Monday, August 31, 2020

Ric Grenell to Newsmax TV: Watch Out Schiff, It's All on Paper Now

  Article by Eric Mack in NewsMax

Ric Grenell to Newsmax TV: Watch Out Schiff, It's All on Paper Now

Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe's written congressional intelligence briefings will expose leakers and end the political weaponization of cherry-picked intel, according to former acting DNI Richard Grenell on Newsmax TV.

"We have a problem in Washington: They like to take the information that they get and spoon feed it to the public in nefarious ways publicly," Grenell told Monday's "John Bachman Now." "But, when they're under oath, they say completely the opposite.

"By putting it in writing, it's going to be very difficult to pick and choose, cherry pick to reporters, the information."

Grenell singled out House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff, D-Calif., as the leading culprit, saying he was quick to talk about the mere "problem" of Russia election propaganda on social media to try to damage President Donald Trump, while downplaying the true "crisis" of China's election meddling being waged to get Joe Biden in the White House.

"He is doing what he always does, which is leak one-sided information that creates just a false narrative," Grenell told host John Bachman, saying Schiff is "focusing on a problem while ignoring the crisis" for political purposes.

"We all know this and Adam Schiff can't say it," Grenell continued about the "crisis" with China vs. the mere social media propaganda from Russia. "He has to gloss over it, because it's not good for Biden or the Democrats when the Communist Party of China outright wants them to win."

Ratcliffe has announced he would no longer feed classified intelligence to Schiff in a verbal briefing, instead putting it all on paper and creating a paper trail — one that might also help expose the criminal leaks of classified intelligence.

"What Adam Schiff says on CNN and MSNBC is not what people tell us under oath," Grenell said. "When they leak something verbally to a reporter, there's no paper trail, and the reporter and you get to say, 'oh, I don't know where we got this' and pretend like it's a credible source."

Grenell issued a caution to reporters: Do not take Schiff or his staffers' word for it any longer. Ask to see the documents.

"You should know now the intelligence briefing is written, and you should ask, if you're a reporter, 'let me have the full context, let me have the full writing, because I know it's in writing,'" Grenell said.


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WI Gov Evers Begging Trump To Not Visit Kenosha is....

Wisconsin Governor Tony Evers Begging Trump To Not Visit Kenosha Is the Best Indication of How Scared the Democrats Are of Being Held Accountable

Yesterday, President Trump announced that he would visit Kenosha, WI; a city ravaged by Antifa rioters. This is from by colleague, Nick Arama’s Trump Is Going to Kenosha, Liberals Are Having a Meltdown:

There’s a reason that President Donald Trump is president and Hillary Clinton isn’t. Because he doesn’t run what he does through a PR adviser to determine whether his actions are popular or not, he actually has core policies and principles that he takes whether or not they are popular.
One of those is his decision to go to Kenosha. A White House spokesperson told reporters Saturday that Trump intends to visit Kenosha on Tuesday and will “meet with law enforcement and survey damage from recent riots.” It’s not clear yet if he will meet with the family of Jacob Blake.

That post contains graphic evidence of the destruction these street thugs inflicted on an undeserving city for a totally fraudulent reason 

Trump’s decision to visit comes shortly after Joe Biden cancelled an announced visit

(READ Joe Biden Chickens Out, Decides Not to Go to Kenosha):

Late last week it was reported that Joe Biden was going to leave his dungeon and travel to Wisconsin. This was supposed to be a moment of leadership in which he showed up to calm the seas of rioting that have been roiling following the likely justified shooting of Jacob Blake. It was also going serve as a kind of mental proof of life, indicating that Biden can actually get out on the campaign trail if needed.
Well, so much for that. Biden has decided to retreat and will instead make the much shorter trip over to Pennsylvania to deliver his remarks.

Now Wisconsin’s failed Democrat governor, Tony Evers, the man who coddled Antifa and let the rioting in Kenosha begin to resemble that in Portland:

While the Democrats are claiming that Trump’s visit will hurt him

Their actions speak much louder. Biden is not visiting because he know the Democrats have become the party of rioting and street violence and any visit will associate him with their frolics. They know that we know that the entire premise of the riot, that would be police brutality in the shooting of Jacob Blake, is a fraud. They know that we know that Blake was shot because he had a felony warrant outstanding, he’d invaded a home, sexually assaulted a woman, fought with police and was poised to take her car. They know that we know that President Trump will find it damned hard to resist some mention of these facts. In short, a presidential visit to Kenosha is going to highlight the close ties between Democrats and Antifa, ties that coddled these thugs when they commit violent felonies because the Democrats perceived their violence to be a political plus.

If they really thought Trump’s visit would hurt Trump, they would have invited him to visit, not discouraged him.

Maryanne Trump Barry Is Really, Really Angry and It Isn’t at Her Brother

Politicians being embarrassed by relatives is not exactly a new phenomenon, and President Trump is no exception. President Trump’s niece, Mary Trump, has a book out titled Too Much and Never Enough: How My Family Created the World’s Most Dangerous Man. In it, she accuses President Trump of all manner of things, does some eye-rolling psychoanalysis. It relies heavily on recorded or recalled conversations with family members bashing Trump. One of the people mentioned in the book is President Trump’s sister, federal District Judge Maryanne Trump Barry.

When Washington Post reporters, in a fantastic act of journalism, questioned the veracity of her accounts, Mary Trump revealed she had taped 15-hours of phone conversations with Judge Barry and released them to the Post. The Post published them.

Maryanne Trump Barry was serving as a federal judge when she heard her brother, President Trump, suggest on Fox News, “maybe I’ll have to put her at the border” amid a wave of refugees entering the United States. At the time, children were being separated from their parents and put in cramped quarters while court hearings dragged on.
“All he wants to do is appeal to his base,” Barry said in a conversation secretly recorded by her niece, Mary L. Trump. “He has no principles. None. None. And his base, I mean my God, if you were a religious person, you want to help people. Not do this.”
Barry, 83, was aghast at how her 74-year-old brother operated as president. “His goddamned tweet and lying, oh my God,” she said. “I’m talking too freely, but you know. The change of stories. The lack of preparation. The lying. Holy shit.”

Now it looks like Mary Trump is a fraud, and she may be in a great deal of trouble.

I’m not an authority on this arcane area of law, but it does seem to me that faking recordings of a federal judge to make your book seem more credible is not a very bright plan. I find the idea that Judge Barry concocted the story of the fake to be highly unlikely, while, on the other hand, Mary Trump appears to be a very, very bitter nutter. 

Corporate Media Didn’t Report What It’s Really Like In Kenosha, Wisconsin, So I Will

The scene on Tuesday night was something I had only seen in photos of war-torn countries. Men and women stood with baseball bats, hand-guns, semi-automatic rifles, and shotguns in front of their businesses and homes.

Kenosha, Wisconsin is situated in the southern part of the state, about an hour and a half from Chicago, and has a population of approximately 100,000. Republican Rep. Bryan Steil, who represents Kenosha in Wisconsin’s First Congressional district, told The Federalist the city “is like a lot of cities in Wisconsin.” Steil says Kenosha is “family-centered” and “hard-working.”

Kenosha became a very different place after police shot Jacob Blake in the back seven times. Subsequent video footage showed that Blake was armed with a knife and had been wrestling with officers, threw off a Taser, and was disregarding police commands to stop after they were called to address a domestic violence complaint.

Following the shooting that left Blake paralyzed, rioting erupted in the city. Although the first night was relatively peaceful, after the second night, things were “spiraling out of control,” said Steil. Fire and looting consumed uptown and downtown Kenosha, and Steil said the city was no longer the “Kenosha we know.”

In uptown Kenosha, on Tuesday night, a woman, who said she has lived in Kenosha for more than 40 years, broke down in tears, saying her city felt like a “war zone” and she was “terrified.”

Indeed, the scene on Tuesday night was something I had only seen in photos of war-torn countries. Men and women stood with baseball bats, hand-guns, semi-automatic rifles, and shotguns in front of their businesses and homes. Many Kenoshans explained to me that law enforcement lacked the necessary numbers of officers to control the situation, forcing them to focus on defending public buildings, such as the courthouse, leaving citizens to fend for themselves.

Chuck, who owns an uptown tire shop, said he has been spending every night on his roof guarding his shop “with guns.” Chuck, who said he is “for Trump all the way,” was exhausted from several sleepless nights and fed up with his livelihood and life being terrorized by Black Lives Matter rioters. Chuck glared into my iPhone camera and said to the rioters, “Come to my shop and I’ll blow your heads off.” “I’ll even tell you where I’m at,” he said, adding, “C’mon, boys, I got something for your asses.”

Not everyone was as prepared as Chuck. People who did not take their defense into their own hands met a sad fate. Sam, an Indian immigrant who owns a family-run car dealership in downtown Kenosha, lost “every dime” he has, and the 20 people Sam employed have all lost their jobs “for nothing.”

Sam said his family has been “in tears” for the last few days. BLM rioters burned his lot two nights in a row, destroying all the cars and looting his office before burning that as well.

Overwhelmed law enforcement protected the courthouse, but Sam’s business and many others were left at the mercy of the mob. “I’m a taxpayer,” said Sam, clearly distraught that law enforcement did nothing to protect his business. “This is not the America I came into,” the shattered man said. “What did we do to deserve all this?” he asked. “I’m a minority too. I’m a brown person. I have nothing to do with this.” Sam and his family set up a Go Fund Me page, which at this moment, has raised a little over $10,000, nowhere close to the over $2 million raised for Blake.

After it was clear that law enforcement did not have the resources to protect people like Sam, Steil “got to work.” On Tuesday morning he said he was able to get through to President Trump within “8 minutes.”  Steil told the president that Kenosha was in desperate need of resources and reinforcements. President Trump then reached out to Wisconsin Gov. Tony Evers, extending him an offer for aid, which Evers refused.

For three nights, Kenosha experienced dangerous rioting. It wasn’t until three individuals were shot and two died that Evers accepted help from President Trump. “It’s pretty darn clear who demonstrated leadership and who did not,” said Steil. Since federal agents and national guardsmen were sent to Kenosha, there has been relative peace in the city.

The overwhelming consensus among Kenoshans is that violent rioters did not come from their city. “Kenosha locals did not do this to their town, man!” said Jason, who came to Kenosha to check on his family.

One woman, who was working in uptown Kenosha on Wednesday morning, confirmed, “Out of town-ers came in and rioted in our city… if you don’t live here you shouldn’t be here right now.” She refused to make further comments on the rioters, explaining, “I don’t want people mad at me.” She is not alone. Many people that I asked to speak with denied an interview out of fear of being targeted by Black Lives Matter.

Alvin was with his young daughter, Kaya, on Wednesday morning after visiting and shedding “some tears” with the son of a shop owner whose business was destroyed. “All this destruction did not come from Kenosha,” he said, “People came in here and did this.”

Another indication that the rioting did not come from Kenosha is the widespread community effort, called “Love is the Answer,” to get rid of any political and divisive BLM graffiti that has been splattered all over the city, replacing it with positive unifying statements and murals.

One woman, who is part of the “Love is the Answer” movement, explained, “A lot of people knew a lot of the business owners… I really don’t believe that anyone that’s been from Kenosha would be willing to watch their city be torn up that way.”

On Thursday afternoon, I came across a group of young people carrying signs and water out of several vehicles with blacked-out license plates near the county courthouse. Among the vehicles was a large black van with the words “BLM,” “ACAB,” and “The Revolution” written on it.

I approached the BLM organizers and asked where they were from, but they refused to answer. I also asked if they knew Kenoshans didn’t want outsiders coming into the city. One of the organizers responded, “Oh, yeah.” He followed up saying, “This is the earth, it belongs to everybody.”

I tried asking more questions of the individuals who were with him, but they refused to engage because I wasn’t wearing a mask, even though we were six feet apart and outdoors, perhaps another indication that the individuals were not native Kenoshans, or even Wisconsinites. Not one Kenoshan I interviewed was wearing a mask. Outside of big liberal cities, where virus counts are extremely low, large numbers of Wisconsin citizens have been unreceptive to Evers’ mask mandate. In fact, many county sheriffs have refused to enforce it.

On Wednesday evening, local and federal law enforcement officials stopped an out-of-state caravan of vehicles filled with fuel cans and illegal fireworks. Police reported, “the vehicles contained various items, including helmets, gas masks, protective vests, illegal fireworks, and suspected controlled substances.” Nine people were arrested for disorderly conduct and are awaiting charging decisions by the Kenosha County district attorney.

Wisconsinites have seen the violence in America’s major cities, but never imagined it would come to one of theirs. The destruction and violence that outside agitators brought to Kenosha has scared many people who once believed the state, which is 97 percent rural and home to long vowels, rhubarb pie, and friendly folks, was a “safe place,” as Sam said.

This could be very bad politically for Democrats in Wisconsin, a crucial swing state in the 2020 presidential election. Many Wisconsinites blame Democrat Evers for allowing a historic industrial Wisconsin city to go up in flames.

For better or worse, Democrats have tied themselves politically to the Marxist Black Lives Matter organization. Joe Biden, who has not been to Wisconsin in 670 days, finally but weakly denounced violent rioting, although he refused to explicitly condemn Antifa or BLM.

CNN anchors Don Lemon and Chris Cuomo also condemned the violence in Kenosha, Wisconsin on Tuesday because recent polling shows rioting is not being well received by voters. Even though the corporate media is beginning to denounce violent rioting, they still do not seem to care much for the victims of BLM, like Sam, by refusing to report their stories. Polling in the upcoming coming weeks will show whether Biden’s response was too little and too late, and if support of BLM by the Democrat Party and corporate media is out of step with average Americans.

Unequivocal support may prove to be a politically untenable position for Democrats if riots begin to erode support from key demographics such as suburban moms, blue-collar workers, and black inner-city voters, who live in the areas most devastated by BLM riots and lack of police protection. Watching Kenosha burn at the hands of out-of-state BLM rioters may have a significant impact on Wisconsin voters, who may now be adding safety and security to their list of top election issues.

ODNI: Congress Illegally Leaks Classified Intel So Much I’m Cutting Them Off

Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe joined Maria Bartimoro on “Sunday Morning Futures” today to discuss new intelligence briefing procedures for Congress on security threats like China.

“We’ve had a pandemic of information being leaked out of the intelligence community and I’m going to take the measures to make sure that that stops,” Ratcliffe said.

In his first interview since he was sworn into office, Ratcliffe explained that an increasing number of leaks by Congress for “political purposes,” such as promoting Russian collusion, have motivated him to change to only giving limited or written briefings for those “who are entitled to it.”

“We’ll do what’s required by law. Those members who are entitled to the briefings and classified information will still get that information,” Ratcliffe assured. “What we won’t be doing is all-member briefings. We’ve tried that and the information hasn’t been protected.”

According to Ratcliffe, many of the politicians leaking information want to “create a narrative that simply isn’t true, that somehow Russia is a greater national security threat than China.”

“I don’t mean to minimize Russia. They are a serious national security threat, but day in, day out, the threats that we face from China are significantly greater,” Ratcliffe said. “Anyone who says otherwise is just politicizing intelligence for their own narrative.”

“China is the greatest threat that we face,” he added. 

Ratcliffe said China’s concealment of COVID-19 is a prime example of why the intelligence community, members of Congress, and people in the United States should be aware of China’s malignant actions.

“Ultimately, they engaged in a campaign to deflect blame from China,” Ratcliffe said. “They’re a bad international actor, and that’s why they shouldn’t be allowed to set international standards instead of the United States.”

While interference from other nations is more generalized, Ratcliffe warned that China has infiltrated multiple layers of U.S. government to meddle with policy.

“What China is doing that no one else is doing, is they are engaging at the local, state, and federal level,” Ratcliffe explained. “Beijing is threatening economic ruin in, for instance, districts where members of Congress are, threatening ruin to businesses, factories, and jobs unless members of Congress support pro-China policies or oppose policies of this administration that are tough on China.”

“It’s something that should concern every American,” Ratcliffe added. 
Ratcliffe also clarified that, while China is not the only foreign actor who wants a stake in the American election, “it would be difficult for anyone — China, Russia, and Iran — to change actual vote tallies” because of “decentralized systems” used to count votes.

On the declassification of certain documents, Ratcliffe promised that he would continue to work with U.S. Attorney John Durham and the FBI to ensure that the proper information is disseminated without risking harm to the United States. He also said that even though the FBI would handle the prosecution of any congressional information leaks, he continues to pursue and report them.

“When I become aware of intelligence community information that is disclosed unlawfully, I do what’s called a crimes report. I’ve done that now on a number of occasions,” he said.

New Ad by Sen. Tom Cotton Scorches Biden and Democrats About Riots and Looting

They were warned.

The Democrats were warned that catering to anarchists would be a bad move for regular Americans and thus politically. They didn’t take any of these people to task at their convention and now that Joe Biden is starting to take a hit in the polls they are doing a panic pee dance.

Well, Senator Tom Cotton is going to make them sweat a lil more with this new ad out today that reinforces the idea that Joe and Kamala have some explaining to do about their cohorts in the mob.

Check out this new scorching video below courtesy of a tweet from Comfortably Smug.

If this keeps up the next 65 days are going to be off the hook.

Leftists Fight Fascism By Marching Through Streets Forcing Everyone To Perform Their Special Salute

WASHINGTON, D.C.—Leftists announced a bold new tactic to eradicate fascism from the land today: marching in lockstep through the streets and accosting anyone who doesn't chant their slogans and perform their special salute.

"We did it! We defeated fascism!" cried one elated protester after the mob accosted a woman in the street and screamed in her face for not performing their salute, in which their arms were raised at a 45-degree angle. "Great job, everyone! Free milkshakes for everyone!" They then threw milkshakes at random passersby.

As for citizens who don't perform the special salute, mobs are organizing camps for them to be reeducated in. Should people not own a car to drive to the camps, they will be sent via public transportation, possibly a train.

At publishing time, mob leaders had purchased some matching brown uniforms for everyone so you can easily recognize who the good guys are.

The BLM Operation Backfire is well underway

Anyone with any common sense knew that this violence, looting, burning and destruction would result in an Operation Backfire. Which is why Democrats didn’t see it coming.

Back on June 5 in my column “’Defund the Police’ say wealthy celebrities with private security,” I warned that the Democrats and the media were setting up yet another Operation Backfire with regard to the violence from the Marxists of Black Lives Matter.

I first coined the term Operation Backfire after the Parkland shooting in February 2017.
In short, the Left seizes on a cause, then pushes way too hard and goes way too far. And eventually, the cause backfires on them in a big, big way.

There is no throttling down on the Left.  Out arrogance and ignorance, they believe if saying something isn’t enough, screaming it will be more effective. And if screaming isn’t enough, beating the shit out of people and burning things to the ground while screaming it will be even better.

They do it every time.  Now, they don’t intend for whatever operation they’re pushing to become an Operation Backfire. But that’s what they always end up with.

And back on June 5th, I warned that there would be a BLM Operation Backfire. I knew it was coming, not because I’m a Nostradamus, but because it always, always happens.

As I said back then:

Calling to “Defund the Police” after we all got a front-row seat to the chaos is pushing too hard and too far. And there will be righteously angry pushback.

But see, that’s the best part of Operation Backfire.

It pulls back the curtain and exposes these people for the extremists they really are. Since they can’t help pushing too hard and too far, even Americans who may have been somnambulantly going through life unawares suddenly wake up and realize, “Holy crap, these people are crazy and dangerous!”

You might be thinking, “Dianny, quiet! If you give away how Operation Backfire screws them, they might stop doing it!”

But don’t worry. They’ll never stop because they can’t stop. These fools are too self-absorbed, too out of touch, and generally too stupid and arrogant to realize they are their own worst enemy.

The radicals believed that this brief, fleeting national unity over the death of George Floyd meant they had the momentum to upend our civil society and destroy law and order. And in the end, as they usually do, they completely misread their audience.

Now, I’m not foolish enough to believe I’m the only one who saw this coming.

Anyone with any common sense knew that this violence, looting, burning and destruction would result in an Operation Backfire.

My point is the Democrats and their media handmaids are so incredibly short-sighted and stupid that they didn’t see this coming.

Take the odious Kamala Harris.

During her appearance on the Late Show a while ago — the same appearance where she laughed and said “It. Was. A. Debate!!” – she smiled proudly and declared that the rioting happening in Democrat-run cities wasn’t going to stop. And it shouldn’t stop.

“And everyone beware. Because they’re not going to stop.”

You know who should’ve heeded Kamala’s advice to “beware?”

Well, Kamala Harris that’s who.

Because Kamala, like every arrogant and ignorant Leftist, is incapable of thinking things through. It is this handicap of short-sighted thinking that inevitably leads to an Operation Backfire-type situation.

On June first, Kamala was actually encouraging her Twitter followers to donate to a bail fund for those arrested in the Minneapolis riots.

Here’s a sample of the people Kamala wanted bailed out:

The Democrat nominee for the office of Vice President is so remarkably stupid she fanned the flames, cheered it on, urged people to donate to bail these violent thugs out of jail, and she did it all with a smile on her face.

Now public opinion is veering dramatically away from not only the Black Lives Matter Marxists, but also the Democrat Party that has been pushing the BLM garbage for four months while pretending the violence and destruction didn’t exist.

One thing to note. To date, Kamala Harris has not uttered a peep about her Senate colleague Rand Paul and his wife getting swarmed and attacked Thursday night in Washington DC. Not from her official Senate Twitter account, not from her campaign account. Nothing. She has not said a thing.

The BLM Operation Backfire is in full swing, and the Democrats were not prepared for it in the least.

But they own it now, all of them. Kamala Harris, Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi and the rest truly believed they could utilize the violent mob for their benefit. But as I said on June 10th, “There is no appeasing the mob” and there certainly isn’t any controlling it.

This morning I read an outstanding column by Matthew Peterson at American Mind – “The Democrat Party’s Riots” — that is a must-read.

I’ll give you one pull quote:

These are now Joe Biden’s riots. 
These are Nancy Pelosi’s riots. 
These are Kamala Harris’s riots.

So keep pushing your precious narrative. You can’t stop what you have started. You can’t control or channel it. Today or tomorrow, eventually it will swallow you up and eat you. If every Republican was put on the firing line tomorrow, the next step for the Marxist racialists would be to attack the smiling liberals of our elderly institutional leadership. Big Corporate would be burned to the ground. Companies like Amazon would be gutted and cannibalized. They won’t care that your ligaments creaked as you knelt before them in Kente cloth.

This is the definition of Operation Backfire.

There is no such thing as a “controlled burn” mob. Anyone with even a sliver of common sense would understand that once unleashed, this kind of violence and destruction can’t be throttled down.

There is no “undo” button.

But the myopic Democrats and the media couldn’t see anything but the election.

They actually believed that unleashing this mayhem would deliver them victory in November.

So they pushed it and pushed it and pushed it. Now it is blowing up in their faces.
And what’s their reaction?

After four months of pretending these were “mostly peaceful protests,” they are now claiming the violence (that they pretended didn’t exist for four months) is the fault of President Trump — which is a hard sell to say the least.

Trump is the man who, for the last four months, has been urging Democrat mayors and governors to accept his offer of Federal assistance to quell the violence.  He has been urging them to deploy the National Guard.

But because those Democrat mayors and governors also believed the mayhem would help them in November, they repeatedly refused the President’s help.

Blaming it on Trump is one more short-sighted and stupid plan. But they’re doing it — including the hapless Joe Biden:

Understand that this line of messaging is going to set up yet another Operation Backfire. And once again, the media and the Democrats are too stupid to see what’s coming.

By trying to blame the President for the violence that resulted from decisions by Democrat state and city leaders — decisions that were cheered on by Democrats and the media — only gives Trump more ammunition to hammer these morons.

It will also make refusing President Trump’s help from here on out much more politically damaging for Democrat governors and mayors (and by extension politically damaging to the Biden/Harris ticket).

In short, blaming Trump will backfire on them too.

But what else can they do?  These morons painted themselves into a corner by pushing the violence and rioting for four solid months.  And it is backfiring on them enormously.

As you can see:

I want to close with this outstanding video of Memphis Democrat John J. Deberry, Jr. If you haven’t watched it yet, you absolutely must. It is probably the most powerful and compelling speech I’ve heard in a long time.

This one Democrat politician understands what the rest of his entire party and their media handmaids do not. And something tells me, he won’t remain a Democrat for much longer.

Democrats Demand Travel Ban On Slovenia To Prevent More Supermodel First Ladies From Invading America

WASHINGTON, D.C.—Democrats, outraged by the beauty and poise of Melania Trump, are demanding an immediate travel ban to prevent further supermodel First Ladies from entering the country in the future. The recommended travel ban would include Melania Trump's home country of Slovenia, as well as several other Eastern European countries known for beautiful women interested in migrating to America.

"This is nothing short of an invasion!" said Becky McTweebly, a professional activist and cat mom. "These women are coming into this country stealing our modeling jobs and our First Lady jobs! They are marrying our billionaires and stealing hearts with their charming accents! This must stop!"

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer is expected to draft legislation entitled The Preventing Hostile Foreign Invaders Act, which would ban all immigration of attractive women from Eastern Europe. Bill Clinton is the only Democrat who has come out in opposition to this legislation. He gave no reason for this opposition, although experts say it's probably just because he's really gross. 

A petition demanding an immediate travel ban has gathered 8 signatures thus far, 5 of which have the same handwriting as Becky McTweebly.

Girl thrown into air by kite in Taiwan

A three-year-old girl has been thrown into the air by a gust of wind, after being tangled in the tail of a kite.
It happened at a kite festival in Hsinchu, Taiwan. Local media reported that the girl escaped with only minor cuts to her face and neck.

It’s Definitely Not Donald Trump’s Fault




 Article by Joe Cunningham in RedState

It’s Definitely Not Donald Trump’s Fault

A Trump supporter is dead in Portland. There is allegedly video showing left-wing protesters dancing and cheering over that person’s death. To hear it from people on the left, you’d think that Trump supporter was threatening to kill every man, woman, and child in Portland in the name of Donald J. Trump.

A young man is facing charges in Wisconsin after killing three people in self-defense. He should not have been in Kenosha, and every adult in his life should have known better than to let him go there. But, while he was there, he was pursued by a mob, shot others in self-defense, and is facing a very far-reaching series of charges for it. To hear others tell the story, the young man went there with the intent to kill peaceful progressive activists.

Portland is literally on fire and has been for almost 100 days. The violence is escalating. In Los Angeles, Trump supporters were shot at. But the reaction to each and every one of these instances is that Donald Trump has incited this. Somehow, this is all Trump’s fault.

Going all the way back to where these protests began, it is somehow Trump’s fault that a police officer kneeled on George Floyd’s neck for nine minutes, leading to his death. It is somehow Trump’s fault that Ahmaud Arbery was gunned down by two men and protected by law enforcement in Georgia. It is somehow Trump’s fault that violence is escalating in cities historically run by Democrats.

It is Trump’s fault that Antifa activists – largely spoiled white children who have no clue what the hell they’re actually fighting for – are burning American cities to the ground while Democratic mayors and governors do nothing.

Only now, with Joe Biden’s polling advantage dwindling in the face of this chaos, do any Democrats seem to want to acknowledge that there is a violence problem. But, naturally, they want to blame it on Trump, who has been their go-to for everything that has gone wrong since 2016.

Let’s be clear, now: We did just get through eight years of “Thanks, Obama!” every time someone stubbed their toe. But the level to which the left has elevated the game has been nothing short of impressive and yet obsessive. Since the very beginning, they have clung to their belief that Trump was an illegitimate president, using whatever theory they could to justify it. Through countless investigations, there has been nothing of any substantive value to justify those theories.

There was a whole impeachment effort that no one talks about now because it blew up so fantastically in the Democrats’ faces. Time and again, they have done everything they can, right down to fact-checking his breathing, and have determined that every little thing he says or does is somehow incorrect or invalid because they learned in high school how to use rhetorical devices.

And so, even if you could somehow put together a valid case that Trump has been the one to incite all this violence, you can’t convince anyone at this point because you’ve cried wolf hundreds of times before.

And the Democrats’ chosen candidate to oppose Trump? He spent the evening blaming the victim of a murder in Portland for inciting the violence that got him killed. That is not presidential, no more than the majority of the Twitter rampages Trump goes on makes him presidential. It’s a shameful act of partisanship that fails to address what is really happening.

The Democrats have lost control of their base.

American cities are literally on fire as progressive activists go far beyond simply protesting police brutality. While the fight to make black lives matter during the day has been relatively peaceful, it is the Antifa and the activists behind the BLM organization who continue to push things too far, to call for extreme measures well beyond the goal of simply forcing America to recognize that all lives do matter.

These people are no more a significant portion of the Democrats’ base than white supremacists are Trumps’. But the problem for Democrats is that their politicians and their allies in the media have been heaping so much praise and coverage on these protests that as America has started to conflate the peaceful protests with the violent domestic terrorism, the American people are also starting to conflate it all with the Democratic Party, which has done nothing substantive to combat this within their own ranks.

Biden and the Democrats have no idea how to handle this, and even if they did, it’s pretty obvious by now that they can’t. Biden and Harris were not even close to these activists’ top picks. The entire Democratic Party, they believe, is just as corrupt and inept as the Republicans. They don’t have enough respect for them to stop just because Biden, Harris, Pelosi, or any other top Democrats tell them to.

If anyone is responsible for this chaos, it is the Democratic Party. And it most definitely isn’t Trump.

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Women Always Have To Pick Up The Check For Democrats

 Article by Kurt Schlichter in Townhall

Women Always Have To Pick Up The Check For Democrats

For a party that toots its own horn about how it’s all-in for the ladies, the Democrat Party sure has a weird way of showing it. The fact is that when the check comes for its dangerous and degenerate policies, every single time the Dem dudes dine and dash and stick the chicks with the bill.

Let’s look at some of the Dem dudes who do it, starting with the aptly named Bill Clinton. Mr. Felonia Milhous von Pantsuit was all too happy to use women as his personal playthings with varying degrees of consent, ranging from none to “I always wanted to do it in the Oval Office!” And the feminists, the media and the rest of the Democrat Party adjuncts gave him a pass. Some were willing to give him even more. The message was simple: if you are called upon to be a Clinton sex toy, kneel down then shut up for the cause.

This is a Democrat tradition. JFK, when he wasn’t tapping the help he was pimping them out to his buddies in the White House pool. His dalliance with Marilyn Monroe was one thing – she was a consenting adult who could have told him to pound sand (or something else). It’s his serial preying upon the interns and secretaries and other assorted Dem doxies in his orbit that really demonstrates the essential contempt for women that drove his satyriasis – and that (which along with its traditional racism) still drives the Democrat Party.

Oh, and speaking of driving, no discussion of the chronic Democrat abuse of women would be complete without observing that the Lion of the Senate left his booty call du jour to drown in an Oldsmobile at the bottom of a pond. And the same message we hear over and over again to protect Democrat exploiters protected Teddy Kennedy – hey Mary Jo, take one for the team.

She didn’t have much choice about taking one for the team since, in those last agonizing minutes, she couldn’t take a breath.

But hey, Teddy saved abortion, and his ceaseless campaign for a perpetual open season on troublesome fetuses makes it all worthwhile. Abortion is another of those Democrat policies that women get to pay for. The idea that it is somehow empowering or liberating for women is so much garbage. It’s empowering and liberating for men who don’t want to reap the result of their sowing. 

Right on, guuuurl, get on up in those stirrups and show The Man you’re the one in control. Hey, I’ll even chip in and maybe even pay for your Uber. Remember, it’s about you and your future and come on, let’s go, hurry up, sure, I’ll totally call you after. Totally.

The woman gets to think about that trauma for the rest of her life while the dude is off riding bareback with his next Trixie. Congratulations ladies, you got played.

And who is going to bear the burden of defunding the police and disarming the people? Men? Well, in a world where 911 answers “Would you like to get on the waiting list for the intervention of a social worker?” and you aren’t allowed to pack a 9mm equalizer, big men prevail. Good big men have much less to worry about. A 200-pound good man has a chance taking on a 200-pound thug, which is, of course, why the 200-pound thug won’t bother with the 200-pound man and will make a beeline for the 120-pound woman. Now Hollywood, in its finite wisdom, has sought to hi-five the female audience by depicting tiny gals casually walloping big men. Every superhero movie has the girl superheroine who kicks boy villain butt. Every Viking or knight or samurai movie has a gorgeous female warrior who ably swings her sword right beside the fellows. And it’s all crap, unless you’re that 1 in 100,000 mixed martial arts lady who actually can make up for the merciless realities of physics, and you are not that 1 in 100,000 mixed martial arts lady who actually can make up for the merciless realities of physics.

Which is why the Dems’ defund the cops/disarm the law-abiding initiative is so anti-woman. We had an illustration of this last week in the context of the shooting of Jacob Blake. Blake had a warrant out for sexual assault related to a domestic abuse. He was apparently at the home of the woman he had allegedly assaulted – “allegedly,” because the “Believe all women” rule never applies when, as here, it hurts the liberal narrative – in violation of the protective order she took out to keep him away. So, the cops weren’t there to hassle an innocent man pausing while traveling between the soup kitchen he volunteered at and the school where he was an honor student. The cops were there to protect her from a man who allegedly sexually assaulted her once before and who ignored an order to keep away.

They confronted him, he resisted, he did not comply with their orders, he had a knife and he reached into a car where he could have easily grabbed a pistol and killed those officers. Of course they shot him, and yes, in the back – this isn’t a duel and they are not somehow morally obligated to give him a fair chance to murder them.

The Democrats always side with the criminals, and against the cops, and also against women. Because what happens the next time the cops come to a domestic call and the wanted alleged rapist is being noncompliant? Do the cops just stand there as the fugitive rummages around his vehicle, waiting until the crook decides if it’s going to be a shootout? Do they put their lives at risk? 

No. We know what the cops do when Democrat politicians show them they will not only not be backed up but criminally charged if they act to protect themselves. We have seen it in New York, Baltimore, Chicago, and Los Angeles. Crime goes through the roof because the cops stay in their cars – if the choice is acting to protect themselves and getting a murder rap, or not acting to protect themselves and getting dead, they will take Option 3. Option 3 is the next time a woman calls because the guy who raped her is at her house, she is on her own. 

And if Kamala Geppetto Harris gets her way – Grandpa Badfinger will be wandering around the Rose Garden with his bathrobe flopping open chasing butterflies – that woman can’t even have a gun to protect herself.

Notice how the Democrats never say “Women’s lives matter?” It’s because the evidence is clear that to Democrats, women’s lives don’t matter. At least not as much as Democrat power and pleasure does.

A world without cops and without guns is a world where women are beaten, broken and abused. But that’s the world the Democrats seek. Once again, women get to pay the price for the Democrats getting what they want. 

Maybe women should consider getting out of their abusive relationship with the party of misogyny. But hey ladies, if you’re dumb enough to keep picking up the tab, the Dems will happily keep sticking you with the check.


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