Monday, September 23, 2019

Rudy Giuliani Discusses Biden’s Corrupt Ukraine and China Interests With Maria Bartiromo

Oh how the controlled media don’t want people to share the message delivered by Rudy Giuliani Sunday during his interview with John Roberts.  The thought police are out in full control operations today (long and familiar story), I digress.  Now we share information with counter-control processes in place.  Hat Tip Michael Sheridan for Video
Rudy Giuliani appeared Fox News this morning to once again discuss and outline the Joe Biden Ukraine issues with Maria Bartiromo.  

It is not seem accidental this Ukraine story is being hyped by interests in DC and their allies in the media at the exact time when DOJ-IG Michael Horowitz is set to release his extensive report on potential FISA surveillance abuses by the intelligence community.

Here’s the full backstory:

The government of Ukraine under both Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko, and now President Volodymyr Zelensky, had been trying to deliverinformation about Obama officials and Democrat party officials (DNC on behalf of Hillary Clinton) requesting the government of Ukraine to interfere in the 2016 election.

Both Poroshenko and Zelensky administrations had tried, unsuccessfully, to get information to current U.S. officials. U.S. State Department officials in Ukraine were refusing to give visa’s to Ukrainian emissaries because they did not want the damaging information sent to the President Trump administration.

Failing to get help from the U.S. State Department, the Ukranians tried a workaround, and hired a respected U.S. lawyer to hand deliver the documentary evidence directly to the U.S. Department of Justice. The contracted American lawyer hand-delivered the information to the U.S. Department of Justice in New York.

However, after delivering the information and not hearing back from the U.S. government, the Ukrainian government, now led by President Zelensky, interpreted the silence as the Trump administration and U.S. government (writ large) being upset about the Ukraine involvement overall. Out of concern for a serious diplomatic breakdown, the Zelensky administration made a personal request to the U.S. State Department for assistance.

The U.S. State Department then reached out to Trump’s lawyer Rudy Giuliani; and asked him if he would meet with Zelensky’s top lawyer, Andrei Yermak. Rudy Giuliani agreed to act as a diplomatic intermediary and met with Yermak in Spain. After the meeting, Mr. Giuliani then contacted the State Department Officials in charge of Ukraine and Europe and debriefed them on the totality of the subject matter as relayed by Andrei Yermak.
All of this activity preceded the phone call between U.S. President Donald Trump and Ukranian President Volodymyr Zelensky.

President Trump and President Zelensky discussed the issues, and this phone call is the one now referenced by the concerned “whistleblower”. The “whistleblower” obviously had no knowledge of the background and why the subject matter discussed in the phone call was framed as it was.

Apparently in the phone call, President Zelensky was explaining what action the Ukranian government had already taken to try and get the information about corrupt U.S. officials, including former VP Joe Biden, to the U.S. government.

It was from this clarification of information that President Trump is reported to have told Zelensky it was OK to proceed with any internal investigation of corruption in Ukraine that might also encompass former U.S. officials.  Yes, that would include Joe Biden.
From this context we can see how the “whistle-blower”, knowing only half of the information – would seek to weaponize the story with a false narrative. Additionally, there’s a possibility the “whistle-blower” may be ideologically aligned with the same government entities that were trying to block the Ukrainian government from delivering the information in the first place.

Beyond the media, pundits and democrat politicians making fools of themselves, four very significant questions/issues become obvious:
  • (#1) who in the U.S. State Department Ukraine embassy was blocking the visas of Ukrainian officials, and why?
  • (#2) Who was the official at the New York office of the DOJ who took custody of the records hand-delivered by the American lawyer working on behalf of Ukraine?…. and
  • (#3) why were those records never turned over to Main Justice?…. Or
  • (#4) if they were turned over to Main Justice, why didn’t they inform the Trump administration they had received them?
At the end of this fake news narrative parade, these will be the questions that remain.

Muh Russia – 2016 – To get impeachment, they needed obstruction. To get obstruction, they needed an investigation. To get the investigation, they needed evidence. To change the Steele dossier from oppo-research to evidence they needed a FISA. To get a FISA they needed a target. The target was Carter Page.

Muh Ukraine – 2019 – To get impeachment Schiff needs obstruction. To get obstruction, Schiff needs an investigation. To get an investigation Schiff needs evidence. To change political innuendo into evidence, Schiff needs a ‘whistle-blower’. To use a ‘whistle-blower’ they need a report… And guess where we are?

“Biden Did the Very Thing Trump is Accused of”

Intelligence Committee ranking member Devin Nunes appears on Fox News to discuss the Ukraine issues and Joe Biden’s corrupt 2015/2016 efforts to enhance his son’s bank account through Ukraine financing. President Trump tweeted in response to this interview: 

The Democrat Left is the Party of Racism, Divisiveness, and Balkanization

Article written by Civus Americanus in "The American Thinker":

A quote misattributed to Joseph Goebbels says, "Accuse the other side of that which you are guilty."  The Democrat Left has, however, put this advice into practice by accusing Republicans in general, President Trump in particular, and "deplorables" as a whole, of its own racist, anti-Semitic, anti-Christian, ageist, and otherwise divisive and Balkanizing practices.

The Democrat Left calls Donald Trump a racist and white nationalist as if these were statements of fact, but it can offer no objective evidence in the form of hate speech against anybody's race or ethnicity — the very kind of hate speech in which the Left itself deals wholesale on an almost routine basis.

New Jersey Democrats: "Jew Down" is not Anti-Semitic
New Jersey Democrat Kathy McBride used the phrase "Jew down" while fellow Democrat Robin Vaughn dismissed this phrase as an ordinary verb rather than an anti-Semitic slur.  I wonder how these two African-Americans would feel if somebody similarly excused the N-word because it means literally "black" and nothing more.  Nobody would buy that excuse, and the African-American registry not only describes the Latin origin of the N-word but also cites "Jew him down" as an example of "explicit group devaluations."  Vaughn deserves credit for apologizing subsequently, but the bottom line is that a total of three Democrats, including George Muschal, behaved at first as though there is nothing wrong with the phrase "Jew down."

Do Jews Make Matzos from the Blood of Murdered Palestinians?
We will have to look to Christine Olivo, a Democrat running for Congress in Florida's 24th District, for the answer.  Olivo tweeted on September 16, 

"Everyone thinks that if you side with the Palestinians then you're anti-Semitic. WTF! We can't turn a blind eye to the suffering that they're enduring at the hands of people that have endured great suffering themselves. THEIR HOUSES ARE BEING BULLDOZED WITH THEM IN IT! #Godhelpus."  

The tweet may have been taken down, but I saw it when it was online, and it is still in Google cache as of September 20.

Yes, Christine, if you side with the Hamas-governed Palestinians, then you are siding with terrorists, the same way that anybody who supported Nazi-governed Germany was a Nazi sympathizer.

Women's march board member Zahra Billoo has gone even farther than Olivo by stating that "Israel is an apartheid, racist state, which engages in terrorism against Palestinians."  This is yet another deployment of Joseph Goebbels's purported advice because Hamas is the terrorist organization that also discriminates against Jews, Christians, and peaceful Muslims.

If people are inclined to dismiss Billoo as an aberration who does not represent the Democratic Left, we can add the Democratic Left's counterpart in the United Kingdom.  Labor Party leader Jeremy Corbyn has depicted Hamas and Hezb'allah, the organization behind the murder of 241 U.S. Marines and other service personnel in Lebanon, as "his friends."  At what point will American voters, and British voters as well, perform a clean sweep of tacit and even open promoters of terrorist organizations?  Friends don't let friends vote Labor in the U.K., or Democrat Left in the U.S.

The DemLeft's Divisive Racial Identity Politics
Squad member Ayanna Pressley (D-Mass.) said, "We don't need any more brown faces that don't want to be a brown voice.  We don't need any more black faces that don't want to be a black voice."  Racial identity politics are racist by definition.  Squad member Ilhan Omar added, "This is not going to be the country of white people," thus again appealing to racial divisiveness.  The Congressional Black Caucus proclaims hilariously that it wants to "root out racism" when an entity like a Black Caucus is racist by definition; a Congressional White Caucus would almost certainly come with sheets, hoods, and burning crosses.  The Civil Rights Act of 1964 was in fact opposed by the equivalent of a "White Caucus" with a genuine (former) Ku Klux Klansman filibustering for roughly 14 hours.

The Democratic Left, meanwhile, consorts openly with Al Sharpton, who has used some very interesting words for white people in general ("white interloper" during the 1995 Freddy's Fashion Mart incident), Jews in particular  ("diamond merchants"), Asians ("Chinamen"), LGBT people ("punk faggot" and "Greek homos"), police officers ("pigs"), and even black people he dislikes (the N-word).  Louis Farrakhan, while less popular with the Democratic Left, is still welcomed by some elements while he equates Jews with termites and depicts white people as "potential humans" who have yet to evolve.

These extreme views are not limited to controversial figures like Sharpton and Farrakhan.  Maxine Waters encouraged her followers to harass members of the Trump administration: "And if you see anybody from that Cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd.  And you push back on them.  And you tell them they're not welcome anymore, anywhere."  That sounds a lot like what night-riding Ku Klux Klansmen once did to black people who moved into white neighborhoods.

The Democrat Left Lines Up with Terrorists
Squad member Rashida Tlaib tweeted (link available 8/9/19), "When will the world stop dehumanizing our Palestinian people who just want to be free?"  Tlaib also argued "that Palestinians are not responsible for terrorism or vitriol, even as she has lambasted the president's use of words and called Israel a white-supremacist nation."  Tlaib leaves us to suppose that all the bombings, knife attacks, vehicular attacks, arson attacks, and rocket attacks on Israel perpetrate themselves, or perhaps bogeymen or indeed anybody but Tlaib's Palestinian people are responsible.  Her fellow Squad member Ilhan Omar tweeted, "Israel has hypnotized the world, may Allah awaken the people and help them see the evil doings of Israel" while adding, "It's all about the Benjamins ($100 bills), baby" — an obvious reference to Jews and money.

The Democrat Left Defines Senior Citizens and Christians as the Enemy
The Democratic Left has also (2018) depicted Trump-supporting Christians and a Christian-owned business as trash.  A "Knock the Vote" ad from 2018 demonized senior citizens, with one older woman saying, "Climate change?  That's a you problem.  I'll be dead soon."  Will the next step involve Sandmen from Logan's Run, with Democratic Donkeys on their uniforms, reducing Social Security and Medicare expenses by terminating senior citizens?  Prominent Democrats have also fomented racial division by calling for reparations for slavery to be paid by people who never owned slaves to people who never were slaves.

The intellectually and morally bankrupt Democratic Left, therefore, has nothing to offer our country but hatred of Jews, hatred of Christians, hatred of senior citizens, class warfare, divisive racial identity politics, tacit support for foreign terrorist organizations, and overall Balkanization of the United States.  Everybody who believes in American values, American unity, and American ideals needs to repudiate this agenda at the ballot box in 2020.

Ukrainian to US prosecutors: Why don't you want our evidence on Democrats?

Ukrainian law enforcement officials believe they have evidence of wrongdoing by American Democrats and their allies in Ukraine, ranging from 2016 election interference to obstructing criminal probes. 

The views expressed by contributors are their own and not the view of The Hill

Ukrainian law enforcement officials believe they have evidence of wrongdoing by American Democrats and their allies in Kiev, ranging from 2016 election interference to obstructing criminal probes. But, they say, they've been thwarted in trying to get the Trump Justice Department to act.

Kostiantyn Kulyk, deputy head of the Prosecutor General's International Legal Cooperation Department, told me he and other senior law enforcement officials tried unsuccessfully since last year to get visas from the U.S. Embassy in Kiev to deliver their evidence to Washington.

"We were supposed to share this information during a working trip to the United States," Kulyk told me in a wide-ranging interview. "However, the [U.S.] ambassador blocked us from obtaining a visa. She didn't explicitly deny our visa, but also didn't give it to us."
One focus of Ukrainian investigators, Kulyk said, has been money spirited unlawfully out of Ukraine and moved to the United States by businessmen friendly to the prior, pro-Russia regime of Viktor Yanukovych.

Ukrainian businessmen "authorized payments for lobbying efforts directed at the U.S. government," he told me. "In addition, these payments were made from funds that were acquired during the money-laundering operation. We have information that a U.S. company was involved in these payments." That company is tied to one or more prominent Democrats, Ukrainian officials insist.

In another instance, he said, Ukrainian authorities gathered evidence that money paid to an American Democrat allegedly was hidden by Ukraine's National Anti-Corruption Bureau (NABU) during the 2016 election under pressure from U.S. officials. "In the course of this investigation, we found that there was a situation during which influence was exerted on the NABU, so that the name of [the American] would not be mentioned," he said.

Ukraine is infamous for corruption and disinformation operations; its police agencies fight over what is considered evidence of wrongdoing. Kulyk and his bosses even have political fights over who should and shouldn't be prosecuted. Consequently, allegations emanating from Kiev usually are taken with a grain a salt.

But many of the allegations shared with me by more than a half-dozen senior Ukrainian officials are supported by evidence that emerged in recent U.S. court filings and intelligence reports. The Ukrainians told me their evidence includes:
  • Sworn statements from two Ukrainian officials admitting that their agency tried to influence the 2016 U.S. presidential election in favor of Hillary Clinton. The effort included leaking an alleged ledger showing payments to then-Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort;
  • Contacts between Democratic figures in Washington and Ukrainian officials that involved passing along dirt on Donald Trump;
  • Financial records showing a Ukrainian natural gas company routed more than $3 million to American accounts tied to Hunter Biden, younger son of then-Vice President Joe Biden, who managed U.S.-Ukraine relations for the Obama administration. Biden's son served on the board of a Ukrainian natural gas company, Burisma Holdings;
  • Records that Vice President Biden pressured Ukrainian officials in March 2016 to fire the prosecutor who oversaw an investigation of Burisma Holdings and who planned to interview Hunter Biden about the financial transfers;
  • Correspondence showing members of the State Department and U.S. Embassy in Kiev interfered or applied pressure in criminal cases on Ukrainian soil;
  • Disbursements of as much as $7 billion in Ukrainian funds that prosecutors believe may have been misappropriated or taken out of the country, including to the United States.
Ukrainian officials say they don't want to hand the evidence to FBI agents working in Ukraine because they believe the bureau has a close relationship with the NABU and the U.S. Embassy. "It is no secret in Ukrainian political circles that the NABU was created with American help and tried to exert influence during the U.S. presidential election," Kulyk told me.

Kulyk's boss, Prosecutor General Yuriy Lutsenko, told me he has enough evidence - particularly involving Biden, his family and money spirited out of Ukraine - to warrant a meeting with U.S. Attorney General William Barr. "I'm looking forward to meeting with the attorney general of the United States in order to start and facilitate our joint investigation regarding the appropriation of another $7 billion in U.S. dollars with Ukrainian legal origin," Lutsenko said.

wrote last week that Biden, in 2016, pressured Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko to fire Ukraine's top prosecutor, Viktor Shokin, who was investigating Burisma.
Kulyk confirmed Ukraine is investigating that alleged incident: "We have evidence and witnesses stating that Joe Biden applied pressure on Ukrainian law enforcement to stop the investigation."

Ukrainians officials have gone public in recent days with their frustrations after months of trying to deliver the evidence quietly to the Trump Department of Justice (DOJ) fizzled. Unable to secure visas from the U.S. Embassy, some Ukrainian law enforcement officials sought backdoor channels, Kulyk said.

One of those avenues involved reaching out last fall to a former federal prosecutor from the George W. Bush years, according to interviews. He delivered a written summary of some of the Ukrainian allegations to the U.S. attorney's office in Manhattan, along with an offer to connect U.S. investigators with individuals purporting to have the evidence. There was no response or follow-up, according to multiple people directly familiar with the effort.

More recently, President Trump's private attorney Rudy Giuliani - former mayor and former U.S. attorney in New York City - learned about some of the allegations while, on behalf of the Trump legal team, he looked into Ukrainian involvement in the 2016 election.

Since then, Lutsenko and others have talked with other American lawyers about helping to file U.S. legal action to recover money they believe was wrongly taken from their country.
"It's like no one at DOJ is listening. There is some compelling evidence that should at least be looked at, evaluated, but the door seems shut at both State and Justice," said an American who has been contacted for help and briefed on the evidence.

State Department officials declined to address whether they denied or slow-walked visas for Ukrainian officials. "Visa records are confidential under U.S. law; therefore, we cannot discuss the details of individual visa cases," a department spokesperson said.

Ukraine's evidence, if true, would mark the first documented allegation of Democrats receiving assistance from a foreign power in their efforts to help Clinton win the 2016 election.

"It looks like there is some evidence emerging that there could have been a proxy war between Russia and Ukraine to secure their preferred American president during the 2016 race," said a former top intelligence official who now advises the Trump administration on intelligence policy.

There is public-source information, in Ukraine and in the United States, that gives credence to some of what Ukrainian prosecutors allege.

A court in Ukraine formally concluded that law enforcement officials there illegally tried to intervene in the 2016 U.S. election by leaking documents of Manafort's business dealings after he was named Trump's campaign chairman. And a Ukrainian parliamentarian released a purported tape recording of a top Ukrainian law enforcement official bragging that he was responsible for the leak and was trying to help Clinton win.
Lutsenko told Hill.TV in an interview aired last week that he has opened a criminal investigation into those allegations.

Nellie Ohr, wife of a senior Justice official and a researcher for the Fusion GPS opposition research firm, testified to Congress last year that some of Fusion GPS's research on Trump-Russia ties came from a Ukrainian parliamentarian. The Democratic Party and the Clinton campaign paid Fusion GPS to dig up dirt on Trump.

Although Ohr acknowledged the Ukrainian source, lawmakers did not press her to be more specific.

And Politico reported in 2017 on evidence of Ukraine's U.S. embassy helping the Clinton campaign to discredit Trump. "A Ukrainian-American operative who was consulting for the Democratic National Committee met with top officials in the Ukrainian Embassy in Washington in an effort to expose ties between Trump, top campaign aide Paul Manafort and Russia," the newspaper reported.

Separately, the conservative nonprofit Citizens United last month filed a lawsuit seeking to force the State Department to disclose all information it possesses about Hunter Biden and his business partners involved with Ukraine-based Burisma Holdings.

If Ukrainian prosecutors can augment their allegations with real evidence, there could be a true case of collusion worth investigating.

The only question is why the U.S. government so far hasn't taken interest - and whether Attorney General Barr will change that.

Press Secretary Stephanie Grisham Discusses Current Events

President Trump is in New York City for the majority of this week attending the United Nations General Assembly.  Today, White House Press Secretary Stephanie Grisham makes two rare appearances on television to discuss ongoing events/issues. 

Ms Grisham also appeared on Fox Business News with Maria Bartiromo.

First Lady Melania Trump rings the opening bell at the New York Stock Exchange

On Monday September 23, Melania Trump rang the opening bell at the New York Stock Exchange.
The First Lady was joined by elementary school students from the United Nations International School as a part of her "Be Best" initiative, Fox Business reported.
Trump wore a form-fitting cap-sleeved black dress with classic black pumps, creating a look that was both business-forward and timeless.

WhistleblowerGate detonates over the wrong target

Now that WhistleblowerGate threatens to sink Biden and expose Obama’s corruption, 
do you think Wile E. Schiff is regretting his latest Acme Scheme?

There’s a reason I call the Democrats the Wile E. Coyote Party.  So determined are they to catch Roadrunner Trump that they try one crazy scheme after another.  And, just like with the Coyote, their crazy schemes tend to blow up in their faces.
Take the latest Acme Strategy, WhistleblowerGate.
Adam Schiff – chief Coyote among them – was so certain that WhistleblowerGate would snare President  Roadrunner that he quickly spread the news to all his favorable press contacts.
And already WhistleblowerGate is exploding all over the Wile E. Coyote Party.
First, the whistleblower isn’t a whistleblower at all.  This phone call between Trump and Ukraine’s President wasn’t even heard by the guy.
Even CNN grudgingly admitted this in an article with this “explosive” headline: “New revelations deepen scandal over whistleblower complaint.”
Waaaaaaay down in the article, CNN includes this:
The whistleblower didn’t have direct knowledge of the communications, an official briefed on the matter told CNN. Instead, the whistleblower’s concerns came in part from learning information that was not obtained during the course of their work, and  those details have played a role in the administration’s determination that the complaint didn’t fit the reporting requirements under the intelligence whistleblower law, the official said.
Despite this rather revealing news, CNN still tries to paint WhistleblowerGate as the thing that will destroy Trump’s Presidency.
This time Wile E. Coyote has that Roadrunner for sure!!!
There is far more to this story than the idiot Democrats and their media handmaids want to admit.  And none of it is bad for Trump.
Instead, it is very likely that this “explosive” WhistleblowerGate story will detonate over the heads of the Obama Administration.
Good going, Schiffty! 
Both Poroshenko and Zelensky administrations had tried, unsuccessfully, to get information to current U.S. officials. U.S. State Department officials in Ukraine were refusing to give visa’s to Ukrainian emissaries because they did not want the damaging information sent to the President Trump administration.
Failing to get help from the U.S. State Department, the Ukranians [sic] tried a workaround, and hired a respected U.S. lawyer to hand deliver the documentary evidence directly to the U.S. Department of Justice. The contracted American lawyer hand-delivered the information to the U.S. Department of Justice in New York.
However, after delivering the information and not hearing back from the U.S.  government, the Ukrainian government, now led by President Zelensky, interpreted the silence as the Trump administration and U.S. government (writ large) being upset about the Ukraine involvement overall. Out of concern for a serious diplomatic breakdown, the Zelensky administration made a personal request to the U.S. State Department for assistance.
And whom did State send to meet with Ukrainian officials?
Rudy Giuliani.
All of that happened before this now infamous “phone call” took place.
More from CTH:
President Trump and President Zelensky discussed the issues, and this phone call is the one now referenced by the concerned “whistleblower”. The “whistleblower” obviously  had no knowledge of the background and why the subject matter discussed in the phone call was framed as it was.
Apparently in the phone call, President Zelensky was explaining what action the Ukranian [sic] government had already taken to try and get the information about corrupt U.S. officials, including former VP Joe Biden, to the U.S. government.
It was from this clarification of information that President Trump is reported to have told Zelensky it was OK to proceed with any internal investigation of corruption in Ukraine that might also encompass former U.S. officials. Yes, that would include Joe Biden.
What’s more, Ukrainian Foreign Minister Vadym Prystaiko is on record saying the phone call is being misrepresented – which isn’t that shocking since this supposed heroic whistleblower has no direct  knowledge of what transpired in that call.
This information makes WhistleblowerGate look less like a Trump scandal and more like another scandal from the supposed “scandal-free” Obama Administration.
Besides which, given the media’s willingness to peddle Schiff’s WhistleblowerGate, Americans are now hearing much more about Vice President Biden strongarming the Ukrainians to shield his son Hunter from prosecution. 

I cannot for the life of me understand why Adam Schiff didn’t see this coming.
But then again, it seemed to take the news media by surprise as well. 
This my friends is not a Trump Scandal.
So enjoy getting hit with all that shrapnel, Democrats.
You have nobody to blame but yourselves.
Oh, and by the way.  Guess who is meeting with President Trump this week?
Ukrainian President Zelensky.
Make sure to stock up on popcorn, folks.  Because I’m thinking the Wile E. Coyote Party’s troubles are about to get worse. 

Mike Pompeo Suggests That Joe Biden Might Actually Need Investigation for Corruption and Election Interference

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo was on ABC’s This Week program and naturally the whole Ukraine kerfuffle was discussed. Pompeo said some expected stuff. No, we’re not on the brink of war with Iran. No, we’re very unlikely to release the transcript of President Trump’s call with Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky. No, Pompeo doesn’t see this a a particularly big deal. 

But then there was this
POMPEO: I think I saw a statement from the Ukrainian foreign minister yesterday, said there was no pressure applied in the course of the conversation. I do think — I do think, if Vice President Biden behaved inappropriately, if he was protecting his son and intervened with the Ukrainian leadership in a way that was corrupt, I do think we need to get to the bottom of that, Martha. And I — I hope that we will. I hope that, if Vice President Biden engaged in behavior that was inappropriate, I hope the American people will come to learn that. America can’t have…
RADDATZ: We’ve seen no evidence of that yet. But I want to go back to the question.
POMPEO: America cannot have our elections interfered with. America cannot have our elections interfered with. And if — if that’s what took place there, if there was that kind of activity engaged in by Vice President Biden, we need to know.
Two interesting points here.

First, Pompeo is not dismissing out of hand the stench of corruption than hangs over Joe Biden links to his ne’er do well kid getting a seat on the board of directors of a Ukrainian gas company run by one of their economic oligarchs and to Biden’s admitted interference in Ukraine’s judicial process to his son’s benefit. Second, he’s clearly tying Biden’s actions in relation to Ukraine to the efforts by the Obama administration…or at least the faction that was hoping to ride Mrs. Clinton’s more-than-ample-acres-wide coattails to continued power….to aid the Clinton campaign. (See Elizabeth Vaughn’s The Real Foreign Collusion Occurred Between Pro-Clinton Ukrainians And The DNC and U.S. Embassy Pressured Ukrainian Officials To End Investigation Of Soros Group In 2016.) The comment, “America cannot have our elections interfered with. And if — if that’s what took place there, if there was that kind of activity engaged in by Vice President Biden, we need to know,” nearly caused Martha Raddatz to stroke out.

Unlike Trump, Pompeo is not a bomb-thrower. I have to suspect that he has some reason to throw campaign interference into the mix other than mere amusement. Given the role the State Department played in moving the Steele Dossier into the proper channels, I have little doubt that there is more on that angle just waiting to be revealed. 

Democrats Plot A Coup Against Kavanaugh

From the internet fever swamps of the left-wing commentariat, plans have emerged to remove Brett Kavanaugh from the Supreme Court by any means necessary.

Last year, Democrats tried every trick in the book to prevent Brett Kavanaugh from being confirmed to the Supreme Court. They failed. Now, they’re at it again.
Kavanaugh was confirmed and seated on the court, but for a certain kind of rabid political mind, that fact is no hindrance. From the internet fever swamps of the left-wing commentariat, plans have emerged to remove Kavanaugh from the court by any means necessary. The madness has even spread to Congress, with radicals in the House calling for impeachment already.
Federal judges serve for life, or until they retire, and the only way any judge’s tenure has ever been cut short besides that has been through the impeachment process described in the Constitution. So the anti-Kavanaugh people seem to have a nearly impossible task: asking a Senate that just confirmed him with a majority of votes to unseat him with a super-majority. Faced with the cold truth of the Constitution and the hard math of the Senate, they have instead floated a variety of crackpot theories that will let them do what they want anyway.

A Removal Theory Made of Thin Air

For now, most voters are happy to move on and settle our political differences in the traditional way: at the ballot box. But as we saw earlier this week in Voxclever minds are at work in subverting the independent judiciary. Ian Millhiser, late of the defunct ThinkProgress blog, now a correspondent for Vox, led the charge.
Drawing on a 2006 law review article by professors Saikrishna Prakash and Steven D. Smith, Millhiser puts forth the idea that there are other, never before imagined, ways of removing federal judges from the bench. (Professor Aziz Huq of the University of Chicago wrote a similar article last year in the Washington Post, also citing Prakash and Smith.)
Millhiser makes much of the authors’political orientation, saying that they are conservative, so this is no lefty trick. It’s the same perverse appeal to authority that featured in the Obamacare debates, when the existence of a similar plan by a Heritage Foundation scholar was trumpeted as evidence of its bipartisan appeal.
Normally, leftist authors would use the professors’ politics in ad hominem attacks to dismiss their scholarship; when the scholarship is useful, though, the attacks are reversed without a hint of embarrassment. A neat rhetorical trick.

Define ‘Good Behavior’

The Prakash and Smith article is mainly an examination of the term “good behavior.” We say that federal judges have their jobs for life, but the exact phrasing of the constitutional provision is that “Judges, both of the supreme and inferior Courts, shall hold their Offices during good Behavior.” “Good behavior” here is a legal term of art with hundreds of years of precedent behind it in English history. Prakash and Smith looked into what, exactly, that meant.
English kings once appointed and removed judges by whim, so the “good behavior” phrase was originally a safeguard against that, a step on the road toward an independent judiciary. What it meant, in essence, was that to remove a judge from office, a king had to prove he “had misbehaved and thus had violated the conditions attached to his commission.” The guarantee was likely designed to attract better judges, men who did not want their tenure to be determined by whether the king liked their rulings.
After the many abuses of the judicial system by the monarchs of the Stuart dynasty, judicial independence became important in English law and, later, was included in America’s state and federal constitutions. Judges, it was agreed, should be secure in their tenure, and only removable after a trial, or something like one.

Constitutional Changes Require Amendments

In some early state constitutions, impeachment was just one of several ways of accomplishing this. Prakash and Smith cite Delaware’s original constitution of 1776. “After granting various officers tenure during good behavior, the Delaware Constitution noted that all officers shall be removed ‘on conviction of misbehavior at common law, or on impeachment, or upon the address of the general assembly.’”
There are a variety of ways a state could choose to remove a judge, and not every state chose impeachment as the sole means of doing it. “Address of the general assembly,” for instance, followed English law in allowing the legislature to remove a judge by majority vote.
On the other hand, the federal Constitution discusses only one means of removing a civil officer: impeachment by the House and conviction in the Senate. Millhiser mentions the case of Judge Roy Moore’s suspension from the Alabama Supreme Court “by a special court that hears complaints against the state’s judges.” Could not the federal government create a similar method of reigning in judicial misbehavior?
Well, they could, but exactly how they might do so would frustrate the radicals’ plans. If they want to follow the Alabama precedent—which might be a first for Millhiser and Vox—they have to ask, how did the Alabama Court of the Judiciary get the power to police the behavior of the state’s judges? The answer: by constitutional amendment.
In 1973, Alabama passed Amendment 328 to their state constitution. That amendment, among other things, established a Judicial Inquiry Board and the Court of the Judiciary. If the federal government wanted a similar system, they could have it—but it would require the same method to bring it about.

Until Then, We Still Have to Follow the Constitution

In the meantime, it is hard to imagine a system of removal that would meet the requirements of the Constitution other than the one specifically mentioned in the Constitution. And American history confirms that point. While there were many methods of judicial removal in England and colonial America, the only way federal judges have ever been removed from office is through impeachment and conviction.
Millhiser writes of this as a norm, but it is rather more than that. The Constitution did not wipe out all legal precedent before it, but it did establish a new basic law to which all preceding law must now conform. Some states provided alternate removal methods in their constitutions, which shows it is possible. But the federal Constitution’s drafters, who were aware of those state constitutions (and in some cases had helped write them) chose not to replicate those provisions.
That alone is a persuasive argument that they did not intend any removal method but the one they did include. Although Prakash and Smith cite some language in the 1790 Crimes Act that could possibly be interpreted to suggest that Congress considered alternate methods, that language could also just as easily be meant to show simply that federal judges may be convicted of crimes while on the bench—something that has happened several times in our history.
This is a sticking point for Millhiser. He seems concerned that if Kavanaugh is convicted of a crime—which he believes likely, apparently—the Senate would refuse to remove him from office. This is at odds with historical practice: when judges have been convicted of crimes in the past, Congress has impeached and removed those who tried to hang on to their seats.
This is not ancient history, either: district judges Harry Claiborne, Alcee Hastings, Walter Nixon, and Thomas Porteous were convicted in the Senate over the past 40 years, one of them (Porteous) as recently as 2010. A functioning system already exists for removing judges whose behavior is shown to be bad.

Politicized Impeachment Is the Goal

Earlier attempts at impeachment show the real problem with the process dreamed of in the Vox article. The impeachments of Judge John Pickering and Justice Samuel Chase show how removing judges from office more frequently poses a threat to judicial independence and American liberty.
Jeffersonians (retrospectively known as the Democratic-Republicans) opened the 8th United States Congress with large majorities in both houses and their party leader in the White House. The judiciary, however, was packed with Federalists appointed by George Washington and John Adams. That tension showed most clearly in 1803, when John Marshall and the Supreme Court frustrated the Jeffersonians in Marbury v. Madison, striking down a federal law for the first time.
A month later, the House Democratic-Republicans impeached Judge Pickering. Pickering was not a Supreme Court justice, but a district judge from New Hampshire, and not involved at all in the Marbury decision. But he was a Federalist, and a good test case for the power of Congress to reshape the judiciary: for years, Pickering had been unable to do his job because of a combination of declining mental faculties and habitual drunkenness. Poverty and stubbornness kept Pickering from resigning, and his failure to perform his duties made him a tempting target in the effort to open up more Federalist-held seats.
Some among the Democratic-Republicans, including Jefferson, were concerned that insanity was not suitable grounds for impeachment, but they soon agreed they had no other option. Jefferson wrote privately that it showed the need for a system of removal by address, as Britain had. But he also agreed that no such power existed, and his allies in Congress moved forward with the impeachment. The Senate convicted Pickering 20 to 6 on March 12, 1804, with even some Federalists abandoning the judge.
That very day, the House set its sights on a bigger target: Justice Samuel Chase of the Supreme Court. A Washington appointee and arch-Federalist, Chase was the Jeffersonians’ primary foe on the Supreme Court. Besides his rulings, he also publicly criticized Jefferson and condemned Democratic-Republican policies from the bench, including during a grand jury charge. Yet, as in Pickering’s case, no crime had been committed. Buoyed by their success, though, the House impeached him anyway.
The charges focused on his rulings, which the House managers claimed were so wrong and prejudicial as to constitute judicial misconduct. The consequences of that line of reasoning, perhaps, were what stayed the Senate’s hand after Chase’s trial there.
There were separate votes on all eight articles of impeachment, but enough Democratic-Republicans sided with the Federalists on each vote as to defeat all eight. That ended the Jeffersonian drive to purge the bench of political opponents and established a precedent against politically motivated impeachment. Chase remained on the Supreme Court until his death in 1811, and no Supreme Court justice has been impeached since.

We Have a Congress For This, and It’s Not Acting

This, more than anything, is the point of the Vox article. Millhiser believes Kavanaugh should not be on the Supreme Court, just as Jefferson and his allies believed Chase should be removed. But in neither case did either justice commit any crime while in office, nor did either of them show themselves to be objectively unfit for the job.
Millhiser fantasizes about Kavanaugh in prison for perjury and wonders how the Supreme Court could function with a justice behind bars. But the examples of Claiborne, Hastings, Nixon, and Porteous, show that Congress is perfectly willing to remove a judge from the bench if he has been convicted of a crime.
Prakash and Smith suggested that there might be alternate methods of removing a judge; Millhiser is calling for that, but also for an alternate standard, one that goes well beyond the “good behavior” tenure required by the Constitution. Vox and their readers on the far left want a new Star Chamber, a special super-court stacked with like-minded judges who would go around the words and precedents of the Constitution and do what Jefferson could not: purge the courts of their ideological enemies.
The fig leaf of “misbehavior” is clearly a ruse when it is applied retrospectively across a justice’s entire life. This is no constitutional alternative. It is cancel culture for the judicial branch.
The ex post facto assault on the bench is born out of fear. Having seen Donald Trump appoint two Supreme Court justices and 150 lower court judges to lifetime appointments, they are anxious about what the next year (or five years) may bring. But in trying to steer their base toward lawlessness, they would chip away at the independence of the judiciary, an essential part of the separation of powers that protects us all from over-powerful government. 

Site on Dark Web Fundraises for Donald Trump's Assassination

A website has appeared on the dark web calling for donations to facilitate the assassination of President-elect Donald Trump and Vice President-elect Mike Pence.

The Terminating Donald Trump site includes the address of a bitcoin wallet to which people can make donations. The attached account has so far received 115 bitcoins ($88,550), confirmed via the log of bitcoin transactions visible to all on the network.

"The consequences of having Donald Trump and Mike Pence as the leaders of the free world is extremely dangerous," states the site, which is only accessible through a specialist browser, such as Tor. "The political, environmental and social consequences will change the United States for the worst."

The founder of the crowdfunding campaign claims to be a "well-known underground organization" that carries out cyber attacks against corrupt governments.

"But now, we have to go further as it will require much more than cyber attacks to defend ourselves to avoid civil war or another world war," the site states. "The plan we need to implement requires a lot of money to pay for equipment."

Within the source code of the website, there is a message left by someone claiming to be a hacker who has uncovered the identity of the person who set up the crowdfunding campaign.

The message states that the site is hosted by a Canadian citizen who is "a little scammer." Newsweek tried to contact the creator of the site via the administrator email address published on the website but there was no reply at the time of publication.

It is not the first site to appear on the dark web calling for donations to carry out assassinations of political figures.

The website Assassination Market received widespread media attention in 2013 after it offered users the chance to anonymously donate bitcoin as reward money for anyone who carried out the murder of people including Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton. A target of 40 bitcoins ($30,900) was set for current U.S. president Obama, while Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke had a bounty of 124.14 bitcoins ($95,900).