA-acquired information.

The language and placement of these redactions suggest that the FISA surveillance captured communications between Page and members of the Trump transition team and administration.

Significantly, both the April 7, 2017 and the June 28, 2017, FISA renewal applications, after redacting “FISA-Acquired Information,” noted that “the FBI assesses that Page continues to have access to senior U.S. Government officials. Moreover, the FBI further assesses that Page is attempting to downplay his contacts with the Russian Government and to dispel the controversy surrounding him, so as to make him more viable as a foreign policy expert who will be in a position, due to his continued contacts with senior U.S. Government officials, to influence U.S. foreign policy towards Russia.”

These assertions raise significant questions and concerns. Who were these “senior U.S. Government officials”? Did the FBI intercept Page’s communications with Trump administration officials? And why would the FBI not provide President Trump a defensive briefing about Page and his supposed role as a Russian agent?

4. Rep. Adam Schiff Is a Rotten, No-Good, Two-Faced Liar

The latest declassifications also expose—yet again—that Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) lied about everything in his “response memo” to Rep. Devin Nunes’s (R-Calif.) memo on FISA abuse. The lawyer who tweets anonymously as Undercover Huber detailed the evidence in a must-read thread on Friday.

“DOJ cited multiple sources to support the case for surveilling Page—but made only narrow use of information from Steele’s sources about Page’s specific activities in 2016, chiefly his suspected July 2016 meeting in Moscow with Russian officials,” Schiff had claimed.

Not so, as “Undercover Huber” detailed. Rather, the FISA applications stated that “[Carter] Page…has been identified by source reporting as an intermediary with Russian leadership” in “a well-developed conspiracy of co-operation” to influence the 2016 election. And that language was lifted directly from the Steele dossier.

Schiff knew this. He also knew that with dueling memorandums, the press would 100 percent back the Democrat, and put Republican Nunes’s memorandum on FISA abuse down to politics.

Schiff was right. He just didn’t expect Trump to survive long enough for proof of his duplicity to come out. But luckily for Schiff, the press backs lying Democrats at the same rate.

5. FBI Relied Solely on Fake News to Support Portions of the FISA Applications

The additional FISA application declassifications reveal another disconcerting fact: The FBI relied completely on media reports that ended up being inaccurate to “assesses that, following Page’s meetings in Russia, Page helped influence [the Republican Party] and Trump’s campaign to alter their platforms to be more sympathetic to Russia.”

In the FISA applications, the FBI supported this “assessment” with summaries of the reporting by two “identified news organizations,” one a July 2016 article and the second an August 2016 article. While the FISA applications did not identify the articles, “one was apparently Josh Rogin’s Washington Post opinion article, which reported claims that Trump campaign members ‘worked behind the scenes to make sure [the GOP]’s platform would not call for giving weapons to Ukraine to fight Russian and rebel forces.’”

The second article was likely Michael Crowley’s Politico piece that “opined that while the reason for [Trump’s] shift [in Russian policy] was not clear, [Trump]’s more conciliatory words, which contradict [the GOP]’s official platform, follow [Trump]’s recent association with several people sympathetic to Russian influence in Ukraine, including foreign policy advisor Carter Page.”

With the additional declassifications, we now know that those news reports were the only “evidence” supporting the FBI’s assessment that Page influenced the Republican Party to “soften” the platform’s position on Russia. And the reporting was wrong—which is exactly why the FBI should never rely on a news report in a FISA application, much less rely solely on such reporting.

6. The Special Counsel Pushed Pathetic Intel Too

In May of 2017, Robert Mueller assumed leadership of the Russia collusion investigation, but nothing changed: The FBI continued to push nonsense to the FISA court. However, instead of presenting media reports as proof, the special counsel’s team pushed rumors.

Specifically, as the newly declassified FISA application dated June 28, 2017 reveals, the FBI informed the FISA court that it “believes it has obtained additional information consistent with the above-described reporting from Sub-Source that Page met with Sechin while Page was in Moscow in July 2016.”

The FBI then noted that in June 2017, agents had interviewed an individual whose name remains redacted. That individual told the FBI that he “recalled an instance where Page was picked-up in a chauffeured car and that it was rumored at that time that Page had met with Igor Sechin.” Yes, that’s right—rumor.

7. Oh, the Sweet Irony

The final take-away from the newly declassified portion of the FISA applications reveals just how tone-deaf and oblivious the FBI agents involved in Crossfire Hurricane were. In the final application, the FBI “notes that Pages continues to be active in meeting with media outlets . . . to refute claims of his involvement with Russian Government efforts to influence the 2016 U.S. Presidential election.”

“This approach is important,” the FBI posits, “because, from the Russian Government’s point-of-view, it continues to keep the controversy of the election in front of the American and world media, which has the effect of undermining the integrity of the U.S. electoral process and weakening the effectiveness of the current U.S. Administration” (emphasis added).

As the kids would say, “I can’t even.”

Missouri Sues China for 'Sinister Campaign of Deception' That Helped Spread Coronavirus

Article by Tyler O'Neil in "PJMedia":

On Tuesday, Attorney General Eric Schmitt (R-Mo.) filed a lawsuit in federal court aiming to hold the Chinese Communist Pary accountable for a "sinister campaign of malfeasance and deception" that helped spread the coronavirus across the globe and brought concrete harm to the people of Missouri.

"The Chinese government lied to the world about the danger and contagious nature of COVID-19, silenced whistleblowers, and did little to stop the spread of the disease. They must be held accountable for their actions," Schmitt said in a statement announcing the lawsuit.

"COVID-19 has done irreparable damage to countries across the globe, causing sickness, death, economic disruption, and human suffering. In Missouri, the impact of the virus is very real - thousands have been infected and many have died, families have been separated from dying loved ones, small businesses are shuttering their doors, and those living paycheck to paycheck are struggling to put food on their table," he added.

As of Tuesday morning, Missouri has 5,963 confirmed cases of the coronavirus and 215 deaths from it. According to one estimate cited by Fox News, the economic shutdown imposed by the state in order to reduce the spread of the coronavirus has cost Missouri about $44 billion.

Missouri is the first state to file legal claims against China, although at least seven federal class-action suits have been filed by private groups. One suit filed in Florida alleged that China knew "COVID-19 was dangerous and capable of causing a pandemic, yet slowly acted, proverbially put their head in the sand, and/or covered it up in their own economic self-interest."

A British nonprofit urged countries to sue China for breaking international law, placing the damages from the coronavirus at about $4 trillion just for the G7 countries. Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.) and Rep. Dan Crenshaw (R-Texas) filed a bill that would allow Americans to sue China in U.S. courts for coronavirus damages.

Schmitt's lawsuit brings four claims against China under Missouri law. It charges Beijing with: a tort of "public nuisance," interfering with the general public's health and safety by "censoring media, ceasing and censoring research, destroying scientific materials, making false and/or misleading statements to the international community," and more; conducting "abnormally dangerous activities" by researching coronaviruses at the Wuhan lab where the virus may have originated; committing a "breach of duty" by negligently allowing COVID-19 to spread across the globe; and committing another "breach of duty" by hoarding personal protective equipment (PPE).

"During the critical weeks of the initial outbreak, Chinese authorities deceived the public, suppressed crucial information, arrested whistleblowers, denied human-to-human transmission in the face of mounting evidence, destroyed critical medical research, permitted millions of people to be exposed to the virus, and even hoarded personal protective equipment—thus causing a global pandemic that was unnecessary and preventable," the suit alleges.

According to the lawsuit, Chinese health officials had serious evidence of human-to-human transmission by late December, but they did not report the outbreak to the World Health Organization until December 31. When they did so, they denied the potential for human-to-human transmission.

According to unpublished, unconfirmed Chinese government reports seen by the South China Morning Post, the first recorded case of the coronavirus dates to November 17, 2019, weeks before The Lancet's claim that the first recorded case came on December 1. By December 8, the SCMP documents recorded between 1 and 5 new cases. By December 27, the SCMP documents showed 181 confirmed cases, and a friend of coronavirus whistleblower Dr. Li Wenliang recalled that his medical department first reported the new outbreak to the Wuhan Center for Disease Control on the 27th.

On December 30, Dr. Li sent a message to his friends about the outbreak, and the police responded by investigating his friends. The authorities forced Dr. Li to pledge not to spread "disruptive rumors." Meanwhile, by that date, the SCMP documents recorded 266 cases. Li would go on to die of COVID-19 after contracting it from his patients. On December 31, China finally reported the outbreak to the WHO, while claiming there was no evidence of human-to-human transmission.

On January 1, 2020 a Hubei official ordered coronavirus tests halted and samples of the virus destroyed. On January 14, the WHO reported some human-to-human transmission, but quickly retracted the claim, citing Chinese sources. Wuhan was not put under lockdown until January 22-23. On January 26, Wuhan's mayor admitted that 5 million people had already left the city.

On January 7, the CCP's journal Qiushi began publishing timelines of President Xi Jinping's efforts against the outbreak. A transcript of a speech Xi gave on February 3 referred to a statement he had made on January 7 at a meeting of the CCP Politburo Standing Committee, when he had "issued requirements for the prevention and control of the new Coronavirus."

Xi Jinping could have acted to shut down Wuhan as early as January 7, two weeks before the city was shut down. A University of Southampton study found that if strict quarantine measures had been introduced three weeks earlier, the coronavirus's spread would have been reduced by 95 percent.

Legal action against the Chinese Communist Party seems extremely fitting, but it remains unclear whether or not Schmitt's decision to sue China under Missouri law is a proper course of action. It seems Attorney General Bill Barr would have a stronger case if he filed a lawsuit against China in the International Court of Justice, as 22 Republican lawmakers urged him to do.

Nolte: CNN Stages Chris Cuomo’s Phony Exit from Basement Quarantine

CNN Stages Chris Cuomo’s
Phony Exit from Basement Quarantine

John Nolte • 21 Apr 2020

In the annals of propaganda, CNNLOL’s cynical and dishonest attempt to turn Chris Cuomo into some kind of selfless coronavirus folk hero is the fake newsiest fake news in all of Fakenewsdom.

Late last month, Cuomo announced he tested positive for the coronavirus and would continue to bravely host his basement-rated CNNLOL program — his hour of lies and anti-Trump propaganda and encouragement of political violence — while remaining selflessly quarantined in his basement.

So, for the last few weeks — and to the surprise of no one — Chris Cuomo made the show all about Chris Cuomo, all about his selflessness in agreeing to remain in his basement as a means to protect his wife, kids, and society at large.

He has also raged against those who violate their state’s stay-at-home orders.

Thus, with great fanfare Monday night, he walked up a flight of stairs, gushing how grateful he was to finally get out of that basement and see his family!

All right, here it is. The official reentry from the basement… This is what I’ve been dreaming of, literally, for weeks… This is the dream, just to be back up here, doing normal things.

Only, like everything else about Cuomo, we learned this is all hypocrisy and bullshit.

On Easter Sunday, while still sick with the virus and therefore contagious, the New York Post reports Cuomo emerged from the basement of his Southampton home and, with his wife, kids, and a second woman, violated his quarantine, as well as New York’s stay-at-home and necessary travel orders (instituted by Cuomo’s own governor/brother Andrew) just so he could hang out at his property in East Hampton, a full half-hour away, where he’s reportedly building a home.

The only reason the Post found out about Cuomo’s quarantine violation is due to a cyclist who said he got into a confrontation with Cuomo that day:

The 65-year-old longtime resident said he was just out for a bike ride before Easter dinner when he spotted who he thought was Chris Cuomo on property he says the CNN anchor bought in East Hampton last year. The acreage is still being developed; a steel frame for its future house is all that’s up at the moment, David said.

David said Cuomo was with his wife, another woman and three kids who were playing around on the property.

The resident said he stopped and sat on his bike “well over a hundred feet” from the property.

“I just looked and said, ‘Is that Chris Cuomo? Isn’t he supposed to be quarantined?”

Cuomo has been regularly airing his TV and radio shows from his family’s home in Southampton — although from the basement as he stayed quarantined from them.

And because Fredo is a spoiled, unstable, and entitled baby, the cyclist says Cuomo blew up at him, which prompted the cyclist to file a police report about the incident.

But here’s the thing… On the day after Easter, while hosting his SiriusXM radio show (which allows Cuomo to fail in two different broadcast formats), Fredo pretty much confirmed the cyclist’s story during a bizarre rant about how much he hates his job at CNN….

Something Cuomo definitely confirmed was that he was not quarantined in his basement:

And I don’t want some jackass, loser, fat-tire biker to be able to pull over and be able to get into my face and into my space and talk bullshit to me. I don’t want to hear it. … Some cat just basically pulls up in the driveway next to yours and starts getting in your face about stuff.

Okay, so how did this guy pull up in “the driveway next to yours” and get in Cuomo’s face if Fredo was heroically protecting his family and all of America by making the ultimate sacrifice of quarantining in his basement?

Oh, and the next day, Cuomo’s wife tested positive for the coronavirus.

Nevertheless, because CNN has no gear other than misleading its viewers with fake news and shameless propaganda, CNN viewers were treated to this horseshit Monday night.

While CNN rages against protesters leaving their homes, this very same CNN covers up one of its own anchors — who was infected with the virus — leaving his home.

If it wasn’t for fake news, CNN and Cuomo would have nothing to report.

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Here Are Six States Ending Shelter-In-Place Orders On, Or Before, April 30

Six states announced an official end date to the stay-at-home orders implemented by their respective governors. Georgia, South Carolina, Alabama, Tennessee, Florida, and Texas announced they will be reopening their local businesses in the coming weeks.


Georgia is the earliest state to reopen businesses. Gov. Brian Kemp announced businesses can reopen with minimum basic operations this Friday, April 24. These businesses include: gyms, bowling alleys, body art studios, hair salons, nail care, estheticians, and training schools.

“Minimum Basic Operations includes, but is not limited to, screening workers for fever and respiratory illness, enhancing workplace sanitation, wearing masks & gloves if appropriate, separating workspaces by six feet, teleworking if possible & implementing staggered shifts,” Kemp tweeted.
Due to favorable data & more testing, gyms, fitness centers, bowling alleys, body art studios, barbers, cosmetologists, hair designers, nail care artists, estheticians, their respective schools & massage therapists can reopen Friday, April 24 with Minimum Basic Operations. #gapol
— Governor Brian P. Kemp (@GovKemp) April 20, 2020

On April 27, by following specific social distancing and sanitation mandates, restaurants with dine-in services, movie theaters, and private social clubs will also be allowed to reopen. 

The Georgia governor specifically stated bars, nightclubs, amusement park rides, and live performance venues will remain closed. The shelter-in-place mandate in place for most Georgians is set to expire April 30.


Alabama’s stay-at-home order is also set to expire on April 30. Gov. Kay Ivey said she plans to follow Alabama’s state task force recommendations. The first businesses to open on May 1 will be small retailers, restaurants, and other businesses who operate with protective measures in place.


Gov. Ron DeSantis of Florida is reopening the state under the same guidelines as Alabama. However, on April 17, DeSantis opened the state’s beaches. Floridians are allowed to enjoy their beaches so long as they abide by the state’s social distancing guidelines.


In Tennessee, Gov. Bill Lee said his stay-at-home order will not be extended past April 30, and that some businesses around the state will begin reopening next week, although he has not specified which type of businesses are in the clear yet.

Lee also stated he wants more testing before getting all Tennesseans back to work.
“This morning, I spoke with Vice President Mike Pence and our nation’s governors regarding expanded testing capacity and Tennessee’s aggressive push to test outside of traditional COVID-19 symptoms. Ramping up our testing and health care capacity is a critical step to get Tennesseans back to work safely,” Lee tweeted on Monday.
This morning, I spoke with @VP and our nation's governors regarding expanded testing capacity & Tennessee's aggressive push to test outside of traditional COVID-19 symptoms. Ramping up our testing & health care capacity is a critical step to get Tennesseans back to work safely.
— Gov. Bill Lee (@GovBillLee) April 20, 2020


On April 17, Texas Gov. Greg Abbott announced state parks would reopen for day-use only on Monday, April 20. Stores that offer “retail to-go” can reopen as early as April 24. Abbott also announced the Strike Force to Open Texas, a team of nationally recognized medical experts and private and public leaders who will provide guidance to the governor on how to safely reopen Texas.
The Lone Star State has shown that we can continue our efforts to contain #COVID19 while also adopting safe standards that will allow us to begin to Open Texas and overcome this pandemic.@GSF_OpenTexas#TexasBizhttps://t.co/xunPDOiwFN pic.twitter.com/VqmXDSAePq
— Gov. Greg Abbott (@GovAbbott) April 17, 2020

South Carolina

South Carolina’s shelter-in-place order is set to expire April 27. Gov. Henry McMaster restored access to public beaches and some retailers, but cautioned people to follow all recommendations from public experts.
I've restored public beach access, allowing locals to use their discretion. I've also allowed some retailers that were previously closed to open, but they must follow strict social distancing measures. 
Please stay safe and follow all recommendations from public health experts. https://t.co/pnemrtKI2j
— Gov. Henry McMaster (@henrymcmaster) April 20, 2020

Jerzy Główczewski - the last Polish fighter pilot who fought in 308 Squadron dies in New York April 13 th 2020 .

Jerzy Główczewski, pilot of 308 Squadron and architect of post-war Warsaw. After the war, as an architect, he worked in a team that rebuilt the most valuable architectural monuments in Warsaw. Soldier of the Independent Carpathian Brigade, and later a pilot of the No. 308 (City of Kraków) Fighter Squadron. After the war, he finished studies at the Faculty of Architecture of Warsaw University of Technology. He worked, i. a., on rebuilding Warsaw. In the early 1960s, he became a lecturer at North Carolina State University. In 1964 he went to Aswan, were he was entrusted with the reconstruction and modernization of this ancient city. He worked in the USA and various Arab countries until retirement. He lives in New York. He is the author of memoirs: Accidental Soldier, Optimist After All and The Last Fighter Pilot. He could bestow a few people on his rich life story.

Common Sense and Human Interface – Georgia Governor Brian Kemp Announces Phased Reopening of Business Starting This Week

As Georgia Governor Brian Kemp announces the reopening of various sectors of the state economy, perhaps a rather obvious point needs to be highlighted….

There are few high-traffic businesses more densely populated than grocery stores.  In fact, within the U.S. economy retail supermarkets have the highest foot traffic of any business sector in the entire economy; that’s just an empirical fact…. and the coronavirus impact increased that foot traffic by an average of 40 percent.  Now, stop and think about this logically & apply a large dose of common sense. Think about human-to-human interface.

♦ First, with approximately 90 percent of the total U.S. population penetrating through grocery outlets; and with 100% of that massive number of consumers going through checkout lanes; if the COVID-19 viral strain was as significant as claimed by the worst-case data, then supermarket cashiers would have been the highest exposed profession of U.S. workers in the entire nation.  There wouldn’t even be a close second place.

Considering that metric; and considering the overall population penetration & density within the business operation; there has not been an employee-based business disruption due to the coronavirus.  Put another way: the coronavirus has not stopped the function of the highest human interface occupation in the entire U.S. economy.

♦ Secondly, think about the businesses that are closed; perhaps think about your job that may have been shut down…. now frame your risk based on the supermarket example as highest human interface and highest population penetration in any business field.

If the #1 at risk industry has operated, essentially without disruption and with almost zero substantive mitigation, while carrying the largest population exposure rate, then all other less-exposed business operations would have significantly less operational risk.

Why would anyone be concerned about opening their business?

If you take the factual outcome of the retail food industry as a measure, it would follow that other than a few proximity businesses which may need prudent modifications or remain temporarily closed (ex. modified airplane seating, concerts, stadiums or capacity seating venues etc), then all other businesses should immediately resume operations.

No other business segment within the economy is as exposed to the population as the retail food business; and yet supermarkets operated without issue.

So why shouldn’t all businesses immediately get back to work?

Perhaps a few initial modifications might be needed; but not much, and not for long.

Think about it….
GEORGIA – Gov. Brian Kemp announced on Monday a series of social distancing guidelines that will allow businesses such as gyms, hair salons, tattoo parlors, and bowling alleys to reopen on Friday. By next week, movie theaters will be allowed to start showing films, and restaurants will be allowed to have limited dine-in service options in addition to the takeout orders they had been limited to before the order.
“In the same way that we carefully closed businesses and urged operations to end to mitigate the virus’s spread, today we’re announcing plans to incrementally and safely reopen sectors of our economy,” Kemp said.
State Rep. David Clark, a Republican, said he hoped other states followed Georgia’s lead, saying, “If we continue on the path we are headed down, we will totally destroy not only the U.S. economy but also the world economy.”  (read more)

Michigan Governor Whitmer Asks Why State Protests Didn’t Happen During World War II

Oh dear, the knucklehead is strong with this one. During a briefing earlier today Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer compared the COVID-19 battle to World War II and asked the citizens of her state why they were not protesting state orders during the war? Yes, she actually said this:
“In World War II, there weren’t people lining up at the capitol to protest the fact that they had to drop everything they were doing and build planes or tanks, or to ration food.”
Does anyone want to tell Whitmer the difference is during the war effort people were working and getting paid; but under her unilateral decrees people are forbidden from working and no-one is earning a living…. Which is the entire reason for the protests, DUH.

The stupid… it hurts.  Somewhere, somehow, somebody is recommending this lady to be Joe Biden’s running mate.  Can you imagine?

Nick Searcy: Imagine a Film Business That Respects You

 Nick Searcy: Imagine a Film Business That Respects You
Article written by Nick Searcy in "RedState":

When I first moved to LA in the early 1990s to become an international film and television star, my first cousin Gary visited me.  Gary was in the weaving business then.  He had a company that made woven rugs, and he did very well with it, sold them all over the world. He came out from North Carolina to a trade show in Los Angeles and stayed with me.

One night, after a few drinks, he said to me, “Nick, I think I know why everything is so screwed up out here in LA.”

I said, “Lay it on me.”

And Gary said, “For 100 years, the dumbest, craziest, and most screwed-up people in America have moved to LA to try and be movie stars – and they had kids.

I tried not to take that personally.

But when you look at what the once great state of California has become — an overtaxed, pothole-riddled, crime-infested, feces-covered collection of homeless encampments and sanctuary cities whose biggest export is businesses to other states and largest import is illegal aliens — it looks like my cousin was right.

The policies that all the offspring of aspiring movie stars have voted in have driven almost the entire film industry to lower-tax states that are more business friendly. Other states compete with tax incentives in order to lure film projects to shoot in their states because of the massive amount of revenue and job creation they bring.  Almost every project I have been involved in in the past 5 years has shot in Oklahoma, Georgia, Pennsylvania, or Toronto, primarily because of the tax benefits.  What is the state of California’s response to all this lost revenue?  “Why, we have lost a lot of our tax base to lower-tax states. We’d better raise taxes again to make up the difference!”

But not content with having outsourced all their factory jobs, thereby turning Atlanta into the new film capital of the world, dumb movie stars and their children then set their sights on destroying the audience for their product by continually insulting them and calling them racist Nazis because they won’t vote for the Leftist policies and politicians that ruined California.  One after another, from Alec Baldwin to Dave Bautista to Barbra Streisand, these friends of Harvey Weinstein have impugned the moral character of those awful people out there in America who took a chance by choosing a successful American businessman who had never run for office over a coughing corrupt career criminal who could barely stand up.

And the shutdown over the Kung Pao Flooey has made them seem even more out of touch with — and contemptuous of — the people they have gleaned their fortunes from.

Patton Oswalt, our modern-day Anne Frank, tweeted out that we were all big babies crying about our silly businesses going bankrupt, and we should be happy ordering pizza and watching Netflix like he is:

Anne Frank spent 2 years hiding in an attic and we’ve been home for just over a month with Netflix, food delivery & video games and there are people risking viral death by storming state capital buildings & screaming, “Open Fuddruckers!”

 And even Oprah put out a surprisingly off-key tweet, possibly due to too much expensive wine or a carb overload, dancing around in her kitchen without a care in the world that people might lose their business or their dreams, since we should just be happy watching her and her friends on TV and being #TogetherAtHome:

We’re doing dinner early so we can watch the ONE World concert with @LadyGaga & @glblctzn at 8 PM EST across all the major networks. I think wine and music makes meal prep so much better. You agree?

And speaking of tone-deaf, what could hurt your ears more than watching a bunch of zillionaire musicians on your computer screen singing in front of their laptops to raise $150 million, not for the people in America who are suffering because their livelihoods have been paused and possibly destroyed forever, but for the World Health Organization (otherwise known as “China’s Bitch”) that lied to the world about the origins, the nature, and virulence of the Mu Shu Achoo in order to protect the country the damn thing came from? Is there any question about whose side these “Global Citizens” are on?

Hint: it isn’t America’s

But none of these revealing instances are new developments.  Ever since the shocking election of Donald Trump by an American populace weary of being lied to by self-enriching statist politicians from both sides of the aisle, the scorn and hateful contempt in which many of our wealthiest entertainers hold you, their audience, has been unmasked (I am convinced that one of President Trump’s main superpowers consists of ripping the masks off of every public figure we thought we knew).

While for years you have paid to see these people thinking “He’s so dreamy!” or “She’s so glamorous and talented!”, these dreamboats have been sitting by their heated pools laughing and remarking, “What a bunch of saps and losers. Bring me the caviar and the Dom Perignon, Jeeves.”

Perhaps the best example came a few weeks ago, when the shutdown first began. A bunch of celebrities led by Wonder Woman Gal Gadot, decided that what America needed was to hear them butcher “Imagine” by John Lennon — a song that is and always has been a deceptively catchy and beautiful ode to nihilism, hopelessness, and impossible utopianism that, if instituted, ultimately would lead to gulags, starvation, torture, the end of private property and individual liberty, and the enslavement of all humanity — but hey, he was a Beatle!  He’s so dreamy!

As Joe Rogan said, along with a few other choice words, “This is not the time, when everyone’s grannie is dying…to sing, ‘Imagine there’s no heaven.’”

So I was inspired to respond to this lame-ass version of Imagine with a rewritten version of my own, and I hope you enjoy it.

Imagine there’s no acting
It’s easy if you try
No TV shows or movies
Streaming running dry
Imagine all the people reading lots of books
Imagine there’s no audience
It isn’t hard to do
You’ve told half of them you hate them
What the Hell do you think they’re gonna do
Imagine all the people turning off your show
You may say I’m a Trumper
But I’m not the only one
I hope someday you’ll join us
And go out and buy a gun
Imagine no award shows
I wonder if you can
No place for you to make speeches
And insult your lowly fans
Imagine all the people screaming “Kiss my ass!”
You may say I’m a Trumper
But i’m not the only one (and you better believe that shit!)
I hope someday you’ll join us
And the world will be more fun!

For now, at least, we don’t have to imagine that there’s no acting.  Because there isn’t any.  The film business is totally shut down, with no way of knowing when or how it will come back. All the actors are dancing around in their palatial mansions drinking wine, ordering pizza, and watching each other on Netflix.

Maybe we should leave them there.  Maybe, just maybe, we don’t need to be enriching people who hate Americans who disagree with them to the point that they actively support Communist China because Trump is mean on Twitter.

They have ruined their business with their self-righteous contempt for their audience.  It is time to ignore them — and replace them.  Imagine there’s a film business that respects you.  That’s what I’m imagining, and trying to bring about.

You may say I’m a dreamer, but I’m not the only one.  And you better believe that shit.


New Jersey Bans Looking At Flowers While Driving —

Viewing Flowers from Inside a Vehicle 

is a Subversive Activity

Comrades, let this serve as a warning to like-minded subversives who would attempt to defy the lock-down orders of Commissar Phil Murphy. If wrong-thoughts continue to be expressed, it may become necessary for the Ministry of Coronavirus Compliance to deduct 500 credits from your social compliance score. Please do not put the Ministry in the position of having to make such decisions. Compliance is in your best interest.

In the latest example of Blue State enforcement of unilateral decrees by a state governor, New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy bans driving through Tulip farms.   Yes, New Jersey, looking at flowers from inside your vehicle is a subversive activity against the interests of the state….  Non-compliance will not be tolerated.

Dalton Farms is a 99 acre family owned and run farm conveniently located in southern New Jersey just off of SR 322.  The farm was allowing residents to drive through their tulip fields to see the spring colors as the flowers bloom.  However, apparently fearing transmission of the Wuhan Virus from non-compliant vehicle operators; potentially permitting tire-to-tire transmission; the state has ordered the farm to shut down.

(Link – And Link to FARM)

All rogue citizens must be controlled lest they put a compliant society at risk of infection. Flower viewers are some of the most dangerous elements within our new society.  They may not just carry biologics they could possibly carry a more alarming virus of wrong-thought, potentially even perspectives on freedom, against the interests of the state.

During these stressful times thought, without regard for collective need, is an indication a citizen may be a subversive. Rogue citizens would be subversive to our new society and must be controlled.

The COVID Compliance Ministry appreciates good citizens who comply with the interests of the state. Good citizenship is rewarded with enhanced credits allowing access to a safe COVID Compliant Society. A safer society; where the odds will always be in your favor.

Social Distancing or House Arrest…. Details, comrades,… details.