Friday, October 25, 2019

Matt Gaetz to MSNBC Host Over Ukraine: 'Stop Mischaracterizing Stuff. I Have to Fact-Check You in Real Time'

On Thursday, Republican Florida Rep. Matt Gaetz appeared on MSNBC and told host Hallie Jackson to stop the misrepresentation of facts.

Actually, that’s a great message for a whole lot of people.

Hallie was pinching Matt on the testimony of William Taylor, acting ambassador to Ukraine. Only some of Bill’s impeachment-related reveal’s been made public, and Hallie wanted to know more:
“[A]bout the substance of this, Congressman — because I haven’t heard you say anything since Bill Taylor testified — yes or no, is it okay for any politician to trade military aid for political favors?”
But Matt wasn’t there for the hearing, so he was all clammed up:
“Look, I’m not going to get into the specifics of the Taylor deposition because I wasn’t present for it. The lead-in to your question was, ‘I want to talk about Bill Taylor’s deposition.’”

Hallie pressed, “Do you think it’s appropriate?”

Matt made it clear — he doesn’t believe President Trump tried to strong-arm Ukraine into investigating Joe Biden by withholding military aid:
“I do not believe it would be appropriate for any politician to link military aid to assistance in a future election. No. And I also don’t think that’s what the President did.”
The congressman wanted to point out — the one thing we do know is Ukraine meddled in 2016 (and if so, it wasn’t  in Trump’s favor):
“It was a Ukrainian court that ruled that the Ukraine impermissibly interfered in the (2016) U.S. election, and that is a sufficient basis for the President to ask for cooperation with the Attorney General on that matter.”
But Katie didn’t wanna talk about that, ’cause it isn’t proven. Trump aggressing Biden, however…
“[W]hat you are saying is significant — not about the piece about Ukraine in 2016, because that is not a proven theory –“
Matt interrupted:
“Well, wait — it was a court order in Ukraine. But you just keep blowing through these things like they’re facts, but they’re not.”
Then he made a T-shirt:
“[S]top mischaracterizing stuff.”
He told Hallie he was having to work extra hard to have the conversation:
“I have to fact-check you in real time.”
The MSNBC host is a fast talker, and the whole exchange was riddled with words, words, words, cranked out as from a gatlin gun with hair.

But Matt told her it’s all foolishness:
“You’re playing the game here, Hallie. You’re playing the game where they selectively leak stuff that is not subject to cross examination, rigorous review, check against documents and timelines. And by the way, when they had to do this in open, in the Russian investigation, with Mueller, with Lewindowski, Democrats looked terrible. And now they’re trying to do things in secret so we can have interviews like this, so that you can cherry-pick elements of leaked testimony, and then ask me about them when I wasn’t in there, you didn’t see the testimony, and more importantly, we’re unable to see how those statements hold up against cross examination.”
The representative laid out what he believes to be the Dems’ MO. Basically, they’re playing Prison Rules, and it’s all a lunge for redemption after the humiliating defeat of goofy Russia Mania:
“[W]hen the Speaker of the House won’t adopt rules, then it creates an environment where the Democrats just sort of make it up as they go along — kick some committees out, let some committees in, and it’s all because they wanna reshuffle the legislative deck, because they’re humiliated that they lost the Russia investigation unequivocally with the American people. Adam Schiff lied to the American people when he said he had more than circumstantial evidence that President Trump was engaged in a criminal conspiracy with Russia…”
Matt said something similar to Tucker Carlson Thursday — there are no rules(here).

Gorka Detects Something Strange About John Brennan’s Twitter Account

Radio host Sebastian Gorka spotted something very unusual about former CIA Director John Brennan’s twitter account today. Gorka tweeted, “Why hasn’t @BarackObama’s chief bagman @JohnBrennan not appeared on Social Media for 9 days now?”

Brennan typically posts at least every day or two, usually to take a jab at Trump or one of his associates. But he’s gone quiet.

I know what might explain it. It’s been a week since NBC reported that Attorney General William Barr and U.S. Attorney John Durham planned to expand their investigation and were said to be interested in interviewing Brennan and his colleague, former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper.

That had to be a blow and I’ll bet social media is just about the last thing on his mind.

I guess that’s what happens when you interfere in a U.S. election. Then, when you don’t get quite the result you were shooting for, you decide to do whatever it takes to overturn it. Not good for the soul John.

Oooh! I’m looking back at some of his previous tweets. Most of them are directed toward President Trump.

He does include several positive comments. Actually, he praises Mitt “Pierre Delecto” Romney for his courage and integrity! He writes, “How many other Republican Senators are ready to show the courage, integrity, & principled position of Senator Romney?”

Hopefully none.

He concludes with, “Thank you, Senator, for putting our Nation & our Constitution above party politics & the corrupt behavior of Donald Trump.”

In another tweet, he congratulates former National Security Advisor Susan Rice on her new book and commends her for her values. Did he catch what Susan said this week about Sen. Graham? Classy lady.

I bet Brennan was really rocked last night when he heard that Durham’s administrative review had shifted into a criminal investigation. At least he didn’t go on television to explain it all to us like his buddy, Andrew McCabe.

We may not be hearing much from Brennan in the near future. After all, finding just the right lawyer has got to be a very time consuming process. Poor Johnny.

Here are some of the responses to Gorka’s tweet:
He’s been on his alternate account, Juan Delicioso.
Check the airports!
He’s “remaining silent.” Probably on orders from his attorney.
He could be busy spilling the beans on all the rest.
It’s over Johnny!!!
He’s practicing trying to get his story straight…
He’s booking flights for Moscow…..
Nothing from either Brennen or BHO since 10/18.
The silence from Obama has been deafening as well.
My guess is he lawyered up.

I bet it was fun playing master of the universe for awhile, wasn’t it?

Stunning, Potentially Game-Changing, Court Filing by Flynn Defense Lawyer Sidney Powell

In a lengthy court filing surrounding the issues of Brady discovery material, Mike Flynn’s lawyer, Sidney Powell, drops some serious evidentiary bombshells on the court.  Ms. Powell brings Lady Justice to the courtroom, and her revelations are stunning. [Full pdf below]

We’re going to go through the primary filing and four exhibits to the evidence Attorney Sidney Powell is delivering to Judge Emmet Sullivan which contain some explosive discoveries.  Toplines including:
(1) Lisa Page edited the Flynn 302’s, then forgot when questioned by DOJ officials, then re-remembered when shown her texts. (2) The 302’s themselves were written with lies that do not match notes taken during the interview. (3) The felony leaker of the Flynn-Kislyak phone call is named (James Baker). (4) New texts from Page and Strzok that highlight the entrapment plan. (5) ODNI James Clapper telling WaPo reporter Ignatius to “take the kill shot on Flynn“. (6) The purposeful use of Judge Contreras to take the December 1st 2017 plea agreement; and much, much more.
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What’s the objective of this filing?
Attorney Sidney Powell outlines:
Lisa Page played a role in editing the Flynn 302:
The relationship between Judge Rudy Contreras and FBI Agent Peter Strzok was never revealed to the court, or to the Flynn defense team prior to a plea agreement that was overseen by Judge Contreras.
The FBI leaked details of their investigation to the media and then strategized over how they could weaponize the media reports to conduct investigations.   Agent Peter Strzok and FBI Counterintelligence Director Bill Priestap discussed if this approach would work.
The prosecution then intentionally withheld the text messages from Flynn and the public, in their prior releases, showing Peter Strzok and Lisa Page discussing the Strzok & Priestap strategy sessions on using the leaks.   Those texts, clear Brady material, were purposefully hidden by the DOJ, until Sidney Powell went to find them on her own:
Holy cats, this next part is incredible.  The 302’s were modified to make claims that were never made in the interview.  The language was purposefully and willfully made to look like something is wasn’t; and in some cases they made it up completely counter to the actual statement given by Mike Flynn:
[Keep in mind Powell has the interview notes to back up her statement]
Joseph Mifsud phones…. James Baker leaking the Kislyak phone call to David Ignatius and James Clapper saying “take the kill shot on Flynn”.  Good grief:
None of this information was provided to the defense.  All of the Brady material was withheld by the prosecution prior to the high-pressure plea agreement:
Folks there’s so much more in this filing you really need to look at it from beginning to end.  What is screen grabbed above isn’t even half of the devastating and documented evidence Ms. Powell is bringing before the court.
Quite simply the content of this 37-page filing is incredible.
Here’s the primary filing:

Watch: Adam Schiff’s Hypocrisy Laid Bare In Devastating Video Released By GOP

Apparently, the one person who can shame Adam Schiff more than Adam Schiff in 2019, is Adam Schiff in 2015.

During this “whistleblower” sham of a witchhunt, Schiff has done a number of ridiculous things, such as quoting Trump as saying things he never said to another world leader…

…and gotten caught orchestrating this entire drama with the “whistleblower” before the complaint against Trump was even filed…

Not surprising anyone, this kind of behavior used to abhor Schiff according to statements he made in 2015 about the way Republicans were handling investigations.

The GOP managed to cobble together quite a few of these moments where Schiff lambasted the GOP as being a dishonorable and shady party for doing things such as allowing a set of rules for the impeachment to be set and established, and claiming that the GOP won’t even establish the scope of the investigation.

All of these things that Schiff was supposedly horrified by then are things that Schiff is unabashedly doing now.

Watch the video for yourself below and see. 

Schiff acts as a moral beacon for the rest of Washington, even going so far as to pretend as if impeachment is something he didn’t want to do in the first place, but this video makes it pretty clear just how much weasel DNA Schiff has.

The hypocrisy of Schiff proves that this is a partisan witch hunt — partisanship horrified Schiff in 2015 — and the only thing keeping this going is the Democrat’s desperation and the media’s advanced case of Trump Derangement Syndrom.

Justice Clarence Thomas Will Teach a Course at the University of Florida so of Course There is Outrage

It has been decades now that Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas has been a hot button subject for those on the left. It was nearly thirty years ago when his confirmation was upended by the surprise testimony of Anita Hill, alleging a string of sexual harassment that had previously never been mentioned by her, nor aany others. Despite her testimony being revealed as untrustworthy and his appointment to SCOTUS going through to this day he still absorbs the charge of guilt.

The recent announcement that Thomas will be doing a brief professorship at the University of Florida has been met with resistance from a group of law students on the Gainesville campus. Thomas will be leading a concentrated course on the religious clauses concerning the First Amendment. To have a law school being granted this type of work from a sitting high court justice is an honor. One group of students sees this as an affront.

The instantly formed group of law students called We Believe Survivors has penned a letter of disapproval they sent to the campus newspaper. There is much about this letter that makes little sense and seems driven entirely by misplaced emotion. First is the matter of Thomas being basically cleared of the accusations from Hill those many years ago. During the confirmation hearing Anita Hill’s testimony was contradicted by evidence. Words she attributed to Thomas were found to actually be culled from popular culture.

More curious was the woman who said she was damaged by this alleged behavior was documented as continuing to work with Thomas, even following him to another job after when the activities were said to have happened. Records showed the two remained in contact long after they stopped working together.

That a group of law students can overlook the problematic evidence and assign guilt, absent presumption of innocence, is a remarkable blindspot towards their desired profession. The other problem with their letter is that they cite on campus issues regarding harassment that have nothing to do with Clarence Thomas, and they bring up the episode of Christine Blasey-Ford during last year’s confirmation hearing on Brett Kavanaugh.

The letter supposedly takes issue with the administration in its decision to bring Thomas on campus to teach. But confusion abounds, as it actually states that the administration has been proper in addressing matters of sexual harassment on campus, and it praises the way campus officials supported the cause of Blasey-Ford. So the conclusion is that they simply just do not like Clarence Thomas, thus how dare a law school invites a SCOTUS Justice to teach.

One member of this new group did possibly address how their outrage is not justified by the legal evidence — sort of. Dalia Figurado told that they were not effectively trying Justice Thomas as a guilty party. “It’s about holding our administration accountable and for them to acknowledge the concerns students may have.” That would be the same administration it has praised for proper conduct on these matters. So even if their outrage is misplaced, and not supported by facts, the concerns of the students take priority over the result.

This is strictly an emotional reaction, and they are making demands based solely on their “concerns” and not on the facts and evidence. It is a good thing they are still in school, as it appears they still have plenty to learn when it comes to the law.

People Who Have Spent Three Years Insulting Trump Supporters Have No Reason To Gripe When They Get Insulted

streiff reporting for RedState

The past three years have exposed some fault lines on the right that had been largely papered over some decades. The primary one, of course, was between the GOP establishment. This was not an new rift. It was previewed in all its glory in 2010 with the rise of the Tea Party and flipping the House back to American control on the strength of enthusiastic voters, many of whom were coming out of the first time in years, if not for ever.

A second rent in the GOP fabric also appeared. It was between the very small number of people who styled themselves “NeverTrump” and everyone else. While the GOPe has, at least, made some peace with the idea of a Trump presidency and is united behind him in the face of whichever socialist the Democrats seem hellbent upon nominating, not so with the NeverTrump people. Their lodestar remains satisfying their personal pique by trying to elect a Democrat. Sure they’ve fronted clowns and has-beens like Joe Walsh and William Weld and Mark Sanford, but no one believes that any of them will rise to the level of annoyance in the election. They don’t either. And it will be with great sorrow that they will announce that Trump is simply so gauche and déclasse that principle demands they support the socialist infanticide and they will declare you to be a very bad person if you chose otherwise.

A couple of days ago, President Trump took to Twitter to express his displeasure with people who claim to be Republican or conservative but who’d rather set their own hair on fire than support him in any way. (One of the most egregious falsehoods these people peddle is that “I’ll praise him if he does something right” but that something never seems to happen.)

The tweet was met with outrage by NeverTrumpers everywhere. For instance:

There are lots of precious comments out there, like this one

I’m not picking on this guy exclusively, though there something shabby and pathetic about an life spent trolling Twitter timelines of people you oppose politically, because that same wounded, ‘how dare he be mean to me’ tone was very easy to find among NeverTrumpers.

There are a couple of different parts to this story.

First, should Trump have called the NeverTrump people “human scum?” Probably not. I wouldn’t have done it. It’s not something that one likes to see from the adult behavior standpoint, if nothing else. But did it really matter? All of those people shaking sand out of their panties right now are going to end up campaigning for Elizabeth Warren or whoever gets the nomination for the Democrats. They were going to do that before he called them “human scum.” They’ll do that because they claim their inviolable principles require it….and they might even believe that…and to be a regular contributor on MSNBC or CNN as a conservative or Republican that is required.

On the other hand, there is an immense amount of rank hypocrisy and lack of self-awareness in all of this mewling and sniveling.

If you were involved in the 2016 election and, at any point, decided that Hillary Clinton was very bad for the nation and that Evan McMullin was f***ing bug-eating tool and that Donald Trump was not Beelzebub incarnate, then you became the target of abuse. In my personal experience, there are people who I’d considered friends for several years who I would no longer pee on if they were on fire today because of the abuse and scorn the heaped upon people who disagreed with them and the cheap bullying that they engaged in. Trumpkin. Trumptard. Trumpaloo. Trumphumper. And all manner of other cute names. In fact, one of the biggest whiners about Trump’s tweet is one of the guys who has been most responsible for baking personal insults into any political discussion concerning Trump. That would be itinerant newsletter peddler Jonah Goldberg:
Indeed, the only childishness I see are the masses of beer-muscled goons and sycophants stomping their feet over the object of their man-crushes.
Let’s try Kevin Williamson, the guy we were told we were supposed to support and to feel sorry for when The Atlantic defenestrated him:
Spend any time around the Trumpkins — the intellectually and morally stunted Oompa Loompas who have rallied to the candidacy of this grotesque charlatan
In reading the complaints about President Trump’s tweet, I’m again reminded of the epic post-election essay by “Warden” at Ace of Spades, except the philosophy, if not the specifics, applies to NeverTrump as well as to the left, as far as I’m concerned:
It’s this that sent me to a place from which I’ll never return. I literally don’t care what Donald Trump does because nothing he can do is worse than what they’ve already done.
Donald Trump isn’t the bully; he only insults and abuses people in power who have attacked him. They’re the fucking bullies. The left, with their smears, their witch hunts, their slanders, their insults, their riots, their violence, and their weaponizing of the federal bureaucracy.
This new philosophy has freed me of more emotional angst that I can describe. Literally nothing the left says or does matters to me anymore. I don’t care about their tantrums. I don’t care about their accusations. I don’t care if they say Trump is lying. I don’t care if Trump is lying.
They created this Frankenstein. They own it. I am free of all obligation. I will never play defense again. I will attack, attack, attack, attack using their own tactics against them until they learn their lesson.
What I will not do is let them play my values against me ever again. I don’t need to prove that I’m better than them. I already know it.
To tell you the truth, I really don’t care about the butthurt over this. For three years these people have degraded, demeaned, and libeled anyone who simply decided that for all his flaws that Trump was better than any Democrat. No grace was offered to people who had considered them friend and colleagues. No common cause was allowed to be made. They stopped being conservatives and Republicans who simply disliked the candidate and then the president and became active Democrat partisans who simply called themselves something else. Every hoax and bad faith allegation made against the President and his administration, from the Russia bullsh** to defending illegal FISA warrants to the “Muslim ban” to “kids in cages,” was spearheaded by NeverTrumpers flagellating themselves with their principles and yodeling “we’re better than that.”

In 2020, these people have a choice to make. They can either earn their way back in–Prodigal Son, and all that–or they can stay gone. I don’t care who they vote for because Trump won last time without them and he’s in a much stronger position today than he was in November 2016. But, no matter what path they choose, there should be no forgetting of how these people have acted and what they’ve done. No one should allow them to forget why no one–right or left–wishes to have anything to do with them. No one should ever forget that they are dangerous, timorous and unfaithful allies and should not be allowed to do any more than hold the coats for the rest of us.

The Erasure of Women Continues

The Erasure of Women Continues

I never ever imagined that I would see the day when menstruation would be hijacked and man-washed. I never thought I’d see the day when pregnancy and childbirth would be hijacked as well. Yet suddenly women are being told that “men” can have periods, too. We’re told “men” can be pregnant and give birth, and it’s now insensitive to use only feminine language when talking about these realities of being female.

I never thought I’d be living in a society when so many people have become such weak-minded or disinterested invertebrates that they are willing to go along with this absurdity and parrot the nonsense that a man can become a woman and a woman can become a man. Yet here we are.

Bye-Bye, Women

The erasure of women is gaining steam and force every day. Men and boys claiming womanhood are forcing their way into women’s sports on every level, declaring their victimhood at the hands of “intolerant bigots” when the ladies protest the unfairness of it all. Boys and men are cheating to win medals that rightfully belong to girls and women, and then they have the gall to flash their rainbow badge and cry victory for equality.

And the coaches, the committees, the principals, the powers-that-be in charge of it all dutifully bow in homage to the new secular religion and keep selling girls and women down the rainbow river.

Now menstrual periods and feminine hygiene products must also be cleansed of their links to femaleness so that “men” do not feel slighted by the representation of menstruation as a female thing.

Gender-dysphoric women are aiding in the erasure of their own sex as well. Now menstrual periods and feminine hygiene products must also be cleansed of their links to femaleness so that “men” do not feel slighted by the representation of menstruation as a female thing.

Always is the latest to surrender to trans-insanity. After receiving a complaint about the “discrimination” of using the Venus symbol on their packaging, Always announced they have removed the symbol and from now on, their new packaging will make no reference to femininity.

Twitter screenshot
Twitter screenshot
Twitter screenshot
Twitter screenshot

Tampax Tampons bemoans the tax that “people” pay for their menstrual care products, and now politicians are joining in with some of the worst pandering nonsense I’ve ever heard. I’d love to know exactly how many women Julian Castro has actually met who have literally had to stay home from work because they could not buy pads/tampons because those items are taxed. What utter poppycock.

“People” who menstruate. Not women. When a woman dares to object to this lunacy, she is invariably answered with this condescending retort: “Well, women are people aren’t they? What’s wrong with calling women people?!?”

In other words, sit down and shut up, lady. You don’t have the right to claim your female reality for yourself anymore. We’re taking it and you’re a lousy intolerant bigot if you don’t go along with it.

At practically the speed of light, we’ve been malformed into a society in which we — with a straight face and serious demeanor — refer to someone as merely “born male” or “born female” but now self-identifies as whatever is preferred. And everyone is expected to go along with this dangerous farce. Women, especially, are required to forfeit female-only spaces to the presence of any man who claims to be a woman.

He’s a Rapist, but “She” Gets Charged

Even the police are collapsing under this tyrannical boot. If a man arrested for rape self-identifies as female, then he will be considered a female and treated as such. To hell with the woman he violated with his male genitalia and body.

The crime will be reported as committed by a female. Even crime statistics now do not need to reflect reality or be honest. The woman raped by a man will have to live with the second violation of having her assault reported as committed by a “she/her.” The real woman is erased, and the delusional man is obeyed.

“She” did not sexually abuse a child. HE did.

In August, a 19 year-old Massachusetts male named Jakob Nieves was arrested and charged with child pornography. The Eagle-Tribune was exceedingly careful to hide the fact that Nieves is a man. He goes by Dakota, and identifies as female, so the Eagle-Tribune called him “she” throughout.

Even the United States Attorney’s office in Boston officially called Nieves “she” and “her” throughout their report of the crime. Nieves is a “Lawrence resident” charged with sexually exploiting children. Just a resident. Not a man, because he calls himself a female. But “she” did not sexually abuse a child. HE did. 

Seems Anyone Can be Female Now

The powerful elite, the corporations, the leftists in charge of education, the lawyers, the coaches, and even the doctors have made it clear that females do not objectively exist anymore. Biological sex is meaningless to them. Now a “man” can have a uterus and a vagina, and a “woman” can have a penis.

Menstrual periods are gender-neutral now. “Men” can have babies, too. (We just call them “pregnant people” now.) Baby doesn’t need a mother. Mothers are outdated and intolerant now.

Never have women been so meanly regarded as by this modern crop of cowardly, water-carrying slugs. No man worth his salt could ever call another man “she” or “her” and regard him as female. Nor could any self-respecting woman.

I will never comply.

Men are male. Women are female. Menstruation, pregnancy, childbirth, and breastfeeding belong exclusively to women.

Three Main Questions About...

The Three Main Questions About 
Ukraine and Impeachment


We’ll have to take their word for it -- or not. For us poor folks not on the guest list of House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff, it’s impossible to know what’s happening behind closed doors. The testimony has not been released, even though no classified materials are involved. It’s not even clear why Schiff’s panel, rather than the House Judiciary Committee, is leading the investigation. Like so much about this process, it is unprecedented, with ad hoc rules made up along the way. All we know about the testimony is what trickles out in fragments, leaked by each side to advance its case. This kind of secrecy is shameful in a democracy. So is the refusal to let the accused call his own witnesses or even send his attorney to the proceedings.

Given this “fog of secret impeachment,” it helps to step back and ask what the debate is really about. I see three main questions so far. All are related to President Trump’s phone call to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky and the delay in providing U.S. aid to Kiev.

(1) Did President Trump demand a quid pro quo? That is, did he require Ukraine to do something specific before the U.S. would release aid money? Or did he simply request it?

(2) Did Ukraine’s leaders believe that aid would be withheld unless they complied with Trump’s dictum? Apparently not, at least until several weeks after the phone call. “How can there be a genuine quid pro quo,” Trump supporters ask, “if the people allegedly being coerced don’t know about it?”

(3) Did the U.S. ask for anything improper? No one doubts that corruption is pervasive in Ukraine, that the U.S. has good reasons to reduce fraud, bribery, and insider deals in its aid recipients, or that the Burisma energy company was considered a “corruption problem” deserving investigation. The question is whether it was proper for Trump and his surrogates to seek a Ukrainian investigation of this alleged corruption or, alternatively, whether it was illicit because it directly involved the Biden family and Trump highlighted their role?

Democrats say such a request is clearly improper, whether or not it involved U.S. aid or a quid pro quo. Why? Because Trump used his official power, they say, to seek an investigation involving one of his main rivals in the 2020 election. That assertion could gain more traction as Schiff’s investigation (and that of U.S. attorneys in Manhattan) look into the actions by the president’s personal attorney, Rudy Giuliani.

Republicans respond that Burisma was corrupt and needed to be investigated, that it hired Hunter Biden simply to provide political cover at home and abroad (he had no other qualifications for the highly paid job), and that Vice President Joe Biden, who oversaw Ukrainian policy in the Obama administration, stopped a much-needed inquiry as it was closing in on his son.

Biden’s defenders say his actions were justified because the local investigator was himself corrupt and that other Western entities with interest in Ukraine, including the IMF, were calling for his ouster. Biden’s adversaries say he employed strong-arm tactics to protect his own interests. That charge, ironically, is the same one Democrats are now making against Trump.

It’s easy to see how personal and national interests were intertwined for both Biden and Trump, and it’s easy to see what their defenses are. Each says his only interest was in protecting U.S. national security. Their critics don’t believe it.

If Joe and Hunter Biden were not in the picture, it would be perfectly fine for Trump to demand Ukraine reopen its investigation of earlier corruption and possible interference in the 2016 U.S. election. With the Bidens in the picture, however, Trump’s actions raise troubling questions.

Rep. Schiff’s investigation is not designed to answer them. It is designed to build a case against the president, and to do it speedily and secretly. When he has assembled whatever he thinks is enough evidence, he will release a partisan report and hope it gains public support. Republicans will rebut the substance and claim the whole process was a kangaroo court.

Democrats seem confident they can win an impeachment vote in the House. Speaker Nancy Pelosi has a large enough majority to do it, even if it imperils some new members from swing districts Trump carried in 2016. As of now, it’s unlikely House Democrats will garner – or even seek -- any Republican votes. That means the Democrats’ main hurdle is public relations: explaining to nonpartisan Americans, who will be crucial in the 2020 election, the urgency of removing a duly elected president only months ahead of their chance to vote on him. Without more evidence or a general collapse in Trump’s poll numbers, Democrats and Never-Trump Republicans will fall short of the two-thirds needed in the Senate to remove the president. They know it, and they fear it.

So, what’s the point? Democrats hope to accumulate more hard evidence, enough to convince some GOP senators and more independent voters. They hope to rattle Trump, generate more chaos in the White House (never in short supply), and prompt damaging, unforced errors from a furious, frustrated, and thin-skinned president. Most of all, they hope to mire Trump in enough dirt and scandal to weaken him badly in 2020.

Democrats are betting voters will tire of the endless drama, blame it on Trump, and vote him out. That’s the aim of their strategy: win the vote in the Electoral College, not the Senate. To do it, they are counting on widespread distaste for Trump personally, especially among educated voters and suburban women, and the perception that he’s only out for himself. Among younger voters, they are counting on “social justice,” inequality, and racial issues.

Trump is counting on a strong economy, significantly higher incomes for average Americans, success in curbing illegal immigration, and revulsion at the Democrats’ unending “resistance.” He may be blessed with a Democratic opponent on the far left, proposing unaffordable programs and fundamental changes that would eviscerate America’s market economy.

This nasty election battle comes, oddly, at a time of peace and prosperity. What truly divides the country are not traditional pocketbook issues or foreign policy quagmires, but sharply divergent visions about how a constitutional democracy should be governed, how powerful its central government and bureaucracy should be, and, ultimately, what path forward America should take. Impeachment is part of that deep-seated struggle, just as the venomous battle over Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination was.

Impeachment will be resolved in a few months, the 2020 election in a year. But these larger issues will not be settled nearly so fast, not definitively. The divisions are too deep, the stakes too high. The best advice, to paraphrase Bette Davis, is to buckle your seat belts because it’s going to be a bumpy ride.

WWWP Weekend Open Thread

The time has arrived, and it is now. Actually it's in the future because I'm writing this before the time of Open Thread epicness arrives. So soon enough now will be then and the future will be now. But right now, which is currently then as of when this posts is not the time I'm speaking of because for me that is the future.


Wait ...


Since I'm making less sense than usual today I'll distract you with this Kylo Ren reacts to D23 Rise of Skywalker video. It's hilarious.

Ok, this weeks random segment is a deepfake sketch of George Lucas reacting to the new Star Wars trailer that dropped this past Monday evening. If you are a fan of the originals then this will make you laugh.

What is a deepfake? It's actually kind of scary. Here is the definition according to its wikipedia page.

Deepfake (a portmanteau of "deep learning" and "fake") is a technique for human image synthesis based on artificial intelligence. It is used to combine and superimpose existing images and videos onto source images or videos using a machine learning technique known as generative adversarial network Because of these capabilities, deepfakes have been used to create fake celebrity pornographic videos or revenge porn. Deepfakes can also be used to create fake news and malicious hoaxes.

I'm doing it a little different with the music selections this week. Instead of the usual Phish, 80's throwback tune, and other songs I've been listening to I thought I'd post a few genres that I listen to often that don't get as much play.

First up ... some classic Jazz


Next up is modern classical. This piece is astoundingly beautiful and features Cellist, Yo-Yo Ma


I really enjoy listening to traditional Indian music. I've been learning the tabla for ten years now. These drums are much more demanding than rudimental snare drumming, which is my background and is also quite technical.


Last up is gamelan. The two sides of the gamelan (the gong orchestra) are slightly detuned which gives the gamelan its natural vibrato. Their scale is also unique. This example is of Balinese gamelan, which is my personal favorite style.

y'all know what's up
memes, gifs, music, pics, random thoughts ...
post 'em if you got 'em