Friday, January 31, 2020

OMG Imagine Owning A Business In California

Welcome to California, now let's consider moving your small business to our state!


President Trump signs executive order to combat human trafficking

OAN Newsroom
UPDATED 2:15 PM PT — Friday, January 31, 2020
President Trump is saying no one has done more to combat human trafficking than his administration. He made the remark at the White House on Friday, where he signed an executive order aimed at fighting online child exploitation.
“This order expands prevention education programs, promotes housing opportunities for survivors, (and) furthermore, it takes the vital step of designating a full time position here at the White House dedicated solely to combating human trafficking, so people know how important it is,” stated the president.

He went on to say human trafficking is a form of modern day slavery and a worldwide problem made worse by the internet.
President Trump also said his administration has put unprecedented pressure on traffickers at home and abroad. In recent months, authorities have rescued thousands of victims while ICE has arrested more than 5,000 traffickers.
“We will not rest until we’ve stopped every last human trafficker and liberated every last survivor,” he said.

Murkowski Will Vote Against Impeachment Witnesses, Takes Shot At Elizabeth Warren

 Sen. Lisa Murkowski speaks to journalists as she arrives for a vote on Capitol Hill in Washington, U.S., Sept. 24, 2018. REUTERS/Joshua Roberts

Article by Chuck Ross in "The Daily Caller":

Sen. Lisa Murkowski announced Friday that she will vote against calling witnesses to testify at President Donald Trump’s Senate impeachment trial, while also taking a direct shot at Sen. Elizabeth Warren over a question that the 2020 presidential candidate posed to Chief Justice John Roberts at the trial Thursday.

“Given the partisan nature of this impeachment from the very beginning and throughout, I have come to the conclusion that there will be no fair trial in the Senate,” Murkowski said in a statement.
The Alaska Republican’s decision all but assures that the GOP will stave off Democrats’ calls to invite former national security adviser John Bolton and other witnesses to testify at the trial. Bolton reportedly said in his unpublished memoir that Trump linked military aid to Ukraine to Ukrainian investigations of former Vice President Joe Biden.

If true, Bolton’s claim would undercut Trump’s impeachment defense that he did not withhold military aid as part of a quid pro quo for Biden-related investigations.

At least four Republicans would have had to join all Democrats in a vote for witnesses. Sens. Mitt Romney of Utah and Susan Collins of Maine are the only two Republicans to say the want to hear from witnesses.

 Murkowski and GOP Sen. Lamar Alexander of Tennessee were considered earlier this week to be on the fence on the matter.  Alexander, a close ally of Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, announced his opposition to witnesses on Thursday.

Murkowski called the House’s articles of impeachment “rushed and flawed.”

“I carefully considered the need for additional witnesses and documents, to cure the shortcomings of its process, but ultimately decided that I will vote against considering motions to subpoena,” she said.

She also referred to a tense moment during the Senate trial on Thursday when Warren, a Democrat, introduced a question about whether Roberts, the Supreme Court chief justice, could be impartial at the trial.

Roberts read the question aloud: “At a time when large majorities of Americans have lost faith in government, does the fact that the chief justice is presiding over an impeachment trial in which Republican senators have thus far refused to allow witnesses or evidence contribute to the loss of legitimacy of the chief justice, the Supreme Court, and the Constitution?”

“It has also become clear some of my colleagues intend to further politicize this process, and drag the Supreme Court into the fray, while attacking the Chief Justice. I will not stand for nor support that effort,” Murkowski said in her statement.

“We are sadly at a low point of division in this country,” she added.

Face It: The Economy...

Face It: 
The Economy Under Trump Is Great 

| Opinion

If no one ever said, "If people are talking about you, it means you're important," someone probably should have. It's always been true in America, a place where hype is king. The mere fact that you're mentioned in the columns makes you a player.

Some would argue that's one of the reasons Donald Trump got to be president. But it's also the way New York Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez got to be the ideological leader of the Democratic Party. She has a lot to say, doesn't shy away from the spotlight and has views that land far from the center of the bell curve.

Lately, while attempting to argue that the Democratic Party of Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama is centrist, she's had a lot to say about how bad the American economy is under Trump.

If she wasn't serious, it would be silly. But she is, and should be taken that way because, like it or not, someday she and her kind may win a national election and set policy for the entire nation. And, with the polls in Iowa and New Hampshire showing a late surge for Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders, a self-described democratic socialist independent who caucuses with the Democrats and agrees with Ocasio-Cortez's assessment of the economy, that chance may come sooner than many people expect.

Here's the reality. By most traditional measures, the economy is stronger than it's been in over three decades, especially where job creation is concerned. Trump's policy of tax relief and deregulation—the president likes to brag his administration has eliminated more than a dozen regulations for each new one it has imposed—has led to the creation of the three most important things in U.S. politics: jobs, jobs and more jobs.

"On a scale of 1 to 10," economist Steve Moore recently wrote of the job market, "it's an 11."

Moore has it right. The unemployment rate soared above 9 percent during President Barack Obama's early years in office. Obama promised it would soon plateau at a manageable level if Congress would only approve his stimulus package to kick-start the public works projects we were all told were "shovel-ready." It did, but they weren't. And although unemployment began falling after 2010, as Moore wrote, "from January 2009 to December 2016, almost 10 million jobs were added, but amazingly, 1.6 million working-age people dropped out of the workforce."

Under Trump, unemployment has continued to go down and the labor force participation rate is rising, contrary to what the Congressional Budget Office predicted would be the continuing trend just as he came into office.

More people are working, and because real wages are rising, they have the "hope," finally, that Obama promised but found so hard to deliver. We're as close to full employment as economists in the 1970s and 1980s said we'd ever be.

Donald Trump rally
President Donald Trump speaks at an evening rally on January 28 in Wildwood, New Jersey. Spencer Platt/Getty

The reason Ocasio-Cortez and others who subscribe to her agenda regard this as a bad economy is precisely because it demonstrates people do not need the government as a mediating institution to succeed. Market capitalism, even in the hybrid form in which it exists in the United States, is enough to, as the late Jack Kemp used to say, create "a rising tide that lifts all boats."

When that happens, the folks who want to use the government to plan the economy and redistribute the rewards of hard work, creativity and invention (not to mention luck) among the masses have no arguments to make. Their model doesn't come from Adam Smith so much as it comes from Karl Marx. The people they claim to represent apparently can get ahead without their intervention or their interference. Ocasio-Cortez and her allies want the government to control the means of production, the allocation of resources, individual employment tracks and every important macro- and micro-economic lever. They believe they are necessary when the current economic realities show they are, at best, superfluous.

People should realize she's serious. She's not exaggerating or trying to score political points. She believes this, and not just because the numbers show income inequality is increasing. Even if some are better off than others, most everyone is better off now than they were four years ago. To Ocasio-Cortez and her kind in the Democratic Party, that's unacceptable.

It's as if, as Margaret Thatcher put it on the floor of the House of Commons in the waning days of her prime ministry, those who promote socialism—even the American kind, which is supposedly kinder and gentler than the East German version—would rather "the poor were poorer provided the rich were less rich."

Newsweek contributing editor Peter Roff has written extensively about politics and the American experience for U.S. News and World Report, United Press International and other publications. 

2 suspects in custody after officer-involved shooting near President Trump’s Mar-a-Lago resort

OAN Newsroom
UPDATED 12:20 PM PT — Friday, January 31, 2020
On Friday, two suspects were taken into custody in connection with an officer-involved shooting near President Trump’s Mar-a-Lago resort. The incident unraveled after a driver reportedly sped through two police check points between Palm Beach and Mar-a-Lago.

Officials reportedly opened fire at the runaway car and initiated a pursuit. With the assistance of Highway Patrol and a sheriff’s helicopter, authorities were able to locate and detain the vehicle.  Two suspects were taken into custody. No injuries have been reported.
Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Office issued a statement, describing the incident.

Sheriff’s Office: FHP was in pursuit of a black SUV. The SUV was headed towards two security check points at Mar-A-Lago. SUV breached both security check points heading towards the main entrance. Officials (still trying to determine) discharged their firearms at the vehicle.
 President Trump was in Washington D.C. at the time of the security breach. According to his public schedule, he is expected to return to Florida later on Friday.
This is developing news. Please check back later for updates.

The Outrage Machine is cranking up again

While these breathless hysterics crank up the Outrage Machine to Spinal Tap 11, most of us are rolling our eyes and saying, “Sure, Jan.” Because we’ve heard it all before.

I’ve been having the best time reading through all the angry, sputtering tweets from the Resistance😆 over the Senate Republicans not wanting witnesses.  Yup.  The same folks who have been screaming helplessly at the sky since November 9, 2016 are cranking up the Outrage Machine once again.

And reading their tear-stained rage tweets has been all kinds of fun!

The same people who proclaimed our “democracy” was destroyed because of Net Neutrality, Tax Cuts, the travel ban, Stormy Daniels, Kavanaugh, and Mueller’s failure to perform are now cranking up the Outrage Machine while bemoaning the destruction of our “democracy.”

Yes sir.  Our “democracy” is being destroyed by those evil Republicans who are engaging in a “cover-up” by not agreeing to salvage Adam Schiff’s disastrous Impeachment Porn.

And not just our DEMOCRACY!!!  They are SHREDDING THE CONSTITUTION!!!!

Honestly, with the workout they’re giving it, this Outrage Machine is going to need some serious service and soon.  Otherwise, when Trump wins a landslide victory in November, they’re going to have a tough time getting it started.

I really do marvel at the Resistance😄’s ability to keep itself in a constant state of high dudgeon.

How they can maintain this level of outrage year after year and not once take a moment to say, “You know, maybe I should gain some much-needed perspective” is a mystery to me.

Let me sum up the current Outrage Machine for you:

The Outrage Machine
Okay, that’s not my summary. I just wanted to do an image of Adam Schiff as Greta.

Here we go:

Chuck Schumer is out there claiming that not calling brand new witnesses means “this country is headed toward the greatest cover-up since Watergate.”

Say, remember just three weeks ago when they told us this country is headed toward World War Three?

Yeah, whatever happened with that?

The over-the-top rhetoric might play well among the Resistance😁.  But out here in the real world where nobody gives a tinker’s fart about this shampeachment, it’s easily dismissed as just more outrage from the perpetually outraged.

Very true.

And while these breathless hysterics crank up the Outrage Machine to Spinal Tap 11, most of us are rolling our eyes and saying, “Sure, Jan.”

Because we’ve heard it all before.

When Hillary lost.

When Kavanaugh got confirmed.

When Mueller struck out.

When Trump took out Smolderimani.

The Outrage Machine never stops.

It’s like when I lived in an apartment in Chicago just a half block from the elevated train.  The first few weeks, every time a train went by, the rattle and squeal drove me bats.  But after a while, I didn’t even notice it anymore.

After three years of the Outrage Machine rattling and squealing and screaming at the sky, it’s pretty much white noise by now.

And because these guys do not have the self-control to offer reasonable, measured responses, the general response to their hair-on-fire well-I-nevering is laughter and mockery.

I’m especially enjoying reading through Kurt Schichter’s tweets today.

Let me “bottom line” this for you.

This changes nothing.

The people cranking up the Outrage Machine today were never going to vote for Trump or any other Republican.

And their shrieking and histrionics are not going to change anyone else’s mind.

Because we’ve seen this all before.

Well, sure. There might be “backlash” next November. But not in the way the perpetually-outrage might imagine. And as far as “Americans’ innate sense of fairness” goes, I think the people who really did damage to that were Adam Schiff, Nancy Pelosi, Jerry Nadler, and the rest of the House Democrats.

Listen, there will be no “asterisk” next to Trump’s name.

This will not go down in history as the “greatest cover-up since Watergate.”

In fact, by spring, this shampeachment, like World War Three before it, will be all but forgotten.

And if anything is remembered about it, it’ll probably be this:

On a side note, and sticking with the Greta theme, I also did a ‘shop of Alexander Vindman as Greta … just because.

As as added bonus, and keeping with my Wizard of Oz-related comment about Jennifer Rubin from the other day, I did this:

Enjoy your weekend everyone! And enjoy the Super Bowl if that’s something you’re into.

Joe Biden Argued Against Impeachment Witnesses In 1999: ‘The Senate Need Not Hold A Full Blown Trial’

In a secret 1999 memo to Democrat senators, Biden argued that the Senate had no obligation to call witnesses or hear live testimony before rendering an impeachment verdict.

Former Vice President Joe Biden argued during the impeachment of former President Bill Clinton that witnesses should be rejected by the Senate, according to a memo obtained by Politico.

In a January 5, 1999 private memorandum to his fellow Democrat senators at the time, Biden wrote that the Senate should dismiss the articles of impeachment against Clinton without holding what he called a “‘full blown’ trial.”

“The Senate need not hold a ‘full blown’ trial” with witnesses and testimony, then-Sen. Biden wrote. “The Senate may dismiss articles of impeachment without holding a full trial or taking any evidence.”

“Put another way, the Constitution does not impose on the Senate the duty to hold a trial,” he continued. “In fact the Senate need not hold a trial even though the House wishes to present evidence and hold a full trial.”

In his memorandum, Biden cited multiple precedents showing that the Senate was not obligated in any way to accept new evidence or testimony regardless of what the House impeachment managers desired.

“At present, House of Representatives Impeachment Managers are taking the position that the Senate is required to hold a full trial with live witnesses and evidentiary proceedings,” Biden wrote to his Democrat colleagues. “The House of Representatives took the opposite position in 1986 when it argued that the Senate should summarily convict Judge Harry Claiborne without taking any evidence or hearing any witnesses.”

Biden’s arguments from 1999 directly refute claims from Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif., and other Democrat impeachment managers that the Senate must be required to seek testimony from witnesses the House itself refused to subpoena, such as fired former White House National Security Adviser John Bolton.

“In a number of previous impeachment trials, the Senate has reached the judgment that its constitutional role as sole trier of impeachments does not require it to take new evidence or hear live witness testimony.”

While the Senate eventually requested the testimony of three witnesses in the impeachment trial of Clinton–Monica Lewinsky, Vernon Jordan, and Sidney Blumenthal each of those witnesses had already been deposed before the House of Representatives or a federal grand jury following lengthy litigation. The Senate refused to call new witnesses whose previous testimony hadn’t already formed a basis for the impeachment articles against Clinton.

You can read Biden’s full memorandum HERE.

Poverty Stats Are Greatly Overstated

Poverty Stats 

Greatly Overstate How Many Americans Are Destitute

Poverty Stats Greatly Overstate How Many Americans Are Destitute

While pressing her agenda to expand means-tested welfare programs, Democratic Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is claiming that the federal government’s poverty statistics vastly undercount the number of Americans who are “destitute.”

In reality, the exact opposite is true because those statistics omit a broad range of government benefits, charity, and unreported income. When these are counted, the poorest fifth of U.S. households consume five times more goods and services than the poverty stats reveal. These material resources amount to an average of more than $50,000 per household per year, making the poorest fifth of Americans richer than the averages for all people in most developed nations of the world.

AOC’s Claims

In a recent video, AOC alleges: “You would not know that our country is posting record profits because 40 million Americans are living in poverty right now, and if the poverty line was real—if it was around what some people think it should be—about $38,000 a year, we will be shocked at how much the richest society on the planet is allowing so much of its people to live in destitute [sic].”

Her number of 40 million is roughly equal to the Census Bureau’s figure of 38.1 million, or 11.8 percent of the U.S. population. This represents merely one of the widely different ways of measuring poverty, but it is the federal government’s official measure, and the media follows suit. As stated in a 2019 paper in the American Economic Journal: Applied Economics: “The official poverty rate is also one of the most cited government statistics in the popular press.”

What’s Excluded

Without vital context – which AOC and most news reports fail to provide – the oft-cited Census poverty stats are highly misleading. For as the Census Bureau explains, they don’t “include the value of noncash benefits such as those provided by SNAP [Food Stamps], Medicare, Medicaid, public housing,” and a host of other goods and services that the poor receive from government and charities. More specifically:

  • Food Stamp beneficiaries received an average of $3,200 per household in Food Stamps during 2017.
  • Medicaid beneficiaries received an average of $7,794 per person in healthcare benefits during 2016.
  • Section 8 voucher beneficiaries received an average of $8,333 per household in rental assistance during 2016.
  • Head Start beneficiaries received an average of $9,871 per child in childcare and preschool benefits during 2017.
  • Other government programs provide noncash welfare benefits in the form of utility assistance, college grants, school lunch, school breakfast, community health centers, family planning services, prescription drugs, job training, legal services, cell phones, cell phone service, and internet service.
  • Federal law requires most hospitals with emergency departments to provide an “examination” and “stabilizing treatment” for anyone who comes to such a facility and requests care for an emergency medical condition or childbirth, regardless of their ability to pay and immigration status.
  • Private charities provide additional benefits to low-income people, such as food, clothing, housing, and healthcare.

Furthermore, Census income and poverty figures are obtained through household surveys, and low-income households don’t report much of their cash income in such surveys. Regarding this:

  • study published by the American Economic Journal in 2019 found that 63 percent of all New York State households who received benefits from two major cash welfare programs did not report any of this money to the Census Bureau.
  • The same study found that people who did report receiving cash welfare from these two programs received an average of 65 percent more money from the programs than they reported to the Census Bureau.
  • In 2013, the chief actuary of the U.S. Social Security Administration estimated that 3.9 million illegal immigrants worked “in the underground economy” during 2010.
  • In 2016, the IRS reported that 63 percent of income not reported to the IRS by third parties (like employers) is never reported to the IRS by the people who receive the money.

The Big Picture

An official federal measure that accounts for all of people’s material resources is called “consumption.” Recorded by the federal government’s Bureau of Economic Analysis, it is a comprehensive measure of the goods and services consumed by households. It is also the World Bank’s “preferred welfare indicator, for practical reasons of reliability and because consumption is thought to better capture long-run welfare levels than current income.” Significantly, a 2003 paper in the Journal of Human Resources explains that “consumption standards were behind the original setting of the poverty line,” but government changed to the current method because of its “ease of reporting.”

The Bureau of Economic Analysis normally reports consumption for the entire nation and doesn’t break down the data to show how people at different levels fare. However, it published a report in 2012 that does that for 2010. Placed side-by-side with the Census Bureau income figures that underlie its poverty stats, the differences are striking – particularly for the poorest and richest U.S. households:

Reported Pre-Tax Money Income Versus Consumption, 2010

The federal data graphed above shows that the poorest 20 percent of U.S. households consumed an average of $57,049 of goods and services per household in 2010, while they reported an average of $11,034 in pre-tax money income to the Census Bureau. This means that widely reported federal poverty stats exclude about 80 percent of the material resources of low-income households. Put simply, the poorest fifth of U.S. households consume five times more goods and services than the poverty stats reveal.

AOC argues that the federal poverty line for “1 earner & a mother home full-time” should be $38,000/year, as compared to the current line of about $26,000 for a family of four. She attempts to justify this by saying that the current line “doesn’t include cost of childcare, geographic cost of living, or healthcare.” What she neglects to say is that low-income households typically receive such items and many others for free or greatly reduced prices.

In contrast, most U.S. households earn their healthcare, housing, food, childcare, phone service, and such for themselves, while also paying taxes that fund these items for others. As a result, U.S. middle-income households consume only 26 percent more goods and services than the poorest fifth.

The impacts of this wealth redistribution are even more drastic for the richest fifth of U.S. households, who forfeit a large portion of their income to taxes and receive few government benefits. They report 15 times more pre-tax money income than the poorest fifth of households, but they consume only twice as much goods and services as the poorest fifth.

Given that the available data treat the poorest 20 percent of households as a single group, while 11.8 percent of U.S. residents are officially in poverty, one might assume that poor households consume markedly less than the $57,049 average for the group. However, other government data suggests that is not the case. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics collects data on a subset of consumption called “consumer expenditures.” These show a mere $2,179 difference between the lowest 10 percent of U.S. households and the second lowest 10 percent. Since consumer expenditures exclude many forms of non-cash welfare, and eligibility for welfare declines as income rises, the poorest 10 percent may consume more goods and services than the second-poorest 10 percent.


Contrary to AOC, the facts are clear that frequently reported federal poverty stats vastly overstate the number of Americans who are destitute. Moreover, Just Facts’ recent study of data from the World Bank and the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis reveals that the poorest fifth of Americans consume more goods and services than the averages for all people in most developed nations of the world. In spite of these facts, AOC decries “economic injustice in America” and insists that the U.S. cannot “capitalism our way out of poverty.”
This article has been republished with permission from Just Facts Daily.
[Image Credit: Flickr-nrkbeta-Ståle Grut, CC BY-SA 2.0]

Supreme Court Justices Signal Potential Crackdown On Nationwide Injunctions

Justice Neil Gorsuch issued a concurring opinion about the threat nationwide injunctions present to separation of powers and the role of the courts under the Constitution.

On Monday, the Supreme Court issued a 5-4 ruling that the Trump administration may deny green cards to foreign nationals who use taxpayer-funded social services. The ruling freezes several nationwide injunctions issued by lower federal courts late last year. Monday’s vote also fell along ideological lines, as the five Republican-appointed justices voted in favor, while the four Democrat-appointed justices dissented.

According to the Immigration and Nationality Act (NIA), foreign nationals are prohibited from acquiring a green card if they are “likely at any time to become a public charge.” The issue at hand on Monday was what fit the criteria of a “public charge.” In recent years, the phrase was characterized as an individual who was reliant on a cash assistance program.

Back in August 2019, the Trump administration implemented this new rule to take into account immigrants’ use of government benefits, such as Medicaid and food stamps, when determining whether to provide individuals with permanent status. The policy exempts refugees and asylum seekers.

In Monday’s ruling, Justice Neil Gorsuch issued a concurring opinion about the threat nationwide injunctions present to separation of powers and the role of the courts under Article III of the U.S. Constitution. “The real problem here is the increasingly common practice of trial courts ordering relief that transcends the cases before them,” Gorsuch wrote. “Whether framed as injunctions of ‘nationwide,’ ‘universal,’ or ‘cosmic’ scope, these orders share the same basic flaw—they direct how the defendant must act toward persons who are not parties to the case.”

Gorsuch continued, “But when a court goes further than that, ordering the government to take (or not take) some action with respect to those who are strangers to the suit, it is hard to see how the court could still be acting in the judicial role of resolving cases and controversies.” Gorsuch was joined in his concurrence by Justice Clarence Thomas.

This isn’t the first-time SCOTUS justices have discussed nationwide injunctions. Back in 2018, in the case Trump v. Hawaii, Justice Thomas noted that nationwide injunctions “are legally and historically dubious,” and warned that “If federal courts continue to issue them, this Court is dutybound to adjudicate their authority to do so.”

Rather than interpret the law as written, leftist judges have become activists in the courtroom, ruling out of political opinions rather than the legal text before them. Such behavior rejects the ideals of the Founders, who believed in an impartial judiciary that rules based on the law as written.

Nationwide injunctions by lower federal courts have become a recurring problem for the Trump administration. In an op-ed in the Wall Street Journal in September 2019, Attorney General Bill Barr revealed that “During the eight years of the Obama administration, 20 nationwide injunctions were issued while the Trump administration has already faced nearly 40,” with the vast majority of these injunctions coming from Democrat-appointed judges. Barr stated “the federal judiciary wasn’t made to produce instant legal uniformity. To the contrary, the system—in which local district courts are supervised by regional courts of appeal—was constructed to allow a diversity of initial rulings until a single, national rule could be decided by the Supreme Court.”

This continuous abuse of judicial power by leftists on the bench erodes our Constitution, piece by piece. President Thomas Jefferson even warned of the judiciary’s potential corruption in 1819, when in a letter to Judge Spencer Roane he wrote, “Our Constitution . . . intending to establish three departments, co-ordinate and independent that they might check and balance one another, it has given—according to this opinion to one of them alone the right to prescribe rules for the government of others; and to that one, too, which is unelected by and independent of the nation. . . . The Constitution, on this hypothesis, is a mere thing of wax in the hands of the judiciary, which they may twist and shape into any form they please.”

This was one of many times Jefferson wrote about potential judicial tyranny, and it seems that his worst fears have come true.

If the Supreme Court doesn’t limit nationwide injunctions, the lower federal courts will continue to run roughshod over our Constitution, deeply damaging the separation of powers that prevents judicial tyranny. The longer this problem persists, activist judges will continue to become emboldened to dictate national policy, while seizing power for the judiciary. It’s time the Supreme Court take a stand and defend the Constitution, and that starts with ending nationwide injunctions.

Government, Liberty, and Power

Thomas Paine on 

Government, Liberty, and Power

Paine's words, which greatly inspired our founding, contrast sharply with the America we have come to inhabit.

January 29 is the birthday of Thomas Paine (1737-1809), the fiery rhetorician of America’s revolution whose importance was such that John Adams said: “[W]ithout the pen of Paine, the sword of Washington would have been wielded in vain.”

Common Sense, first published in January 1776, argued strongly for independence from England and was the most widely read pamphlet of the American Revolution, selling almost 500,000 copies to a population of 2.5 million. The first essay of The Crisis (with the famous opening line: “These are the times that try men's souls”), written by Paine at the front lines with Washington’s army in 1776, was read aloud in every army camp. Its essays (from 1776-1883) were read by a larger fraction of the population than now watch the Super Bowl. And Paine did not make a penny from either, as the proceeds went to the revolutionary cause.

Paine’s words reportedly persuaded George Washington to recant allegiance to Britain and inspired Thomas Jefferson in drafting the Declaration of Independence. Later, they convinced Abraham Lincoln to work to end slavery. And they can still instruct us today.

One aspect of Paine’s writing that is particularly worth remembering in our current circumstances was his attempt to establish “principles...on which government ought to be erected,” which our government today has migrated far from.
  1. "Society in every state is a blessing, but Government, even in its best state, is but a necessary evil; in its worst state, an intolerable one."
  2. "[G]overning has always been monopolized by the most ignorant and the most rascally individuals of mankind."
  3. "Some writers have…confounded society with government…[but] Society is produced by our wants, and government by our wickedness; the former promotes our happiness positively by uniting our affections, the latter negatively by restraining our vices...The first is a patron, the last a punisher."
  4. "An avidity to punish is always dangerous to liberty. It leads men to stretch, to misinterpret, and to misapply even the best of laws."
  5. "[G]overnments...pervert the abundance which civilized life produces...It affords to them pretenses for power and revenue, for which there would be neither occasion nor apology, if the circle of civilization were rendered complete."
  6. "[W]e still feel the greedy hand of government thrusting itself into every corner and crevice of industry, and grasping at the spoil of the multitude. Invention is continually exercised to furnish new pretenses for revenue and taxation. It watches prosperity as its prey and permits none to escape without a tribute."
  7. "All power exercised over a nation...must be either delegated, or assumed...All delegated power is trust, and all assumed power is usurpation."
  8. "He that would make his own liberty secure must guard even his enemy from oppression."
  9. "Government...[has] no other object than the general happiness. When, instead of this, it operates to create and increase wretchedness in any of the parts of society, it is on a wrong system, and reformation is necessary."
  10. "The American constitutions were to liberty what a grammar is to language: they define its parts of speech and practically construct them into syntax."
  11. "The original principles upon which [America] resisted…to remember them rightly is repossessing them."
  12. "What are [other things] to the inestimable blessings of 'Liberty and Safety!'"
  13. "I become irritated at the attempt to govern mankind by force and fraud, as if they were all knaves and fools."
As one commentator put it, Thomas Paine was “a bold and vigorous friend of human liberty.” His words, which greatly inspired our founding, contrast sharply with the America we have come to inhabit. Verbal obeisance to freedom is still paid, but it is often merely as boilerplate camouflage for further assaults on liberties. His birthday is a good time to remember the principles he helped found America upon, greatly expanding liberty’s beachhead in the world. After all, today also tries our souls.

Tinfoil Hat Idea: Are Biden and the Obamas Planning a Bait-and-Switch?

Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden said at a rally two days ago:

I sure would like Michelle to be the vice president. [The Obamas] are both incredibly qualified people. I mean, they are such decent, honorable people.

Biden dangled the same notion back in September, during a meeting of the Mutual Admiration Society on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert.

Biden’s recurring mention of Michelle Obama for vice president raises some fascinating speculative possibilities. Grab your tinfoil hat and follow along.


Michelle Obama was 2019’s Most Admired Woman in the World. She radiates charisma for progressives, and crowds lose their minds wherever she shows up.

She has published a bestselling ghost-written memoir about how deep she is, the obligatory precursor to a presidential run. She has kept in the public eye since The Chosen One left office with regular speaking engagements and show appearances.

Michelle Obama holds the black-woman card, probably the most powerful trump in the identity politics deck today. Her activism cleaves resolutely progressive, without any taint of lunatic socialism. She combines the best parts of Hillary Clinton and Oprah Winfrey (so … mostly Oprah Winfrey).

Not only that, Michelle Obama possesses an unprecedented campaign advantage.
Were she to run for office, Obama could claim experience without the baggage of a political record. If critics point out that she’s never held nationwide office, she can counter: “I was with Barry in the White House for eight years, so I know what I’m doing. And he’ll be by my side to advise.”

On the flip side, if critics say, “Your husband did this and that in office and that’s unacceptable now,” Michelle can reply: “I am NOT my husband, thank you very much. I am my own strong, independent woman, and my decisions will be my own if I’m elected to office.”

See how that works?


Joe Biden presents the worst Democratic candidate profile imagination can conjure.

He’s white, male, straight, and old–bordering on ancient (77). Biden’s picture accompanies the entry for “creepy, dusty swamp politician” in the dictionary. Biden is a born placeholder, a charisma-free, wooden party lynchpin. Biden brings stability and infrastructure to the table, but not much else.

Not only that, Joe Biden shows signs of growing decrepitude and perhaps illness. At rallies like the one mentioned earlier, Biden struggles to hold a train of thought and complete long sentences after he begins them. Can Biden hold up to the 20-hour days, constant travel, and unrelenting stress of the presidency? It seems doubtful.

Unless …

[At this time, please make sure the chinstrap on your tinfoil hat is tight.]


Consider the following scenario:

Joe Biden announces Michelle Obama for his vice-president pick. Biden then makes it known within the Democratic Party that he plans to hold the presidency for only a short time, then retire.

In a flash, Democratic insiders line up behind Biden and spread the word: THE SECOND COMING IS NIGH! The left unifies like never before to elect–in effect–the first woman president. And not just the first woman president, but Barry and Michelle back in the White House! It’s the perfect progressive storm. no other Democratic candidate would stand a chance. Bernie and Elizabeth might as well go home and cry.

After a year or so in office, Biden announces the shocking news that he is unwell (who saw THAT coming, right?). He steps down with a wink, and like magic, it’s 2008 again, only better.

Under this arrangement, Joe Biden becomes the 46th president; sees his name into the history books; and quashes all Hunter’s legal problems. In addition, Biden goes from placeholder to legendary liberal hero. He defeats the Orange Menace, then hands the presidency to the woman of color who SHOULD have it, but who couldn’t get elected without him.

Biden skips three years of exhausting meetings to play with the grandkids Hunter has fathered with sundry women. Michelle gives right-thinking Americans seven more years of smug satisfaction in their wokeness. France and Canada like the United States again. All the good people win.


Seem far-fetched? Maybe. The foregoing scenario amounts to a conspiracy theory that grants Joe Biden credit he may not deserve.

But don’t forget how much contempt Biden and the Obamas have expressed toward President Trump. The president has taken a sledgehammer to Barry’s legacy, exposed the Obama Administration’s SpyGate machinations, and brought much unwanted attention to the Biden Family Grift Machine.

The Obamas might not like Biden all that much; and Joe Biden might not want to give up part of his turn at presidenting; but the prospect of avenging themselves on President Trump and re-instituting Woke Camelot might drive both parties to a compromise.
Sometimes it’s not who wins but who loses.