Thursday, March 19, 2020

Will The Costs Of A Great Depression Outweigh The Risks Of Coronavirus?

Federal and state governments are making a massive gamble about a little-understood new virus. They are betting our future on the most extreme worst-case scenario without considering the costs.

Federal and state governments are making a massive gamble about a little-understood new virus. They may not only be betting our entire economy, but our nation’s future. Thus it’s imperative that they not make foolish choices.

We shouldn’t allow policy under a Republican president to be driven by a Democrat like Steve Mnuchin, whose overwhelming priority is reassuring Wall Street above all else. Voters don’t vote for Donald Trump to get Obama-Bush bailouts of Wall Street and welfare expansions.

The current gamble seems to be to shut down the nation indefinitely to suppress a virus that is especially deadly to some demographics and experts agree cannot be contained, only slowed. The New York Times claims the basis of many U.S. officials’ decisions so far is a report from Imperial College London, and other models that spit out similar results. It says to contain the virus it will be necessary to quarantine Americans for two- to three-month stretches repeatedly over the next 18 months.

The alternative, says the report, is 4 million Americans dead, half who would otherwise have lived but instead die for lack of medical capacity such as ventilators. If we merely quarantine sick people and those at risk, a “mitigation” strategy, it projects the U.S. death toll at about 2 million, again half from lack of ventilators, not depth of disease.

This is why state governors are shutting down restaurants, schools, entertainment venues, government offices, parks, historical sites, churches, and travel. Most Americans and businesses likely can sustain a suspension of their lives for two weeks, the usual annual vacation time.

But start extending these bans to one and two months, and then to four and six months, and people are going to revolt as they sit chained to their houses, watching their jobs, businesses, and retirement accounts disappear, replaced with funny money taken from yet-unborn generations and no end in sight. Numerous people are already skeptical and fed up with the lockdowns, and we’re not a week in.

Computer Estimates Can’t Weigh All of the Real Risks

Plus, these are just estimates, not a crystal ball. We can’t know the future, and different countries have already shown highly different disease spreads based on different population characteristics, health care capacity, and government response.

Just one competing projection, from the Hoover Institution, suggests “the total number of cases world-wide will peak out at well under 1 million, with the total number of deaths at under 50,000″ (emphasis added). This is near the annual death rate due to flu in the United States alone. We don’t know if that estimate is accurate either, but that’s the point.

Here’s another hysteria skeptic with impeccable medical and statistical knowledge, John P.A. Ioannidis, a professor of medicine, epidemiology, and statistics at Stanford University and co-director of Stanford’s Meta-Research Innovation Center.
If we assume that case fatality rate among individuals infected by SARS-CoV-2 is 0.3% in the general population — a mid-range guess from my Diamond Princess analysis — and that 1% of the U.S. population gets infected (about 3.3 million people), this would translate to about 10,000 deaths. This sounds like a huge number, but it is buried within the noise of the estimate of deaths from ‘influenza-like illness.’ If we had not known about a new virus out there, and had not checked individuals with PCR tests, the number of total deaths due to ‘influenza-like illness’ would not seem unusual this year. At most, we might have casually noted that flu this season seems to be a bit worse than average. The media coverage would have been less than for an NBA game between the two most indifferent teams.
Some worry that the 68 deaths from Covid-19 in the U.S. as of March 16 will increase exponentially to 680, 6,800, 68,000, 680,000 … along with similar catastrophic patterns around the globe. Is that a realistic scenario, or bad science fiction?

We’re acting as if coronavirus is for sure going to amount to the worst-case scenario without knowing that is true. If we all do shelter in place for the next year and a half while politicians pass the equivalent of the Obama-Bush stimulus that suffocated the economy 12 years ago, the “experts” will insist the nation’s long-term ability to provide for itself was required to save millions of lives. There will be no way to prove them wrong, even if they are.

It seems a fool’s errand to pre-emptively and indefinitely risk everyone’s livelihoods without hard information about what is happening and a risk assessment that includes the serious dangers of killing the U.S. economy, not what computers project will happen with lots of missing, unreliable, and rapidly changing information.

Some Things We Do Know Indicate Cautious Optimism

The current numbers we have not only show that different countries are managing the disease better and worse, but that not one of the countries further along in the spread of the virus is anywhere close yet to indicating these apocalyptic numbers for the United States, at least in the next two to three months.

Here is a chart my husband made using WHO, CDC, and other public data about deaths per day of outbreak. It shows the U.S. death rate due to Wuhan flu is much lower at the same stage of the outbreak than most of the other high-spread countries.

Anywhere from 80 percent of infections in adults to 95 percent of infections in children appear to be mild to moderate cases overcome in about two weeks with rest at home. The vast majority of cases look like CBS News Correspondent Seth Doane’s. He can even be on TV while infected, for pete’s sake.

Sharyl Attkisson has gone through the U.S. deaths to March 17, and as in other countries they are overwhelmingly among the very elderly and people with pre-existing conditions. The entire population is not at severe risk from coronavirus — although we are at severe risk from a wrecked economy and welfare expansions beyond Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s wildest dreams.

If we continue the present course U.S. politicians are taking, “we’ll be spending a lot more than we’ve ever been willing to spend before to avoid flu deaths. Eighty-three percent of our economy will be suppressed to relieve pressure on the 17% represented by health care. This will have to last months, not weeks, to modulate the rate at which a critical mass of 330 million get infected and acquire natural immunity,” writes Holman Jenkins at The Wall Street Journal.

Is it right for the nation to require our children’s futures be destroyed to keep alive less than 1 percent of our population until the next flu season? Could we not attempt to keep them safe by less disastrous means?

Most Working- and School-Age Americans Are at Low Risk

Every year, 40,000 Americans die in car wrecks. I don’t see any critical mass of politicians calling for banning cars, and if they did, they would lose their next election. That’s because we as Americans have decided that the benefits of modern transportation outweigh the lives of 40,000 Americans a year, which a few years ago included my own young brother. Do I still drive a car? Daily.

My point here is not that I like people dying. It’s that very often our society chooses to allow deaths because the alternative is worse. I’m suggesting the severe social and economic tradeoffs of unlimited quarantine are an important consideration that is not being taken seriously enough.

That’s especially true because the majority of people now being kept home are not at severe risk. Here are the currently known fatality risks by age and comorbidity (pre-existing health problems), from WHO and Chinese data:

Would it be more prudent to severely shelter those at risk while the rest of us keep the country going? We can take steps like this while not choosing to crush small businesses and employees who cannot telework for one or two months, let alone 18.

These Doomsday Models Have Serious Flaws

In introducing his competing model, Richard Epstein at the Hoover Institution writes of serious flaws in predictions of 1 million or more Americans dead from coronavirus:
Based on the data, I believe that the current dire models radically overestimate the ultimate death toll. There are three reasons for this.
First, they underestimate the rate of adaptive responses, which should slow down the replication rate. Second, the models seem to assume that the vulnerability of infection for the older population—from 70 upward—gives some clue as to the rate of spread over the general population, when it does not. Third, the models rest on a tacit but questionable assumption that the strength of the virus will remain constant throughout this period, when in fact its potency should be expected to decline over time, in part because of temperature increases.

He points out that South Korean data, which is more complete than most other countries’ data, shows huge disparities in risks between old and unhealthy and young and healthy. “Clearly, the impact on elderly and immunocompromised individuals is severe, with nearly 90% of total deaths coming from individuals 60 and over. But these data do not call for shutting down all public and private facilities given the extraordinarily low rates of death in the population under 50,” Epstein writes.

“Of course, every life lost is a tragedy…but those deaths stemming from the coronavirus are not more tragic than others, so that the same social calculus applies here that should apply in other cases,” he says.

A Depression Will Ruin 330 Million Lives, Not 4 Million

The costs Americans are being forced to bear may be more than is rational to impose. Already one-fifth of working Americans are being laid off and having work hours cut due to not even one week of suspensions.

“The massive curtailments of the U.S. economy can have as many health consequences as the virus itself—if millions lose income and jobs, become depressed in self-isolation, increase smoking, and drug and alcohol use, and postpone out of fear necessary buying and visits to doctors and hospitals for chronic and serious medical conditions unrelated to the virus,” writes Victor Davis Hanson.

What if the real scenario is one of these: 1) We plunge the nation into a depression that kills many businesses and addicts millions to welfare, in a nation that has already pledged more welfare than it can afford for at least the next three generations. Because of this depression, many people die due to poverty, lack of medical care, and despair. Millions more transform from workers to takers, causing a faster implosion of our already mathematically impossible welfare state.

2) The nation quarantines only at-risk populations and those with symptoms, like South Korea has, and ensures targeted and temporary taxpayer support to those groups, goes nuts cranking out ventilators and other crisis equipment such as temporary hospitals using emergency response crews, while the rest of us keep calm, wash our hands, take extreme care with the at-risk groups, and carry on.

Why would the entire nation grind to a halt when the entire nation is not at a severe risk? I would rather have a flu I am 99.8 percent likely to survive than the nation plunged into chaos indefinitely because we pulled the plug on our economy during a stampede.

At the very least, Congress should wait a week or two, while half the nation or more is home, to see how the infection rates look as millions of test kits go out. The worst-case scenario they are predicating their actions on may not be the one we’re facing. Prudence suggests a measured, wait and see approach to policy until we have better information, not chucking trillions of my kids’ dollars out the window “just in case.”

Nat’l Guard prepares to deploy ‘tens of thousands’ of troops to states

OAN Newsroom
UPDATED 12:15 PM PT — Thursday, March 19, 2020
The National Guard is mobilizing to fight the spread of COVID-19 in the United States. On Thursday, the head of the National Guard announced that “tens of thousands of troops” could be activated in various states in the coming weeks.
 Governors in 27 states have activated over 2,000 troops so far in the wake of the worsening outbreak.

General Joseph Lengyel has said this new deployment will be similar to a hurricane response, but with one key difference.
“With COVID-19, it’s like we have 54 separate hurricanes in every state, territory and the District of Columbia. Unlike a hurricane, we don’t know when this thing is going to dissipate or move out to sea. But an historic event demands an historic response, and that’s what the National Guard is prepared to do as America’s principal domestic military response force.”
– General Joseph Lengyel, Chief of the National Guard Bureau
The guard is currently providing medical testing and ground transportation to the areas most affected by the outbreak. The general also confirmed six guardsmen are being monitored after testing positive for coronavirus.

Coronavirus Lessons: Nobody Trusts the Press

See the source image

Article by J.B. Shurk in "The American Thinker":

Whatever happens over the next few weeks with the Chinese virus, one thing is certain: nobody trusts the corporate press.  Nobody.  These people are the absolute bottom of the barrel in professional prestige, a collection of low-I.Q. wannabe-celebrities, con artists, and Joseph Goebbels clones.  Parents should want their children to be free thinkers; no parent should have to suffer the pain and humiliation of watching his children grow up to pimp themselves on television for international conglomerates and hostile Chinese interests.  Somewhere the parents of Lawrence O'Donnell and Brian Stelter and Joe Scarborough are wishing their sons would have had just the tiniest bit of dignity to take their whoring for the Democrats and the Chinese Communist Party off camera and back to the streets where it belongs.  Of course, the streetwalkers would never have them; they actually work for a living.
MSNBC and CNN spend all day long yelling "fire" in one crowded theater after another, except as soon as the people run out into the street, there they stand with bullhorns screaming, "The street is on fire, too.  There's nowhere to go.  You're all gonna die!"  Going through a national disaster right now with the American media is like going through WWII with the German or Japanese media as our sole source of information.  If they had existed in December 1941, there is no doubt that MSNBC and CNN would be telling young men to give up immediately and return to their farms, while praising the efficiency of Japanese rule.  I can hear Lawrence O'Donnell right now criticizing the ugliness of American life and the beauty of Japanese culture.  With his trademark scowl, his most solemn advice to resilient patriots would be that they submit to their new masters so completely that they embrace seppuku disembowelment as the "honorable" way to go.
Even Hitler had to fire a few shots at France before it completely surrendered.  Right now, I get the feeling that all he'd have to do is call up 30 Rockefeller Plaza, say "achoo," and Rachel Maddow would be on air screaming that the only way for America to survive is to give Hitler everything he wants without delay.
Talk about a bunch of pusillanimous fear-mongers.  Two minutes in a foxhole with any of these anchors, and you'd risk everything to get up, find a clear patch of earth unencumbered by cable news personalities, and begin digging a new hole, even with a flurry of bullets whirring past all around you.  Fighting the Chinese virus with the American media at our side is like surviving Bastogne with the SS Panzer Corps promising to keep us safe.  If they're not the "enemy of the people," they have a roundabout way of proving otherwise.  
Maybe they're not evil.  Maybe they're not actively hoping for millions of American deaths or a total wipe-out of Americans' retirement savings.  Maybe Lawrence O'Donnell isn't trying to stoke enough outrage against the American president that another Democrat like John Wilkes Booth or communist like Lee Harvey Oswald gets up the nerve to go full James Hodgkinson against the White House.  I mean, it sure seems as though O'Donnell spends his airtime trying to encourage violence against the sitting president, but it's also possible he's too dumb to understand the consequences of his actions.  If he ever finds himself as a defendant, he's certainly building a strong case for mental incompetence.  
Mental incompetence is contagious in the cable news industry.  Unless I'm forgetting someone, there's only one person on the national stage who has spent a lifetime arguing against America's manufacturing dependence on China.  He ran an entire presidential campaign based on closing the American border to illegal aliens, who lower American wages and strain the country's already strained social safety net.  He argued that NAFTA destroyed towns across the country; that both parties betrayed our blue-collar workers by moving manufacturing overseas; and that the United States was at the perpetual mercy of dictatorships like China's for its most precious national security resources, including steel, pharmaceuticals, and electrical components.  Along comes a national emergency that proves Donald Trump's warnings to America as prescient as Themistocles's warnings to Athens, and how do the American media treat this revelation?  They ignore forty years' worth of pleadings from the future president to rebuild what was once the world's most expansive and dominant industrial powerhouse and his repeated desire as president to reclaim the manufacturing self-sufficiency that would have protected America from the crisis extant today.  
Instead, they blame the one person who has been sounding the alarm while the American news media and feckless politicians slept, no doubt kept comfortable by the lucre provided them by dictatorships like China's that now seek to hold us hostage.  Themistocles warned Athens that the only way to survive Persian conquest was to build a world-class navy before it was too late; the aristocrats of his time laughed and scorned him, but it was Themistocles who saved Greece from Persian rule.
President Trump today warns America that the only way to survive Chinese conquest is to rebuild America's manufacturing stronghold.  Like an exclamation point to four decades' worth of warnings, a Chinese virus has come onto our land to prove how clear and vital the president's thinking has always been.  And what do the American news media learn from this experience?  That the man who has warned us all along about the potential for this current crisis is somehow unfit to lead, while decrepit Joe Biden, who has spent his own lifetime eating at the trough of China's largesse, is somehow prepared to guide the American ship to safety in this battering storm.  Old Joe, the guy who laughs at the thought of China being any type of threat to the United States any time the question is posed, is supposed to protect the United States from a threat he does not understand — a Chinese threat he has long been paid to ignore.  Only a news media establishment as corrupt and vacuous as ours would see the prognosticator as the villain and the sleepy, corrupt career politician as the savior.  Outside of the news dens of dim-wittedness, the reality is clear: Joe Biden and China apologists like him have always been the virus, while President Trump's policies to rebuild blue-collar America are the cure.
"Evil or stupid."  That's the only question left to answer when it comes to America's corporate news cabal.  Right now I picture Joe Scarborough smiling in feigned contemplation and asking, "Why not both?"  He'd have me there.  If their reaction to this current threat from the Chinese virus is any indication, "evil" and "stupid" together reach the mark.  For some like O'Donnell, though, only "treasonous" squarely hits the bulls-eye. 

Read more:

The Manchurian Media

by Ed Driscoll for PJMedia

In 1962, director John Frankenheimer released his classic film, The Manchurian Candidate. While the film is a precursor to future paranoid political films such as Robert Redford’s Three Days of the Condor and Oliver Stone’s JFK, The Manchurian Candidate plays more like a Hitchcock thriller, but its subtext is made clear when a Democratic Senator based on Adlai Stevenson visits a cocktail party put on by Eleanor Shaw Iselin (played by Angela Lansbury) as a precursor to a presidential bid by her husband, a parody of Republican Senator Joseph McCarthy named John Iselin. The liberal Democrat replies coldly, “There are people who think of Johnny as a clown and a buffoon, but I do not. I despise John Iselin and everything that Iselinism has come to stand for. I think, if John Iselin were a paid Soviet agent, he could not do more to harm this country than he's doing now.” In the paranoid Manchurian Candidate, Eleanor and John Iselin are Soviet agents.

Glenn Reynolds of PJM’s sister site Instapundit coined the phrase, “Think of the media as Democratic Party operatives with bylines, and it all makes sense,” to explain their bias to the left, and quadrennial open boosterism for a Democratic presidential candidate:

In 2013, former vice-chair of the DNC Donna Brazile would confess that “Bush came through on Katrina,” at no less than CNN. But that was long after the Democratic Party used their crazed media coverage to retake both houses of Congress, and ultimately the White House.

Interparty rumbles and leftists using bad news to consolidate power are nothing new in America. And once again, the media has dusted off the Katrina playbook in an effort to oust The Bad Orange Man. But with the recent coronavirus outbreak, we see the American media are also now doing the dirty work of the rulers of Communist China.

Last Thursday, the Media Research Center assembled a video clip of the media melting down over Republicans correctly noting the origin region of the coronavirus, screaming that it’s rrrraaaaaccccccism and/or xenophobia to refer to it as either “the Chinese Coronavirus”  or “the Wuhan Virus” – along with 35 times the media referred to the virus as “the Chinese Coronavirus”  or “the Wuhan Virus.”

Over the past week, NBC ran such headlines as:
The New York Times ran the following headline:
At National Interest last week, Fred Lucas wrote: "China is In Denial About Coronavirus—Here's What You Should Know":
More than just dodging responsibility, the Chinese government reportedly has pushed propaganda that the United States started the virus. 
The Washington Post reported last week that China’s communist government was promoting conspiracy theories online about U.S. involvement. 
“In recent days, run-of-the-mill mockery of the White House has taken a darker turn as the Chinese internet became inundated by the theory, subtly stoked by the Chinese government, that the coronavirus originated in the United States,” the newspaper said. “The U.S. government, one version of the theory goes, has been covering up mounting cases, and perhaps thousands of deaths, by classifying them as regular flu.” 
There have been false internet rumors in the United States about China as well, but there is a clear difference, said Dean Cheng, senior research fellow for Asian studies at The Heritage Foundation. 
“The problem here is that this seems to be echoes of Soviet information warfare,” Cheng told The Daily Signal. “America has a free press, from CNN to Alex Jones, The New York Times, and the National Enquirer. China’s press is state run. So these rumors are not random charges.” 
The goal of the Chinese government is to define the virus as being as distant from government leaders and the Communist Party as possible, Cheng said.
And the DNC-MSM is apparently happy to play along, to simultaneously fill column inches, and bash the Bad Orange Man: “CNN Plays the ‘That’s Racist’ Card on Virus, Forgets Own History,” Jeffrey Lord writes at NewsBusters:
The Chinese government says calling the coronavirus the “Wuhan Virus” is racist. 
Specifically, The Global Timeswhich Wikipedia describes as “a daily tabloid newspaper under the auspices of the Chinese Communist Party’s People’s Daily newspaper, commenting on international issues from a nationalistic perspective” headlines this: “Labeling China as a ‘disease incubator’ is unscientific and racist: experts.” 
The Chinese Communist paper says this:
“Regionalizing pandemics is not only unscientific and potentially racist, but also ignores China’s contribution of research progress in infectious disease control around the world, they stressed.” 
And faster than you can say “identity politics,” CNN abruptly began to toe the Chinese Communist party line. One CNNer after another began saying that, yes indeed, the phrase “Wuhan Virus” or “Chinese Virus” is….racist.
In addition to NBC, the New York Times, and the Washington Post, the Atlantic has piled on as well. At the Federalist, Madeline Osburn writes, “The Atlantic Must Stop Covering For The Chinese Communist Party:”
Instead of investigating or writing about China’s propaganda machine working in real time as we watch the virus rapidly spread across the globe, journalists at The Atlantic are more interested in writing their own pro-China, anti-American virus hot takes. Here are the receipts. 
Disputing the name “Wuhan virus” is China’s first big hurdle in distancing themselves from the virus. They would much prefer “coronavirus” or the scientific name “COVID-19,” despite the fact that scientists and doctors have a long-held practice of naming a new disease after a population or the site of its first major outbreak. So of course one of the easiest positions for The Atlantic to publish was: Wuhan = bad, COVID-19 = good, and for good measure, blame the name discrepancy on “conservatives” deploying “racist tropes.”
And that article was written before the Atlantic’s David Frum tweeted, "nobody calls the 1919-20 pandemic the Spanish flu anymore," leading to half of Twitter searching his tweets and uncovering a 2016 tweet from Frum, possibly written to commemorate expressionist painter Egon Schiele (1890–1918), about whom Frum tweeted, “A great artist. War-debilitated, he fell victim to Spanish flu not yet 30.”

This isn’t an entirely new development for America’s media. As Fox News reported last year, “Washington Post publishes special advertising section pushing 'propaganda' for communist China:”
Washington Post readers were treated to an eight-page “advertising supplement” on Thursday touting the achievements and talking points of the Chinese government in a section of the paper that's off-limits to Post editors. 
The special section, dubbed “ChinaWatch,” came with a warning declaring, “Content in this advertising section was prepared by China Daily, and did not involve the news or opinion staff of The Washington Post.” 
China Daily is owned by the Communist Party of China. Regular readers of the Post have seen similar sections in the past, and countries such as Russia have published similar sections in other papers, but Thursday’s version raised eyebrows as China’s ruling Communist Party has been in the news for a variety of topics amid a trade war with President Trump.
As a result of both wanting to maintain datelines from China, and funding for “advertising supplements” such as “ChinaWatch,” “The American media is in a Chinese finger-trap,” prolific tweeter Stephen “Redsteeze” Miller writes at Spectator USA:
Why are major media outlets in the United States running interference for the Chinese government? Several newspapers and cable news channels scrambled to decry any use of ‘Wuhan Virus’ as xenophobic and racist, after weeks of deploying the term themselves. This appeared to be a coordinated effort to deflect blame from China. 
We hear a lot of whining from the press when they’re dubbed the ‘enemy of the people’. Frankly, the regular grandstanding of reporters like CNN’s Jim Acosta who use their airtime to self-promote isn’t behavior deserving of this label — annoying though it may be. But when news outlets parrot the Chinese government and shield them from any responsibility for the global pandemic, under the guise of political correctness or distaste for the current administration, the moniker seems a lot more fitting.
And despite all of their efforts at carrying the ball for Red China, “Beijing to oust US reporters from NYT, WashPo, Wall St Journal from China and bar them from journalism in Hong Kong,” the Hong Kong Free Press reported today, thus greatly ensuring that what we’ll be hearing out of China on their efforts to combat the coronavirus is state propaganda. (What could go wrong?)

I’m pretty sure that John Frankenheimer didn’t intend for The Manchurian Candidate to be a how-to guide. But if the media were paid Chinese agents, could they do more to harm this country than they’re already doing now?

‘Carol Burnett Show’ Actor Lyle Waggoner Dead at Age 84

Carol Burnett Show' Actor
Lyle Waggoner Dead at Age 84

By Amanda Thomason
Published March 18, 2020 at 11:44am

Many who were fans of the wildly popular “The Carol Burnett Show” will be saddened to know that show staple Lyle Waggoner passed away on Tuesday in his California residence.

The actor’s representative told Fox News that the “loving husband, father, grandfather, entrepreneur, and actor passed away peacefully at home on March 17th at the age of 84 with his wife at his side. The cause of death was cancer.”

While Waggoner was known as the announcer on “The Carol Burnett Show” as well as filling various other roles on the program, he almost wasn’t involved with the production.

Waggoner’s son, Jason, told USA Today that his father’s appearance on the show was only thanks to an earlier defeat for a different role in the 1966-1968 version of “Batman.”

Jason said that landing that role “would have been amazing,” noting that his father was beaten out by Adam West. However, Jason noted, “it’s a good thing he did, because he wouldn’t have gotten ‘The Carol Burnett Show.'”

“So everything works out for a reason.”

“The Carol Burnett Show” ran from 1967 to 1978, with Waggoner leaving in 1974. One of his next big gigs was as Major Steve Trevor on TV’s “Wonder Woman” — which led to another business endeavor.

Waggoner realized that there was a need for motor homes as a place for film professionals to rest and recover as well as places for wardrobe and make-up work. He also realized he had the perfect name for such a business endeavor — thus was born “Star Waggons.”

Jason Waggoner, who now heads up the company, told USA Today that the thought came to his father when he realized the equipment they had on set was insufficient, and it would be better for him to just fix the problem himself.

“He thought, ‘What if I just buy it and take care of (fixing) it in all the downtime (between scenes)?'” Jason recounted. “Then he said. ‘Why don’t I buy two? I’ll get one for Lynda and one for myself and then (the producers) don’t have to worry about it?'”

According to its website, the company now has “over 800 in [its] fleet of trailers.” Lyle Waggoner’s second son, Beau, is also involved in the business.

Many actors are one-trick ponies, but Lyle Waggoner managed to make his mark both on-screen and through a business that would be able to include his sons even after his retirement.

Waggoner is survived by his wife Sharon, sons Jason and Beau and four grandkids.

Services will most likely be held in both California and Wyoming.

Three grandmothers self-isolating together UK

Doreen Burns, Carol Spark and Dotty Robinson are all in their 70s and have known each other for over 40 years.
The women, who all live in Salford in Greater Manchester, have come up with a plan to live together when further restrictions are brought in.

Humanity Is Rising to the Challenge...

Humanity Is Rising to the
Challenge of the Coronavirus

Photo by Oğuzhan Akdoğan on Unsplash

Chelsea Follett Tuesday, March 17, 2020

The pandemic caused by the new coronavirus (COVID-19) from Wuhan, China, is now a serious and global problem. And that problem has been made even worse by a culture of constant alarmism making it hard to distinguish real threats from exaggerated claims, as the well-known science writer Matt Ridley has pointed out. But even when faced with the genuine threat of a pandemic, there are reasons to take heart and think that humanity will rise to the challenges ahead.

First, humanity has never been better prepared technologically to deal with a pandemic. We are fortunate to live in an age of drive-through diagnostic test stations, advanced computer modeling that can help predict where and how fast the virus will spread, real-time interactive online outbreak-tracking maps, and medical supplies delivered by self-driving cars. An AI epidemiologist sent the first warnings about the novel coronavirus. Information about the virus is able to travel faster than the virus itself, arming individuals with knowledge about how to slow the disease’s spread.

There is currently no vaccine and no cure for the disease. However, medical research is faster and of higher quality than at any other time in history. The amount of time that it takes to successfully create a vaccine for a disease has come down thanks to scientific advances, better communications technology and more extensive cooperation among scientists across the globe.

Research for a vaccine to help stem the COVID-19 outbreak got under way within just hours of the virus being identified. Animal testing of the vaccine has shown promise. Human trials are now just weeks away, with a vaccine expected to be ready for public use within the next 12 to 18 months. That means that a vaccine could become available within two years of the virus’s emergence. For comparison, it took 48 years to create a successful vaccine for the polio virus.

In addition to progress toward a vaccine, several promising treatments for those who have been infected are currently being tested. Potential treatments under evaluation range from repurposed HIV-fighting drugs, such as lopinavir and ritonavir, as well as chloroquine phosphate, which is normally used to treat malaria and certain liver infections.

Second, human beings have an incredible capacity for voluntary cooperation, particularly in times of adversity. In South Korea, the damage of the outbreak has so far been successfully minimized by widespread and mostly voluntary cooperation. The vast majority of the country’s mostly healthy people have opted to remain at home (i.e., to self-quarantine). Moreover, the Koreans are avoiding travel and large gatherings. While those who have tested positive for COVID-19 are under mandatory quarantine, the vast majority of “social distancing” measures in the country are voluntary.

Similarly, in the United States, where the outbreak is still in an early phase, private actors are swiftly choosing to take thorough action to slow the virus’s spread. Many U.S. companies and organizations are helping to safeguard the health of their employees by intensifying office-wide cleaning procedures, setting up hand sanitizer dispensers throughout their workspaces, and promoting social distancing by conducting meetings over the phone, canceling events and offering employees the option of working remotely when possible.

While some localities have banned large gatherings, purely voluntary social distancing measures are now widespread throughout the country. And technology is allowing the society to keep running. To name just a few examples: digital technology is enabling numerous universities to switch to online classes during the pandemic, letting churches empty their pews and broadcast sermons online, giving individuals the option of video-chatting instead of hosting family gatherings, and allowing think tanks to host online-only events.

Human beings, when left to their own devices, are not only cooperative, but generous. Numerous individuals are now offering to deliver groceries for elderly or immunocompromised neighbors who are at greater risk of severe complications from the virus. Private charity is stepping up to offer COVID-19 testing kits. That’s all the more important considering that the U.S. Center for Disease Control (CDC) has come up short by refusing to test many potential cases and only recently lifting a ban on allowing private labs to test for the virus despite severe shortage in the government’s own testing capacity.

The threat from COVID-19 should be taken seriously, but there are reasons for rational optimism even during a pandemic.

The Impeachment That Killed Americans

Instead of dealing with the virus, Dems focused on getting Trump.

The lethal price tag for the months of the Impeach Trump obsession by Democrats is now in — and rising.

Over there at Breitbart, Joel Pollak, one of the serious journalists of the day, has put together this telling timeline that shows exactly what Democrats were doing as the coronavirus loomed. Here’s the link to Joel’s story — and here’s his very revealing timeline:
  • January 11: Chinese state media report the first known death from an illness originating in the Wuhan market.
  • January 15: Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) holds a vote to send articles of impeachment to the Senate. Pelosi and House Democrats celebrate the “solemn” occasion with a signing ceremony, using commemorative pens.
  • January 21: The first person with coronavirus arrives in the United States from China, where he had been in Wuhan.
  • January 23: The House impeachment managers make their opening arguments for removing President Trump.
  • January 23: China closes off the city of Wuhan completely to slow the spread of coronavirus to the rest of China.
  • January 30: Senators begin asking two days of questions of both sides in the president’s impeachment trial.
  • January 30: The World Health Organization declares a global health emergency as coronavirus continues to spread.
  • January 31: The Senate holds a vote on whether to allow further witnesses and documents in the impeachment trial.
  • January 31: President Trump declares a national health emergency and imposes a ban on travel to and from China. Former Vice President Joe Biden calls Trump’s decision “hysterical xenophobia … and fear-mongering.”
  • February 2: The first death from coronavirus outside China is reported in the Philippines.
  • February 3: House impeachment managers begin closing arguments, calling Trump a threat to national security.
  • February 4: President Trump talks about coronavirus in his State of the Union address; Pelosi rips up every page.
  • February 5: The Senate votes to acquit President Trump on both articles of impeachment, 52-48 and 53-47.
  • February 5: House Democrats finally take up coronavirus in the House Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on Asia.

And there, in black and white, is exactly the problem. Republicans at the time warned that Democrats were so mindlessly obsessed with impeachment that other issues were being routinely ignored. Immigration, trade, health care, and on and on went the list of concerns that were being ignored in favor of the impeachment obsession.

But there was another issue Democrats were ignoring while they spent their time impeaching the president. A very, very big issue that involved life or death.

The American Spectator’s Dov Fischer took it head on right here. His title: 
The Real Threat to Our Democracy During Coronavirus
Pelosi, Schiff & Co. were too busy dragging the country through impeachment to pay attention to ominous developments in Asia.

Dov Fischer nailed it exactly.

Yes, indeed, while all that impeachment obsession was happening, the coronavirus was making its debut. Note well in the Pollak timeline this date — January 11, the day that “Chinese state media report the first known death from an illness originating in the Wuhan market.” And with that virus news out there, a mere four days later, Speaker Pelosi focuses not on that — but on holding the House vote that impeaches the president, followed by an elaborately staged spectacle in which she signs her name to the documents with a stash of 30 gold pens resting on a silver tray. Then, in another elaborately staged spectacle, she formally parades the articles through the halls of the Capitol to deliver them to the Senate.

Then there is January 21, a full 10 days after news of the virus has gone public — and the first known person who had been in Wuhan arrives in America. Carrying the virus. Two days later Pollak notes this:
  • January 23: The House impeachment managers make their opening arguments for removing President Trump.
  • January 23: China closes off the city of Wuhan completely to slow the spread of coronavirus to the rest of China.

And not to be forgotten: on January 31, President Trump announced this, per the Washington Post:
Trump administration announces mandatory quarantines in response to coronavirus
Announcement comes as U.S. airlines cancel flights to China amid growing fears

Mere days later, on February 4, President Trump delivered his State of the Union address, in which he said this:
Protecting Americans’ health also means fighting infectious diseases. We are coordinating with the Chinese government and working closely together on the coronavirus outbreak in China. My administration will take all necessary steps to safeguard our citizens from this threat.

And the reaction to that speech from the Pelosi Democrats?

Famously, when the president reached the end of his speech, Speaker Nancy Pelosi ostentatiously stood and ripped the speech in half. That doesn’t count the Democrat members who made a point of walking out on the speech or labeling it, as Pelosi did, a “pack of lies.”

But at last, the next day, February 5, the impeachment drama ended as it was known to end months earlier — with the president’s acquittal. And only then, a full 26 days after the virus was made public, and a full 16 days after it had arrived in America, did House Democrats get around to a same-day hearing on the virus that had been metastasizing for almost a month while they made the country focus on impeachment.

Let’s say that again.

There is the president of the United States, having days earlier quite publicly restricted travel from China — which he was attacked by Democrats for doing — now specifically using his State of the Union speech to issue a warning about the coronavirus and saying that his “administration will take all necessary steps to safeguard our citizens from this threat.”

Pelosi’s contemptuous response was to tear up the speech — calling it a “pack of lies.” Now, the virus she and her colleagues had so blatantly ignored in favor of impeachment has now spread and resulted in, as this is written, 94 dead Americans.

The question now: When will Pelosi and Adam Schiff and the impeachment Democrats be held accountable for such an incredibly gross politicization of a deadly serious global pandemic, a politicization that held the U.S. government and the lives of Americans effectively hostage while they played impeachment politics — an impeachment politics that has now proved fatal to almost a hundred Americans?
Just asking.