Tuesday, October 29, 2019

London police detain jailed former Mexican governor’s wife; faces extradition trial

October 29, 2019
MEXICO CITY (Reuters) – Police in London on Tuesday detained Karime Macias, the wife of a disgraced former Mexican state governor who is serving a 9-year jail sentence for money laundering and links to organized crime, a spokesman for Mexico’s attorney general’s office said.
Macias will now face an extradition trial in Britain, the spokesman said.
A judge in the Gulf Coast state of Veracruz, where Macias’ husband Javier Duarte governed from 2010 to 2016, issued a warrant for her arrest in 2018 for the alleged misuse of over 112 million pesos ($5.9 million) in funds from a social welfare program.
Prosecutors argued that Duarte, a member of former President Enrique Pena Nieto’s Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI), headed an organization whose criminal operations were carried out in Veracruz, the eastern Gulf state of Campeche and Mexico City between 2011 and 2016.
Top Mexican auditor ASF said in 2016 that the irregularities in public funds under Duarte were the most it had ever seen.
A letter by Macias, which news site Animal Politico had obtained in December 2017 and posted online, indicated that Macias was living in Britain and that she had demanded back artwork, golf clubs and crystal that Mexican authorities had seized.
In the letter, Macias also said she was forced to shelter in Britain because of “persecution” back home in Mexico.

Max Boot is so steeped in Trump-Hatred, he actually believes Baghdadi blowing himself up is a sign of “courage.” These NeverTrumpers are deranged.

Max Boot is so steeped in Trump-Hatred, he actually believes Baghdadi blowing himself up is a sign of “courage.” These NeverTrumpers are deranged.

Just how steeped in Trump Derangement Syndrome must you be to believe that a terrorist blowing himself and three children to smithereens is a sign of courage?  Well, as steeped in TDS as Washington Post “conservative” columnist and CNN pundit Max Boot.

Like Jennifer Rubin, Max Boot is about as conservative as Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

And like Jennifer Rubin, Max Boot has let his loathing for Donald Trump devour him completely.

The man is a prat.

Yesterday, as a way to dunk of Trump, the old prat in a hat claimed that the President was wrong when he said ISIS monster al Baghdadi died like a coward. 

Max Boot initial tweet

Ah, yes.  Nothing says “HERO” quite like using three children as human shields, detonating a suicide vest and killing yourself and them all to avoid being captured.

Can you imagine what Max Boot thinks of Jim Jones.

Boy, what a profile in courage he was!  Not only did he kill himself, but he took an entire village with him.  They don’t get any more courageous than that.

When folks on Twitter dragged Max Boot for his outlandish claim, he courageously  deleted the tweet, altered his column, and issued a “correction.”

Max Boot is a prat.

We got the wrong impression? Really?

Let’s look at that original quote again:

“The assertion that Baghdadi died as a coward was contradicted by the fact that rather than be captured he blew himself up.”

It wasn’t an “impression,” and it didn’t “wrongly convey” anything, you imbecile. You flat-out said Baghdadi killing himself (and three children he used as human shields) contradicted Trump’s assertion that he was a coward.

These Well-I-Never-Trumpers go to amazing lengths to attack the President, don’t they?
And they really do not care just how absurd and foolish they look in doing it.

Max Boot’s Trump-hatred has backed him so far into a corner that, rather than admit failure and concede, he’d rather blow up his own reputation.

But I suppose he’d consider that “courageous.”

The fact that Max Boot is permitted to write anything but classified ads at a newspaper is proof that our once respected “Free Press” is completely in the shitter.

AG Bill Barr Defends John Durham Investigation, Praises FBI Director Chris Wray “Outstanding Support”

Earlier today Bill Barr gave an interview to Fox News on the sidelines of a law enforcement event in Chicago.  The U.S. Attorney General discussed the ongoing investigation by U.S. Attorney John Durham, and gave high praise to FBI Director Christopher Wray for his “outstanding support” therein.  

 [Link to Fox Interview Excerpt Video

(Via Fox) […] The attorney general said that while he’s assisting in connecting Durham with countries that could have valuable information, Durham is running the show.
“He is in charge of the investigation, I’m not doing the investigation,” Barr said, while describing Durham, the U.S. attorney for Connecticut, as “thorough and fair” and saying he’s making progress.
Further, Barr took an implicit swipe at Comey as he maintained current FBI Director Christopher Wray is cooperating.
“I do want to say that one of the reasons Mr. Durham is able to make the kind of progress he’s making is because Director Wray and his team at the FBI have just been outstanding in support and responsiveness given to Mr. Durham,” Barr said. 
“As you know, I’ve said previously that I felt there was a failure of leadership at the bureau in 2016 and part of 2017, but since Director Wray and his team have taken  
over there’s been a world of change. I think that he is restoring the steady professionalism that’s been a hallmark of the FBI. I really appreciate his leadership there.” (read more)
This interview, and particularly the Barr perspective on FBI Director Wray, is challenging to reconcile against the historic behavior of the FBI under Wray’s tenure.   In order to reconcile Barr’s characterization of Chris Wray, those who follow the issues closely would have to ignore or suspend all disbelief in Director Wray’s conduct.

Here at CTH we accept the behavior, actions and statements by federal officials as they are, and not as we would wish them to be.  There is no action in evidence that would support Barr’s characterization of Wray; so it leaves the audience having to take a leap of faith that suddenly, in the past three months, Wray had some ‘come-to-Jesus’ moment.

Given the documented history of the FBI blocking transparency during Wray’s tenure at the helm of the FBI that’s simply a leap of faith we are unwilling to take.

Either Bill Barr is covering for Wray, just like he has done in the past for Rosenstein, with a goal of institutional preservation as his compass heading (Bondo Barr); or Bill Barr has some -as yet- unknown motive for presenting an  alternate reality.

It’s up to you to make up your own mind. 

JUNE 2018

MAY 2019

In 2018 Christopher Wray undermined the Nunes memo and refused to present FBI  documents for congressional review. Chairman Nunes, HPSCI; Chairman Goodlatte, House Judiciary; and Chairman Grassley, Senate Judiciary; each had requests for document production blocked by FBI Director Wray.

As a result of those roadblocks a list of declassification requests was presented to President Trump by congress. *AFTER* the 2018 mid-term election the bucket list for  those still outstanding classified documents was handed to AG Bill Barr.
Barr was granted unilateral declassification authority in May 2019.

Not a single document has been declassified and released from that original list, by the DOJ or FBI; including the authorizing scope memos that were used in the Mueller investigation which concluded in March 2019 and still remain hidden today.   Those scope memos have no investigative value to the IG report on FISA abuse.

The only documents released to the public have come from a FOIA lawsuit brought by Judicial Watch to attain the Bruce Ohr 302’s, ordered to be released by a DC court, and the Comey memos which were released by the IG as part of the evidence underlying the IG report on James Comey activity.

No documents have been declassified by AG Bill Barr; and to this day the FBI still refuses (Flynn case) to unredact the Lisa Page and Peter Strzok text messages.

It defies credulity for Barr to say Director Wray has been of “outstanding support” while simultaneously the same FBI under Director Wrays’ authority has been the primary blocking mechanism for exculpatory evidence within the Michael Flynn case.

Those who choose to believe in the characterization of AG Bill Barr for Director Wray, have to choose to suspend all prior knowledge of the mountain of evidence that supports an entirely different characterization.

This suspension of disbelief is beyond my personal capability.  However, in the strongest of possible terms – I hope I’m wrong.  By disposition I accept the statements and actions of government officials as they are, not as I wish them to be. 

Perhaps FBI Director Christopher Wray has, in the last 4 months, had a come-to-Jesus moment. However, that outlook would require me to possess a trusty-plan disposition. 

Unfortunately, I lost that ability in August 2018 when the DOJ and FBI covered-up the demonstrably proven James Wolfe leak of classified information.

Lastly, to underline the Wray issues, and simultaneously provide evidence that is only tangentially connected to the current matters at hand…. it is worth remembering Christopher Wray in the ridiculous framework of the pre-midterm-election Cesar Sayoc case.

You might remember: FBI Director Christopher Wray outlined during his remarks that the Sayoc devices consisted of PVC pipe, clocks, batteries, wiring and “energetic material that can become combustible when subjected to heat or friction”.

The FBI director went out of his way to state: “these were not hoax devices.”  The DOJ then moved to seal all court filings, and the case against the nut continued behind the curtain of ‘national fucking security’.

I digress.

Judge Sullivan Postpones Hearing on Flynn Brady Material

Following an extensive 160-page filing by Flynn’s attorney Sidney Powell; including extensive exhibits to support her motion to compel Brady material; Judge Sullivan has now delayed the previously scheduled November 7th hearing on the motion(s).
Generally this delay is good news as it provides the Judge more time to review the rather extensive list of exhibits presented by the defense.
Hopefully, the pending inspector general report on the DOJ/FBI FISA abuse issues will be released prior to the next hearing.   There is a possibility that IG report will contain background material on FBI and DOJ misconduct that will be supportive of the defense case highlighting how Flynn was set-up.

Pelosi Calls House Vote to Affirm Speaker Impeachment Inquiry The House Never Authorized

Very nice trick here by the Lawfare advisory and rules committee that is handling the construct of the “Official House Inquiry” on impeachment.  It is such a good trick it has everyone crossed-up and confused.  Likely, that is by design.

On Thursday of this week Speaker Pelosi is bringing to the floor a resolution to affirm her previous declaration of an “Official House Inquiry”.  Mrs. Pelosi is very purposefully and carefully telling reporters this is not a “House resolution on impeachment”.  Read the wording carefully:

Speaker Pelosi is holding a vote, a resolution, to affirm her previous declaration of a House “inquiry”.  The resolution is currently being written by Lawfare. Pelosi is not delivering a House “Resolution on Impeachment” for a vote, because if she did hold a vote on an impeachment resolution, the minority and the Executive branch would gain rights therein.

This is a House vote to show support for Pelosi’s previous unilateral decree.   Right now the rules committee is adding language to the resolution that will provide additional one-sided support for a completely partisan process: “and for other purposes”.

Note in this video, Pelosi is careful to say “this is not an impeachment resolution”:

It is not an “impeachment resolution”, it is a resolution to support the already existing “impeachment inquiry”.   Pelosi and the Lawfare crew are playing games.

Additionally, notice that like Pelosi, Chairman Schiff is careful not to use the words “impeachment investigation”, but rather says “impeachment inquiry”:

The rules for an “impeachment investigation” would provide rights for the minority and also rights for the Executive branch.

So instead of having a House vote to authorize an impeachment investigation, with subsequent rights for the minority; they are having a House vote to affirm the “impeachment inquiry” with an entirely different set of House rules that do not include rights for the minority.

Nice trick huh?

On Thursday there will be a House vote to authorize:
…”ongoing investigations as part of the existing House of Representatives inquiry into whether sufficient grounds exist for the House of Representatives to exercise its Constitutional power to impeach Donald John Trump, President of the United States of America, and for other purposes.”  (link)

And that House vote will include rules to further facilitate the one-sided, official impeachment inquiry, process therein.

Here’s where it gets interesting.

“And for Other Purposes” – The Thursday vote will likely have a rule process to conjoin the House Judiciary Committee (HJC) with the House “official impeachment inquiry”.

Why now?  Because the HJC just won a legal ruling from DC Judge Beryl Howell granting the Judiciary Committee formal impeachment authority.   {Go Deep}

Lawfare is hoping that through this Thursday vote scheme they will be able to twist the legal process into providing their House inquiry judicial enforcement authority, or punishment possible for the executive not complying with a House committee subpoena.

Pelosi, Schiff and Nadler are hoping to achieve this by bringing in the House Judiciary Committee and the judicial enforcement authority they were just granted by Judge Howell.  They are also in a big rush to do this; hence the Thursday vote.  The rush is because the DOJ has filed a motion for stay, as they appeal the Judge Howell ruling.

Remember, the Lawfare intent is to pierce the constitutional firewall that creates a distinct separation of powers; and the Legislative branch is trying to force documents from the Executive branch, overriding executive privilege. This is a constitutional issue. This level of impeachment intent is why judicial enforcement authority (the full house authorization to grant weight to legal subpoena power) becomes much more important.

Pelosi, Schiff, Nadler and Lawfare are attempting to create “judicial enforcement authority” without having an actual and constitutional vote to authorize an official “impeachment investigation”.   That’s what this Thursday House resolution is all about.

The Thursday House resolution is intended to authorize and validate the pre-existing Pelosi “impeachment inquiry”, and then expand the authority within the rules to create the impression of a full House impeachment investigation; without actually having a House  “impeachment investigation vote”…. because that would open-up rights to the minority and rights to the executive.

Of course, as previously stated, none of this would be possible if it were not for the complicit support of the entire national media. Pelosi’s impeachment scheme requires a compliant media to support her construct. So far, they have.

UPDATE: In the DC court the DOJ has filed a motion to stay the Judge Howell ruling as they appeal the decision.  The stay motion appears pretty solid on three of the four corner arguments.

The weakest aspect to the motion is the legal framework around “judicial enforcement authority.”  In part because the impeachment precedent is thin; and in part because the Judiciary Committee angle is about gaining evidence underneath the Mueller report – not the House Ukraine investigation.

Here’s the motion for stay:
If Judge Howell doesn’t grant the stay pending appeal, the DOJ would have to look for an emergency injunction.  In the interim, Pelosi, Schiff and Nadler are looking to exploit the Howell decision that accepted, some would say ‘created‘, the existence of a formal House impeachment proceeding despite the non-existence of an authorizing vote.

In essence, Lawfare is trying to exploit a decision -quickly- that put the cart (impeachment) before the horse (vote); and leverage that judicial ruling as a back-door to grant full judicial enforcement authority over the House impeachment inquiry.

The optics therein is what the sham vote is intended to present.  As if the full House voted to allow the committee’s go gain judicial enforcement authorityand change the committee request letters into actual and enforceable subpoenas.

I hope that helps make sense of it all.  Right now it feels like CTH is up against the entire DC Lawfare process, in explaining what is going on; and what are the motives and intents behind all of these moves….

Our united job is to STAND UP and explain this complex non-constitutional process to our friends, family and neighbors.

Act II of the Kabuki Theater in the House

For two years, Schiff For Brains ran to any camera which would give him his 15 mins of fame to tell the Media elites he had proof President Trump colluded with Russians. Hilariously CNN the king of Fake News had Schiff For Brains on over 100 times in twenty four months!

Here we have Schiff For Brains explaining to Tapper really nothing! 

Schiff For Brains paraded his student, Representative Eric Swallowsalot to present evidence. It was amusing. Eris lies for twenty minutes and never lays out any real facts. 

His greatest proof is the July 27th statement Trump made about requesting Russia to look for Hillary's lost e-mails at a press conference. 

We all know these two Californian politicians represent the greatest mind trust anyone has ever seen. 

So here is all the proof Schiff For Brains, proven as true by Madcow Maddow and so what does the Two year Mueller Investigation prove with all of Schiff For Brains proof?


ODD, Schiff for Brains had all this proof and Mueller and is 18 Democrat Lawyers and Investigators could not tie it together.

So after we see that Schiff For Brains and Eric Swallowsalot are simply idiots and liars, what will Democrats do now?

The Case for Trump’s Impeachment Goes Beyond Ukraine
He has betrayed America with seven countries. Here’s the indictment.

And they parade Schiff For Brains as their leader to handle the Trump Ukrainian Collusion Delusion!!!

So, Thursday they vote on their Impeachment Resolution  Inquiry and no doubt the vote will be 219 to 116 with all democrats and that idiot Amash voting to continue the Inquiry. 

Of course with that lone RINO vote the Media and Democrats will crow about the partisan support for the Inquiry.

Meanwhile the Kabuki Theater continues and nothing gets done.

Nationals Disappointed To Learn Boos Don't Count As Runs

WASHINGTON, D.C.—Washington Nationals fans booed Trump as he made an appearance at Game 5 of the World Series this weekend.

The team got excited, assuming the boos would propel them to victory over the Houston Astros. Unfortunately, an MLB rep confirmed that the boos were not redeemable for runs, and the Nationals lost the game 7-1.

"We totally destroyed the Astros when it came to booing Trump," said one dejected fan. "But it was really weird. The game ended and the scoreboard still said that we lost, as though the booing of the president didn't count at all."

Washington, D.C. natives have filed an official complaint with the MLB, claiming that virtue-signaling about how bad the orange man is should count for runs.

"We're thinking something like one run for every decibel of incoherent screaming about the president," said Nationals coach David Martinez. "It would only be fair." 

Washington Post To Run All Headlines By In-House ISIS Marketing Rep

Babylon Bee 🐝 

WASHINGTON, D.C.—In order to ensure all headlines about Islamic terrorism are culturally sensitive and do not offend any brave freedom fighters in the Middle East, The Washington Post has retained an ISIS marketing representative.
All headlines published about terrorism will be run by the marketing rep. The PR rep was immediately put to work as headline writers worked to come up with a sensitive take on the death of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.

"Do you think we should call him an extremist terrorist leader or is that considered offensive?" one intern asked the representative, Aarif al-Samarrai, in a brainstorming session Sunday.

An angered Samarrai began firing his AK-47 into the air and screamed, "ALLAHU AKBAR!" at this suggestion, apparently not happy with the angle. Post writers frantically tried to come up with different headlines to appease him, such as the following:
  • Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, mischevious rapscallion, passes away of entirely natural causes and definitely not a raid ordered by Trump. Also Trump is bad.
  • Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, noted firearm and explosive enthusiast, dies at 48.
  • Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, prophet of God and all-around swell guy, rewarded with 72 virgins.
  • Evil Americans kill innocent Middle Eastern farmer.
  • Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, austere religious scholar at helm of Islamic State, dies at 48
He was finally appeased with the last suggestion, and the Post was able to run it. "This should make everybody on the internet happy," said one writer, excited to see what Twitter's reaction would be.

Is Trump Facing a 1960s-Style Revolt?

Article by Pat Buchanan in "Townhall":

Sunday morning, President Trump announced that the world's worst terrorist, the head of the ISIS caliphate who had raped an American woman, had received justice.

About to be captured and carried off in a helicopter by U.S. special forces, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi blew himself up with an explosive vest in a compound in northwest Syria. The long search for the sadist and fanatic had ended in triumph. No U.S. troops were lost.

That evening, Trump went out to the fifth game of the World Series between the Washington Nationals and Houston Astros. As his face was flashed on the big screen, the stadium erupted with people booing and chanting, "Impeach Trump!" and "Lock him up!"

That Trump is not cheered at a D.C. baseball game is not odd, for the spectators are not working-class Trumpians. Series tickets cost hundreds, even thousands, of dollars, and the spectators are drawn from a town that gave Donald Trump 4% of its votes in 2016.

The mutual distrust in this city was on display when Trump told the press yesterday morning that he had not alerted House Speaker Nancy Pelosi to the impending U.S. raid, because he was afraid of leaks.

"I wanted to make sure this kept secret," said Trump. "I don't want to have people lost. ... We were going to notify them last night, but we decided not to do that because Washington leaks like nothing I've ever seen before. ... A leak could have cost the death of all of them."
The Russians, however, were alerted we were coming, as they control the airspace over the compound we were targeting. And Trump thanked the Russians for their cooperation.

Also left out of the loop was the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, Adam Schiff, one of the "Gang of Eight" that is almost always given a heads-up about major military operations. Schiff is conducting secret hearings to drum up support for Trump's impeachment and removal for "high crimes and misdemeanors."

It is imprecise to say this city is divided over Trump. It is rather almost solidly united behind what millions of Middle Americans believe to be a deep state-media conspiracy to overturn the 2016 election and effect a coup d'etat against a president whom this city detests but fears it cannot defeat in 2020.

A week ago, this writer noted the astonishing number of foreign capitals that were on fire with protests that go beyond marching and demonstrating -- to riot, rebellion and even revolution. As with the "yellow vest" protests that shut down Paris on many weekends this past year, and the disorders in Hong Kong, the epidemic had spread to Beirut, Barcelona and Santiago, Chile.

In Iraq, over 200 have been killed and thousands injured in protests this month against the Baghdad regime. In Algeria, now six months after President Abdelaziz Bouteflika was forced to step down, rioters still battle the army.

The thread common to these uncivil, often-violent disruptions?

A conviction that the cause the protesters are advancing is so critical, noble and necessary that democratic rules may be dispensed with and law and order suspended in pursuit of the cause.

Saturday's Washington Post describes the mindset that is taking hold in D.C. among militants, using as an example the Extinction Rebellion group's dragging of a boat into the street at 16th & K to block traffic for hours to call attention to rising sea levels.

"Blocking traffic may only be the beginning," wrote Marissa Lang. "As protests in the District continue at a rate of about two a day, activists looking to stand out from crowds that march near the White House or the Mall have resorted to more disruptive measures in recent weeks -- a tactic that experts said will probably escalate."

She cites sociology professor Dana Fisher: "There has been a lot of discussion among people on the left who use protests as a tactic that peaceful, traditional protests may not be enough. ... That could mean ... more people blocking traffic. ... I think we're going to see a lot more people coming into D.C. to get arrested."

Fisher continues: "When activists don't feel like their grievances are being heard or responded to ... the natural progression is to get more confrontational and, sometimes, to get more violent. ... I'm ... surprised it's taken so long."

Who wins when leftists go lawless -- in liberal citadels like D.C.?

This thinking echoes the famous "bodies upon the gears" speech of Mario Savio at the famous 1964 University of California, Berkeley campus riot: "There's a time when the operation of the machine becomes so odious, makes you so sick at heart, that ... you've got to put your bodies upon the gears and upon the wheels, upon the levers, upon all the apparatus, and you've got to make it stop!"

After Berkeley came civil disobedience; the burning of ROTC buildings; and urban riots marked by looting, shooting and arson. Out of that came Richard Nixon's 49-state landslide, Ronald Reagan, and Republican triumphs in five of six presidential elections starting in 1968.

Bring it on.


President Trump tweets photo of 'wonderful' dog that took part in Baghdadi raid

Donald Trump has tweeted a photo of a dog that took part in the raid targeting the Islamic State leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.
The “wonderful” Belgian Malinois was injured when Baghdadi detonated a suicide vest on Saturday night inside his Syrian compound.
Trump said he had declassified the image of the dog, but not its name. However, a Newsweek report citing multiple sources said the dog was called Conan – after the comedian Conan O’Brien – and was female.
On Sunday, the US president had hailed the dog as a “good boy”, “beautiful” and “talented”, who had chased down Baghdadi moments before he detonated his vest. The dog sustained minor injuries and was being treated by vets.
Baghdadi, one of the world’s most wanted men, died during a US operation in the Syrian province of Idlib.
“We have declassified a picture of the wonderful dog (name not declassified) that did such a GREAT JOB,” Trump wrote on Monday.

At a press conference on Monday, Gen Mark Milley, the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff, told reporters: “We’re not releasing the name of the dog right now … the dog is still in theatre.”
The defence secretary, Mark Esper, said the dog “performed a tremendous service, as they all do”.
The US military commonly uses Belgian Malinois dogs to guide and protect troops, search out enemy forces and look for explosives. The breed is prized for its intelligence and ability to be aggressive on command, said Ron Aiello, president of the United States War Dogs Association.
“That’s the kind of dog you want to lead a patrol like this,” said Aiello, a former Marine dog handler whose organisation helps active duty and retired military dogs. “They are the first line of defence. They go out front.”
Not releasing the name makes sense as a security precaution for the same reason you would not identify the troops who took part in the raid, he said. “There could be retaliation.”
A Belgian Malinois service dog named Cairo accompanied US Navy Seals in the 2011 raid that killed Osama bin Laden, the leader of al-Qaida, in Pakistan.

An informed Democrat cannot support American values

 Article by Robert Barbosa in "The American Thinker":

As I've continued to study my passions for The United States of America, its founding, and the miracle of this nation, my admiration continues to grow...and so does my bewilderment that any straight-faced, educated, and informed liberal Democrat in 2019 can honestly profess to be for American ideals.

The current liberal-Democrat agenda is simply anti-American.  Here's why:

Over the last decade, we've seen the liberal-Democrats drift farther and farther from American ideals rooted in eternal truths.  Insert 2016 — warp speed ahead, and it is official.  No liberal Democrat who is informed and educated on America's founding, our founding's intent and influencers, or the bedrock of American political theory can honesty claim to both support the Democratic agenda and American values.  They are simply incompatible. 

The ideas of individual liberty and responsibility; respect and admiration for tradition and mores, limited government, and the idea that no group of elites are more moral in action than the individual; economic freedom — man's right to his labor and the fruit of his labor (not to be confiscated without consent); the market economy and its moral nature of allowing man's right to exert free will; the sanctity of life; et al. are nowhere present in the Democratic mantra of 2019. 

The redistribution of individual property via universal health care, or some form of it, is touted by almost all 2020 hopefuls from Warren to Yang to Biden to that rich guy from California telling us how much he hates rich guys.

The disregard for national sovereignty and responsibility to protect citizens of this country is prevalent.  To decriminalize illegal entry to this country, then give every non-citizen health care paid for by American citizens is a financial impossibility and utterly immoral.

Every week, we hear another gun-grabbing demagogue like Beto tell us how he intends to take our right to life, and to protect that life, away from us in some form or fashion.

In more subtle ways, we hear of tyrannical ideas that suppress our freedom of speech, from Kamala wanting to ban the president from Twitter to Warren wanting to destroy republicanism unilaterally by eliminating the Electoral College.

The Left uses emotional and moral pleas, all the while preaching that the elites from on high know better and are of moral superiority to you and me.  They sow these seeds in the American mind in hopes that we will trade our freedoms for more government — that we will abdicate our individual responsibility for security that only they can provide.

Sure, some of the ideas of the Left may have desirable ends; I'd love for everyone in the country to have health care and a job regardless of circumstances or life choices, but that is a pipe dream.  And desirable or honorable ends do not justify trampling over others' rights and are certainly not rights in and of themselves!

Inviting unelected bureaucrats into every aspect of our lives to chip away at our freedom is hardly a founding principle.  Do not be confused or misled; these policies are not the "promotion of the general welfare," but are clearly the prioritization of one group's needs over another's!

In 2019, one cannot claim to be pro-American values and support the liberal-Democrat agenda unless one simply does not have any basic knowledge of the subject matter.  One falls into one of these three categories in regard to the support of the American founding if they are a 2019 liberal Democrat: 
  1. Openly in opposition to American values (see Obama's desire to "fundamentally change" America) — at least they're honest.
  2. Uneducated on the subject matter and does not know what our country was founded on (see feelings prioritized over facts and history...or apathy).
  3. A liar.  A phony.  A fake.  Cognitive dissonance abounds.  (See the majority of Leftist politicians and surrogates) 
If one simply studies our founding, the history of free states and republicanism, our founders' influencers with regard to a well ordered society, and potentially reads the Constitution and correspondence among those who crafted it, one will find an undeniable truth: you cannot have a firm grasp of the American founding, believe in it, and support the 2019 Democrat agenda.


Joe Biden Denied Communion Over Pro-Choice Stance

Because of his pro-choice abortion stance, Former Vice President Joe Biden was denied Holy Communion on Sunday in Florence, South Carolina, Saint Anthony Catholic Church confirmed.

"Sadly, this past Sunday, I had to refuse Holy Communion to former Vice President Joe Biden," Father Robert E. Morey of Saint Anthony Catholic Church confirmed to the Morning News in an email. "Holy Communion signifies we are one with God, each other, and the Church. Our actions should reflect that. Any public figure who advocates for abortion places himself or herself outside of Church teaching."
In South Carolina campaigning, Biden attended the 9 a.m. ET Mass on Sunday and was turned away, per the report.

"I will keep Mr. Biden in my prayers," Morey told the paper.

Communion is the Catholic ritual of receiving a wafer and wine. In order to receive it, "a Catholic must be in the state of grace, have gone to confession since his or her most recent mortal sin, have a belief in the doctrine of transubstantiation (a belief that the wafer and wine become the body and blood of Jesus), observe the Eucharistic fast, and not be under censure," according to Catholic doctrine.

Biden had stated at a debate in 2012 he personally opposed abortion but would not impose that belief on others, per the report.

He has also supported codifying the 1973 Supreme Court decision Roe v. Wade, which has been precedent for allowing a pregnant women to have an abortion without excessive government restriction.

With regard to the 1976 Hyde Amendment, which prevents federally funded abortion except in cases of rape, incest, or the mother's life at risk, Biden had supported it before infamously backing off this June.
The Catholic Church calls for respect and protection of human life at conception.

And, explaining Canon Law 915 to the reception of Holy Communion, then-Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger wrote a memorandum to the U.S. Catholic bishops in 2004, according to the Catholic News Agency:

"The minister of Holy Communion may find himself in the situation where he must refuse to distribute Holy Communion to someone, such as in cases of a declared excommunication, a declared interdict, or an obstinate persistence in manifest grave sin.
"His Pastor should meet with him, instructing him about the Church's teaching, informing him that he is not to present himself for Holy Communion until he brings to an end the objective situation of sin, and warning him that he will otherwise be denied the Eucharist."

John F. Kennedy is the only Catholic to serve as president and Biden is the only leading Democratic presidential candidate who is Catholic.