Wednesday, January 8, 2020

What Ilhan Omar Said Proves We Can't Trust Democrats With Our National Security

 Image result for ilhan omar gifs

Article by Matt Vespa in "Townhall":

Last week, President Trump ordered a drone strike that killed Iranian Maj. Gen. Qasam Soleimani. He was a terrorist. The commander of Quds force, Soleimani was a bringer of death to the region. It’s a good thing a hellfire missile turned him into an ashtray. He can burn in hell. There is at least 600 American servicemembers’ death that can be linked to him. And yet, the liberal media and the Democrats appear to be the only ones, besides the hardline Iranians, who are sad over his death. You’d think a hellfire missile vaporized Santa Claus, Mother Teresa, or Gandhi. People seem to forget this was a bad guy. That’s how deadly Trump Derangement Syndrome has become. Killing terrorists is a bad thing…because Trump did it

This makes no sense. Sanctions are economic warfare.

They have already caused medical shortages and countless deaths in Iran.

You cannot claim to want deescalation and then announce new sanctions with no clear goal. This is not a measured response! 

Trump: The US "will immediately impose additional punishing economic sanctions" on Iran as we evaluate options

Absolutely disgusting.

Democrat Rep. Ilhan Omar laughs and jokes around as her colleague Democrat Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee discusses U.S. casualties in Iraq. 

What exactly does Ilhan Omar "feel ill" about?

That we took out a terrorist who killed at least 603 Americans and was plotting more?

That deterrence works and we suffered ZERO U.S. casualties?

That the days of tolerating Iran's terror are over?

Who is "sophomoric"?

Democrats' unhinged opposition to @realDonaldTrump has led them to take the side of terrorists

They argue a terrorist who has killed 603 Americans, just killed another, tried to raid our Embassy, and was plotting to kill more, should still be alive


For Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN), she made a total fool of herself, saying that the whole situation made her “ill.” And that she gets stricken with post-traumatic stress disorder due to the conversations about war. That’s facetious. No one gets PTSD by having a conversation. Then again, she’s a liberal, one of the most fragile lifeforms on the planet. There is no war. No war is happening. Iran is standing down. The missile attack was a way to save face. It’s nothing compared to what we did by killing Soleimani. Even Time magazine editor Ian Bremmer, no Trump fan, said this was a win for the president. Red lines and deterrence were reestablished. Ironically, this move by Trump allowed for a diplomatic channel to be reopened. Oh, and she thought the sanctions Trump has proposed against Iran were not appropriate (via The Hill):

Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) on Wednesday condemned President Trump's decision to impose further economic sanctions on Iran, saying that the move was not a "measured response" in the wake of escalating tensions in the Middle East. 
During a public address from the White House, Trump announced that the U.S. would implement "punishing" sanctions on the Iranian government as it evaluated a response to Tehran's overnight missile attack on Iraqi military bases housing U.S. troops. The attack followed a U.S. airstrike that killed Gen. Qassem Soleimani, one of the most powerful officials in Iran and the leader of its elite Quds Force. 
Trump said that no American lives were lost in the Iranian attacks and added that Iran appeared to "be standing down, which is a good thing for all parties concerned and a very good thing for the world."
Omar, who has been outspoken on the conflict between the U.S. and Iran, argued on Twitter that sanctions are "economic warfare" that make "no sense."

Yeah, this is the party that we should trust with our national security. They think killing terrorists is problematic, maybe even criminal, and sanctioning state sponsors of terror doesn’t make any sense. They really are working hard at giving Trump a second term. 

Dems Go Over the Slide: Accuse Trump of ‘Assassinating’ Soleimani, Dissatisfied With Intel Briefing

 Dems Go Over the Slide: Accuse Trump of 'Assassinating' Soleimani, Dissatisfied With Intel Briefing

Article by Nick Arama in "RedState":

What’s really been embarrassing about the whole Iran issue is watching how Democrats have behaved since the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad was attacked, first accusing Trump of doing nothing, then attacking him when he responded and took out IRGC terrorist leader Qasem Soleimani. 

Soleimani’s pro-Iranian militia were behind multiple recent rocket attacks on U.S. forces in Iraq including one that killed an American and wounded four other Americans. He also is considered responsible for hundreds of American military deaths in Iraq. That’s not even mentioning the thousands of other people in other countries for whose deaths he is responsible. He’s been on a “he deserves it” hit list as even the Obama administration previously admitted. They just didn’t take the shot because they didn’t want to upset Iran and the Iran Deal. 

The Trump administration also said that he was planning future attacks. That was pretty much a given.

As we reported, he had already compromised the Green Zone according to reports which thus put every embassy inside in danger.

But even if Soleimani had not been planning any future attacks, the prior actions would have justified taking him out as deterrence/retaliation.

But Democrats are blinded with their effort to get Trump. Not only did they start attacking him immediately, they are now accusing him of assassinating Soleimani and not having evidence of future attacks. 

Here’s Sen. Richard ‘Da Nang Dick’ Blumenthal (D-CT).

.@SenBlumenthal says he comes away "angry and deeply disatisfied" with the Administration briefing on the targeting of Soleimani. Says answers were "unacceptably vague" and raised more questions than answered. Says in some ways he's "more frightened" by the situation re: Iran.

 Next the far left caucus of Rep. Pramila Jayapal (D-WA). You can see Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) in the back trying to get attention and Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) on the left. 

Rep. Pramila Jayapal: "President Trump recklessly assassinated Qasem Soleimani. He had no evidence of an imminent threat or attack."

 Check out what journalist Lara Logan has to say here. Media and Democrats are coming to the defense of a monster because they’re so consumed with their continuing effort to undermine and get Trump. 

You know the next step, we have to use it to impeach him. 

This craziness and their efforts to tie Trump’s hands is putting the country in danger.

Chinese officials increase safety precautions in response to mysterious illness outbreak

OAN Newsroom
UPDATED 1:35 PM PT — Wednesday, January 8, 2020
Officials in China are looking to keep people safe as a mysterious illness outbreak threatened travelers in the new year. On Tuesday, the U.S. Embassy released a travel warning for the city of Wuhan, citing an outbreak of unknown cause.
While the travel advisory has only been issued in one province, nearby areas like Hong Kong are preparing to increase safety measures as well.
“The border entry-exit control points have enhanced health surveillance and inspection. Medical personnel have been advised to stay alert and quarantine the suspected cases as early as possible. The Hong Kong Food and Health Bureau will keep in close contact with the World Health Organization.” – Carrie Lam, Chief Executive of Hong Kong

59 people are receiving treatment for the illness, which was described as being similar to pneumonia. It is still being investigated.
The increase in travel security came in preparation for the thousands who will travel to visit family during the Spring Festival, or Chinese New Year, which will start on January 25th.

The Moment a Senate Democrat Told Pelosi Her 'Rolling Impeachment' Gamble Failed; UPDATE: Nancy Digs In, Refuses To Transmit Articles

Have We Won? Senate Democrat All But Tells Nancy Pelosi To End Impeachment Articles Holdup

As Guy mentioned on Twitter, it’s pretty much over. The white flag has been waved. This Trump impeachment push might finally be over—and it will be a significant loss to Democrats who have spent the better part of four years trying to impeach Donald Trump because he won a presidential election. The impeachment charges are abuse of power and obstruction of Congress, two things that don’t sound partisan in the slightest, right?

They’re vague. The reasoning is shoddy; it’s even weaker than the Russian collusion myth they tried to weaponize to impeach Trump. Now, it’s some quid pro quo allegation. Trump had a July phone call with the Ukrainians where he reportedly threatened to withhold aid from the country unless they opened a corruption probe into Hunter Biden, who sat on the board of Burisma, an energy company. Biden was there when daddy Biden was vice president, earning $50,000/month despite having zero experience in the energy sector. He was there allegedly selling access to top Obama officials while Joe was spearheading efforts to fight corruption in Ukraine. 

The scores of witnesses Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) brought before the House Intelligence Committee didn’t back up their elaborate impeachment scheme. in fact, it only increased Trump’s approval ratings and made swing state voters look on this move with greater disapproval; it pushed key battleground areas further away from Democrats this year.

Bravo. Oh, and the whistleblower report from which this big top event was spawned was from a CIA agent who is a registered Democrat and had contacted Schiff’s’ staff prior to filing the report. Schiff knew the contents beforehand and prepared to weaponize them in this effort. Yeah, not a witch hunt. This whistleblower also worked with a 2020 Democratic candidate. There is zero credibility with this impeachment nonsense. None. All it did was lower the bar for this political maneuver. 

The House voted on the impeachment articles, but House Speaker Nancy Pelosi withheld them because she wanted assurances that the Republican Senate would hold a fair trial. That’s not her call. She stalled because she knew this faces certain death in the Senate. As Kimberley Strassel of The Wall Street Journal noted, this is “rolling impeachment.

Democrats don’t want a trial; that’ll only further rip apart their garbage case. They want time to logroll other nonsense into this circus act. The more this is in the news, to them, the greater the chance Trump’s numbers are damaged. Well, that didn’t happen, and the economy is booming, so great strategy there, Democrats.

Now, with even moderate Republicans holding firm on nixing a witness deal that Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) wants, despite him not wanting witnesses for when Bill Clinton was impeached—Sen. Chris Murphy (D-CT) has accepted defeat. He pretty much told Nancy that with the GOP not budging, she might as well send over the articles. Yet, McConnell probably should have moved on this without the articles and dismiss the charges. The longer this stayed in limbo, the longer the Democrats had a chance to further degrade constitutional order on the Hill.

Katie wrote today that McConnell announced he had the votes to nuke any proposal Democrats hurled at them. He can also start the trial without their input. The game is all but over (via WaPo):
Meanwhile, multiple Senate Dems saying now that it's clear GOP is dug in against witness deal, it's time to send the articles and start the trial.
"I think the time has past. She should send the articles over," said @ChrisMurphyCT
— Mike DeBonis (@mikedebonis) January 7, 2020

NEWS —> McConnell tells GOP senators inside the lunch that he has the votes to proceed with impeachment trial without witness deal, per two people familiar
— Seung Min Kim (@seungminkim) January 7, 2020

Wave the white flag, Nancy. Stunt has failed.
— Guy Benson (@guypbenson) January 7, 2020

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) told Republican senators Tuesday that he is prepared to proceed with President Trump’s impeachment trial with no agreement with Democrats on witnesses, according to two officials familiar with his comments.
The announcement came as House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) faced increasing pressure to send articles of impeachment to the Senate, including from some in her own party, to allow a trial to begin. Pelosi has held on to the documents as Democrats seek guarantees about the scope of a trial, including witnesses. Earlier Tuesday, Trump highlighted objections to the prospect of testimony from former national security adviser John Bolton, as Bolton’s announcement that he is prepared to appear at a trial continued to roil Capitol Hill.
The crux of the Democrats’ case is the allegation that Trump tried to leverage a White House meeting and military aid, sought by Ukraine to combat Russian military aggression, to pressure Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to launch an investigation of former vice president Joe Biden and his son Hunter Biden, as well as a probe of an unfounded theory that Kyiv conspired with Democrats to interfere in the 2016 presidential election.
McConnell said he has the minimum of 51 votes to begin the trial in the format that he has long envisioned: opening arguments for both the House impeachment managers and for Trump’s defense team, as well as ample time for questioning by senators, said the two people on the condition of anonymity to discuss a private meeting.
The vote would be held after the Senate receives the articles from the House, and a decision would be made on whether to call witnesses once the first phase of the trial is over, under the majority leader’s plan.
Senate Republican leaders did a final vote check Tuesday morning to make sure they have the votes for McConnell’s plan, according to a GOP senator familiar with the discussions.
That echoes the format of President Bill Clinton’s impeachment trial that was held 21 years ago, and McConnell has been able to convince his members that Trump should be treated in the same fashion.
Game. Set. Match. We all knew this was going to be the ending. It’s a shock that some thought this would end differently. We control the Senate. This is where Democratic nonsense meets a brutal death. And in the meantime, the economy kept growing, America killed some terrorists, and swing states soured on this whole debacle. Oh, and did we mention that the 2020 Democratic field is old, white, left-wing, and utterly unhinged with zero proposals on their agenda that are popular? I’ll take landslide win for $1000, Alex. 


UPDATEVia WaPo Nancy Pelosi is also digging in, refusing to transmit the articles of impeachment to the Seate. We have a Mexican showdown:
McConnell: Lol ok
— Guy Benson (@guypbenson) January 7, 2020
Pelosi told Democrats in a closed-door meeting Tuesday night that she would not move to transmit articles of impeachment to the Senate until she learns more about how the other chamber would conduct the trial, according to three people present for her remarks.
The remarks, indicating that she wanted to see the specific rules of procedure for the trial, came as Senate Minority Leader Charles E. Schumer (D-N.Y.) and other Senate Democrats hinted that they were ready to proceed with a trial after McConnell said this week that Republicans would not agree to subpoena additional witnesses and documents before the trial begins.

Airlines re-route or cancel flights around Iraq, Iran after missile strike on U.S. troops

January 8, 2020
By David Shepardson and Allison Lampert
WASHINGTON/MONTREAL (Reuters) – Major airlines canceled Iran and Iraq flights on Wednesday and re-routed others away from both countries’ airspace following an Iranian missile strike on U.S.-led forces in Iraq.
Germany’s Lufthansa, Dubai-based Emirates and low-cost flydubai were among airlines that canceled flights, as the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration barred American carriers from the area. But several other carriers continued operations over the affected airspace.
Iran early on Wednesday fired more than a dozen ballistic missiles from its territory targeting at least two Iraqi military bases hosting U.S.-led coalition personnel, the U.S. military said.
Within hours, the FAA barred U.S. carriers from airspace over Iran, the Gulf of Oman and the waters between Iran and Saudi Arabia, citing “heightened military activities and increased political tensions in the Middle East, which present an inadvertent risk to U.S. civil aviation operations”.
The flight ban came shortly before a Ukraine International Airlines Boeing 737 burst into flames shortly after take-off from Tehran, killing all 176 people aboard in a crash blamed by Ukrainian authorities on an engine failure.
Non-U.S. operators are not bound by the FAA decision, but they and other regulators consider its advice carefully when determining where to fly. Later on Wednesday, the EU Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) recommended to national authorities that European carriers avoid Iraqi airspace.

Airlines have taken more steps to avoid flying over conflict zones since 2014, when Malaysia Airlines Flight MH17 was downed by a missile launched from Ukraine, killing 298 people. But re-routing increases flight times and burns extra fuel.
Australia’s Qantas Airways said on Wednesday it would add 50 minutes to its Perth-London flight time and cut passenger numbers to carry more fuel as it re-routes around Iran and Iraq.
The FAA had already prohibited U.S. carriers from Iranian airspace and from flying below 26,000 feet over Iraq, after Iran shot down a high-altitude U.S. drone last June.
(GRAPHIC: Iran fires missiles at U.S bases in Iraq –
Lufthansa dropped its next scheduled flights to Erbil in northern Iraq and to Tehran but said services to the Iranian capital would resume on Thursday, although overflights will continue to be re-routed to avoid both countries’ airspace.
Air France-KLM, which axed its Tehran service in 2018, said it was also suspending Air France flights through Iranian and Iraqi airspace “as a precautionary measure”.
British Airways said a small number of its flights would be affected by re-routing, without elaborating. Virgin Atlantic, Singapore Airlines Ltd, Malaysia Airlines, Air Canada and Taiwan’s China Airlines were also among carriers that re-routed flights.
“As a result, flight times to and from Mumbai may be slightly longer than expected,” a Virgin spokeswoman said.
Other major airlines maintained flights over Iraq and Iran but said they were actively monitoring the situation.

“As a result, flight times to and from Mumbai may be slightly longer than expected,” a Virgin spokeswoman said.
Other major airlines maintained flights over Iraq and Iran but said they were actively monitoring the situation.
As of 0830 GMT, airlines still flying over either country included Qatar Airways, Emirates, Etihad Airways, Turkish Airlines, flydubai, Air Arabia and low-cost long-haul carrier Norwegian Air, according to FlightRadar24 data.
Norwegian, whose Dubai flights routinely cross Iran, nonetheless said it was “looking at alternative routes” for flights departing Scandinavia later in the day. “The safety and security for our passengers and crew is always our number one priority,” it added.
While Emirates and flydubai each canceled a return flight to Baghdad, Qatar Airways said its flights to Iraq were operating normally.
The use of Iranian and Iraqi airspace is particularly critical for the Qatari carrier, banned from flying over Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain since mid-2017 as the result of a damaging political dispute with its neighbors.
OPSGROUP, which advises airlines on security, said the new U.S. flight bans were “significant”, particularly given that the entire over-water airspace in the region is now unavailable.
“Flights headed to and from the main airports in the region such as Dubai will now need to route through Saudi Arabia’s airspace,” it said on its website.

Iran’s Attack On U.S. Bases Is A Face-Saving Gesture From The Ayatollahs

The length, scope, and operational duration of the attack suggests it is a targeted towards regime stability and an internal audience. Whether it leads to further escalation is a political call.

Last night, around the time Iranian missiles were dropping on U.S. bases, a friend from the Pentagon texted me saying, “Oh, well, it appears they will do something dumb, and we may go to war.” Any crisis leads to paranoia, hysteria, and essentially all other basest instincts in a human being. What differentiates a realist or a strategist from an ideologue or a cultist is how one thinks in a nuanced fashion during a crisis situation.

The question is not if something is right, moral, or legal, but of prudence and smartness. Given the state of the debate about the ongoing crisis in Iran, one can’t help but feel even more depressed. Nevertheless, as Iran targeted U.S. bases in Iraq, and as an international security crisis escalates, where British Royal Navy warships are massing in the Strait of Hormuz, there needs to be a debate, and for a debate, there needs to be clarity about a few common misconceptions.

A Face-Saving Gesture from the Ayatollahs

In foreign policy, and during fogs of war, signaling is everything. Consider the recent Indian – Pakistani crisis, where both powers bombed the other’s territory. In one of the key factors, both targeted regions and bases with zero casualties.

The Iranian attack seems to follow the same modus operandi. When the strikes happened, I noted on Twitter that given the number of missiles in a volley, it is unlikely that this was a precursor for a greater assault. The largest operational Iranian missiles can reach Haifa, Saudi oil factories, or even Poland and India, given their range.

But it was curious that a mere ten missiles dropped dumb pay loads in a U.S. base where the majority of the soldiers were Iraqi. That meant the mission was strictly targeted for a domestic audience and regime stability. Within hours, confirmations started to pour in.
One can logically deduce that there is no appetite for greater conflict in Iran. The actions are strictly an act of retaliation for what is considered restoring deterrence. Was United States restoring deterrence when it struck Gen. Quasem Soleimani? In strict international relations terminology, no.

The use of the word deterrence is wrong in this context for two reasons. One, deterrence is not deterrence if there is a need to restore it. It is then an escalation, for good or for bad. A valid act of deterrence, for example, would be to plant a Hellfire missile 500 yards ahead of Soleimani’s car, to demonstrate the capability and act as a warning. The moment the missile hits the car, it no longer is deterrence or denial, but a decapitation strike.

In broader theoretical terms, it might be called an act of “compellence,” wherein an act of aggression is used to compel an adversary to think differently. If the reports are to be believed, Soleimani grew more reckless and rash and started to believe in his invincibility. He even told his followers that Americans wouldn’t dare touch him. He was apparently also planning more attacks, and he masterminded the recent demonstrations in front of the U.S. embassy.

Iraqi citizens, especially Sunnis and Kurds, were getting tired of Iranian meddling, and Soleimani devised a plan that would make America act aggressively, and therefore channel Iraqi anger against Americans. What he failed to calculate was that the aggressive action would be against him personally.

However, as international relations follow Newton’s Third Law of reaction to every action, Soleimani’s death has managed to at least temporarily unite the Iranians. Decapitation strikes against a top official usually does not empower moderates, but unite a country, and suppress moderate voices. Historically it is the extremists who then claim that they had been right all along, in what is known as a “rally round the flag” effect.

Also, this has a possibility of opening a Pandora’s Box, with other great powers taking unilateral actions. In the future, one can similarly expect a Russian decapitation strike against a Chechen, Georgian, or Ukrainian, or Chinese unilateral action somewhere in Africa. One needs to remember, as Gen. George Patton once said, that the enemy gets a vote.

The Russians used Kosovo and Iraq as a justification of their own interventions in Georgia and Syria. There’s no reason to think they are not paying attention to the Soleimani strike.

Will Iran Go to War with the United States?

Again, the answer is not likely, so far. There are several reasons for that. First, autocratic regimes are usually rational in foreign policy. There are of course historical instances of massive miscalculations and overreach, the commonest example being Adolf Hitler’s Germany, and more recently an expansionist Islamic State, but overall autocratic regimes are restrained, as their primary motivation is the survival of their crony system. From Deng’s China, to the late-stage Soviet Union, to countless other middling powers in Africa, Latin America, and the Middle East, the historical evidence on that is overwhelming.

Second, Iranians have known since 1979 that they are overwhelmingly inferior in simple arms count going toe-to-toe with the United States. So the Iranian strategy has been to keep the proxy war fire burning and bog the West down in the Middle East, an area where the primary existential interests are of Israel and Saudi Arabia, and British and American interests are strictly peripheral.

The Iranian leadership knows that any war with the United States would mean the end of their regime. Just like North Korea, the Iranian drive for the bomb was also to achieve deterrence, from what they consider overwhelming Saudi and American power. The Iranians and the North Koreans learnt from the death of Saddam Hussein and Muammar Gaddafi, and the recent strike on Soleimani would reinforce their paranoia.

But that doesn’t mean war cannot happen. Even when the chances are statistically minimal, and neither Iran nor the United States wants a full-scale war, there is a thing called “escalatory spiral.” In this model neither side wants war, but inches towards it anyway, due to several variables, like domestic pressure, regime stability, signaling, show of force, and other structural reasons.

Most of our current punditry is a simple rehashing of the Second World War, where there were clearly defined good and bad guys. But history is more complex. A better example is the First World War, which resulted not because of a single incident, but because of decades in a breakdown of the balance of power, and increasing paranoia on both sides.

The key question here is, as always, how strong Iran is domestically. Is Iran domestically enough strong to absorb this, wait, and carry on, or is it extremely fragile, and its regime stability depends on retaliation and diversionary escalation? Do we even know and have reliable data on that?

The fear is not that Iran will start a hot war. The fear is that Iran will continue a proxy war. Or worse, the regime is too fragile and collapses, resulting in our perpetual involvement in a region with peripheral interest to our nation, as other great powers and peer rivals enjoy us getting bogged down once again in the quicksand.

The United States and the West can win a hot war within months, like they won in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Libya. It is what comes next that is the issue. A third of the Middle Eastern population are Shiite. Any war or collapse of the Iranian regime will make Iraq and Libya look like a walk in an autumn rain.

In international relations, increasing chaos is much more dangerous than brutal but localised tyranny. The reality is that we will be stuck in this cycle, in a region which is at best a peripheral interest, when old Great Power rivals return to form elsewhere.

War with Iran Is a Political Choice

Ultimately, this remains a political decision. Iran might signal as much as it wants that it wants to restore deterrence and leave it at that, but if our side wants to take this opportunity for a regime change, and gives the president the options that would almost certainly lead to a war, then that’s not what anyone can predict.

Personnel is policy, and who advises the president is the most important question now.

A war with Iran would not look like one with Iraq and Libya. Iran is four times larger than Iraq, and twice the size demographically, and surrounded by mountains that will make the Afghanistan ground invasion look like a knife through molten butter. And the law of “security dilemma” dictates that the escalation spiral will have its own momentum. Personnel is policy, and who advises the president is the most important question now.

Conservative realism isn’t about “good guys and bad guys.” Those definitions are for simpletons. It is about choosing which regions to prioritize. It is a game of chess, not whack-a-mole. Realists are neither pacifists nor isolationists. They are focused on a greater existential threat of rival great powers like China and to some extent Russia, in regions where we have strategic interests, which are the Asia-Pacific and Atlantic, not some strategic hellhole that won’t change in another 100 years no matter how many gallons of blood we lose or how many trillions we spend.

The question is, are we ready for another 20 years of wasting blood and treasure if the proverbial excreta impacts the rotary cooling device?

CNN Settles Defamation Suit Brought By Nick Sandmann

CNN settled a defamation lawsuit brought against it by Nick Sandmann, a student at Covington Catholic High School. The settlement amount wasn’t made public during the Jan. 7 court hearing in Covington, Kentucky, Fox19 reported.

The defamation suit was filed on March 12 by Sandmann’s lawyers and demanded $275 million in damages, alleging that “CNN brought down the full force of its corporate power, influence, and wealth on Nicholas by falsely attacking, vilifying, and bullying him despite the fact that he was a minor child.”

Covington Incident

The lawsuit stems from a Jan. 18 incident that took place after the March for Life anti-abortion event in Washington. Sandmann and other students from the religious private school in Kentucky were waiting for their bus near the Lincoln Memorial when they were approached by several Native American activists.

The encounter was extensively covered by media using short video clips that made it appear as though the students were chanting and cheering in mockery of one of the Native American activists, 64-year-old Nathan Phillips.

Some of the students were wearing hats with President Donald Trump’s campaign slogan “Make America Great Again”—a fact emphasized by various media.

CNN reported the incident, allegedly using titles such as “Teens Taunt Native American Elder” and “Teens Harass Native American War Veteran.”

Longer video footage of the incident showed the students began to cheer and chant their school chant in response to offensive remarks sent their way by a small group of Black Hebrew Israelites nearby.

While Phillips told media outlets that the students had surrounded and harassed him, the footage showed it was he who approached them, inserted himself into their crowd, and, for several minutes, banged his drum within inches of the face of Sandmann, who responded by standing silently with a smile.

43 Minutes

The suit alleges that CNN defamed Sandmann in at least four television broadcasts, nine online articles, and four Twitter posts.

“Contrary to its ‘Facts First’ public relations ploy, CNN ignored the facts and put its anti-Trump agenda first in waging a 7-day media campaign of false, vicious attacks against Nicholas,” the suit stated.

The network ran 43 minutes of coverage on the Covington incident over the first two days, the Media Research Center (MRC), a right-leaning media watchdog, reported.

It took CNN a week to initially tell its viewers about the lawsuit, according to MRC.
Sandmann is also suing The Washington Post and NBC Universal for their coverage of the incident, demanding $250 million and $275 million respectively.

One of Sandmann’s lawyers, Todd McMurtry, didn’t immediately respond to a request for comment. Neither did CNN.

Not Even Judge Judy Agrees With Michael Bloomberg On Guns

Celebrity TV Judge Judith Sheindlin, also known as Judge Judy, continued her endorsement tour for former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg Monday with an appearance on ABC’s “The View.”

When asked by conservative co-host Meghan McCain whether Sheindlin agreed with a Bloomberg statement on guns that only law enforcement officers should carry in crowded places and decide when to shoot, Sheindlin ruled in opposition and distanced herself from the radical idea. Just last month, an armed citizen in a Texas church shot down an a gunman attempting to massacre the congregation.

“I am not a Michael Bloomberg surrogate,” Sheindlin said. “We may not agree on everything. I have always felt that the bad guys will always get guns. I was involved in criminal justice for a quarter of a century before I got this great gig that I have now.”
Sheindlin went on to note that she and her husband Jerry used to carry firearms themselves for protection. The TV judge also argued she often felt safer walking around late at night with her husband Jerry knowing that he was carrying armed protection. Sheindlin was clear to add however, that she remains opposed to public possession of firearms with high-capacity magazines.

“I personally don’t think that anybody in this country needs a gun that’s capable of shooting 100 rounds in 60 seconds,” Sheindlin said on the show.

Gun control however, has been a signature issue of Bloomberg’s who has spent much of the last decade advocating for stricter gun laws. In 2013, Bloomberg started the non-profit Everytown for Gun Safety to lead the mayor’s efforts on gun control across the country.

On Monday, Sheindlin appeared in her first Bloomberg campaign ad touting her endorsement for the former New York City mayor kicking off the 77-year-old celebrity judge’s public campaigning for Democratic candidate.

Sheindlin, who typically shies away from making political endorsements began pushing for Bloomberg last fall weeks before the mayor even announced serious intention for a late entrance into the race.

While Sheindlin argued that she was not a Bloomberg surrogate on “The View,” the celebrity TV judge is certainly acting as one by participating in prominent media appearances and is expected to join Bloomberg for a campaign stop in Texas this weekend.

A 2013 Reader’s Digest survey shows that more Americans trust Judge Judy than they do any Supreme Court justice. Another survey published in 2016 reveals that nearly 10 percent of college graduates believe Judge Judy is a Supreme Court justice.

Iran Declines To Sign Colin Kaepernick...

Iran Declines To Sign Colin Kaepernick After Reviewing Workout Video

TEHRAN—Colin Kaepernick sent his workout video to Iran after learning they may have recently opened up a position but has yet to receive a phone call.

Kaepernick condemned American attacks on Iranian terrorists last week, inciting rumors that he may have found a team interested in him in the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps. But Iranian officials have dispelled the rumors, stating clearly and unequivocally that "we have no interest in signing Kaepernick at this time, but we wish him well in his future endeavors."

"It's disappointing to see that Iran is as hateful as America," a downcast Kaepernick said in a press conference. "I expected to be welcomed as a hero over there, but apparently, they too are biased against people with dark skin." Kaepernick plans to protest Iran's hate by continuing to kneel during the American national anthem.

Iran has clarified that they agree with Kaepernick ideologically, but they need someone who can throw.

Hotels in Iran deemed unsuitable for Air Force deployment needs


 Article by "Just Another Airman" in "Duffelblog":

TEHRAN, Iran — An Air Force feasibility study has revealed that Iran has no hotels that meet the high standards for housing U.S. Air Force airmen should they be deployed in response to the country’s recent turmoil. The study was reported to congress by Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. David L. Goldfein earlier this week.

Although plans to enter Iran have not been released, recent Iranian escalation in Iraq caused Goldfein to question the amenities available if airmen are deployed.

The study was conducted by an elite team of Air Force general officers pulled from their daily work compiling PowerPoint slides for more senior generals. Upon spending days browsing popular sites such as and Expedia, they were concerned over the lack of suitable 5-star hotels and a surplus of 3- and 4-star hotels. Poor reviews on an existing 5-star Hilton property, the Parsian Esteghlal International Hotel, also were concerning. Many pilots prefer to stay with Hilton on long deployments to accumulate reward points.

“The Air Force has ongoing concerns that—with so few luxury hotels in the region—our ability to deploy airman and sustain airpower operations will be limited,” Gen. Goldfein told Congress. “If the U.S. is considering Iranian intervention, this is the first problem we need to address.”

Adding to the concern are the disrupted shipping lanes in the Strait of Hormuz, which will make it difficult to deploy the air conditioning units necessary for Air Force facilities. This issue was brought to the Air Force’s attention by a group of Anthony’s Pizza franchise owners, who have ruled out the possibility of expanding into Iran, even if escorted through the strait by the military.

Although Goldfein has already set a travel advisory on his Hilton rewards card for Iran, he assures airmen that they won’t be deployed until suitable hotels are available.


From 1979 to 2020, 41 years most of our politically astute appeased Iran. 

In the early 80's Reagan sunk half of Iran's navy and they quieted down for a few years.

Since 1988 foolish political elites who thought they knew better began appeasing again.

Seems only Reagan learned from History how appeasement helped Hitler.

Bush 1, Clinton, Bush 2 and Obama all used appeasement. Iran grew stronger and more influential.

Obama foolishly tried to buy peace by releasing $150 billion of frozen Iranian assets, Iran spent it on Missle and Nuclear technologies then funded terrorism.

President Trump is reverting back to the lessons of History and trying to clean up Obama's mess.

I pray we reelect him in 2020 and give him 4 more years to save America from the deluded academics.

Democrats Begin to Fold Like a Cheap Suit After McConnell Wins the Battle Over Trump’s Senate Trial

As my colleague Nick Arama posted this yesterday, Mitch McConnell has secured the votes to go ahead and use the same rules that applied in the Clinton impeachment to conduct President Trump’s coming Senate trial. Even Lisa Murkowski is on board after making noise to the contrary during the holiday break.
The people who Democrats would have needed, Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) and Sen. Susan Collins (R-ME) are reportedly siding with McConnell on sticking to the Clinton model of the process.
Murkowski also agreed. She said that any witnesses should only be discussed after they got the articles and after that process.

This never should have been controversial, as it was Democrats who shaped the Clinton rules. The idea that we should change them now and that it was some great travesty that McConnell was refusing to do so was nothing but pure partisan hackery. But when Democrats know the media will do their bidding, not pointing out that Republicans are just asking for the same rules as 1999, it’s easier to proceed with being hypocrites.

With Murkowski and Collins on board, McConnell has the votes to ignore Schumer’s demands and Senate Democrats are starting to realize the jig is up.

Here’s Sen. Chris Murphy, who’s covered himself in glory over the Iran escalation, telling Pelosi that it’s time to send the articles of impeachment over.

Hilariously, just 24 hours ago, reporters were saying that McConnell had lost his leverage and Pelosi had the upper hand.

There was never any reason for a “deal.” You don’t make deals with people who have no leverage and want to change the rules they formerly orchestrated when the shoe was on the other foot. Good on McConnell for standing strong here and calling Pelosi’s bluff.

Once again, the smart set have been proven wrong about their assertions. Pelosi never had any “leverage” and Laurence Tribe’s scheme was idiotic from the get-go. Every media outlet that thought it was brilliant looks a little dumber today. In the end, withholding the articles of impeachment only caused more Americans to check out, to the point where basically no one outside of political junkies are paying attention.

In short, this backfired spectacularly for Democrats and it’s only going to get worse once the trial starts.

Pelosi Too Busy to Take Pence's Call...Which Was to Inform Her of Iranian Missile Attack

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 Nancy Pelosi at Danny Meyer’s Maialino Mare opening in Navy Yard.

Article by Leah Barkoukis in "Townhall":

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi was reportedly too busy to take a call from Vice President Mike Pence Tuesday that was to inform her Iran was launching a ballistic missile attack on U.S. forces in Iraq.

“Tell him I’ll call him back,” Pelosi said, according to a Politico reporter.

In meeting tonight Speaker Pelosi was handed a note telling her VP Pence was on the phone. “Tell him I’ll call him back,” she said according to sources in room, noting she had to go open the House for new session. Two minutes later, she was handed note about air base bombing.

Pelosi called Pence back at 6:34 pm and he briefed her on Iranian attack, per @Drew_Hammill

 As Julio reported, Pelosi later tweeted that she was "closely monitoring the situation" but minutes before she was spotted at the grand opening of a restaurant. 

Closely monitoring the situation following bombings targeting U.S. troops in Iraq. We must ensure the safety of our servicemembers, including ending needless provocations from the Administration and demanding that Iran cease its violence. America & world cannot afford war.

 Pelosi and other top Democrats have been upset in the past that they were not informed about important matters of foreign policy, including when the U.S. took out former ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.

Speaker Pelosi doesn't like it when the administration doesn't give her foreign policy updates. So VP Pence calls with word of Iran missile attack. 'Tell him I'll call him back,' Pelosi says. From @danielchaitin7