Saturday, February 8, 2020

House Managers Claim Trump Wasn’t Acquitted Because Senate Impeachment Trial Was "Unfair"

Article by Shelby Talcott in "The Daily Caller":

The seven House managers claimed during a sit-down interview Friday with CNN’s Anderson Cooper that President Donald Trump has not been acquitted following the Senate impeachment trial because it was not “a fair trial.”

Trump was acquitted on both articles of impeachment Wednesday after over four months of debate. The House managers sat down in an exclusive interview with “Anderson Cooper 360” Friday to discuss the trial and what comes next, and all appeared to be in agreement that despite the Senate’s vote, the president was still not exonerated.
“I think he’s not been exonerated,” California Rep. Zoe Lofgren began. Colorado Rep. Jason Crow quickly chimed in, adding that “it’s hard to have an acquittal without a fair trial.”
“And this was the first impeachment trial in American history where we didn’t have witnesses and documents,” Crow said. “And I think the American people realize that, because, as we sit here right now, there are thousands of Americans walking into courthouses across the country, and they’re taking their oath, and they’re going to be sitting as jurors in trials.”

“And they’re going to hear from witnesses and documents. And they’re asking themselves why Washington and Donald Trump should be any different. And, of course, the answer is, it shouldn’t. And they understand that.”

New York Rep. Jerry Nadler also lamented about the Senate’s vote, backing up the other House managers who told Cooper that Trump was not yet innocent. The House managers appeared to agree that the Senate’s decision to refuse additional witnesses meant the trial was unfair.

The Senate narrowly voted against allowing additional witnesses Jan. 31, with two Republicans voting with the Democrats to allow it. The House manager’s interview with Anderson echoed their co-authored op-ed in the Washington Post Feb. 5. They attacked the Senate for its decision to not allow further witnesses.

“Well, and back to the acquittal part of this, I would consider that fake news, because we did not have a fair trial,” Florida Rep. Val Demings added.

“The president is not exonerated today.”

Colorado Air Force veteran's funeral draws hundreds of strangers in snowstorm

Hundreds of people refused to let a snowstorm keep them from laying to rest a Colorado veteran who would have had no mourners.
Clyde Baldwin served in the Air Force for 20 years from 1950 to 1970 -- a period that included the Korean and Vietnam wars, according to reports. He was 91.

His funeral was Friday in Colorado Springs. The large crowd answered a call from a local VFW post requesting their attendance because Baldwin's only relative -- a sister in Oklahoma  -- was unable to make it, Fox 21 Colorado Springs reported.
Baldwin, a decorated staff sergeant in the Air Force, wasn’t married and had no children.

“Weather conditions the way they were with people parked all the way out to Drennan and having to actually walk into the cemetery, it’s impressive to see that much support from the community,” Robert Aholt told the station.
Aholt belongs to the Colorado veteran group Patriot Guard Riders.

Trump Has Another Triumph Over Democrats After an Already Amazing Week

President Donald Trump has been having one heck of a week. 

He was victorious in the Senate impeachment trial, after being acquited, with Democrats’ hopes of taking him down going up in flames. 

Not did their efforts fail but they seem to have helped his approval rating. 

He delivered a ripping good State of the Union address (see what I did there) showcasing the stories of wonderful Americans. The speech and his beating them so infuriated the Democrats, Pelosi had to destroy it, literally. 

Trump also took out another important terrorist, the head of al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula. 

Plus he got more great news about the economy.

But now add more. with another win over Democrats. 

Democrats have been trying to get Trump’s financial information in the continuing witch hunt to find something which they can remove him with.

Some Congressional Democrats had sued claiming that he was allegedly violating the Constitutions emoluments clause which bards presidents and other federal officers from receiving money from foreign governments. 

But the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit didn’t buy it, saying that the individual members of Congress, who included Rep. Jerry Nadler (D-NY) and Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) didn’t have standing to sue. 

From CNBC: 
Individual members of Congress lack legal standing to sue the president on such a claim, said the three-judge panel from the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit in an unanimous ruling.[….]
The decision came two months after the panel appeared deeply skeptical of the claim that members of Congress, as opposed to Congress itself, could sue a president for violating the law.
“You are not Congress,” Judge Thomas Griffith told a lawyer for the 215 members during oral arguments in December.
“You are not here representing Congress.”

Blumenthal called it “dismaying” that once again they lost. 

Trump celebrated, telling reporters that the decision was “a total win” and he called Democrats’ suit was “another phony case.”


UPDATE: Antifa Thug Who Threatened Pelosi’s Opponent ID’d as School Social Worker

Earlier this week we covered the story of John Dennis, the San Francisco GOP chairman who is also running for Nancy Pelosi’s congressional seat, who was threatened by an Antifa thug while participating in a cleanup event.

Thanks to journalist Andy Ngo, who’s known for covering Antifa’s misdeeds, we now know more about the thug. Ngo wrote at the Post Millennial:
A protestor recorded threatening to harm a San Francisco GOP chairman in a viral video has been identified as a local hip-hop DJ and public school social worker.
Stefan Goldstone, who performs as “DJ Sake-1,” accosted John Dennis, 56, last Saturday at the Civic Center in downtown San Francisco during a cleanup event organized by Trump-supporting activist, Scott Pressler. Mr. Dennis is running as the Republican candidate against Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi.
Mr. Goldstone performs frequently in the Bay Area as a DJ and has reportedly been the opening act for hip-hop stars Mos Def and Kanye West. He currently works as a social worker for the San Francisco Unified School District. On social media, he expresses support for left-wing revolutions.
A public school social worker? It’s well-known that public schools are essentially run by lefty commies, but the thought that this man – who called Dennis “racist,” a “piece of shit,” and told him he wanted him dead, is advising children who are likely going through difficult and traumatic experiences.

To recap, here’s video of Dennis’ exchange with Goldstone:

Goldstone, as he said in the video, is a San Francisco native who has a Master’s Degree in Social Work from the University of California, Santa Cruz. In a 2016 interview he said he has worked with the Coalition on Homelessness “to help them [homeless people] get housing and get off drugs,” yet he and other “activists” (in air quotes) “claimed the event was racist and stigmatizing to homeless people.”

Even one San Francisco supervisor, Matt Haney, sent out a stupid tweet claiming that the cleanup was “dehumanizing.”UPDATE: Antifa Thug Who Threatened Pelosi's Opponent ID'd as School Social Worker
Yes, because buying food from street vendors whose trucks are surrounded by piles of human shit is much more humane and civilized.

Dennis was threatened, but another participant was physically assaulted by a masked Antifa bro during the cleanup. That incident has been reported to authorities.

Key House Democrat Says Perez Must Go

Key House Democrat says Perez must go: 
'He doesn't lead on anything'

A top Democratic voice on election reform is calling for the ouster of Tom Perez, the powerful chairman of the Democratic National Committee (DNC) who has come under fire following the Iowa caucuses.

Rep. Marcia Fudge (D-Ohio), chairwoman of the House Administration Committee’s subpanel on elections, said Perez has failed to take responsibility for the Iowa vote-counting debacle as it unfolded this week, instead shifting blame on lower-ranking party leaders in Des Moines.

“It's a lack of leadership,” Fudge told The Hill on Friday during a brief interview in the Capitol. “If you have the Iowa situation you don't throw them under the bus, you stand up and you support and you try to fix it. He doesn't lead on anything.”

Fudge, the former head of the Congressional Black Caucus, also accused Perez of neglecting DNC promises to diversify the organization with more minority leaders, citing as an example the DNC’s recent personnel shake up in Milwaukee, where the Democrats are set to hold their convention in July.

“You know, they're always talking about how diversity is important,” said Fudge, who had endorsed Sen. Kamala Harris (Calif.) in the Democratic presidential race. Harris has since dropped out of the contest.

“He doesn't care anything about diversity. It's just lip service,” Fudge said of Perez.

Fudge’s discontent with Perez was first reported by Politico. She expanded on the reasons on Friday.

Fudge also went after Perez over reports that the DNC had approved — and later retracted — a lucrative exit package for the chairman and two of his top deputies. 

“It's a combination of many things,” she said. Iowa was simply “the tipping point.” 

“I absolutely have seen no leadership — since Day One,” she said.

Fudge said she has no one in mind to replace Perez.

“Just somebody who can run an organization [and] be responsive to the people that he serves,” she said. “That's all I want to see." 

DNC officials did not respond to a request for comment on Friday. In a statement Thursday, Iowa Democratic Party Chairman Troy Price personally took responsibility for the “unacceptable” caucus meltdown, but said his team needed to stay focused on collecting and analyzing the incoming results. 

Democrats had hoped the Iowa caucuses, the first contest of the primary season, would jump-start the party’s bid to unseat President Trump in November. Instead, it proved an enormous embarrassment after a series of technical glitches delayed the vote counting. By Friday afternoon, The Associated Press had still not declared an official winner, though it appeared that Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) and Pete Buttigieg, former mayor of South Bend, Ind., were leading the pack. 

Facing pressure, Perez on Thursday called for a recanvass — but not a recount — following days of confusion over the caucus results. 

“Enough is enough,” Perez tweeted. “In light of the problems that have emerged in the implementation of the delegate selection plan and in order to assure public confidence in the results, I am calling on the Iowa Democratic Party to immediately begin a recanvass.”

It’s hardly the first time Perez has taken fire from Capitol Hill Democrats. To win the race for DNC chairman in 2017, Perez, who served as former President Obama's Labor secretary, defeated Keith Ellison, a former Minnesota congressman and Black Caucus head.  

Then, as now, Ellison was a vocal supporter of Sanders’s presidential primary run, and Perez’s entry into the race — and ultimate victory over Ellison — was panned by many liberals as a case of establishment Democrats tipping the scales in favor of 2016 nominee Hillary Clinton

Following this week’s Iowa fiasco, other high-profile Democrats are calling for heads to roll but stopped short of specifically demanding Perez’s ouster. 

“What’s happened in Iowa is a complete disgrace and someone needs to be held responsible,” Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.), the progressive freshman and key Sanders ally, told The Hill as she descended the steps of the Capitol on Friday. 

“I think there’s a conversation needed around taking responsibility for Iowa and ensuring that this bungled process never happens again,” she said.

Another Sanders backer, Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.), said the Democratic Party had three years to plan for the Iowa caucuses and called it “devastating” that protocols were not put in place to avoid Tuesday’s failures. 

“I would say Tom Perez should be held accountable for this failure. I believe it all starts from the top. There are things that Tom should do and should have done,” Omar told The Hill on Friday. “If this was happening in my home state, we would be having a serious conversation about what accountability would look like for our own chair.”

While a state lawmaker, Omar backed Eillison to lead the DNC; she later won Ellison’s House seat after he won the race to become Minnesota’s attorney general. 

“I was very supportive of Keith,” Omar said.  

Rep. Pramila Jayapal (D-Wash.), the co-chairwoman of the Progressive Caucus who recently endorsed Sanders, called the Iowa debacle a “national embarrassment” that has already had serious consequences on the primary race. She said Sanders’s rival Buttigieg declared victory in Iowa with the official results still outstanding and managed to raise more than $2.5 million this week.

“I’m sure there is shared blame to go around. I don’t think we should blame just one person,” Jayapal said. “But Tom Perez is the head of the DNC, and I do think that there clearly was not the process in place to make sure all these [protocols] were going to be followed.”

Jayapal said she’s directing most of her attention on Friday night’s Democratic presidential debate and the New Hampshire primary on Tuesday.

Trump Dossier Author Christopher Steele Is Really Upset that Donald Trump Bashed His Life’s Work

Let the clutching of pearls commence.

President Trump ruffled a lot of feathers with yesterday’s impeachment victory lap. The unfiltered speech covered all manner of topics, obviously including the impeachment farce itself, but also going back to Crossfire Hurricane and the Mueller investigation. One of the things he touched on was the usage of the now famous Steele Dossier as a evidentiary standard within the aforementioned investigations. We know that, for example, that Carter Page warrants were deemed illegal and that they made heavy use of allegations from the dossier.

Here’s Trump on the matter via The Daily Caller.
Trump blasted the dossier as “fake” during a White House speech on Thursday.
“So we had a campaign, little did we know we were running against some very, very bad and evil people with fake dossiers with all of these horrible, dirty cops that took these dossiers and did bad things,” Trump said.

Christopher Steele and his outfit were not too happy that the President singled out and trashed their work.

If they’ve never admitted that the dossier was full of fake and false allegations, then that’s not really a good thing. Orbis Business Intelligence is a dumpster fire group that’s probably done more to damage the United States than Russia has managed in the last several decades. They’ve driven divisions deeper than an any point since the 1960s and did it with a work product that was objectively trash.

Of course, they are still clinging to the idea that the dossier wasn’t actually garbage.

It should be noted that both of the above sites are intel apologists who spent years insisting things that were proven false were actually still true. This goes for the Mueller investigation to the dossier itself. Lawfareblog is especially guilty, with it’s editors still to this day insisting the dossier is “mostly verified.” Nothing could be further from the truth.

Ironically, the second article they cite above as vindication actually had to be corrected because it contained a major falsehood.

In an early version of the article, Sipher falsely claimed that a Sept. 23, 2016 news article at Yahoo! News provided independent verification of Steele’s work. The Yahoo! piece, written by Michael Isikoff, said that U.S. law enforcement officials were investigating whether Carter Page met with Kremlin insiders Igor Sechin and Igor Diveykin during a trip to Moscow in July 2016.
Sipher, a former CIA officer, asserted that the article bolstered the dossier’s credibility. But Sipher corrected the article after The Daily Caller notified Just Security that Isikoff’s article was based on information he obtained from Steele.

In other words, it was a circular back-slapping session where each party claimed the other verified their information. That was a common theme throughout the Russia investigation, especially involving allegations in the dossier itself.
Here’s more information on how badly the dossier whiffed.

In the dossier, Steele alleged that Page was a key player in a “well-developed conspiracy of cooperation” between the Trump campaign and Russian government. He also claimed that the Kremlin had cultivated Trump for years, and that the campaign was involved in and aware of the hack of Democrats’ emails released through WikiLeaks.
Steele’s Trump-related claims were all but debunked by the special counsel’s report and the Justice Department inspector general’s report on the FBI’s surveillance of Page.

There was also no peeing hookers, no FBI consulate in Miami, and no massive conspiracy between Trump and Russia. The only things the dossier got right were 1) common knowledge or easily ascertainable and 2) ancillary matters that didn’t actually prove any grander conspiracy.

You want to know what really happened here? A bunch of “intel experts” who think they are God’s gift to national security got suckered by a Russian misinformation campaign and were used as a conduit to funnel a bunch of Putin invented crap into the U.S. political sphere. Instead of just admitting their error, they now defend themselves with righteous indignation, still pretending they are the smartest people in the room.

Steele should be prosecuted for lying to the FBI (something we know he did in relation to media contacts), not crying on Twitter about the President rightfully bashing his dossier.

James Carville Unloads on Democrat Elites and Reminds Us Why They Are a Lot Like NeverTrump

A couple of days ago, Democrat political guru James Carville gave an extended interview on MSNBC. It was some powerful stuff. I’ve always had an admiration for Carville, of a kind. I think his politics are loathsome and designed to reduce as many Americans as possible to dependency upon the government for their survival, but he is a Democrat so that is sort of baked in. But his keen understanding of America and the American voter is invaluable. He’s not a guy to engage in happy talk and self delusion. He a cold-eyed realist about everything.

My colleague, Alex Parker, hit part of the interview at the time.

Now, thanks to an extended interview Carville gave to some guy from Vox who I must admit to having never heard of before an hour or so ago, the interview is getting a lot more attention.

Sean Illing: Why are you “scared to death” about the 2020 election?
James Carville: Look, the turnout in the Iowa caucus was below what we expected, what we wanted. Trump’s approval rating is probably as high as it’s been. This is very bad. And now it appears the party can’t even count votes. What the hell am I supposed to think?
I’ll just say it this way: The fate of the world depends on the Democrats getting their s**t together and winning in November. We have to beat Trump. And so far, I don’t like what I see. And a lot of people I talk to feel the same way.
Sean Illing: Give me an example of what you mean by distractions.
James Carville: We have candidates on the debate stage talking about open borders and decriminalizing illegal immigration. They’re talking about doing away with nuclear energy and fracking. You’ve got Bernie Sanders talking about letting criminals and terrorists vote from jail cells. It doesn’t matter what you think about any of that, or if there are good arguments — talking about that is not how you win a national election. It’s not how you become a majoritarian party.
For f**k’s sake, we’ve got Trump at Davos talking about cutting Medicare and no one in the party has the sense to plaster a picture of him up there sucking up to the global elites, talking about cutting taxes for them while he’s talking about cutting Medicare back home. Jesus, this is so obvious and so easy and I don’t see any of the candidates taking advantage of it.
The Republicans have destroyed their party and turned it into a personality cult, but if anyone thinks they can’t win, they’re out of their damn minds.

Let’s pause for a moment. First off, Carville massively understates the craziness the Democrats are pushing. Of Biden, Warren, and Sanders, the only one who hasn’t endorsed letting male prisoners who identify as female serve their time in a female prison and have the government pay for sex-change operations for prisoners is the freakin communist. To my knowledge, Buttigieg hasn’t weighed in on this burning issue but I’d be willing to bet on where he stands. Warren has even said her next Secretary of Education will be chosen by a teenage transgender student. These people are actually trying to put variable pronouns into federal law. And the reason that no one in the Democrat party is making hay about Trump at Davos is because the overlords of the Democrat party want to be part of the Davos crowd and won’t defend them. The ‘cutting Medicare’ has been part of the Democrat playbook since Reagan, Trump didn’t actually say that, but Carville knows the impact that has in an election and he knows the media will carry his message, true or not. Just as a side note, the GOP is no more a personality cult than the Democrats under Obama…or Clinton.

Sean Illing: I wouldn’t endorse everything every Democrat is doing or saying, but are they really destroying the party? What does that even mean?
James Carville: Look, Bernie Sanders isn’t a Democrat. He’s never been a Democrat. He’s an ideologue. And I’ve been clear about this: If Bernie is the nominee, I’ll vote for him. No question. I’ll take an ideological fanatic over a career criminal any day. But he’s not a Democrat.

This, right here, is why Sanders can’t get the nomination. He’s not part of the Democrat power elite and he poses a direct threat to the ability of the Democrats to even pretend to be sane. All that talk of a brokered convention? Bullsh**. Not going to happen. The Democrats know if they screw Sanders at a convention that a third of the Democrats will stay home in November so he has to lose the primary election and there you have your explanation for Mike Bloomberg entering the race.

Sean Illing: A lot of threads there. First, a lot of people don’t trust the Democratic Party, don’t believe in the party, for reasons you’ve already mentioned, and so they just don’t care about that. They want change. And I guess the other thing I’d say is, 2016 scrambled our understanding of what’s possible in American politics.
Are we really sure Sanders can’t win?
James Carville: Who the hell knows? But here’s what I do know: Sanders might get 280 electoral votes and win the presidency and maybe we keep the House. But there’s no chance in hell we’ll ever win the Senate with Sanders at the top of the party defining it for the public. Eighteen percent of the country elects more than half of our senators. That’s the deal, fair or not.
So long as McConnell runs the Senate, it’s game over. There’s no chance we’ll change the courts and nothing will happen, and he’ll just be sitting up there screaming in the microphone about the revolution.
The purpose of a political party is to acquire power. Alright? Without power, nothing matters.

Bingo. Without power you can just take your closely held federalist principles and go start an online newsletter or something because you are never going to implement policy or even defend your principles without power. The Founders knew that, that’s why we have the First and Second Amendments. That the NeverTrumpers can’t grasp this simple concept illustrates why they are not serious people and should have no place in any future coalition because they’d prefer to lose so long as they can engage in virtue signaling. Carville is correct in that the Democrats seem more intent upon impressing the online left than actual voters.

Sean Illing: So your complaint is basically that the party has tacked too far to the left?
James Carville: They’ve tacked off the damn radar screen. And look, I don’t consider myself a moderate or a centrist. I’m a liberal. But not everything has to be on the left-right continuum. I love Warren’s day care plan just like I love Booker’s baby bonds. That’s the kind of stuff our candidates should explain and define clearly and repeatedly for voters and not get diverted by whatever the hell is in the air that day.
Here’s another stupid thing: Democrats talking about free college tuition or debt forgiveness. I’m not here to debate the idea. What I can tell you is that people all over this country worked their way through school, sent their kids to school, paid off student loans. They don’t want to hear this s**t. And you saw Warren confronted by an angry voter over this. It’s just not a winning message.
The real argument here is that some people think there’s a real yearning for a left-wing revolution in this country, and if we just appeal to the people who feel that, we’ll grow and excite them and we’ll win. But there’s a word a lot of people hate that I love: politics. It means building coalitions to win elections. It means sometimes having to sit back and listen to what people think and framing your message accordingly.
That’s all I care about. Right now the most important thing is getting this career criminal who’s stealing everything that isn’t nailed down out of the White House. We can’t do anything for anyone if we don’t start there and then acquire more power.
Can I say one more thing about the cultural disconnect?
Sean Illing: Sure.
James Carville: I want to give you an example of the problem here. A few weeks ago Binyamin Appelbaum, an economics writer for the New York Times, posted a snarky tweet about how LSU cancelled classes for the National Championship game. And then he said, do the “Warren/Sanders free public college proposals include LSU, or would it only apply to actual schools?”
You know how f**king patronizing that is to people in the South or in the middle of the country? First, LSU has an unusually high graduation rate, but that’s not the point. It’s the goddamn smugness. This is from a guy who lives in New York and serves on the Times editorial board and there’s not a single person he knows that doesn’t pat him on the back for that kind of tweet. He’s so f**king smart.
Appelbaum doesn’t speak for the Democratic Party, but he does represent the urbanist mindset. We can’t win the Senate by looking down at people. The Democratic Party has to drive a narrative that doesn’t give off vapors that we’re smarter than everyone or culturally arrogant.

The Democrats have no monopoly on this kind of pig-ignorant arrogance. Our only saving grace is that, at least for this election cycle, the GOP elitists and globalists are sitting it out or lending their insights to the Democrats. As talkshow host and Twitter personality Jesse Kelly noted after the March for Life where President Trump made a personal appearance, President Trump is not ashamed of his base. The Vichy GOPers and the Democrat elite are.

Sean Illing: Are you confident that any of the remaining candidates can beat Trump?
James Carville: I don’t know, I just don’t know. I’m hoping that someone gets knocked off their horse on the road to Damascus.
Not going to happen…

Carville has done a masterful job of identifying the problem but the chances of any Democrat being able to follow this advice and survive politically is exactly zero. They’ve created this far left Marxist monster that is devouring them. We can only hope it doesn’t devour us as well.

Rand Paul Triggers John Brennan Into a Nasty Rant, Then Paul Just Lights Him Up

You may have recalled the battle that Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) attempt to get in question pertaining to the whistleblower when he was denied by Chief Justice John Roberts. 

He tried again during his closing remarks on how he would vote as the trial wrapped up, according to Politico. 

“They made a big mistake not allowing my question. My question did not talk about anybody who is a whistleblower, my question did not accuse anybody of being whistleblower, it did not make a statement believing that someone was a whistleblower. I simply named two people’s names because I think it’s very important to know what happened,” Paul said on the floor.

The whistleblower, reportedly NSC staffer/CIA analyst Eric Ciaramella, who started this whole thing, was a material witness. It’s absolutely incredible that Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) was able to start all this crazy while never naming him, preventing the defense from ever confronting the accuser. Talk about Constitutional problems. Plus they created this fiction about not being able to name the whistleblower which is not a part of the law. The law doesn’t prevent Paul or anyone else from naming him. It only prohibits retribution against him in his job. 

Not naming him allowed Schiff to block people exploring the whistleblower’s alleged bias, reported conversation about wanting to “take out the president” and any prior contacts with Schiff/his staff. 

Paul’s efforts triggered former CIA Director John Brennan. Now US Attorney John Durham who is looking into the origins of the Russia investigation under the Obama administration reportedly wanted to talk with Brennan and all his rants of late sound like he’s pretty nervous.

Imagine this vile person was supposed to be operating as a “non-partisan.” 

But you have to hand it to Paul, he persisted. He’s not cowed by Brennan’s ugly rants at all. Not only not cowed, but he blasted him and laid a lot out there.

Oh, my. Light him up!

It was astonishing that Democrats lost it over the killing of IRGC terrorist Qasem Soleimani in a combat zone for attacking our Embassy and future threats. Barack Obama reportedly had a kill list and regularly drone killed alleged terrorists in foreign countries like Yemen for example. 

One person who wasn’t a terrorist but was the son of one, 16 year old American, Abdulrahman al-Awlaki, born in Denver, was drone killed while eating with friends during a visit in Yemen. The only explanation we the public got from the Obama administration was basically “he should have picked another father.” Noteworthy? His father had already been killed, so he wasn’t shot by accident going after the father. Objections to the killing of an American boy from Democrats? Strangely silent. 

Hopefully, Durham will get to the “approving British spies to present a dossier of lies paid for by Hillary.”

But the last part, the “lying to Congress” was just incredible and Paul is right. If Brennan had any shame after that, he should have slunk away and never shown his face again. 

That lying involves another Obama-era scandal that media and Democrats just conveniently forgot about and threw away down the memory hole. 

The Senate Intelligence Committee was looking into CIA’s detention and interrogation program. The CIA penetrated their computers. John Brennan claimed they didn’t do it, “Nothing could be further from the truth,” he said. “We wouldn’t do that. That’s just beyond the scope of reason in terms of what we’d do.” Then it was confirmed that they did in fact do it. 

Not only didn’t Brennan suffer any consequences, he kept his job. That’s the “scandal free” Obama administration. What it really meant was “consequence free.”

Khamenei says Iran should increase military might to prevent war

DUBAI (Reuters) – Iran should increase its military might to prevent a war, Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei told a gathering of air force commanders on Saturday, dismissing the U.S. sanctions on the country as “criminal act”.
“We should be strong to prevent any war against the county. Being weak will encourage our enemies to attack Iran,” Khamenei, Iran’s top authority, said according to state news agency IRNA.
The Islamic Republic has vowed to increase its military strength despite mounting pressure from Western countries to curtail its military capabilities, including its ballistic missile program.
Tensions between Tehran and Washington have spiked since 2018 when U.S. President Donald Trump abandoned a 2015 pact between Iran and world powers under which Tehran accepted curbs to its nuclear program in return for lifting sanctions.
“Since the revolution their aim was to stop us from having a strong military and a strong air force … but look at us now. We even build planes. We have transformed their pressure to opportunity,” Khamenei said, according to state TV.
Iran is marking the 41st anniversary of the Islamic revolution, which toppled the U.S.-backed Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi in 1979.
Washington has reimposed crippling sanctions aimed at halting all Iranian oil exports, saying it seeks to force Iran to negotiate to reach a wider deal.

Khamenei, who dismissed the U.S. sanctions as a “criminal act”, has banned Iranian officials from holding talks unless the United States returns to the deal and lifts all sanctions. He said Iran should distance its economy from dependency on oil exports.
Iran and the United States stormed to the edge of a war in early January when Tehran’s most prominent general, Qassem Soleimani, was killed in a U.S. drone strike on his convoy in Baghdad.
Tehran responded by launching missile attacks on U.S. targets in Iraq.
Iranian television said 80 “American terrorists” had been killed and U.S. helicopters and military equipment damaged, without providing any evidence, Washington denied that there were any fatalities.

Global Warming’s 50 Years of Fraud

Global Warming's 50 Years of Fraud

The theory for those pushing the green new deal or some other radical energy policy that will destroy tens of millions of jobs and greatly harm the poor and middle class is that humans, CO2, and fossil fuels cause warming and climate change. This warming causes the ice to melt in Alaska, then the melting ice causes sea levels to rise and the rising sea levels will cause coastal cities to under water.

They have predicted the coastal cities to disappear for the last 100 years and they have been wrong for 100 years.

Meanwhile, Alaska has been exceptionally cold for the last few months. As a nerd who knows that the people pushing the garbage theory of humans causing climate change is based on a series of lies, I look at actual data. 

It is a shame most of the media, entertainers and other Democrats just repeat talking points instead of doing research.

January 2020 was the 15th coldest January on record in Fairbanks Alaska. At negative 27 degrees. it was over 13 degrees below average this year. Obviously, the ice will be thickening faster than average and is not going to be gone as predicted.

Here is a small sample of predictions and fear articles over the years.
1922-Article by AP in Washington Post and elsewhere saying icecaps were melting, oceans were dying, and coastal cities would disappear.
1970-First Earth Day. We were scared with articles that billions would die soon from catastrophic cooling.
1975-Newsweek-Doom and gloom article called “The Cooling World”
1989-Back to warming. The UN essentially repeated the warnings from 1922 article and said we only had ten years to solve the problem.
2008-ABC ran fear story saying much of Miami and New York City would be under water by 2015.
2019- The UN again repeated the same warnings from 1922 and 1989 and again we have only ten years left.
How did the Earth cool so much from 1945 to 1976 that we got warnings of catastrophic cooling if rising CO2, humans and fossil fuels cause warming? The answer is there is no correlation between CO2, population, fossil fuel use and temperature.

Humans can’t control the temperature of the sun, tilt of the sun, solar activity, distance the Earth is from the sun, daily rotation of the Earth, annual orbit of the Earth, high tides, low tides, the Jetstream, El Nino, or La Nina but we are told that if we give politicians and bureaucrats trillions of dollars they can control the sea level, temperature and sea levels forever. Does that make sense?

A clear indication that the theory that fossil fuels, rising CO2 and humans cause global warming or climate change is a hoax or a series of lies is that the globe had a significant cooling period from 1945 to 1976. It cooled so much that it was predicted on the first Earth Day in 1970 that we were having a disastrous cooling period where billions would die from starvation.

Besides being lied to for around 100 years that coastal cities would soon disappear, the public has been lied to that we were running out of oil for over 100 years. For a long time, we were told that we needed alternatives like wind and solar because of these lies. Now that it is known that there is plenty of fossil fuels to last a long time and that we are always finding more, we are told the lie that fossil fuels are causing climate change, warming and are destroying the planet.

The public has been continuously lied to that droughts are longer and more severe than ever when historical data and the number of deserts worldwide clearly shows that is not true.

We have also been told that floods are more severe and worse than ever when historical data and the fact that so much of the Earth is covered with water shows that to be demonstrably false.

How many times have we been told the lie that the warming is unprecedented when historical data shows that the Earth has gone through many long-term warming and cooling periods including several ice ages. A little ice age ended around 1850 so a little warming today would be normal.

Sea levels have always risen and fallen and according to estimates there has been only a small rise since the advent of fossil fuels but we get continuous predictions of impending disasters.

To scare the children, we repeatedly have been told that tens of thousands of species are dying out each year because of humans and fossil fuels.

They have repeatedly been told that polar bears are dying because of humans, fossil fuels and climate change when the population of polar bears has increased substantially the last seventy years and they were dying because of hunting, not climate change.

Meanwhile, the actual number of identified species, including many no one has heard of, that have gone extinct since 1900 is 477 or four per year. The truth obviously isn’t important when pushing an agenda.

Why is there so little concern by environmentalists about how much land solar and wind farms use and how much wildlife they kill?

We have been lied to that hurricane activity was going to be worse than ever after Katrina and we had a mild ten-year period. We’ve been told repeatedly the bald faced lie that we were going to have snowless winters.

As the predictions over the years have been 100% wrong the future predictions always get more extreme. We go from global warming to climate change to climate catastrophe and climate collapse and we repeatedly only have a few years left to solve the problem. The solution is always to transfer more power and money to the government along with relinquishing our freedom and way of life. The solution for almost all Democrat policies is more money and power to the government.

We have the environmentalists seeking to control CO2, a clear, innocuous non-pollutant gas while advocating for the massive use of lithium, a flammable pollutant. How will they dispose of all those flammable batteries?

As the predictions have been so wrong, journalists and other Democrats seek to shut those of us who tell the truth that the climate has always changed naturally. We are called liars, deniers, stupid and anti-science. It is the fear mongers who refuse to debate and look at actual historical scientific data.

One of the biggest frauds of all time was when East Anglia University manipulated temperature data to hide a medieval warming period. That would have exposed their lies about human caused global warming and they didn’t want their money spicket turned off. This fraud is much more detrimental to the world than anything we have ever seen.

Yet journalists and other Democrats didn’t give a damn about the fraud as they continue to hide the truth from the public because they also like the money train.
Dr Jones is also a key part of the closely knit group of American and British scientists responsible for promoting that picture of world temperatures conveyed by Michael Mann's "hockey stick" graph which 10 years ago turned climate history on its head by showing that, after 1,000 years of decline, global temperatures have recently shot up to their highest level in recorded history.

Given star billing by the IPCC, not least for the way it appeared to eliminate the long-accepted Mediaeval Warm Period when temperatures were higher they are today, the graph became the central icon of the entire man-made global warming movement.
Al Gore and many others have used the lies to greatly enrich themselves. Many of the people pushing the lies ride around in private jets and live in mansions while lecturing the rest of us that we are destroying the planet.

I excuse Greta Thunberg and other young people for their ignorance on science because they have been indoctrinated and lied to for their entire lives. There is no excuse for journalists, entertainers, Michael Bloomberg, President Obama, the Clintons, Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren et al for just repeating talking points in order to enrich the government and harm the rest of us.

Indoctrination is a dangerous thing and journalists have been major contributors to the indoctrination.

Democrats can’t count votes in Iowa in a reasonable time but they tell us they can control temperatures, sea levels and storm activity forever if we just hand them trillions of our hard earned dollars. Why the heck would anyone believe them?

Mueller Team Learned in April 2018 That “Black Ledger” Which Triggered the Russia Collusion Investigation Was Fake

To gain a better understanding of the significance of the infamous Ukrainian “black ledger,” it’s helpful to know the backstory. And no one does a better job of this than Fox News’ contributor and investigator Dan Bongino in his book “Spygate.”

A pro-Western Ukrainian-American lawyer and activist named Alexandra Chalupa stands at the center of the collusion story. She hated then-political consultant/lobbyist Paul Manafort for his role in the re-election of pro-Russian Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych in 2010 and his subsequent work for the pro-Russian party in Ukraine.
Immediately after Manafort joined the Trump campaign in March 2016, “allegations of Trump-Russia collusion started to gain steam” and much of this narrative was driven by Alexandra Chalupa.

Chalupa had worked as a consultant for the DNC and for Democratic politicians including several Clinton campaign officials. Between 2004 and 2016, she had earned $412,000 from the DNC, but left to focus on researching or rather “destroying” Manafort. Chalupa had “watched him since 2014.” According to Dan Bongino:
The moment Manafort joined the Trump team, Chalupa alerted the DNC of the “threat” of Russian influence. Chalupa’s sister, Andrea, spread the word on a Ukrainian television show calling Manafort’s hiring a “huge deal” and describing him as the “puppet master of some of the most vile dictators around the world.” His hiring, she said sent a “very, very, very, very, very serious warning bell going off.” This fear was rooted in the belief that Manafort was the mastermind behind Yanukovych’s corruption. (Bongino: Spygate)

Still, Manafort continued to hang on until August 19th when the New York Times reported that:
Ukraine’s Anti-Corruption Bureau found a black ledger in a bank vault abandoned by Yanukovych showing $12 million in cash payments earmarked for Manafort by Yanukovych’s political party. “Investigators assert that the disbursements were part of an illegal off-the-books system whose recipients also include election officials. In addition, criminal prosecutors are investigating a group of offshore shell companies that helped members of Mr. Yanukovych’s inner circle finance their lavish lifestyles.” (Bongino: Spygate)

Manafort had no choice but to resign from the campaign. The identity of the leaker remains a mystery. But, considering the news was damaging to Manafort and Trump and helpful to the Hillary campaign, and that Alexandra Chalupa had devoted herself full-time to the business of destroying Manafort, I suppose we can guess who was behind it.

Investigative journalist John Solomon has reported the blockbuster news that the black ledger which had forced Manafort’s departure and cast the first shadow of “Russian Collusion” over the Trump campaign, “had been fabricated.”

It turns out that Rick Gates, Manafort’s former business partner, who agreed to cooperate with the Mueller team in exchange for a reduced sentence, had given this information to Mueller’s investigators in April 2018. Solomon learned this information from examining a written summary of an April 2018 special counsel’s interview.

Solomon emphasizes that the ledger and the dossier were the two key pieces of evidence in the case against President Trump.

Gates told prosecutors, “The ledger was completely made up.”

Solomon interviewed Gates for this story and writes that he confirmed the information in the summary, telling him, “The black ledger was a fabrication. It was never real, and this fact has since been proven true.” According toSolomon:
Gates’ account is backed by several Ukrainian officials who stated in interviews dating to 2018 that the ledger was of suspicious origins and could not be corroborated.
If true, Gates’ account means the two key pieces of documentary evidence used by the media and FBI to drive the now-debunked Russia collusion narrative — the Steele dossier and the black ledger — were at best uncorroborated and at worst disinformation. His account also raises the possibility that someone fabricated the document in Ukraine in an effort to restart investigative efforts on Manafort’s consulting work or to meddle in the U.S. presidential election.
After gaining wide attention as purported evidence of Russian ties to the Trump campaign, the ledger was never introduced as evidence at Manafort’s 2018 trial or significantly analyzed in Mueller’s final 2019 report, which concluded that Trump did not collude with Russia to influence the 2016 election. No FBI 302 interview reports have been released either showing what the FBI concluded about the ledger.

And Solomon thinks he knows why. Gates had managed the day-to-day operations of Manafort’s business and his “lobbying efforts for Yanukovych…and was deeply familiar with when and how payments were made and from whom.”

In the April 2018 summary, Gates told investigators that the New York Times “article was completely false. As you now know there were no cash payments. The payments were wired. The ledger was completely made up.” They asked him how he could be so sure. He said the “ledger did not match the way Yanukovych’s Party of Regions made payments to consultants like Manafort.”

He added, “It was not how the PoR [Party of Regions] did their record keeping.” Gates revealed:
Manafort’s team had confirmed with the party’s former accountant that the black ledger could not be a contemporaneous document because the party’s official accounting books burned in a 2014 fire during Ukraine’s Maidan uprising.
“All the real records were burned when the party headquarters was set on fire when Yanukovych fled the country,” Gates told the investigators, according to the interview summary.
The Party of Regions accountant reached by Manafort’s team told them that the black ledger was a “copy of a document that did not exist” and it “was not even [the accountant’s own] handwriting,” Gates told the prosecutors.
Gates’ account to prosecutors closely matches what several Ukrainian officials have said for more than a year.

In the spring of 2018, Solomon spoke to Ukraine’s Special Anti-Corruption Prosecutor Nazar Kholodnytskyy who told him that “he believed the black ledger was not a contemporaneous document, and likely manufactured after the fact.” He said, “It was not to be considered a document of Manafort. It was not authenticated. And at that time it should not be used in any way to bring accusations against anybody.”

Konstantin Kilimnik, a former business partner of Manafort’s and Gate’s, said “he had written to a senior State Department official in August 2016, that the black ledger did not match actual payments made to Manafort’s firm.” (Kilimnik was indicted in Manafort’s case, but remains at large.)

Kilimnik wrote: “I have some questions about this black cash stuff because those published records do not make sense. The time frame doesn’t match anything related to payments made to Manafort…It does not match my records. All fees Manafort got were wires, not cash.”

Solomon reports:
In December 2018, a Ukrainian court ruled that two of that country’s government officials — member of parliament Sergey Leschenko and Artem Sytnyk, the head of the National Anticorruption Bureau of Ukraine — illegally interfered in the 2016 U.S. election by publicizing the black ledger evidence.
While that ruling has been overturned on a technicality, the role of Sytnyk and Leschenko in pushing the black ledger story remains true.

Last fall, Glenn Beck obtained an audiotape of Sytnyk telling his friends that he had helped Hillary Clinton’s campaign. I posted about that here.

Last summer, Leschenko told Solomon that he “first received part of the black ledger when it was sent to him anonymously in February 2016, but it made no mention of Manafort. Months later, in August 2016, more of the ledger became public, including the alleged Manafort payments.” He also said he made the decision “to publicize the information after confirming a few of the transactions likely occurred or matched known payments.” Leschenko said the ledger could not be used as an official document because it couldn’t be authenticated.

It’s time for the Durham team and/or leaders of the appropriate Senate committees to question Alexandra Chalupa (if they haven’t already) under oath about her role in 2016 election meddling – at length.

After all, we learned about Chalupa’s involvement in the frequently cited January 2017 Politico article by Kenneth Vogel and David Stern, “Ukrainian Efforts to Sabotage Trump Backfire.

As mentioned above, the two documents which provided “evidence” that the Trump campaign had colluded with the Russians to win the election were the Steele dossier and the black ledger. The FBI had known since their first interview with Christopher Steele’s primary sub-source in January 2017 that the dossier was fake. And, we’re now learning that in April 2018, the Mueller team learned that the black ledger was phony.

That should have been the end of the Mueller Investigation. Yet, they kept it going until William Barr became the Attorney General and they were asked to justify why it continued.

First, they wanted it to continue through the midterms to hurt Trump and help Democrats take back the House. Was that not election interference?

And second, they wanted the time to continue digging for dirt on the President. They were hoping to nail him on obstructing their bogus investigation.

In a December interview with Fox News, Barr was asked when he expected Durham’s investigation to end. Although he couldn’t give a definitive answer, he estimated a late spring or early summer timeframe. Unlike the Mueller team or Adam Schiff, the Durham team doesn’t leak. We know that it shifted into a criminal investigation in October and we know that they asked the CIA for all of John Brennan’s communications records.

After Mueller’s disastrous testimony before the House in July, we can’t expect any serious answers from him.

Andrew Weissmann?