Friday, September 6, 2019

German Industrial Orders Plunge

The Surface Reason is China – 

The Underneath Reason is Trump 

Boy howdy if ever there was an article that showed the layers and ramifications of President Trump’s global trade reset, this is a good one.   The multinational media do not want American voters to understand the dynamic, because if we did people would catch-on to how the global economy was structured upon removal of U.S. wealth…

Reuters is reporting on a significant drop in German industrial orders, and they specifically point to diminished orders from the U.K (small part) and China (big part) as the cause.  However, the analysis stops at the part where China’s lack of industrial orders is the leading contribution to retraction in the German export sector.

What the financial analysis does not approach (ie. the third rail of multinational corporate admission that must never be outlined), is the reason why Chinese orders for German industrial goods have dropped.

The problem for China, and ultimately for Germany, is that Trump’s trade reset has stopped a big amount of U.S. wealth from arriving in Beijing. Simultaneously, Beijing is countering Trump’s tariffs by devaluing their currency.  The rebound economic impact is doubled. China has: (1) less income; and (2) less value within their own currency.

Where does this dynamic show up?…. Anytime China is going to buy something.
China’s currency devaluation makes their exports cheaper; however, at the same time it makes any of their imports more expensive.  As a consequence China buys less… and that now exhibits in lower purchases of German stuff.  See how that happens?

So yeah, the ramifications for Merkel’s German economy -twice as bad as originally forecast- are based on China fighting Trump.  The fact that China is bleeding cash, and has simultaneously dropped the value of their currency, means China can’t buy stuff.

All of those nations who were counting on Chinese purchases are now going bananas.

This is why the multinationals blame Donald Trump… and to make matters even worse – the U.S. economy is thriving, while they watch from the sidelines.  It’s a delicious dynamic.

For more than three decades global economies have grown by removing wealth from the United States.  The U.S. multinationals have countered the economic arguments by claiming those global economies have purchased U.S. treasuries; but that means we trade our current wealth for future debt.

President Trump has reversed this dynamic.  We are repatriating our national wealth through new trade policies, and will pay for any incurred foreign debt by expanding our own economy and controlling our own destiny.
Here’s Reuters article (emphasis mine):
BERLIN (Reuters) – Weaker demand from abroad drove a bigger-than-expected drop in German industrial orders in July, suggesting that struggling manufacturers could tip Europe’s biggest economy into a recession in the third quarter.
Germany’s export-reliant economy is suffering from slower global growth and business uncertainty caused by U.S. President Donald Trump’s ‘America First’ trade policies and Britain’s planned, but delayed, exit from the European Union.
Contracts for ‘Made in Germany’ goods fell 2.7% from the previous month in July, data showed on Thursday, driven by a big drop in bookings from non-euro zone countries, the economy ministry said. That undershot a Reuters consensus forecast for a 1.5% drop.
“The misery in manufacturing continues. The decline in new orders significantly increases the risk of a recession for the German economy,” VP Bank analyst Thomas Gitzel said.
Germany’s gross domestic product contracted by 0.1% quarter-on-quarter in the second quarter on weaker exports, with the decrease in foreign sales mainly driven by Britain and below average demand from China.
“The danger is great that negative growth will also be recorded in the third quarter,” Gitzel added. (read more)

CNN’s LGBT Town Hall

CNN's LGBT Town Hall Will Put Dems' 
Anti-Christian Bigotry on Full Display

As CNN's climate town hall drew to an end on Wednesday night, the network announced that it would host a follow-up town hall on LGBT issues on October 10, partnering with the Human Rights Campaign (HRC). This town hall gives 2020 Democrats a chance to outdo one another on LGBT issues like they struggled to outdo one another on climate this week. It will also reveal to the American people the terrifying level of anti-Christian bigotry among leading Democrats.

The top seven leading Democratshave endorsed the Equality Act, a bill that would enshrine the new sexual orthodoxy into law by banning discrimination on sexual orientation and gender identity (SOGI). The Heritage Foundation brought together "a broad bipartisan coalitionthat includes feminists, lesbians and de-transitioners as well as religious groups" to oppose this "anti-freedom bill that empowers federal government to enforce conformity by punishing disagreement on SOGI."

The left's increasing attacks on religious freedom were among the main reasons evangelical Christians united so firmly behind Donald Trump in the 2016 election. In the name of protecting LGBT people from "discrimination," Democrats and activists have demonized conservative Christian beliefs about marriage and attempted to shut down professionals who refuse to lend their artistic talents to celebrate a same-sex wedding.

Colorado Christian baker Jack Phillips, for example, gladly serves LGBT people in his shop, selling them whatever they would like to purchase. Yet he refused to lend his artistry to a custom cake for a same-sex wedding. The Colorado Civil Rights Commission found him guilty of discrimination, and a member of the commission even compared Phillips' refusal to bake a same-sex wedding cake to the Holocaust. The Supreme Court rightly defended Phillips, but then a transgender lawyer requested a cake celebrating a gender transition. The commission went after him again, but eventually backed down. The lawyer is still suing him.

The Equality Act is intended to combat this kind of "discrimination." It is also intended to force open women's spaces — women's sports, women's shelters, women's restrooms — to biological men who claim to identify as women. Lesbian feminist Julia Beck has called it a "human rights violation," since it removes people's right to sex-segregated spaces. Miriam Ben-Shalom, the first lesbian reinstated to the U.S. Army after getting booted for her sexual orientation, has made a clear distinctionbetween the "Don't Ask Don't Tell" military policy and Trump's so-called military transgender ban, which the Equality Act aims to reverse. She said she is "offended" by HRC's decision to compare the two policies.

Yet the current frontrunner, former Vice President Joe Biden, called the Equality Act his number one priority. Sens. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.), Kamala Harris (D-Calif.), and Cory Booker (D-N.J.) have co-sponsored the bill.

According to research by sociologists George Yancey and David Williamson, animus against conservative Christians is just as strong as animus against other religious groups besides atheists. This "Christianophobia" is mostly directed against "fundamentalism," and those with such animus "are more likely to be white, well educated, and wealthy." The factor most connected to Christianophobia in their study was politics: "Nearly half of the anti-fundamentalists in our sample were political progressives."

The leading 2020 Democrats have arguably displayed this Christianophobia on more than one occasion.

"This is our soul, da*mit, this is who we have to be... This is our real moral obligation," Biden said at an HRC event in June. "Using religion or culture to discriminate against or demonize LGBTQ individuals is never justified. Not anywhere in the world."

Pete Buttigieg, mayor of South Bend, Ind., dared to lecture conservative Christians about sexual ethicswhen he is in a same-sex marriage — contrary to the Bible, which defines marriage as between one man and one woman and same-sex sexual activity as sinful. In fact, Buttigieg has suggested that Christians who disagree with him on climate change, the minimum wage, and immigrationare not really Christian.

Other 2020 Democrats have echoed the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) in branding conservative Christian organizations "hate groups" due to their support for marriage as between one man and one woman. Harris and Booker pressuredTrump judicial nominee Allison Rushing over her speaking events with Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF), citing the SPLC's false accusation that ADF is a "hate group."

Last month, Warren joined House Democrats in sending a letter casting aspersions onConsumer Financial Protection Bureau staffer Paul Watkins. "We have grave concerns about Mr. Watkins holding the authority to waive anti-discrimination laws given his prior employment at Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) – a group that has been designated as a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center," Warren and the other Democrats wrote. Even ADF's legal adversaries have defended ADFagainst the "hate group" accusation.

Harris has also teamed up with Sen. Mazie Hirono (D-Hawaii) in launching an inquisition into Trump nominees' ties to the Knights of Columbus, a Roman Catholic charity and fraternal organization, over the group's opposition to abortion and same-sex marriage. 

Booker repeatedly pressuredjudicial nominee Neomi Rao on whether or not she considered same-sex activity sinful.

Sanders has arguably been the worst offender. In June 2017, he asked Trump administration nominee Russell Vought whether he considered Muslims unable to go to heaven since he believes Jesus Christ is the only path to salvation. Vought had previously expressed that opinion in an article.

Sanders asked Vought if the statement of faith of Wheaton College, Vought's alma mater, was "Islamophobic" and whether non-Christians can go to heaven. The nominee explained that this position on salvation is his belief as a Christian.

"I would simply say, Mr. Chairman, that this nominee is really not someone who is what this country is supposed to be about," Sanders declared, insisting that he would "vote no."

Sanders later insisted that Christians who believe Muslims are not saved can have religious freedom, they just can't serve in government. He argued that it should be "unacceptable" to have "a high-ranking member of the United States government essentially say Islam is a second-class religion."

Last month, the Democratic National Committee passed a resolutionwarning against "religious liberty," suggesting it is a tool for discrimination. Anti-Christian bigotry is mainstream in the Democratic Party, and it needs to be exposed.

This week, Democrats embarrassed themselvesby rushing to the left on climate change, pledging to outlaw offshore drilling, force people to sell the government their cars, ban plastic straws, and even use a blatantly unconstitutional power to pass the Green New Deal

Next month, they'll put their anti-Christian bigotry on display, reminding evangelical Christians that despite Donald Trump's many flaws, the president is their most powerful political force to prevent radical Democrats from trampling on their religious freedom in the pursuit of establishing the new sexual orthodoxy.

Follow Tyler O'Neil, the author of this article, on Twitter at @Tyler2ONeil.

Soviet-Style Democrats

Other than the people who hoped the CNN marathon Climate Change Townhall would provide ample material for Republican campaign ads, did anybody bother watching it?  All the clips I’ve seen have been from conservative media highlighting the soviet-style dictates every single one of the Democrats proposed.
There’s one thing you can say about Barack Obama.  He too hoped to “fundamentally transform” the Constitutional Republic known as the United States of America into some kind of soviet-style centralized all powerful State.  But the guy was a master at hiding his true intentions.
Sure, on occasion he would slip up and say the quiet parts out loud.  But overall, he was extra careful to disguise his soviet-style dictates under a veneer of lofty bromides and soaring rhetoric.
But these 2020 Democrats have stripped away that veneer completely.  They’re just coming right out and making grand pronouncements about all the things they’re going to ban and all the dictates they will force on the American people whether we want them or not.

I don’t know.  Maybe it’s because I’ve watched the HBO miniseries “Chernobyl” seven times in twelve days that I instantly envision life in the Soviet Union every time I hear one of these dictator wannabes.
It’s not an understatement to say the 2020 Democrat candidates have absolutely zero interest in expanding our freedoms.
When supposed serious candidates for President are making pronouncements about what kind of straw you are permitted to use or what kinds of food you should be allowed to eat, ideas like individual sovereignty and liberty aren’t even a blip on the radar.
Preserving and protecting “self-government” is not exactly high on their list.
It doesn’t make their lists at all.
I’ve said in the past that the Democrat Party’s success depended solely on never saying the quiet parts out loud.
But these modern-day apparatchiks of the Democrat Party have jettisoned this completely.
And thanks to CNN insisting on hosting a seven hour “Climate Change Townhall,” Americans got to hear those quiet parts shouted from the rooftops hour after hour.
Yesterday, Tom Elliott from Grabien compiled a Supercut video of the many soviet-style dictates these wannabe Stalins intend to impose on us whether we like it or not.
And these idiots actually think Trump is the dictator.
Not a single one of these soviet-style dictates will increase your freedom, expand our economy, put more money in your pocket, or improve your quality of life in any way.
Not one.
These candidates for “President” believe they are running to be Supreme Leader of an all-powerful, centralized State that will reach into every aspect of your life and dictate how you live — from the moment you are born (if you’re lucky) to the moment you die.
That isn’t freedom.
And it certainly isn’t the American ideal.
It is nothing but soviet-style, centralized control.
Any old how.
I thought I’d keep with the running theme of the last week and do up a few soviet-style propaganda posters featuring some of the 2020 dictators-in-waiting.

Soviet-style propaganda Pete Buttigieg

Soviet-style plans with Comrade Warren

soviet-style grandpa simpson

Soviet-style cop

Muslim Sabotages Airliner

American Airlines Muslim Mechanic, 

Abdul-Majeed Marouf Ahmed Alani, charged with sabotage of plane navigation system

Miami Herald An American Airlines mechanic was arrested Thursday on a sabotage charge accusing him of disabling a navigation system on a flight with 150 people aboard before it was scheduled to take off from Miami International Airport earlier this summer.
The equipment, which is housed in a compartment beneath the cockpit and near the nose landing gear, keeps track of an aircraft’s speed and pitch as well as other critical flight data. As the Boeing 737-800 was approaching the departure runway and powering up its engines, the crew got an error message and aborted the takeoff, the authorities said.
The reason, according to a criminal complaint affidavit filed in Miami federal court: Abdul-Majeed Marouf Ahmed Alani, a veteran employee, was upset over stalled union contract negotiations.
As a result, flight No. 2834 was aborted and taken out of service for routine maintenance at America’s hangar at MIA, which is when the tampering with the ADM system was discovered during an inspection. An AA mechanic found a loosely connected tube in front of the nose gear underneath the cockpit that had been deliberately obstructed with some sort of hard foam material.
Alani is charged with “willfully damaging, destroying or disabling an aircraft” and is expected to have his first appearance in Miami federal court on Friday.
According to the complaint filed Thursday, Alani glued the foam inside the tube leading from outside the plane to its air data module, a system that reports aircraft speed, pitch and other critical flight data. As a result, if the plane had taken off that day from MIA, the pilots would have had to operate the aircraft manually because the ADM system would not have received any computer data.
Federal air marshals zeroed in on Alani, a longtime American Airlines mechanic, after reviewing video footage that captured him exiting a white truck on the morning of July 17 at concourse D and approaching the plane, which had just arrived from Orlando, the affidavit says. The footage showed Alani, who walks with a limp, accessing the aircraft’s compartment where the navigational system was located in the plane, according to the affidavit, which was filed by the U.S. Attorney’s Office.
Alani, the federal charges said, spent about seven minutes doing the sabotage.
The air marshals, part of the Transportation Security Administration, also conducted interviews with three other AA mechanics who were with Alani after he tampered with the plane. They helped investigators identify him from the video footage.
Source: barenakedislam

August Private Sector Payroll Results Exceed Expectations

ADP Payroll analysis for August reflects continued strong gains in the jobs market beating all expectations from the financial pundits.   The official government stats will be released tomorrow (private and public sector); in the interim the ADP payroll of private sector job creation shows that Main Street continues to be very strong.
(Reuters) U.S. private employers added 195,000 jobs in August, above economists’ expectations, a report by a payrolls processor showed on Wednesday.
Economists surveyed by Reuters had forecast the ADP National Employment Report would show a gain of 149,000 jobs, with estimates ranging from 110,000 to 175,000.
Private payroll gains in July were revised down to 142,000 from an originally reported 156,000 increase.  The report is jointly developed with Moody’s Analytics.
The ADP figures come ahead of the U.S. Labor Department’s more comprehensive non-farm payrolls report on Friday, which includes both public and private-sector employment. (more)
CTH would advise not to place too much emphasis on negative ISM manufacturing order index statistics now that a complete U.S-Global trade reset is underway.
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Right now global supply chains are in a state of flux as manufacturers are moving production based on tariffs and geopolitical issues.

As the component manufacturing is moving from one place to another; and as manufacturers evaluate their supply chain stability; there are going to be swings in purchase orders based on shifts in production facilities.  This is an expected dynamic that is necessary if President Trump is to succeed in pressuring product manufacturers to move operations.

The multinational Wall Street media will hype any downward component manufacturing fluctuation during this process, but the fluctuation itself doesn’t speak to any lessening of demand; merely shifted operations and shifting contracts (ie. purchase orders).

The internal U.S. economy is very strong.  It’s the U.S. companies, multinationals, that rely on external operations for their end-product production income that are tentatively positioned.

Main Street is thriving; Wall Street is in flux.  This is the exact opposite of two prior decades where Wall Street was thriving and Main Street was in flux.  Why?…
Because Trump!

Evade Democracy

The Wages of Woke

Column: How the left uses corporate America 
to evade democracy

Matthew Continetti September 6, 2019

Time was, CEOs of mighty enterprises shied away from politics, especially hot-button social and cultural issues. They focused instead on the bottom line. They maximized shareholder value by delivering goods and services to customers. Some businessmen still operate by this principle. In doing so they provide not only for their employees and CEOs and board members but also for the institutions—pensions, individual retirement plans, index funds, hospitals, philanthropies—invested in their companies.

That is no longer enough for many of America's richest and most powerful. Suddenly, corporate America has a conscience. Every week brings new examples of CEOs intervening in political, cultural, and social debate. In every instance, the prominent spokesmen for American business situate themselves comfortably on the left side of the political spectrum. Shareholder capitalism finds itself under attack. Not just from socialism but also from woke capitalism.

These outbursts are not just virtue signaling. Nor is the left-wing tilt of corporate America merely a response to the "rising American electorate" of Millennial, Gen Z, and minority consumers. What is taking place is not a business story but a political one. What is known as "stakeholder capitalism" is another means by which elites circumvent democratic accountability.

Corporate managers find themselves at odds with at least 46 percent of the electorate. The divergence is not over jobs or products. It is over values. The global economy generates social inequalities as much as economic ones. Many of the winners of the global economy justify their gains by adopting the rhetoric, tastes, ideas, and affiliations of their cultural milieu. Their environment is inescapably center left.

Even so, the social justice agenda of corporate America is not only meant to appease voters, or even to placate Elizabeth Warren. Some of these businessmen really believe what they are saying. And they are beginning to understand that they have another way—through social position and market share—to impose their cultural priorities on a disagreeable public.

The trend began as a response to the Tea Party. In 2010 the "Patriotic Millionaires" began advocating for higher marginal tax rates. A few years later, when state legislatures passed laws opposed by pro-choice and LGBT groups, corporations threatened or waged economic boycotts. Large individual donations made up more than half of Hillary Clinton's fundraising; for Donald Trump the number was 14 percent.

CEOs protested the implementation of President Trump's travel ban in 2017. The following year, after two black men were arrested at a Philadelphia Starbucks, Howard Schultz closed stores nationwide so his more than 175,000 employees could be trained in diversity, equity, and inclusion. Earlier this summer, Nike pulled shoes featuring the Betsy Ross flag after Colin Kaepernick raised objections. Recently four major auto companies struck a deal with the state of California to preserve fuel economy standards the Trump administration opposes.

Business has provided ideological justification for its activities. In mid-August, a group of 181 members of the Business Roundtable, including the CEOs of Morgan Stanley, GM, Apple, and Amazon, issued a statement redefining the purpose of a corporation. 

"Generating long-term value for shareholders" is necessary but insufficient. In the words of Jamie Dimon, business must "push for an economy that serves all Americans." A few weeks later, one of the Business Roundtable signatories, Walmart CEO Doug McMillon, announced that America's largest retailer would end sales of ammunition for handguns and for some rifles. Once its current inventory is exhausted, of course.

"We encourage our nation's leaders to move forward and strengthen background checks and to remove weapons from those who have been determined to pose an imminent danger," McMillon wrote. "We do not sell military-style rifles, and we believe the reauthorization of the Assault Weapons ban should be debated to determine its effectiveness." Note the use of the first-person plural. Of Walmart's 1.5 million employees, more than a few, one assumes, do not believe it is necessary to "strengthen background checks" or debate "the Assault Weapons ban."

To whom does the "we" in McMillon's statement refer? To everyone who thinks like he does.

"You have a business acting in a more enlightened and more agile way than government," is how one MSNBC contributor enthusiastically described Walmart's directive. Left unsaid is why government has not, in this case, been "enlightened" or "agile." The reason is constitutional democracy. The electorate, like it or not, continues to put into office representatives opposed to gun registration and to a renewal of the Assault Weapons ban. And these representatives, in turn, have confirmed judges who believe the Second Amendment is just as important to self-government as the First and Fourteenth.

Much of Western politics for the last decade has involved elites figuring out new ways to ignore or thwart the voting public. Barack Obama was following in the EU's footsteps when he went ahead with Obamacare despite Scott Brown's victory in Massachusetts in January 2010, and when he expanded his DACA program to the parents of illegal immigrants brought here as children despite Republican gains in the 2014 election and despite his own admission that he lacked authority.

James Comey's towering ego and self-regard compelled him to interfere in the 2016 election with consequences we can only begin to reckon. Over the last two-and-a-half years, district judges and anonymous bureaucrats have impeded and obstructed the agenda of a duly elected chief executive. A few weeks ago a former governor of the Federal Reserve suggested in Bloomberg that the central bank should thwart Trump's reelection. And in England, elite resistance to the results of the 2016 Brexit referendum and to the 2017 parliamentary invocation of Article 50 has brought the government into a crisis from which there seems no escape.

In such an environment, one begins to see the appeal of nongovernmental instruments of power. What might be rejected at the ballot box can be achieved through "nudging" in the market and in the third sector. If you can't enact national gun control through Congress, why not leverage the economic and cultural weight of America's largest corporations? The market, we are told, is not a democracy.

Oh, but it is. The market may be the ultimate democracy. "The picture of the prettiest girl that ever lived," wrote Joseph Schumpeter, "will in the long run prove powerless to maintain the sales of a bad cigarette." Woke capitalists remain accountable to consumers and to shareholders. The audiences of ESPN and of the NFL cratered when those institutions elevated politics over consumer demand. Hollywood's anti-American offerings routinely flop. Public opinion, in the form of popular taste, rules. Shareholders of publicly traded companies are a type of electorate. The companies that do not satisfy customers will disappear. Or shareholders will demand changes to management to prevent such an outcome.

The politicization of firms is a double-edged sword. The responsible stakeholder CEOs may have the best of intentions. They might assume they are doing the right things not only by their companies but also by their societies. What they fail to understand is that corporations acting as surrogates of one element of society, or of one political party, will not be treated as neutral by other elements, by the other party. By believing their superior attitudes will save capitalism, our right-thinking elites are undermining its very legitimacy, and increasing the severity of the ongoing populist revolt.

Dangerous Ideas

Democrats Propose Mandatory Free Speech Buyback For Dangerous Ideas
September 6th, 2019

A number of Democratic candidates have seized on a new initiative to make Americans feel safer: a mandatory buyback. “There are a number of ideas out there that just make people upset when they’re said out loud,” said presidential candidate Beto O’Rourke. “It’s time to take those ideas off the street. That’s why it’s past time for a mandatory free speech buyback.”

 The idea that the government can take away people’s rights if it just compensates people for them has a long history as a thing that Democrats have proposed but not thought too deeply about. The current proposal is to force any Americans who have scary ideas, like that there are only two genders or that climate change isn’t a serious crisis, to sell those ideas to the government at a fair market price so they are then no longer able to express those views. The government will also force the sale of dangerous media, such as making Netflix sell them the new Dave Chapelle comedy special so it can be destroyed.

 “These are ideas that serve no purpose, and we need to get them out of public use,” stated Elizabeth Warren. “Some people may be upset, but they shouldn’t be, because we’re paying them for their stupid ideas. Also, we’re buying back being able to call me Pocahontas. No one needs that.”

 Many have come out in opposition to this idea, such as President Trump, who says people can take his dangerous speech from his “cold, dead mouth.” It’s also unclear how much the government will pay to buy back free speech, but Democrats have noted that the going rate is a penny for one’s thoughts.

President Obama Weaponized Government....

Phase Two Was Positioned 

to Monetize Government

Looking over how much corrupt Hillary Clinton dirt the intelligence community hid in the 2016 election, the big picture aspects deserve an expanded discussion.

In the larger picture it is clear the Obama administration weaponized the institutions of government to target his/their political opposition. It is also increasingly clear a Hillary Clinton administration would have monetized the U.S. government.

President Obama’s team used the DOJ, CIA, FBI and IRS to target their opposition.  The intelligence apparatus was weaponized; one small example that scratches the surface is the FBI/NSA database exploitation.  Black files on DC politicians, private sector groups and individuals facilitating leverage, and we are still seeing the ramifications.

When Patrick Byrne recently discussed his role within the  “political espionage” operations, he is describing this exact process; not coincidentally he also seems to have retreated into a safe-space.

Big multinational interests, Big Pharma, Big Ag, Big Global Banking interests, etc, were exclusively supporting both President Obama and candidate Clinton.  The domestic politics of the U.S. were/are tools toward an end; and, so long as the person occupying the oval office did not interfere with Big Club objectives, they too would benefit financially.

It is also obvious the opposition to President Trump, those who are really coordinating and manipulating the grassroots sheeple opposition, are these same multinational interests.
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The college kid wearing a pink pussy hat is oblivious, but the executive offices of the Deep State FBI and Intelligence Community under James Comey, Andrew McCabe, or even Christopher Wray and AG Bill Barr are not; they know.

Additionally, the current occupants must also know that we know.  Likely a great many more people are aware of the bigger issues than ever before.  Perhaps this explains the dynamic of angst amid those same occupants.

Think about how much the DOJ and FBI did to protect candidate Clinton.

Obviously, in their down-time discussions, they would have discussed and recognized some benefit would be forthcoming.

No entity would go so far out on an obvious limb of corruption if they did not perceive some personal benefit on the horizon.

Think about how much leverage James Comey would have held over the institution of the Office of the President if they had succeeded.  If the sum total of dirt on Trump filled a bucket, by comparison Hillary Clinton owns a landfill.

Thousands of bills written by the multinational lobbyists were awaiting her arrival.  Think of the scale of multinational effort behind TPP (Asia), TTIP (Europe), Paris Climate Treaty (Global), etc.  Literally tens of trillions of graft and scheme within reach of those global financial networks; at the fingertips of the multinational Big Club,… until Donald Trump.

Think of the scale of wealth, all headed to the top of the pyramid, that President Trump halted.  Domestically, all of those lobbyist bills worthless on November 9th, 2016.  All of the DC politicians, sales people indulged to sell those bills, left teetering on the border of functional obsolescence….  It’s quite stunning to think about.

Thus, after the initial shock, all of those interests lashing out in rage; weaponizing every group they can muster.  Dispatching urgency to the corporate media forces. The pure unmitigated hatred that started immediately becomes much more understandable in this context.

Years of leftist planning led to President Obama’s ability to weaponizegovernment without being held accountable in the process.  Years of assistance by corporate media allies, all building toward the same end goal.  How rich would Hillary and Bill have become by simply allowing phase two, “the monetization“, to proceed?

Remarkable to contemplate.

James Comey, Andrew McCabe, Eric Holder, Loretta Lynch, John Brennan, Susan Rice, Sally Yates, Denis McDonough, Valerie Jarrett and many more, all knew and anticipated the professional power and personal financial benefits that would have followed…

Mr. Patrick Byrne only barely touched the flame…