Sunday, September 29, 2019

New Pulitzer Prize

New Pulitzer Prize 

To Honor Publications For Destroying People's Lives

NEW YORK, NY—Adapting to modern times, the Pulitzer Prize, the most distinguished award in journalism, has added a new category: Destroying People.

“It’s time we recognize a key role today’s reporters play,” said Pultizer spokesman Adrian Fuller. “And that’s finding random people -- whether they entered the public eye by making a meme the president shared or by making a donation to charity -- and then doing whatever one can to ruin their lives.”

The award will recognize the hard work of reporters who search through decades-old tweets to publicize anything that could be considered offensive and those who tirelessly locate a non-public figure so he or she can be doxxed. Special consideration will be given if the target is fired from a volunteer position.

One CNN reporter immediately began working overtime to try to get the award. She was seen hiding in the bushes outside the home of a man who shared a pro-Trump meme, ready to pin him to the ground and demand his repentance.

This is expected to be the most competitive category, with veteran people destroyers CNN, BuzzFeed, and the Des Moines Register as favorites for producing this strain of award-winning journalism. Some have criticized the addition of this new category, and their social media history is currently being investigated.

'If Don Jr. did it, it would be...'

Maher on Hunter Biden's Ukraine ties: 

'If Don Jr. did it, it would be all Rachel eMaddow was talking about'

HBO's Bill Maher on Friday addressed Hunter Biden's lucrative work with a Ukrainian gas company while arguing that MSNBC's Rachel Maddow would be covering the story extensively if President Trump's son was involved in a similar situation.

"The more I read about this ... no, I don't think he was doing something terrible in Ukraine," Maher said of the younger Biden during a panel discussion on "Real Time" on Friday night.

"But why can't politicians tell their f---ing kids, 'Get a job, get a goddamn job!'" he continued. "This kid was paid $600,000 because his name is Biden by a gas company in Ukraine, this super-corrupt country that just had a revolution to get rid of corruption."

The liberal comedian and host added that it "just looks bad."

Maher expressed the same sentiment on Twitter to his more than 11 million followers:
"It does sound like something Don[ald] Trump Jr. would do," Maher later added on his show Friday. "And if Don Jr. did it, it would be all Rachel Maddow was talking about."

Maddow, MSNBC's top-rated host, covered possible Russian ties to President Trump and his campaign in the 2016 election extensively leading up to the release of special counsel Robert Mueller's report in April.

Maher's perspective comes as polling on impeachment has notably shifted in recent days following House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's (D-Calif.) announcement Tuesday that Democrats would launch a formal impeachment inquiry into Trump.

The president has faced scrutiny over a July phone call in which he pressed Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to investigate former Vice President Joe Biden, a leading 2020 presidential candidate.

Biden as vice president in 2016 called for Ukraine to fire a prosecutor who was looking into the gas company on whose board his son Hunter Biden sat. No evidence has emerged that Biden acted with his son's interest in mind.

Democrats have blasted Trump's conversation with the Ukrainian leader, asserting it amounts to Trump seeking help from a foreign government heading into the 2020 elections while dangling hundreds of millions of dollars in U.S. aid.

An NPR-PBS NewsHour-Marist poll released Thursday found 49 percent approval for impeachment, against 46 percent do not support, while the latest who said they disapprove, marking a 10-point rise in favor of impeachment over the same survey from April following the Mueller report.

A Hill-Harris X survey released Friday also found support for impeachment increasing 12 points to 47 percent versus 42 percent who oppose.  

Trump is 'the Real Whistleblower'

Stephen Miller Says 

Trump is 'the Real Whistleblower' and 

Complains About 'Hyperpartisan Hit Job'

White House policy adviser Stephen Miller appeared on "Fox News Sunday" and engaged in a contentious interview with the network's Chris Wallace.

Miller sought to alter the media narrative about the controversy surrounding Trump's call to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky by characterizing the impeachment effort as a "hyperpartisan hit-job" and calling the whistleblower's memo on the call a "Nancy Drew novel."

“The president of the United States is the whistleblower and this individual is a saboteur trying to undermine a democratically elected government,” Miller said, during a contentious interview on “Fox News Sunday.”
Miller said that the whistleblower complaint “drips with condemnation, condescension and contempt for the president” and claimed that the intelligence community’s Inspector General had found evidence of political bias in the complaint.

It should be noted that the Acting Director of National Intelligence Joseph Maguire testified before Congress that he believed both the whistleblower and the IG were acting in good faith. Miller accused both of being members of the "deep state."
Miller also bucked when host Chris Wallace countered that the IG had found the report “credible and a matter of urgent concern."
“They’re wrong,” Miller said.“I know what the deep state looks like. I know the difference between a whistleblower and a deep state operative.”

Miller carefully laid out the talking points that the White House wants right-wing media to use this week.

“A group of unelected bureaucrats who think that they need to take down this president ... publish hit pieces, they publish fake stories” the White House adviser added.
Wallace also pressed Miller on reports that Trump went against recommendations from the Pentagon and State Department and temporarily froze hundreds of millions of dollars in military aid to Ukraine.
And Miller continued his assault against the whistleblower, dismissing the person as a “saboteur trying to undermine a democratically elected government.”
When Wallace asked if the individual was a spy, Miller said, “I don’t know who the individual is.”

To my mind, it isn't a question whether Trump was putting pressure on Ukraine to get dirt on Joe Biden and his son. He was. The question must now be, is that an impeachable offense? To believe that other presidents haven't offered a quid pro quo on some issue or another to a foreign leader is ludicrous. Of course they have. But did the U.S. really withhold aide from Ukraine to put pressure on them? To date, no evidence of that has emerged.

Because it's not a close call at this point, an impeachment inquiry is probably unnecessary. And the president's guilt or innocence isn't possible to determine either. The Democrats have allowed their hysterical hatred of Trump to finally go off the rails and set them on a path that could tear the country apart.

And Miller is spouting talking points. They all can't be members of the "deep state." There are thousands of dedicated professionals in our intelligence agencies who are able to bury their political leanings and serve the nation honorably and truthfully. Is the whistleblower one of them? We don't know.

There are real questions here that need answering and regardless of whether you're a hyperpartisan Trump supporter or not, the answers will determine Trump's fate.

Four Labs-Four States

Feds Raid Labs in Four States and Arrest 35 in Massive Medicare Fraud Investigation

What's the best way to steal from the federal government? Hands down, it's bilking the Medicare payment system.
Every grifter, charlatan, and cheat knows that taking money illegally from Medicare is almost like taking candy from a baby. It's absolutely astonishing the amount of taxpayer money that disappears into the greedy pockets of criminals every year.
You don't even have to be a medical professional to play the game. A Georgia lab owner -- along with several accomplices -- managed to steal $2 billion -- that's "billion" with a "B" -- from Medicare by falsely billing the system for unnecessary genetic tests.
U.S. federal agents raided genetic testing laboratories, and 35 people were criminally charged in four states in a crackdown on genetic testing fraud that officials said on Friday caused $2.1 billion in losses to federal healthcare insurance programs.
Officials at the Justice Department and Health and Human Services Department Office of the Inspector General said charges were filed in Florida, Texas, Louisiana and Georgia in “one of the largest healthcare fraud schemes ever charged.”
Among those facing charges was Khalid Satary of Suwanee, Georgia, owner of Clio Laboratories in Lawrenceville, Georgia, who was accused in an indictment of soliciting medically unnecessary genetic cancer tests and paying illegal bribes and kickbacks.
Satary is no stranger to Medicare fraud. He used to run a toxicology lab that went bust while under investigation for illegal kickbacks.
The use of genetic testing, which helps people determine their risks of developing cancer and other diseases, has skyrocketed in the United States since 2015.
For Medicare, the public insurance program for elderly and disabled Americans, payouts for genetic tests jumped from $480 million in 2015 to $1.1 billion in 2018, a Reuters analysis found.
Genetic testing has sparked more than 300 federal investigations involving healthcare fraud and illegal kickbacks.
So, I'm no expert or anything, but hasn't anyone noticed that there are 300 investigations into genetic testing payments? Maybe they should tighten that up, don't ya think?
How easy is it to cheat the government with a genetic testing scheme?
The fraud schemes at issue in Friday’s announcement typically involved marketers’ hiring sales reps to get elderly people to provide a cheek swab that they are told could be tested to help them understand their risks of developing cancer or whether their genetics could unlock clues about how they will respond to drug treatments.
Doctors signed off on the tests as being medically necessary, and the swabs were sent for testing to labs that sought Medicare payments.
But many of the lab tests are not relevant to the patient’s history, and some of the doctors sign off on the results without conferring with the patient, investigators say.
If I were a criminal who could scare up a few thousand dollars, I'd open a genetic testing lab. The risk appears to be minimal and the rewards are extraordinary.
Besides, who's going to catch you?

Democrats' "Hysterical, hyperbolic, hypocritical’ reaction"

Ari Fleischer shreds Democrats: 
‘Hysterical, hyperbolic, hypocritical’ reaction

September 29, 2019 | Tom Tillison 

President Donald Trump’s actions on a phone callwith Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky was less than ideal, but the Democratic Party’s overreaction was far worse.

That’s according to Ari Fleischer, who penned a Fox News editorial where he equated Trump’s request to the Ukrainian leader to a “five-yard penalty” in football — the president asked Zelensky to get to the bottom of former Vice President Joe Biden threatening to withhold $1 billion in loan guarantees if Ukraine did not fire a top prosecutor who was investigating the oil company Burisma Holdings, which employed Biden’s son, Hunter, at a salary that reached $50,000 a month.

Fleischer is more than willing to say what others will not say.

“President Trump’s July 25 phone call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky was beautiful,” the former White House press secretary under President George W. Bush wrote. “Except for the part where Trump talked about former Vice President Joe Biden’s son Hunter. That was inappropriate.”

But what’s even more inappropriate is the hysterical, hyperbolic, hypocritical, fabricated (I’m talking to you, Katy Tur) impeachment-seeking reaction to the call,” Fleischer added.

“In football terms, President Trump deserved a five-yard penalty flag. What he did was the equivalent of a false start,” he noted, saying that Trump “was wrong to request that Zelensky work with U.S. Attorney General William Barr to find out what happened.”

Fleischer went on to say justice should be blind, especially when it comes to powerful elected officials.

“But to Trump’s critics – meaning elected Democrats and much of the media — Trump was headhunting, and they want to throw him out of the game via impeachment. They always have,” he proffered. “This is grossly disproportionate and highly hypocritical.”

In highlighting Biden’s conflict of interest, Fleischer accurately pointed out that the media is not overly interested in covering his threat to withhold U.S. loan guarantees. He also noted that three Democratic U.S. senators — Robert Menendez of New Jersey, Richard Durbin of Illinois and Patrick Leahy of Vermont — wrote a letter pressuring Ukrainian officials to cooperate with special counsel Robert Mueller in investigating Trump.

The double standard is nothing new, as Fleischer pointed to Barack Obama himself:
When it comes to working with foreign nations to influence an election, former President Barack Obama’s request to then-Russian President Dmitry Medvedev takes the cake.

Obama, not wanting his national security positions to become a reelection issue, was caught on camera in 2012 asking Medvedev to tell then-Prime Minister Vladimir Putin that Obama needed “space” on missile defense negotiations until after U.S. presidential election was over.

In other words, Obama was saying: if you, Vladimir, don’t raise this matter during the election, I’ll have more “flexibility” after the election to reach an accommodation.

Citing Washington’s “typical standards,” Fleischer insisted that “the Democratic-media hypocrisy toward Trump is over the top. So too is impeachment.”

He cautioned Republicans “to wise up.”

“The overreacting Democrats and their media backers are the real threat to civility, norms and fairness,” Fleischer wrote.

“Impeachment is not a game,” he added. “It’s the Constitution’s safety valve and it should only be applied in the gravest of threats to our nation and system of government.”

What the Press Doesn’t Know...

What the Press Doesn’t 

Know About Ukraine

Reporters will have to ask a lot more questions to understand the missing context of the Trump call.

President Trump and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky speak in New York, Sept. 25. Photo: saul loeb/Agence France-Presse/Getty Images

In his now-famous transcript, Mr. Trump mainly presses Ukraine’s new president for dirt not on the Bidens but on the known unknowns of 2016. “I would like you to find out what happened with this whole situation with Ukraine,” he says. “There are a lot of things that went on, the whole situation.”

Yes, Mr. Trump’s musings about the Democratic National Committee’s server may be deluded, though it remains true that the FBI never directly examined the server. His next reference, however, begins “I think you’re surrounding yourself with some of the same people.” Here he may be referring to Ukrainian legislator Serhiy Leshchenko, who injected into the U.S. race a secret document on Paul Manafort’s finances that later became a major factor in the Mueller investigation. Only intermittently have outlets like Politico and the Hill ever shown interest in the alleged pro-Clinton efforts of the previous Ukrainian government. Ukraine at the time was pell-mell becoming a U.S. client. Billions in civilian and military aid were starting to flow from the Obama administration. Vice President Joe Biden was dispatched to help clean up Ukraine’s reputation and make it an acceptable partner. 

This was the moment when Hunter Biden, with no relevant expertise, and last seen being booted from a short-lived career in the Navy Reserve because of a failed drug test, received a lucrative role with a Ukrainian company. Where might Mr. Trump have gotten the idea there was something fishy about this? From the U.S. media of course: 

“Was Hunter Biden profiting off his dad’s work as vice president and did Joe Biden allow it?” asked an ABC News “investigation” just weeks before Mr. Trump’s call with the Ukrainian president. A lengthy account in the New Yorker quoted a 2017 divorce allegation that Hunter spent his considerable earnings on “drugs, alcohol, prostitutes, strip clubs and gifts for women with whom he has sexual relations.” 

As recently as this week, the New York Times allowed only that there is “no evidence so far to support Mr. Trump’s claim that Mr. Biden improperly intervened to help his son’s business in Ukraine” (emphasis added).

And simply fraudulent are news reports insisting that Mr. Biden wasn’t influenced by his son’s presence on the Burisma board, because it’s impossible to know. Mr. Biden, instead of insisting that Ukraine’s chief prosecutor be fired, might have insisted he prove his bona fides by reopening his dormant Burisma investigation. We just can’t know. This is why the mere “appearance” of a conflict of interest is rightly considered compromising to U.S. policy (as the vice president’s own aides reportedly tried to warn him).

But all such questions now are illegitimate in a rush to paint Mr. Trump as impeachable. MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough quotes the White House transcript until its words no longer suit him and then invents his own to portray Mr. Trump as asking for information to “smear an opponent.”

The transcript says no such thing. Mr. Trump certainly has political motives, as all politicians do, but asking a foreign government what it knows about a story that fills the U.S. media (the New Yorker’s extraordinarily detailed report had appeared that very month) simply may not be the unprecedented act that some assume. (They haven’t seen transcripts of other presidents’ calls.)

OK, you aren’t shocked that much journalism is conducted not in a spirit of inquiry, but to realize the desired talking points. Everything in the Ukraine call is ignored that doesn’t fit the reductionist trope of “inviting foreign interference” in a U.S. election. I get it. Journalism is a business. The “talent” is rewarded for bringing in the desired demographic. But if we really want to restore measured discourse, let’s go back to being reliable arbiters of fact and reason, rather than producing home pages designed as clickbait for target audiences (the Washington Post is an especially ignominious showpiece in this regard).

More than anything, today’s coverage dumbifies everything it touches in our interesting country, in our interesting time. 

A final point: A consensus has formed that Joe Biden will be collateral damage in the Democrats’ desired Ukraine-related impeachment spectacle, with some progressives seeing this as a feature and not a bug. Mr. Biden never struck me as presidential material but he might well be the best we can do in 2020. He doesn’t think America wants a socialist revolution. He’s old. He might decide he doesn’t care about a second term. He’d be free to enter office with a mandate from himself to govern from the middle, to work with the GOP regardless of his party’s Twitter shriekers.

That possibility, which might look pretty good a year from now, is likely disappearing fast in the media’s latest half-cocked frenzy.

Assisted Suicide Avoidance

John Brennan Intel Asset Joseph Mifsud 

“Gave Audio Tape Deposition Before Going Into Hiding”

According to an interview granted by the lawyer for intelligence asset Joseph Mifsud to journalist John Solomon, professor Mifsud admitted to being a western intelligence asset who was part of a CIA intelligence “operation” against candidate Donald Trump in March 2016.

Yes, stop and read that introductory paragraph again….

Solomon notes that an audio-taped deposition exists from Joseph Mifsud prior to going into hiding after the 2016 Presidential election.  From the description it sounds like Mifsud anticipated his assisted suicide and recorded a deposition as leverage against his unwanted demise.   WATCH

What Solomon describes would align with the CIA purposefully leaking the details about Mifsud to the Washington Post on July 1st, 2019.
In the synergy between the U.S. intelligence apparatus and their media agents, the CIA, DOJ and State Department have specific outlets assigned to public relations.
A long-tracked pattern reflects the DOJ and FBI leak their needs to the New York Times. The preferred outlet for the U.S. State Department is CNN; and the Washington Post generally comes out first with leaks in defense of the CIA agenda.
This pattern has been remarkably consistent for years.
So against a backdrop of looming revelations about the intelligence community and their activity in the 2016 election; suddenly The Washington Post, seemingly out of nowhere, pushed an article intended to diffuse the issues around western intelligence asset Joseph Mifsud.
As we noted in July, we can reasonably assume something is happening in the background that has officials in the CIA worried about exposure and their image.  From the WaPo introduction we can see what part of “spygate” the CIA is concerned about:
(Wa Po) […] The Maltese-born academic has not surfaced publicly since that October 2017 interview, days after Trump campaign aide George Papadopoulos pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI about details of their interactions. Among them, Papadopoulos told investigators, was an April 2016 meeting in which Mifsud alerted him that the Russians had “dirt” on Hillary Clinton in the form of “thousands of emails.”
The conversation between Mifsud and Papadopoulos, eventually relayed by an Australian diplomat to U.S. government officials, was cited by special counsel Robert S. Mueller III as the event that set in motion the FBI probe into ties between the Trump campaign and Russia.
With Attorney General William P. Barr’s review of the counterintelligence investigation underway,the origins of the inquiry itself are now in the spotlight — and with them, the role of Mifsud, a little-known figure. (more)
The entire WaPo article is fraught with highly manipulated narrative engineering intended to cloud the fact that clear evidence exists that Professor Mifsud’s engagement with George Papadopoulos was directed by some entity other than Mifsud.
It would be intellectually dishonest not to see some other purpose and intent beyond an academic wanting to build a relationship with some obscure policy staffer for the Trump campaign.
If he walks like a counterintelligence agent; acts like a counterintelligence agent; sounds like a counterintelligence agent; hangs out with other counterintelligence agents; has admitted to engagements on behalf of intelligence agencies; trained U.S. FBI agents in conducting counterintelligence operations and generally has a history of counterintelligence agent behavior, well, he ain’t just a Maltese professor.
Just sayin’.
So what’s up?
Why was the Washington Post trying to get out-front of Joseph Mifsud all of a sudden?
Likely it’s because someone in the background (Barr via Durham) is peeking at the connective tissue between John Brennan’s instructions in 2015 and 2016; and John Brennan’s “electronic communication’ results to the FBI in July 2016 that kicked off the counterintelligence operation against candidate Trump known as Crossfire Hurricane.
Additionally, there is clearly some recording of Papadopoulos and/or transcript of Papadopoulos engaging with CIA and FBI assets (spies) that Trey Gowdy has claimed to be “very exculpatory” toward any claim that Papadopoulos was doing anything wrong. Those transcripts are possibly part of the AG Barr’s declassification directive.
Remember, back in May Devin Nunes told AG Barr something was going on:
(Via Fox News) “He is the first person that we know of on earth that supposedly knows something about the Russians having Hillary’s emails,” Nunes, R-Calif., said on “Fox News @ Night.”
“He has since denied that but (Special Counsel Robert) Mueller in his report claimed that Mifsud – or insinuated that Mifsud – was some sort of Russian asset. We know that this is not the case. In fact, we know that he was in the U.S. Capitol… just steps away from an intelligence committee.”
[…] Nunes, a ranking member on the House Intelligence Committee, told Fox News that the has sent letters this month to the CIA, FBI, NSA and the State Department asking for documents tied to Mifsud. He said all of the agencies except one – the FBI – have cooperated with his request.
He then made the leap, “The FBI is not cooperating, per usual, which means they’ve got something to hide.”
“It is impossible that Mifsud is a Russian asset,” Nunes added. “He is a former diplomat with the Malta government. He lived in Italy. He worked and taught FBI, trained FBI officials, and worked with FBI officials.” (read more – w/ video)

The Little Engine That Couldn’t


The Little Engine That Couldn’t

The Democrats think the very fact that a president is impeached is enough tarnish his reputation and diminish his chances of success in the election. Don’t bet on it.

Roger Kimball- September 28th, 2019

Those whom the gods would destroy, they first make ridiculous. Has it happened to the Democrats yet? I think so, yes. I think so.

“Whistleblower” is already being enrolled in the lexicon of political disasters, and not just on account of pictures of the priapic Bill Clinton with Monica Lewinsky and featuring a rude joke about “whistleblowers” (“You know how to whistle don’t you? You just put your lips together and blow”).

No, “whistleblower” has entered the joke book of American politics because of the wild discrepancy between aspiration and reality that it represents.

Just last week, an all-points bulletin was blaring from the Get Trump media and the assorted fantasists in the Democratic Party. “Now we’ve got him, lads. Impeachment is just around the corner.” The New York Times said so. So did CNN and MSNBC. So did Nancy Pelosi, soon-to-be-former speaker of the House. Representative Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) was so certain of it that he thought he could get away with pretending to read the transcriptof Donald Trump’s call with the Ukrainian president while actually just making stuff up.

Really. There he was, piece of paper in hand, addressing the House Intelligence Committee (and millions of viewers at home), exuding his signature “the-President-is-not-above-the-law-deer-in-the-headlights-automaton” countenance. The whole thing, Schiff said, was a “mafia-like shakedown.”

“I want you,” he pretended to read, “to make up dirt on my political opponent, understand, lots of it, on this and on that. I’m going to put you in touch with people, not just any people, I’m going to put you in touch with the attorney general of the United States, my attorney general Bill Barr. He’s got the whole weight of the American law enforcement behind him.”

When it was pointed out that Donald Trump said none of that, Schiff replied that his words—his lies—were a “parody.” Oh.

Achievement Unlocked: Mental Helplessness
In general, one tends to admire perseverance. We like to think it betokens a certain seriousness of purpose. We remember The Little Engine That Could from our childhood and want to root for the blundering but stalwart underdog. “I think I can, I think I can, I think I can.” But in this case, the Democrats are not bringing the Christmas presents of impeachment and the destruction of a duly elected president they dislike to the boys and girls on the other side of the mountain. On the contrary, they are making fools of themselves. What we are seeing unfold before our eyes is not a reprise of The Little Engine That Could but a signal illustration of Chesterton’s observation that madness means “using mental activity so as to reach mental helplessness.”

I do not mean to fall prey to Godwin’s Law, but watching the behavior of the Democrats and their media enablers these past few years, it is hard to avoid the suspicion that that have been unduly impressed by the opinion of a former Austrian corporal that if one is going to tell a lie, one should take care that it is a big one.

The trouble is, it is not at all clear that this strategic deployment of mendacity actually works. It did not, in the end, work for the Austrian corporal. And it hasn’t worked for the Democrats, their media hirelings, and their NeverTrump camp followers.

It’s not just that Democrats disliked Donald Trump. They declared him illegitimate. By implication, they declared anyone who supported Trump illegitimate, too.

Beginning in 2015 and continuing until the day before yesterday, we had wall-to-wall lies about Donald Trump “colluding” with the Russians. We spent tens of millions of dollars, destroyed countless careers, and came up with zilch. There was no collusion, though not for want of intimidation, fabrication, and round-the-clock hysteria on the part of the media and damaged souls like Bill Kristol, Pastor David Fench, and poor Max Boot, among many others.

Like so many pseudo-Hamlets, they looked around and decided that “the time is out of joint. O cursèd spite/that ever was I born to set it right.” The problem is, they have no play to catch the conscience of the king. They only have made-up gossip, lies fabricated by people on the payroll of Hillary Clinton’s campaign and the Democratic National Committee, hearsay, rumor, innuendo, and hate-inspired fantasy. They brought it to bear against Donald Trump during his campaign and in the first two years of his first term: nada.

They tried the same thing, twice, against Brett Kavanaugh. Again, nothing, nichts, rien. And now they are trying it yet again against the president.

A Preposterous Gambit
An unnamed “whistleblower” (personally, I think it is a protégé of John Brennan or possibly Michael Avenatti) cites various rumors he has overheard second- or third-hand, writes it up as an official complaint, and the whole stinking pile of malignant calumnyis carefully fed into the Trump outrage machine and takes over the media narrative for a week or so.

It is impossible to overstate how preposterous the whole whistleblower gambit is. As Sean Davis has pointed outat The Federalist, the “intelligence community” (another phrase that has entered the lexicon of political malfeasance) recently, and secretly, changed the rule that “whistleblowers provide direct, first-hand knowledge of alleged wrongdoings.”

The new rules, which were made public only after the transcript of Trump’s July 25 call with the Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky was released, “eliminates the first-hand knowledge requirement and allows employees to file whistleblower complaints even if they have zero direct knowledge of underlying evidence and only heard about [wrongdoing] from others.” Interesting, what?

Impeachment frenzy cascaded over airwaves and displaced every competing story, even the exploitation of that sick child crusader Greta Thunberg, for about 48 hours. But the floodwaters are rapidly receding and the malodorous muck and detritus that has been left behind are already being subject to the sanitizing scrutiny of people who don’t like being lied to.

Several of my friends are resigned to the prospect of Trump’s impeachment by the House. There is no question—despite Bill Kristol’s active fantasy life—that the Senate will not muster a two-thirds majority to convict him and remove him from office. But, the Democrats presumably are reasoning, the very fact that a president was impeached would tarnish his reputation and diminish his chances of success in the election.
I am not at all sure that is correct. It didn’t happen with Bill Clinton. And beyond that, I am not convinced that the move to impeach the president would even garner the requisite 218 votes in the House. Already, pocketa-pocketa-pocketa-pocketa, you can hear the furious sounds of backpedaling as a dim consciousness of what they have done with their impeachment frenzy steals over the reptilian brains of the impeachment choristers.

Ticking Time Bombs
But it is actually worse than that, much worse. I think Thomas Lifson, writing for The American Thinker, is right. The whoops of the impeachment war dance are echoing in an otherwise silent and most severe chamber. All this frenetic activity—the screaming front-page headlines, the salivating attacks on Trump in the now-routinely anti-Trump Drudge Report—all that, as Lifson says, is but the “prelude to the coming time bombs about to explode in their faces.”

The bombs in question, Lifson points out, have names: Michael Horowitz, the Justice Department inspector general whose report on malfeasance in the FBI and the “intelligence community” is due any day; John Durham, the U.S. attorney looking into the origins of the attempted coup against Donald Trump; and John Huber, the U.S. attorney who is looking into the FBI’s surveillance of Carter Page and connections between the Clinton Foundation and the Uranium One scandal.

Those time bombs are indeed ticking, and even the Dems must be able to make out the tick-tick-tick above the fury of their anti-Trump skirling. Some people say that what we are witnessing is just an instance of hardball politics. They hate us, we hate them, let the game begin.

I think it is much worse than that. There were plenty of hints and adumbrations before, but it really took shape with Donald Trump. What we have seen over the last few years is an effort to render a large part (indeed, a majority) of the electorate illegitimate.
Donald Trump won the presidency in a free, open, and democratic election. And yet a sliver of the population—the Antifa thugs, the Hollywood brats, the media sissies, the beautiful people with expensive degrees, and, of course, the radical fringe of the Democratic Party—all refused to accept the results of the election.

It’s not just that they disliked Donald Trump. They declared him illegitimate. By implication, they declared anyone who supported Trump illegitimate, too. In essence, they bowed out of the social compact that underwrote the legitimacy of the American regime.

They adopted the extreme rhetoric and tactics of revolutionaries. “Jusq’au-boutisme” became their rallying crying: by any means necessary. Whatever it takes to rid the country of the Bad Orange Man—and (often unstated but always implied) his unenlightened supporters, whose lack of enlightenment is guaranteed by their support for a man who is “literally Hitler” etc., etc.

Destroying the American Consensus
It is difficult to take the measure of this political wrecking ball, but of this I am confident. The only thing that might—might—assuage our troubled polity is a systematic exposure of the destructive tactics, motives, and political presuppositions of the anti-Trump onslaught. That exposure will require the candid scrutiny of the law, and anyone who cares about the future of American democracy can be heartened that William Barr is the attorney general. Nancy Pelosi is not, as she floated on Friday, going to be able to impeach him any more than Kamala Harris is going to be able to impeach Brett Kavanaugh.

What has been happening these last three years is not just an effort to destroy Donald Trump. That, indeed, is merely incidental to the larger project of destroying the fundamental American consensus. I do not think it will succeed. But I am sufficiently disillusioned to realize just how grave a threat these forces pose to what we used to be able to call, without irony, the American dream.

Ruling Class vs. ‘The Others’

First Amendment

Ruling Class vs. ‘The Others’

Americans have a choice: either rebuild the foundations of our society or prepare for an inevitable and ugly collapse.

Ned Ryun- September 28th, 2019

There has always been a troubling trend on the Left, and among statists and the ruling classin general, when it comes to the rule of law. For those types, “rule of law” means more of a series of suggestions intended to keep “the others”—that is, “the deplorables” or we peasants—in our place. It’s very much “a good for me, but not for thee” mentality. Should any of us violate the laws, we can expect to have the book thrown at us. But for them, it’s more a slap on the wrist, if anything at all.

We see this in the behavior of the Clintons, deep state actors, and even the Bidens. No one seriously thinks that Hunter Biden’s Ukrainian and Chinese business “activities” are above board. But even more troubling, consider that a sitting vice president of the United States was potentially involved in pay-to-play with foreign nations.

The ruling class apparently believes the law is whatever it says it is. It is whatever is convenient for them. The law is a weapon for the ruling class to subdue its enemies.

A remarkable public admission highlighted the truth of the matter recently. Gun-grabber Robert Francis O’Rourke, a man who believes he is fit to occupy the presidency and protect and defend the Constitution, said on national television that he would insist upon the confiscation of AR-15s and AK-47s. “It’s not voluntary. . . It is mandatory,” O’Rourke said. “It will be the law. You will be required to comply with the law.”

Although no one would ever claim O’Rourke is one of our leading intellectual lights, his words do raise an interesting question: what is just law? And please do not tell me it is simply whatever lawmakers at any given point decide the law is. In an American context, that is utterly absurd.

Consider that Germany’s Nuremberg Laws, anti-Semitic and racist, were enacted in 1935. No serious person would call them legitimate or just. Or consider South Africa’s series of laws meant to enforce apartheid. Or, sadly, consider America’s own laws that allowed for slavery. All of these have at one point been considered the “law of the land.”

Many on the Left have abandoned the idea of natural rights and the notion of transcendent law and absolutes. They’ve apparently decided that they’ll just make up the rules as they go.

But were they “just” laws? Those societies at the time said they were, and history is replete with more such examples. But these “laws” all share a common characteristic: every last one of them was in gross violation of human rights and natural law.
In the words of Martin Luther King, Jr., echoing St. Augustine and Sir William Blackstone, “An unjust law is no law at all.” For laws to be just, they must conform with natural laws and rights or they are truly no laws at all: they are merely opinions and weapons meant to oppress other human beings that rationalize egregious human thought and behavior.

Cicero, a consul and Roman senator, and truly one of the last heroes of the Roman Republic, also knew that just human laws must be reflections of higher, transcendent law. We used to believe in such things, but such beliefs can be so inconvenient. It’s difficult to square the circle when there are those who don’t believe in transcendent laws given by a transcendent lawgiver who has endowed every human being, created in His image, with natural rights. Such rights include life, liberty, property, and the right to self-defense. In fact, there is no Constitution long enough to enumerate all the rights we as created human beings have by nature, which is why the 9th Amendment is present in our Bill of Rights.

All of this highlights the tension in our society today: many on the Left have abandoned the idea of natural rights and the notion of transcendent law and absolutes. They’ve apparently decided that they’ll just make up the rules as they go.

Some on the Left, Robert Francis O’Rourke among them, now claim that if given power—though God forbid they ever should—they will make laws that outlaw certain types of guns. Of course, it’s a muddled picture as to what this will look like as they babble on about .50-caliber AR-15sand “weapons of war” and all sorts of things that display a lack of rudimentary working knowledge about guns.

O’Rourke’s talk of gun control is in defiance of America’s founding ideas: our founders believed that one of the primary purposes of government, when people come into just and voluntary associations, is the protection of property, which includes not just physical objects, but anything and everything unique to a human being. If government fails to protect those rights, there is another natural right: the right to defend one’s life and property. This is why I’ve argued, and will continue to argue, that gun rights are a natural right: human beings are entitled to self-defense, ergo guns. And not just any guns, but the most powerful and effective guns.

Natural rights and transcendent laws are the foundation of our republic. This is why an abandonment of such ideas knocks out the very underpinnings of our society. History shows us that at some point a nation that develops a Byzantine series of laws meant to justify its behavior, when confronted with the reality of transcendent law, it will eventually collapse under its own weight—often at a great loss of life.

So we have a choice: either rebuild the foundations of our society or prepare for an inevitable and ugly collapse.