Sunday, December 15, 2019

Diversity and Racial Equality - Why Don't The Democrats Look Like America?

Democrats love tocry Diversity and Racial Equality, so often they tell us their party Looks Like America so......
To meet the Democrat Diversity and Racial Equality Quota Requirements there have to be 20 categories. 
Those categories they have to meet the percentages needed to Look Like America.
So, since America looks the following percentages, these are the numbers which must be in.

  • White (66%)
  • Black (16%)
  • Hispanic (12%)
  • Asian (3%)
  • Gay (1%)
  • Trans (1%)
  • Non Binary (1%)
(7) White Male - Biden, Bullock, Delaney, Bennett, Steyer and Bloomberg
(2) White Female - Warren, Kobuchar
(0) Black Male - Open
(0) Black Female -Open
(1) White Gay Male - Buttdigger
(0) White Gay Female - Open
(0) White Trans -Open
(0) White Binary - Open
(0) Black Gay Male - Open
(0) Black Gay Female - Open
(0) Black Trans - Open
(0) Black Non Binary - Open
(1) Hispanic Male - Castro
(0) Hispanic Female - Open
(0) Hispanic Gay Male - Open
(0) Hispanic Gay Female - Open
(0) Hispanic Trans - Open
(0) Hispanic Non Binary - Open
(1) Asian Male - Yang
(1) Asian Female - Gabbard (?) possibly Hawaiian

Now, after that half of all races andethnc groups have to be 50% Female and 50% Male except for the sexually confused (Gay, Trans and Non Binary)
Let's demand Democrats get with their Diversity and Racial Equalty Requirements!
So we are supposed to have 20 spots now does that mean we have 26 to 28 cadidates on those 20 spots.
Come on Democrats get your shit together!

Trump administration to announce withdrawal of 4,000 troops from Afghanistan

OAN Newsroom
UPDATED 11:38 AM PT — Sunday, December 15, 2019
The Trump administration is preparing to announce the withdrawal of more than 4,000 troops from Afghanistan. Senior U.S. officials said the announcement could come as early as next week.
They did not say when the drawdown would begin, but added it would occur over a few months. Currently there are between 12,000 and 13,000 troops in the nation.
Earlier this year, President Trump told advisers he wanted to withdraw all troops by the November 2020 election. He said he was “elected on getting out of these ridiculous endless wars.”

This came after Defense Secretary Mark Esper shut down rumors the U.S. will be sending additional troops to the Middle East. While speaking at the Reagan National Defense Forum last week, Esper said reports that he’s considering sending 14,000 additional troops to counter recent Iran are “false.”
The defense secretary said he has “no idea where those reports even came from.” He added routine adjustments regarding forces are made based on the needs of commanders.
“Right now, there is no major deployment of additional forces, it’s just a false report,” said Esper. “I wish I could figure out why people don’t try and confirm those things with the DOD before they put those reports out.”

Conservative Groups Using Impeachment to Oust Democratic Lawmakers

 Article by Jeff Charles in "RedState":

Conservatives are poised to launch a massive offensive against Democrats in districts in which they are vulnerable. The weapon of choice? Impeachment. 

Many have viewed the Democrats’ obsession with impeachment as a double-edged sword, one that could help Trump and the GOP more than harming them. If the planned moves by an alliance of right-leaning organizations are any indication, the political strategy on which the Democrats have relied for 2020 could be their undoing. 

A coalition of conservative advocacy organizations is coordinating a messaging campaign aimed at 31 congressional districts that might be willing to oust their Democratic representatives over impeachment. Specifically, these are districts that went for Trump in 2016, then later elected Democratic representatives.

According to Politico, the campaign will involve “millions of dollars worth of TV spots, Facebook ads, texts and tweets blaring that the ‘radical left’ is trying to remove the president after a ‘witch hunt’ — and that their Democratic representative is complicit.” 

“At least 31 House Democrats are hating their lives right now,” said Matt Schlapp, chairman of the American Conservative Union. 

It is not yet clear whether or not the campaign will succeed; Democrats expect to lose only a few seats due to impeachment. But if the right plays their cards right, and the progressive left continues to alienate voters by pursuing their efforts to remove Trump, there is a chance the House could flip.

The coalition includes American Conservative Union, Heritage Action, FreedomWorks, Presidential Coalition, and America First Policies. Club for Growth, which initially opposed President Trump during 2016, has also joined the effort, airing TV ads in nine of the districts. The group is also pushing for censure of House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff (D-CA).

The principal message centers on pointing out how the Democrats are wasting time and resources on this “witch hunt,” while neglecting their other duties. This message would echo sentiments expressed by voters in some of these districts who indicated that they might not support their representative if they continue to push for impeachment.

FreedomWorks is engaging in a text message campaign calling on individuals to sign a petition against the “Dirty 30” districts on impeachment. America First Policies is also using text messages telling recipients that “Your money wasted & priorities ignored. A Hopelessly Partisan Mess. End the Witch Hunt!” This particular effort has already prompted 75,000 calls to the offices of the target representatives, according to Kelly Sadler, the group’s spokesperson.
The American Action Network is spending about $8.5 million on broadcast, cable TV, and digital ads pointing out how the endeavor to remove Trump from office has taken away from progress on issues that are actually important. 

These are only a few of the tactics the coalition is leveraging to coax more voters into abandoning their Democratic representatives. But will they work? Well, certain developments might indicate that at least some of their efforts are paying off.

Members of these organizations referred to the recent insurrection on the part of House Democrats who called for the party to move away from impeachment and towards censure of the president. Their calls have gone unheeded, but the fact that they made such a move reveals that they are concerned about their chances for re-election.

And let’s not forget Rep. Jeff Van Drew (D-NJ), who recently announced that he would be switching his party membership from Democrat to Republican. While his decision may not have much of an impact on who controls the House, it has become an undeniable PR disaster for the Democratic Party. 

Is the notion that the GOP could take back the House in 2020 a long shot? Sure. But with the Democrats shooting themselves in the foot over this impeachment debacle, it is certainly worth a try. Polls continue to show that support for impeachment is declining, and constituents in many districts are becoming fed up with the Democrats’ refusal to work on issues that matter to average Americans. 

If the Republicans can figure out how to win back suburban voters, there is a chance they can control the legislative as well as the executive branch. In the words of Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, let’s hope they don’t “monkey it up.” 

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U.S. expelled Chinese officials after they drove onto military base: NYT

December 15, 2019
WASHINGTON (Reuters) – The U.S. government covertly moved to expel two officials from the Chinese embassy earlier this year, after they drove onto a military base, the New York Times reported, citing anonymous sources familiar with the matter.
The newspaper reported on Sunday that one of the two Chinese officials is believed to be an intelligence officer operating under diplomatic cover.
The Chinese officials breached security at a base in Virginia this fall, and only stopped driving after fire trucks were used to block their path, the Times said.
A law enforcement official familiar with the episode confirmed to Reuters that the account in the New York Times is accurate.
An FBI spokeswoman declined to comment. The State Department did not immediately respond to a request for comment about the incident.
The Chinese Foreign Ministry and Chinese Embassy in Washington could not be immediately reached for comment.
Though the exact reason for why the Chinese officials drove onto the base in Norfolk, Virginia was unknown, American officials believe it may have been to test security, one source told the newspaper.
When they finally stopped driving, the Chinese officials told the military guards they had gotten lost.

Weeks later, on Oct. 16, the State Department issued new rules on Chinese diplomats which require them to notify the department before they have any meetings with local or state officials, or with educational and research institutions.
The United States in recent years has stepped up efforts to combat concerns about suspected spying by the Chinese.
Investigators have been asking American universities to keep a closer watch on students and visiting Chinese scholars, and last year U.S. President Donald Trump signed a law prohibiting the U.S. government from buying telecom and surveillance equipment from Chinese companies Huawei Technologies Co Ltd and ZTE Corp <000063.SZ>.
The administration also slapped tariffs on a variety of Chinese goods, and the Justice Department has aggressively pursued prosecutions of suspected spies.

Adam Schiff Finally Goes on Fox, Squirms Trying to Justify Impeachment

Article by Nick Arama in "RedState":

House Intelligence Committee Chair Adam Schiff (D-CA) finally made it on to Fox to try to justify the Democrats Articles of Impeachment.

He drew perhaps who he thought was the most amenable anchor for the interview, Chris Wallace. But Wallace did get in a couple of good questions that left Schiff squirming and spinning untruths.

Schiff looked horrible with red eyes and with what looked like vampire-like make-up, coupled with nerves. He did not do well.
Wallace asked after all the claims about bribery and extortion, why Democrats hadn’t included any crimes, much less those in the articles of impeachment?

Schiff claimed that they were included within the claim of “abuse of power” which they were not. He then suggested that that was just a catch-all for all the prior Democratic claims that had failed or been debunked by things like the Mueller report.

“Most pernicious,” Schiff claimed, was the attempt to get an “ally” to help him “cheat in the next election,” a claim they completely failed to prove. Meanwhile the Democratic efforts to undermine Trump with Russian information and colluding with foreign national Christopher Steele are well-proven fact.

He claimed that somehow this “sacrificed our national security.” But indeed, it is the Democrats’ effort of impeachment that has impaired our relationship with Ukraine because of their effort to politicize everything and impede the effort into stopping corruption in Ukraine. Meanwhile, it’s impaired the president’s ability to conduct foreign policy as he should. And it’s incredibly ironic given that Barack Obama left Ukraine naked and open to being invaded by Russia by first getting them to give up their weapons with which they could have defended themselves and then failing to provide them weapons for that defense when they begged for them after the Russians invaded. They only got them after President Donald Trump came in and provided them.

Wallace also nailed him on obstruction where Schiff’s responses were even weaker.

Wallace asked how could challenging Democrats in court over their requests for documents or people to testify be considered obstruction, especially given the Supreme Court’s decision to hear the case of Trump challenging turning over financial records. “Why is going to Court an impeachable offense,” Wallace asked.

Schiff claimed “refusing to comply with the oversight of Congress” is, indicating he failed to understand the nature of the three co-equal branches of government. He really thinks he has the right to tell the president what to do. He tried to bring up Nixon calling it a “far less comprehensive breach” which of course was false. He then confirms that he doesn’t think that the president has a constitutional right to access to the courts and resorting to the courts is an act of obstruction, which is insane.

Democrats keep pitching this. But the more they try to convince Americans like this, the more they expose what a naked political act it is. And if Schiff gets called in the Senate and does this badly, it’s going to be quite something.

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Who Will Flip First?

When Adam Schiff for Brains lies to the American people for three years about the Russia Collusion Delusion (Democrat Coup) and when asked why he lied, how does he respond?

"I was unaware the FBI was doing the things ideintified in the Horowitz report"

Now let's translate that to reality: "I had to keep lying, when I saw how poorly our people were covering their tracks while fabricating the case, I paniced because I dod not want people to see what a filthy lying piece of shit Ireally am."


Along comes Big Bird Comey and when he is asked why he lied for so long given what the Horowitz Report reveals, how does he respond?

" I placed to much faith in the FBI processes developed over the last 20 years"

Now let's translate that to reality: "I fully expected my people to fully fake documents and prepare a cover up no one could figure out, but it was them not me who did all this. I will testify against anyone if I canavoid arrest and punishment for sedition."

Good God people, howcananyone take these two pieces of shit serious? they are caught participating in an attempted coup, caught lying about it and even now are trying to spin their way out of arrest and prosecution.

I want to see both arrested, sent to a Max Facility where prsioners can rape them repeatedly for years.

Did you know?

In 1940, Polish Army Officer Witold Pilecki deliberately entered the Auschwitz concentration camp as a prisoner to gather intelligence about the crimes committed there. His mission lasted almost 3 years. Executed by the communists in 1948.

Comey: Come to Think of It, I Probably Shouldn't Have Defended the FBI's FISA Process

Article by Beth Baumann in "Townhall":

Former FBI Director James Comey admitted on "Fox News Sunday" that he was wrong to defend the agencies procedures relating to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) and a warrant the agency obtained to spy on the Trump campaign. The admission comes after Inspector General Michael Horowitz released his highly-anticipated report about the origins of the Russia probe and the FBI's abuse of the FISA warrant application process.

"I was wrong. I was responsible. That's why I'm telling you I was wrong. I was overconfident as director over our procedure," Comey told Fox News' Chris Wallace. "And it's important that a leader be accountable and transparent. If I were still director I'd be saying exactly the same thing Chris Wray is saying, which is we are going to get to the bottom of this because the most important question is is this systemic? Are there problems in other cases?"

"He [Horowitz] said it [Steele Dossier] played an essential role in establishing probably cause. In fact, he says if it hadn't of been for the Steele dossier the FBI probably wouldn't even have submitted a FISA application that it had been reviewed in April of 2016 – or August, rather, of 2016. They decided not to do it. They get the Steele dossier and they do it," Wallace replied. "It wasn't part of a broader mosaic. That's what you said, sir."

Comey attempted to spin Horowitz's findings, saying he came to the same conclusion as the inspector general.

"I'm not sure he and I are saying different things," Comey replied. "What his report says is that the FBI thought it was a close call until they got the Steele report, put that additional information in, and that tipped it over to be probably cause."

Wallace explained how the two men came to different conclusions. Comey has said the FISA warrant was part of a broader investigation, where Horowitz said the Steele dossier was the tipping point for the FBI to launch their probe.

"That doesn't make it part of a broader mosaic," Wallace said. "That makes it the center piece of the whole FISA application and the ability to surveil Carter Page."

Comey admitted that he wasn't kept up-to-date on "the details" of the investigation, including that the FBI talked with a Russian contact who flat out said Steele wrote false information in his dossier.

"The worst misconduct: in August of 2016, just two weeks into the investigation, the CIA tells the FBI that it actually has a relationship with Carter Page, that when he has these meetings with the Russians he's actually goes back and tells the CIA about it but you never tell the FISA Court," Wallace said. "And, in fact, in 2017, an FBI lawyer doctors a document. 'The CIA said, 'Oh, Carter Page, he's a source.'' And he puts in the application that he's [Page] not a source."

Comey flat out lied, saying Horowitz never found any wrongdoing by members of the FBI.

"One of the predications of your question, the inspector general did not find misconduct by any FBI people. He found mistakes and negligence and oversight," Comey said.

Wallace reminded Comey that Kevin Clinesmith was referred for a criminal investigation, something the former FBI director shrugged off, as though it wasn't a big deal.

Comey, however, contended that Horowitz found no wrong doing, no political bias, but he did find that mistakes took place, something he said is "nothing to sneeze at."

He did admit that agents working the case should have forwarded off information relating to Page's relationship with the CIA to agency lawyers so they could determine whether or not that should be included in the FISA application.

"You've talked a lot about mistakes, sloppiness, but Horowitz concluded that three separate teams made significant errors in four separate FISA applications on one of the FBI's most significant cases: the investigation of President Trump and his campaign," Wallace said.

Comey, however, argued that Trump and his campaign weren't being investigated, but "four Americans were being investigated.

Image result for james comey memes

Danny Aiello Dead At Age 86

NEW YORK (AP) — Danny Aiello, the blue-collar character actor whose long career playing tough guys included roles in “Fort Apache, the Bronx,” “The Godfather, Part II,” “Once Upon a Time in America” and his Oscar-nominated performance as a pizza man in Spike Lee’s “Do the Right Thing,” has died. He was 86.

Aiello (pronounced eye-YEL-o) died Thursday night after a brief illness, said his publicist, Tracey Miller, who runs Tracey Miller & Associates. “The family asks for privacy at this time,” she said in a statement.

Recognizable, if not famous, for his burly build and husky voice, he was an ex-union president who broke into acting in his 30s and remained a dependable player for decades, whether vicious or cuddly or some of each.
His breakthrough, ironically, was as the hapless lover dumped by Cher in Norman Jewison’s hit comedy “Moonstruck.” His disillusion contributed to the laughter, and although he wasn’t nominated for a supporting-role Oscar (Cher and Olympia Dukakis won in their categories), Aiello was inundated with movie offers.

“Living in New York City gave me training for any role,” he said in a 1997 interview. “I’ve seen people killed, knifed. I’ve got scars on my face. I have emotional recall when I work; the idea is simply to recreate it. I’ve seen it and experienced it. I’ve played gangsters, teachers but most of my work has been in the police area. And for that I’m adored by the police in New York City.”

The ebullient Aiello became a favorite of several directors, among them Woody Allen, who used him in the Broadway play “The Floating Light Globe” and the movies “Broadway Danny Rose,” “The Purple Rose of Cairo” and “Radio Days.”

Lee was another admirer and for “Do the Right Thing” cast Aiello as a pizzeria operator in a black neighborhood of Brooklyn, the movie climaxing with a riot that destroys his eatery. “This is my pizzeria!” he cried. Lee had first offered the role to Robert De Niro, but Aiello’s performance brought him an Oscar nomination for supporting actor.

Among his other movies: “Fort Apache, the Bronx” (as a cop who threw a boy from a building), “Once Upon a Time in America,” “Harlem Nights,” “Jack Ruby” (as Ruby) and”City Hall.” He also appeared in TV miniseries, including “The Last Don,” “A Woman Named Jackie” and in the 1985-86 police series “Lady Blue.”

A child of New York’s Hell’s Kitchen neighborhood, Aiello retained the pugnacity he learned on city streets.

“During the early times in my acting career, I would fight at the drop of a hat,” he said in 1985. “I was very hungry. If there were obstacles, I tried to remove them.” He added that sometimes he engaged in fistfights with actors after work because of incidents during filming or rehearsals.

Daniel Louis Aiello Jr. was born June 20, 1933, to Italian parents. His father, a laborer, left the family of seven children, and Daniel started working at age 9 selling newspapers, working in a grocery store and bowling alley, shining shoes and loading trucks. In his teenage years, he joined a street gang and, he claimed, engaged in burglary and safe-cracking. He dropped out of high school before graduating, got married in 1955 and joined the Army.

After three years in the service, he worked at several factory jobs, landing as a baggage man at Greyhound. The ambitious Aiello rose to become president of the transit union.

“I wanted to become a politician,” he told a reporter in 1995. “I always thought that I could talk, that people liked me, that I can represent them.” But when Greyhound accused him of starting a wildcat strike and the union leaders agreed, Aiello quit his job.

Yet Aiello soon branched out, playing small roles in the movies “Bang the Drum Slowly” and “The Godfather, Part II,” and as the bartender lead in a musical play “Lamppost Reunion.” Starting in 1980 he averaged three films a year, plus appearances in theater and television. Off-Broadway, he appeared in “The Shoemaker” in 2011.
Aiello and his wife, Sandy, lived in Ramsey, New Jersey. He also is survived by three children: Rick, Jamie and Stacy. A fourth son, stuntman and stunt coordinator Danny Aiello III, died in May 2010 of pancreatic cancer.

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The Democrats are engaged in a coup. What do we do about it?

 Article by Joe Herring in "The American Thinker":

Stories are freighted with an inherent power to influence, persuade, even form perceptions from whole cloth among those who hear them.  Were it not so, Hollywood would be just another town.

It is that raw power that has taught us to exercise extreme caution when we hear stories claimed to be faithful retellings of provable facts.

For that reason, we raise the bar when the story involves the alleged commission of a crime.  We set and maintain a high standard for evidence of the accusation throughout legal proceedings — wisely seeking to strip the "story" of its inherent power and see if it still stands when reduced to the skeletal frame of actual fact.

These legal requirements and protections cannot be abridged without inviting unfairness to sit as the presiding judge.

The Democrats have been telling a story.  The Republicans have noted (quite properly in my view) that this particular story has quickly morphed from mere political maneuvering into grave legal proceeding, and as such can no longer be permitted to hide beneath cloaks of insinuation, emotion, and supposition.

They have rightfully demanded that the "story" be stripped, so all can see clearly whether there is indeed a skeleton of facts, or merely a rush of hot air keeping the story upright, like some grotesque inflatable yard decoration.

The rules of order have been twisted and warped by the House Democrats to prevent the examination of the story.  Legal prohibitions on conduct have been disregarded, longstanding rules of evidence dismissed, all to protect the story from revealing its framework.

Make no mistake: there is hard evidence to be presented, examined, and adjudicated.  It just isn't to be found among the slanderous ephemera the Democrats are calling a case for impeachment.

The hard evidence is on the side of the president.  With the life of the Democrats' "story" dependent on the concealment of the actual evidence, it's no wonder the Left has once again resorted to rigging the game.

While watching some of the debate on the articles of impeachment, I couldn't help but think I was watching the political equivalent of rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic.  The notion of collegiality and fair play among rivals that once suffused congressional proceedings is long dead, replaced by slathering, snapping, wolfish assaults on the truth.

Attempting to subvert the will of the people (as expressed through our electoral process) by creating impeachable offenses out of whole cloth is not merely a breach of decorum, a "mistake," or "wrong-headed."  It's sedition.

The behavior of the Democrat party over the last decade has been that of an overt criminal enterprise, using the power of government to shield themselves from prosecution while engaging in eye-popping levels of corruption.

The articles and charges put forward by the Democrats spring from a laughable pretext, requiring a willful suspension of rational thought to accept.

Presumably, those elected to office as Democrats are not so intellectually disabled as to be unable to see through the obvious charade, a reality that leaves only one other conclusion to explain their behavior: they are fully and knowingly engaged in this seditious scheme and intend to reap the benefits of absolute power should they succeed.

This is not the behavior of a political party.  These are not the activities of a "loyal opposition," but rather the acts of an organized revolutionary element attempting to overthrow our government.

It is my opinion that the Democrat party has rendered itself illegitimate in the extreme by not only crossing the line of illegality, but by obliterating it entirely.

I ask you, how do we move on from this?

How does our Republic function when so deeply infested with "enemies domestic"?  Is it possible to trust the Democrats again?  I cannot. 

What are we to do?  Disband the Democrat party and ban them from fielding candidates?  Were that even an option, I don't believe it necessary.  There is a better way.

There must be a reckoning for this grotesque molestation of our body politic.  There must be a full accounting of misbehavior; lawlessness; sedition; and yes, even treason.  Anything less will simply permit the cancer to metastasize and attack anew.

The Democrat party of today cannot and will not police itself.  Its leadership is wormy, its rank and file either deluded or devoid of respect for law.  I ask every Democrat I encounter the same question and still marvel at the non-answers given.

"Seeing this, knowing this, how can you remain silent as they rape our nation in your name, with your tacit approval?  Worse yet, doesn't your vote for them amount to getting in line to take your turn at the victim?"

This episode has revealed a virus that threatens to kill us all unless destroyed.  There are numerous ideologies that are antithetical to liberty, utterly incompatible with a Constitutional Republic, and chief of these is socialism (and its associated collectivist, state-worshiping siblings).

The lure of unfettered power brings on a particular madness in those who fail to inoculate themselves against it.  Socialism relies on this madness to gain and expand power.  Indeed, it cannot exist without it.  It brutally enforces restrictions on contrary speech, lest its adherents develop a natural resistance to the madness.

The Democrat party have succumbed to the madness and, now fully insane, will brook no opposition to their aim of absolute power with which they will rid the world of selfish individuality and replace it with ordered utopia.  None of this is acceptable under our form of government.

Understand this: socialism requires the overthrow of our government, the very definition of a grave, prosecutable offense under 18 U.S. Code §2385.

It's time to arrest, prosecute, and imprison those involved in this coup at all levels, regardless of party.  Their punishments must be severe, crushing, and public if we hope to deter any further adventurism by the thousands of would-be Napoleons of the Deep State bureaucracy.

It's time to reform the civil service code to facilitate the immediate removal of any member of government engaged in the abuse of his position by commission or omission.

It's past time to declare advocating ideologies that require the overthrow of our form of government as a crime punishable under 18 U.S. Code §2385.

It's time to inoculate our body politic against the lure of absolute power by administering the vaccine of accountability under the law.

If there remains any vestige of the Democrat party afterward, I'll be surprised.

War On Terror - Fight Terrorism - Execute Terrorists

 Article by Deroy Murdock in "Townhall":

The recent mayhem on London Bridge should remind everyone of the eternal evil of Islamic terrorism.

On November 29, Usman Khan, a supposedly former terrorist, wounded three people and fatally stabbed Saskia Jones and Jack Merritt, two young Britons who — in an excruciating irony — participated in that day’s meeting (near the bridge) of Learning Together, an organization that claims to rehabilitate terrorists. Khan, 28, was considered one of its model students.

As Giulio Meotti recalled in a  chilling essay  for the Gatestone Institute, Khan wrote glowingly about his experiences with this outfit. “Learning Together is about opening minds, unlocking doors, and giving voice to those who are shutdown, hidden from the rest of us.”

It was all quite touching, really, until Khan forgot whatever he learned together, donned a fake bomb vest, strapped knives to his wrists, and then murdered these idealistic young people before lightning-quick lawmen shot him to death in a pristine use of police power.

Khan, it soon emerged, was convicted in 2012 for planning to detonate the London Stock Exchange, then-mayor of London Boris Johnson, and the London Eye, a mega-Ferris wheel on the Thames. He was sentenced to 16 years in prison.

Never mind all that! Khan was sprung in December 2018, after just eight years behind bars. Khan posthumously exposed the stupid and deadly practice of freeing terrorists before they finish their sentences, for which there is simply no justification.

Also, since Khan’s rehabilitation clearly was a belly flop, other turnaround programs have been exposed as catastrophes.

According to Meotti, the Behavioural Insights Team studied 33 of the United Kingdom’s deradicalization programs. Only two were deemed successful. British criminologist Simon Cottee has mocked the prevailing “deadly delusions about curing terrorists.”

A French Senate report called that nation’s de-radicalization campaign a “total fiasco.” French lawmakers who visited one such facility in Chateau de Pontourny were appalled to learn that it housed exactly one reputedly recovering terrorist. A seemingly reformed terrorist named Mickaël Harpon worked for a French police terrorist-tracking unit. All was swell until Harpon committed a terror attack inside Paris police headquarters.

When then is to be done?

The most sensible thing to do with these Islamic extremist killers is to execute them. Membership in al-Qaeda, Hamas, Hezbollah, ISIS, and similar jihadist groups should be reason enough to liquidate these murderers before they neutralize any more innocents.

The ISIS fighters now in Syria should be wiped out. A single, swift mass trial and prompt executions would eliminate this deadly threat, which only grows as every day tempts individual or mass escapes from their captivity under highly distracted Kurdish forces.

Turkey, which now controls parts of Syria, lacks the lily livers and PC paralysis that make Europe too weak to get this done. Turkey should be encouraged to finish off the ISIS prisoners. These butchers are not soldiers. They wear no uniforms and represent no nation. As such, the Geneva Convention (which ISIS never signed) does not apply to them. They must not be allowed to use this pact as an unearned shield.

European nations should grow a collective vertebra and enact the death penalty for terrorists.

Britons on Thursday wisely chose to keep incumbent Boris Johnson as their prime minister. He led the Conservatives to win 365 seats in the House of Commons — a 39-seat majority , and 66 more seats than it had before the election. This places the Tories in their strongest position since 1987, during the premiership of Iron Lady Margaret Thatcher. Johnson and the Conservatives won primarily on Brexit, but opposition leader Jeremy Corbyn’s response to the London Bridge attack did Labour no favours.

After Khan’s killings, Sky News asked Corbyn if terrorists should finish their prison sentences. “Not necessarily, no,” Corbyn replied. “I think it depends on the circumstances and depends on the sentence and crucially depends on what they’ve done in prison.”

It depends; it depends; it depends?

Corbyn, thus, confirmed that his skull is softer than scones.

Earlier, Meotti reports, that the far-Left Corbyn has had been caught on camera “protesting the extradition of British terror suspects, including two aides to Osama bin Laden.”

It’s little surprise, then, that Corbyn dragged Labour down 42 seats, to a total of 203 members on its benches — the party’s weakest showing since 1935.

Conversely, after Khan’s bloodshed, Prime Minister Johnson told the Telegraph: “We must keep violent offenders and terrorists in jail longer and end the automatic early release system.” Johnson is tougher than Corbyn and, especially after his landslide win, likelier to make terrorists pay the ultimate price for their fundamental evil.

From London to Long Beach, remember this: Dead men tell no tales, nor do they stab people to death at Terrorists Anonymous conferences.