Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Where Does America’s Newfound Enthusiasm for Socialism Come From?

Article by Philip Carl Salzman in "PJMedia":

Who ever imagined that the Democrat Party would move so far let that their main selling point would be “socialism”? With the leading candidate for Democrat nominee for president and the most influential junior member of the House declaring themselves “democratic socialists”—as if the modifier “democratic” was ever honored in socialist regimes—and most Democrat candidates for president supporting similar policies as the self-declared socialists, this is not President Clinton’s or even President Obama’s Democrat Party. The Democrat Party has not only congregated in far left field, but half of the party has also climbed over the fence.

According to a Rasmussen poll reported on 27 February 2020, “45% of Democrats have a favorable view of socialism.” Of all voters, “eighteen percent (18%) believe the individual has more power” than the government under socialism. (Breakdown by party is not specified, but it seems likely that most are Democrat.) According to a Pew poll reported on 25 June 2019, 65% of Democrats and voters who lean Democrat have a favorable attitude toward socialism.

How did this newfound love for socialism come about? Just as with a disease pandemic we search for the origin of the disease, so too with an ideological pandemic, we need to know the origin of this ideological transformation. As it turns out, the origin of our socialist epidemic is clear. According to Ned Ryun, “The Left’s long march through our educational system, which has resulted in deep dishonesty about socialism and Communism and indoctrinated generations with socialist ideas and a loathing of America, set the stage for Sanders.” Let us explore in more detail what happened in our universities and then in our schools.

The leftist transformation of education in America began with the counterculture of the 1960s which rejected wholesale the values and institutions of modern America, replacing them with getting high, dropping out, returning to subsistence agriculture, and commune living — in short, anything contrary to the status quo. As the years went by, many, disillusioned with poverty and social chaos but not having lost their distaste for America, returned to education, some eventually becoming teachers and professors. The counterculture rejection of America became the theoretical debunking of America through the adoption of revolutionary Marxism in its many varieties, Leninist, Stalinist, Trotskyist, Maoist, and its many heroes, such Mao, Che Guevara, and Ho Chi Min. Thus, through the second half of the 20th century, professional organizations of anthropologists, sociologists, political scientists had Marxist sections and regular Marxist sessions at their annual conventions.

However, orthodox Marxism, which claims that capitalist society is characterized by a wealthy, capital-owning bourgeois oppressing and exploiting a subservient proletarian working class, never had much attraction for Americans generally, who saw themselves as middle class and appreciated the prosperity and opportunity in America. The orthodox vision of Marxism with its conflict between economic classes never conquered the liberal vision of free citizens associating by choice and using their initiative and talents to gain success.

The great challenge to liberalism, and the new champion of a neo-Marxist vision of a class-based society, came from feminism, the second wave of the 1960s through the fourth wave of the 21st century. The class struggle was no longer seen as between economic classes, but between gender classes, with males manning the “patriarchy” and oppressing blameless female victims. Feminists dedicated themselves to overthrowing the patriarchy, and despite claims of wishing to advance “equality,” aimed to displace males and advantage females. This gender class-conflict model was adopted as the central truth of feminist professors in women’s studies, sociology, anthropology, political science, “cultural studies,” education, social work, law, and throughout colleges and universities. Females widely accepted the feminist vision, as did many males anxious as always to gain favor from the females.

The feminist movement gained great success. Throughout America’s institutions, females were given preference and special benefits, so that by the 21st century, females dominated some spheres, such as the schools, colleges, and universities, and the legal profession. Males only outstrip females in the hours, days, weeks, months, and years worked, as well as, by a vast difference, those injured or killed in work-related accidents. For some feminists, all of this is not enough; they demand that males “step back” from leadership and power, turning all institutions over to females.

The feminist identity class-conflict model was adopted by other categories of people to advance their interests. LGBTQ++ framed their demands in terms of their oppression and victimization by heterosexuals who formed the superordinate class. They too demanded “equality,” but have been celebrated and given preference in the name of “diversity and inclusion.” Race activists adopted the identity class model, arguing that America is a thoroughly racist society that has victimized African Americans, Hispanics, Asians, Native Americans, and others. American institutions responded by giving members of racial and ethnic categories claiming victim status and marginalization special preference and benefits, under programs such as “affirmative action” (which, when first launched by President Kennedy, forbade racial preferences). Racial activists often characterized members of the “oppressive” class of whites as evil.

The new criterion of “representation” of categories of people in the same percentages as in the general public became the measure to which all institutions were held. If some categories of people were “underrepresented,” it was deemed by advocates and activists proof that the “underrepresentation” was the result of discrimination, alternative explanations being disregarded. Under the increasingly coercive regulations and laws supporting “diversity and inclusion,” any membership less than 50% females, 14% African American, 16% Hispanic, and so on, was regarded as sexist and racist exclusion. Other criteria for recruitment, such as past achievement, merit, excellence, and potential, were set aside as allegedly being “white male supremacist” talking points, and people were recruited on gender, racial, ethnic, sexuality grounds to insure statistical “representation” and “diversity and inclusion,” the new criteria that trumped all others. Needless to say, in terms of functionality, weak candidates were accepted, and strong candidates turned away on the basis of the new criteria. The label for these criteria and selections is, ironically, “social justice.”

At the same time as the identity class-conflict model displaced the liberal model of free individuals, the basis of knowledge, research, scholarship, and the search for truth was undermined in colleges and universities by a new set of European ideas called “postmodernism.” This nihilistic epistemology argued that everything is subjective, so no objective truth could ever be established or maintained. Feminists adopted this rationale for subjectivity with enthusiasm, claiming that only they could understand who they are and what they need. Some ethnic activists among professors invented new histories to show the superiority of their groups. The result of “postmodernism” was to negate the traditional search for truth and the value of objective knowledge. With truth and knowledge out of the way, all that was left for “higher education” was advocacy for the “subaltern,” oppressed, and marginalized, so political advocacy replaced scholarship and professors became not seekers of truth, but advocates of preferred categories of people. The question was no longer what you know, but whose side you are on.

Orthodox Marxist-Leninism did not disappear entirely. It was resurrected when it served to advance the interests of oppressed and marginalized minorities. Among professors of anthropology, political science, international studies, geography, and the like, “postcolonial theory” was adopted as the central theory of international relations. Following Leninism's argument that the capitalist class struggle was exported to third-world countries through imperialism and colonialism, “postcolonial theory” tried to explain the weakness, corruption, and violence of newly independent third-world countries by their previous colonial status. The main point of this theory is to blame Europe and America, the West, for any and all ills in the world. The world before Western imperialism is anti-historically portrayed as peaceful, loving, and productive, this wonderful Eden transformed and destroyed by the evil West. The world is, according to this theory, an example of class conflict writ large, with the West as the oppressors and the rest as blameless victims of the West’s depredations. This vision is one of the rationales of the open border policy so beloved by the Democrat Party, the flooding of America by non-whites and minority ethnics in order to erase the racial and economic class oppression of the past and present.

The upshot of the ideological transformation of colleges and universities is that the identity class-conflict model of America has been widely accepted as the true picture. And although Americans in the past had not identified as proletarian members of the working class, having adopted the identity class conflict model, they increasingly accept the orthodox Marxist economic class-conflict model, as consistent with their class-conflict worldview. The orthodox Marxist solution to class conflict and oppression is socialism, which has been adopted by a large part of the Democrat Party and is the explicit objective of some leaders of the party.

It is worth keeping in mind that all of our college and university graduates of the past fifty years have been indoctrinated with identity class conflict theory and the sexism and racism that it claims to be the main attributes of America. Our education graduates have entered the school system where they spread the ideology that they learned in university to the pupils that they are supposed to educate. Other graduates enter the civil service bureaucracy, aiming to direct their actions to advance “social justice” in spite of its exclusionary injustices. Graduates have transformed business and industry, applying criteria of “diversity and inclusion” in place of merit and potential. And, of course, our elected officials, infected with the same ideology, act to legislate their Marxist vision and their “social justice” goals into law.

It is no mystery where America’s newfound and counterfactual enthusiasm for socialism has come from. It has come from the ideological infection that is pandemic in our educational system.

Chief Justice Roberts issues rare rebuke to Schumer's 'dangerous' and 'irresponsible' comments; Schumer fires back

 Image result for pictures of chief justice john roberts
Article by Greg Re in "Fox News":

Chief Justice of the United States John Roberts on Wednesday issued a highly unusual and forceful rebuke to Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., calling his seemingly threatening remarks directed at Associate Justices Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh "irresponsible" and "dangerous" -- prompting Schumer's office to slam Roberts and accuse him of bias.

The extraordinary back-and-forth began hours earlier at a pro-choice rally hosted by the Center for Reproductive Rights, when Schumer ominously singled out President Trump's two Supreme Court picks: "I want to tell you, Gorsuch. I want to tell you, Kavanaugh. You have released the whirlwind and you will pay the price!" Schumer warned. "You won’t know what hit you if you go forward with these awful decisions."

Roberts replied in his remarkable written statement, obtained by Fox News: "This morning, Senator Schumer spoke at a rally in front of the Supreme Court while a case was being argued inside. Senator Schumer referred to two Members of the Court by name and said he wanted to tell them that 'You have released the whirlwind, and you will pay the price. You will not know what hit you if you go forward with these awful decisions.'"

Roberts continued: "Justices know that criticism comes with the territory, but threatening statements of this sort from the highest levels of government are not only inappropriate, they are dangerous. All Members of the Court will continue to do their job, without fear or favor, from whatever quarter."

Schumer spokesman Justin Goodman quickly responded by accusing Roberts of bias, further escalating the confrontation. Goodman insisted that Schumer was addressing Republican lawmakers when he said a "price" would be paid -- even though Schumer had explicitly named Kavanaugh and Gorsuch.

“Women’s health care rights are at stake and Americans from every corner of the country are in anguish about what the court might do to them," Goodman said in a statement to Fox News. “Sen. Schumer’s comments were a reference to the political price Senate Republicans will pay for putting these justices on the court, and a warning that the justices will unleash a major grassroots movement on the issue of reproductive rights against the decision."

He added: “For Justice Roberts to follow the right wing’s deliberate misinterpretation of what Sen. Schumer said, while remaining silent when President Trump attacked Justices [Sonia] Sotomayor and [Ruth Bader] Ginsberg last week, shows Justice Roberts does not just call balls and strikes.”

That was an apparent reference to Trump's call for those liberal justices to recuse themselves from some cases due to alleged bias. ("I just don’t know how they cannot recuse themselves to anything having to do with Trump or Trump-related," Trump said. Ginsburg, who has publicly defended Kavanaugh and Gorsuch as "very decent" and "very smart," previously called Trump a "faker," and Sotomayor sharply criticized the administration in a recent dissent.)

Video of Schumer's remarks had quickly circulated on social media, with Republicans casting the comments as a clear threat against two sitting Supreme Court justices. Schumer, they said, had gone far beyond merely requesting that justices recuse themselves as he stood in front of the Supreme Court Building.

During Kavanaugh's contentious confirmation battle in late 2018, a mob of left-wing protesters banged on the doors of the Supreme Court Building, many of them complaining about his possible future abortion rulings.

"This is pure gaslighting," wrote The National Review's Alexandra DeSanctis, responding to Goodman's statement. "I was there. I heard the whole context. This is not what Schumer said."

The dispute, dealing with restrictions over who can perform abortions, involves a Louisiana law similar to one in Texas that the court ruled unconstitutional in 2016, before either Trump justice was on the Supreme Court and before conservatives held a 5-4 majority.

Schumer did not specifically explain what "price" the justices would face. During the rally, however, Schumer did go on to describe how Republican lawmakers could be impacted politically.

"We will tell President Trump and Senate Republicans who have stacked the court with right-wing ideologues that you’re gonna be gone in November, and you will never be able to do what you’re trying to do now ever, ever again!” he said. Earlier in his address, Schumer had accused Republican legislatures of "waging a war on women" and said reproductive rights are "under attack in a way we haven't seen in modern history."

The case before the court is part of a larger effort by red states to pass laws regulating abortion to test how supportive the new justices will be of precedents such as Roe v. Wade and Planned Parenthood v. Casey, which formed the basis for abortion being legal.

The law in question requires abortion doctors in Louisiana to have admitting privileges at a nearby hospital in case a patient experiences complications during or after a procedure. Those backing the law argue that it regulates abortion providers similarly to how other medical providers are regulated by the state while also ensuring doctors are competent. Opponents say that it is targeted at abortion providers with the goal of shutting them down, citing a 2016 case out of Texas in which the Supreme Court invalidated a very similar law.

The court's opinion in the 2016 case, Whole Women's Health v. Hellerstedt, said the law placed an undue burden on women seeking abortions because it would significantly reduce the number of available facilities in the state.

During Wednesday's oral arguments, Kavanaugh and Roberts questioned whether Lousiana might be different from Texas in terms of the practical effect the law would have.

"Assume all the doctors who currently perform abortions can obtain admitting privileges, could you say that the law still imposes an undue burden, even if there were no effect?" Kavanaugh asked

Roberts suggested other states may have different standards that might be constitutional.
Gorsuch did not speak during the arguments.

Wednesday's statement was not the first time Roberts has felt compelled to issue an unusual public rebuke of a sitting officeholder, and he has demonstrated his willingness to take on Republicans and Democrats alike. In 2018, Roberts defended the judiciary after Trump railed against what he called an "Obama judge."

“We do not have Obama judges or Trump judges, Bush judges or Clinton judges,” Roberts said at the time, in a statement also released by the court’s public information office. “What we have is an extraordinary group of dedicated judges doing their level best to do equal right to those appearing before them.”

Roberts, writing on the eve of Thanksgiving, concluded: “That independent judiciary is something we should all be thankful for.”

Trump quickly shot back: "Sorry Chief Justice John Roberts, but you do indeed have ‘Obama judges,' and they have a much different point of view than the people who are charged with the safety of our country.”

Politico Still Hasn’t Issued Correction For False Reporting On Trump Coronavirus Hoax Comments

Politico on Friday accused President Donald Trump of calling Coronavirus a “hoax,” when the president said no such thing. The news company has yet to correct its error.

“Trump rallies his base to treat coronavirus as a ‘hoax,’” the paper’s headlineread, based on comments Trump made during a South Carolina rally on the eve of the state’s primaries.

“Trump called coronavirus, ‘their new hoax,’” the authors wrote, even after typing out a short, accurate transcription of the president’s speech, wherein Trump clearly called the Democrats’ politicization of the outbreak the “hoax,” and not the virus itself.

Here’s the transcript of the comments in question:
Now the Democrats are politicizing the coronavirus. … One of my people came up to me and said, “Mr. President, they tried to beat you on Russia, Russia, Russia. That didn’t work out too well. They couldn’t do it. They tried the impeachment hoax that was on a perfect conversation. They tried anything. They tried it over and over. They’ve been doing it since you got in. It’s all turning, they lost, it’s all turning. Think of it. Think of it. And this is their new hoax.”

The piece from Politico was even flagged on Facebook as fake news, warning viewers of its misleading content.

That hasn’t stopped other reporters from misconstruing the president’s words to fit a false narrative peddled by Democrats.

It is unclear whether the Politico reporters have been disciplined, and Politico has not responded to The Federalist’s requests for comment.

“Trump calls Coronavirus Democrats’ ‘new hoax,’” headlined NBC.

“The president decried the coronavirus-related ‘hoax’ just hours before news of the first US death broke,” Vox wrote.

Many mainstream reporters have even pointed out the absurdity of the false reporting.

“He was saying the hoax is that he’s handled it badly. Not the virus itself,” wrote Will Saletan, a national correspondent for Slate.
“In context, heard it as him saying *Democrats’/media criticism of his handling of the virus* was their latest hoax,” said Daniel Dale of CNN.

Melania Trump honors International Women of Courage Award recipients

First lady Melania Trump and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo honored recipients of the 2020 International Women of Courage Award at a State Department ceremony Wednesday.
The all-female award presented ahead of International Women's Day on Sunday recognizes women across the world who demonstrate "exceptional courage and leadership" in the face of adversity and who have made a positive impact on their communities.
"It is an honor to be here again to celebrate these inspiring women and the incredible impacts they are making through the work they have dedicated themselves to all over the world," Trump began. "In my fourth year attending this ceremony, I continue to be inspired by the personal stories that accompany each of these extraordinary women. Some demonstrate raw courage in the face of terror."

"As first lady of the United States, I'm proud of what this country continues to do for women," Trump continued, "and I'm honored to represent a nation that not only recognizes women around the world who are making a difference internationally but empowers and supports them in their endeavors so they can affect positive change for others."
The first lady centered her remarks on courage and what the word means, including how it is related to other qualities like bravery and strength.
"These women represent the strength of the female spirit," Trump said. "Each of them have demonstrated acts of courage and leadership, often at risk to their own personal safety."
 She went on to describe how U.S. women are "playing vital roles in society" as "mothers, wives, doctors, CEOs and elected officials," adding that the unemployment rate for women has reached record-low, and women filled over 70-percent of all the new jobs added to the U.S. workforce in 2019.

The Sensible Person’s Guide To Staying Safe From Coronavirus

By the conventional definition of a pandemic, we are not there yet. Tens of millions of people around the world are infected with these viruses with relatively mild and self-limiting symptoms.

Coronavirus is the latest in a long line of infectious disease threats that have garnered the attention of the public and health officials around the world. As of this weekend, more than 85,400 people have been confirmed with the SARS CoV2 (Covid-19), and nearly 3,000 deaths have resulted.

Of those numbers, nearly 80,000 occurred in China. Wuhan, where the threat began, is the ninth most populated city in China, with nearly 19 million citizens in the metro area. The numbers in China may reflect the dynamics of this infection in a densely populated city.

Outside of China, the Covid-19 virus has been identified in more than 50 countries and the World Health Organization has designated the threat as very high within China and the world. However, by the conventional definition of a pandemic (“occurring over a wide geographic area and affecting an exceptionally high proportion of the population”) we are not there yet.

What Is a Coronavirus?

Let’s take a moment to examine this outbreak, Coronaviruses are not new. In fact, four common coronaviruses frequently infect the human population. These four coronaviruses, along with several hundred other viruses from the Adenovirus (9 types), Reovirus (3 types), Rhinovirus (113 types), Paramyxovirus (4 types), and Orthomyxovirus (3 types and multiple subtypes) families are responsible for countless lost days of illness.

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control reports 22 million school days are lost each year in the United States because of these pathogens. Some estimates have reported that Americans have and estimated 1 billion colds a year.

In contrast to most of the common infections that we experience each year that cause upper-respiratory symptoms like coughing, sneezing, and shortness of breath, this pathogen seems to prefer the deeper portions of the lung. This means many people may not display the typical symptoms that we see with colds and flu.

Notwithstanding the “common” viruses that we deal with every day, there are occasional outbreaks of novel or new types of viruses that humans have not previously had exposure. When a virus or pathogen is introduced into any new population (hosts), a highly coordinated dance begins between the virus and the new host.

When an Infection Begins

The virus is in a new environment, which likely does not have appropriate defenses and cannot easily fight back. In these cases, the virus will often have the upper hand in reproducing since it is poorly adapted to this new human host. It can reproduce to such high efficiency that it severely sickens or kills the host.

The virus and its new host need to come to an equilibrium or balance where both can survive. From a biological perspective, this is not beneficial to the host or even the virus if severe illness or death occurs. We can perhaps see examples of both within this Covid-19 outbreak. Some patients have become very sick and died as a result.

We have also seen examples of patients who are infected but do not display any signs or symptoms. These may be examples of both sides of the coin, in older people who also have chronic conditions the virus and host are poorly matched, and the host cannot defend itself.

On the flip side, younger and healthier individuals are able to cope with the infection and hold the virus in check. In these circumstances, the patient may be infected and asymptomatic but still contagious. Data suggests that 80 percent of people who are infected may have very mild symptoms or no symptoms at all.

Most People with Coronavirus Survive

The key point to keep in mind is that tens of millions of people around the world are infected with these viruses with relatively mild and self-limiting disease. The populations that tend to have difficulty with respiratory types of infections are those that are very young, the elderly, and those with co-morbid, chronic conditions like lung disease, cardiovascular disease, immune deficiency, cancer, and autoimmune disorders.

Early reports from China indicate that patients who have experienced severe disease have been more frequently male, 50 and older who have conditions like diabetes, cardiovascular disease, chronic respiratory disease, hypertension, and cancer. Data also appears to suggest that the Covid-19 virus does not appear to target children.

Very few infections have been reported in children, and of those that have been reported, the symptoms have been very mild or unapparent. Whether children can be asymptomatic carriers is not clear.

A better understanding of the role children might play in the spread of the disease remains to be determined. So perhaps the widespread closure of schools is not appropriate if children are not significantly affected nor are carriers.

Coronavirus By the Numbers

In considering this most recent outbreak of disease, the world population is approximately 8 billion. So far, 89,000 people have become ill with SARS-CoV2, which represents 0.0010625 percent of the world’s population.

Nearly 3,000 people have died as a result of this latest outbreak. By contrast, nearly 650,000 people die every year from influenza. A tiny fraction of the global population has been infected with Covid-19 thus far. Many of those who experienced severe symptoms had other underlying diseases that contributed to an inability to fight back.

Remember that a significant portion of people who have been exposed may not experience any outward symptoms. This complicates two metrics: 1) How many people have actually been infected? If most people do not get symptoms or have mild symptoms then they do not seek out medical attention and are not counted in the official numbers.

2) Although we know how many people have severe disease based on medical treatment that is sought, and we know how many die, we cannot accurately calculate the mortality rate. We can only take who has been counted versus who has died to calculate the mortality rate. We may discover a much lower fatality rate once more data is acquired. As more people become infected, we would expect the disease to become milder as the virus and host find a balance.

Still, Taking Precautions Is Wise

Does that mean that we should not be cautious? No, it does not. An outbreak such as this requires that we give it the proper attention so it does not become a true pandemic event, but it likewise means that we should not seed and incite hysteria and misinformation.

The last significant pandemics from respiratory viruses in terms of loss of life came with the 2009 H1N1 flu (203,000 deaths worldwide), the 1968-69 Hong Kong flu (1 million dead worldwide), the 1957-58 Asian flu (2 million dead worldwide), and the 1918-19 Spanish flu (50-100 million dead worldwide). Each of these pandemic occurrences resulted from a virus that was poorly adapted to humans.

You may also note that the death toll has dropped significantly over time. Our medical systems have become better able to handle complex disease, have deployed vaccinations, developed antibiotics for the secondary bacterial infections that often follow viral respiratory disease, and vastly improved supportive care. All of these improvements have led to a reduction in mortality from zoonotic infections (infections that come from animals and transition into humans). The CDC, WHO, and various other governmental agencies have improved our methods for containment, isolation, and monitoring.

Prudent Steps to Take

With the fear and potential worry that has been fostered in the recent weeks and months, many people do not know what to do differently. This outbreak is complicated by the fact that it is concurrent with flu and the symptoms of each are similar in many ways.

Because of the human condition, we almost automatically think the worst. A sneeze, cough, or fever does not mean you have Covid-19. Taking a calm and objective viewpoint, what should citizens do?

First off, do not panic. You do not need to run out and stock up on masks. A mask should be used when you are sick so as to not spread your illness to others.

Wash your hands frequently, avoid touching your face, and clean surfaces regularly.

Second, consider your circumstances and contacts. Have you travelled out of the country? Have you been in close proximity to someone who has traveled abroad? If not, think horses, not zebras. You are far more likely to have a common respiratory infection than Covid-19.

Three, the same precautions that are taken for flu and other seasonal infections will apply to Covid-19. Wash your hands frequently, avoid touching your face, and clean surfaces regularly. Many viruses can survive on surfaces for days to weeks. A regular cleaning and hygiene regimen will provide you a cleaner environment and protect you from surface contamination. Practice not touching your face (eyes, nose, or mouth).

Fourth, if you have a chronic condition like diabetes, hypertension, cardiovascular disease, immune problems, or cancer, try to get one month of extra medications. Just as a safeguard in case you do get a respiratory infection.

Fifth, have extra household items on hand. Stock a little extra food, hydration, Kleenex, toiletries, basic medicines. And create a plan to take care of and support elderly family.

Sixth, respiratory viruses can be transmitted easily. Covid-19 may be more contagious, so if you are not feeling well, stay home. Encourage and support a telecommute policy for your employees. Research suggests that a sick person can potentially transmit illness to 1.5 to 3.5 people.

Seventh, see step 1. Don’t panic, be cautious, use good hygiene, and be aware.

David Vigerust, MS, PhD. and Ford Brewer, M.D., MPH are partners at OpenHealth Advisors and globally recognized leaders in epidemiology, infectious diseases, and population health management. They may be reached at and

Trump Campaign Files Libel Lawsuit Against Washington Post For False Reporting On Russian Collusion

The Donald Trump campaign filed a libel lawsuit against the Washington Post over two stories with allegedly false information on a conspiracy with Russia. On February 26, the campaign filed a similar lawsuit against the New York Times.

According to the Trump campaign, both lawsuits aim to hold mainstream media outlets accountable for intentionally publishing false information as fact.

“In two published articles [the Washington Post made] defamatory claims that the campaign ‘tried to conspire with’ a ‘sweeping and systematic’ attack by Russia against the 2016 U.S. presidential election and ‘who knows what sort of aid Russia and North Korea will give to the Trump campaign, now that he has invited them to offer their assistance?'” said Jenna Ellis, a senior legal adviser to Trump’s re-election campaign.

According to Ellis, the complaint alleges the New York Times was aware of the false statements at the time of publication and did so with the intention of hurting Trump’s re-election campaign and misleading readers in the process.

The two articles in question and considered “defamatory articles” in the lawsuit are “Trump just invited another Russian attack. Mitch McConnell is making one more likely” by Greg Sargent and “Trump: I can win reelection with just my base” by Paul Waldman.

According to the lawsuit, the Sargent article contained a “defamatory claim” that Special Counsel Robert Mueller concluded the Trump campaign “tried to conspire with” a “sweeping and systematic” attack by Russia against the 2016 U.S. presidential campaign.

The second article in question contained statements “who knows what sort of aid Russia and North Korea will give to the Trump campaign, now that he has invited them to offer their assistance?”

Trump’s campaign alleges the Washington Post was aware of the false statements at the time of publication.

“The statements were and are 100 percent false and defamatory. The complaint alleges The Post was aware of the falsity at the time it published them, but did so for the intentional purpose of hurting the campaign, while misleading its own readers in the process,” Ellis said.

Vice President Pence, top health officials provide updates on the spread of coronavirus in U.S

OAN Newsroom
UPDATED 9:37 AM PT — Wednesday, March 4, 2020
As public concern over the spread of the coronavirus continues to grow, leaders in the Trump administration are assuring Americans the risk is still low despite the rapidly changing situation.
One America’s Emily Finn breaks down the latest updates.

If Obama Is Trying To Block Bernie, He Should Say Why

Former Vice President Joe Biden landed a series of major endorsements from high-profile Democrats Monday, including former 2020 competitors who ended their campaigns to get behind the establishment favorite.

Just 48 hours before the nationwide contests on Super Tuesday, former South Bend, Indiana Mayor Pete Buttigieg dropped out the race and announced his endorsement for Biden in Dallas Monday night. Sen. Amy Klobuchar, who ended her campaign earlier in the afternoon, also endorsed Biden on the Dallas stage along with yet another former Democratic candidate, former Texas Congressman Beto O’Rourke. On the same day, Biden also secured endorsements from former Democratic Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and former U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice.

The slew of endorsements on the eve of the biggest day of the Democratic primary illustrates a “moderate” coalescing around Biden following a 28-point blow-out win in South Carolina that has resurrected his sunken campaign and offered new hope to Democrats seeking to thwart Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders’ momentum. As the Biden campaign suffered blow after blow by performing worse-than-expected in the first three contests, Sanders eclipsed Biden as the new frontrunner. Sanders captured the popular vote in Iowa, took home first place in New Hampshire and claimed victory in Nevada by 26 points, all while the Biden campaign went into free-fall, hinging its bets on South Carolina as its “firewall.”

It’s no secret President Barack Obama is anxious about a Sanders nomination. Last fall, the former president, who has refrained from getting involved in the Democratic contest, privately remarked that he would speak out if Sanders appeared likely to capture enough delegates needed for the party’s coronation in Milwaukee.

Now, as Sanders reels into Super Tuesday high off of his February momentum, Biden’s revived campaign may be the Democrats’ only bet to break the seemingly unstoppable Sanders surge to the nomination without facing a contested convention this summer.
Sixteen states and territories are casting their votes for the Democratic primary today, where more than a third of the total delegates in the race will be decided. If Obama had anything to do with lining up the streak of game-changing establishment endorsements for Biden on the eve of the most consequential day of the primary, he should step off the sidelines and explain why rather than pulling strings from behind closed doors.

This time, then, efforts from power players within the Democratic Party working to block Sanders again would be made in plain sight. One way or another, Obama’s influence in the race is certain to emerge in the press at some point, whether it’s before the November election or after. In 2017, former Democratic National Committee Chairwoman Donna Brazile accused 2016 nominee Hillary Clinton of orchestrating a “secret takeover,” of the DNC as the primary got underway.

This year, Sanders appears to be up against some of the same forces that offered resistance to his campaign four years earlier. Sanders was pulled offthe trail in the days leading up to Iowa for an impeachment trial that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi delayed for weeks that just so happened to land proceedings in the final two weeks before the caucuses. Sanders had to defend himself against former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s attacks on the Vermont senator for championing “communism” on the Las Vegas debate stage, after the DNC changed the rules to allow Bloomberg on stage. Now it appears that Sanders is running up against the rest of the entire Democratic establishment that has united against him with Biden as their vehicle.

Pelosi’s ‘Dirty Little Secret’: She Held Back Coronavirus Funding Bill so DCCC Could Run Super Tuesday Ads Against GOP

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is a despicable woman with no redeeming qualities.
During her weekly press conference last Thursday, she said, “Lives are at stake. This is not a time for name-calling or playing politics.”

Shortly after it had ended she was criticizing President Trump over his administration’s response to the coronavirus crisis as anemic, opaque, too late and often chaotic.

All the while, Pelosi was holding back a House bill to provide funding to fight it.

Speaking with Fox News’ Laura Ingraham on Monday night, House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy said, “Look how much politics they want to play. The dirty little secret. We have the coronavirus. We need to fund this. You know what Nancy Pelosi, the Speaker, did?  She withheld the bill last week. You know why? So the DCCC could run ads against seven Republicans.”

Ingraham asked, “How many people ran ads on the coronavirus, fundraising appeals?”

“I don’t know how many ran, but they actually took the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, spent money, went into these seven Republican seats to campaign against them about the coronavirus when she’s the Speaker of the House. Instead of putting America first, she put her politics first and kept the bill from coming to the floor,” McCarthy explained.

This is not surprising. For the Democrats, the coronavirus outbreak has become their latest weapon with which to damage the President.

McCarthy brought this up during a GOP press conference today. He told reporters:
Last week, we had an opportunity to bring forth the Supplemental, the needed funds for public health and others to deal with this item. We are not the majority. We cannot determine the floor, so Speaker Pelosi left, and had us leave Congress. This week, we hope we’re going to be able to bring it up.
The one concerning issue that I have, not as just the leader of the Republicans, but really as an American. Why didn’t we vote on it last week? And why now is the Democratic arm of the DCCC running ads against seven Republicans? On something they could not vote on, because they could not control it. Are they playing politics and holding the money up so their political arm can attack Republicans on this issue? Can they, for one time put people before politics? I think they owe the American people an apology. I think the Speaker needs to apologize. Cheri Bustos needs to take those ads down and stop playing politics with this.
America is nervous. We’ve been preparing for years in advance. We’ve got to make sure we have all the needed resources there.
So bring the bill to the floor.

Earlier in the conference, the ranking member of the Energy and Commerce Committee, Rep.Greg Walden (R-OR), spoke and said that Democrats were trying to include HR3 (Elijah Cummings’  Lower Drug Costs Now Act) with the bill for coronavirus funding. HR3 is a very controversial bill which will require some debate.  Walden basically said, let’s keep this separate, because the funds to fight the coronavirus crisis are needed now.

It was a valiant effort Republicans, but unfortunately, I doubt too many of the journalists in the room will be reporting on it.

(Relevant segment begins at 11:55)

James Comey Endorses Joe Biden, Who Rejects It

Former FBI Director James Comey endorsed former Vice President Joe Biden’s bid for the 2020 Democratic nomination Tuesday as voters in 14 states and one territory cast their ballots in the Democratic contest.

“Voted in first Dem primary to support party dedicated to restoring values in WH,” Comey tweeted. “I agree with @amyklobuchar: We need candidate who cares about all Americans and will restore decency, dignity to the office. There is a reason Trump fears @joebiden and roots for Bernie. #Biden2020.”

The Biden campaign quickly rejected the endorsement, however.

The director of rapid response for the Biden campaign, Andrew Bates, made it clear on Twitter that Comey’s support was not welcome.

“Yes, customer service? I just received a package that I very much did not order,” Bates tweeted in response to Comey’s endorsement tweet. “How can I return it, free of charge?”

The endorsement comes on the heels of several major endorsements secured by the Biden campaign on the eve of the biggest day of the Democratic primary, in which more than a third of the total Democratic delegates will be decided. On Monday, Biden received the endorsement from former 2020 presidential rivals Minnesota Sen. Amy Klobuchar, who dropped out of the race Monday afternoon, former South Bend, Indiana, Mayor Pete Buttigieg, who ended his campaign Sunday, and former Texas Rep. Beto O’Rourke, who made his exit last fall. Biden also captured endorsements from former Democratic Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and former U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice.

Dem Politician Cheers the Idea of Spreading Coronavirus to Trump Supporters


Article by Nick Arama in "RedState":

Democrats have shamefully been spreading a lot of lies about the response of the Trump administration to the coronavirus. 

From lying that the president called the virus a hoax to claiming, falsely, that he was muzzling scientists from talking and cut the CDC, they were doing things to hype anxiety over the response. 

But far-left Democrat Denver councilwoman Candi CdeBaca took the Trump hate even one step further. 

She tweeted out from her government Twitter account that she stood in “solidarity” with someone who says that they if they get the coronavirus that they will attend as many Trump rallies as possible (to spread it to Trump supporters). She also included three laughing emojis, a socialist fist and an “ok” symbol. 

Democrat Denver Councilwoman Candi CdeBaca says that she stands in "solidarity" with someone who says that they if they get the coronavirus that they will attend as many Trump rallies as possible

She appears to have made the statement on her government Twitter account

Candi CdeBaca
#solidarity Yaaaas!! 

Italy to close all schools, universities amid coronavirus crisis

A man receive assistance in the a pre-triage medical tent in front of the Cremona hospital, in Cremona, Italy.
 Article by Amanda Woods in "New York Post":

Italy announced Wednesday it will temporarily close all its schools and universities as the country continues to grapple with a surge in coronavirus infections, according to new reports.

Those closures will begin Thursday and last until mid-March, CNBC reported.

Italian officials also said they may set up a new quarantine area, or “red zone,” in an attempt to contain the outbreak.

“None of us can be sure about the future evolution of the disease,” Angelo Borrelli, head of the country’s Civil Protection Agency, said at a Tuesday news conference. “This is an important week to understand what will happen.”

Red zones have already been set up in Lombardy and Veneto, where 11 towns are quarantined and inhabitants are prohibited from leaving.

Hospitals, particularly those in northern Italy, are struggling to carry the weight of those infected. An ambulance driver in an existing “red zone” told La Repubblica newspaper that “hours [will be] decisive” and “if the infection spreads it will be hard.”

By Wednesday morning, 2,502 cases of COVID-19 had been reported in Italy, according to Italian media reports published ahead of the daily official count released by the Civil Protection Agency.

The official death toll rose to 79 on Tuesday, up from 52 on Monday.

Those numbers at one point early Wednesday even exceeded the figures in Iran, until the Islamic Republic released its official death and infection count. A total of 2,922 people have been infected there and 92 have died, officials announced — though some doubt has been cast on the accuracy of that tally, according to CNBC.

Meanwhile, Poland confirmed its first coronavirus infection, the country’s health minister, Lukasz Szumowski, said Wednesday.

The man is being treated at a hospital in Zielona Gora, western Poland, where his life is not in danger, according to reports. He is not elderly or “part of a risk group,” the official said.

Yes, A Border Wall Will Help Contain The Coronavirus

If the coronavirus begins to spread in Mexico, we’re going to wish we had secured the border. Suggesting we do so isn’t racist, it’s realistic.

You might think Democrats and the media would have quickly realized that the rapid spread of coronavirus is an epidemiological event wholly indifferent to performative wokeness. But no.

Last week at a campaign stop in South Carolina, erstwhile Democratic presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg quipped that Trump’s border wall would not stop the coronavirus because the disease “doesn’t respect borders.” Also last week, Sen. Elizabeth Warren—who as of this writing hadn’t yet ended her bid for the nomination—introduced a bill to divert money from the president’s border wall to help fund the government’s coronavirus response.

As the Trump administration scrambled to respond to the fast-spreading virus, others chimed in along the same lines. Reacting to news that the administration was considering additional entry restrictions at the U.S.-Mexico border, Sen. Jeff Merkley of Oregon tweeted, “There are 5x as many confirmed cases of the #coronavirus in Canada as Mexico. Why isn’t Donald Trump focused on our northern border? I’ll give you three guesses but you’ll only need one.” (In case you’re wondering, the answer Sen. Merkley is looking for is: Trump is racist.)

As irresponsible and unserious as such talk is right now, I have to say, contra Buttigieg, that although it’s true a border wall won’t stop the coronavirus, it might help stop people who have the coronavirus from entering the United States undetected, which is the entire purpose of imposing travel restrictions during a global pandemic.

It’s astounding that any of this even needs to be said when new cases of the disease are cropping up every day all over the world, along with growing numbers of coronavirus deaths in the United States (six as of this writing, all in Washington State). But we live in an idiotic age, when travel restrictions and border controls, even in the face of a deadly disease we know very little about, are denounced as racist and xenophobic by tech journalistswoke pundits, and Democratic presidential frontrunners alike.

The Coronavirus In Mexico Is Going to Be Very Bad

That being the case, I’m going to say this as plainly as I can: contra Merkley, there’s good reason to be more worried about the spread of the coronavirus in Mexico than in Canada, and contra Buttigieg and Warren, there’s good reason to tighten our southwest border now, before the virus becomes widespread south of the Rio Grande.

Consider the countries that have had the highest number of cases to date: China, Italy, and Iran. Each represents a different kind of regime, which has in turn affected official responses to the outbreaks. China has an authoritarian regime with a strong state apparatus, Iran has an authoritarian regime with a weak and corrupt state apparatus, and Italy has a democratic regime with a relatively strong state apparatus.

In China, communist party officials at first concealed the disease and cracked down on anyone, including doctors, who tried to sound the alarm. Once it got out of control, the government imposed extraordinarily harsh measures to reduce the spread of the disease, including mass quarantines and lockdowns of entire cities, which at the moment seem to be working. The number of new coronavirus cases in China has been reportedly dropping in recent days, with officials in Hubei province—the epicenter of the outbreak—on Monday reporting 125 new infections, continuing a steady decline in new cases over the past several days.

In Italy, which has the most number of coronavirus cases outside Asia, authorities have quarantined certain areas but have not been as secretive about the spread of the disease. Officials have reported more than 1,600 cases—more than double the number of cases reported on Friday—and more than 50 fatalities. Meanwhile, the nation’s public health system has tested many tens of thousands of people (for free), so many that it has sparked a national debate about how much testing is too much.

Then there’s Iran. We know less about the extent of the outbreak there than elsewhere, but we do know that it has hit the highest levels of the government. A top advisor to Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei died of the virus Monday following the deaths of two other Iranian leaders, a former ambassadors and a member of parliament.

As of Monday, seven government officials have been infected, including the vice president for women’s affairs, the highest-ranking woman in the regime. As of Monday, Iran had officially reported more than 1,500 cases and 66 confirmed fatalities. Some accounts on social media indicate the outbreak in Iran is out of control and that the government in Tehran is not only hiding the numbers of infected and deaths but has failed to take measures to slow the spread of the virus.

Now consider Mexico, a country with weak and corrupt government at all levels, no ability to enforce quarantines, and virtually no public health system. From the standpoint of dealing with something like coronavirus, Mexico is the worst of all possible combinations and presents ideal conditions for the spread of the disease.

This is a country, after all, where the central government has effectively ceded entire swaths of its territory to powerful drug cartels and gangs. The Mexican state, such as it is, has almost no ability to impose the rule of law, let alone combat or contain something like the coronavirus, and we should not expect any effective response to an outbreak there. As of Monday, there were five known cases in Mexico, and soon there will be more.

Under these circumstances, it’s not racist or xenophobic to consider measures to secure the southwest border. It’s prudent, and long overdue. In fact, it might already be too late.