Sunday, March 1, 2020

Coronavirus may have spread undetected for weeks in U.S.

Coronavirus may have spread undetected for weeks in U.S.

"This strongly suggests that there has been cryptic transmission in Washington State for the past 6 weeks."

 EvergreenHealth Medical Center is seen Saturday, Feb. 29, 2020, where a person died of COVID-19, in Kirkland, Wash. –AP Photo/Elaine Thompson

Biden -vs- Bernie, The Race Begins

The odds of a brokered Democrat convention have increased significantly after a big win by Joe Biden in South Carolina; not as much because of the vote result, but more as an outcome of watching how the Club coalesced the background narrative.

As a result of his overwhelming win in the palmetto state Joe Biden now has more primary votes cast for him than Sanders. At this moment, Biden is winning the popular vote.

With Bloomberg’s fatally flawed debate performances helping to move the non-Bernie voters toward Joe Biden; and with the fingerprints of the party apparatus visible in the way South Carolina rolled out; it is clear Biden is now the DNC Club’s preferred candidate to stop Bernie ‘Fidel‘ Sanders.

Most of the thirteen Super Tuesday states will likely be significant wins for Fidel Sanders.  California and Texas will provide major delegates toward his primary effort, and he will likely receive additional delegates from strong finishes in every state he doesn’t win.  However, Biden is now going to be pushed hard, and financially fueled by the Club apparatus.

As the Club begins to put the players into position, Senator Amy Klobuchar will stay in the race until after her home state of Minnesota votes Tuesday to keep Bernie from additional lift.  Amy will likely endorse Biden on Wednesday.  Buttigieg soon thereafter.  The Club officers, or the DNC establishment per se’, will put pressure on all club members.

Mini-mike Bloomberg has structured his entire campaign around Super-Tuesday; however, it now looks like $500+ million wasted.  When and how Bloomberg concedes defeat to Biden is a matter for Club negotiation.  Club leadership will start executing the media messaging now, the rough outline was visible in the Biden victory speech.

Biden will take the passive-aggressive lane and claim the morality message, painting himself as the arbiter of decency.  Media will fall-in line.  The Club and peers will paint Bernie as a divisive candidate with violent and vitriolic tendencies.  Any act of aggression, verbally or visibly by Bernie supporters, will be used to amplify that narrative.  That baseline plays short-term against Fidel Sanders and long-term against President Trump.

A divisive Bernie narrative, built upon the image of toxicity, is needed for a DNC convention where the Socialist wing will come to the convention with a great deal of delegates.  Positioning the Sanders coalition as extreme and incapable of governing will play well for the votes of the Super-delegates who could ultimately decide the nominee.

Jane Sanders is likely scrolling real estate websites book-marking options for the opulent retreat they will select to heal their wounded sensibilities; while still controlling the direction of an oblivious progressive caucus…. Socialism at its most predictable outcome.

The Club is really good with manipulative astroturf tactics.  I wouldn’t be surprised to see some remarkable DNC schemes deployed against the Sanders campaign in March, April and May.  The DNC four-day convention is scheduled for Milwaukee Wisconsin July 13th-16th.

It should be noted that Wisconsin is the home of a large radical population, and the DNC convention; a battle for the heart of the Democrat party; will be taking place on the home turf of some of the most angry & organized Bernie Sanders supporters in the country.

Flynn 'Targeted' Because He wanted to 'Empty Intelligence Swamp'

Rep. Devin Nunes (R-CA) on Friday vowed to hold people “accountable” for spying on the Trump campaign in 2016, saying GOP lawmakers will do everything in their power to provide the U.S. Department of Justice with the evidence needed to convict anyone responsible.
A December 2019 report from Michael Horowitz, the inspector general (OIG) at the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ), found that the FBI lied to obtain Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) wiretaps that enabled the federal investigation into Trump’s presidential campaign.

The comments of Nunes, the top Republican on the House Intelligence Committee, came during an event at the annual Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) Friday titled, “The Coup: Spygate.”

Nunes suggested that retired Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, President Donald Trump’s former national security adviser, was a casualty of the surveillance efforts by former President Barack Obama’s FBI, a U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) component.

“I think that Gen. Flynn has been mistreated would be putting it mildly. What’s happened to him should never happen to any American much less a war hero like Gen. Flynn,” Nunes declared, prompting loud applause from the audience.
Nunes added:
The frustrating part about this is that I know because I was on the Trump transition team. One the things Gen. Flynn wanted to do — he thought it was critically important that we empty out the swamp of all the senior intelligence folks who are in Washington, DC.

So, they had a real reason to get rid of Gen. Flynn because he was going to downsize the [White House] NSC [National Security Council], downsize the rest of the IC [intelligence community] elements in the swamp [and] push people out in the field because that’s were you get real intelligence. That’s what he wanted to do…and I know that because he told me this … [while] looking at a chart of the people he was going to eliminate.
The spying on the Trump campaign ultimately triggered the Russian collusion hoax probe at the hands of special prosecutor Robert Mueller, which resulted in Flynn’s conviction for allegedly lying to the FBI.
The retired general is facing up to six months in prison, though the DOJ now says it believes probation would also be an appropriate punishment.
Asked by the CPAC event’s moderator — Fox News contributor Dan Bongino — if anyone is going to get locked up for the Obama administration’s spygate scandal and the subsequent efforts by House Democrats to impeach and remove Trump, Nunes responded:
The number one person in America who wants people held accountable is the President of the United States, but I will tell you this, the second person in this country that wants these people handled appropriately is sitting right here, me.
So, I feel your pain. I know what you want. We’re trying to do everything we can — Republicans in Congress to do what we have the power to do. We don’t have handcuffs. We don’t have guns. We don’t have badges. What we can do is provide evidence so we can make criminal referrals to the Department of Justice … I have faith that [U.S. Attorney John] Durham is going to get to the bottom of this.
U.S. Attorney General William Barr tapped Durham to conduct a sweeping review of the origins of the Russian collusion hoax investigation. The DOJ IG report suggested former President Obama may have known that the FBI was spying on the Trump campaign.
Barr has installed a federal prosecutor from outside Washington, DC, to review the criminal case leveled against Flynn. In the wake of the DOJ IG FISA abuse revelations, Flynn’s defense lawyer has officially requested to withdraw the retired general’s guilty plea to lying to the FBI and have the case dismissed.
Flynn’s lawyer, Sidney Powell, citing Horowitz’s findings in new court filings, asserted that the revelations provide added proof that the FBI deceived her client.

Can We Save the American Republic in 2020?

The Democrats are on the precipice of nominating an avowed socialist as their presidential candidate this year.

The rest of their candidates are also socialists, but not openly so. Has the country eroded to the point where the Republic could actually be lost? Could Americans be foolish enough to throw away the greatest and most successful political experiment in human history in 2020? Let us explore that possibility in detail.

Founding Father Ben Franklin was asked at the close of the Constitutional Convention in 1787, “Well, Doctor, what have we got—a Republic or a Monarchy?” To which he replied, “A Republic, if you can keep it.” He well knew that the Constitution was expressly written to bind the hands of those in government in order to keep the potential for tyranny out of the hands of a few and carefully controlled by an informed citizenry. He and the other Founders also well understood Lord Acton’s famous remark, “Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.” They witnessed the consequences directly in English King George III’s tyranny. To prevent the rise of a tyrannical government, the Founders created the Constitution whose primary underlying principle is “separation of powers.” The Constitution contains numerous checks and balances among the Executive, Legislative, and Judiciary branches of the federal government because the Founders understood the dangers of concentrating too much power in any single branch, especially in the head of state.

The Left in America have been focused on undermining the Constitution almost from the beginning of the Republic because they believe in the power of the government to right all perceived wrongs and deliver the goods, the services, and the equality that they think they deserve by virtue of simply being born. Their actions have become even more pronounced since the Communist Manifesto was written by Marx and Engels in 1848. The class struggle they have promoted has warped into the modern “soft socialism” of today, with its primary instrument of implementation being federal government everywhere. Just look at the Left’s current attacks on the First and Second Amendments in recent years. They are the first two amendments because of their critical importance in preserving the Republic. Without free speech, there can be no criticism of the federal government and tyranny. Without the right to bear arms, there can be no free speech and no defense against a tyrannical government. It is just that simple.

I would argue that American citizenry began ceding power and authority to a new political class beginning in the late 19th century. As the federal government grew in size and complexity, particularly after the so-called “progressive reforms” of the early 20th century and the passage of “progressive amendments” – especially the 16th which implemented the federal income tax – citizens began to leave the running of the country’s affairs to a “professional political class.” And that class over time has become essentially a permanent fixture in Washington, DC, as described in the book, “American Oligarchy: The Permanent Political Class.”

Most Americans concentrate on living their lives as best they can, raising their children, advancing their careers, and pursuing private interests in God’s greatest country on earth – just as the Founders envisioned through expansive personal and economic freedom unlike anything the world had previously seen. Except for the permanent political class, including elected officials, the bureaucracy, activists, media, and others, the rest of us have essentially ignored Franklin’s warning over 230 years ago. We have let them virtually bankrupt the country (over $24 trillion in national debt and growing) while enriching themselves, their families, and their donor-supporters.

We have been fighting foreign wars (the foreign entanglements warned against by the Founders) virtually non-stop for decades. And for what purpose other than to enrich the well-connected members of the political class who profit from these overseas ventures? What are the mission success and exit criteria for any of these wars? The political class obfuscates these criteria purposely to prolong these “small wars” for self-serving reasons.

Thanks to patriot President Donald J. Trump, we have been finding out about the depths of corruption in the political class – also known as The Deep State. Just think about what we have learned since November 2016. Let us review some of the grifting, bribery, perjury, sedition, political corruption, and treachery of our political class. Here is some of it:
  • Hillary Clinton’s email server investigation was a complete cover-up. Justice was obstructed through unauthorized destruction of evidence by Clinton and illegal exoneration by FBI Director Comey.
  • The FBI/DoJ spiked the NYPD’s investigation of Weiner’s laptop which contained highly incriminating emails on Hillary Clinton and others.
  • Obama’s Attorney General met with Bill Clinton in that infamous tarmac meeting before Comey exonerated Hillary – a clear conflict of interest and likely obstruction of justice. What was the quid pro quo? A US Supreme Court seat for Loretta Lynch?
  • The Clinton Foundation was used as a front for pay-for-play purposes (money laundering and corruption) while Hillary was a serving Secretary of State. For example, the Clinton Foundation received millions from Russia during the Uranium One travesty; how much of that money greased the hands of CFIUS members who voted to approve the deal. Note that the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS) is an interagency committee authorized to review certain transactions involving foreign investment in the United States (“covered transactions”), in order to determine the effect of such transactions on the national security of the United States. How is giving Russia control of some percent of US uranium in the national interest? Besides, that uranium probably made its way to Iran, too.
  • The Clinton campaign violated FEC laws by laundering money through state Democrat Party organizations.
  • House Democrats permitted the Awan brothers (Pakistani nationals) to run the House IT servers, compromising who knows what information over many months. Those servers were accessed from Pakistan!
  • While claiming that their servers were “hacked by Russians” (as conveniently determined by Crowdstrike, founded by Russian expat Dmitri Alperovich), the Democrat National Committee refused to allow FBI forensics experts to examine those the “hacked” servers. Cover-up?
  • The Obama regime implemented illegal surveillance and unmasking of US citizens, including journalists and elected representatives opposed to Obama policies.
  • In the waning days of the Obama regime, Obama approved the transfer of Russian uranium to Iran as part of the JCPOA kabuki. Bribery and corruption were almost certainly involved in JCPOA, as that cash sent by Obama was likely disbursed to EU diplomats and others to seal the deal. Who got a cut in the US? Likely someone in the Obama State Department for starters.
  • A fake “Russian dossier” used by the FBI and DoJ to concoct a false rationale for FISA surveillance in order to spy on the Trump campaign (“Spygate”), and the DoJ IG detailed that FISA abuse in an official report. The FISA court has admitted that at least two of the FISA warrant applications on Carter Page were fraudulent.
  • Obama’s CIA director Brennan convened a “small group” in the Intelligence Community (IC) with off-books foreign intelligence agency participation to coordinate getting the dossier into the mainstream as the basis for having a special counsel appointed.
  • The Deep State – through corrupt senior FBI and DoJ officials – orchestrated the appointment of Special Counsel Mueller and his team of fanatical Democrat lawyers under false pretenses.
  • And the capstone, a seditious conspiracy among the IC and DoJ/FBI small groups, the Obama White House and State Department, and complicit media was directed against a sitting US president. A criminal investigation into the origins of the Crossfire Hurricane counterintelligence investigation is underway.

This is the tip of the iceberg. Would we have ever found out about these Deep State shenanigans with Hillary Clinton in the Oval Office? That is laughable. The stage is being set for massive indictments and prosecutions of the aforementioned perps by the Trump Administration.

I have been on the fence for some time about whether anyone in the upper echelons of DoJ/FBI and indeed Hillary and Obama themselves would ever face legal jeopardy for their crimes. President Trump’s actions since the Mueller report exonerated him on Russia collusion and Attorney General Barr determined the President did not commit obstruction of justice, as well as his public statements since then, have convinced me that harsh accountability is coming for these people. US Attorney John Durham’s ongoing criminal investigation into the predicate for the Crossfire Hurricane counter-intelligence investigation into the Trump campaign appears to be the real deal, too. And then there are the recent actions by the President in cleaning out the National Security Council of Obama holdovers and the appointment of Ambassador Ric Grenell as the acting Director of National Intelligence to start doing the same on the DNI staff and in the intelligence community. All good signs!

Now recall Franklin’s admonition. We live in a constitutional Republic, at least for the time being. Prosecutions on the scale that I am suggesting cannot occur in America without significant public support. Accountability for these people requires educating the public on the crimes committed and preparing them for the prosecutions to come. This is the phase of the “Deep State take-down” in which we have been involved for the past three years. It is akin to the military phrase of “battlespace preparation” prior to the start of hostilities – in this case, the indictments and prosecutions to come. President Trump is a political master at moving public opinion in his direction, and that is exactly what he has been doing since he declared for the presidency in 2015. The Democrat base will probably never be convinced of the crimes of the Obama-era DoJ and FBI, but the rest of the country has learned the truth from independent journalists and the official reports of inspectors general.

This is where we the people come in if we want to help him save the Republic and restore equal justice for all under the law throughout the land – as I believe is his intention. Complacency at this juncture must be replaced by activism by Make America Great Again patriots, particularly in this most important election in the last 100 years. That includes putting maximum pressure on our elected representatives by demanding that harsh justice be served to all of the perps, and that the evidence be followed wherever it leads, including to the highest levels of the political class, including to Hillary and Obama.

That also means communicating continuously with Democrats in Congress, too, as they need to feel public pressure as well. And then persuade your friends, relatives, colleagues, and strangers to do the same. And tweet, blog, email, and write letters to the editors of all media demanding truthful reporting and correcting their errors and propaganda.

Either we do these things, or we will have failed Franklin and the rest of the Founders, not to mention our children and grandchildren. For it is only possible for an informed and moral people to preserve the Republic, just as Franklin said 233 years ago. Are we up to the task?

The end.

2020 Won’t Present the Same Obstacles for Trump as 2016 Did

The choice four years ago for many voters was between the lesser  of two perceived evils. That isn’t the difference this year.

With Bernie Sanders now clearly the frontrunner in the Democrats’ presidential primary, it’s worth noting some important differences between a potential Trump-Sanders match-up and the Trump-Hillary match-up of 2016. Most people think that the biggest difference between the two races is that Trump is a capitalist and Bernie is a socialist. While that’s certainly a distinct difference to take into account, it isn’t even the biggest difference between the two men.

Throughout the 2016 contest, pundit after pundit pontificated about the meaning of a match-up between two of the most “disliked” candidates in modern political history. By 2020, however, President Trump has won over many of his former antagonists. Appearing on Sunday Morning Futures with Maria Bartiromo, Candace Owens talked about the difference in attitude among voters concerning 2016 Trump and President Trump.

Specifically, she said ”In the 2016 election, there was this palpable fear not just among African Americans but amongst all Americans on both sides because they didn’t know what to expect from President Trump. He wasn’t your typical career-type politician. Heading into this election cycle, people now know because we’ve had him for four years so telling us that we need to be fearful, telling us that, if Trump gets into office, he’s going to ruin black America, we’re all gonna be back on slave ships is quite literally the type of rhetoric they were using in 2016 doesn’t land the same.”

Later, Ms. Owens expanded on that opinion, saying “I think just living better. I mean, I ask a simple question to my family members and my close friends. I ask them ‘Are you living better today than you were living under the presidency of Barack Obama?’ and the answer across the board is yes.”

That isn’t a policy difference between 2016 and 2020. That’s a hearts-and-mind difference. In 2016, for many people, the choice was between the lesser of two perceived evils. That isn’t the difference this year. This time, the choice is one of whether people want to eliminate the economy that’s working for them vs. trusting a lunatic who wants to blow everything to smithereens.

According to reputable polling, most people are satisfied with their life right now. In this article, Marc Thiessen cited a Marist poll. Here’s what the poll said:
A Marist poll asked voters whether “the economy is working well for you personally.” Nearly two-thirds of Americans said yes. This includes large majorities in almost every demographic group.
Sixty-seven percent of college graduates and 64 percent of those without a college education say the economy is working for them. So do 68 percent of whites and 61 percent of nonwhite people.
So do Americans of every generation: 63 percent of Generation Z and millennials; 69 percent of Generation X; 63 percent of baby boomers; and 69 percent of Greatest Generation and Silent Generation voters.
So do supermajorities in every region in the country: 60 percent in the West, 65 percent in the Northeast, 67 percent in the Midwest, and 68 percent in the South.

It’s virtually impossible for a “tear-it-all-down” candidate to win when, generally speaking, people are satisfied. If we were in the midst of a difficult recession or if there was a major scandal, people might have a different attitude.

Further, while people polled didn’t like President Trump’s attitude, they didn’t reject his policies. The average independent or apolitical voter is not going to wrap his head around Bernie’s policies, either. These voters don’t approve of getting rid of fossil fuels or private health insurance. Those are high on Bernie’s priorities list. They aren’t on President Trump’s priorities list.

Conservatives, Here Is the Real Reason Why Progressives Call You Racist

Radio talk show host Dennis Prager recently penned a column in which he discussed the far-left’s penchant for smearing those with whom they disagree as racists. In the piece, he accurately described the reasons for the left’s use of this political tactic.

However, while the reasons he gave are spot on, there is an even more insidious reason why the progressive left favors this political strategy – and it is something that the conservative movement should be focusing on in the battle of ideas.  In the article, Prager points out two instances in which he was falsely labeled as a racist for purely political purposes.

When describing the reasons why progressives love to call conservatives bigots, he pointed out that “destroying opponents by destroying their reputations is a left-wing value.” By successfully labeling an opponent as a racist, they limit the person’s ability to make their true ideas known. It’s why they pretend that conservatives oppose illegal immigration because we hate brown people.

Prager then outlined the second reason why progressives resort to false accusations of bigotry in their political discourse:
“Second, smearing opponents is not only a left-wing value; it is the left’s modus operandi. And the reason for that is: The left does not win through argument. It wins through smear. If you differ with the left, you are, by definition, sexist, racist, bigoted, intolerant, homophobic, Islamophobic, xenophobic, fascist and/or a hater. The proof? You cannot name a single opponent of the left who has not been so labeled.”

He’s right on both counts. But I would posit that there is a third reason why the left relies on false bigotry allegations, and this one is the most deceptive and – though I hate to admit it – brilliant motivations behind the strategy. It can be summed up by a famous quote that has been repeated by many in the world of politics: “Always accuse your enemy of that which you are guilty”

In other words, the progressive left accuses conservatives of racism to distract from the bigotry inherent in the policies they champion. Indeed, several of the far-left’s favorite government policies have had a disproportionately devastating impact on minority communities run by Democratic officials.

Let’s start with immigration. It has been shown on numerous occasions that illegal – and even legal – immigration has adversely impacted black American workers. Labor Lawyer Peter Kirsanow, a member of the Center for Immigration Studies pointed this out during a speech. He noted that “Forty percent of the decline in labor participation rates among black workers over three decades was attributable to competition from illegal immigration.”

Even The Washington Post published an article by Henry Olson arguing that illegal immigration has caused great harm to the black community. In the piece, he references black workers in Mississippi who were displaced by illegal immigrants who were willing to work for far lesser wages than their American counterparts. Nevertheless, the progressive left continues to advocate for open borders policies.

Next, we have gun control, which has made it disproportionately difficult for black Americans living in dangerous cities (governed by Democrats) to obtain the means to defend themselves. I had a conversation with activist Maj Toure, who stated that in cities like Philadelphia, Chicago, and others, the fees and red tape involved in carrying a firearm are so cumbersome that it is far more challenging for blacks to purchase a weapon legally.

This means that many carry illegally, and are punished by the law for doing so. When I asked him why these officials would enact such policies, he said: “Because they are either stupid or racist.”

Of course, we can’t forget abortion. Groups like Planned Parenthood have been shown to be marketing their baby-killing services primarily to cities which are predominantly populated by blacks and Hispanics. Rather than considering policies that could make it easier for black mothers to provide for their children, they are simply urging them to destroy their babies, which has had a deleterious impact on the black population in places like New York City.

Lastly, there is the issue of school choice. Progressives are zealously fighting to ensure that parents will not be allowed to choose the schools that their children attend. This has had horrific consequences for minorities living in the inner city, whose schools are severely lacking in the ability to provide quality education.

Studies have shown that the majority of black parents support school choice, but the left does not respect their wishes. In fact, the Democrats go out of their way to ignore them. This can be seen in a recent Elizabeth Warren rally in which she brushed off the pleas of a group of black mothers shouting their desire for school choice. Put simply, progressives do not want black and Hispanic children to receive a quality education because it might help them rise out of poverty.

These are only a few of the progressive policies that have had a specifically pernicious effect on minority communities all over the nation. Even a cursory look at this issue reveals the true reason why progressives rant daily about racism in the conservative movement. It is why the corporate media has run a decades-long campaign to label Republicans as the party of racial bigotry. They are simply distracting from the racism they themselves have perpetrated.

Instead of constantly being on the defense when it comes to the issue of racism, perhaps the time has come for conservatives to give the left a taste of their own medicine. We don’t need to engage in mindless race-baiting to further our agenda. Instead, we must focus relentlessly on the very real racist impact of the Democrats’ favorite policies. After all, don’t they deserve to be on defense for a change?

2017; FBI Team Tells Rod Rosenstein the President Is NOT a Suspect

Stunning: Dan Bongino Reveals FBI 302 from May 2017; FBI Team Tells Rod Rosenstein the President Is NOT a Suspect

I nearly fell out of my chair when I watched Dan Bongino’s podcast on Thursday.
Bongino began with a great big hat tip to the well-known (but anonymous) lawyer who posts on Twitter as Techno Fog for this “tactical nuke.”

It’s been clear for a long time that the FBI and Robert Mueller knew early on that President Trump had done nothing wrong.

For example, we know that after the FBI’s January 2017 interview with dossier author Christopher Steele’s primary sub-source, they had a pretty good idea it was all a lie. The FBI interviewed the sub-source two additional times, in March and in May 2017 and by then, they were sure of it.

We also learned from the testimony of former FBI lawyer, Lisa Page, that in May 2017, when the FBI turned their counterintelligence investigation over to Robert Mueller, they still had no evidence that Trump had colluded with the Russians to win the election. The FBI had been investigating Trump for ten months at that point.

Until now, we’ve never seen any of those involved actually admit it.

In the following excerpts from an FBI 302 report (summary written by an FBI agent following an interview), it is made clear three times that the FBI did not believe President Trump was a suspect. (Source of information: The Dan Bongino Show, Episode 1191, February 27, 2020)
1. FBI agents confirmed to [acting Attorney General Rod] Rosenstein on May 10, 2017 that the President was not a suspect.
2. This was also Rosenstein’s impression from his initial April 28 briefing he received from then Director Comey.
3. Rosenstein elaborated that based on his May 10 briefing, “there appeared to be no evidence the President was involved personally.”
FD-302 (excerpt): FBI Interview of Rod Rosenstein: May 23, 2017 (emphasis mine)
Events of May 10, 2017
Rosenstein first contacted Robert Mueller on May 10 at 7:34 am, but “of course” he was thinking about the issue of appointing a special counsel before that time.
Then, at 11:30 am, Rosenstein attended a previously scheduled meeting with the prosecutors assigned to the FBI’s Russia investigation. This was the first regularly scheduled meeting on the matter. During this first meeting, and in light of all the controversy surrounding the investigation, Rosenstein declared, “In my acting capacity as the Attorney General, leave no stone unturned” or words to that effect. However, those assigned to the case are career prosecutors, so in his personal opinion, telling them to do so was unnecessary because he knew they would do the right thing.
During his May 10 briefing, the team confirmed for Rosenstein that the President was not a suspect. This was also Rosenstein’s impression from his initial April 28 briefing he received from then Director Comey. Carl Ghattas may have attended this briefing, as well as several prosecutors.
Rosenstein elaborated that based on his May 10 briefing, “there appeared to be no evidence the President was involved personally.” Rosenstein inquired whether they needed additional resources, and was informed there was no such need.

Any reasonable person would assume that would have been the end of the Trump/Russia collusion story. But it wasn’t.

So why did Rosenstein appoint a special counsel to investigate President Trump, a man he knew was innocent?

Bongino’s Analysis:
Do you understand the tactical nuke this is? Rosenstein knows, he’s been briefed by the FBI as early as April, that this case is total garbage and that President Trump is not a suspect in this thing, and they refuse to clear him. Why?
Because the Mueller probe has one purpose…To nail Donald Trump.
On May 10, Mueller is appointed to investigate Trump for a scandal that doesn’t exist.
It was always an effort to accumulate enough political damage on Donald Trump to hopefully impeach him, to get him out of office before this thing resulted in some denouement at the end.
Now you have it nailed down. Rosenstein knew what Mueller was going to do. That’s why he appointed Andy Weissmann. Andy Weissmann having a reputation for, at best, shady legal tactics. They appointed him knowing he’d keep this case open and knowing Trump wasn’t a suspect the entire time.

He ends the segmentary asking, “What else do you need to hear?”

I believe this is the single most extraordinary revelation we’ve heard in the last three years.

(Relevant portion starts at 7:30.)

Thousands of Migrants Mass on Turkey’s Borders with Europe

Wilks reported from Ankara, Turkey. Elena Becatoros in Athens and Zeina Karam in Beirut contributed to this report in Breitbart.

KASTANIES, Greece (AP) – The United Nations said Sunday that at least 13,000 people were massed on Turkey’s land border with Greece, after Turkey officially declared its western borders were open to migrants and refugees hoping to head into the European Union.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s decision to open his country’s borders with Europe made good on a longstanding threat to let migrants into the continent. His announcement marked a dramatic departure from the current policy and an apparent attempt to pressure Europe into offering Turkey more support in dealing with the fallout from the Syrian war to its south.

Turkey’s decision to open the borders with Greece came amid a military escalation in Syria’s north-west that has led to growing direct clashes between Turkish and Syrian forces. 

The heavy fighting there has also triggered a humanitarian catastrophe and the single largest wave of displacement in Syria’s nine-year civil war.

Ankara is worried it might come under renewed international pressure to open its now sealed border with Syria and offer refuge to hundreds of thousands more Syrian civilians. Turkey already hosts 3.6 million Syrian refugees.

The UN’s International Organization for Migration (IoM) said Sunday that by the previous evening, its staff working along the Turkish-Greek land border “had observed at least 13,000 people gathered at the formal border crossing points at Pazarkule and Ipsala and multiple informal border crossings, in groups of between several dozen and more than 3,000.”

Number of refugees at Greek border keeps increasing. Sea crossings will be impossible to stop as weather improves

Greek authorities fired tear gas and stun grenades through Saturday to prevent repeated attempts by a crowd of more than 4,000 people massed at the border crossing in Kastanies to cross, and fought a cat-and-mouse game with groups cutting holes in a border fence along the border to crawl through.

Turkish Interior Minister Suleman Soylu tweeted that 76,385 refugees had left Turkey via Edirne, the province bordering Greece and Bulgaria as of Sunday morning. But there was no evidence to support his claim. Greece has shut its border, and there were a few dozen arrests of people who managed to cross through the border, Greek authorities have said.

Greek Deputy Defense Minister Alkiviadis Stefanis told the local broadcaster Skai there were around 9,600 attempts to illegally cross Greece’s border during the night Saturday to Sunday. Stefanis said all were successfully thwarted. Previously several dozen migrants had managed to make it through.

Greek officials said they arrested 66 migrants Friday, 17 of whom were sentenced to 3.5 years in jail for entering the country illegally. All Afghans, they were the first migrants sentenced for illegal entry since 2014. On Saturday, Greece arrested another 70 people who tried to cross the land border illegally.

Stavros Zamalides, president of the local community in Kastanies, said Turkish soldiers were actively helping people cross the Greek border clandestinely.

“Turkish soldiers with cutters in their hands were cutting the wires of the fence to lead the illegal migrants” into crossing the border, he said. “The attempt was thwarted by the intervention of our own patrol that happened to be passing that area on patrol at the time, and it repaired the damage in the fence,” he added.

Twenty-year-old Afghan Ayamuddin Azimi made it to the Greek border village of Nea Vyssa along with a compatriot. He said Turkey had opened its borders “to save the refugees” but when they got to the frontier they found the Greek side closed.

He crossed clandestinely, he said. “What can I do? We have nothing to do. This is our life.”

Others were making the short but often perilous sea crossing from the Turkish coast to the Greek islands. At least three dinghies carrying migrants arrived on the Greek island of Lesbos Sunday morning.

In parallel, the heavy fighting in north-west Syria has pushed nearly 950,000 displaced Syrian civilians to flee toward the border with Turkey.

Turkey is a strong backer of the rebels in Syria’s Idlib province. But the presence of thousands of Turkish troops there has done little to stop Syrian president Bashar Assad’s relentless campaign to seize the last rebel-held territories.

Dozens of Turkish soldiers have been killed by the Russian-backed Syrian government forces around Idlib in recent days.

Erdogan has warned of an “imminent” operation against Assad’s forces unless they pull back from Turkish lines in Syria by the end of February.

As that deadline passed Saturday night, Turkish drones bombed Syrian government targets in Idlib, and Turkey-backed rebels shelled Syrian army positions. Fighting raged near the strategic town of Saraqeb as government troops sought to take it back from rebels, opposition activists and Syrian state media said. The town, which lies on the Damascus-Aleppo highway, had changed hands several times in the last month.

Turkey has lost 54 soldiers in Idlib this month, including 33 killed in an airstrike on Thursday, and now feels the need to respond strongly. Talks between Turkey and Russia, the main power brokers in Syria, have so far failed to defuse tensions.

On Saturday, Erdogan said Turkey would no longer stand in the way of refugees and migrants already in the country who hope to head to Europe.

“We will not close the gates to refugees,” he said. “The European Union has to keep its promises. We are not obliged to look after and feed so many refugees.”

Under a 6 billion euro deal in 2016, Turkey agreed to stem the tide of migrants to Europe in return for financial aid after more than a million people entered Europe in 2015. It has since accused the EU of failing to honour the agreement. Erdogan has frequently threatened to “open the gates” and allow refugees and migrants to head to Europe unless more international support was provided.