Monday, November 30, 2020

Federal judge orders Georgia voting machines protected


Article by World Net Daily Staff 


Federal judge orders Georgia voting machines protected

Officials banned from 'altering, destroying, or erasing any software or data'

A federal judge has ordered Georgia officials to block plans to wipe or reset voting machines used in three counties in the state.

The 10-day temporary restraining order by U.S. District Judge Timothy C. Batten Sr. came following a hearing on Sunday in a case brought by Republicans alleging widespread fraud in the 2020 election.

The state officials, the defendants in the case, "are hereby ENJOINED and RESTRAINED from altering, destroying, or erasing, or allowing the alternation, destruction, or erasure of, any software or data on any Dominion voting machine in Cobb, Gwinnett, and Cherokee Counties," the ruling said.

The judge is giving the defendants until Wednesday afternoon "to file a brief setting forth in detail the factual bases they have, if any, against allowing the three forensic inspections."

The Trump campaign and others, including attorney Sidney Powell, have filed cases in other swing states. Further, the Media Research Center has shown that the establishment media and social media assisted Biden, with millions of Biden voters admitted they wouldn't have voted for the Democrat if they had been aware of stories that had been ignored or underreported.

Politico reported the Georgia hearing "seems to have focused on claims that the election results in Georgia were wildly inaccurate due to use of machines from a leading vendor of voting equipment — Dominion Election Systems."

One allegations is that Dominion machines were, or at least could have been, hacked to switch votes from President Trump to Joe Biden.

The defendants in the lawsuit had argued that the counties – not the state – were responsible for the machines, and the plaintiffs said they could amend the complaint to specify that.

The report said: "Batten’s nighttime order came after confusion earlier Sunday when one of Powell’s co-counsels, Georgia attorney Lin Wood, posted on the internet what he described as two other orders issued by the judge. In those directives, Batten initially appeared to impose a statewide ban on clearing voting machines, then said he couldn’t do that because of the issue about the counties not being named as defendants in the suit."

Powell's team has sued in both Georgia and Michigan, based on statements from experts and witnesses that Biden's apparent victory were the result of implausible vote totals. For example, there have been claims that hundreds of thousands of votes for Biden were recorded at once while President Trump got none. 



Right Journalis noted Fulton County officials said in a statement that Dominion technicians were "dispatched" to resolve a server crash.

But witnesses allege the servers didn’t crash and that the server was removed.

Kyle Becker, an independent journalist and former associte producer and writer at Fox News tweeted: "If you’re in Georgia you need to contact your state rep and Senator and convene a special session of your congress like NOW? You need to get to the bottom of this and fast?!" 


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Cyber Monday set to be biggest online shopping day in U.S. history


November 30, 2020

(Reuters) – Cyber Monday is on track to bring in a record of as much as $12.7 billion in online sales, according to latest industry estimates, surpassing Black Friday’s digital numbers as U.S. retailers reached the last leg of an extended holiday selling season caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.


Shoppers have seen nearly two months of offers from retailers looking to recover sales lost due to mall and store closures, while pushed back its annual summer promotional event to October, creating a longer than ever season.

Estimates from Adobe Analytics, however, showed this year’s conclusion to Thanksgiving weekend promotions would still be the largest online sales day in history, with spending between $10.8 billion and $12.7 billion. 

“We are seeing strong growth as consumers continue to move shopping from offline to online this year,” Adobe Digital Insights director Taylor Schreiner said.

“New consoles, phones, smart devices and TVs that are traditional Black Friday purchases are sharing online shopping cart space this year with unorthodox Black Friday purchases such as groceries, clothes and alcohol, that would previously have been purchased in-store.”

Traditionally, Cyber Monday starts with people, fresh off their long weekend, scouring for discounts online at work and driving another big day of promotions.

The popularity of event shopping days has faded with the emergence of online shopping and cheap deals throughout the year from retailers including Amazon and Walmart Inc, but the health crisis this year has also played with shopping patterns.


Walmart, Target Corp, Best Buy all moved their promotions up to remain competitive with Amazon, while doubling down on investments in fulfilling online orders.

The tent pole shopping event of Black Friday, which pulled in record online sales of about $9 billion, according to Adobe, saw shoppers turning up in smaller numbers at stores as they utilized the early deals and avoided stepping out into large crowds.

Consumers sought out deals for gifts and necessities including the latest Xbox and PlayStation consoles, Lego sets, the Roku Stick+ and Apple Watches. 


Honey Bee attack on an Aircraft at Kolkata Airport (INDIA)

 Very unique incident took place today at Kolkata Airport  honeybees attack on Vistara Airbus A320. Finally with the help of water canon honeybees got removed.



China Weaponizes Wokeness Against The West

Most Americans probably missed a bizarre event at the United Nations this month. 

At a U.N. Human Rights Council review on November 9, China joined several other nations in condemnation of America’s alleged racism and xenophobia. These nations included Western states like Australia and Switzerland, as well as well-known human rights respecters like Iran and Syria. China’s representative on the council, Jiang Duan, offered nine recommendations to the United States. All the points appeared plagiarized from Black Lives Matter.

  1. Root out systemic racism, address widespread police brutality and combat discrimination against African and Asian Americans.
  2. Urge politicians to respect people’s right to life and right to health, and stop politicizing and stigmatizing the COVID-19 pandemic.
  3. Take holistic measures to eliminate rich-poor polarization and social inequality.
  4. Combat the increasingly severe religious intolerance and xenophobic violence.
  5. Stop incarcerating migrants, including migrant children, and guarantee the rights of migrants.
  6. Address proliferation of guns and guarantee people’s right to life.
  7. Lift unilateral coercive measures immediately and refrain from infringing upon human rights of people of other countries.
  8. Stop torture in anti-terrorist operations, halt military intervention in other countries and stop killing civilians in military operations.
  9. Stop interfering, out of political purposes, in other countries’ internal affairs under the pretext of human rights.

China tells us to embrace open borders, neuter police, enact racial wealth redistribution, impose gun control, and eradicate our “racist” heritage to achieve a perfect human rights record. The Communist state has a . . . well, let’s call it a less than stellar human rights record. It’s a little hard to take seriously on this matter a state that operates actual concentration camps, but it’s also difficult to take the U.N. as anything other than an expensive joke. It’s an organization that does little to stop actual human rights abuses while lecturing Western nations on proper gender pronouns and the mythical wage gap.

As should be obvious to any person with a room temperature IQ, China does not actually care about “systemic racism.” Neither does it care about Donald Trump’s tough immigration policies. It just uses these common left-wing tropes to deflect from its own human rights abuses. Point nine gives China’s game away. The ChiComs just want America to butt out of their affairs; they hope wokeness proves an effective weapon to accomplish that. 

Our chief global adversary is beginning to learn that wokeness may prove a valuable tool to undermining American power. China formally endorsed Black Lives Matter this summer. Yet even then, the Chinese fumbled this response. One government spokesman said “all lives matter,” which infuriated left-wing activists. The same spokesman had earlier tweeted “I can’t breathe” in response to George Floyd’s death. The Chinese aren’t fully up to date with woke demands, but the UN list shows they’re learning quickly. 

At the same time, the Chinese actively suppress ethnic minorities and BLM at home. But that doesn’t matter to their propaganda goal. Many western liberals will likely fall for this nonsense if it means they can own Trump, conservatives, or “racists.” Many liberals and media outlets turned into enthusiastic China cheerleaders during the coronavirus outbreak just to stick it to Trump. The same could easily happen if China continues to “clap back” at America’s alleged “systemic racism” and police violence.

There will likely come a day when Chinese representatives point to police shootings, slavery, lynchings, or some other American sin when asked about their concentration camps and ethnic cleansing. The ChiComs will say America is far worse due to these crimes and our media will prove helpless to rebut these accusations. BLM claims America’s sins are worse than those of any other country; our liberals and journalists will never dispute that. Thus, China could easily come out looking like the real human rights champion thanks to our own ideological insanities.

Wokeness is a vulnerability to America and the West. French President Emmanuel Macron, of all people, understands this. He recently accused English-language media of “legitimizing violence” against France with arguments that the nation’s “racism” and “Islamophobia” is responsible for Islamic terrorism, not the jihadis themselves. Macron’s education minister attacked intersectionality—a product of left-wing American universities—for encouraging Islamist separatism and undermining French values.

Like China, al-Qaeda and ISIS have also shown support for BLM. America’s enemies get that wokeness is a weakness and love to exploit for their own advantage. 

Wokeness is a threat to our national security and it’s about time our elites recognized this.

Candace Owens Lawyers Up, Gets Politifact to Bend the Knee

Politifact is probably the worst “fact-checking” site on the internet. They are deeply partisan, targeting Republicans with ridiculously unfair analysis, often calling things false that are objectively true. They do this by hiding behind the excuse of “context” while never applying that same standard to Democrats. The game is simple. A Republican says something true or even just gives an opinion, which shouldn’t even be fact-checked. Politifact will then write 500 words on how others might take it differently and then slap a false rating on it. Later, media outlets cite them as authoritative to show how much more “honest” Democrats are.

That happened to Candace Owens, who made the perfectly true statement that Joe Biden is not legally the “President-Elect” on Facebook. She was promptly censored and labeled a liar by Politifact, who Facebook contracts with. Instead of backing down, she lawyered up, and then this happened.

Owens’ original statement was completely true. To the extent that being President-elect is even a real thing, a person does not become it until the electors vote and the election is officially over. When Owens made her video and post, it had only been 10 days since the election. Recounts and legal challenges were just beginning as it took a week to simply get most of the votes in in some states. Despite that, Politifact decided to do what they always do, which is write an opinionated ruling which assumes that something true is actually false because they feel like it. That’s not fact-checking. That’s activism.

Politifact may be the worst culprit, but there are many others, including the outfit at The Washington Post, that do much the same thing. How did facts become so political? Of course, all this does press the fact that there shouldn’t be “fact-checkers.” That’s what journalists are supposed to be. The fact that they are so awful at their jobs doesn’t mean we need a cottage industry of partisans who pretend to be arbiters of truth while being anything but.

Newly-Elected Congresswoman Plans to Carry Her Glock to Work on Capitol Hill

Newly-elected Republican Colorado Rep. Lauren Boebert, who is set to represent the state’s 3rd congressional district reportedly asked US Capitol Police if she can carry her gun on Capitol Hill.

Broebert, 33, a supporter of the Second Amendment who straps a Glock pistol to her hip,  was elected from a western Colorado district after gaining a reputation as a pro-gun activist, who straps a Glock pistol to her hip and defeated five-term Rep. Scott Tipton for the GOP nomination, The Daily Caller reports. Broebert is the owner of a gun-themed restaurant named Shooters Grill in the city of Rifle, Colorado.

In the Fall of 2019 the 33 year-old Conservative confronted presidential candidate Beto O’Rourke, telling him “Hell no you’re not,” to O’Rourke’s comment of “Hell yes, we’re going to take your AR-15s.”

Officials with Capitol Police verified that “There is no standing requirement” that lawmakers notify Capitol Police when carrying a firearm while in the Capitol, and that the only regulation is the requirement of the weapon’s safe storage.

A 1967 federal regulation says no federal or District of Columbia laws restricting firearms ‘shall prohibit any Member of Congress from maintaining firearms within the confines of his office’ or ‘from transporting within Capitol grounds firearms unloaded and securely wrapped.’ However, firearms are not permitted in the House Chamber.

President Donald Trump endorsed Lauren Boebert as a ‘fighter’ who will “never bow down to the establishment in Congress.”

John Roberts Is a Freaking Coward, and It's Time to Stop Pretending Otherwise

A few days ago, I wrote on the 5-4 decision by the Supreme Court to strike down Andrew Cuomo’s clearly unconstitutional COVID regulations. They were clearly unconstitutional because they specifically and unfairly targeted religious institutions. Cuomo didn’t even really attempt to make a salient case, as one simply doesn’t exist. His rules have been arbitrary and discriminatory, worrying more about Jewish kids going to school than mass protests in the street.

Neil Gorsuch eviscerated Cuomo in response (see Neil Gorsuch Murders Andrew Cuomo, Twitter Murders John Roberts)

Of course, this shouldn’t have been a 5-4 decision. A ruling so fundamental to individual rights should have been 9-0, but the liberal justices are going to do what they do. Yet, it was Chief Justice John Roberts, a Bush appointee, who truly showed his colors. Listen to his reasoning and try to come away with any other impression than he’s just a political coward.

Roberts essentially admits that what Cuomo is doing is unconstitutional. Instead of simply ruling that given that was the question at hand in the case, he decides it’s best to vote in favor of Cuomo. Does that make sense to anyone? His excuse is that Cuomo was no longer enforcing the guidelines, yet as Gorsuch explains, without striking them down, they could be reinstated at any time. Roberts knows this, but he’s such a coward that he can’t even be on record supporting the most basic of individual rights, i.e. the First Amendment.

None of this is surprising though. There’s a reason the Supreme Court has thus far refused to hear any difficult Second Amendment cases. Roberts does not want to have to make a tough decision. That’s why he rewrote Obamacare instead of rightly ruling it unconstitutional. It’s why he ruled for COVID restrictions back in January that were targeting churches while allowing other forms of gatherings to go on. Roberts is not a protector of the law. He’s a political actor trying to keep the back-slaps flowing on the D.C. cocktail circuit.

George W. Bush made a lot of mistakes. The wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, to the extent they were justified, were ultimately waged inefficiently and without the will to win. Bush delivered essentially nothing for conservatism, instead embracing a Medicare expansion and the further federalizing of education. Yet, John Roberts may be his worst, most inexcusable fumble. He had a chance to place someone as Chief Justice who could be a conservative bulwark against tyranny for generations. Instead, he put Roberts in that position and the country has been paying the price ever since.

195 Million Chinese Students Are In School. Why Aren’t Our Kids?

Right now in China, 195 million students K-12 are learning in-person in Chinese public schools. Meanwhile, millions of American public school students are learning in a failed remote system that can’t even keep track of thousands of students who haven’t shown up for class all year.  

In 2018, 15-year-olds in dozens of countries participated in the triennial Program for International Student Assessment (PISA). The PISA test measures reading ability, math and science literacy, and other key skills. American scores are decidedly unimpressive, with students scoring in the middle of the pack for all categories. Most frighteningly, China beats the United States in every category. 

While China does not test or educate every Chinese child like the United States does for its citizens, China’s affluent and middle-class areas also outperform affluent and middle-class U.S. areas. In addition, U.S. students underperform their peers in developed nations that also educate every child, such as Singapore and Germany.

In addition, over the last two decades U.S. students’ scores have remained virtually stagnant, while China continually does better and better every three years. In other words, China’s developed areas are out-performing us, and the gap is only getting bigger. 

Most parents and students already know that online learning is not working. A  look at recent headlines says it all:  “Coronavirus: Failing grades spike in Bay Area schools with distance learning,” “25% of Wake middle and high school students failed a class during remote learning,” “Remote learning increases failing grades by 83 percent in Fairfax county,” and “5000 Alabama students haven’t shown up for any sort of class.” 

Yes, the way China manages in-person schooling is authoritarian. The Communist Party keeps watch, making sure teachers are following a detailed hygiene protocol. Local officials routinely inspect classrooms, and the government uses apps and other technology to monitor students and staff, and restrict their movements. It has even instructed parents to stay away from their children.

But Americans have also been very compliant with overreaching COVID regulations. When school was open, singing was banned and kids were forced to wear masks while playing basketball or attending outdoor football practices, until finally many were shut down entirely. Americans have for too long put up with hypocritical governors and public health officials who violate their own rules. 

The difference between us and the Chinese is what we value. The Chinese Communist government understands that an educated population is key to global economic dominance, so they have prioritized keeping schools open, which the science has proven can be done safely. Meanwhile, in the U.S. we have closed our schools, but have deemed pot dispensaries, liquor stores, abortion clinics, and strip clubs “essential.”

American teachers unions have been some of the biggest proponents of closing schools, even though studies have proven that kids are not infecting teachers and teachers are not infecting students. Teacher unions have enacted positivity rate thresholds that mandate the return to remote learning or have simply refused to come back to work unless a vaccine is available.

Education has been China’s greatest priority and economic weapon for a long time. They were already beating us, but our COVID response could accelerate China’s education advantage, turning them into an economic superpower faster.  

It is not too late for parents and students to revolt against irrational school shutdowns that have no basis in science. This is more than an education problem. It is turning into a national security problem, too.

First Lady Melania Trump thanked volunteers who decorated the White House for the holiday season


First Lady Melania Trump offered her appreciation to the volunteers 'from all across America' who adorned the White House with Christmas decorations this year.

The arrival of the White House's iconic Christmas tree last Monday kicked off the holiday season, and on Saturday Melania Trump showed the preparations are well underway.

'This weekend, volunteers from all across America have come to decorate the for the holiday season,' she wrote in a social media post.


 'Thank you for your time, enthusiasm & devotion to make sure the spirit of peace & joy fill the historic rooms & halls of the People’s House!'





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Ric Grenell Expertly Breaks Down What Media Means When They Call for 'Getting Back to Normal'

A few days after Election Day, the mainstream media enthusiastically declared Democratic nominee Joe Biden the winner of the 2020 presidential election.

In the aftermath of that has come a steady stream of calls from Democrats (including Biden), journalists, and other prominent media figures (but I repeat myself) for the country to “unify” and “get back to normal” after four years of President Trump.

Most of us on the right know full well what those calls are really all about. As I wrote a couple of weeks ago, calls for “unity” and “getting back to normal” from the left and their MSM allies are nothing more than predictable “hush up” tactics from The Usual Suspects who want Republicans to shut up and sit down while Democrats get to ram their extreme agenda through unimpeded.

Understandably, many Republicans are not feeling particularly obliged to comply in any way, shape, form, or fashion.

To put a finer point on it, former acting Director of National Intelligence Richard Grenell took to the Twitter machine earlier today to drop some inconvenient truths about Democrats, the media, and the DC swamp, as well as to point out that the type of “normal” these people are calling for is not really “normal” in and of itself but rather the DC brand of “normal”, which is not good for anyone outside of DC bureaucrats:

The media has obliged Grenell in the recent past by proving his points about the cozy relationship between the press and Democrats over and over again.

A perfect example of this was from earlier this month, when Biden spokesman CNN chief media correspondent Brian Stelter talked with Biden’s national campaign press secretary T.J. Ducklo about Biden’s supposed view of the “role of the fourth estate.” In his write-up of the interview, Stelter gushed about the possibility of a “reset” between the press and the White House:

…I was struck by his statements about the role of the fourth estate. He said things like “the media has an incredibly important job to do” — words that would be uncontroversial at practically any other time in American history, but are newly important now, after four years of venomous attacks against the media by the commander in chief.


Ducklo said Biden also believes “that the media’s job is to hold him accountable. He is there to do the people’s work. And, you know, he welcomes that relationship. He welcomes their role, the media’s role in our democracy. And I think it will be, frankly, the polar opposite what we have seen the last four years.” A reset is about to begin…

The discerning reader will note that the piece sounded like something you’d see straight out of a political campaign. “I was struck by his statements…” and “a reset is about to begin.”

In the tweet Stelter posted about his conversation with Ducklo, he salivated over how the “restoration of normal relations between the president and the press corps” might be possible:

As I noted before, in a sense, Stelter was right about one thing: “Normal relations” would indeed be restored between the media and the president under a Biden administration… the type of “relations” one typically sees between, well, I don’t think I have to get into graphic detail here for readers to get the (admittedly crude) point.

The Hijacking of the 2020 Election and the Hate America Strategy


Article by Steve McCann in The American Thinker

The Hijacking of the 2020 Election and the Hate America Strategy

There is a consensus that American society in 2020 is more polarized than at any point in the nation’s history.  If Joe Biden is inaugurated as President thanks to an irrefutably fraudulent and choreographed election, then this polarization is irreversible and will ultimately lead to a permanent fracturing of the country as the central government will be deriving its power from usurpation and not from the consent of the governed.  The sixty-year crusade of the American left and its Hate America Strategy, conceived to facilitate the ultimate transformation of the nation, will have succeeded in ways they never could have imagined.

As a refugee, naturalized citizen and someone who has traveled extensively while dealing in corporate and international finance for 45 years, I have watched in abject disbelief as this disturbing and traitorous Hate America scheme has taken root and flourished among the populace.  It is only in the United States that this tactic has been effectively employed, as I have not seen, experienced or read about anything comparable in any other country on earth.

Today all democratic nations, particularly in Europe, are politically split between what would be generally considered the left (socialist or liberals) and the right (conservatives or populists).  The precise definition of either side would be nuanced based on the country and its citizenry.  Invariably, however, the primary differences between the two factions revolve around economic issues and class mobility. 

There is one common thread among all these nations despite their internal political differences.  Neither the left nor right overtly denigrates and despises their country regardless of its past.  Nor do they weaponize and exploit the supposed sins of their forefathers as a means of seizing political power.  In many nations who have an active and sizable left, such as France, they proudly proclaim their pride in and affection for their country.

On the other hand, beginning in the 1960’s the American left’s entire platform to seize power and satisfy their megalomania was built on fomenting revulsion and animosity toward the United States as founded.  Recognizing that the century old tactic of exploiting class hostilities would not succeed in an essentially egalitarian society and piggybacking on the Civil Rights Movement, a new strategy was adopted: exploit the nation’s past by subjecting it to the intense spotlight of the present. 

Using the criteria of judging any nation’s past, not by the circumstances or societal norms of the day but by today’s standards, will inevitably lead to condemnation.  However, rather than accept what happened in the past as the irreversible history of the times and move on, as virtually all other nations have done, the American left has succeeded in making the past America’s defining national characteristic. 

They have done so by infiltrating the education, media and entertainment establishments over the past six decades and essentially brainwashing a substantial segment of the populace into believing that America must be transformed because of its alleged racist, misogynistic and imperialist history.  This transformation means empowering an American hybrid of socialism and a government permanently controlled by an oligarchy made up of corporatists and left-wing elitists.

The United States was established on the twin philosophical concepts that there are certain unalienable rights that are God given to all, and that a government’s primary function is to protect those rights, as the government derives its power solely from the consent of the governed.  Unlike the rest of world, America is not a nation state based on ethnicity or geography.  The Founders recognized that the only glue that will hold this this multi-ethnic country together is a consensus belief in and adherence to its founding principles.  But this requires that each succeeding generation, either native born or naturalized, be taught these principles and to appreciate this nation’s evolution and accomplishments as well as what it stands for. 

Over the past 60 years that chain has been severely weakened and nearly fragmented by those who not only despise the United States but care only for their self-aggrandizement and are beset with incurable megalomania.  Today a near majority of the citizenry is unquestioningly willing to accept socialism, believes America is incurably racist and irredeemable, and are content to accede to the unconstitutional dictates of those in power.

The willingness of a sizeable majority of the nation’s self-styled elites and a plurality of the citizenry is disposed to accept and justify the overt, irrefutably fraudulent and choreographed 2020 election results corroborates the success of the Hate America Strategy. 

The weeks after November 3rd have confirmed that the bulk of the nation’s ruling class and the left believe the hijacking of an election is justified in order to achieve their endgame. Further, they have on their side a sizable plurality of the population that has been conditioned to believe a malevolent America must be transformed by any means possible, including stealing elections. 

This cabal is foolishly certain that once the overall populace loses faith in their ability to affect their future through the electoral process, they will meekly accept the inevitable hegemony of this oligarchy.  They are also naïvely confident that there will not be a general uprising, as they have witnessed what they perceive to be near universal submission by the general public to the unconstitutional and often inane dictates by those in power ostensibly protecting the public from the Chinese Coronavirus.

A nation, such as the United States, that does not have a common ethnic bond among the whole of the populace can survive internal political differences including a flirtation with socialism.  However, it cannot survive if half of the citizenry despises their country for being the hypothetical locus of evil in the world and the other half is calculatingly disenfranchised. 

The 2020 election is a watershed moment for this country.  Not because of who is running for any political office but because how the country’s institutions adjudicate the election outcome will determine the future course of this nation and its prospects of remaining united.  If the election guardrails established in the Constitution are ignored by the state and federal legislatures as well as the Courts, resulting in Joe Biden and his fellow Hate America collaborators being declared the victors, then the die is cast. 

Therefore, I have one question for the politicians and judges who will decide the fate of the nation and for the elites in the ruling class, the left and those citizens who have succumbed to the belief that the United States is inherently a malevolent, racist and irredeemable nation.  How different would your lives and the lives of 8 billion people throughout the world be today if China or Russia or Germany had been the dominant global power over the past 100 years instead of America being the global epicenter of economic development, technological innovation, human rights advances and military power?

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FBI Finally Looking Into Voter Fraud Claims Pertaining to Hundreds of Thousands of Ballots in Multiple States

I don’t know about you. But one of the things I’ve been wondering with all these claims about election fraud and irregularities, where is the FBI in all this? It isn’t just supposed to be upon the politicians to try to have to prove all this, but on the investigators to look into this.

But during the Trump presidency, it’s seemed like his FBI has been compromised and unwilling to pursue claims of relative to crimes alleged to have undermined Trump.

Although Attorney General Bill Barr did give the green light to go after any real claims, we weren’t hearing much of anything.

But now, we’re finally hearing something from the FBI.

They’ve requested information on voter fraud that has been accumulated from an investigation by the Voter Integrity Project by the Amistad Project of the Thomas More Society which looked into several states and has called hundreds of thousands of ballots.

From Washington Examiner:

“The FBI has proactively and directly requested from me the VIP [Voter Integrity Project] findings that indicates illegal ballots,” Matt Braynard tweeted today, adding, “By Tuesday, we will have delivered to the agency all of our data, including names, addresses, phone numbers, etc.”

He said of the agency, “While there has been legit criticism of the actions of leaders of the agency over the last several years, I can personally attest to the many patriots within the rank-and-file who are fighting on the side of the Constitution and Law and Order.”

He has tweeted recently that his investigation has uncovered evidence of people voting in “multiple states.”

Phillip Kline, who heads the Amistad Project, said the group is eager to help the agency. “This data has been used to identify hundreds of thousands of potentially fraudulent ballots in the states where we filed litigation. More about this data will be made available in Matt Braynard’s appearance before a meeting with legislators in Arizona tomorrow.”

So that’s pretty big news, but there’s limited time, the FBI needs to get on it quickly.

The Amistad Project has filed suits in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan and Georgia.

It sounds like legislators in Arizona intend to hold a similar hearing to that which was held in Pennsylvania and led to Republican senators trying to move a resolution in regard to the electors and wanting to declare the election in question. That might lead to similar action in Arizona.