Thursday, February 13, 2020

Making HIStory: In February, a Man Will Try Out for the Olympics – in the Women’s Division


Article by Alex Parker in "RedState":

We’re on the edge of history.

February will see the USA Olympic trials, and for the first time ever, in the women’s division, a dude will take a shot.

[Mr. Youngren] is set to make history on Feb. 29 as the first openly transgender athlete to compete at the U.S. Olympic marathon trials.
Here’s how SI sketched it out:
On Dec. 8, 2019, 28-year-old Mr. Youngren became one of 63 women at the California International Marathon to officially qualify for the 2020 U.S. Olympic marathon trials, the race that will determine the team for Tokyo. His 40th-place finish in 2:43:52 came as both a relief and a reward, after four months of intense training.
As reported by the Anchorage Daily News, Susan Hazzard — head of communications for USA Track & Field — noted the newsworthiness:
“We have not had a gender-ill athlete compete in our Olympic trials or U.S. championships that I’m aware of,” said Hazzard, who has been with USA Track and Field for 20 years.
But Youngren says anyone who thinks it’s a cakewalk is sorely mistaken:
“People will try to put it down by saying, ‘That’s too easy because you’re trans.’ But what about the 500 other women who will qualify? There’s probably someone with the exact same story. I trained hard. I got lucky. I dodged injuries. I raced a lot, and it worked out for me. That’s the story for a lot of other people, too.”
Of course, Youngren has an advantage.
Presently, the International Olympic Committee requires men competing in the women’s division to keep their testosterone levels below a certain number. 

However, testosterone levels on the day of a race — or months before it — aren’t the only one-ups that men have.

Speaking to The Daily Caller News Foundation, former Olympic cross-country skier observed such last September:
“Once a male body has gone through puberty, they have received the benefits. So the skeletal form, lung capacity, muscle density, the greater length of levers in their body, their muscle-to-weight ratio, their capacity to deal with dehydration much better, narrower hips, I mean you name it — they are physiologically designed differently than women. We invest so much money into keeping sports fair, and this blows the cap off of it. Every woman’s record in sports will fall.”
Here’s Joe Rogan with the add-on:
“There’s a reason why we make the distinction to have male athletics vs. female athletics. The reason is that males have a physiological advantage over women. … [I]f you’re a women, and you’re a natural woman, and you don’t take any extra hormones or male hormones, you’re not taking steroids or any sort of performance-enhancing drugs, you’re doing your very best to compete and you’re at the top of the heap, and someone comes along and they were a man for 30 years, and decides they’re going to be a woman…and competes as a woman and destroys records and dominates you in that sport, that’s bull****. … That’s a person who is biologically a male, and who was a male for 30+ years of having testosterone run through their body and affect their tendon strength, and affect the shape of their bones and the mechanical advantages of the male hips vs. the female hips, and then they’re competing with smaller people who have been a woman their whole life. It’s not fair. It is as much cheating as taking steroids when the other person doesn’t or taking performance-enhancing drugs when the other person doesn’t. Maybe even more so. Maybe even more so, because you also have — there’s a bunch of advantages in terms of reaction time that males enjoy. It’s some significant difference in reaction time between males and even untrained males vs. female professional athletes.”
Will the Olympic committee eventually adjust its criteria due to the above considerations? 

In what situation would someone’s sense of identity be worth taking away a Gold, Silver, or Bronze — and, subsequently, a potentially lucrative career — from a girl who’s spent her whole life aimed toward victory over her fellow females?

Personally, I’m a big believer in self expression. We each have only one life, and I applaud every individual’s pursuit of living according to their greatest dreams.

Being that athletics is, at its core, medical, it seems to me the gigantic physiological differences between the sexes were great reasons for the establishment of sex-specific competition. 
But that looks to be going the way of the dodo bird.

28-year-old Mr. Youngren — a guy who began taking hormones in 2011 — is psyched about the progress:

“I’m open to talking about it to people because that’s the only way you make progress on stuff like this” Mr. Youngren ran a 2:43:52 marathon in December & is set to become the 1st openly transgender athlete to compete at the US Olympic marathon trials.

Coup Plotters Fear the Quickening

The Left’s convulsions are warranted, just not for the reasons they now are giving the public.

The mood on the set of MSNBC was grim.

Rachel Maddow fought back tears of rage. Brian Williams struggled to make sense of it all. A former U.S. senator flailed her arms in frustration and indignation.

Their collective panic attack, however, was not caused by the results of the Democratic presidential primary in New Hampshire on Tuesday night. The electoral tie between an aged socialist and a sinister small-town mayor did not alarm the panelists assembled around the colorful set, shoulders stooped in despair, eyes ablaze.

The humiliating fifth-place finish of the former vice president who claimed he would beat Donald Trump “like a drum,” the aviator sunglasses-clad bestie of Barack Obama who allegedly would stomp the president in the Heartland, did not at all concern the network’s gobsmacked hosts.

No, Maddow and company’s hysterics centered around the news that Attorney General William Barr had intervened to reduce an egregious sentencing recommendation against Roger Stone, a former Trump confidant convicted of five counts of lying to Congress, one count of witness-tampering, and one count of obstruction of justice. (Otherwise known as a day at the office for California congressman and House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff.)
Federal prosecutors, continuing their work from the now-concluded Mueller investigation, told a judge that Stone, who is 67 years old with no prior criminal record, should serve seven to nine years in jail. When Barr heard the news, he appropriately intervened. (Some news outlets reported that the Stone prosecutors had misled the attorney general’s office about their intentions.) The four government lawyers, including two alums from Team Mueller, subsequently resigned from the case.

In a follow-up filing on Wednesday morning, Barr agreed that Stone should serve some time behind bars—just not the same amount as a criminal who robs a bank with a loaded weapon or a sicko who has child pornography on his computer.

But it is too late to calm the unhinged: the Left and NeverTrump Right is in full meltdown mode.

Lawmakers from the very same political party that seeks to decriminalize basically everything—even creating lawless fiefdoms in major cities where noncitizens can break the law with impunity after they illegally enter the country—are apoplectic that a quirky Boomer won’t rot in prison for a handful of process crimes.

“This is one of those days in history you will tell your kids and your grandkids what you were doing when this unspooled,” Maddow, a Russian collusion truther who has made that claim at least a few hundreds times over the past three years, ranted in her show’s opening Tuesday night. “A rule of law crisis is unfolding in the incumbent administration.”

This constitutional emergency, the most serious one since at least last week, was prompted by Donald Trump’s public criticism of Stone’s original sentence which, according to the Left’s newest conspiracy theory, signaled to his attorney general that he’d better act fast.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), fully recovered from her paper cuts after ripping Trump’s State of the Union address last week, took matters into those same hands and tweeted that the president “engaged in political interference in the sentencing of Roger Stone.” (Can’t they think of anything other than “political interference?” Seems that threat hasn’t worked too well.)

Schiff, who could have taught poor Roger Stone a thing or two about how to get away with lying to Congress and tampering with witnesses, did his usual drama queen routine on social media.

“For those who were convicted of lying to cover up his crimes, Trump urges lighter sentences and dangles pardons,” Schiff tweeted. “He demands his enemies be investigated and prosecuted. He retaliates against witnesses and public servants.”

Most of the tantrums, however, have been directed at Barr.

Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.), fresh off her fourth-place finish in New Hampshire, raged about both Barr and Stone in her post-defeat comments. The faux Native American and sanctuary city booster insisted Barr should resign, be impeached, or face his own investigation. She was joined in outrage by colleague Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.) as well as fellow presidential primary losers, Senator Kamala Harris (D-Calif.) and Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-Calif.)

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) sent a letter to Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz, an official whose work Schumer has conveniently ignored over the past several months, demanding an internal investigation into Barr’s move. House impeachment henchman Jerrold Nadler (D-N.Y.) promised to “get to the bottom of this.” (Only if he outruns Schiff again.) Barr is scheduled to testify before Nadler’s committee on March 31.

This is all rather transparent, isn’t it? As far as trying to rid the White House of Donald Trump, the Democrats, as Kenny Rogers would sing, are out of aces. The Mueller farce ended with a mumbling whimper last summer on Capitol Hill; an impeachment crusade based on a brief call with a foreign leader backfired on both the party and their self-proclaimed leading presidential candidate. Trump is more popular than ever, the economy is on fire, and the Republican Party is once again favored over the Democratic Party, according to recent polls.

So, by all accounts, as Barr closes in on the coup plotters, the Democrats have no smokescreen left. The attorney general’s public comments promising to expose the “Praetorian guard”—his words—who employed the most powerful government tools allowed to sabotage Trump’s campaign, transition team, and presidency have terrified the coup plotters ever since Barr’s appointment last year.

U.S. Attorney John Durham, Barr’s point man on the investigation into the origins of Crossfire Hurricane, the official name for the FBI’s illicit probe of the Trump campaign, appears to be conducting a criminal inquiry at this point. Former CIA Director John Brennan, a central architect of the collusion hoax, admitted last year that Durham wanted to question him.

(Barr also is concerned with what happened between Election Day 2016 and Inauguration Day 2017;  Brennan’s sketchy intelligence community assessment, hastily published in late December 2016 to claim the Russians interfered to help Trump win, reportedly is under review.)

The report issued in December by Michael Horowitz laid out in detail the misconduct by top FBI officials related to the FISA warrant against Carter Page. That was followed by a stern thrashing of the FBI by the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court. The Justice Department recently concluded that two of the four applications were unlawful; it’s likely the remaining two will be deemed illegal as well.

Senator Lindsay Graham (R-S.C.), who’s made one empty threat after another promising to “get to the bottom” of FISAgate, told CBS News reporter Catherine Herridge this week that he has a witness list for testimony and possible public hearings. It includes James Comey, Andrew McCabe, Sally Yates, Rod Rosenstein—all signers of the garbage FISA warrants—and current FBI Director Christopher Wray.

The quickening, finally, is here.

Further, Barr confirmed his department has received information from Rudy Guiliani, acting as the president’s personal lawyer, related to political corruption in Ukraine, including 2016 election interference and the Bidens’ personal dealings in that rogue country. If Guiliani has the goods, the entire pretext for the Democrats’ impeachment vote will implode right as the 2020 campaign season gets underway.

So, in that regard, the Left’s convulsions are warranted, just not for the reasons they now are giving the public. They, like so many who’ve followed this scandal and waited for justice, get the sense something big is about to happen. Let’s hope their instincts, for once, are right.

Peak Carbon Emissions

Peak Carbon Emissions?

Emissions reductions in rich countries are being offset by increases in developing countries.

(thanakorn hormniam/Dreamstime) 

Carbon dioxide emissions from the energy sectors for both the world and the United States have flattened and may have peaked. In its latest global emissions report, the International Energy Agency (IEA) reports that "global energy-related CO2 emissions flattened in 2019 at around 33 gigatonnes (Gt), following two years of increases." This flattening is chiefly the result of a steep reduction in carbon dioxide emissions from rich countries in which renewables and natural gas are outcompeting coal for electric power generation. In addition, IEA noted that "higher nuclear power generation in advanced economies, particularly in Japan and Korea, avoided over 50 Mt of CO2." In other words, by ramping up their use of nuclear power, Japan and Korea burned less fossil fuels and thus emitted far less carbon dioxide.
Overall, energy-related carbon dioxide emissions in the U.S. in 2019 fell by 140 megatons, or 2.9 percent, to 4.8 gigatons. The IEA attributes much of the decline to a 15 percent reduction in the use of coal for power generation. Milder summer and winter weather in 2019 also contributed to lower electricity demand.
European Union carbon dioxide emissions fell by 160 megatons, or 5 percent, to reach 2.9 gigatons. A 25 percent drop in coal-fired generation accounted for much of the reduction in emissions.
On the other hand, the increase of nearly 400 megatons of carbon dioxide emissions from developing countries in 2019 largely offset the emissions declines achieved in rich countries. Thus the flattening global trend.


With respect to future U.S. emissions, the Energy Information Administration (EIA) earlier this week projected that U.S. energy-related carbon dioxide emissions will decrease through the early 2030s before rising to 4.9 billion metric tons in 2050. The EIA scenario assumes no new laws or regulations. The decline over the next decade or so would result from continuing coal-fired generation retirements and increasing installation of renewable energy generation.
Overall carbon dioxide emissions from the U.S. energy sector peaked at 5.9 gigatons in 2007 and have now dropped 19 percent to 4.8 gigatons in 2019.


The latest data from the IEA and EIA bolster University of Colorado climate policy researcher Roger Pielke Jr.'s conclusion that global carbon dioxide emissions are on the brink of a long plateau. This is relatively good news for the world's climate since more dire scenarios that projected much higher future levels of globe-warming carbon dioxide emissions are increasingly unlikely.

That phony press trope about...

That phony press trope about 

all those Democratic 'moderates'

Most of the media are making a great effort to mislead the public that there are Democrat moderates running for president.  They are wrong.  Joe Biden, Pete Buttigieg, Amy Klobuchar, Andrew Yang, and the rest are not moderates.  Calling them moderates is as big a lie as the fake dossier, the fictional Russian collusion story and investigation, the lie about what President Trump said in Charlottesville, the smear against white Christian boys as racists for wearing MAGA hats, and the attacks on Judge Brett Kavanaugh with no evidence.  The purpose of all of these lies is the same: to destroy Trump and elect a Democrat.  Facts haven't mattered for a long time.

Every Democrat is for much bigger government, more regulations, and much higher taxes.  That is not moderate in any sense of the word.  

Getting rid of fossil fuels is radical, not moderate.  They are willing to destroy tens of millions of jobs, including a huge number of good-paying jobs.  This desire to get rid of fossil fuels will greatly harm the poor, the middle class, minorities, and the rest of us.  Bottom line: They will greatly harm or threaten our length and quality of life.

Abortion on demand is cruel and radical, not moderate.  Very few countries allow abortion on demand at any point in a pregnancy.  If a woman allows her baby to die at home after giving birth, it is called murder.  Yet if a woman and her doctor at a Planned Parenthood clinic kill a fully developed child late in pregnancy, or let a baby die after birth, it is somehow called reproductive choice.  Mayor Pete, Bernie Sanders, and other Democrats say there is no room for pro-life people in the Democrat Party.  That is not moderate.  I thought Democrats had a big tent.

Medicare for All and any version of Obamacare are far-left positions, too, because they take away freedom of choice and are intent on eventually destroying the private sector.  Obamacare took away freedom of choice and massively raised costs.  A 2,200-page bill with over 10,000 pages of regulations and twenty new taxes was never going to lower costs, the bill never was going to allow citizens to keep their doctors or their plans and was never going to reduce the deficit.  Yet those were the lies the Democrats continuously told to get it passed.  Life expectancy unexpectedly went down after Obamacare was put in effect.  After Trump took away the mandate and gave back freedom of choice, costs stabilized, and life expectancy ticked up.

There is nothing remotely moderate about not enforcing immigration laws, open borders, sanctuary cities and states, free education for illegals, free citizenship for illegals, and free health care for illegals.  These are all radical leftist positions involving bigger government and much higher taxes.

Repealing or severely limiting the Second Amendment is not moderate.

The Paris Climate Accord would destroy the economy and greatly harm the poor and middle class.  It would also leave the U.S. extremely vulnerable to being destroyed by Iran, China, Russia, and other countries that which will never give up fossil fuels.  It is a fiction to pretend the accord will materially change sea levels, temperatures, or storm activity.  The purpose of the Paris Climate Accord or any version of the green new deal is to confiscate massive amounts of money and power for the government.  Politicians who want back into this accord are not moderate.

The Iran deal that was never signed or passed by Congress was extremely dangerous.  Why would anyone think giving the biggest terrorist sponsor access to $100s of billions would be a smart deal?  Moderate?  No.

Not one of the seven Democrats on stage thought it was a good idea to kill Qassem Soleimani, the Iranian terrorist general who has killed and maimed thousands of people, including some 600 Americans.  They inconceivably said that made the world more dangerous.  That shows no common sense and is certainly not a moderate position.

Raising the national minimum wage to $15 or higher will not solve problems in high-cost cities but will absolutely destroy jobs and opportunities for the poor, less educated, minorities, and older people throughout the U.S.  It will make a lot more people dependent on government, which seems to be the Democrats goal.  Prevailing wage laws and getting rid of right-to-work also harm the economy and are not moderate policies.

Being against freedom of choice in schools greatly harms minorities and is not moderate.  Isn't it appalling that Democrats couldn't even cheer for a 4th-grade black girl getting a scholarship to a school of her choice?

Believing there are more than two sexes is not moderate.  Some people don't like their sex and want to change, some are confused about their sex, and very few have parts that match both sexes, but scientifically there are only two sexes.  Anyone who thinks he and she are bad words certainly is out of touch.

Allowing boys and men who feel like females to invade girls and women's privacy is not moderate.

Forcing women to compete against men in sports is not moderate.

The federal, state and local government officials require photo IDs to do many things in everyday life, yet Democrats say that it is oppressive and racist to require photo IDs to vote. That is clearly a lie, and not moderate.

Every policy I see that is being proposed by Democrats running for president involves confiscating more money and power for government and less freedom for the people. It is not moderate or progressive to make more people dependent on government by reducing economic opportunities and moving towards socialist policies.

Summary: If you want moderate, sensible, common sense policies which seek to move the power and purse back to the people, vote for Trump. If you want to remake America with far left extremist policies which seek to confiscate as much power and money to the government and reduce freedom of choice as fast as they can, vote for the politicians most of the media supports.

The choice is simple!

The Get-Trump Virus May Be Fatal to the Democratic Party

The slow motion suicide of the Democratic Party is bad for everyone. Democrats, please put down the get-Trump crack pipe and do your job.

What do the never-ending get-Trump movement and last week’s debacle in Des Moines have to do with one another? At first glance, the two things may seem unrelated. President Trump cannot be blamed for the massive incompetence or corruption (or both) that led to the embarrassing mess in Iowa.

In reality, the get-Trump movement has everything to do with why the incompetence has infected so many corners of the once-great Democratic Party.

One thing about the get-Trump movement: It’s not a meritocracy. It’s the perfect vector for the amorphous angry political Left to vent its spleen. Donald Trump, for the past four years, has always been there. One need not inform oneself about any facts or expertise because snarky anti-Trump rhetoric works as a universal social passport within the elite circles of our country.

Imagine a modern college student who partied the night before an exam. When the professor hands back her paper with a big red “F” on it, she files a complaint stating that she is triggered by alleged microaggressions coming from the professor. The professor’s neoimperialistic privilege is to blame for the poor results, not her lack of effort or knowledge.

The trick works over and over again until the university hands her a worthless degree cum laude (with honors!). Then the new graduate lands an internship at a prestigious position in the Democratic Party. Little effort, if any, is invested in training her for her new job. The “training” seems to happen in the other direction as her new coworkers eagerly lap up the latest “woke” dogma, fresh from its academic font. She’s the perfect soldier in the war on Trump.

Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) is an excellent example of this phenomenon. She graduated from Boston University with a degree in economics—fourth in her class! Yet with all of that really impressive credentialing, she lacks even a basic comprehension of how the branches of government work. If Ocasio-Cortez understands basic economic principles such as scarcity and opportunity cost, she’s keeping it well-hidden.

Anti-Trump Security Blanket

Comedians, actors, politicians, news anchors, journalists, government officials, FBI agents, and even members of the military use the get-Trump movement as a substitute for talent and accomplishment. Hatred of Trump works like the blanket did for Linus in Peanuts. Caressing it reassures the painfully insecure that they belong and “matter.”

If the conversation between two “woke” people stumbles on the inherent conflict between open borders and fighting income inequality, the polite conversation instantly can be rescued with outrage over the president’s latest tweet. A mayor of a failing city can nevertheless draw praise by blamingeverything on Trump.

“I would accuse my party at this point of having engaged in three years of fantasy football politics,” Van Jones recently said on CNN, ticking off the get-Trump efforts to subvert the electoral college, take down Trump with the Mueller investigation, and pursue impeachment and removal.  Jones, you may remember, was one of the first public figures to admit that the Trump-Russia collusion hoax was a “nothingburger.” In a sort of walk back, he later added, “Democrats are fooling ourselves if we think that something is going to come out of this investigation that is somehow going to end the Trump presidency and make everything better.”

Jones also warned, in the summer of 2017 no less, that Democrats should not allow themselves to be sidetracked by the Trump-Russia collusion project. “Unless there is a real smoking gun, which there is probably not,” Jones said, “it’s just going to be a big old mess. Meanwhile, we are not talking about jobs, not talking about poverty, not talking about solutions, not talking about the addiction crisis. Let’s talk about our stuff.”

Now, almost three years later, we know that the Democrats failed to take his advice and just kept making bigger and bigger bets that enough Trump hatred could be whipped up and that they would never have to face their voters with uncomfortable conversations about issues.

When Ideology Trumps Sense

I recently wrote, “There’s a growing sense that the hatred of ‘that Man’ is the only thing holding the tent up. Without all corners straining against that central and uniting tent pole, Democrats unravel and deflate like a circus tent at the end of the Iowa State Fair. ‘That Man,’ is the only reason that billionaires, red socialists, and insider machine Democrats can coexist without turning their fire on each other.”

One is reminded of the state of the Egyptian military immediately before Israel’s stunning victory in 1967. On the surface, their forces vastly outnumbered the Israelis. But the Egyptians, like the modern Left, were totally corrupted by politics.
Senior positions were meted out on the basis of family or political ties, not merit, while subalterns were purposely chosen for their incompetence so as not to threaten their commanders…Ideology, rather than performance, was the yardstick for success. “We had great stacks of books and brochures on the glories of the July 23rd Revolution,” Gen. Abd al-Mun’im Khalil . . . complained, “The books, kept in perfect condition and inspected constantly, served as the basis for determining a unit’s fighting ability.”

This describes the modern Left perfectly. Familial and political ties are more important than talent. Ideology, the more radical the better, is seen as an indicator of the individual’s effectiveness. But eventually, somebody somewhere is going to expect the party machine to do its job (which is not complaining about Trump).

Iowa may be the first sign of the deep atrophy the Democrats have experienced while consumed with their get-Trump fever dreams. Worse yet (for the Democrats) they are inoculating Trump from any real scandal because of all the false cries of “wolf.”

Impeachment has strengthened the president’s popularity and distracted Americans from what the Democrats should be focused on during the 2020 election.

This would all be hilarious schadenfreude porn except that our democracy actually does depend on the existence of two competitive parties. Republicans are no different from Democrats in that they will succumb to corruption if they ever achieve absolute power.
The slow-motion suicide of the Democratic Party is bad for everyone. Democrats, please put down the get-Trump crack pipe and do your job.

Van Jones: Let’s Be Real....

Let's Be Real, None of These Democrats Can Beat Trump

It's been less than 24-hours since former Democrat frontrunner Joe Biden placed fifth in the New Hampshire primary, producing panic among the "moderates" in the Party that his candidacy might be over. From POLITICO
“This is horrendous. We’re all scared,” said a Biden adviser, speaking anonymously because the comments conflict with the brave public face the campaign is trying to broadcast. “I think we’re going to make it to South Carolina. I know we’re supposed to say we’re going to and we’re going to win. But I just don’t know.”
Despite his first place showing, communist Bernie Sanders had a lower turnout than expected. He performed worse against his current rivals than he did against Hillary Clinton in 2016. Another bad sign.

As the results came in Tuesday night, former Obama administration official and CNN host Van Jones poured cold water over the chances any candidate in the Democrat field can actually beat President Trump in a general election. 

"It just feels like everybody is partially able to take on Trump but not really," Jones said. "There is no one candidate yet that feels, that everybody feels can actually go up against [Trump] and beat him."
He's right. Last night President Trump made history with a massive turnout in the Granite State.

Hope Hicks: Top Trump aide returning to White House

One of US President Donald Trump's longest-serving aides, Hope Hicks, will return to the White House nearly two years after she resigned.
The ex-White House communications director is expected to be counsellor to the president and report to Mr Trump's son-in-law Jared Kushner.
The 31-year-old former model has worked for Fox Corporation since leaving the White House two years ago.
Ex-Trump aides Sean Spicer and Reince Priebus are also being given new roles.

Who is Hope Hicks?

Ms Hicks first joined the Trump sphere in 2014 when she started with the Trump Organization as an aide to Ivanka Trump, the president's daughter, in her fashion brand.
She remained by Mr Trump's side throughout his campaign and into the White House.
"I have worked with Hope for almost six years and can say without hesitation she is one of the most talented and savvy individuals I have come across," White House press secretary Stephanie Grisham said in statement.
"She has always impressed me with her quiet confidence, loyalty and expertise, and I am beyond thrilled to welcome Hope back to the White House."
Ex-White House press secretary Sarah Sanders also heralded her return, saying on Twitter: "There is no one more loyal, talented or fun than Hope.
"Not only is she brilliant she is an amazing friend and will be a tremendous asset to the President and his team."

Here They Go Again....

Here They Go Again: 
Pelosi to Launch New Investigation into Trump

Just when you thought America's long impeachment drama was over and behind us, the Democrats have begun the process to do it again. While most of us believed they would try to repeat impeachment, we thought it would start in the second term and not a mere week after Trump was acquitted the first time.

But Nancy Pelosi is hot under the collar about Trump tweeting about the absurdly long sentence that Deep State prosecutors suggested for Roger Stone. The president tweeted out a storm of criticism when the news broke that prosecutors were recommending nine years in prison.

Keep in mind that child rapists get an average of three to seven years in prison. Calling the recommendation for the sentence, which was certainly politically motivated, "horrible and very unfair" (and it may not even a crime based on the way these prosecutors do business), the president then went on to question the prosecutors. These same prosecutors, who had ruined the lives of many people surrounding the president, were connected to the Mueller witch-hunt. None of the charges were related to the president or anything his administration had done but were a conglomeration of tax offenses from years ago and "lying to the FBI," which was a crime created after the investigation began.

Process crimes or crimes committed during an investigation are often a strategy by law enforcement to bring a charge where none could be found. Interview a suspect enough times, and keep them in solitary confinement, as they did to Paul Manafort, and you will eventually get an inconsistency in the retelling of facts. Then they slap a charge of "lying to the FBI" on the suspect and jail him. It's out of control and should not be allowed to happen again. Trump called out the judge who is presiding over Stone's case as the same judge that threw Manafort into solitary confinement. Manafort's crime was tax evasion and money laundering years ago before Trump was president. No one has ever heard of a white-collar criminal being punished like Hannibal Lecter. Manafort, 70 years old, was treated like a terrorist and became very sick while held in confinement at Rikers, a maximum-security prison two hours away from his legal team. His family was given no information on his condition, even though he had to be hospitalized.  

Trump has unleashed retribution after his acquittal and is going after every one of the coup conspirators who has investigated him and everyone who surrounds him since 2016. Don't forget that Democrats used purchased fake documents to launch the investigation and obtained falsified FISA warrants to illegally tap the president and his campaign. These people are criminals. Nancy Pelosi is going to try and turn Trump's tweets into more impeachable offenses. She tweeted out her belief that he is violating her made-up rules of behavior for presidents and he "should be investigated" for "interfering" with the sentencing of Roger Stone.

You can take it to the bank that she will launch an investigation and this circus will begin again. The president, though, doesn't care at all. He continued to tweet out truth bombs about the corruption in the US Attorney's office where it seems Democrat operatives have been working overtime to smear and destroy him. Shortly after the president started tweeting about the four prosecutors, all four of them recused themselves from Stone's case and three resigned their positions. Gee, I wonder why? Further, there are serious questions as to whether or not the prosecutors lied to the DOJ about the sentencing recommendation. Officials at the DOJ claim they were given a different recommendation from those same prosecutors and called the nine-year sentence request "extreme, excessive, and disproportionate."

The president pointed out the unfairness in sentencing for people connected to Democrats. And whatever happened to Tony Podesta anyway? Wasn't he supposed to go to prison? The president remembers. Has he even been indicted? Mueller was supposedly investigating him for not registering as a foreign agent. His firm had to be shuttered, but somehow Podesta just walked away unscathed. Even ABC noticed how strange that was.
In the wave of publicity surrounding the special counsel’s reported interest in the work, Podesta abruptly shuttered his firm. ... Podesta had deep ties to Democratic politicians and liberal causes – his brother, John, served as chief of staff to President Bill Clinton and oversaw  Hillary Clinton’s 2016 campaign, and Podesta Group had been a staple for political and corporate clients with household names, from Google to The Washington Post to the late Sen.  Ted Kennedy...The Podesta Group’s 28-page closing foreign-agent registration filing - made three months late due to a "computer error,” a spokesman said – marks the firm’s termination of work for foreign clients including Iraq,  Moldova,  Azerbaijan and Saudi Arabia, and suggests an end to Podesta’s 31-year run at the intersection of politics and influence in Washington.

Does anyone believe that the Trump campaign could have made a "filing error" and gotten away with it? But if you're a Democrat, life is good and solitary confinement isn't in the cards for you. Either are indictments, it seems, because we all know that people like Hillary Clinton don't "intend" to break the law, even when they're destroying cell phones with hammers and using BleachBit on servers. The FBI is nice enough to give people like her and everyone connected to her the benefit of the doubt, while throwing the book at anyone who ever helped Trump.

The president should continue to point out the unfairness and inequality in our justice system when it comes to elite Democrats. He has every right to direct the Department of Justice to investigate this obvious corruption. Everyone seems to have forgotten all the times Barack Obama directed Eric Holder to do his bidding, but we haven't. Nobody went to jail for Fast and Furious, where our BATF sold guns to Mexican cartels that were then used to kill an American border agent. Not one government official served one day of prison for that. Eric Holder was charged with criminal contempt for withholding evidence but the Obama administration and the DOJ refused to prosecute him. Matt Margolis has that scoop today and four other instances where Obama protected his allies from justice. We live in a country with two systems of justice: one for the elite swamp-dwellers, and one for everyone else. This cannot continue.

Democrats are going to drag this president through absolute hell until every single one of them involved in this treachery is handcuffed and charged and convicted for what they have done. And that's the reason they are screeching like vampires hit with Holy Water every time the president points people toward their crimes. The only way the never-ending investigations will end is in frog marches for the architects of this attempt to overthrow a duly elected president of the United States. And that better happen soon, before they do it again.

Megan Fox is the author of “Believe Evidence; The Death of Due Process from Salome to #MeToo,” and host of The Fringe podcast. 

‘Muslims for Peace’ removes former Democrat N.Y. assemblyman for challenging Rep. Tlaib on anti-Semitism

OAN Newsroom
UPDATED 7:50 AM PT — Thursday, February 13, 2020
A former New York assemblyman was forcibly removed from an Islamic event for asking congresswoman Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.) about an anti-Semitic tweet.
According to reports Wednesday, Democrat Dov Hikind was kicked-out of the ‘Muslims for Peace‘ event at Rutgers University earlier this week. He was removed after demanding that Rep. Tlaib apologize for what he called “blood libel” against the Jewish community.

Last month, Tlaib retweeted a false report alleging Israelis kidnapped and killed a seven-year-old Palestinian boy. The statement sparked outrage among the Jewish community.
“And we came out here to voice our outrage that Rashida Tlaib is permitted to speak in a university,” stated protester Karen Licktbruam. “She is a known anti-Semite, she’s a Jew hater.”
Hikind warned that Tlaib’s anti-Semitism may encourage dangerous sentiments in the Islamic community going forward.

Stone Head Juror Who ‘Broke Silence’ to Defend Prosecutors Is Far-Left Activist Who Tweeted About the Case

The jury foreman on the Roger Stone trial came forward on social media Wednesday to defend the four prosecutors who withdrew from the case after the Department of Justice overruled their excessive sentencing recommendation.

A Facebook post written by Tomeka Hart, the senior program officer for the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, was picked up by multiple news outlets. But the reports left out some highly pertinent details about her background—namely that Hart is a hyperpartisan Democratic Party activist who is rabidly anti-Trump and a Russia-collusion truther.

The head juror in Roger Stone’s trial is very active on Twitter, and surprisingly enough, didn’t think to scrub all of her eyebrow-raising tweets after she went public.
In January 2019, she retweeted a post about Stone’s arrest:
And she commented last year on the “indictments, guilty pleas, and convictions” of people in President Trump’s “inner circle” after Stone had been indicted.

Right-wing journalist Mike Cernovich first went digging into Hart’s highly partisan background after she came forward with her “concerns.”

A lot of conservatives were wondering Tuesday night how such an incredibly biased, anti-Trump individual got on the jury of this politically charged chase. If she had answered her juror questionnaire honestly, she likely would have been dismissed from jury duty.

More things are coming to light about other jurors as well.
The jury was packed with ringers; easy mistrial.