Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Press Warns That Trump Is Actually A Wolf Coming To Devour The Village And This Time They Mean It

Babylon Bee 🐝 

U.S.—In the latest bombshell allegations that will definitely end the Trump presidency and expunge him from all existence, several media outlets are reporting that Trump is actually a wolf coming to devour the village and "this time we mean it."

During a routine CNN broadcast about Trump Tuesday evening, a reporter came running into the newsroom in a flurry, all out of breath and panting. "Guys!" he cried out. After being lectured on the use of the gender-specific term "guys" and regaining his breath, he continued: "Trump isn't actually just Hitler---in fact, he is a wolf. A whistleblower told me. And he's coming this way right now to devour all of us! Run!!!"

Using standard CNN operating procedure, news executives didn't vet the claim at all but immediately went to print and interrupted the station's live broadcast to tell everyone that Trump is a wolf. This is the 43rd time that they have run this report. Each one has turned out to be a false alarm. Several interns were seen running around the newsroom with their hair on fire.

However, despite the insanity of the reporting on Trump, there does seem to be some evidence that he has some wolf-like qualities, though not as many as some past presidents. Often they devoured entire villages but the press spun their activities as "environmental activism." Unfortunately, nobody will believe them when Trump actually devours a village. Sad! 

Anti-Fun Democrats Seek To End Most Fun Presidency Of All Time

Babylon Bee 🐝 

WASHINGTON, D.C.—Everyone in the nation has been enjoying themselves for the past three years---everyone, that is, except anti-fun Democrats, who are now seeking to end the most fun presidency of all time, sources confirmed this week. 

Democrats have become the party of no fun allowed and as such are seeking to stop all the fun. They can't sit idly by and let everybody go on this crazy, enjoyable ride---they say the time has come to go back to serious times like when Obama was president and everybody was bored all the time.

"People have been laughing and having fun as they watch Trump tweet and generally enjoy themselves, and this must end," said Chuck Schumer with a dead serious look on his face, wagging his finger, clearly mad that everyone else is having so much fun. "Yes, his tweets are funny sometimes. Yes, he's a big goofball. Yes, Americans are enjoying the spectacle. You know what, stuff like covfefe and Greenland even got a chuckle out of me, I'm ashamed to admit. But American politics is not supposed to be fun. It is supposed to be boring. No fun allowed!"

"No fun! No fun! No fun!" he chanted, with other Democratic leaders and the press joining in.

Trump responding to the impeachment inquiry by tweeting, "Another great day at the White House!" and everybody laughed at that, but Democrats did not. They said that was another example of unconstitutional, treasonous fun that should be stopped.

Former CIA Officer: ‘Pelosi Launched The Titanic Tonight Into A Gigantic Iceberg’

Former CIA agent and lifelong Democrat Bryan Dean Wright appeared on the Tucker Carlson show, and he had some dire words for Nancy Pelosi. Like many others, Wright believes that unsuccessful impeachment proceedings hurt the party that brings them, just like the Republicans were hurt when they tried to impeach Bill Clinton — and he was  convicted of a felony. Wright says that Pelosi has launched the Titanic, and that it will hit smack dab into an iceberg in 2020. 

Speaking on Tuesday night’s edition of “Tucker Carlson Tonight,” Bryan Dean Wright – introduced as a lifelong Democrat – was asked by Fox News host Tucker Carlson if impeachment was a “wise idea.”

“No, it’s not, Tucker,” said Wright. “The whole thing is a disaster. Pelosi launched the Titanic tonight into a gigantic iceberg in November 2020. We had up until now, yesterday, really the last couple weeks it was all Russia. As of later this morning it was Ukraine. This afternoon, Pelosi says ‘you know what, actually now that I know Trump is releasing the transcripts of the phone call, it’s not so much about Ukraine.  It’s about other things to be identified.’ So really it comes down to it, we don’t like Trump and so we’re gonna move forward with impeachment because that’s what our base wants, and that is absurd. That’s not how it’s supposed to work, at all, in our republic. Those are called elections. The Democratic Party other than folks like Tulsi Gabbard understand this. But unfortunately this party is led by people like Chuck and Nancy, and progressives and The Squad, that are driving this party off of the cliff.”

“How much do you think of this is being driven by Ocasio-Cortez and the rest, the freshmen?” asked Carlson.

“One hundred percent,” Wright responded. “Absolutely 100 percent of it. Look, you have to understand that the progressive wing of the Democratic Party is in control of the party. It’s in control of the media, all the talking heads. So folks that I know, my friends who are Democrats, they repeat the same stuff. They aren’t even thinking critically or for themselves.” 

Adam Schiff Accuses President Of ‘Shake-Down’ Of Foreign Ally. It’s Going To Backfire On Him

Adam Schiff Accuses President Of ‘Shake-Down’ Of Foreign Ally.  It’s Going To Backfire On Him.

House Intelligence Committee Chairman Rep. Adam Schiff told reporters Wednesday, that the transcripts of President Donald Trump’s conversation with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky prove that there was a shake-down of Ukraine.

He compared Trump to a mafia boss and said Trump’s conversation asking Zelensky to look into former Vice President Joe Biden’s son, Hunter Biden’s, business dealings with Ukrainian energy company Burisma Holdings was a underhanded ‘quid pro quo.’

Even though Trump never asked Zelensky for a favor, Schiff, who has been known for his incendiary allegations against the president, lauded the whistleblower. Schiff even questioned if the transcript was real, questioning the integrity of the transcript and if any portion was left out of it.

Zelensky has not made a comment on Schiff’s allegations and it is not expected that he will agree with Schiff.

Once again, Schiff is boxing himself in and I predict his statements will backfire on him. 

Here’s your smoking gun, Democrats. Enjoy!

Yet another self-inflicted wound from 
the Democrats and their Media Handmaids.

Okay, I just read the transcript of the phone call between President Trump and the Ukraine President.  And you should ignore the talking heads in the media who are telling you it’s a smoking gun.

It isn’t a smoking gun.

It isn’t even a sputtering fart.

The only way this phone call could be a smoking gun is if the gun looked like this:

Smoking gun
Raheem Kassam has the transcript HERE.  Don’t take my word for it.  And, whatever you do, don’t take the word of any of those idiots on cable news. Read the transcript for yourself.

Compared to the letter Democrat Senators Leahy, Menendez and Durbin sent to Ukraine Prosecutor General Yuriy Lutsenko back in 2018, President Trump’s call with President Zelensky last July is less than nothing.

Those guy actually threatened to withhold aid to Ukraine if Lutsenko did not cooperate with the Mueller Investigation. Trump didn’t say a single word about any quid-pro-quo. Not one word.

It’s always the case, isn’t it?

Democrats are forever accusing President Trump of what Democrats actually do.

But don’t expect Nancy Pelosi or any of the other idiots in the Democrat Party to pull back on the Impeachment throttle.

They can’t at this point.

And don’t expect the media to be honest about the contents of this phone call.  They know they can claim anything they want and their ResistanceLOL viewers will simply take their word for it.

Calling this transcript a smoking gun is nothing more than polishing a turd.

Then again, cable news talking heads have a 3-year history of polishing turds.

They don’t have anything on Trump.

They never did.

But rather than simply accept reality, they’re doubling down.

As I said earlier, nothing short of removing Trump from office will ever satisfy these morons.

This is what happens when you take your cues from the Twitter ResistanceLOL.

But out here in the real world, this will be seen as yet another self-inflicted wound.

Kimberly Strassel of the Wall Street Journal has an excellent Twitter thread on this.  You can read the entire thing HERE.

But she closes with this summation:

So, okay.  It was a smoking gun.

Only it wasn’t aimed at President Trump.

Great job, Nancy!

The Radical Left: Enemy of the State or Loyal Opposition?

 Article by Diana Mary Sitek in "The American Thinker":

Barack Obama's presidency was the apotheosis of the radical nation-state.  Democrats, who sought power on behalf of self-appointed victims, became the ruling elite.  The community organizer cum president was flanked by Grecian columns at his inauguration, which since the Roman Empire have endorsed expanding political dominion.  Throughout and beyond his suzerainty, Obama gave ear to those critical of the nation and champed at the bit of constitutional restraint.

During the twentieth century, there was Marx's long "march through the institutions" due to the Western intelligentsia's promiscuous infatuation with Soviet communism and Marxist historiography.  That picked up exponential speed during the nineteen-sixties.  The streets filled with Civil Rights flamethrowers, striding feminists, and flowerpot-smoking anti–Vietnam War hippies.  Marxist professors strutted their propaganda in the social science departments of academia, and Saul Alinsky's study of the Mafia and Chicago gangs harvested his Machiavellian volume of 1971, Rules for Radicals.  This exerted a powerful influence, from Hillary Clinton's breathless university thesis, "There is only the Fight: An Analysis of the Alinsky Model" to Alinsky's immortalization in Obama's 1995 nostalgic but contrived Dreams from My Father.  For both Marxists and Alinskyites, national institutions were congenitally oppressive arenas of conflict.  They were owed zero loyalty.

In retrospect, it is hardly surprising that by 2016, the radical Left's ideology (and therefore power) had conquered the bureaucracy, the educational institutions, the trade unions, the mainstream media, Hollywood's entertainment industry, the global communications industry, human resources departments (both government and private), and the progressive churches.  The radical Left had become the politically correct political establishment!  Such is still the situation in 2019.

Sadly, the victims, on whose behalf the Democrats claimed power, were kept in mothballs as much as possible.  This was necessary so Democrats could continue to wheel them out at every election cycle.  Yet the Left was under enormous pressure to find a fresh supply in the event that their victims were no longer victimized.  In the nick of time, there appeared swarms of incoming migrants from snarling, dysfunctional nations.  They were on the lookout for a handout.  They were available, and continue to be available, for Democrat recruitment.  Then, during the star-studded Hollywood years of Obama's celestial reign, the more poetic radicals gained inspiration from the rainbow and ushered in the sexually marginalized as an entirely new victim set.  Finally, the global financiers, who backed the Democrats, in conjunction with those scientists prepared to deceive in order to obtain research grants, converged to fabricate the human-triggered Climate Change Hoax, every mooted solution to which would beggar every national economy.  The U.N. and the Vatican waved their unctuous benediction and took up the agenda.  The demands of all these groups, clinging to the coattails of Democrat power, now distributed throughout the national institutions, weakened the nation's economic strength.

Why, then, despite their unprecedented political, social, ideological, cultural, and institutional victory, are the Democrats now hell-bent on destroying their legal foundation — i.e., the nation-state itself?  This seemingly suicidal path has been provoked by their frothing outrage.  For the first time since the end of World War Two, the radical Left has been challenged from an unexpected quarter.  These malcontents were unexpected because they were, according to the ideology of the Left, the very perpetrators of oppression!  These were the Donald Trump voters, who had been straitened and bankrupted by globalist Wall Street and Obama's tripling of the national debt and horrified by the Left's demolition of traditional Western values — none other than the deplorable "white" middle and working classes in the deplorable working middle of the country.

Determined not to relinquish their power, the radical Left Democrats have done their utmost to disrupt Trump's presidency, even before it became a fact.  They have lied and misinformed the public.  They have corrupted the Rule of Law.  They yearn to alter the Constitution.  They seek to abolish the Electoral College.  Yet because they own the institutions, they remain untouchable.  Their non-state actors, the NGOs (specifically the NGO empire of globalist and Democrat donor George Soros), are working around the clock to undermine the legitimacy of this administration, including the alleged sponsoring of violence by Antifa thugs, staging disruptive events to weaken people's resolve and pouring resources into anyone, anywhere who despises the president.  This is taking a savage toll on the nation.

The Left's apparent willingness to weaken the institutions and laws of the state becomes even more dangerous as it chimes in with the plans of other enemies who share that desire — notably radical Islam and the financial globalists.  The latter are stoutly represented within both Democrat and Republican Parties, the Chamber of Commerce, and the Federal Reserve and include also the cabal of global central banks and international financial institutions.  George Soros is on record as recommending that the USA ought to go into a "managed decline," presumably so that currency-raiders (such as himself) can make further billions in profit.  However, it has been clear for some time that the individual integrity of the nation within the international community has been breached and, like Humpty Dumpty, cannot be put back together again.  But surely this should urge greater vigilance in protecting the still remaining institutions, privileges, and boundaries of the national government.  Our freedom depends on them holding fast.

In addition, the border between war and peace, between the military and civilian spheres has blurred alarmingly since 9/11.  Nation-states (especially contested ones) are battle spaces for culture-centric global conflicts.  According to current Pentagon thinking, the near future will continue to see hybrid war, where conventional force is mixed up with a profusion of other strategies — undermining government institutions, sudden terror, organized violence, criminal activity, misinformation, rampant ideology, manufactured disruptive events, economic sanction, and technological paralysis — all taking place within the dense urban cityscape.  Non-state actors have access to weapons formerly only national governments could procure.  Therefore, their alliances and support networks need penetrating scrutiny.

Already, radical Democrat Islamists are in Congress and occupy other positions of power throughout the nation — courtesy of Obama's largesse.  It is obvious they cannot revere the state while their chief loyalty is to Islam's proselytizing ambition (dressed up in progressive garb) and when they continue to be psychologically enmeshed in their violent, conflict-ridden histories, which are prone to view the USA as the "Great Satan" infidel.

From the above evidence, we must draw the conclusion that the radical Left holds the nation-state and the Constitution in low esteem.  Not only is this disregard embedded within their ideology, but the state also presents an obstacle on their path to the New World Order of supra-national governance.  For this reason, radical Left Democrats have given themselves permission to take a wrecking ball to the fabric of the nation.  They have already utilized many tactics in the hybrid war arsenal, and their alliance with radical Islam and the globalists ensures that they will continue to overlook the malevolence of the former and pander to the machinations of the latter.  I therefore submit that the radical Left is an enemy of state — and ought to be treated accordingly.

CNN Contributor Admits Joe Biden Has a Ukraine Problem, Son Hunter Was Paid By Burisma For Influence-Peddling

Joe Biden’s son Hunter Biden has some problems of influence-peddling with a Ukrainian company called Burisma, where he was placed on the board even though he had no experience in the gas industry or the energy industry, plus no experience with Ukraine’s economy or Ukrainian utilities and how they work there.

Hunter was paid over $85,000 a month combined with a consulting salary.  How can someone be on the board of a company and a paid consultant at the same time?  Only in the Democrat world.

On Tuesday, political scientist Ian Bremmer told CNN that the whole thing was an  influence-peddling scheme that could hurt the former vice president’s 2020 campaign.  Now you know why the Fake News media and Nancy Pelosi are attacking Trump using the best projection they can muster — by accusing Trump of the things that Biden has actually done.

“[Joe] Biden does have a problem here. I have to say $50,000 a month for Hunter Biden—clearly to be selling influence because otherwise, no one would ever pay him that kind of money—for a company that, frankly, was pretty corrupt and has been before and has been since under investigation,” Bremmer said. 

Bremmer is the Time magazine editor-at-large, and president of Eurasia Group, which is why it’s amazing that he’s being open and honest about Biden’s troubles.

During an appearance on CNN’s New Day, he said that Hunter Biden was named to the board of Burisma, Ukraine’s largest private gas company, for his ability to sell influence during the Obama administration, and pick up a cool million-plus a year.

Bremmer argued that the former vice president more-than-likely was aware of his son’s ties to the company and its ongoing corruption woes.

“It’s hard to imagine Joe Biden wasn’t aware of it,” Bremmer said. “I expect that President Obama, if he had known about the reality of the situation, would’ve probably told Biden ‘get rid of this, we shouldn’t have your son working in this situation.’ That would have cost him something. I fear even if maybe Biden wasn’t aware, but Biden should’ve been aware that that would cause an issue for him.”

Vice President Joe Biden got his son the gig.  There is no other way Hunter could have gotten that lucrative sweetheart deal.  He simply did not have the skills needed for such a high position on the board of a gas company.

Joe Biden, as Vice President, threatened the Ukraine president to withhold $1 billion in U.S. aid unless he fired a chief prosecutor who happened to be investigating Burisma and Hunter Biden.  Word is the prosecutor’s office was about to request to interview Hunter.  Can you imagine what news of that would have done to the Democrat Party in the 2016 election? 

Trump Thanks Defenders, Blasts Dems Amid Impeachment Inquiry

 Article in "Newsmax":

President Donald Trump accused Democrats of being "frozen with hatred and fear" and said he has been treated worse than any president in history.

His comments came in a Wednesday morning tweet.

He wrote: "There has been no President in the history of our Country who has been treated so badly as I have. The Democrats are frozen with hatred and fear. They get nothing done. This should never be allowed to happen to another President. Witch Hunt!"
Earlier, Trump sent out a flood of thank you tweets to those who have come to his defense, including Fox Business Network host Lou Dobbs, Fox News' Jeanine Pirro, House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., and constitutional law attorney Jenna Ellis Rives.

Trump also commented on remarks by Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., who speculated during an interview on Fox News that Democrats had opened impeachment proceedings because they believe they're going to lose in 2020.
Trump remarked on Twitter: "Sooooo true."

In addition, the president took time to plug a book by former federal prosecutor Andrew McCarthy.
Trump tweeted: "Great new book by the brilliant Andrew McCarthy, BALL OF COLLUSION, THE PLOT TO RIG AN ELECTION AND DESTROY A PRESIDENCY. Get it, and some other great new books which I will soon be recommending. They tell you about the Crooked Pols and the Witch Hunt that has now been exposed!"

President Donald Trump


“They Have Walked Into a Trap!”…Democrats to Pay a Heavy Price

Rudy Giuliani appeared on the Laura Ingraham program, and he said that the Democrats have walked into a trap. On Wednesday, both the phone transcript and the IG report on the alleged whistleblower will be released. The transcript would not be released unless it was exculpatory, and the IG determined that the alleged whistleblower, being represented by a lawyer who has represented both Hillary Clinton and Chuck Schumer, had a political bias towards a Democrat candidate.

Rudy dropped some major bombs, such as the fact that Hunter Biden received three million dollars from Burisma in Ukraine, despite the fact that he had zero experience in energy. Giuliani also explained that the money going to Biden was laundered.

Giuliani said:
“I have the records of $3 million payments laundered to Biden’s son. I have the records. I have the dates. It went from Ukraine, to Latvia to Cyprus, Cyprus to him. That’s called evidence of guilty knowledge… He got $1.5 billion from China! $1.5 Billion!… They bought the Vice President of the United States!”
President Trump personal attorney and former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani went on with Laura Ingraham on Tuesday night following Nancy Pelosi’s big impeachment announcement.
Democrats announced on Tuesday they will open an impeachment investigation on President Trump for speaking to the Ukrainian president on the phone about the Biden Crime Family’s money laundering from the Ukrainian people.
Rudy then went on to explain his role in the Ukrainian investigation. They’re not going to intimidate me! I never realized the depth of the corruption! I never knew the depth of this corruption. It’s massive, it’s shocking. And if I played a role in getting that out I did a service to my country and I’m proud of it. And everything I did was legal and defensible.”
Laura continued to interrupt Rudy throughout the interview.
Rudy then broke this development. He was investigating Ukraine because the Ukrainian prosecutor installed by Biden dismissed the case on the organization that was collecting false information on Donald Trump, on Paul Manafort and feeding it to the Democratic National Committee. “That organization was run by George Soros who then hired the crooked FBI agent who is now working for George Soros.”

Hostage video, rope-a-dope or both?

The Resistance, who wasted no time celebrating after Nancy’s cop-out announcement, have set themselves up for yet another crippling disappointment.

“I have been treated very well by my captors.”

Yesterday, in what can only be described as a hostage video, Nancy Pelosi stood before news cameras and announced that the Democrat-controlled House will continue unofficially trying to impeach President Trump for the high crime of defeating Hillary Clinton in 2016.

Despite resisting the impeachment fever for months, Nancy’s hand was forced by the so-called Squad, the Impeachment-eager media, and the Twitter ResistanceLOL.

The Squad has been holding Nancy captive for nine months.  They know they can’t defeat Donald Trump at the ballot box.  So they’re hoping impeachment will do what voters won’t.

Nancy had two choices — either get on board or face the wrath of the ResistanceLOL.

This never would have happened if Nancy had stood up to the Radical Fringe. But she didn’t. She caved and caved and caved some more. And now her Frankenstein monster is coming for her.

What choice did Nancy have but to do a hostage video saying all the buzzwords her captors expect?  I can just imagine AOC and Rashida Tlaib standing outside of view wearing balaclavas and holding AK-47s on their captive as she spoke to the cameras.

With Nancy’s hostage video, ResistanceLOL Twitter erupted with uncontained delight.  Finally!  Finally Trump is going down.  THIS TIME WE HAVE HIM!!!

The media is hailing this official announcement of an unofficial “impeachment inquiry” as “HISTORIC!”

Okay, sure.  It’s historic.  But only in the sense that for the first time in history a political party decided to commit suicide leading into an election year.

With that hostage video, Nancy stepped down as Speaker and took up the mantle of Suicide Cult Leader.

Suicide cult leader
I suppose it’s also historic because never in the history of Congress has the Speaker of the House been held hostage by a bunch of radical kooks masquerading as legislators.

The fact is, Nancy’s hostage video was not an announcement of an official impeachment inquiry.  All she did was give her imprimatur to what has already been going on in the Democrat-controlled House since January.
In other words, nothing changed.  Not one thing.

For the House to hold an actual impeachment inquiry, Nancy would need to call a full vote.

And no matter how many threats she gets from the Squad and the ResistanceLOL, Nancy will never do that.

The House went to the Democrats in 2018 thanks to moderate Dems who won swing districts.  Swing voters are not keen on impeaching President Trump.  And if the House officially votes for an impeachment inquiry, those moderate Democrats will be forced to go on the record.  And that will bite them in the ass in November 2020.

She might be a doddering clown, but Pelosi is politically savvy enough to know an official House vote would put an end to the Democrat majority.

In the end, Nancy’s hostage video was nothing but political rope-a-dope.

She’s trying to appease her radical fringe without actually doing anything that would put 2020 at risk.

But it’s already at risk. Nancy echoing any impeachment talk is taking the Democrats down a road that is littered with landmines.

The Squad will never be satisfied with lip-service or half measures.  There is no compromising with them.  So if they catch on that Nancy’s official announcement of an unofficial impeachment inquiry was rope-a-dope, they will be furious.

And not just them.

The ResistanceLOL, who wasted no time yesterday popping open the champagne and doing a victory dance, will be once again left crestfallen just as they were when Hillary lost and when Mueller sputtered out like a wet fart.

Their grief will instantly turn to rage.  And that rage will be directed at Nancy Pelosi.

The ResistanceLOL – including the news media – will accept nothing short of President Trump driven out of office.  But there’s just no “there” there.  And Nancy knows it.

The fact is, Pelosi is in a no-win situation here.

And yesterday’s hostage video did nothing to change that.

When you add to that the fact that the White House will be releasing both the transcript of this supposed “high crime” phone conversation as well as the phony whistleblower’s report, Nancy’s no-win situation can only go from bad to worse.

And of course, waiting in the wings, is the true Ukraine scandal featuring Joe Biden and his son (with a special appearance by the Hillary campaign and the DNC). As I said the other day, this phony whistleblower narrative might set off a bomb, but it will detonate over the wrong target.

Which may explain why President Trump is more than happy to call Nancy’s bluff and release the information.

In the hopes of appeasing her captors, Nancy Pelosi just walked the Democrat House into a propeller.

And I admit, I find that all manner of entertaining.

Go Ahead And Guess Who The Lawyer For The Trump-Ukraine “Whistle-Blower” Is

Raise your hand if you saw this coming?

After days of impeachment fever and breathless hot takes about Trump being taken down by a non-scandal involving a whistle-blower and a call to Ukraine, we are starting to get more information about just who is involved in this. You’d be completely not shocked to learn that the whistle-blower has retained the services of a lawyer who worked for Hillary Clinton and Chuck Schumer, not as a disconnected lawyer, but on their political staffs.

And stick around, because it gets even worse.
The anonymous person who filed a formal, uncorroborated complaint against President Donald Trump for allegedly asking a foreign leader to investigate corruption related to Joe Biden now has a legal team that includes a Democratic operative who worked for Sens. Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) and Hillary Clinton (D-N.Y.).
Andrew Bakaj, now a managing partner at the Compass Rose Legal Group, interned for Schumer in the spring of 2001 and for Clinton in the fall of the same year, according to Bakaj’s LinkedIn page. More recently, Bakaj has worked as an official in the CIA and Pentagon and specializes in whistleblower and security clearances in his legal practice.
You know what I wouldn’t do if I wanted my complaint to be taken seriously and not considered partisan? I wouldn’t go hire a former staffer for Hillary Rodham Clinton who also worked within the agencies in question. That seems like a bit of a conflict, especially when the entire basis of impeachment is presupposed on the condition of the unbiased nature of the whistle-blower.

Oh, but it doesn’t end there. Here’s the really good stuff.
The anonymous U.S. intelligence official accusing President Trump of improperly pressuring Ukraine to investigate Joe Biden is represented by two lawyers who run a group that offers financial help to fired whistleblowers.
Whistleblower Aid was launched in September 2017 — eight months after Trump’s inauguration — with an advertising blitz that involved mobile billboards being driven close to the White House, Congress, outside the Pentagon, and around the headquarters of the CIA and National Security Agency.
The group’s pledge of support, in addition to free legal representation including rent and mortgage assistance, media coaching, and doctor’s bills and counseling, is controversial among lawyers. Critics say it violates attorney ethics.
Yes, you read that right. This lawyer and his group formed an organization that pays anti-Trump “whistle-blowers” to come forward and lodge complaints. Further, they offer free legal representation and a myriad of other payments, including mortgage assistance for some reason.

Now, I’m no legal expert, but that seems pretty low brow and unethical to me. It seems like the kind of situation that would bring partisan actors out of the woodwork in order to benefit from the situation. Especially when the law will protect their anonymity the entire way.

This lawyer himself is anything but an unbiased observer.

The more that comes out, the more political this looks. Let’s say the whistle-blower complaint is released. By what rational is it to even be believed? It’s almost certainly going to be baseless conjecture given what we have already heard. We know he/she has mislead everyone on their knowledge of the Ukraine call, with a report coming out that they never even heard the call for themselves.

Meanwhile, Democrats are prancing around trumpeting impeachment at the poker table while holding a pair of twos. This isn’t going to end well for them. I say bring it on though.

Bernie Sanders Thinks Every Billionaire Is a Policy Failure

Article by Christian Britschgi in "reason":

On Tuesday, Sen. Bernie Sanders (I–Vt.) rolled out his plan for a wealth tax on families whose net worth exceeds $32 million. The purpose of the tax is two-fold: raise revenue for the senator's high-spending domestic agenda, and eliminate supposedly unjust concentrations of private wealth.

That would include anyone worth more than $1 billion, according to Sanders, who tweeted out The New York Times coverage of his proposal with the caption "billionaires should not exist."

Billionaires should not exist.

Sanders' wealth tax ranges from a 1 percent yearly tax on net wealth above $32 million held by a married couple ($16 million for a single person) to an 8 percent tax on a married couple's wealth that exceeds $10 billion ($5 billion for a single person).

This would supposedly raise $4.5 trillion over 10 years, which would then be spent on Sanders' $2.5 trillion housing proposal, universal childcare, and a portion of his $32 trillion Medicare For All plan.

His plan is similar to a wealth tax proposed by Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D–Mass.) earlier this year, which would tax fortunes that exceed $50 million.

Despite the ambitious aims of Sanders' wealth tax proposal, there are good reasons to doubt that it will bring in nearly as much revenue as he is projecting, let alone that it will abolish billionaires.

For starters, the difficulty in valuing the wealth held by the rich on a year-to-year basis would make a wealth tax hard and expensive to administer compared to other forms of taxation.

"The uber wealthy tend to have very hard-to-value assets. They own more than publicly-traded stock, such as real estate holdings, trusts, and business ownership interests," wrote Nicole Kaeding and Kyle Pomerleau for the Tax Foundation in January, when evaluating Warren's wealth tax proposal. "It is difficult to value these assets on an ongoing basis. Imagine a large privately-held company—its value could change almost daily. How would the tax handle these fluctuations?"

The current estate tax, a one-time wealth tax on inheritance, is already a headache for the Internal Revenue Service to administer, Kaeding and Pomerleau point out. The administration of a yearly wealth tax would be even more difficult.

Politically expedient or economically necessary carve-outs and loopholes will also reduce the revenue one can expect a wealth tax to generate, says Chris Edwards, a tax policy scholar with the Cato Institute.

"If they were passed into law there would be all kinds of exemptions and exceptions like farmland. Rich people would move their wealth to those exempted areas and the government wouldn't raise that much money," he says.

This, adds Edwards, is exactly what happened in the 12 European countries that adopted wealth taxes. Revenue was disappointing, raking in on average about .2 percent of GDP. In the U.S. context that would work out to be a little under $40 billion a year, or about 10 percent of what Sanders is claiming his wealth tax will generate.

All but three of the European countries that adopted a wealth tax have since repealed it, citing low revenues, high administration costs, burdensome effects on entrepreneurship, and capital flight.

Sanders has a few ideas on how to make administration easier and prevent the rich from evading his wealth tax, including a "national wealth registry," a 100 percent audit rate for billionaires, and a 40-60 percent tax on wealthy emigrants.

Fewer exemptions, however, means a wealth tax will have harsher economic effects, says Edwards.
"The left-wingers have this idea that most wealth is gold bars underneath the mattresses of rich people," Edwards observes. "Most wealth is actually active business assets. It's the value of the assets that are actively producing and employing people in production."

Taxing these business assets would, in turn, mean less capital investment, argues Edwards, and therefore fewer jobs or lower wages for the workers who would have otherwise been made more productive by that capital investment.

The innumerate problems with a wealth tax, coupled with the fact that much easier means exist for the government to shake down the wealthy, suggests that Sanders' proposal is less about policy and more about signaling.

That is something Reason's Peter Suderman argued in a recent video, observing that "the wealth tax is best understood, not as a revenue raiser, but as a symbolic declaration of opposition to the existence of outsized wealth, regardless of how it was obtained."


Democrats Rush To Impeach Trump Without Viewing Alleged ‘Whistleblower’ Complaint Or Transcripts

House Democrats are pushing forward with impeachment proceedings this week after new allegations, based on hearsay, accused President Donald Trump of conspiring with a foreign power to investigate political opponents.

On Tuesday, during a speech on the House floor, Rep. John Lewis, D-Ga., officially endorsed impeachment along with other lawmakers who came out in favor of pursuing the proceedings. Reports suggest House Speaker Nancy Pelosi will join the rest of her caucus Tuesday evening in pushing for impeachment.

“I truly believe the time to begin impeachment proceedings against this president has come,” Lewis wrote on Twitter.

Pelosi — who has been hesitant to get behind Democrats calling for impeachment, as many members of her caucus hail from moderate districts whose members oppose the measure — is expected to join the calls for impeachment after discussing the proceedings with House Democrats in light of the new allegations against the president.

The push for impeachment comes as the White House faces heightened scrutiny over a July phone call between Trump and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky. An apparent “whistleblower,” who, according to reports, has no firsthand knowledge of the conversation, has submitted a formal complaint accusing the president of requesting that the foreign leader investigate 2020 Democratic front-runner and former Vice President Joe Biden and his son Hunter Biden over their business dealings with a Ukrainian energy company.

The intelligence inspector general deemed the complaint credible and urgent, but officials at the Department of National Intelligence have come to a different conclusion and have not released the report to Congress.

Democrats on the campaign trail have also used the new allegations as ammunition to fuel their persistent calls for impeachment.

Impeachment is a risk for Democrats, however, as the public remains opposed to the measure. A recent Politico/Morning Consult poll shows only 37 percent of voters support the start of impeachment proceedings against Trump. 

Socialism Demands Surrender of Freedom and Offers Government Orthodoxy in Return

 Article by James Gottry in "Townhall":

Much ink has been spilled discussing the economic impact of socialism. Indeed, I’ve spilled some of that ink myself – at least in digital form.

But beyond its crippling economic effects, socialism takes something of even greater value: our freedom. Consider the lessons from history. Bill Federer writes that in the former Soviet Union:
  • privacy was nonexistent
  • press was censored
  • free speech disappeared
  • healthcare was rationed
  • economy was regulated
  • private industry was collectivized
  • political dissent was punished
  • media and entertainment was propagandized
  • children’s education became indoctrination
  • marriage and families were subject to social engineering
  • religion was suppressed
  • human life was valued only by its usefulness to the soviet society

Why? Because socialism is not just – or even primarily – an economic matter. History demonstrates that economic freedom is directly tied to other freedoms and benefits. As offered by Kay Cole James, the president of the Heritage Foundation, these include “greater individual freedom, better health, more educational options, and a cleaner environment.”

In contrast, a government that “knows best” when it comes to economics will soon assert its superiority when it comes to education, parenting, religious doctrine, and even human sexuality.

These are not theoretical shifts, nor is this idle speculation about slippery slopes. Consider speech codes on university campuses. Consider the Ohio court that removed a 17-year-old girl from her parents when they objected to her receiving hormone treatments and declined to refer to her by the male name she had chosen. Consider the case of Colorado cake artist Jack Phillips and other creative professionals, whom government officials have repeatedly targeted with threats of fines or even imprisonment because of their faith. Or consider the proposed federal Equality Act, which would impose the government’s view of sexual orientation and gender identity nationwide.

In short, socialism offers forced conformity to a leftist worldview, both economically and socially. And it is not an a la carte menu. If you’re still not convinced, consider this excerpt from Jarrett Stepman’s article, I Went to a Socialism Conference. Here Are My 6 Observations.
"Socialists at the conference focused more on social change, rather than electoral politics, but there were still many core public policy issues that animated them; notably, “Medicare for All” and government run-health care, some kind of Green New Deal to stop global warming (and more importantly, abolish capitalism), open borders to increase class consciousness and promote transnational solidarity, removing all restrictions on—and publicly funding—abortion, and breaking down social and legal distinctions between the sexes.

"They were particularly able to weave their issues together through the thread of “oppressor versus oppressed” class conflict—for instance, supporting government-run health care meant also unquestioningly supporting unfettered abortion and transgender rights."

These words should gravely concern supporters of freedom. Socialism is being used as a vehicle for attacks on religious freedom, children, the family, and even biological realities. Let us not forget, a government that gains more control does not easily surrender it. And a government that controls the means of production and the distribution of wealth will soon use its power to regulate the means of existence and the distribution of ideas.

Socialism hands the government the keys to our economy, our cultural institutions, and our most cherished possession: our freedom. We are blessed to live in America, in a constitutional republic that guarantees government protection of certain inalienable rights that are bestowed by our Creator. We must stand firm against political or cultural efforts to surrender this freedom or to transform the government from the guarantor of our rights to the source of those rights.

Socialism pulls back innovation, disincentivizes success, and rewards failure. And it comes at a steep cost that we cannot afford to pay: our freedom.