Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Mexican Police Battle Illegal African Migrants Attempting to Reach U.S

Shocking video has surfaced (via Voice of America) of Mexican military police battling today with swarms of African migrants outside an immigration detention center in Tapachula, Mexico.  WATCH: 

How do African nationals get to Mexico?
[…]  J. Antonio Fernandez, president and CEO of Catholic Charities of San Antonio. These new arrivals hail from the Democratic Republic of Congo and Angola—two countries with no strong historic ties to the United States. (link)

It’s the business end of illegal immigration.  Previous background here.

Will CNN’s latest hire be indicted?

It was reported yesterday that the Feds are close to a decision on whether or not former FBI leaker Andrew McCabe will be indicted for lying to federal agents.

It would be Karmic if McCabe got indicted for the same thing Mike Flynn was indicted for, wouldn’t it?

It would also be super awkward for CNN who just last week bragged about hiring the potential jailbird as their newest contributor. 

The report from the New York Times seems to go out of its way to downplay the possibility of McCabe being indicted.  It makes a point of noting that juries in DC are Liberal and therefore aren’t likely to convict an anti-Trump hack like McCabe should the case go to trial.  Besides, notes the Times, the DOJ may simply decline to indict at all.

I don’t know if that’s wishful thinking on the part of the NY Times or not.

Yes, it’s true that a former senior official from the FBI getting indicted is unprecedented.  But what’s also unprecedented is senior officials from the FBI actively attempting to oust a duly-elected President of the United States.

There’s a lot about the RussiaGate hoax and the collusion between FBI officials and the press that is unprecedented.

As a general rule, I’d say McCabe getting indicted seems a long shot.  Call me cynical, but I know that there are two sets of rules – one for them and one for the rest of us.  Sure, Mike Flynn got indicted for lying to feds.  But he’s one of us, not one of them.

At the same time, despite my own cynicism, I still think an indictment is possible.  Attorney General William Barr is on record saying the DOJ will pursue the people who illegally leaked information to the press.  Will Barr’s determination to hold these cretins accountable change the metric?

Maybe it will.

If McCabe is indicted, that would be problematic for his new employer.  Will CNN give him the Avenatti treatment and simply drop him like a hot rock and pretend they never promoted him?  Or will they stick with him until his case goes to trial?

Who knows?

It isn’t as if initially hiring Andrew McCabe was such a stellar idea to begin with.  But if he’s indicted, it won’t just be McCabe’s credibility that will take a  hit. CNN will look like an even bigger clown show than they already do. 

Planned Parenthood-linked judge sets trial for undercover video makers

137-page motions ruling lashes out at pro-life team that exposed baby body-parts sales

By WND Staff
Published August 26, 2019 at 8:04pm 

Judge William Orrick

A federal judge in San Francisco with links to Planned Parenthood has issued a 137-page ruling against David Daleiden, the Center for Medical Progress and others involved in the 2015 uncovering of the abortion industry's sale of baby body parts.

Judge William Orrick has scheduled a trial for Oct. 2 in a ruling that addressed a long list of motions.

The lawsuit by Planned Parenthood and others stems from an undercover investigation that produced a series of videos showing Planned Parenthood executives violating state and federal laws that prohibit the sale of aborted baby tissues and organs for profit.

Orrick has served on the board of an organization, Good Samaritan Family Resource Center, that works directly with Planned Parenthood and houses an abortionists' office. And he allowed his wife to publicly condemn the undercover investigation.

Orrick also has imposed a fine of nearly $200,000 on Daleiden and his lawyers for releasing to the public some of the evidence cited in charges against the undercover video maker in a separate criminal action brought by the state of California.

The judge had claimed that the videos don't show wrongdoing, but two congressional investigations have resulted in referrals to the Justice Department for possible prosecution.

U.S. stocks rebound after President Trump says China wants to make trade deal.

OAN Newsroom
UPDATED 7:03 AM PT — Tuesday, August 27, 2019
U.S. shares reverse last week’s losses, following President Trump’s statement that China wants to make a deal on trade. During the trading session on Wall Street Monday, all three major indices rose more than one-percent each amid thin trading volumes.
President Trump said he received two “very good calls” from Beijing on Monday, which was a positive sign for investors. Last week, the president decided to slap 30-percent tariffs on all Chinese imports, which led stocks to drop and fueled speculation about a possible recession.

Experts say investors are overreacting to the trade tensions with China.
“One thing we’ve learnt over the last couple of months is that it moves ones day, it move up the other day, it moves down…the reality is this is not a trade war — this is a geopolitical rivalry between two great geopolitical and economic powers, and it’s going to be with us for the next 5 or 10 years,” stated Burkhard Varnholt, deputy chief investment officer for Credit Suisse.
 Meanwhile, several investment banks have advised their clients to buy gold and other safety assets to decrease their exposure to trade risks going forward.

Fake Panda – China’s Request for “Calm” is Pure Head-Fake From Beijing

Posted on August 26, 2019 by sundance 

Perhaps President Trump has to play the public pretend game to China’s panda mask presentations, but we do not.

The corporate U.S. media are pushing a hard narrative today surrounding claims by Chinese Vice-Premier Liu He and wanting to create “calm” to work in earnest toward a U.S-China trade deal.  However, those who follow the dynamic closely will remember Liu He’s role was changed back in July.  Today’s Panda announcement is pure cunning.
Everything China is doing is intended to make it harder for President Trump to be aggressive in the confrontation:
BEIJING (Reuters) – Chinese Vice Premier Liu He said on Monday that China is willing to resolve its trade dispute with the United States through calm negotiations and resolutely opposes the escalation of the conflict, a state-backed newspaper reported.
Liu, China’s top trade negotiator, was speaking at a tech conference in Chongqing in southwest China, the Chongqing Morning Post reported.
The comments come after U.S. President Donald Trump last week announced an extra 5% duty on some $550 billion of Chinese goods, the latest tit-for-tat move announced hours after China unveiled its retaliatory tariffs on $75 billion worth of U.S. products. (read more
Vice Premier Liu He is not China’s “top trade negotiator”.  He was replaced by Chairman Xi Jinping’s hand selected Minister of Commerce Zhong Shan back in July.
China is playing their familiar Panda mask routine.  Vice Premier Liu He takes the role of panda messaging to cover their interests; however, the reality is Zhong Shan is the hardline trade negotiator who makes the decisions.
Liu He is the Panda mask covering for the true disposition of Zhong Shan.
As CTH noted when it happened:
“China’s Commerce Minister Zhong Shan has been assigned the role to harden the position of the communist regime and override any panda presentations by Liu He.  Vice-Premier Liu retains the panda mask, but Zhong is the ultimate control agent.
The message within Zhong’s placement tells the true nature of the Chinese position: Trade War !
Beijing attempts to downplay the position of their hard-line commerce addition, but the reality of the re-started trade discussions tells a more fulsome story.  Chairman Xi is going to engage in full confrontational trade war with President Trump and the U.S. team.”  (read more)
Ultimately an openly hostile and aggressive position by China is exactly what President Trump would prefer.  Pretense is a painstakingly annoying negotiation strategy and President Trump is pre-disposed as a ‘get-to-the-nub-of-it’ type of negotiator.  Down South the term would be: ‘he doesn’t suffer fools’.
The current status-quo, where international investment is paused to wait and see what happens (while corporations make alternate plans), is more favorable to President Trump than Chairman Xi.  The current stalemate has nimble companies departing China, the Belt-and-Road initiatives shrinking and Beijing is burning through cash to subsidize their current manufacturing base. [The currency devaluation is ongoing]
This is why China needs to create a softer impression; misleading on their true motives and providing ammunition for the Beijing apologists.  They do not want President Trump to increase the conflict and drive out U.S. companies.
Existing tariffs remain a financial drain on China, not U.S. consumersIn actuality U.S. inflation continues to decline. Meanwhile President Trump is hitting Xi with public questions about Beijing purchasing U.S. agricultural products; a previous promise.
In actuality President Trump knows the purchase promises were the typical false-promises of Beijing; but, well, the lies have a value in calling out Panda’s duplicity.
The potential tariffs (25 percent on $300+ billion in goods) sit on the table as a weapon President Trump would love to start using.  However, in the dance with the dragon Lighthizer and Ross have to wait for the panda mask to fully drop.  Currently Chairman Xi Jinping is trying to keep the financial/investment class from noticing the panda mask is slipping.  However, that ruse can’t last too much longer.  Thus the dance continues.
At the 30,000/ft level China appears to have accepted that President Trump isn’t going to concede an inch. Therefore their position in the trade stand-off is timed to exhaust around the 2020 presidential election.  Despite what the U.S. media are claiming, Beijing is making very visible moves to withstand more than a year of status quo strain.
All of the heavily pushed media narratives today surrounding Liu He statements are simply Wall Street multinationals, through their media allies, trying to fend off the confrontation between the U.S. and China.  There are trillions at stake.
This is a battle between the U.S. and China, but also between U.S. multinationals who are financially positioned/vested on the side of Beijing.   The U.S. Wall Street multinationals are trying to protect their Chinese investments by pushing a narrative that China is open to honest and fair negotiations; they are not.

Masters of the Universe and Another Purge of Dissenting Opinion

YouTube Bans James Allsup And Tons Of Other Right-Wingers In Latest Censorship Purge

Chris Menahan

Google-owned YouTube on Monday banned right-wing commentator
James Alssup (450,000+ subscribers) and a bunch of other right-wingers 
for "hate speech" despite many having no strikes on their channels. 
llsup said on Gab after YouTube banned his channel that he 
"had no channel strikes, no violations, nothing-
simply an email telling me that my livelihood,
 my means to exercise my political voice, my business 
I'd built over almost three years, was taken away from me."

 YouTube also banned VDARE:

As well as the American Identity Movement:

TRS Radio:
Revisionist Michael Hoffman:
Everyone above banned was on the ADL's list. Last week, two right-wing British YouTubers were also purged. Way Of The World:
The Iconoclast:
Another YouTuber known as American Krogan was also banned last week for "hate speech."
The Red Elephants has a list of channels that have been banned in the past and links to users' backup BitChute accounts. Expect this list to expand endlessly as our ruling oligarchs scramble to shut down all alt-media which runs counter to their rapidly crumbling narrative. The burning of the Library of Alexandria doesn't hold a candle to the modern-day techno-book burning actively being carried out by Big Tech.

Thousands of channels whose videos collectively had literally billions of views have been deleted and nearly the entire internet (Google, YouTube, Facebook, Apple and Twitter) has been reengineered to prevent people from finding any independent media while a tiny group of whitelisted fake media propaganda sites are being artificially boosted and shoved down everyone's throats.
All 7.5 billion people on this planet should ask why the ADL and a tiny group of Silicon Valley oligarchs are allowed to decide who can or cannot have a voice and share their views in our modern digital public square.

U.S. threat to French wine receding, but not lifted: minister

August 27, 2019
PARIS (Reuters) – A U.S. threat to impose tariffs on French wine in response to a French tax on big digital companies is receding – albeit not lifted definitively, France’s finance minister said on Tuesday.
Finance Minister Bruno Le Maire and U.S. officials reached a deal on the sidelines of a G7 summit at the weekend in Biarritz, southwestern France, to end a standoff over the tax of 3% on revenues earned in France.
Washington has said the tax unfairly targets U.S. internet giants like Google <GOOGL.O> and Apple <AAPL.O>, and U.S. President Donald Trump has threatened to respond with tariffs on French wine.
“Before Biarritz, the threat was real, we were close to getting hit with a tariff on French wine … After Biarritz the threat has receded,” Le Maire told French TV station LCI.
“It hasn’t been totally lifted but it is receding and it’s going to depend on the work we get done with my American counterpart in the coming days,” he added.

On Monday, Trump declined to say whether his threat of a wine tax was off the table.
Le Maire said he had agreed with U.S. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin and White House economic adviser Larry Kudlow that France would give a tax credit to companies for the difference between the French tax and a planned international mechanism being drawn up by the OECD.
G20 nations have tasked the Paris-based Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development with drafting an overhaul of decades-old rules on how to tax companies across borders.
A broad outline is due by the end of the year, which will serve as the basis for a detailed agreement by the end of 2020.
France has said from the start that its tax is aimed at compensating for the fact that under existing rules internet companies could reap huge profits in France and pay little tax by booking the profits in low-tax countries.
Since introducing the digital tax earlier this year, Paris has said it would scrap it once the new international deal is in place.
Le Maire specified that France would get rid of it as soon as there is an OECD deal and not wait until all OECD countries have ratified it.