Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Facebook Bans “Women for Trump” Ads, Because They Target “Gender”

Facebook has banned any ads from the Women For Trump movement because they target support from “Women” for Trump.

Facebook has removed President Trump’s pro-women re-election advertisements, according to reports from tech site Gizmodo, as well as the left-wing Popular Information blog that reported a “violation” of Facebook’s terms and conditions.

Facebook policy states advertisers may not have “direct or indirect assertions or implications” about race, ethnicity, gender and sexual identity, religion, or financial standing. So the Women For Trump advert was banned… for referring to women.  (read more

Kamala Plummeting

Kamala plummeting
I was going to title this “Kamala’s going down.” But given how she made her way to the top, I thought that might be a tad icky, so I decided to go with “Kamala plummeting” instead.

Any old how.

It looks as those the post-debate boomlet that vaulted Kamala’s polling has imploded.  And now Kamala Harris is plummeting in the polls.

According to the latest CNN poll, Kamala sank by 12 points. That’s not a minor thing.  That is a free-fall.

Kamala’s plummeting numbers are hardly a shock.

Her biggest problem is her inability to hold on to a position for more than a day or so before she backtracks furiously to the opposite position.  Then a week goes by and she slowly inches back toward her original position. Until she gets push back that is (or the poll-testing info isn’t favorable).  Then, she backtracks again.

People still wonder where Kamala Harris wants to take the country?

Oh, honey. That’s because Kamala Harris has no earthly idea where she wants to take the country.  And I’m guessing she’s not the type to pull over and ask for directions.

Kamala doesn’t have a “vision.”  And if she does, after twenty-four hours (and overnight poll-testing), she’ll disavow that vision faster than you can say “Flip-Flop.”

The fact is, Kamala Harris has never once in her life run in a competitive race.  She is so far over her head right now, it doesn’t surprise me that her polling numbers are plummeting.

Harris is far too rehearsed and relies way too much on soundbites and hot-button phrases. There is not one single thing that is genuine and authentic about this woman.  Even her “that little girl was me” was scripted for Pete’s sake.

Extemporaneous speaking is as difficult for her as speaking Tagalog.

I do take a certain amount of pleasure in Kamala’s poll numbers plummeting, I have to admit.

After Tulsi Gabbard tore her apart in the last debate, Kamala told CNN that Tulsi is only going after her because, in Kamala’s words, “This is going to sound immodest, but I’m obviously a top tier candidate.”  And, lover of Karma that I am, her poll numbers plummeting to where she’s 24 points behind the frontrunner gives me a happy.

I guess it isn’t so obvious that you’re a top tier candidate, Kamala. At least not anymore.

One of the things that made President Trump skyrocket in the polls and hold that position all the way through the primaries was A) his ability to speak off the cuff without pre-written bromides and canned talking points and B) his willingness to say exactly what he means.

Voters responded favorably to Trump’s candor and his willingness to say all the things we were thinking — without first filtering it through an army of consultants and polling people.

In other words, he didn’t sound like the stereotypical sleazy politician who bases his every word off of poll-testing.

Kamala is the polar opposite.  Like Hillary Clinton, Kamala Harris relies on an army of advisors and consultants who try to mold and shape the candidate to fit every poll-tested position under the sun.

And because she is so far over her head, when Kamala is left to her own devices (like when she was confronted by Tulsi — or in any interview the dummy does), she inevitably wanders away from the talking points – which is why she constantly has to backtrack or “clarify” her positions.

If her polling continues to drop or remain flat, expect Kamala to use the next debate to deliver another staged and carefully rehearsed attack on Biden – or even Warren or Sanders.

After all, those guys are top tier candidates. So it wouldn’t be surprising for someone polling as low as Kamala to go after them.

GOP Strategist: Joe Biden will win nomination due to fundraising

OAN Newsroom
UPDATED 7:16 AM PT — Tuesday, August 20, 2019

A Republican strategist is predicting former Vice President Joe Biden will win the Democrat nomination due to his successful fundraising efforts. In an interview with Hill.TV Monday, strategist Marissa Martinez said Biden’s fundraising abilities will likely overshadow his multiple shortcomings.
The former vice president has maintained his lead as the front-running Democrat candidate since he announced his White House bid in April. Martinez said despite Biden’s controversial statements and less than favorable debate performances, he will likely still take the nomination.

“I still think Biden will take the nomination because he’s the favorite, because he raises high-dollar types of money,” she stated. “But like we’ve all discussed, he’s not really necessarily vibing with younger voters.”

President Trump also previously predicted Biden would win the nomination, saying “sleepy Joe” would “limp across the line.”

GOP Strategist: Joe Biden will win nomination due to fundraising

The exhaustion of Democrats' anti-Trump delusions


Of all the tiresome falsehoods from the so-called "resistance," the narrative that Democrats lose elections because they are just too decent and fair is among the most ridiculous. 

If only they would put aside their genteel political ways, this self-serving theory goes, and do what is necessary instead of what is civil, they would force the American people to finally see the truth of Donald Trump's evil.

Columnist Juan Williams (who, it should be noted, does have a reputation for civility) is the latest to propagate this assessment of Democrats as being too fair to their opponents in the Trump era. 

But Mr. Williams is wrong in his diagnosis of how Democrats have approached this president, and even more wrong in his assessment of how Trump's supporters will respond.  

"Is the resistance finally landing some punches on Trump?" Williams asks

Finally? The so-called resistance has been flailing wildly at Trump from Day 1 of his presidency. Not content to make counter-arguments against Trump's policies, the Democrats have embraced a series of revolting conspiracies and allegations against this president - each one meant to end his presidency, and each rooted in frenzied assumptions or outright denial of objective reality. 

There is never any accountability on the political left for demagogic promises that "Trump's days are numbered." The Democrats just move on to the next alleged administration-ending punch. Networks like CNN and MSNBC have conditioned their audiences to believe that Trump's reign of terror will end any day now for almost three years - and they are either unwilling or unable to walk back those expectations. 

Like clockwork, the media has gone from Russia collusion to obstruction to the 25th Amendment to the "white nationalist" in the White House, and back again. The anti-Trump resistance has even embraced and spread the mania that Donald Trump is a dangerous, Hitlerian figure. And this was in the first year of his presidency. 
Such hysteria is not normal political opposition; it is evidence of a mass psychological malady. 

On the political civility question, Mr. Williams writes in support of Rep. Joaquin Castro's (D-Texas) decision to publish a list of San Antonio-based Trump donors who, Castro claimed, were donating money to "fuel hate." 

Even more than the odious effects on our discourse of "naming and shaming" individual citizens who donate to politicians, the timing of this move was reckless - and intentionally so.  

Castro knew that, in the aftermath of the El Paso shooting, political tensions would be sky-high. For an elected official to disseminate a virtual enemies list of Americans singled out for their legal political donations, within days of a mass murder, is reckless. The San Antonians who donated to Trump had nothing to do with El Paso. Castro should have known better, but the Democratic Party has made everything secondary to bashing Trump. 

Mr. Williams further cites the recent pressure the left put on billionaire SoulCycle owner Steve Ross for his support of Trump as a possible tipping point in the fight for political donations. But this will almost certainly not have the intended financial effect. 

Trump is already building up a formidable war chest for his 2020 reelection effort. He beat Hillary Clinton in 2016 despite being outspent two-to-one. There has been no shortage of donations to Trump so far, and nobody should expect there will be going forward. 

There is also a central fallacy behind this "Trump is finished" narrative. Despite all evidence to the contrary, the resistance still thinks that they will bludgeon Trump supporters into submission. They fail to realize that Trump's almost superhuman capacity to endure their scorn, threats and bullying is one of his greatest points of appeal to those who voted for him in 2016.

Trump's resilience is, in part, a response to a Democratic political culture that refuses to accept the extreme tactics that have been mainstreamed in their own party. 

While the left intones about Trump's tweets and the need for greater respect in our discourse, most Trump voters see nothing but hypocrisy masquerading as virtue. 

The president's supporters have not forgotten how Democrats and their media allies engaged in a nationally televised psychological torture session of Judge Brett Kavanaugh, a manifestly decent and innocent public servant. The left tried to ruin a good man for the most blatant and cynical political reasons. 

The Kavanaugh effect on the conservative psyche remains potent and is one of many reasons that Trump supporters refuse to bend the knee to their liberal tormentors every time the media declares a Trump tweet to be a crisis. 

Democrats linking the El Paso shooting to Trump also need to then explain how a Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) supporter who attempted a mass assassination of conservative GOP congressman - yelling "This is for healthcare!" - is not indicative of a deep moral and political rot from their side. Either we are all only responsible for our own actions, or we can all point fingers when it is politically convenient. 

Fatigue over anti-Trump psychosis is real. If Democrats want to beat Trump, they better do more than hope for a bad economy and call him names.   

Reminder: the new W3P blog also has a Recommend button.

Calling out the climate hypocrites

Calling out the climate hypocrites

Obvious and repulsive hypocrisy on the part of wealthy and connected people telling us we must sacrifice our standard of living — indeed, our very way of life — finally is being called out.  They want us to bear the entire burden, while their jet-setting lifestyles remain untouched.
The alarmists are getting more and more shrill about their predictions of doom due to the increase in an atmospheric trace gas, CO2, purportedly able to act as the control mechanism for world climate.  (Meanwhile, their climate models, the sole basis for their doomsterism, don't know how to reckon with the influence of clouds, which have an obvious impact on temperature.)
Even as previous deadlines for doom have come and gone, they issue new and shorter deadlines for us to obey by paying more for electricity, junking our cars, and closing down our factories and transportation systems — ultimately roasting in the summer heat and freezing in the winter cold.
Climate hypocrisy is the only conclusion that can be drawn after just this last weekend, when there were two instances of ultra-prominent doom-sayers generating massive CO2 emissions while warning the rest of us to embrace impoverishment in the name of saving the planet.  The world's media finally are taking wide note of two repulsive spectacles.
Spectacle One via AFP:
The team behind teenage climate activist Greta Thunberg's yacht voyage to New York on Sunday fended off claims that her trip will create carbon emissions because team members will take transatlantic flights.
The 16-year-old Swede, whose school strikes have inspired children across the world to protest against global warming, refuses to fly because of the carbon emissions caused by planes.
But she has been offered a lift on the Malizia II racing yacht, and set off on August 15 along with her father Svante and a filmmaker to document the journey, in order to attend the UN talks in September with a clear conscience.
However a spokesman for German round-the-world sailor Boris Herrmann, the yacht's co-skipper, told Berlin newspaper TAZ that several people would fly into New York to help take the yacht back to Europe. Hermann himself will return by plane, according to the spokesman.
The paper estimated that in fact Thunberg's boat trip would end up being more polluting than if she and her companions had just taken flights to New York themselves.
Of course it will.  They exempt themselves from the strictures they want on others because they are clothed in virtue.  And they exploit a child in the hope of duping other children.  They have taken over Ms. Thunberg's life, and it will never be the same.  This is child abuse.  But of course her handlers presume that the virtue of their crusade excuses robbing a young girl of her childhood.
Greta Thunberg explains the complexity of computer modeling to the E.U. Parliament (source).
The second spectacle involves the British Royal family's newest member, the media sensation Meghan Markle Windsor.  Via the U.K. Express:
PRINCE HARRY and Meghan Markle have flown to France on yet another private plane, their third flight in eight days despite championing eco causes and claiming we all need to "do our part" for the planet.
The Duke and Duchess of Sussex flew into the Nice on their 12 seater Cessna plane, just days after travelling to Ibiza and then back to London. The royals flight to France had a carbon footprint of three tons, chucking out seven times the emissions per person compared to a commercial flight. More than 20 planes leave London for the sunny coastal region of Nice every Wednesday, with tickets available for just a couple of hundred pounds.
Glenn Reynolds of Instapundit has coined the phrase that utterly devastates the hypocrites and ought to be committed to memory by everyone who despises hypocrites: "I'll believe it's a crisis when the people who keep telling me it's a crisis start acting like it's a crisis."
Derision will ultimately work against these hypocrites.  Force them to live by the constraints they want on the "little people."
Hat tip: John McMahon.

Secretary of State discusses China, Hong Kong, Huawei, & Iran

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo Discusses China, Hong Kong, Huawei and Iran…

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo sits down for a wide-ranging interview with Martha MacCallum to discuss ongoing multi-layered issues between the U.S. and China.