Tuesday, October 1, 2019


Verdict Is in for Ex-Cop Who Killed Man in His Home

Amber Guyger is found guilty of murder

Botham Jean's mother, Allison Jean, leaves the courtroom following closing arguments in the murder trial of fired Dallas Police Officer Amber Guyger, Monday, Sept. 30, 2019, in Dallas.   (Tom Fox/The Dallas Morning News via AP, Pool)

(Newser) – The verdict is in for Amber Guyger. On Tuesday a Dallas jury unanimously found her guilty of murdering Botham Jean after entering his apartment last year by mistake, NBC News reports. The former Dallas police officer had pleaded not guilty, saying her building's floor plan was confusing, but prosecutors argued she should have known it wasn't her place. The case also generated widespread anger because Guyger, 31, is white, and Botham, a 26-year-old accountant from St. Lucia in the West Indies, was black. Guyger expressed remorse in court and said race played no role in the shooting, per the Huffington Post. "I feel like a terrible person. I feel like a piece of crap," she testified while weeping, adding later, "And I wish he was the one with the gun who killed me."

But prosecutors argued that the officer—who had just worked a 13 1/2 hour shift—should have seen she was on the 4th floor, not the 3rd floor she lived on, due to the presence of a skylight, a decorative planter, Jean's red doormat, and other hallway differences, per CNN. "So, her eyes aren't working, her ears aren't working, her sense of touch isn't working, her sense of smell isn't working?" said prosecutor Jason Fine on Monday. "I mean, my God. This is crazy." Guyger, who was fired soon after the September 2018 incident, could face life in prison. Cheers erupted outside the courtroom and Jean's family broke down sobbing after the verdict was read, per the Washington Post. "Yes Lord! You never failed me yet! #JusticeforBotham," Jean's mother Allison Jean wrote on Facebook, per WFAA. (Read more murder stories.)

Hard Push Back

Pompeo Pushes Back on House Democrats, Hard

Says State Dept. officials will not be appearing for scheduled depositions

Shown is a letter from Secretary of State Mike Pompeo to Rep. Eliot Engel, D-N.Y., Chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, Tuesday, Oct. 1, 2019 in Washington.   (AP Photo/Wayne Partlow)

(Newser) – On Friday, the House panels conducting the impeachment inquiry requested that five current and former State Department officials appear this week and next for depositions. On Tuesday, Mike Pompeo made clear that won't happen, the Washington Post reports. The secretary of state sent a letter to House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Eliot Engel (Pompeo posted the letter in full on Twitter) outlining a number of "serious substantive and procedural deficiencies" in the request, which he called nothing more than "an attempt to intimidate, bully, and treat improperly, the distinguished professionals of the Department of State." He faulted the committee for not providing the five enough time to prepare and said the panels are trying to block State Department counsel from coming with them.

He also noted the five weren't issued subpoenas, and "we are not aware of any other authority by which the committee could compel appearance at a depositions"; therefore, the scheduled depositions "could only be read as a request for a voluntary appearance." The officials requested have all somehow been involved in US-Ukraine relations: Marie Yovanovitch, former ambassador to Ukraine; Kurt Volker, former special envoy to Ukraine; Deputy Assistant Secretary George Kent; US ambassador to the EU Gordon Sondland; and State Department Counselor T. Ulrich Brechbuhl. The AP notes his refusal could slow the Congressional investigation and could also "expose Trump to charges that he is obstructing Congress." (Pompeo was listening to the Ukraine phone call.)

Adam Schiff Revealed

Adam Schiff Revealed To Be Parody Of Actual Congressman

WASHINGTON, D.C.—After Representative Adam Schiff came under scrutiny for reading a fake version of the phone call between President Donald Trump and the president of Ukraine, Schiff was forced to admit he is just a parody of an actual congressman.

"I know I may have seemed like a congressman, as I wear a suit and say Congress-y things, but I've actually just been a parody all along," he said in a press conference Monday. "Wait---you all didn't realize that this whole time!? I thought I was pretty clearly labeled satire."

Schiff revealed his real name is Bob Peterson. He's a method actor from Iowa. "I got really into the part," he said. "And I guess at some point the line between reality and parody began to blur. Boy, it's been a whirlwind for the past couple decades, hasn't it?"

Peterson said he was sorry for those who were fooled by his act. "I never meant for anyone to take me seriously," he said, chuckling. "I thought it was very clearly satire from the beginning." 

The committed actor pulled off his Adam Schiff mask, revealing himself to be a portly man with a wide handlebar mustache and a mullet. "The jig is up."

Woman attacked by bison in same Utah park as her date had been.

A man who was gored by a bison in June took a date back to the same place - only for her also to be attacked.
Kyler Bourgeous brought Kayleigh Davis to the same trail at a state park in Utah with plans to watch the sunset.
But when Ms Davis ran a little ahead, she ended up alone with a bison who charged and flipped her into the air.
She is recovering from a broken ankle in hospital, local media reported. In the earlier attack he had suffered a cracked rib and collapsed lung.
The latest incident happened on an established trail in Antelope Island State Park.
Witnesses reported seeing a bison strike Ms Davis with its head, "lifting her off the ground".
The 22-year-old was airlifted to hospital in Ogden, Utah.

Ms Davis told local media she had run ahead of Mr Bourgeous on the trail when she saw the bison.
"I was uncomfortable standing there by myself, especially after hearing his story," she told KSL TV on Sunday.
But when she tried to run away from it, four cyclists happened to come down the trail and "spooked" it.
The bison charged her and flipped her 15ft (4.5m) in the air, she said.

Mr Bourgeous, 30, faced a similar situation when he was gored, months earlier. He had reached the summit of the park's highest point - a familiar trail for him - when he saw two bison. One immediately charged at him as he tried to back away.
The bison's horns gored his torso. The animal then trampled him and kicked his head.
"I thought my incident was a freak accident with really bad luck with the positioning, and that we'd be fine going back out there," Mr Bourgeous told KSL TV.
Mr Bourgeous and Ms Davis did not immediately respond to a request for comment from the BBC.

Ms Davis is the second bison-related injury at Antelope Island this year.
Antelope Island staff say visitors who encounter bison on the trails should "back away and return the way you came, or leave the trail and give the animal a very wide berth when passing it". https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-49898709

AG Barr Is Ramping Up His Probe Of CIA, FBI Activities In 2016

AG Bill Barr is going great guns into the investigation of the FBI and the CIA. To those ends, he has been meeting with officials of intelligence in various countries. He and US Attorney John Durham met with Italian officials to discuss what part they might have played in the spying on President Trump. Neither man is letting the grass grow under their feet. Even when failed Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi made the accusation that Barr has gone rogue he chose to ignore her and move ahead with his investigation. Unlike previous investigations, this one seems to be covering all the bases.

Attorney General William Barr has met with foreign intelligence officials, including during a trip to Italy earlier in September, regarding an investigation into surveillance activities against the Trump campaign, The Washington Post reported.
Barr was joined in the meeting by John Durham, the U.S. attorney in Connecticut, WaPo reported, citing anonymous sources familiar with the matter.

“As the Department of Justice has previously announced, a team led by U.S. Attorney John Durham is investigating the origins of the U.S. counterintelligence probe of the Trump 2016 presidential campaign,” department spokeswoman Kerri Kupec told Politico in a statement. “Mr. Durham is gathering information from numerous sources, including a number of foreign countries. At Attorney General Barr’s request, the President has contacted other countries to ask them to introduce the Attorney General and Mr. Durham to appropriate officials.”

Barr tapped Durham earlier in 2019 to lead a broad investigation into FBI and CIA activities in the run-up to an investigation into whether the Trump campaign colluded with the Russian government.

He has said he is concerned that intelligence agencies improperly spied on the Trump campaign and has said he wants to find out if the FBI and CIA directed any intelligence-gathering activities at Trump associates before July 31, 2016, which is when the bureau opened its counterintelligence investigation of the Trump campaign.

FLASHBACK Chopper Presser May 24, 2019 – President Trump: “I hope Barr looks at the UK, and I hope he looks at Australia, and I hope he looks at Ukraine”

Chopper Pressers are the best pressers.  
The remarks from President Trump 
on May 24th, 2019, are directly appropriate to revisit today: 

Schiff’s Staffer Traveled to Ukraine, Trip Was Paid for by Group Funded by Hunter Biden’s Old Firm

As we look at the origin of the whistleblower complaint, many have raised the question of what did Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) know about the complaint and when did he know it? 
Schiff was aware of the complaint from at least August 12 when he allegedly received it from the whistleblower. Yet he didn’t inform his colleagues in Congress until last week.

He went on ABC on the Sunday and told George Stephanopoulos that “once he found out about the complaint” he demanded answers and went public right away. But that wasn’t true, he waited a month.

His colleague Rep. Elise Stefanik (R-NY) called him out on it, asking why had he not informed Congress. 

Now there’s another strange connection that Schiff has in the case. 

As Breitbart notes, one of Schiff’s Congressional staffers, Thomas Eager, took a trip to Ukraine between August 24-31 with other Congressional staffers after the whistleblower complaint was filed. Rep. Adam Schiff approved his staffer’s travel as his signature on the travel request revealed. 

That trip was paid for by the Atlantic Council. 

One of the senior fellows of the Council is CrowdStrike founder Dmitri Alperovitch. You may recall Crowdstrike is the company that supposedly concluded the Russians were behind the hack of the DNC in 2016 during the campaign. The FBI never had access to the server. Trump asked about Crowdstrike on the call with the Ukrainian president. 
According to the transcript, Trump told Zelensky, “I would like you to find out what happened with this whole situation with Ukraine, they say CrowdStrike … I guess you have one of your wealthy people…The server, they say Ukraine has it.”
Two prominent names are among the folks who fund the Atlantic Council. One is George Soros’ Open Society Foundation. And the other? Burisma, the company which appointed Hunter Biden to its board and who the subject of the investigation that was allegedly stopped when Biden pressured Ukraine, according to the prosecutor who was fired. 

In January 2017, the Atlantic Council and Burisma signed a cooperative agreement, which stated Atlantic Council would develop transatlantic programs with Burisma’s support, focusing on European and international energy security.

So Hunter Biden’s old company Burisma is funding the group paying for Schiff’s staffer’s trip to Ukraine. Once again that raises questions if there was anything said or done in relation to the whistleblower’s case between Schiff or his staff and the Ukrainians. 

Who did they talk to when the staffers were in Ukraine and did any of it relate to the complaint or the Bidens and Trump?

Breitbart asked the Atlantic Council what the staffers were doing there. According to the Atlantic Council:

[T]he pre-planned trip was part of the fellowship program, which also includes a full year of round tables and other educational events. She said it was not within her portfolio to comment on issues of funding from Burisma or other donors.

Rudy Giuliani Continues to Outline Biden Corruption and The “Compliant Crooked” Media

Rudy Giuliani has the wind in his truth sails… Appearing on Fox News with Sean Hannity Giuliani discusses the blatant political corruption of former Vice-President Joe Biden and his family, and the mounting evidence to support Giuliani’s claims. 

Confirmed: AG Barr and U.S. Atty. John Durham Traveled to Italy to Question Officials About Russia Hoax

Attorney General William Barr and U.S. Attorney John Durham met with senior government officials in Italy last week, where Barr asked the Italians to assist Durham in his probe of the U.S. intelligence activities during the 2016 election and its aftermath, the Washington Post reported Monday.

American Greatness reported over the weekend that Barr had quietly traveled to Italy last week on “official business,” although the Department of Justice had provided few details about the trip. It was apparently not his first trip to Italy to meet intelligence officials, according to an official familiar with the matter.

The Trump administration has reportedly also reached out to officials in Great Britain, Australia and Ukraine for help investigating the role of those countries in the Russia hoax.

A Department of Justice team led by Durham is “exploring the extent to which a number of countries, including Ukraine, played a role in the counterintelligence investigation directed at the Trump campaign during the 2016 election,” Former Bush Attorney General Michael Mukasey’s wrote Monday in the Wall Street Journal. “While the Attorney General has yet to contact Ukraine in connection with this investigation, certain Ukrainians who are not members of the government have volunteered information to Mr. Durham, which he is evaluating.”

The New York Times reported on Monday [based on another anonymous leak] that President Trump in a recent phone call urged Australia’s prime minister to provide assistance to the ongoing Justice Department inquiry. Trump made the request for cooperation at Barr’s urging, according to the Justice Department.

Former Trump Campaign adviser George Papadopoulos charged in May that senior Australian diplomat Alexander Downer was a Western asset who was sent to London to make contact with him.

Papadopoulos said he was targeted in London and Rome by FBI (and possibly CIA) informants, Stefan Halper, Azra Turk, Joseph Mifsud, and Downer.

The Australian met Papadopoulos at an upscale bar in London in May of 2016, where the Trump adviser supposedly spilled what he knew about the the Russians having Clinton dirt.

Downer is believed to have reported what he learned to Australian authorities, who in turn told the FBI, leading to its counterintelligence investigation into the Trump Campaign code-named “Crossfire Hurricane.”

Papadopoulos was thrilled at the news that the United States Justice Department was starting to zero in on Australia’s role in the Russia-Gate farce.

DOJ spokeswoman Kerri Kupec said: “Mr. Durham is gathering information from numerous sources, including a number of foreign countries. At Attorney General Barr’s request, the President has contacted other countries to ask them to introduce the Attorney General and Mr. Durham to appropriate officials.”

A spokesperson for the Australian government said in a statement that it has “always been ready to assist and cooperate with efforts that help shed further light on the matters under investigation. The [prime minister] confirmed this readiness once again in conversation with the President.”

Oh Noes: Barr Is PERSONALLY Asking Foreign Nations To Aid Investigation Of Russia Collusion Origins

If there’s one thing Trump’s phone call with the Ukrainian president has guaranteed us it’s a new freakout from left-leaners over pretty much…well…anything it would seem. And at a pace of one new scandalous scandal every few hours.

The newest one came late Monday and attempted to extrapolate mischief from what we already know is the Trump administration’s efforts to solicit help from foreign nations in the DOJ’s investigation into how the Russia collusion investigation began.

Only now, the scandal is personal. Because Barr, according to the Washington Post, is personally directing it.
Attorney General William P. Barr has held private meetings overseas with foreign intelligence officials seeking their help in a Justice Department inquiry that President Trump hopes will discredit U.S. intelligence agencies’ examination of possible connections between Russia and members of the Trump campaign during the 2016 election, according to people familiar with the matter.
Barr’s personal involvement is likely to stoke further criticism from Democrats pursuing impeachment that he is helping the Trump administration use executive branch powers to augment investigations aimed primarily at the president’s adversaries.
The direct involvement of the nation’s top law enforcement official shows the priority Barr places on the investigation being conducted by John Durham, the U.S. attorney in Connecticut, who has been assigned the sensitive task of reviewing U.S. intelligence work surrounding the 2016 election and its aftermath.
Barr has reportedly flown to Italy with U.S. Attorney John Durham, who heads up the investigation, to make introductions, and we know Trump has talked personally with both Ukrainian and Australian leaders. Apparently Democrats think this is Barr acting on behalf of the executive office and endangering the independence of the DOJ.

Which is absolutely gut-busting hilarious coming from a party that had zero problem with an administration weaponizing the IRS to target conservatives (among other things), and now is alleged to have used the DOJ in a counterintelligence opposition research scheme to take down Trump.

It’s even funnier coming from a media that looked the other way for 8 years while all that was going on.

WaPo helpfully gives us a hint of what Democrats are going to be using to try to make these personal introductions to Durham — which is what the DOJ has said Barr is doing — a scandal.
An executive order governing U.S. intelligence activities states that no intelligence agency “shall participate in or request any person to undertake activities forbidden” by the order, which was issued in 1981.
So look for more mention of that mysterious order in coming news reports.

But I’d be willing to bet Barr, who has spent a great deal of his career in the intelligence community, is aware of that order and isn’t going to be violating it.

Ultimately, with this current Democratic party doing everything they can to subvert the investigation into Russia collusion, that won’t matter much. They’ll still try. Proving any violation, however, will be — as it has been for the last three years — their undoing.

Closing thought:
If the Obama Admin + it’s Frankenstein intelligence apparatus + Hillary Clinton hadn’t involved foreign governments to dig up dirt & spy on @realDonaldTrump then our Attorney General wouldn’t have to ask foreign countries to cooperate in an investigation about their wrongdoing.
— Robby Starbuck (@robbystarbuck) October 1, 2019

Trump Seeks Accountability From Nations That Fed Russia Hoax

New revelations emerged Monday that President Donald Trump asked the Australian prime minister to work with the Department of Justice to investigate Russian interference in the 2016 U.S. election.

In a recent phone call, Trump requested his Australian counterpart provide assistance to Attorney General William Barr in an investigation to hold nations that fed the conspiracy theory accountable, according to The New York Times.

The call draws striking similarities to the July phone call between Trump and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky. Trump also asked that foreign leader to aid U.S. authorities in investigating Russian interference in the 2016 U.S. election. The two-year, unlimited-resources U.S. special counsel probe ultimately found no collusion between the Russian government and the Trump campaign in the 2016 election.

The news about Trump’s outreach to Australia comes on the heels of reportsfrom the Washington Post that Barr has been privately meeting with foreign intelligence officials to seek information regarding the Justice Department’s probe into foreign peddling of the Russian conspiracy theory.

Trump has been quite public about his intent to investigate other countries for their role in promoting the Russia hoax.

Democrats and many in the media will still use the latest round of reporting as further ammunition to fuel fresh calls for the president’s impeachment centered on an anonymous whistleblower complaint about the phone call between Trump and the president of Ukraine.

Last week, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., joined the rest of her caucus to endorse impeachment proceedings against the president, announcing the official opening of an impeachment inquiry. While some Democrats have been pushing to impeach the president starting at least as soon as two weeks after Trump took office in 2017, now a majority of Democrats support attempting to remove Trump from office prior to next year’s election.

The whistleblower complaint at the heart of the current Democratic impeachment inquiry relies entirely on hearsay. Its claims have also been outright contradicted in several key areas by the declassified and unredacted transcript of the call between Trump and Zelensky released to the public.

The complaint alleges that Trump pushed for Zelensky to investigate 2020 Democratic frontrunner and former Vice President Joe Biden and his son, Hunter, for their dealings with a Ukrainian energy company. In overseeing the Obama administration’s policy towards Ukraine while vice president, Joe Biden played a role in firing the Ukrainian prosecutor investigating Burisma, a Ukrainian natural gas company on whose board Hunter sat for $50,000 a month despite no previous experience in the energy industry.

The transcript of the call however, reveals no such request from Trump to Zelensky. The American president suggested that Ukrainian officials investigate the Biden’s dealings with the Ukrainian company to weed out corruption in their own country.

Climate Hysteria Is Damaging Children

 Article by Onar Am in "Liberty Nation":

Climate activist Greta Thunberg’s recent speech to the United Nations seemed to reveal a deeply troubled individual. She said her childhood was taken away from her by the looming threat of climate change, and she blamed world leaders for letting it happen. She has every reason to be upset, but she is directing her anger at the wrong people. The real culprit is the green catastrophe industry that manufactures crises out of nothing.

Never-Ending Story

The critical ingredient in Thunberg’s climate anxiety is her youth. Had she been older, she would have lived through so many false alarms that she would have grown numb and wary of green catastrophists.

Those older remember when former Vice President Al Gore declared that the North Pole would be ice-free by 2015. People were told that snow would be a thing of the past. Instead, the Northern Hemisphere has seen record levels of snow. In recent years it has snowed in the Sahara, Saudi Arabia, and even the Canary Islands, which is at the same latitude as Miami, FL.

And don’t forget the polar bears. The melting Arctic was supposed to render this animal extinct. Of the population of 8,000-10,000 in the late 1960s, only 25,000-30,000 remain today.

In 1988, climate scientist James Hansen scared the entire world by predicting that the globe would warm 1 degree Celsius (1.8 F) by 2018. In fact, the warming was less than half of that, and in the last two decades, the increase has ground to a halt, giving rise to the so-called “pause” or “hiatus” in global warming.

Those who are even older remember the acid rain scare. All the trees were going to die because of pollution from fossil fuels. The opposite happened. CO2 is plant food, and human emissions have been hungrily gobbled up by plants, resulting in an unprecedented greening of the earth, especially in arid areas. All over the world, deserts are yielding to vegetation.

Seniors may even remember the global cooling scare of the 1970s. Temperatures were plunging, and humans might have to cover glaciers with soot to stave off a coming ice age.

In 1972, the Club of Rome predicted mass starvation and complete depletion of oil and other natural resources. It was so wrong that today environmentalists complain there is too much fossil energy left to explore.

Green catastrophism is a never-ending story. Green activists try to scare people into submission, and the youngest and most ignorant are always the most vulnerable, as evidenced by Thunberg, who falsely believes that the world is heading for mass extinction.

Naïve Progressives


One group of adults is as ignorant and naïve as the children who are scared by the climate alarmism: progressives. The reason for their ignorance is that they consider the wisdom and knowledge of the past as evil and passé. Salvation always lies in the future. The pot of progress is always to be found at the end of the rainbow. That’s why they meet every failed attempt at building utopia with a shrug: “That wasn’t real socialism.”

OK Climate

Despite the hysteria, there is no scientific basis for climate panic. The warming continues to be lukewarm, the oceans are not rising much, and the weather is not growing more extreme. We still have plenty of time to wait and see if climate change needs to be handled. Should it turn out to be a problem, Bill Gates and others have invested in technologies that could render the whole world carbon neutral overnight, either with nuclear power or carbon capture.

Children should sleep soundly; there are no climate monsters under the bed. It is cruel and irresponsible to fill the vulnerable young with the dread of a non-existent problem.


Senator Lindsey Graham on Spygate: “I Know We’re Going To Find Out About That in Two Weeks”

Senator Graham played a round of golf with President Trump last Saturday.

Curiously on Monday night, Sean Hannity asked Graham if he believed the U.K., Italy and Australia participated in a covert scheme with U.S. intelligence to subvert U.S. laws and target the Trump campaign?   Graham’s response was a little surprising:

[03:30]…”I don’t know, but I know we’re going to find out about that in two weeks.” 

Rudy Giuliani Justifies Ukraine Work as Trump's Attorney

Article by Eric Mack in "Newsmax":

Rejecting Democrats' claims of him engaging in election meddling, Rudy Giuliani said his investigation into Ukraine corruption came while working as President Donald Trump's attorney during the then-open Mueller probe.

"All of this nonsense about I've interfered with the election, I gathered all this evidence before the Mueller probe ended, so it was clearly under my responsibility as the lawyer for the president of the United States," Giuliani told Fox News' "Hannity."
"The final meeting that the Ukrainians asked for, I did when the investigation was over – at the request of the State Department."

The above appears to set up a full claim of attorney-client privilege against a House Intelligence Committee subpoena delivered Monday.

The intel committee seeks Giuliani's documents in "an investigation of credible allegations that [Giuliani] acted as an agent of the president in a scheme to advance his personal political interests by abusing the power of the Office of the President."

Giuliani told host Sean Hannity he is "weighing the alternatives" of cooperating with the subpoena.
Giuliani maintains his work investigating Ukraine corruption did not involve former Vice President Biden or his son Hunter, until he uncovered the "pay for play" amid the work for his presidential client.

"They bought Joe Biden's office," Giuliani said of Ukrainian oligarchs tied to billionaire Democratic donor George Soros. "Wake up Democrats. You are covering up corruption and by the time and is over, you are going to be the party of corruption.
"I prosecuted corruption – Democrats and Republicans – I can smell this; [Former President Barack] Obama let this happen," Giuliani continued.

"Any honest president would have called the vice president in and say, 'Joe, what are you doing? I sent you there to straighten out corruption and you have your son, who has no capabilities, getting millions from a crook in the Ukraine."
Image result for pictures of rudy giuliani

Greta Thunberg’s Seething Hatred A Perfect Example of Leftist Ideology Contaminating The Innocent

Conservative Resurgence’s latest video, on Greta Thunberg 
and the Left’s radicalization of children across the world. 

Senate GOP Should Give Democrats A Dose Of Their Own Medicine

 Article by Derek Hunter in "Townhall":

The subpoenas are flying like feces in the monkey cage. If you’ve ever had your picture taken with President Donald Trump, anyone named Trump, or walked past a Trump property, there’s a better than even chance House Democrats will demand answers and documents from you in the coming weeks. Maybe it’s time to turn the tables.

Democrats are searching, desperately, for anything to validate their push for impeachment.
They’re only missing any evidence to justify the foregone conclusion they’re gearing everything toward. It’s amazing what a political party will do when they lack a candidate with charisma and an agenda with support.

With that in mind, Democrats have embraced the ancient art of “making sh*t up.”

Hearings with no questions asked to elicit any information, just political speeches delivered one soundbite at a time. Flat-out lies and fantasy portrayed as “parody” broadcast across the country with no “journalistic” pushback. It’s been a joke everyone whose job it is to know better has been ignoring. But there is one thing Republicans could do that couldn’t be ignored – put a few of these Democrats under oath.

The idea of mutually assured destruction is used to keep order, not only in the Cold War but in politics in general. Dirty tricks and lies have always had their place, but they’re now the currency and the language of the left. Making them pay up, even a little, might be the only way to restore some semblance of sanity.

Witnesses before congressional committees must be sworn in, must swear to tell the truth under penalty of perjury. Members of Congress who ask the questions take no such oath; they’re free to lie and lie freely.

While Democrats are dragging anyone they can think of in front of nearly every committee in the House, desperately looking for anything to justify their political “hail Mary,” maybe the Senate should involve itself in the “hunt for truth.”

There’s nothing stopping Republicans in the Senate from calling someone like Congressman Adam Schiff to testify before some relevant committee, perhaps the Judiciary Committee.

The House handles impeachment, but the Senate has oversight duties as well. Democrats like Schiff have been making declarative statements about crimes and improper activities like he has secret and firsthand knowledge of activities the country would be well-served to know. After all, if Schiff has, like he’s said several times, evidence of collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia, he should be asked to produce it, under oath.

There’s also the curious case of how Schiff was tweeting out the Democratic Party’s latest impeachment narrative involving Ukraine weeks before he publicly claimed to have learned about the phone call he “parodied” in the House last week.

Wouldn’t it be fun to see him under oath, testifying under penalty of perjury, about what he knew and when he knew it? Democrats dragged Corey Lewandowski up to the Hill for a hearing with no other point than to embarrass him and the president (which backfired on them horribly), maybe that favor should be returned by Senate Republicans.

Schiff has made many declarative, unequivocal statements of presidential crimes, claiming to have seen evidence himself. The American people deserve to know, under penalty of perjury, what exactly he knows that he’s keeping to himself.

He and other Democrats, especially those Democrats with press credentials, will express outrage over the move, they’d even likely try to challenge it in court. But they really shouldn’t.

President Trump has released everything related to the phone call with the Ukrainian president Democrats insist is somehow a high crime or misdemeanor. Democrats wouldn’t try to obstruct an investigation seeking the proof they’ve declared they’ve found, right?

Of course they’d fight it, of course they’d complain, of course they’d be outraged. But they’d probably lose on the fight over the subpoena. Members of Congress are American citizens, and both the House and Senate can subpoena anyone. Just think of how illuminating it would be to get him under oath, to subpoena his phone/text records and emails for the past year to get to the bottom of what he’s been telling the American people. If he knows of presidential crimes, as he’s claimed, we need to know about it.

Adam Schiff is a liar, but he never opens himself up to any interview where he’ll be asked about it; he only sits with friendly journalists who don’t press or call him out.

Either Adam Schiff knows something or he doesn’t, has proof or he doesn’t, the American people deserve to find out. Someone in the Senate, a committee chairman like Lindsey Graham, is in the perfect position to get to the bottom of it, or expose Schiff as the fraud he is. Either way, just think of how much fun it would all be.


 Image result for cartoons about adam schiff

‘The Force’ Smacks Down Mark Hamill Bigly After Cheap Shot Made At Expense Of Ivanka Trump’s Son

Who sits around on the Internet and looks for ways to take cheap shots at politicians and their politically active adult offspring at the expense of their young children?
Liberal Star Wars actor Mark Hamill, that’s who.

Ivanka Trump posted a cute picture of her family to her Twitter account over the weekend that included her youngest son dressed in a cute Star Wars stormtrooper costume. It’s a Halloween costume that has been popular for decades, especially among little boys.
“The Force is strong in my family.” Trump tweeted:

Instead of “coexisting” by way of putting politics aside for five minutes to give an “attaboy” to the young man for the costume, the actor also known as “Luke Skywalker” decided to play nasty:

Needless to say, ‘The Force’ was not with him on this one:

The next day, he tried to walk it back but his fan club liked his original comments better and let him know it.

Sadly, Hamill was not the only member of the Hollywood liberal elite who took the low road:

Dunking on Trump’s grandchildren because TDS. About as low as it gets. 

'Heartbroken' Pelosi Fast-Tracks Impeachment

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Australian Ambassador Agreed to Help Barr Investigate Origins of Russia Probe

Article by Beth Baumann in "Townhall":

On Monday, a letter from Australian Ambassador Joe Hockey to Attorney General William Barr surfaced showing the Australian government intended to help the Trump administration get to the bottom of the origins of Special Counsel Robert Mueller's Russia probe. The letter was originally sent in May.

“The Australian Government will use its best endeavors to support your efforts in this matter. While Australia’s former High Commissioner to the United Kingdom, the Hon Alexander Downer, is no longer employed by the government, we stand ready to provide you with all the relevant information to support your inquiries," the letter reads.

President Donald Trump called Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison last week to ask for his help into the investigation. The call took place before Morrison traveled to the United States later in the week, The Guardian reported.

“The Australian government has always been ready to assist and cooperate with efforts that help shed further light on the matters under investigation,” the Australian government said in a statement, which confirmed the call. “The PM confirmed this readiness once again in conversation with the president.”

BREAKING: Australian Ambassador Joe Hockey sent AG Bill Barr the following letter in May:

“The Australian Government will use its best endeavors to support your efforts in this matter ... we stand ready to provide you with all the relevant information to support your inquiries”

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Mueller's investigation focused on whether or not the Trump campaign colluded with Russia to interfere with the 2016 elections. After a two-and-a-half year investigation, Mueller concluded no collusion and no obstruction took place.

From The Guardian:
The Mueller investigation began after Australia’s former foreign minister Alexander Downer was allegedly told about the interference by George Papadopoulos, a Trump campaign aide. Downer then informed the FBI.
According to Downer, Papadopoulos told him during “a night of heavy drinking” in May 2016 that Russia had obtained damaging information about Hillary Clinton from her emails.
Papadopoulos took to Twitter to chime in on the letter:

I have been right about Downer from the beginning. A wannabe spy and Clinton errand boy who is about to get exposed on the world stage. Great reporting, NYTs! Mifsud is next

First, I testified against both Downer and Mifsud a year ago to help launch Durham’s investigation. Now, the fruit of that accurate testimony is exposing the global nature of the attempt to set up the 2016 campaign and interfere in the democratic process. Was my patriotic duty!

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