Saturday, August 10, 2019

Calling Scarborough a halfwit is giving him too much credit

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Boy, Joe Scarborough has really outdone himself this past week, hasn’t he?

He’s spent the last several days justifying Joaquin Castro’s intimidation campaign  against Trump donors.  Hell, he’s even gone so far as to join in.

And now with the apparent suicide Arkancide of Jeffrey Epstein, Scarborough took his idiocy to whole new heights.

He blamed it on … wait for it…


Scarborough the nitwit
Talk about a reach. 
Is Scarborough really trying to use the Trump/Russia conspiracy theory to explain Epstein’s suicide Arkancide?


Is he retarded?

He’s not the only MSNBC host floating the conspiracy that Epstein’s suicideArkancide was the work of the Trump Administration. That fool Joy Reid is doing the same. 

Actually, Joy.  The President whose “name comes up whenever Jeffrey Epstein’s name comes up” is Bill Clinton. 

This is MSNBC.  Scarborough is twisting Epstein’s suicide Arkancide to fit RussiaGate while Joy “hackers went back in time and changed my blog posts” Reid is pointing the finger at Bill Barr.

It’s amazing the lengths these idiots will go to find Trump guilty of something.
But the only people I’ve seen linked to Epstein’s loathsome crimes are Democrats – most recently former Democrat governor Bill Richardson.

And let’s not forget Bill Clinton. 

Plus Bill Clinton.

And also, Bill Clinton.

Listen, I don’t think Epstein was murdered.  Like I said earlier, I suspect he offed himself ala Frank Pentangeli from the Godfather Part II. 

Scarborough, who’s mocked Devin Nunes and the President as “conspiracy theorists” for saying there was a plot to delegitimize Donald Trump’s election has some nerve promoting a “Russia offed Epstein at Trump’s behest” conspiracy theory. 

What’s more, Joe Scarborough seems to forget that he is saddled with his own “died under mysterious circumstances” conspiracy theory. You’d think that would make this prat just a wee bit more circumspect. 

But we’re talking about Joe Scarborough here.

The guy isn’t a halfwit. He’s a flat-out idiot. And his Orange Man Bad derangement has eaten away 99% of his brain. 

Re-blogged from The Patriot Report