Monday, September 9, 2019


One America News Network Sues MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow For $10 Million

Shelby Talcott

One America News Network (OANN) filed a $10 million defamation lawsuit Monday against MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow.

OANN is suing Maddow, MSNBC, Comcast Corporation and NBC Universal for defamation, alleging Maddow “maliciously and recklessly” went after the network by suggesting it is a Russian state propaganda outlet, the complaint reads, according to Law and Crime. Maddow said that OANN “really, literally is Russian propaganda” on “The Rachel Maddow Show” in July.

Maddow’s comment was based on The Daily Beast article stating OANN’s Kristian Rouz is a “Russian national on the payroll of the Kremlin’s official propaganda outlet, Sputnik.” OANN demanded retraction from The Daily Beast reporter and Maddow on July 29. (RELATED: Voice Of America Currently Employs A Former Russian Anti-U.S. Propagandist)

“This is vile, sensationalistic reporting,” OANN’s lawyer, Skip Miller, said according to a previous press release. “These defamatory statements must be retracted immediately. One America News Network has no connection to the Russian government or any other government — no connection whatsoever, financial or otherwise.”

Comcast is being sued for refusing to carry OANN as part of its cable programming because the network could go against liberal politics of MSNBC, according to the complaint. The lawsuit also alleges that Maddow and the other defendants knew her comment was false. It suggests the statement was intentionally made to hurt OANN because of the network’s conservative views.

OANN’s lawyers gave Maddow and The Daily Beast until Aug. 15 to retract its statements, according to the cease-and-desist requests sent on July 29.

“One America is wholly owned, operated and financed by the Herring family in San Diego,” Miller said according to a statement. “They are as American as apple pie. They are not paid by Russia and have nothing to do with the Russian government.”

“This is a false and malicious libel, and they’re going to answer for it in a court of law.”

MSNBC did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

Adam Schiff Demands Mike Flynn Testimony – Sidney Powell Says ‘Go Spit’

The Democrats return from summer vacation intending to pick right-back-upwhere they failed in the spring… Yup, back to the ridiculous Muh Russia Collusion Conspiracy as advanced by the insufferable head weasel of the HPSCI, Chairman Adam Schiff.

Chairman Schiff sends a copy of a letter (full pdf below) to his collaborative narrative engineers in the media.  The letter outlines committee efforts to force testimony from  Michael Flynn, and the response from Flynn’s attorney Sidney Powell dismissing the political grandstanding of Schiff and his ‘beat-a-dead-horse‘ Russian constituents.

According to the letter sanctimonious Schiff says Flynn’s new counsel, Sidney Powell, “exhibits a troubling degree of unprofessionalism” in conversations with committee staffers and Mr. Schiff’s legal aides borrowed from the Lawfare community of resistance operatives.  Good for her.

Last week, Sidney Powell filed a brief with judge Emmet Sullivan outlining serious allegations of prosecutorial misconduct in the Flynn case.  A hearing in Judge Sullivan’s court is scheduled for tomorrow, September 10th.

Here’s Schiff’s letterView this document on Scribd

Investigative Journalist Lists 10 Declassified Revelations That Could Blow Apart Democrats' Collusion Lie

When it comes to uncovering the “deep state” efforts to undermine President Donald Trump, The Hill’s John Solomon has stood out.

Since Trump’s inauguration, he’s been one of the few Washington journalists devoted to chronicling the false statements and false impressions that were used to feed the Russia “collusion” story that plagued the Trump administration for its first two years.

And in a column published this week, he outlined 10 sources of still-classified information that could, if declassified, blow apart the lie once and for all.

Solomon began by describing how “foot-dragging” in the American intelligence community had hindered the full story of misbehavior in the Justice Department, the FBI and intelligence agencies regarding the Russian probe.

In that probe, how the FBI under then-Director James Comey obtained surveillance warrants for Trump campaign associate Carter Page from the secret court established by the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act to oversee government spying on American citizens is particularly crucial.

Then Solomon listed sources of information that are still being kept under wraps, “that, when declassified, would show more completely how a routine counterintelligence probe was hijacked to turn the most awesome spy powers in America against a presidential nominee in what was essentially a political dirty trick orchestrated by Democrats.”

That’s a heavy charge, but Americans won’t be able to know the full truth of it, Solomon wrote, until they can see the following:

Former British spy Christopher Steele’s interviews with the FBI. Steele was used as a source by the FBI even though his vehement views about then-candidate Trump were known to the bureau, as well as his desire to destroy the possibility of a Trump presidency.
“It would be a huge discovery if the FBI fed Trump-Russia intel to Steele in the midst of an election, especially when his ultimate opposition-research client was Hillary Clinton and the Democratic National Committee (DNC),” Solomon wrote.

The House Intelligence Committee interviews. Before the Democratic takeover of the House of Representatives in the 2018 midterms, the Republican-controlled intelligence committee interviewed top players in the Russian probe.

“There are several big reveals, I’m told, including the first evidence that a lawyer tied to the Democratic National Committee had Russia-related contacts at the CIA,” Solomon wrote.

Documents surrounding FBI sources Stefan Halper and Azra Turk. Halper is the septuagenarian academic who courted Page and fellow Trump campaign associate George Papadopoulos. Turk was his much younger female assistant.

“My sources tell me there may be other documents showing Halper continued working his way to the top of Trump’s transition and administration…,” Solomon wrote. “These documents would show what intelligence agencies worked with Halper, who directed his activity, how much he was paid and how long his contacts with Trump officials were directed by the U.S. government’s Russia probe.

Internal FBI emails. An email chain from October 2016 — identified by Rep. Devin Nunes when he was chairman of the House Intelligence Committee is particularly important, given how close it was to the November election, Solomon wrote.

“My sources say it will show exactly what concerns the FBI knew about and discussed with DOJ about using Steele’s dossier and other evidence to support a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) warrant targeting the Trump campaign in October 2016. If those concerns weren’t shared with FISA judges who approved the warrant, there could be major repercussions,” Solomon wrote.

Potentially exculpatory information from Page and Papadopoulos. According to Solomon, the FBI had recordings of both Trump campaign aides making statements that demolished the idea the campaign was working with Russia. Those statements have not been made public.

“Papadopoulos told me he told an FBI undercover source in September 2016 that the Trump campaign was not trying to obtain hacked Clinton documents from Russia and considered doing so to be treason,” Solomon wrote. “If he made that statement with the FBI monitoring, and it was not disclosed to the FISA court, it could be another case of FBI or DOJ misconduct.

Materials provided to the congressional “Gang of Eight.” Eight members of the House and Senate are responsible for oversight of the nation’s intelligence communities. Still-classified materials shown to the bipartisan group document flaws in the Russia “collusion” probe, Solomon wrote.

“Of all the documents congressional leaders were shown, this is most frequently cited to me in private as having changed the minds of lawmakers who weren’t initially convinced of FISA abuses or FBI irregularities,” he wrote.

An FBI spreadsheet documenting Steele’s inconsistencies. Given how important a role the former spy played in the whole drama, it would be helpful if the American people got to know just how unreliable Steele really was.

“A document I reviewed recently showed the FBI described Steele’s information as only ‘minimally corroborated’ and the bureau’s confidence in him as ‘medium,’” Solomon wrote.

The Inspector General’s interviews with Steele. Solomon wrote that IG investigators had interviewed Steele extensively about his work with the Clinton campaign while he was serving as an FBI source.

“It is clear from documents already forced into the public view by lawsuits that Steele admitted in the fall of 2016 that he was desperate to defeat Trump, had a political deadline to make his dirt public, was working for the DNC/Clinton campaign and was leaking to the news media,” Solomon wrote. “If he told that to the FBI and it wasn’t disclosed to the FISA court, there could be serious repercussions.”

The FBI’s third application to renew the FISA court’s warrant to keep Page under FBI surveillance. This application was signed personally by then-Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein in June 2017.

“It is the one FISA application that House Republicans have repeatedly asked to be released, and I’m told the big reveal in the currently redacted sections of the application is that it contained both misleading information and evidence of intrusive tactics used by the U.S. government to infiltrate Trump’s orbit,” Solomon wrote.

Records of other governments being involved. The surveillance of the Trump campaign didn’t occur in an international vacuum. Intelligence agencies from Great Britain were involved, as well as the government of Australia and possibly Italy.

“Members of Congress have searched recently for some key contact documents with British intelligence,” Solomon wrote. “My sources say these documents might help explain Attorney General William Barr’s recent comments that ‘the use of foreign intelligence capabilities and counterintelligence capabilities against an American political campaign, to me, is unprecedented and it’s a serious red line that’s been crossed.’”

There’s no doubt at this point that a number of serious lines were crossed by the “deep state” and its investigation of the Trump campaign — then the Trump presidency.

If the American news media had more reporters like Solomon, willing to dig for the real story rather than scoring cheap victories with attacks on the Trump presidency, Americans would doubtless know more about those lines now.

With the departure of former Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats, there’s going to be a new top spy in the country.

That could be, as Solomon wrote, former Rep. Pete Hoekstra of Michigan, who is now serving as ambassador to the Netherlands.

Regardless of who it is, though, it raises the possibility that all this information will eventually become public, and Americans will learn the real truth about the “deep state” and Donald Trump.

Gabbard Explains Why She's Against Impeachment Proceedings

While most Democrats in Congress and those running for the Democratic nomination want to impeach President Donald Trump, Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI) disagrees. According to Gabbard, impeachment proceedings would "tear our country apart."

The revelation came about during an interview with Greta Van Susteren on her new show "Full Court Press."

"Thank you for being here," Van Susteren said. "But before I get to the issues that I want, we just heard about uniting communities across the country. Congress is coming back this week, and the House Judiciary Committee is planning on voting on an expanded impeachment inquiry. Do you support this?"

"I don’t," Gabbard said bluntly. "You know, I think it’s important for us to think about what is in the best interest of the country and the American people, and continuing to pursue impeachment is something that I think will only further to tear our country apart. Make no bones about it: We need to defeat Donald Trump. But I think it’s important for our country’s sake and our future that the voters in this country are the ones who do that, and I believe that we will."

Democrats have been divided over whether or not to impeach President Donald Trump. Progressive freshmen members of Congress, like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), Ilhan Omar (D-MN) and Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) have been outspoken proponents of moving forward with impeachment proceedings. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), on the other hand, has made it very clear that she doesn't support impeaching Trump. She believes the move would give Trump an upper hand heading into the 2020 election. 

Teacher Has an Elementary Lesson for Touchy Biden: 'You Need To Ask First'

It’s one of the first lessons many people learn, but it appears the front-runner for the 2020 Democratic presidential nominationis still struggling with the concept of asking before you touch someone.
This is the impression preschool teacher Jessica Roman had after meeting former Vice President Joe Biden earlier this week at a Labor Day event in Iowa.
When she asked about how Biden would help her fellow union members following a change in the law regarding collective bargaining rights, he quickly grabbed her hands before giving his answer.
Footage posted by the Washington Examiner caught the encounter:
“I think that he means well but, you know, he grabbed my hands right away and that was really uncomfortable,” Roman told the Examiner.
“He was very close and, in my mind, I’m like, this is part of our problem: Not recognizing that you need to ask first, or can I shake your hand? Not just grab your hands and hang onto them.”
Biden is currently leading his fellow Democrats by double digits, according to many nationwide polls.
Of course, this could very well change if he’s unable to stop with the unwanted touching. 
This isn’t the first time Biden has left women feeling uncomfortable, either.
His habit of touching and rubbing the shoulders of women even earned him the nickname “Creepy Joe” from President Donald Trump.
Biden has both laughed off the allegations of unwanted touching and also vowed never to act like that again.
Roman remains unconvinced that Biden would make a good president who represents America well. 
“I wouldn’t say it’s something that I didn’t like but, you know, I’m in my 40s, I’m raising a teenager, I work with very young families, and he’s not relevant,” Roman said.
“It’s been too long since he’s raised a family, too long since he’s lived on a normal paycheck. I want somebody that actually gets it, that understands what it is to live on the paychecks that we live on, the housing crisis that we have, all of the ways that those things affect us.”
Right now, Roman said she probably plans to back either Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren or California Sen. Kamala Harris.
Harris and Warren, neither of whom have held back in attacking Biden, remain some of his fiercest competitors.
With the 2020 Democratic presidential primaries scheduled to begin in February, Biden doesn’t have much time to improve his image
His unwanted touching, coupled with gaffe after painful gaffe, could spell trouble for his Oval Office aspirations. 

What Motivates Democrats: Stopping Climate Change, or Ending Capitalism?

For many climate activists, the real enemy is modern society. 

Part of what makes the climate debate so difficult to engage is the diversity of motives. Wide-ranging proposals to stop climate change usually have several motives, and not all of them are related to climate. Some proposals —  such as the Green New Deal — are so sweeping and socialistic that one can reasonably wonder if climate is even the principal motive.

Take, for example, the risk of increased coastal flooding. Very few climate-policy proposals address the problem at all. In the recent CNN climate town hall, only Julian Castro, Andrew Yang, and Amy Klobuchar mentioned it, and then only in passing. In a seven-hour town hall, leading Democrats spent a grand total of about 45 seconds discussing what is perhaps the most immediate tangible danger from climate change.

Actually, it’s worse. Exactly one law has been passed that deals with coastal flooding, but it was neutered as quickly as Congress could find a group of special interests to sell out to. The Flood Insurance Reform Act of 2012 would have allowed FEMA to adjust flood-insurance rates based on more frequent severe flooding. Flood-insurance premiums would rise to reflect any increased risk of climate change, thereby dissuading people from living where the potential harm from climate change is greatest.

But coastal-property owners quickly made their weight felt, and Congress quickly passed the Homeowner Flood Insurance Affordability Act of 2013. The new law froze flood insurance rates, keeping in place outrageous federal subsidies for coastal property development. In the Senate, only two Democrats and 20 Republicans voted against it. Senators Klobuchar, Sanders, Warren, and Booker all voted for it. So where climate change poses the most immediate threat to life and property, many Republicans and almost all Democrats voted to increase the potential losses as much as possible. (By contrast, virtually the only federal program that would help coastal communities protect against rising sea levels is a pre-disaster mitigation incentive in the Disaster Recovery Reform Act of 2018, which is focused on natural disasters and emergencies and hardly even mentions climate change.)

And yet these same Democrats, who can’t fix a single flood-insurance program to protect real people against climate change, routinely promise to restructure our entire economy in order to reduce the risks of climate change.

It’s little surprise, given that the movement’s highest authorities demand fealty to a sweeping reordering of human society. The UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change has called for “rapid, far-reaching and unprecedented changes in all aspects of society” to protect against climate change. For Cory Booker, “Climate is not a separate issue. It is the issue, the lens, through we must do everything that we do.”

Most of the leading Democrats at the town hall called for sweeping reductions in fossil-fuel production, in some cases to take place immediately upon their assuming office. Senator Kamala Harris promised to ban fracking and end fossil-fuel leases on public lands, presumably including offshore, “on Day One.” These measures alone could immediately cut U.S. fossil-fuel production by more than half, sending gasoline and electricity prices skyrocketing. In France, where gasoline costs about $6 per gallon, a government proposal to marginally raise the price of gasoline as a climate measure triggered months of mass protests by the “yellow vests.”

Bernie Sanders has called for investing $16 trillion in decarbonization policies and freely admits that people will have to pay significantly more in taxes to fund the program. The entire GDP of the United States, by comparison, is about $21 trillion a year.

Sanders wants the U.S. to encourage population control around the world as a way to stave off climate change, citing “the need to control population growth.” (This harks back to Paul Ehrlich’s The Population Bomb, which in 1968 predicated imminent global food shortages if we didn’t immediately institute global population control, including spiking the water supply in Third World countries with sterility drugs.)

Leading Democrats at the CNN town hall balked at the idea of banning cheeseburgers, even though cows account for a significant fraction of U.S. carbon emissions, but both Warren and Harris endorsed the idea of limiting our intake of beef as a climate-change measure. Warren also would limit straws.

The majority of leading Democrats in the CNN town hall endorsed the Green New Deal, including Biden, Yang, and Sanders. Most leading Democrats specifically called for banning fossil fuels, including fracking, which has led to a boom in U.S. manufacturing by lowering electricity costs and has protected U.S. families from gasoline prices as high as $4 or $5 per gallon. Andrew Yang touted the idea of banning commercial air travel.
Some Democrats appear to sense the confusion of motives. In a recent Politico article, Michael Grunwald examines the more pragmatic approach of Congresswoman Elissa Slotkin:
Slotkin doesn’t see why a plan to fix the climate needs to promise universal health care and a federal job guarantee, and she doubts a lefty wish list disguised as an emergency response will play well in her suburban Michigan swing district, which Trump won by 7 percentage points. “I’m a pragmatist, and I represent a lot of pragmatic people,” says Slotkin. “Why say we need massive social change to reduce emissions? How does that build consensus?”
One of the most telling ironies is the position of leading Democrats on nuclear power. If preventing climate change were the overriding priority, transitioning from coal and natural gas to nuclear power as base-load fuel for electric generation would be a key pillar of a rational policy proposal. Only Booker and Yang endorsed nuclear energy, while Sanders called it a “false solution” and Warren promised to replace nuclear with renewables. The other leading Democrats in the CNN town hall either didn’t mention the issue or tiptoed around it.

One question leading climate activists should be asked is this: “If the planet suddenly started cooling rapidly, would you be in favor of increasing carbon emissions to keep the planet warm?” This admittedly annoying question is meant only to highlight a simple point. Environmentalists’ concerns over global warming fit nicely with their general anti-capitalist bias. But if there were a conflict between the two priorities and they had to choose one, which would they choose?

Some environmentalists would probably increase carbon emissions, or embrace some other kind of geo-engineering, to stave off an ice age. But many — or most — would say that nature should be allowed to take its natural course, and what humans need to do is stop mucking around with it. These environmentalists would presumably be okay with global warming if the cause were natural as opposed to anthropogenic.

This points to a deeper ambivalence about the actual risks of climate change. Joe Biden was criticized for admitting that the U.S. decarbonizing alone wouldn’t make a difference. “The fact of the matter is that we make up 15 percent of the problem,” he said. The rest of the world makes up 80, 85 percent of the problem.” But even if the entire world implements the most sweeping climate proposals, it would not guarantee that climate change would be stopped. And even if such policies actually succeeded in holding temperature increases to the current target of the Paris climate agreement, there is currently no scientific method that could definitely establish climate policies as the reason that temperatures stopped rising. In other words, not only is there reasonable doubt that climate policies would work, we might never be able to know that they did work.

Meanwhile, among the greatest gains in reducing carbon emissions have come in the United States, not as a result of draconian top-down mandates, but as a result of American innovation and the constant efficiency gains the free market produces in reducing the consumption of energy per unit of GDP. Yet that wasn’t even mentioned during the CNN climate town hall.

At one point in the town hall, Bernie Sanders said, “Let me be clear: The coal miners in this country, the men and women who work on the oil rigs, they are not my enemy. My enemy is climate change.” But clearly, his enemy is not climate change. It is capitalism, and always has been. And that’s true not just of Sanders, but of all too many environmental activists today. 


Femicide: The murders giving Europe a wake-up call.

On 1 September, a resident of Cagnes-sur-Mer in the south of France spotted a foot sticking out from a pile of rubbish, branches and an old quilt.

It was the disfigured body of a woman, the victim of a brutal attack. Her partner denies her murder.
Salomé, 21, could be France's 100th victim this year of "femicide" - usually defined as the murder of a woman by a partner, ex-partner or family member. The day after Salomé's body was found, a 92-year-old woman was caned to death by her 94-year-old husband.

Within hours, the French government announced a raft of measures to protect women from domestic violence. Other European countries have already reacted to a crime that knows no borders or social class, but the picture across the continent is mixed.

A woman, who had endured decades of abuse from her violent husband, had finally built up the courage to leave him. She had asked a police officer to accompany her home so she could collect some belongings, but the officer refused, insisting he needed a judicial order to intervene.

He was wrong, but the helpline had no legal authority and the operator could only direct the victim to a support group.

Homicides by intimate partners are overwhelmingly committed by men against women. According to the most recent figures of such murders, the French rate is far from the highest in the EU.

'Society still blames the woman'

Finland, held up as a beacon of gender equality, also has one of the EU's highest murder rates at the hands of an intimate partner.

"In Nordic countries, women's equal rights are protected in the public sphere but not in the private sphere," Paivi Naskali, a professor of Gender Studies at the University of Lapland, told Open Democracy in 2013.

"The welfare state has given many rights to women, but this policy has concentrated on the labour market... not equality in private life," she said.

China Exports “Unexpectedly” Fall in August

The South China Morning Post has an interesting article highlighting that July’s export results from China were likely skewed as U.S. companies proactively made purchases to take advantage of Beijing’s currency devaluation in combination with filling inventory ahead of the U.S. holiday needs.
Additionally, August export results from China show an actual drop in exports, falling 16 percent year-over-year from decreased U.S. orders:
SCMP – China’s exports fell unexpectedly in August, as the trade war with the United States continued to hit the world’s second-largest economy.
Shipments fell by 1 per cent in the month after growing 3.3 per cent in July in dollar terms, and below the 2.1 per cent growth expected by analysts in a Bloomberg poll. Imports in the month dropped by 5.6 per cent, leaving a trade surplus of US$34.84 billion, according to China’s General Administration of Customs.
July’s expansion now seems like an anomaly, likely driven by front-loading as new tariffs of 15 per cent on about US$110 billion of Chinese goods that took effect on September 1. American buyers of Chinese goods subject to the new tariffs were likely to have filled their inventories as much as possible before the goods became more expensive to import.
Furthermore, the much-reported 3.8 per cent depreciation of the yuan in August failed to stop the decline in exports – despite Washington’s fears that it was being used to give China’s exporters an unfair advantage. (read more)
From CNBC:
[…] Among its major trade partners, China’s August exports to the United States fell 16% year-on-year, slowing sharply from a decline of 6.5% in July. Imports from America slumped 22.4%.
Many analysts expect export growth to slow further in coming months, as evidenced by worsening export orders in both official and private factory surveys. More U.S. tariff measures will take effect on Oct. 1 and Dec. 15.
“China-U.S. trade friction has led to a sharp decline in China’s exports to the United States,” said Steven Zhang, chief economist and head of research at Morgan Stanley Huaxin Securities.
Exports to Europe, South Korea, Australia, and Southeast Asia also worsened on an annual basis, compared with July, while shipments to Japan and Taiwan posted slightly better growth than the previous month.
Sunday’s data also showed China’s imports shrank for the fourth consecutive month since April. Imports dropped 5.6% on-year in August, slightly less than an expected 6.0% fall and unchanged from July’s 5.6% decline. (read more)

Ratcliffe Discusses DOJ/FBI Expectations and SSCI Involvement in Blocking His DNI Nomination

Representative John Ratcliffe was/is a key member of the House who has investigated the details of the DOJ and FBI intelligence abuse during the 2016 election.  Factually, Ratcliffe is one of only a few high-clearance House members who had seen all of the unredacted and classified documents associated with the DOJ and FBI activity.

Representative Ratcliffe appears for a discussion with Maria Bartiromo and states his confidence that former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe will be indicted for lying to internal investigators.  Additionally, and perhaps more interestingly, Ratcliffe outlines how SSCI Chairman Richard Burr working together with Majority leader Mitch McConnell, blocked his nomination to the Office of Director of National Intelligence.

There are always a few interviews and discussion per month that are more important than the general DC banter.  This is one of those insightful interviews:

Long before most realized how specifically rigged and corrupt the current political system is, CTH was sharing research -very specific examples- highlighting the origin of the most consequential corruption.  Thankfully the election of Donald Trump helped to open many more eyes. People now see what years of ‘Last Refuge‘ discussions were all about.

Years of research indicated the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence (SSCI) was always the epicenter of the DC swamp; where an over-powerful and extra-constitutional group of UniParty senate power brokers gather ‘black files‘ on politicians, lobbyists and government officials for use in leveraging votes, support and changes in behavior for various corporate interests.  This intelligence exploitation is worth BILLIONS.

The potential for John Ratcliffe as ODNI to disrupt those long-constructed exploitation(s) of the intelligence apparatus [writ large] is exactly why he was kept out.

The issues are not partisan.  There are NO Party alignments in the power structure.  The total U.S. Senate chamber is a completely corrupt political entity.  It’s not an issue of Democrats or Republicans; within the senate corrupt models there is no party split.  The driving force is power… the purpose of the chamber membership is wealth accumulation.
Candidates for Senate spend tens-of-millions on campaigns to get seats that pay $300k/year.  On its face it doesn’t make sense…. until you recognize the billions that are paid, earned and distributed on the backside of political construction.  Six year terms, means you can sell a lot of influence…. It is a system intentionally designed to do exactly what it is doing.

The Senate then has assignments, groups of individuals that are in place specifically to protect the internal business model of scheme and graft within the Senate.  The Judiciary Committee (Graham), and the Intelligence Committee (Burr), are like the law and order mechanisms that protect Senate members from external accountability.  A code of Omerta exists over the entire network.   Some call this network “The Deep State”.

It doesn’t matter whether the McConnell flag or the Schumer flag adorns the spire; they each protect the entirety of the membership.  Every conflict is constructed as a pantomime to stop people from recognizing the UniParty.  Watch the outcomes, they’re identical.

The Senate uses intelligence ‘black files’ to corrupt new additions to the network; and they carry out independent intelligence operations designed to generate senate power over all other institutions of government.  The senate is far more powerful than the DOJ or FBI… this is primarily how the Senate chamber retains power.

This is why anytime you see a Senator encounter a DOJ/FBI issue; there’s rarely any time when the DOJ or FBI can win the legal confrontation.  The Senate is just too powerful as an institution…. Yes, even more powerful than the office of the President.

….The problem for Attorney General Bill Barr is not investigating what we don’t know, but rather navigating through what ‘We The People’ are already aware of…. (more)

All of our prior research into the DC U.S. Attorney’s office, specifically toward Jessie Liu, has identified her as -essentially- Rod Rosenstein in a skirt. Attorney Liu’s DC office was responsible for not prosecuting the Awan Brothers; and also Liu’s office was responsible for covering up the leaking of the classified FISA application by SSCI Director of Security James Wolfe. Yes, covering it up – there is ZERO DOUBT.
Both cases were clear law-breaking, and both highly politically charged.

When the New York Times reported on leaks from officials connected to the DC office of Ms. Liu, framing her deference of the McCabe indictment back to Main Justice, it is this power struggle between the DOJ and the Senate that looms in the shadows.

Unless a Senator does something very publicly stupid, the U.S. Senate is above the law.  The modern DOJ accepts the nature of this political system as the unwritten rule in DC.  If the U.S. Senate tells the DOJ or FBI to drop a legal issue, the DOJ generally complies with that dictate.  It’s the way things are done there now.

Two former DC prosecutors who were involved in the McCabe decision are mentioned by name in the NYT report about U.S. Attorney Jessie Liu’s decision to defer to Main Justice: former lead prosecutor Ms. Kamil Shields, and also former prosecutor David Kent.  Here’s the substance of the NYT article [emphasis and names added by me]:
WASHINGTON — Federal prosecutors in Washington appear to be in the final stages of deciding whether to indict Andrew G. McCabe, the former deputy F.B.I. director and a frequent target of President Trump, on charges of lying to federal agents, according to interviews with people familiar with recent developments in the investigation.
In two meetings last week, Mr. McCabe’s lawyers met with the deputy attorney general, Jeffrey A. Rosen, who is expected to be involved in the decision about whether to prosecute, and for more than an hour with the United States attorney for the District of Columbia, Jessie K. Liu, according to a person familiar with the meetings. The person would not detail the discussions, but defense lawyers typically meet with top law enforcement officials to try to persuade them not to indict their client if they failed to get line prosecutors to drop the case.
But prosecutors may face headwinds if a case were to go to trial. One prosecutor quit the case [Ms. Shields] and has expressed frustration with how it was being managed, according to person familiar with her departure, and a key witness [Ms. Lisa Page] provided testimony to the grand jury that could hurt the government’s case.
Additionally, Washington juries are typically liberal, and prosecutors could end up with jurors sympathetic to Mr. McCabe who believe that he, not the president, is the victim of a political witch hunt. Mr. McCabe’s lawyers would probably emphasize his long history at the F.B.I. and his role protecting the country.
[…] Though the meetings between Mr. McCabe’s lawyers and top law enforcement officials suggest that prosecutors seem intent on moving forward with the case, they could also decide to pass on an indictment. Spokeswomen for the Justice Department, the United States Attorney’s Office for the District of Columbia and for Mr. McCabe all declined to comment.
[…] what should have been a seemingly straightforward case with a limited number of witnesses and facts has dragged out amid internal deliberations. It has been under investigation for so long that the term expired for the grand jury hearing evidence. One of the lead prosecutors, Kamil Shields, was unhappy with the lengthy decision-making process and has since left the Justice Department for private practice. Ms. Shields declined to comment.
Another prosecutor, David Kent, also left the case recently. It is not clear why he departed but it would be an unusual move if prosecutors were indeed planning to charge Mr. McCabe. (read more)
CTH must point out – this scenario as described is exactly what our research identified when we posted the previously controversial outline of Jessie Liu. [SEE HERE]

The tiered justice system in/around Washington DC is based on politics, who you know, and who might possibly be collateral damage if the law was indeed enforced as written. This reality highlights the two-tiered justice system that has infuriated so many Americans as we have watched people in/around DC escape accountability. [More HERE]

As a reminder, here is the April 2018 Inspector General Report on Andrew McCabe which included a criminal referral for McCabe for lying to investigators:

Here’s the full report: View this document on Scribd